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ღAppreciating Power -Checking In with Self (storage thread for now-thread closed)

See the source image


















Only Benevolent Outcomes For Me.



Image result for I am back to the garden pic quote


still being created




The Universe Is Kissing You All Day/intro page

feel free to post/visit anytime

love, selfcare

Declarations About Fear:







today is awesome!!!


today is a lovely day & completely enjoyable!!!


today is a lovely day & completely enjoyable!!!








Law of Harmony operates in my mind and body




Image result for playing with universe affirmations



77dea1e453f3b8982aff854f10fd80ca--spiritual-wellness-spiritual-enlightenment.jpgImage result for playing with universe affirmations

Related image


you may like to play this video in the background (I did) (:

I look for the good in everyone & everything

Image result for playing with universe affirmations

Image result for shilamida affirmation pics



Productivity Afformation



An Afformation is an affirmation with a neat little twist that makes a huge difference. Put very simply an Afformation is the question form of an affirmation. Noah St. John is the master mind behind this new way creating. Noah figured out the human mind is always asking and searching for the answers to questions. However, a lot of us spend way too much of our time asking self defeating questions.

source: http://leadingpersonality.wordpress.com/2013/05/25/self-defeating-questions-forget-about-themyou-should-try-afformations/#more-571

related threads in process

thread-Q&A afformations-Why Is My Life So Fulfilling?/Why Am I Doing The Right Things Right Now  

 thread-Q&A Why Do I Love What I Do For Work?


I enjoy being spirit first before leaping to tasks
Actually there is no greater place I like to reside than from my spirit place.
I love to increase the rate of productivity  flow without neglecting  peace of spirit...
This thread is for myself and anyone that can relate to this productivity ease process... of getting things done ... and always ... .feeling the thank you of their spirit.












TODAY  I OPERATE IN faith, trust, and belief!

Today, I Am filled with Infinite, creative perfect energy.














I bring my life and aspirations into focus
and concentrate on where I want to go.

Affirming Quote 
May I be abundant as never before, that I am now.
May I be healthy as never before, that I am now.
May I be loved and loving as never before, that I am now.

I Am loved and loving as never before, that I am now
I Am healthy as never before, that I am now.
I Am abundant as never before, that I am now.
(Matt Khan)
  • ~

more than ever....

Abundance is the energy of
permission The more you permit 
yourself the right to desire what 
you want, express gratitude for 
what you have, and be excited for
whatever comes your way the
more abundance you are bound
to receive. 

  •  Matt Kahn

thread in process
& Intro coming soon
some other threads which work with this one:
intentions which have paved incredible days



With complete belief my weak times are now my peak times.

I Am

I Am a resource and resourceful.

I Am

I Am independent and satisfyingly creatively organized.





I Am.



Image result for proactive spiritual being quote pics

I have unlocked the energy to creativity.

I love how creative and detailed my planner has become.

I live in the present and my thoughts which visit the future are pleasing

I value life with much love.

Divine spark ignites the spiritual fire within me for creativity and learning.

My actions are not independent of my energy, they are a Divine manifestation of it.

Creativity flows through me. I draw to me all that I will ever need.


Today is a great day to do what I need for me. Now I am a wonderful team player at  work & much to give to others. Now I can choose to give as I desire. Now time is truly my playmate and the universe is my favorite playground.

Ease is the mode of travel.




















“I am centered and calm. Information flows to me.”
“I understand what is needed. I know what I need to do.”
“My focus is clear. My attention flows to one thing at a time.”
“I focus on this task only. This task is easy.”
“I take joy in doing one thing at a time.”



More Now -Affirming





Related image

Lilly Winwood-Stevie Winwood's daughter



    • Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I love and care for my body and it cares for me.

      Post 2

      ~~ ✰~~
      article/Abe LessonPie Charting
      This lesson is based on Abraham’s comment regarding learning to evaluate your current vibration. Abraham said, “at any time, the tone you are sending out to the Universe, can be pictured as a pie chart (a graphic showing percentages) composed of a combination of three emotions: guilt, blame or appreciation.” They suggest stopping in any moment, and asking yourself what percentage of your thought on this subject is blame, guilt or appreciation. Then, once you are aware of where you are currently vibrating, your only job is to make appreciation an ever larger piece of the pie! to read more
      Assignment: ( examples given on lessons page )

      You can pie chart any situation in your life. Here’s an assessment tool to help you focus in on where you might want to do some work:


      Please make at least one statement about each of the following areas of your life today. Feel free to use an additional sheet of paper to expand on your comments in areas that are important to you.

      1. General Mood

      2. My Health and Fitness

      3. My Friends

      4. My Job or Career or Life Work

      5. Money

      6. Self Esteem

      7. My Family

      8. My Significant Other

      9. My Creativity

      10. Other area not covered that is important to you

      Whether you have chosen something that just came to you, or something from the assessment listing, now just sit down and free associate. It works well to do it with a friend, so you can say lots of statements that relate to that subject, and your friend can write them down and classify them for you as feels good/feels bad. You will need to help,. because your friend is not the same vibration as you are, and what feels good and bad to you will be different than his/her feelings about your statements. But it may interrupt your flow less than writing and classifying yourself.

      Once you have the pie chart done, and can see the statements on each side, feels good/feels bad, then ask yourself this important question. “Do I want to live out the results of this percentage pie chart?” I find that a very motivating question, because if I’ve taken the trouble to pie chart something, I usually DON’T want to live with that negative vib



      • r your patience
      • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      √ bookmark 

       √ Yes, sometimes we need to make a change in what we do, but at all times we benefit from learning to love what we are already doing. It begins with accepting our life as it is. We still work to improve it, but all the while we accept it, we do not reject it.Here our spiritual inner work can profoundly affect our experience of life. The mind of desire, with what it wants and what it does not want, leads us into rejection, into dissatisfaction. Spiritual practice offers many approaches to this: here are several. First, we practice sensing our body. In sensing we have contact with our body, we become fully embodied. Unless we are in pain, our usual experience of our body is vague and neutral. Enhancing our contact with our body through direct and intentional awareness of it, through sensing, makes it vivid and even pleasurable. Through sensing, we revel in the mere fact of having a body. Through sensing, we love our body. And since our life is synonymous with having a body, through sensing we learn to love our life. During this life, we always have a body and thus always have the opportunity of sensing our body. Living in the sensitive energy, brings more aliveness to life. Through sensing, we can take pleasure in the simple fact of being in our body. by Joseph Nafton Love of Lifefrom Inner Frontiers.org site link..to read in whole context


      √ The very same magic, the very same, that you used to get your first job, to find a best friend, and to heal what hurt, that even now finishes your sentences, beats your heart, and inspires your dreams, is the exact same “grade” of stuff that can make what you want most today come to pass.

      Point being: You’ve already engaged it. You’ve already commanded it. You’ve already done the impossible… So what’s the big deal about doing it again?

      Oh go on… The Universe
      ©Mike Dooley, www.tut.com



      √ Ways to change our thoughts and beliefs
      Because the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy responds to the dominant thoughts in our minds we need to make sure the dominant thoughts in our minds are of those things we wish to manifest. How do we do this? Below is a small list of things you can do to bombard your mind with new thoughts and make them the dominant thoughts in your head, thus putting the law of perpetual transmutation of energy to work for you.

      • repeating positive affirmations
      •  Using visualization techniques.
      •  Creating a vision board.
      •  Reading inspirational quotes.
      •  Read positive books.
      •  Listen to positive music
      •  Act as if you already have that which you desire.
      •  Be grateful for the good things in your life.
      •  Remember the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is not biased.
      •  It responds to your thoughts and it does not care what those thoughts are.
      •  It is up to you to make sure your thoughts are producing the results you desire. this excerpt from www.positivethinking-toolbox.com
        • ~~ ✰~~




      thread being revised /thanks for patience



      Happiness Is a Practice

      thread created in 2013/want to add for present(: feel free to add also

      • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        To be revised. Thanks for your patience
      • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~







        • Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I love and care for my body and it cares for me.

          Post 2

          ~~ ✰~~
          article/Abe LessonPie Charting
          This lesson is based on Abraham’s comment regarding learning to evaluate your current vibration. Abraham said, “at any time, the tone you are sending out to the Universe, can be pictured as a pie chart (a graphic showing percentages) composed of a combination of three emotions: guilt, blame or appreciation.” They suggest stopping in any moment, and asking yourself what percentage of your thought on this subject is blame, guilt or appreciation. Then, once you are aware of where you are currently vibrating, your only job is to make appreciation an ever larger piece of the pie! to read more
          Assignment: ( examples given on lessons page )

          You can pie chart any situation in your life. Here’s an assessment tool to help you focus in on where you might want to do some work:


          Please make at least one statement about each of the following areas of your life today. Feel free to use an additional sheet of paper to expand on your comments in areas that are important to you.

          1. General Mood

          2. My Health and Fitness

          3. My Friends

          4. My Job or Career or Life Work

          5. Money

          6. Self Esteem

          7. My Family

          8. My Significant Other

          9. My Creativity

          10. Other area not covered that is important to you

          Whether you have chosen something that just came to you, or something from the assessment listing, now just sit down and free associate. It works well to do it with a friend, so you can say lots of statements that relate to that subject, and your friend can write them down and classify them for you as feels good/feels bad. You will need to help,. because your friend is not the same vibration as you are, and what feels good and bad to you will be different than his/her feelings about your statements. But it may interrupt your flow less than writing and classifying yourself.

          Once you have the pie chart done, and can see the statements on each side, feels good/feels bad, then ask yourself this important question. “Do I want to live out the results of this percentage pie chart?” I find that a very motivating question, because if I’ve taken the trouble to pie chart something, I usually DON’T want to live with that negative vib



          • r your patience
          • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          √ bookmark 

           √ Yes, sometimes we need to make a change in what we do, but at all times we benefit from learning to love what we are already doing. It begins with accepting our life as it is. We still work to improve it, but all the while we accept it, we do not reject it.Here our spiritual inner work can profoundly affect our experience of life. The mind of desire, with what it wants and what it does not want, leads us into rejection, into dissatisfaction. Spiritual practice offers many approaches to this: here are several. First, we practice sensing our body. In sensing we have contact with our body, we become fully embodied. Unless we are in pain, our usual experience of our body is vague and neutral. Enhancing our contact with our body through direct and intentional awareness of it, through sensing, makes it vivid and even pleasurable. Through sensing, we revel in the mere fact of having a body. Through sensing, we love our body. And since our life is synonymous with having a body, through sensing we learn to love our life. During this life, we always have a body and thus always have the opportunity of sensing our body. Living in the sensitive energy, brings more aliveness to life. Through sensing, we can take pleasure in the simple fact of being in our body. by Joseph Nafton Love of Lifefrom Inner Frontiers.org site link..to read in whole context


          √ The very same magic, the very same, that you used to get your first job, to find a best friend, and to heal what hurt, that even now finishes your sentences, beats your heart, and inspires your dreams, is the exact same “grade” of stuff that can make what you want most today come to pass.

          Point being: You’ve already engaged it. You’ve already commanded it. You’ve already done the impossible… So what’s the big deal about doing it again?

          Oh go on… The Universe
          ©Mike Dooley, www.tut.com



          √ Ways to change our thoughts and beliefs
          Because the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy responds to the dominant thoughts in our minds we need to make sure the dominant thoughts in our minds are of those things we wish to manifest. How do we do this? Below is a small list of things you can do to bombard your mind with new thoughts and make them the dominant thoughts in your head, thus putting the law of perpetual transmutation of energy to work for you.

          • repeating positive affirmations
          •  Using visualization techniques.
          •  Creating a vision board.
          •  Reading inspirational quotes.
          •  Read positive books.
          •  Listen to positive music
          •  Act as if you already have that which you desire.
          •  Be grateful for the good things in your life.
          •  Remember the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is not biased.
          •  It responds to your thoughts and it does not care what those thoughts are.
          •  It is up to you to make sure your thoughts are producing the results you desire. this excerpt from www.positivethinking-toolbox.com
            • ~~ ✰~~




          thread being revised /thanks for patience



          Happiness Is a Practice

          thread created in 2013/want to add for present(: feel free to add also

          • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            To be revised. Thanks for your patience
          • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~












            • ~~ ✰~~






          • √ bookmark



          A little like Gene Wilder now coming out of the tower now
          In a glass elevator that could take you all the way to the sky
          Ain’t trying to fool you now got nothing to lose no how
          So be in it with the limitless image of the intimate
          thinking what you’re getting is love

          All you need is love

          Ain’t it nice to get out of here?
          Already out of the atmosphere
          Well if the glass doesn’t shatter but it wouldn’t really matter
          It’s the love that is lifting us up

          All you need is love

          We’re going up, up, up flying away
          We’re taking the higher route taking the ceiling out
          We’re going up; we’re flying away
          Never coming down; we’re living it up, living it up!

          What happens when your light goes out?
          No one there to give you mouth to mouth
          Don’t let the breakdown jump on your acclaim that a brother be a hero now
          Cause I know you know because once you know you’ll always know
          It’s your own, your own, your own love that gets you where you want to go

          We’re going up, up, up flying away
          We’re taking the higher route taking the ceiling out
          We’re going up; we’re flying away
          Never coming down; we’re living it up, we’re living it up!
          Yeah, we’re living it up, living it up

          You know that it’s good cause only good love when it’s really love
          You can just love, love, love anything it’s your destiny

          A little like Gene Wilder now coming out of the tower now
          In a glass elevator that could take you all the way to the sky

          We’re going up; we’re flying away
          We’re taking the higher route we’re taking the ceiling out
          We’re going up; we’re flying away
          Never coming down; because we’re living it up, living it up!

          We’re up flying away
          We’re taking the higher route taking the ceiling out
          We’re going up; we’re flying away
          Never coming down; because we’re living it up, living it up
          Living it up, living it up

          All you need is love




            • ~~ ✰~~



            • ~~ ✰~~














          post 3

          I define the pace of my life.
          I easily recognize everything that benefits my life and carefully nurture these things.
          With every breath I take, I am bringing greater and greater insight into my life.


          • ~~ ✰~~
            I am creating new possibilities in my life. The universe is my playground.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            I love experiencing anything I desire at anytime. It can be as simple as retreating into my mind and activating my imagination around the subject.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            Any action spent in cultivating a feeling of alignment is time well spent.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            Productivity is a function of focusing and breaking big projects down into digestible chunks that can be incrementally combined to form a finished project.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            I am the embodiment of clear beautiful focus…and memory is increasingly wonderful whenever it best serves me
          • ~~ ✰~~
            Giving life to an idea through creativity is a life giving experience that I relish.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            I am abundant in many ways! I am feeling vital and alive in each moment.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            I find that realm of inspired action easily and frequently.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            Everything I do increases the harmony, beauty, and order in my life.
          • ~~ ✰~~
          • ~~ ✰~~
            Through listening to and following my deepest messages of truth — in my body, emotions, intelligence, relationships, and spirituality — I thrive.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            I bring my dreams into the present moment.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            I pull the plug on limitations and rise into a new consciousness of power.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            I am open to receive my higher good.
          • ~~ ✰~~
            In become even more compassionate to myself I reap the reward of spending less time inching upstream. 
          • ~~ ✰~~

            • Just Add Love Nancy Leilah Ward


            • post 3 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108185 Let Go Nancy Leilah Ward


            • post 4 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108188 We Are the Golden Wave Nancy Leilah Ward


          “post 5 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108194 The old spiritual paradigm focuses on tearing things down, whereas the new era of spirituality invites a more miraculous depth of transformation by building yourself up Matt Kahn

            • post 6 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108197 …when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy Abraham Hicks


          post 7~ Spend a day or two, if you can, just 15 minutes here, 5 minutes here, 2 minutes here, here and here, imagining it completed in a way that pleases you! And then, the next time you decide that you’re going to take action about it, the action is going to be a whole lot easier Abraham Hicks


          “post 8“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108203 when you know what you don’t want, that’s when the rocket of desire is born of what you do want. Abraham Hicks

            • post 9 “http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108206 if you’re not getting to joy, then you’ve gotten nowhere
            • post 10 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108209


          “post 11 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108230

            • post 12 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108233


            • ~


          disclaimer for Abe-content
          50 related Bmindful thread-list in process Appreciation

          ***~related threads in process~***
          thinking-good-rebbe-eli mallon

          ***~related threads in process contributed by others in process~***




          Link source -from InwardQuest

          • ~
          •  The Manifesting Box Here are the steps involved in how to manifest your desires effortlessly.
            STEP 1: Decide what you want and why you want it, and write that on a piece of paper
            STEP 2: Put the paper in the box
            STEP 3: Forget about it
            STEP 4: Record your Vibrational Matches below
            Guideline for request writing
            Here is the guideline that I use when writing out a request for what I want…
            Write your request in such a way that you can hand it straight over to a reasonably-intelligent person who is going to go and get it or do it for you. But the single condition is that once you have given them your request you cannot contact them again about it or give them further information. see link to read more
          • ~


          self-help tools


          • ~
            last edited with the quote pictures below on 10/9/2016

          related threads
          here’s to a really good day



          video “ Practice the vibration of what you want – by ignoring it




          ***~17 SECONDS~***
          In changing our thoughts and beliefs, there is a 3 to 1 ratio. Meaning if you want to change your beliefs you need to think of 3 positive things every time you have 1 negative thought.
          Also, it is known that a thought that you can hold in your mind for 17 seconds will attract another similar thought, so think of what you want and hold that thought for 17 seconds. Try to do this 3 times each time you think of that which you do want.
          excerpt from www.positivethinking-toolbox.com

            • ~~ ✰~~
            • Abe video Be All That You Are contribution by serenity lakes from Abraham thread (thank you)
              from whatanicesite

          ***~quote~*** Source never wields vengeance or offers punishment, for Source understands you are valuable; you are worthy; you are blessed. Source understands that you never get it done and you cannot get it wrong, and that even when you stand in a place that currently feels wrong, ultimately you will return to what feels right. You can return now to what feels right with an adjustment of your thought process and an adjustment of your vibration and a changing of your point of attraction and a finally letting in of the Well-Being that is flowing to you always. Abraham

          Alignment -Subconscious overpowers Conscious???? It´s your vibration vs your words.

              • ~~ ✰~~
                article/Abe LessonPie Charting
                This lesson is based on Abraham’s comment regarding learning to evaluate your current vibration. Abraham said, “at any time, the tone you are sending out to the Universe, can be pictured as a pie chart (a graphic showing percentages) composed of a combination of three emotions: guilt, blame or appreciation.” They suggest stopping in any moment, and asking yourself what percentage of your thought on this subject is blame, guilt or appreciation. Then, once you are aware of where you are currently vibrating, your only job is to make appreciation an ever larger piece of the pie! to read more
                Assignment: ( examples given on lessons page )


            You can pie chart any situation in your life. Here’s an assessment tool to help you focus in on where you might want to do some work:


            Please make at least one statement about each of the following areas of your life today. Feel free to use an additional sheet of paper to expand on your comments in areas that are important to you.

            1. General Mood

            2. My Health and Fitness

            3. My Friends

            4. My Job or Career or Life Work

            5. Money

            6. Self Esteem

            7. My Family

            8. My Significant Other

            9. My Creativity

            10. Other area not covered that is important to you

            Whether you have chosen something that just came to you, or something from the assessment listing, now just sit down and free associate. It works well to do it with a friend, so you can say lots of statements that relate to that subject, and your friend can write them down and classify them for you as feels good/feels bad. You will need to help,. because your friend is not the same vibration as you are, and what feels good and bad to you will be different than his/her feelings about your statements. But it may interrupt your flow less than writing and classifying yourself.

            Once you have the pie chart done, and can see the statements on each side, feels good/feels bad, then ask yourself this important question. “Do I want to live out the results of this percentage pie chart?” I find that a very motivating question, because if I’ve taken the trouble to pie chart something, I usually DON’T want to live with that negative vib


          Then do a focus wheel on that subject, looking for things that feel good. See the lesson on focus wheels (number 5) if you don’t know how to do that process.
          to read more


          ✿Abraham quote♥✿♥ You don’t have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection — you’re going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships. The thing that most people do not understand, is that you get to control the way you feel, because you get to choose the thoughts you think. Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that’s what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability, because it doesn’t take very much life experience to discover you can’t control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you’ve controlled everything that has anything to do with you.

          • ~~ ✰~~

          ✿Abraham Video Morning Appreciation!


            • ~~ ✰~~


          • ~~ ✰~~

          ✿Abraham Video The Heart of the Feeling ♥

          • ~~ ✰~~

          ♥✿♥Abraham Quote on Appreciation♥✿♥ Since it is your primary intention, as you move through your day, to find things to appreciate, you are practicing a vibration of less resistance, and you are making your connection to your own Source Energy stronger. Because the vibration of appreciation is the most powerful connection between the physical you and the Non-Physical You, this process will also put you in a position to receive even clearer guidance from your Inner Being.

            • ~~ ✰~~


          ✿Abraham quote Tell everyone you know: “My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.” And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they’re doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel — and then, you’ll love them all. Because the only reason you don’t love them, is because you’re using them as your excuse to not feel good.

            • ~~ ✰~~


          ✿Abraham quote By choosing better feeling thoughts and by speaking more of what you do want and less of what you don’t want, you will gently tune yourself to the vibrational frequency of your Broader Perspective. To see your world through the eyes of Source is truly the most spectacular view of life, for from that vibrational vantage point, you are in alignment with, and therefore in the process of attracting, only what you would consider to be the very best of your world.

          • ~~ ✰~~

          ✿Abraham quote ˚ The emotion you feel is always about the vibrational variance between where you want to be and where you are. If you’re out of balance, there are only two ways to bring yourself into alignment – either raise your expectation to match your desire, or lower your desire to match your expectation.

          • ~~ ✰~~

          ✿Abraham quote The thought that you think, you think, which attracts to it – so you think it some more, which attracts to it – so you think it some more. In other words, when you have an expectation, you’ve got a dominant thought going on, and Law of Attraction is going to deliver that to you again and again and again.

          • ~~ ✰~~


          • ~~ ✰~~


          • ~~ ✰~~

          related thread-WISDOM FROM UNIQUE SOURCES


          article/Abe LessonPie Charting
          This lesson is based on Abraham’s comment regarding learning to evaluate your current vibration. Abraham said, “at any time, the tone you are sending out to the Universe, can be pictured as a pie chart (a graphic showing percentages) composed of a combination of three emotions: guilt, blame or appreciation.” They suggest stopping in any moment, and asking yourself what percentage of your thought on this subject is blame, guilt or appreciation. Then, once you are aware of where you are currently vibrating, your only job is to make appreciation an ever larger piece of the pie! to read more

          Assignment: ( examples given on lessons page )

          You can pie chart any situation in your life. Here’s an assessment tool to help you focus in on where you might want to do some work:


          Please make at least one statement about each of the following areas of your life today. Feel free to use an additional sheet of paper to expand on your comments in areas that are important to you.

          1. General Mood

          2. My Health and Fitness

          3. My Friends

          4. My Job or Career or Life Work

          5. Money

          6. Self Esteem

          7. My Family

          8. My Significant Other

          9. My Creativity

          10. Other area not covered that is important to you

          Whether you have chosen something that just came to you, or something from the assessment listing, now just sit down and free associate. It works well to do it with a friend, so you can say lots of statements that relate to that subject, and your friend can write them down and classify them for you as feels good/feels bad. You will need to help,. because your friend is not the same vibration as you are, and what feels good and bad to you will be different than his/her feelings about your statements. But it may interrupt your flow less than writing and classifying yourself.

          Once you have the pie chart done, and can see the statements on each side, feels good/feels bad, then ask yourself this important question. “Do I want to live out the results of this percentage pie chart?” I find that a very motivating question, because if I’ve taken the trouble to pie chart something, I usually DON’T want to live with that negative vibration.

          Then do a focus wheel on that subject, looking for things that feel good. See the lesson on focus wheels (number 5) if you don’t know how to do that process.
          to read more

          • ~~ ✰~~

          Who Am I-Lesson

            • ~~ ✰~~
            • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


          Speak often about things that you want and already believe Abe

          It’s Easy

          once posted on this site by another bmindful member-Robert.

            • ________________________


          To Do List for vortex

          Happiness is a way to travel, not a destination. – Roy Goodman

          related threads
          joyous-expansion affirmations quotes videos

          ~~ ✰~~
          Everything I do increases the harmony, beauty, and order in my life.
          ~~ ✰~~

          just add love

          let it go

            • author freely gives permission to share as long as her name and web site shared: -new website: ~spiritlibrary.com/nancy-leilah-ward/soul-transitions-vibe-report-february-2014

              we are the golden wave
            • link changed to this
            • ~




      • POST 1☑ 







        The site is still a phenomenal place... though temporarily I am sure... there is less sharing directly on the forum.

        There are great friendships thru personal messaging.

        There is great opportunity to enhance whatever one is interested in- on your own or with the supportive community.




        This thread is currently a storage thread & not open yet-will open by end of 2019 or 2020

        I deleted lots of things I loved by mistake and attempting to locate by grabbing all I can find & sorting it.

        Now it is a messy storage place still containing some of my treasures. Its not such a bad thing-finding things I love(:

        ...So ... utilizing this thread (again to create my 'powertool page' (a name coined by our beloved MadCookie Man -known in this day and age as Smart Routines(:

        At bmindful our threads cannot  really be off off limits to other members -unless permission is granted for some personal endeavors... On that note this thread is simply closed until it is completed. 

        Thank you, selfcare

        Please come back next year

        I will surely welcome you then.


        1. Today is about listening to my heart, this guides me peacefully and joyfully every time!
        2. I accept the power of my being to produce health, love and joy in my life.
        3. Joy is natural when I Am my authentic self, acknowledging nothing is broken from my spirit-place.
        4. From this day onward, I go forth with an uplifted vision.
        5. I am attuned to my higher purpose and my life reflects this refinement.
        6.   I create my life consciously and powerfully
        7.  Wow a lovely appreciation-balance between my personal sacred growing truths and those which belong to others ... a perfect gift
        8. I am more and more able to mindfully bring myself back to the present moment and live and thrive from this place.
        9.  I bring my life and aspirations into focus and concentrate on where I want to go



        Image result for self care ease pic quotes

        See the source image

        See the source image

        Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic


        ☑I balance my life to create alignment between my needs, abilities, desires, and purpose

        Victoria Erickson

        See the source imageSee the source image


        I am nurtured and fulfilled, content and blessed

         I am filled with gratitude joy
        and love all the best of life comes rushing to me like a flood.

        I expect personal empowerment & an awesome day

        My body surges with the flow of positive energy.


        I am that, I am. I am creative. I am productive. I am successful




        Image result for zen to zany self care pic quotes

        Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic

        Image result for self care ease pics

        Related image



        Image result for self care ease pics

        Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic

        Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic

        related threads in process

        action and energy -just what matters to you...1


        link to page 1

        link to page 3


        Image result for zen to zany self care pic quotesImage result for zen to zany selfcare pic

        Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic


        Total concentration is mine. I have the power to focus my concentration at will. I remain alert and focused. I easily block thoughts unrelated to what I am working on. My goal of super concentration is easily achieved.

        ★I feel more alert, more refreshed, more calm,complete,focused,strong and healthy.★I Am filled with energy to do all the daily activities of my life...and then some.★Every cell in my body vibrates with healthy rested enjoyable focused delightful energy★I Am open to the spirit of life, which carries me beyond my old-limits...to a High Creative Space.★ I choose the peace that surpasses all understanding.★I know my truth. I speak and act from my heart-place.I feel my center and can move through any and all daily life with ease★Even now, I Am free! I Am free of cares as I once referred to them.★I take positive personal ACTion to REALize my own blessed dreams, desires and potential.★It has been said:inspired action moves us to complete the act of creation.I stay completely focused and connected to my deepest desires which are reflected in the daily actions I take








        Mypassion for being in my life is strong because I know what I like to experience





        Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic“What’s the one thing you can do now such by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary.” – The one thing.







        Image result for eckhart tolle quote pics




        my go to threads -energy


















        I have allowed and co-created an awesome space in time for all I need to be,to know and to do in this moment.

















        BHC_4a.gifWhen there is love in your heart, everything outside of you also becomes lovable.  ~Veeresh

        flowing love4164896433_cebcff19c7_n.jpg













        PART 2

        PART 3









        ☼► Live With Love. Life is beautiful. And love greatly magnifies that beauty. Love has no reason. It is the reason.Give love, and you have even more. Live with love, and you live with all the richness life has to offer. Let yourself love sincerely, without expectation, just because that love flows naturally from who you are. Let go of the pretenses, fears and inhibitions, and live with the love that is at the center of you. Live with love, and it brings out the best in you. Think, speak and act from a perspective of real, authentic love, and the result is genuine and growing fulfillment. Live with love.

        For love will carry you forward like nothing else can. …Ralph Marston




        "This or something even better manifests now,for the highest good of all concerned, easily, happily, harmoniously, Thank you." 




        Insights Into Feeling More Joy-ConnectedLive

        Your Selected Affirmations ...2 2018

        The Money Is Here-Arriving With Love

        Requests Are Reasonable-Implementation Has Begun


        Self Sacred




        My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil


        My simplified life allows me to hear crisp vivid callings of my soul.

        The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful






        The world is an abundant place that seeks to nourish and support my highest aspirations



           I Am loving how I am recognizing my perfect blessings

           Goodness and joy are mine in all situations. 
         I hear harmony, melody, beauty, softness, power.
           I create clarity of mind and unlimited vision for myself

        Catherine Ponder Affirmations

        I choose to live an abundant life.

        I have faith that I am being guided in ways that bring amazing results.

        I Am always in the right place at the right time..

        I experience clarity and harmony in all my energy exchanges

        I release anything that is not for my higher good and ask it to release me.

        Today, I let my light shine. I express my unique creativity and am successful in everything I do.

        I am always being Guided by a Higher Solution.









        Image result for beautiful flower arrangement gif




































































































        With every breath I take, I am sending, love and gratitude to every single cell in my body!














           I clearly see joy in my surroundings.
























        ღI allow the beautiful energy of life to flow through me.



        This Moment... This moment, is where I Am.

















        Today I Am filled with Divine Light.

        Enjoying This Moment ...Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.

        I am enjoying the harmony of my choices.


        I efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstance.

        Today I feel the presence
        of Divine Love flowing through me.

        Today I Am free of cares as I once referred to them

        Today I Am nurtured and fulfilled, content and blessed. 

        Enjoying This Day... Greeting
        the day as fun-filled and full of growth and
        achievement is a conscious choice

         Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today. 



        ღI now choose to experience the sweetness of today.


        ღI accept all the pleasure life has to offer.



        What Do You Expect Today?












        The Law Of Detachment...link to thread created by iZ


        From The Deep ...Thoughts From A Mystic



        Ocean Quotes & related pics




        • c7f907a2a714494b52b45e9ac85e795d--attitude-of-gratitude-gratitude-quotes.jpg




        I live in a loving, abundant, harmonious universe and I am grateful








        Image result for psychedelic quotes08f3272609f9c464959cb40ac7c0d53e--mind-body-spirit-mind-body-soul.jpg


        • music ✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
          articles you may find interesting:
        • ~ Solfeggio Scale played to water resulted in uniquely patterned crystallizationin water
        • ~
          Isaac Newton had associated the 7 solfège syllables with the 7 colors of the rainbow and surmised that each color vibrated accordingly. Thus, red has the least amount of vibration while violet vibrates the most.



        Uplifting Music Real. by kyuubi Kurama in HDU




        Clarence Clemons solo

        (the first one entitled Oceans-4 min….really enjoy…though many tunes on the mix are very nice)


         Relaxing/Studying Music 3 HOURS Relaxing Music |

        Ambient Chillout | Background Study Spa Massage Sleep 3 HOURS Relaxing Music | 


        Real—-Uplifting Music


          • The Bounty of Life by SonicAid56 min 38 sec
            These songs use Alpha/Beta/Theta waves along with music to create the desired mental state.


        Cognition Enhancer For Clearer and Faster Thinking – Isochronic Tones 
        (Cognitive Enhancer comes with a statement to stay hydrated while listening.

        Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine & Endorphin Release – Binaural Beats + Isochronic Tones

        528 HZ Frequency Unlocks Feeling of Well-Being (With Music)
        Bob Thomason 
        Bob Thomason“1 hour

        528 Hz Love Frequency Healing DNA Repair Meditation Miracles Transformation Awakening Music

        Study Music

        throat chakra


        Alpha/Beta/Theta waves along with music


        • Faith vivid piano melodies and soothing orchestral strings combined with rhythmic drums that deliver an original cinematic feel link broken



         Uplifting Melodies(the first one entitled Oceans-4 min….really enjoy…though many tunes on the





        2018 Affirmations

        I Am abundant as never before, that I am now.

        love the affirmations with as never before, that I Am now. It brings abundance greater than I've experienced.. into the present moment.

        thank you Matt Kahn for this affirming inspiration!

        though I also like to add... forever more(:



        I see myself in my minds eye more fit than ever before - forever more.

        My life works beautifully. Everything in my Life works, now and forevermore.




        Wonderful PDF

        Affirmations 2018-Focused Routines


        MANIFESTING ANYTHING...article

        THE BULLET JOURNAL- tool

        BULLET JOURNAL youtube

        A Step-by-Step Guide:


        I expect to wake up rested and allowing a day that serves my most valued personal priorities.







        The Basics of LOA in excerpts from 2 articles

        ***excerpt from article 1*** ***~© 2010-2012 GoodVibeUniversity.com~***

        •  Pointing your attention where you want to go, and then doing what feels good.
        • It’s that simple. Because when we’ve got in mind what we want, and then we follow whatever inspirations we get, we’re home free. Pretty easy, right? Focus, then feel good.
        • I use three questions to help me do that – that process of focus, then feel good. Here are the questions:
        • What do I want?
        • What does that look like/feel like/ or sound like?
        • What sounds good/feels good next?
        • If you use those questions – even just on a daily basis – you will find things start going your way. Things will start happening, without you even working too hard for it. In fact, if you’re working too hard – that can slow the whole party up (see Slacker Manifesting if you want more support with that).
        • But those three questions will help you do the two things that matter most: focus and align. (Align is another word for feeling good. When we’re feeling good, we’re aligned. And when we’re aligned, that’s when we’re letting the good stuff in.)
        • So … What do I want? What does that feel like, look like, sound like? What sounds good next?
        • It’s a simple formula that will serve you extremely well.

        excerpt from article 2
        What I’m talking about is, embracing the skills of:



        • When we get good at those three things, we become really natural and incredibly powerful creators.
        • So even if you never practiced conscious creation, or never used the focus & feel good instruction, if all you did was get really good at appreciating, enjoying and allowing – you would naturally get what you want in life.
        • There are people out there proving that every day, too. You probably know some. Maybe you ARE one.
        • When we practice these three things, it’s like supercharging our manifesting. Things take off.
        • In a really good way.
        • *So in those moments when you ask yourself what you could do to better make your dreams come true, or to be better at this manifesting stuff, I’d invite you to ***check in on how well you are Appreciating, Enjoying, and Allowing._***
        • ** * ***Let’s look at each of those elements briefly:***
        • ~
        • ** * ***Appreciation***
        • ** * It’s one of the highest vibes you can flow – maybe even THE highest. It’s right up there with love, joy, inspiration and passion. It’s good juju. You want your life to be fueled with this stuff.
        • ** * Because think about it – since like attracts like, when you are in a state of appreciation, you naturally attract more stuff to appreciate. (It’s a cool cycle to be in! That’s how life just gets better and better and better!)
        • ** * And that’s why gratitude journaling is so popular – even in non LOA savvy circles – it’s a super powerful practice!
        • ** * For some of us it’s really easy to do the opposite –to see what’s going wrong, to complain about what’s happening. To anticipate problems or find fault with something.
        • ** * And that’s not what we want more of.
        • ** * We get whatever we focus on, so when we make it a habit to APPRECIATE, the forces that be respond by giving us more things to be happy about.
          • ** * Appreciation is such an incredibly powerful thing that if all you did as a deliberate creator was become a really good appreciator – you’d be golden. Really, it’s that big a deal.
          • ~



        This one is highly underrated in many cultures. For those of us who were raised to believe we had to earn our rewards, that we had to prove we were worthy and work hard for our success, or even that suffering or struggling is a virtue, this enjoyment principle can be a challenging one to activate.

        When we get good at those three things, we become really natural and incredibly powerful creators.

        article 2 manifesting 101


        Last is …


        • ** * You’ve heard that what you resist, persists? That’s because whatever we give attention to gets stronger.
        • ** * As long as I’m pushing against something, I’m making it stronger. Because that’s what my attention does – it creates, it empowers, it activates, it BECOMES.
        • ** * So I have to be able to let go the battle, and make some peace before anything can change. I hope that makes sense.
        • ** * It might not make sense intuitively, but when you see it in action, you’ll connect the dots easily.
        • ** * article 2 manifesting 101


        50 related Bmindful thread-list in process



        3-things-that-made-me-smile-today contributed by Vivi is ???

        three-little-things-in-life-you-enjoy contributed by SweetStrongSoul

        happiness-mtg 11-11-2015-sweet-dreams

        learn-to-profit-from-everything contributed by Robert

        Esther-and-Jerry-Hicks LOA contributed by Flowergirl

        10 kick-start-your-day-audio-affirmations

        11 andy-dooley-uplifting

        12 seeing-beauty-all-around

        13 moments-of-joy-and-laughter contributed by Nancee

        14 a-flow-of-gratitude-affirmations

        15 anyone for a game of foosball?

        16 happiness-cum-laude contributed by Robert

        17 remedy for overwhelm

        18 communication box

        19 what-a-wonderful-world contributed by Flowergirl

        20 you-matter-in-this-world contributed by Godscreation

        21 self-care

        22 selfcare-enthusiast

        23 3-things-youre-grateful-for-today

        24 I-need-a-dose-of-gratitude contributed by thebirds

        25 rampages of thought contributed by Robert

        26 flowerpower contributed by Flowergirl

        27 the-good-things-about-today contributed by Trinity

        28 better
        29 100 Questions

        30 today-i-intend contributed by Robert

        31 its-ok-to-be-me contributed by Godscreation
        32 release

        33 notes-from-the-universe contributed by SRWE

        to be continued


        I am loving this music as I'm creating this thread. It is a beautiful gift from flowergirl.

        I will change selections of everything on this thread as desired

        Other music threads in process

        Instrumental Moments {& Long Plays}

        wanted to create a table of contents of sorts for music, poetry& humor ... It will make it convenient for me to keep a link here(:


        threads from others coming soon...









        ~back to preparing for my work day

        motivation energy


        These questions below are a repeat of ones in first post

        • ~

        The default state
        3 Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever

        1. How can ‘it’ get any better than this? (any thing)



            2.What are the possibilities?


           3.What would ‘it’ take to show up?

        [not an exercise to force yourself to answer -just questions consistently]


        • ~


        will return to share significance to me in daily life these questions have


        Here at Bmindful we love quotes that resonate with us... I know I do!!!

        Here are some I wrote off the cuff the other day

         internally inspired... 

        quoting my heart.

        What a perfect gift food that we choose is.
        When we are fortunate enough to choose, choosing becomes the gift
        • ~


        • Taking care of ourselves is the essential love energy for taking care 
          of all t
          he precious details of life.

          When we feel organized, harmonious and joyful -we somehow have more for all
          we love in the most peaceful unpretentious, valued  and caring ways.


        • ~Loving our soulmate is the best feeling.
          It is more of a great feeling when compassion
          and love are fed to us first by ourselves...
          We may still desire and even need some things from our soulmate...
          though more content with everything
          -no matter what when we take good care of ourselves
          in better better better ways.
        Work often feels like a drudgery word of something to do... or a place to go.
        Though, we aren't what we do... we are what we are.
        • ~
        When we view our body as sacred or a temple-
        we keep it nourished with what we are believing best serves it.

        When we view our house a home-we fill it selectively
        in ways we best feel what we love from the inside out.

        When we choose something that doesn't fit...
        its suitability or lack of it becomes
        an easy choice to remove what doesn't benefit us
        • ~
        I am deserving... we all are.  It is from this place I love.
        • ~
        When acknowledging a need I allow
        myself the resources in my minds eye-view and feel it
        from my heart place...
        and manifesting is no mystery...
        The power in co-creation is just that...
        co-created as my inner being allows.
        • ~
        To Have, I Give myself a heartfelt reminder that giving with love...
        is joyful experience when it is done without expectations...
        Love is its own reward. It is felt before we know or see a specific result
        transmitted back in the universe.
        Taking care of my home  is the joy and ease of being in the moment with a life
        I enjoy


        Related imageImage result for quote pic law of attraction  playful  witness your experience dance bmindful pic


      Discipline Is Self Love

      Language Of Self Care ...1

      Language Of SelfCare ...2

      As I Began To Love Myself

      Self Love ~Soul Food Series

      Day 38

      ***Enjoying What’s Ahead, and I Don’t Mind Breaking a Sweat***

      • ~~ ✰~~





      Mypassion for being in my life is strong because I know what I like to experience




      5b9a55f1c7d34d89da0a1138e135c0ae.jpgImage result for zen to zany selfcare picce3dddc3fb78f818cd0107ded86a0070--bruce-lee-quotes-favorite-quotes.jpgRelated image
      Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic

      Total concentration is mine. I have the power to focus my concentration at will. I remain alert and focused. I easily block thoughts unrelated to what I am working on. My goal of super concentration is easily achieved.

      I take care of my health and appearance

      Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic






      Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic

      thread/videos 7-step-morning-ritual& more
      video The Freedom of Self Discipline

      • ~

      Affirmation July 19, 2016
      I choose to be present and allow

      I enjoy making way for everyday miracles.


      • ~

      Moving forward feels excellent!

      • I am the co-creator of my life, I am fully involved in co-creating my life in a pleasing and harmonious way. ~this one is adapted from a Robert Burney affirmation
      • ~

      I Am thankful for creating more and more space for greater understanding to be revealed

      I Am a Spark of God I love that!



      Affirmations are  my kind of challenge!(:

      From earlier days of this challenge-though allowing for the present

      Day 1
      I am at peace just where I am.

      • Day 1
        mindfulness , being present in the nowappreciation

        I choose to live my life in the present moment because that is all that truly exists.

        • ~

        All clocks run at perfect speed for me.

        • ~
          All that matters is how I spend this moment.
        • ~
          I enjoy seeing all that feels right in this moment.
        • ~
          Gratitude and appreciation are habits that I nurture every day.

          Peace, Love , Joy & Present in The Present

          I am the cool, calm expression of peace and love

          I co-create peaceful experiences.

          I co-create my life… which includes of course all of my joy.

          I Am that which I seek.

          Thank you my God for this moment.

          I thank myself for allowing this moment, and being in this awesome now, of my life.

          I choose to create a personal environment that feeds and nurtures my positive emotions.

        • I continue successfully to choose to do the things that I know will improve my life.

          This Moment

          This moment, is where I am.

          Enjoying This Moment Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.

          Enjoying This Day 
          Greeting the day as fun-filled and full of growth and achievement is a conscious

        • Love
          My mind feels love.
          I love the growth I am experiencing and the joy that occurs freely as I am who I Am.
          I hold joyful conversations with myself and love the outcome of our chats
          I can create any routine I like, one cognitive brain thought and heart feeling at a time.
          I allow my routines of self -care to receive the love I love.
          I allow myself to be the love I Am.

          Being True To My Good Life

          I choose to do the things that I know will improve my life.

          I Am Aware Of All Of My Resources

          I can achieve all that I desire.

          Being True To My Heart of Hearts

          I align myself with what feels good and right in my spirit.

          I experience a wonderfully awesome day right down to my core of who I Am.


          I love my partnership with Ease.

          Everyday Miracles

          I see the miracle in every day.

          I see the miracle in my day

          I see the miracle of life.

          I see the miracle of all life.

          I see the miracle in my life.

          I see the miracle in you.


          Honesty & Trusting Self

          I love my commitments I have made with myself.

          Today I care for me with a foundation of compassion and love.

          Today I am choosing things for myself that demonstrate that I Am on my side always.

          Today I start with my thoughts, and I review my beliefs.

          Today I allow my actions to match up awesomely with my personal values.

          I trust me.

          I choose thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving and positive way so well!
          Everything I do increasingly aligns with my self-care, self-value, and
          , and self-worth

          I Am creating perfectly awesome solutions for my current projects.
          Today I allow my self-care actions to match up awesomely with my personal values.
          I choose to care well for me, and see the beautiful places it takes me.
          Now I know what it really means to live with awesome committed discipline for areas that truly matter to me..

          Image result for harold becker quote pics love kindness


          I am rested, well fed and am enjoying my choice to align with my values.

          It is a great day to be me and create a day that demonstrates this

          related pdf’s


            • ~
              I am grateful for my ever growing ability to feel and express gratitude


          Thank you for the capacity that I have to think, feel, speak and focus on what I am grateful for

          I am thankful for all of the good that is being continuously offered to me

          I am thankful for the habits that I am developing and manifesting in my life

          I am grateful that I am able to turn away from complaining, blame, criticism and negative emotion

          I am grateful that I am always free to choose my response to the world around me

          I am thankful that I am able to be grateful for the things in my life, that I may not have quite yet

          I’m grateful that I live with an eye of faith, gratitude and abundance

          I am thankful for the joy that I feel within me, and the peace and the faith I have as my companions

          I am truly grateful that I often think and feel the words ‘thank you’ in my heart

          truly love raylenebyrne affirmations! I claim them from my heart


          I Am Loving The Fun I’m Having With My Projects Today

          I found awesome ways to enjoy what I’m creating/doing today


          I Continue To Do My Part To Create A Really Good Day, and Hand The Rest Over To God With Ease.

          Yesterday was awesome, and look forward to this day.

          TODAY is the best day ever.

          Wow, I love how making a decision for what really matters to me and living it… creates such an awesome place to come from!


          I Do My Part To Create A Really Good Day, and Hand The Rest Over To God With Ease.

          I begin each day with renewed peace of mind.

          I breathe out all stress and apprehension, and breathe in complete peace and well-being

          I can feel the tranquility in every moment.

          I easily connect with my inner peace whenever I desire.

          I love how enjoying a peaceful and harmonious environment creates one.

          I visualize peaceful experiences in my life.

          Total calm and contentment fill every cell of my being.


          I Enjoy Starting My Day Off Right

          intention Appreciating Self

          10-morning-affirmations create awesome day


          I am enjoying who I Am, and the world is brighter and more beautiful too

          At the core of my being, I am deeply peaceful,immensely loving, infinitely wise and profoundly contented

          This is the day, the Lord hath made, and I rejoice in blessing after blessing

          Loving how wonderful it is to give from my heart.

          Imaginative heart-filled ways to give to others arrives in my thoughts …now …with ease.

        • I allow my pace to move with the beautiful rhythm of the universe, and my actions to be in harmony of my hearts desires

          I allow my pace to move with the beautiful rhythm of the universe

          I feel good

          I enjoy my moments, my day, my life

          I am appreciative of all that is here

          I take the time to be truly appreciative and can feel the joy ahead

          Today Is a Wonderful Day to Appreciate. It’s a New Day


          I love the crisp freshness of of this new day.

          I bring in what I enjoy that works, and create a space for something even more incredible.

          Today Is a Wonderful Day to Appreciate & Celebrate Myself, Others and Law of Action

          LAW OF ACTION

          DETAILED GOAL CHARThttp://www.positivethinking-toolbox.com/goal-chart.html
          goal-tracking              http://www.positivethinking-toolbox.com/goal-tracking.html

          Today Is a Wonderful Day to Celebrate
          affirmation … I am over the top- appreciative.

            • ~
              note: I rejoice because its ridiculous not to. (:

              Implementing What I Need/Desire*
              affirmation -> I rejoice in the process of creating perfect changes in my life

              • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                Not sure where I originally received these basic though valuable questions…but use them when I write in evening:
                Sleep – What do you feed your subconscious mind when you sleep?

              Think – What thoughts feed your conscious mind during the day?

              Eat – Did you eat healthy or unhealthy foods today?

              Physical – Did you get any physical activity today?

              Spirit – Did you nourish your spiritual muscles?

          Enjoying What’s Ahead

          • ~~ ✰~~
            I Am allowing this great day to show up in perfectly great ways.



            • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
              love peaceful mom how-to-actually-get-stuff-done-my-plan-for-this-week


          ***_PEOPLE_*** – activities that promote relationship with the people I love

          ***_PASSION_*** – activities and experiences which enable me to enjoy life

          ***_PURPOSE_*** – tasks that enable me to fulfill my purpose in life

          ***_PROJECTS_*** – priority tasks that need to be finished this week
          the PeacefulMom © 2009-2014 Kimberlee Stokes – ThePeacefulMom.com – All rights reserved. – The Peaceful Mom

            • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
              quote✰Think of every single thing that we ‘have to’ do to get through a day as something that we ‘get to’ do… before our turn is over. Everything is a gift. by Mike Dooley

          Day 23
          ***Ideal Day/Ideal Life/Ideal Surroundings***


          I create my surroundings w/peaceful, inspiring & creative order

          I fuel my desires with unlimited belief, and accept that they are already manifesting for me.
          I accept with joy and pleasure and gratitude all the good that Life offers me

          Day 22

          Affirmation/Intention : All is well, and I make regular choices which allow me to see this in action even more.

          ideal week

          Day 21
          ***Here’s to mornings (afternoons & evenings) and being right where I Am ->to be where I want to go!***
          Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.

          Day 20
          ***Here’s to mornings and enjoying!***

          I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything
          I am in control of my health and wellness. I am always successful because success is a divine quality of spirit, and spirit is what I am

          Day 18

          ***Awesomeness Appreciation***

          I have awesome appreciation for life, and my life and others.

          I love the space I have created for life; this life that is meeting my greatest good. So appreciative for what is here and being revealed in my spirit.


          Day 17

          ***Waking up to a wonderful new day***

          I am well and thrive

          I co-create and enjoy

          I plan and all is delivered as appreciated.

          note: got up to do a few needed things, and then went back to sleep for some needed rest. Love my rest(:

          later created and enjoyed an awesome meal. ***I LOVE SELF-CARE**

          Day 16

          ***Appreciating Progress and Visible and not So Visible Transformation/Shifts***

          Everything that is happening now is happening for my greatest good.

          I love the growth I am experiencing and the joy that occurs freely as I am who I Am.

          note: none yet(:


          ***_By nurturing myself , my disposition has a positive frequency for being present for others._***

          ***_I hold joyful conversations with myself and love the outcome of our chats_***

          ***_With delightful love and goodness I allow joyous, belief and hope-filled communication with myself and others_***

          ***_I always have enough energy and time to share my thoughts, and even more time and space to listen and respond from a fresh place of love for others delivering their own awesome self._***

          ***_I Am Divine Presence expressing as Compassion, Sincerity, Peace and Clarity. I know what I need to do, and am Divinely guided and supported in doing it. Thank You Loving Creator. And it is so_***





          • Affirmations
            I can create any routine I like, one cognitive brain thought and heart feeling at a a time


            • wow! I’ve maintained this routine on the site and aside from the site… for 2 weeks! If I can create this routine, I can create any(:


          That miracle is my cognitive brain programming the habits in the automatic habit brain. Once the habits are programmed, they are remembered forever. Tom G. Stephens Ph.D

          Day 13
          ***Honest To Goodness Self Care***

          • Affirmations
            Today I allow my routines of self care to receive the love I love.

          Today only goodness, because I deserve to listen to my honesty of my spirit, my body, and life



          Day 11

          I still love all of my feelings

          One feeling I love is that of lightheartedness and enjoying life

          I feel lightheartedness right now

          My heart is light. I allow myself to be open to the kaleidoscope pieces of joyfulness in everyone and everything

          I allow lots of lighthearted laughter, it’s simply liberating.

          I express my prosperity, choosing to give freely, with a soul centered love that is the result from a joyous surrender.

            • ~


          1 affirmation a day, who are you kidding?

          note… will return



      added these 

      • post 1

      {intro & thread in process}


      Image result for quotes about being intuitive




      Videos, Pics,Thoughts,Affirmations,Intentions....

      page 1



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      Image result for iam mantra.com pics

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      Image result for dr hank vibration action future pic quote affirmation



      Personalizing Inner Peace

      1. How can ‘it’ get any better than this? (any thing)

      2. What are the possibilities?

      3. What would ‘it’ take to show up?

      [not an exercise to force yourself to answer -just questions consistently]


      Things that make me think of love or even just the love that all people should have for one another.

      Related image




      Related image




      Things that make me think of love or even just the love that all people should have for one another.


      1.Today is a good day. A day I value  even more because I can see in my minds eye I will do things I have desired to do and now doing.


      2.Today I see and feel the expansive accommodating space...which has wonderfully been carved out for these actions I Am taking today



      Image result for mindfulness affirmation pics

      4. Today in each moment I am present and allowing wonderful feelings for all coming to fruition.

      {to be continued}

      5. Today is the day, I am allowing thoughts and feelings to surface to create new beginnings in my new goals journal.

      Related imagewriting-affirmation.jpg

      Mooie spreuken | Tekst: klinkt vrij logisch. Door henfem

      Image result for thoughts actions aligned pic


      And if a negative thought will enter, I will say cancel, and it will be gone



      Today is the day I Am allowing only the best of everything for myself,

      and those I love so dearly.


      6. Today is the day, I assist my spouse any way he needs for the goals he is working on and the ones we would enjoy as a couple.

      30.jpgRelated image



      •  #1 Goal setting worksheet for couples
        Here’s the simple worksheet we have used to assist. The worksheet is a few pages long because it provides space for us to document shared goals and individual goals.
        Goal Setting for Couples Worksheet
        Step 1
        Several dimensions of life are listed in the first column. For each dimension, brainstorm goals you would like to achieve. You’re brainstorming, so don’t place limits on the number or nature of the goals you list. Identify goals you’d like to target personally in the second column and goals you’d like to target as a couple in the third column. 
        to read entire PDF
      •  PDF to sign up for#2 wonderful workbook that another member posted…though must sign up to receive

      ♥¸.•¸.•˚¨) ¸.•˚¨)
      (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰

      {to be continued}




      Image result for thoughts actions aligned pic


      Image result for thoughts actions aligned pic

      Image result for dr. hank affirmation intention pics

      Image result for dr hank vibration action future pic quote affirmation

      Image result for matt kahn moment of acceptance




      Gif Amour, passion

      {intro & thread in process}

      Related image

      Image result for dr. hank affirmation intention pics

      Image result for affirmations intentions thoughts pics

      She turned her can'ts into cans and her dreams into plans


      mixed media




      Whimsical Art - Live Your Dream - Inspirational Art - Motivational Wall Art - Mixed Media Collage Art - Women Art - Giclee Art Print - Quote



      I live today as I would like myself to be living tomorrow.



      Image result for quotes about being intuitive



      Image result for quotes about being intuitive





























       Healthy Thoughts

      { thread in process}



      The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it.



      Make it your purpose to give away as much of your love and joy as you can.







      I have allowed and co-created an awesome space in time for all I need to be,to know and to do in this moment.Image result for thoughts actions aligned pic




      ð Alignment Before Action ð This a lesson I learn over and over again.  When hasty or in a negative mood, my actions are not aligned with my true self. We are all bound to stumble into this lesson as we indulge in a bad moo

      Image result for thoughts actions aligned pic

      Go Within

      Today I Am imagining my joyful life. It is beautiful!!

      {to be continued}


      Daily Thoughts.... {thread in process}



      I Let Go 




      Image result for thoughts actions aligned pic

      Related image


      {thread in process}

      [♥♫♥✿♥  MORE VIDEOS♥♫♥✿♥


      Feel Great

      I Feel It


      I Love Life


      I Am Grateful

      Create Your Own Reality




      Image result for quotes about being intuitive


      Image result for quotes about being intuitive




      {thread in process}


      lots of great pics are gone from this thread-no prob.laughing

      took out the blanks(:

      ˚Leveraging Energy/Resilience [CynthiaAckrill]

      ***STRATEGIES FOR RESILIENCE*** by CynthiaAckrill M.D

      • ☆1 Optimizing and sustaining performance with resilience to cope with the inevitable stressors of life is really a matter of leveraging energy- becoming aware of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy levels and finding ways to regularly renew energy expended.
        Raise Awareness – ***Create a ritual of checking in with yourself-*** monitoring your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy/state, perceived stress level. You can’t change it if you aren’t aware.
      • ~
      • ☆2. Cool Down to Power Up! –learn and practice an in-the-moment ritual to cool down your amygdala, your stress reaction, and power up your frontal lobe and energy. There are multiple choices- ***the key is to make it a habit that takes no effort.***
      • ~
      • ☆3. Create and Commit to Long Range Stress Strategies –
        1. ***_Commit to a meeting with yourself dedicated to this_***
        2. Identify your values, strengths, purpose (your why)
        3. Create a word/phrase/mantra that reminds you of your why
        4. Do and energy/stress audit
        5. Create strategies to balance your energy, choose your perspective and strengthen your resilience

      ■1. Start/middle/end with your WHY – let your values and purpose guide your choices and boundaries.
      ■2. Create habits, rituals to keep your WHY perspective- this develops mindfulness.
      ■3. Put self-care first. Weekly, put YOU on your calendar.
      ■4. Continue to build self-awareness. Be brave and ask for input.
      ■5. Operate from your strengths.
      ■6. ***Know your needs & create habits to meet them.***

      • ~.
        to read more: ***http://www.cynthiaackrill.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/STRATEGIES-FOR-RESILIENCE-Worksheet-Newtown-Educators-3-22-14.pdf***
        ■9. Practice your best mindset – positive, curious, mindful, accepting.
        ■10. Practice self-compassion. Thank your inner critic, and ask him/her to step aside.
      • ~
        ■13. Practice focus/distraction management. (Multipurpose instead of multitask!)
        ■14. Integrate work/life- this is the future, get creative!
        ■15. Don’t add to the stress epidemic.
        ■16. Celebrate more!!!!!!
      • ~
        to read more: ***http://www.cynthiaackrill.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/STRATEGIES-FOR-RESILIENCE-Worksheet-Newtown-Educators-3-22-14.pdf***
      • ~
        “ bio”:http://www.cynthiaackrill.com/aboutcindiackrill/
        Speaker-Leadership Coach-Stress ExpertSend Message828-777-9730
        Cynthia Ackrill M.D. is a leader in the field of stress management and an expert in the critical relationships between lifestyle choices, performance capacities, and leadership effectiveness. As the only physician trained in neuroscience and wellness and leadership coaching, she travels the world to teach better ways to lead and thrive in the face of stress and constant change.

      She is dedicated to finding real life strategies based in neuroscience and the science of human performance and to making the learning process engaging and fun

      thread you may like to visit a shift of mind LOA & a bit of Psychology focus

      video you may appreciate(:


      • ~

      ►•I listen to my body and heed its needs.
      ►•I thank my body for my continued well-being.
      ►•I send love and appreciation to all the cells of my body.
      ►•My body maintains itself in perfect health.
      ►•My whole body vibrates with optimum health and energy.
      ►•My body thanks me for looking after it.

      5 types of affirmations
      - – Releasing/Cleansing Affirmations
      - – Receiving/Accepting Affirmations
      - – Being/Intending Affirmations
      - – Acting/Claiming Affirmations
      - – Integrating/Embodying

        • ~



      Like all of us, I have many things I’m paving a way for(:

      Though my top area is being true to myself and do mind/body/spirit work for my self care.

      I have found being satisfied with who you are is wonderful… though leaving out true footwork (like you’ve mentioned) causes complacency for even the most basic things that ‘we’ve’ come to know that works/helps.

      So my goal is truly doing what it takes for what I know that works, and be open to staying up on learning more for areas that go with this.

      I often don’t think I need any support in this area, because I know with or without others I do need to take care of me well… Though, I’ve decided to utilize your thread to move forward more

      g bold flashcards

      today I’m reviewing all (I’m aware of) that I want to incorporate in my basics/routines.
      Thanks Success n Freedom for this awesome thread!
      I want to thank flowergirl also who recently shared how bringing back supporting on threads more is a wonderful thing!


      as mentioned above – the first one is kind of broad…it is firming up some very basic vital health & home areas (for me) -my exercising, meal planning, “reorganizing” my home like a vision board of joy, comfort and health(define a bit more later) . I write lots to gain clarity.

      the second one is a an area which will require more research that pertains to (not so future-) future

      2. per your great thoughts… above I will place this where I will see it even more everyday .

      3. I actually have wanted to do even more with my vision boards… so your thread has lifted me there(:

      4. wow, I like the part about putting my picture in the activity
      5. visualizing and feeling… more ok(:

      6. sub goals … more sub goals… and see myself doing this!!!!

      I have a plan-thanks Success n Freedom…
      and I am truly grateful,

      It isn’t that we don’t know how…

      Sometimes there are too many things going on… and need to clear things out to keep it simple(: you’re are awesome!


      I’m ready(:

      • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      We are always creating… fun, focus & footwork are very relevant!

      thanks for this thread!(: very helpful and inspiring…

      looking forward to taking in this thread ….& as it continues…. too






        • ~~ ✰~~






      • √ bookmark



      A little like Gene Wilder now coming out of the tower now
      In a glass elevator that could take you all the way to the sky
      Ain’t trying to fool you now got nothing to lose no how
      So be in it with the limitless image of the intimate
      thinking what you’re getting is love

      All you need is love

      Ain’t it nice to get out of here?
      Already out of the atmosphere
      Well if the glass doesn’t shatter but it wouldn’t really matter
      It’s the love that is lifting us up

      All you need is love

      We’re going up, up, up flying away
      We’re taking the higher route taking the ceiling out
      We’re going up; we’re flying away
      Never coming down; we’re living it up, living it up!

      What happens when your light goes out?
      No one there to give you mouth to mouth
      Don’t let the breakdown jump on your acclaim that a brother be a hero now
      Cause I know you know because once you know you’ll always know
      It’s your own, your own, your own love that gets you where you want to go

      We’re going up, up, up flying away
      We’re taking the higher route taking the ceiling out
      We’re going up; we’re flying away
      Never coming down; we’re living it up, we’re living it up!
      Yeah, we’re living it up, living it up

      You know that it’s good cause only good love when it’s really love
      You can just love, love, love anything it’s your destiny

      A little like Gene Wilder now coming out of the tower now
      In a glass elevator that could take you all the way to the sky

      We’re going up; we’re flying away
      We’re taking the higher route we’re taking the ceiling out
      We’re going up; we’re flying away
      Never coming down; because we’re living it up, living it up!

      We’re up flying away
      We’re taking the higher route taking the ceiling out
      We’re going up; we’re flying away
      Never coming down; because we’re living it up, living it up
      Living it up, living it up

      All you need is love




        • ~~ ✰~~



        • ~~ ✰~~





      • PNG-Queenisms-2014-The-grass-was-not-greener-copy.png









      post 3

      I define the pace of my life.
      I easily recognize everything that benefits my life and carefully nurture these things.
      With every breath I take, I am bringing greater and greater insight into my life.


      • ~~ ✰~~
        I am creating new possibilities in my life. The universe is my playground.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        I love experiencing anything I desire at anytime. It can be as simple as retreating into my mind and activating my imagination around the subject.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        Any action spent in cultivating a feeling of alignment is time well spent.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        Productivity is a function of focusing and breaking big projects down into digestible chunks that can be incrementally combined to form a finished project.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        I am the embodiment of clear beautiful focus…and memory is increasingly wonderful whenever it best serves me
      • ~~ ✰~~
        Giving life to an idea through creativity is a life giving experience that I relish.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        I am abundant in many ways! I am feeling vital and alive in each moment.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        I find that realm of inspired action easily and frequently.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        Everything I do increases the harmony, beauty, and order in my life.
      • ~~ ✰~~
      • ~~ ✰~~
        Through listening to and following my deepest messages of truth — in my body, emotions, intelligence, relationships, and spirituality — I thrive.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        I bring my dreams into the present moment.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        I pull the plug on limitations and rise into a new consciousness of power.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        I am open to receive my higher good.
      • ~~ ✰~~
        In become even more compassionate to myself I reap the reward of spending less time inching upstream. 
      • ~~ ✰~~

        • Just Add Love Nancy Leilah Ward


        • post 3 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108185 Let Go Nancy Leilah Ward


        • post 4 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108188 We Are the Golden Wave Nancy Leilah Ward


      “post 5 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108194 The old spiritual paradigm focuses on tearing things down, whereas the new era of spirituality invites a more miraculous depth of transformation by building yourself up Matt Kahn

        • post 6 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108197 …when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy Abraham Hicks


      post 7~ Spend a day or two, if you can, just 15 minutes here, 5 minutes here, 2 minutes here, here and here, imagining it completed in a way that pleases you! And then, the next time you decide that you’re going to take action about it, the action is going to be a whole lot easier Abraham Hicks


      “post 8“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108203 when you know what you don’t want, that’s when the rocket of desire is born of what you do want. Abraham Hicks

        • post 9 “http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108206 if you’re not getting to joy, then you’ve gotten nowhere
        • post 10 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108209


      “post 11 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108230

        • post 12 http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/7703/expansion-videosquotes-affirmations#post108233


        • ~


      disclaimer for Abe-content
      50 related Bmindful thread-list in process Appreciation

      ***~related threads in process~***
      thinking-good-rebbe-eli mallon

      ***~related threads in process contributed by others in process~***




      Link source -from InwardQuest

      • ~
      •  The Manifesting Box Here are the steps involved in how to manifest your desires effortlessly.
        STEP 1: Decide what you want and why you want it, and write that on a piece of paper
        STEP 2: Put the paper in the box
        STEP 3: Forget about it
        STEP 4: Record your Vibrational Matches below
        Guideline for request writing
        Here is the guideline that I use when writing out a request for what I want…
        Write your request in such a way that you can hand it straight over to a reasonably-intelligent person who is going to go and get it or do it for you. But the single condition is that once you have given them your request you cannot contact them again about it or give them further information. see link to read more
      • ~


      self-help tools


      • ~
        last edited with the quote pictures below on 10/9/2016

      related threads
      here’s to a really good day



      video “ Practice the vibration of what you want – by ignoring it




      ***~17 SECONDS~***
      In changing our thoughts and beliefs, there is a 3 to 1 ratio. Meaning if you want to change your beliefs you need to think of 3 positive things every time you have 1 negative thought.
      Also, it is known that a thought that you can hold in your mind for 17 seconds will attract another similar thought, so think of what you want and hold that thought for 17 seconds. Try to do this 3 times each time you think of that which you do want.
      excerpt from www.positivethinking-toolbox.com

        • ~~ ✰~~
        • Abe video Be All That You Are contribution by serenity lakes from Abraham thread (thank you)
          from whatanicesite

      ***~quote~*** Source never wields vengeance or offers punishment, for Source understands you are valuable; you are worthy; you are blessed. Source understands that you never get it done and you cannot get it wrong, and that even when you stand in a place that currently feels wrong, ultimately you will return to what feels right. You can return now to what feels right with an adjustment of your thought process and an adjustment of your vibration and a changing of your point of attraction and a finally letting in of the Well-Being that is flowing to you always. Abraham

      Alignment -Subconscious overpowers Conscious???? It´s your vibration vs your words.

          • ~~ ✰~~
            article/Abe LessonPie Charting
            This lesson is based on Abraham’s comment regarding learning to evaluate your current vibration. Abraham said, “at any time, the tone you are sending out to the Universe, can be pictured as a pie chart (a graphic showing percentages) composed of a combination of three emotions: guilt, blame or appreciation.” They suggest stopping in any moment, and asking yourself what percentage of your thought on this subject is blame, guilt or appreciation. Then, once you are aware of where you are currently vibrating, your only job is to make appreciation an ever larger piece of the pie! to read more
            Assignment: ( examples given on lessons page )


        You can pie chart any situation in your life. Here’s an assessment tool to help you focus in on where you might want to do some work:


        Please make at least one statement about each of the following areas of your life today. Feel free to use an additional sheet of paper to expand on your comments in areas that are important to you.

        1. General Mood

        2. My Health and Fitness

        3. My Friends

        4. My Job or Career or Life Work

        5. Money

        6. Self Esteem

        7. My Family

        8. My Significant Other

        9. My Creativity

        10. Other area not covered that is important to you

        Whether you have chosen something that just came to you, or something from the assessment listing, now just sit down and free associate. It works well to do it with a friend, so you can say lots of statements that relate to that subject, and your friend can write them down and classify them for you as feels good/feels bad. You will need to help,. because your friend is not the same vibration as you are, and what feels good and bad to you will be different than his/her feelings about your statements. But it may interrupt your flow less than writing and classifying yourself.

        Once you have the pie chart done, and can see the statements on each side, feels good/feels bad, then ask yourself this important question. “Do I want to live out the results of this percentage pie chart?” I find that a very motivating question, because if I’ve taken the trouble to pie chart something, I usually DON’T want to live with that negative vib


      Then do a focus wheel on that subject, looking for things that feel good. See the lesson on focus wheels (number 5) if you don’t know how to do that process.
      to read more


      ✿Abraham quote♥✿♥ You don’t have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection — you’re going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships. The thing that most people do not understand, is that you get to control the way you feel, because you get to choose the thoughts you think. Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that’s what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability, because it doesn’t take very much life experience to discover you can’t control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you’ve controlled everything that has anything to do with you.

      • ~~ ✰~~

      ✿Abraham Video Morning Appreciation!


        • ~~ ✰~~


      • ~~ ✰~~

      ✿Abraham Video The Heart of the Feeling ♥

      • ~~ ✰~~

      ♥✿♥Abraham Quote on Appreciation♥✿♥ Since it is your primary intention, as you move through your day, to find things to appreciate, you are practicing a vibration of less resistance, and you are making your connection to your own Source Energy stronger. Because the vibration of appreciation is the most powerful connection between the physical you and the Non-Physical You, this process will also put you in a position to receive even clearer guidance from your Inner Being.

        • ~~ ✰~~


      ✿Abraham quote Tell everyone you know: “My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.” And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they’re doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel — and then, you’ll love them all. Because the only reason you don’t love them, is because you’re using them as your excuse to not feel good.

        • ~~ ✰~~


      ✿Abraham quote By choosing better feeling thoughts and by speaking more of what you do want and less of what you don’t want, you will gently tune yourself to the vibrational frequency of your Broader Perspective. To see your world through the eyes of Source is truly the most spectacular view of life, for from that vibrational vantage point, you are in alignment with, and therefore in the process of attracting, only what you would consider to be the very best of your world.

      • ~~ ✰~~

      ✿Abraham quote ˚ The emotion you feel is always about the vibrational variance between where you want to be and where you are. If you’re out of balance, there are only two ways to bring yourself into alignment – either raise your expectation to match your desire, or lower your desire to match your expectation.

      • ~~ ✰~~

      ✿Abraham quote The thought that you think, you think, which attracts to it – so you think it some more, which attracts to it – so you think it some more. In other words, when you have an expectation, you’ve got a dominant thought going on, and Law of Attraction is going to deliver that to you again and again and again.

      • ~~ ✰~~


      • ~~ ✰~~


      • ~~ ✰~~

      related thread-WISDOM FROM UNIQUE SOURCES


      article/Abe LessonPie Charting
      This lesson is based on Abraham’s comment regarding learning to evaluate your current vibration. Abraham said, “at any time, the tone you are sending out to the Universe, can be pictured as a pie chart (a graphic showing percentages) composed of a combination of three emotions: guilt, blame or appreciation.” They suggest stopping in any moment, and asking yourself what percentage of your thought on this subject is blame, guilt or appreciation. Then, once you are aware of where you are currently vibrating, your only job is to make appreciation an ever larger piece of the pie! to read more

      Assignment: ( examples given on lessons page )

      You can pie chart any situation in your life. Here’s an assessment tool to help you focus in on where you might want to do some work:


      Please make at least one statement about each of the following areas of your life today. Feel free to use an additional sheet of paper to expand on your comments in areas that are important to you.

      1. General Mood

      2. My Health and Fitness

      3. My Friends

      4. My Job or Career or Life Work

      5. Money

      6. Self Esteem

      7. My Family

      8. My Significant Other

      9. My Creativity

      10. Other area not covered that is important to you

      Whether you have chosen something that just came to you, or something from the assessment listing, now just sit down and free associate. It works well to do it with a friend, so you can say lots of statements that relate to that subject, and your friend can write them down and classify them for you as feels good/feels bad. You will need to help,. because your friend is not the same vibration as you are, and what feels good and bad to you will be different than his/her feelings about your statements. But it may interrupt your flow less than writing and classifying yourself.

      Once you have the pie chart done, and can see the statements on each side, feels good/feels bad, then ask yourself this important question. “Do I want to live out the results of this percentage pie chart?” I find that a very motivating question, because if I’ve taken the trouble to pie chart something, I usually DON’T want to live with that negative vibration.

      Then do a focus wheel on that subject, looking for things that feel good. See the lesson on focus wheels (number 5) if you don’t know how to do that process.
      to read more

      • ~~ ✰~~

      Who Am I-Lesson

        • ~~ ✰~~
        • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


      Speak often about things that you want and already believe Abe

      It’s Easy

      once posted on this site by another bmindful member-Robert.

        • ________________________


      To Do List for vortex

      Happiness is a way to travel, not a destination. – Roy Goodman

      related threads
      joyous-expansion affirmations quotes videos

      ~~ ✰~~
      Everything I do increases the harmony, beauty, and order in my life.
      ~~ ✰~~

      just add love

      let it go

        • author freely gives permission to share as long as her name and web site shared: -new website: ~spiritlibrary.com/nancy-leilah-ward/soul-transitions-vibe-report-february-2014

          we are the golden wave
        • link changed to this
        • ~




  • POST 1☑ 







    The site is still a phenomenal place... though temporarily I am sure... there is less sharing directly on the forum.

    There are great friendships thru personal messaging.

    There is great opportunity to enhance whatever one is interested in- on your own or with the supportive community.




    This thread is currently a storage thread & not open yet-will open by end of 2019 or 2020

    I deleted lots of things I loved by mistake and attempting to locate by grabbing all I can find & sorting it.

    Now it is a messy storage place still containing some of my treasures. Its not such a bad thing-finding things I love(:

    ...So ... utilizing this thread (again to create my 'powertool page' (a name coined by our beloved MadCookie Man -known in this day and age as Smart Routines(:

    At bmindful our threads cannot  really be off off limits to other members -unless permission is granted for some personal endeavors... On that note this thread is simply closed until it is completed. 

    Thank you, selfcare

    Please come back next year

    I will surely welcome you then.


    1. Today is about listening to my heart, this guides me peacefully and joyfully every time!
    2. I accept the power of my being to produce health, love and joy in my life.
    3. Joy is natural when I Am my authentic self, acknowledging nothing is broken from my spirit-place.
    4. From this day onward, I go forth with an uplifted vision.
    5. I am attuned to my higher purpose and my life reflects this refinement.
    6.   I create my life consciously and powerfully
    7.  Wow a lovely appreciation-balance between my personal sacred growing truths and those which belong to others ... a perfect gift
    8. I am more and more able to mindfully bring myself back to the present moment and live and thrive from this place.
    9.  I bring my life and aspirations into focus and concentrate on where I want to go



    Image result for self care ease pic quotes

    See the source image

    See the source image

    Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic


    ☑I balance my life to create alignment between my needs, abilities, desires, and purpose

    Victoria Erickson

    See the source imageSee the source image


    I am nurtured and fulfilled, content and blessed

     I am filled with gratitude joy
    and love all the best of life comes rushing to me like a flood.

    I expect personal empowerment & an awesome day

    My body surges with the flow of positive energy.


    I am that, I am. I am creative. I am productive. I am successful




    Image result for zen to zany self care pic quotes

    Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic

    Image result for self care ease pics

    Related image



    Image result for self care ease pics

    Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic

    Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic

    related threads in process

    action and energy -just what matters to you...1


    link to page 1

    link to page 3


    Image result for zen to zany self care pic quotesImage result for zen to zany selfcare pic

    Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic


    Total concentration is mine. I have the power to focus my concentration at will. I remain alert and focused. I easily block thoughts unrelated to what I am working on. My goal of super concentration is easily achieved.

    ★I feel more alert, more refreshed, more calm,complete,focused,strong and healthy.★I Am filled with energy to do all the daily activities of my life...and then some.★Every cell in my body vibrates with healthy rested enjoyable focused delightful energy★I Am open to the spirit of life, which carries me beyond my old-limits...to a High Creative Space.★ I choose the peace that surpasses all understanding.★I know my truth. I speak and act from my heart-place.I feel my center and can move through any and all daily life with ease★Even now, I Am free! I Am free of cares as I once referred to them.★I take positive personal ACTion to REALize my own blessed dreams, desires and potential.★It has been said:inspired action moves us to complete the act of creation.I stay completely focused and connected to my deepest desires which are reflected in the daily actions I take








    Mypassion for being in my life is strong because I know what I like to experience





    Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic“What’s the one thing you can do now such by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary.” – The one thing.







    Image result for eckhart tolle quote pics




    my go to threads -energy


















    I have allowed and co-created an awesome space in time for all I need to be,to know and to do in this moment.

















    BHC_4a.gifWhen there is love in your heart, everything outside of you also becomes lovable.  ~Veeresh

    flowing love4164896433_cebcff19c7_n.jpg













    PART 2

    PART 3









    ☼► Live With Love. Life is beautiful. And love greatly magnifies that beauty. Love has no reason. It is the reason.Give love, and you have even more. Live with love, and you live with all the richness life has to offer. Let yourself love sincerely, without expectation, just because that love flows naturally from who you are. Let go of the pretenses, fears and inhibitions, and live with the love that is at the center of you. Live with love, and it brings out the best in you. Think, speak and act from a perspective of real, authentic love, and the result is genuine and growing fulfillment. Live with love.

    For love will carry you forward like nothing else can. …Ralph Marston




    "This or something even better manifests now,for the highest good of all concerned, easily, happily, harmoniously, Thank you." 




    Insights Into Feeling More Joy-ConnectedLive

    Your Selected Affirmations ...2 2018

    The Money Is Here-Arriving With Love

    Requests Are Reasonable-Implementation Has Begun


    Self Sacred




    My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil


    My simplified life allows me to hear crisp vivid callings of my soul.

    The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful






    The world is an abundant place that seeks to nourish and support my highest aspirations



       I Am loving how I am recognizing my perfect blessings

       Goodness and joy are mine in all situations. 
     I hear harmony, melody, beauty, softness, power.
       I create clarity of mind and unlimited vision for myself

    Catherine Ponder Affirmations

    I choose to live an abundant life.

    I have faith that I am being guided in ways that bring amazing results.

    I Am always in the right place at the right time..

    I experience clarity and harmony in all my energy exchanges

    I release anything that is not for my higher good and ask it to release me.

    Today, I let my light shine. I express my unique creativity and am successful in everything I do.

    I am always being Guided by a Higher Solution.









    Image result for beautiful flower arrangement gif




































































































    With every breath I take, I am sending, love and gratitude to every single cell in my body!














       I clearly see joy in my surroundings.
























    ღI allow the beautiful energy of life to flow through me.



    This Moment... This moment, is where I Am.

















    Today I Am filled with Divine Light.

    Enjoying This Moment ...Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.

    I am enjoying the harmony of my choices.


    I efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstance.

    Today I feel the presence
    of Divine Love flowing through me.

    Today I Am free of cares as I once referred to them

    Today I Am nurtured and fulfilled, content and blessed. 

    Enjoying This Day... Greeting
    the day as fun-filled and full of growth and
    achievement is a conscious choice

     Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today. 



    ღI now choose to experience the sweetness of today.


    ღI accept all the pleasure life has to offer.



    What Do You Expect Today?












    The Law Of Detachment...link to thread created by iZ


    From The Deep ...Thoughts From A Mystic



    Ocean Quotes & related pics




    • c7f907a2a714494b52b45e9ac85e795d--attitude-of-gratitude-gratitude-quotes.jpg




    I live in a loving, abundant, harmonious universe and I am grateful








    Image result for psychedelic quotes08f3272609f9c464959cb40ac7c0d53e--mind-body-spirit-mind-body-soul.jpg


    • music ✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
      articles you may find interesting:
    • ~ Solfeggio Scale played to water resulted in uniquely patterned crystallizationin water
    • ~
      Isaac Newton had associated the 7 solfège syllables with the 7 colors of the rainbow and surmised that each color vibrated accordingly. Thus, red has the least amount of vibration while violet vibrates the most.



    Uplifting Music Real. by kyuubi Kurama in HDU




    Clarence Clemons solo

    (the first one entitled Oceans-4 min….really enjoy…though many tunes on the mix are very nice)


     Relaxing/Studying Music 3 HOURS Relaxing Music |

    Ambient Chillout | Background Study Spa Massage Sleep 3 HOURS Relaxing Music | 


    Real—-Uplifting Music


      • The Bounty of Life by SonicAid56 min 38 sec
        These songs use Alpha/Beta/Theta waves along with music to create the desired mental state.


    Cognition Enhancer For Clearer and Faster Thinking – Isochronic Tones 
    (Cognitive Enhancer comes with a statement to stay hydrated while listening.

    Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine & Endorphin Release – Binaural Beats + Isochronic Tones

    528 HZ Frequency Unlocks Feeling of Well-Being (With Music)
    Bob Thomason 
    Bob Thomason“1 hour

    528 Hz Love Frequency Healing DNA Repair Meditation Miracles Transformation Awakening Music

    Study Music

    throat chakra


    Alpha/Beta/Theta waves along with music


    • Faith vivid piano melodies and soothing orchestral strings combined with rhythmic drums that deliver an original cinematic feel link broken



     Uplifting Melodies(the first one entitled Oceans-4 min….really enjoy…though many tunes on the





    2018 Affirmations

    I Am abundant as never before, that I am now.

    love the affirmations with as never before, that I Am now. It brings abundance greater than I've experienced.. into the present moment.

    thank you Matt Kahn for this affirming inspiration!

    though I also like to add... forever more(:



    I see myself in my minds eye more fit than ever before - forever more.

    My life works beautifully. Everything in my Life works, now and forevermore.




    Wonderful PDF

    Affirmations 2018-Focused Routines




    BULLET JOURNAL youtube

    A Step-by-Step Guide:


    I expect to wake up rested and allowing a day that serves my most valued personal priorities.







    The Basics of LOA in excerpts from 2 articles

    ***excerpt from article 1*** ***~© 2010-2012 GoodVibeUniversity.com~***

    •  Pointing your attention where you want to go, and then doing what feels good.
    • It’s that simple. Because when we’ve got in mind what we want, and then we follow whatever inspirations we get, we’re home free. Pretty easy, right? Focus, then feel good.
    • I use three questions to help me do that – that process of focus, then feel good. Here are the questions:
    • What do I want?
    • What does that look like/feel like/ or sound like?
    • What sounds good/feels good next?
    • If you use those questions – even just on a daily basis – you will find things start going your way. Things will start happening, without you even working too hard for it. In fact, if you’re working too hard – that can slow the whole party up (see Slacker Manifesting if you want more support with that).
    • But those three questions will help you do the two things that matter most: focus and align. (Align is another word for feeling good. When we’re feeling good, we’re aligned. And when we’re aligned, that’s when we’re letting the good stuff in.)
    • So … What do I want? What does that feel like, look like, sound like? What sounds good next?
    • It’s a simple formula that will serve you extremely well.

    excerpt from article 2
    What I’m talking about is, embracing the skills of:



    • When we get good at those three things, we become really natural and incredibly powerful creators.
    • So even if you never practiced conscious creation, or never used the focus & feel good instruction, if all you did was get really good at appreciating, enjoying and allowing – you would naturally get what you want in life.
    • There are people out there proving that every day, too. You probably know some. Maybe you ARE one.
    • When we practice these three things, it’s like supercharging our manifesting. Things take off.
    • In a really good way.
    • *So in those moments when you ask yourself what you could do to better make your dreams come true, or to be better at this manifesting stuff, I’d invite you to ***check in on how well you are Appreciating, Enjoying, and Allowing._***
    • ** * ***Let’s look at each of those elements briefly:***
    • ~
    • ** * ***Appreciation***
    • ** * It’s one of the highest vibes you can flow – maybe even THE highest. It’s right up there with love, joy, inspiration and passion. It’s good juju. You want your life to be fueled with this stuff.
    • ** * Because think about it – since like attracts like, when you are in a state of appreciation, you naturally attract more stuff to appreciate. (It’s a cool cycle to be in! That’s how life just gets better and better and better!)
    • ** * And that’s why gratitude journaling is so popular – even in non LOA savvy circles – it’s a super powerful practice!
    • ** * For some of us it’s really easy to do the opposite –to see what’s going wrong, to complain about what’s happening. To anticipate problems or find fault with something.
    • ** * And that’s not what we want more of.
    • ** * We get whatever we focus on, so when we make it a habit to APPRECIATE, the forces that be respond by giving us more things to be happy about.
      • ** * Appreciation is such an incredibly powerful thing that if all you did as a deliberate creator was become a really good appreciator – you’d be golden. Really, it’s that big a deal.
      • ~



    This one is highly underrated in many cultures. For those of us who were raised to believe we had to earn our rewards, that we had to prove we were worthy and work hard for our success, or even that suffering or struggling is a virtue, this enjoyment principle can be a challenging one to activate.

    When we get good at those three things, we become really natural and incredibly powerful creators.

    article 2 manifesting 101


    Last is …


    • ** * You’ve heard that what you resist, persists? That’s because whatever we give attention to gets stronger.
    • ** * As long as I’m pushing against something, I’m making it stronger. Because that’s what my attention does – it creates, it empowers, it activates, it BECOMES.
    • ** * So I have to be able to let go the battle, and make some peace before anything can change. I hope that makes sense.
    • ** * It might not make sense intuitively, but when you see it in action, you’ll connect the dots easily.
    • ** * article 2 manifesting 101


    50 related Bmindful thread-list in process



    3-things-that-made-me-smile-today contributed by Vivi is ???

    three-little-things-in-life-you-enjoy contributed by SweetStrongSoul

    happiness-mtg 11-11-2015-sweet-dreams

    learn-to-profit-from-everything contributed by Robert

    Esther-and-Jerry-Hicks LOA contributed by Flowergirl

    10 kick-start-your-day-audio-affirmations

    11 andy-dooley-uplifting

    12 seeing-beauty-all-around

    13 moments-of-joy-and-laughter contributed by Nancee

    14 a-flow-of-gratitude-affirmations

    15 anyone for a game of foosball?

    16 happiness-cum-laude contributed by Robert

    17 remedy for overwhelm

    18 communication box

    19 what-a-wonderful-world contributed by Flowergirl

    20 you-matter-in-this-world contributed by Godscreation

    21 self-care

    22 selfcare-enthusiast

    23 3-things-youre-grateful-for-today

    24 I-need-a-dose-of-gratitude contributed by thebirds

    25 rampages of thought contributed by Robert

    26 flowerpower contributed by Flowergirl

    27 the-good-things-about-today contributed by Trinity

    28 better
    29 100 Questions

    30 today-i-intend contributed by Robert

    31 its-ok-to-be-me contributed by Godscreation
    32 release

    33 notes-from-the-universe contributed by SRWE

    to be continued


    I am loving this music as I'm creating this thread. It is a beautiful gift from flowergirl.

    I will change selections of everything on this thread as desired

    Other music threads in process

    Instrumental Moments {& Long Plays}

    wanted to create a table of contents of sorts for music, poetry& humor ... It will make it convenient for me to keep a link here(:


    threads from others coming soon...









    ~back to preparing for my work day

    motivation energy


    These questions below are a repeat of ones in first post

    • ~

    The default state
    3 Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever

    1. How can ‘it’ get any better than this? (any thing)



        2.What are the possibilities?


       3.What would ‘it’ take to show up?

    [not an exercise to force yourself to answer -just questions consistently]


    • ~


    will return to share significance to me in daily life these questions have


    Here at Bmindful we love quotes that resonate with us... I know I do!!!

    Here are some I wrote off the cuff the other day

     internally inspired... 

    quoting my heart.

    What a perfect gift food that we choose is.
    When we are fortunate enough to choose, choosing becomes the gift
    • ~


    • Taking care of ourselves is the essential love energy for taking care 
      of all t
      he precious details of life.

      When we feel organized, harmonious and joyful -we somehow have more for all
      we love in the most peaceful unpretentious, valued  and caring ways.


    • ~Loving our soulmate is the best feeling.
      It is more of a great feeling when compassion
      and love are fed to us first by ourselves...
      We may still desire and even need some things from our soulmate...
      though more content with everything
      -no matter what when we take good care of ourselves
      in better better better ways.
    Work often feels like a drudgery word of something to do... or a place to go.
    Though, we aren't what we do... we are what we are.
    • ~
    When we view our body as sacred or a temple-
    we keep it nourished with what we are believing best serves it.

    When we view our house a home-we fill it selectively
    in ways we best feel what we love from the inside out.

    When we choose something that doesn't fit...
    its suitability or lack of it becomes
    an easy choice to remove what doesn't benefit us
    • ~
    I am deserving... we all are.  It is from this place I love.
    • ~
    When acknowledging a need I allow
    myself the resources in my minds eye-view and feel it
    from my heart place...
    and manifesting is no mystery...
    The power in co-creation is just that...
    co-created as my inner being allows.
    • ~
    To Have, I Give myself a heartfelt reminder that giving with love...
    is joyful experience when it is done without expectations...
    Love is its own reward. It is felt before we know or see a specific result
    transmitted back in the universe.
    Taking care of my home  is the joy and ease of being in the moment with a life
    I enjoy


    Related imageImage result for quote pic law of attraction  playful  witness your experience dance bmindful pic


Discipline Is Self Love

Language Of Self Care ...1

Language Of SelfCare ...2

As I Began To Love Myself

Self Love ~Soul Food Series

Day 38

***Enjoying What’s Ahead, and I Don’t Mind Breaking a Sweat***

  • ~~ ✰~~





Mypassion for being in my life is strong because I know what I like to experience




5b9a55f1c7d34d89da0a1138e135c0ae.jpgImage result for zen to zany selfcare picce3dddc3fb78f818cd0107ded86a0070--bruce-lee-quotes-favorite-quotes.jpgRelated image
Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic

Total concentration is mine. I have the power to focus my concentration at will. I remain alert and focused. I easily block thoughts unrelated to what I am working on. My goal of super concentration is easily achieved.

I take care of my health and appearance

Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic






Image result for zen to zany selfcare pic

thread/videos 7-step-morning-ritual& more
video The Freedom of Self Discipline

  • ~

Affirmation July 19, 2016
I choose to be present and allow

I enjoy making way for everyday miracles.


  • ~

Moving forward feels excellent!

  • I am the co-creator of my life, I am fully involved in co-creating my life in a pleasing and harmonious way. ~this one is adapted from a Robert Burney affirmation
  • ~

I Am thankful for creating more and more space for greater understanding to be revealed

I Am a Spark of God I love that!



Affirmations are  my kind of challenge!(:

From earlier days of this challenge-though allowing for the present

Day 1
I am at peace just where I am.

  • Day 1
    mindfulness , being present in the nowappreciation

    I choose to live my life in the present moment because that is all that truly exists.

    • ~

    All clocks run at perfect speed for me.

    • ~
      All that matters is how I spend this moment.
    • ~
      I enjoy seeing all that feels right in this moment.
    • ~
      Gratitude and appreciation are habits that I nurture every day.

      Peace, Love , Joy & Present in The Present

      I am the cool, calm expression of peace and love

      I co-create peaceful experiences.

      I co-create my life… which includes of course all of my joy.

      I Am that which I seek.

      Thank you my God for this moment.

      I thank myself for allowing this moment, and being in this awesome now, of my life.

      I choose to create a personal environment that feeds and nurtures my positive emotions.

    • I continue successfully to choose to do the things that I know will improve my life.

      This Moment

      This moment, is where I am.

      Enjoying This Moment Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.

      Enjoying This Day 
      Greeting the day as fun-filled and full of growth and achievement is a conscious

    • Love
      My mind feels love.
      I love the growth I am experiencing and the joy that occurs freely as I am who I Am.
      I hold joyful conversations with myself and love the outcome of our chats
      I can create any routine I like, one cognitive brain thought and heart feeling at a time.
      I allow my routines of self -care to receive the love I love.
      I allow myself to be the love I Am.

      Being True To My Good Life

      I choose to do the things that I know will improve my life.

      I Am Aware Of All Of My Resources

      I can achieve all that I desire.

      Being True To My Heart of Hearts

      I align myself with what feels good and right in my spirit.

      I experience a wonderfully awesome day right down to my core of who I Am.


      I love my partnership with Ease.

      Everyday Miracles

      I see the miracle in every day.

      I see the miracle in my day

      I see the miracle of life.

      I see the miracle of all life.

      I see the miracle in my life.

      I see the miracle in you.


      Honesty & Trusting Self

      I love my commitments I have made with myself.

      Today I care for me with a foundation of compassion and love.

      Today I am choosing things for myself that demonstrate that I Am on my side always.

      Today I start with my thoughts, and I review my beliefs.

      Today I allow my actions to match up awesomely with my personal values.

      I trust me.

      I choose thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving and positive way so well!
      Everything I do increasingly aligns with my self-care, self-value, and
      , and self-worth

      I Am creating perfectly awesome solutions for my current projects.
      Today I allow my self-care actions to match up awesomely with my personal values.
      I choose to care well for me, and see the beautiful places it takes me.
      Now I know what it really means to live with awesome committed discipline for areas that truly matter to me..

      Image result for harold becker quote pics love kindness


      I am rested, well fed and am enjoying my choice to align with my values.

      It is a great day to be me and create a day that demonstrates this

      related pdf’s


        • ~
          I am grateful for my ever growing ability to feel and express gratitude


      Thank you for the capacity that I have to think, feel, speak and focus on what I am grateful for

      I am thankful for all of the good that is being continuously offered to me

      I am thankful for the habits that I am developing and manifesting in my life

      I am grateful that I am able to turn away from complaining, blame, criticism and negative emotion

      I am grateful that I am always free to choose my response to the world around me

      I am thankful that I am able to be grateful for the things in my life, that I may not have quite yet

      I’m grateful that I live with an eye of faith, gratitude and abundance

      I am thankful for the joy that I feel within me, and the peace and the faith I have as my companions

      I am truly grateful that I often think and feel the words ‘thank you’ in my heart

      truly love raylenebyrne affirmations! I claim them from my heart


      I Am Loving The Fun I’m Having With My Projects Today

      I found awesome ways to enjoy what I’m creating/doing today


      I Continue To Do My Part To Create A Really Good Day, and Hand The Rest Over To God With Ease.

      Yesterday was awesome, and look forward to this day.

      TODAY is the best day ever.

      Wow, I love how making a decision for what really matters to me and living it… creates such an awesome place to come from!


      I Do My Part To Create A Really Good Day, and Hand The Rest Over To God With Ease.

      I begin each day with renewed peace of mind.

      I breathe out all stress and apprehension, and breathe in complete peace and well-being

      I can feel the tranquility in every moment.

      I easily connect with my inner peace whenever I desire.

      I love how enjoying a peaceful and harmonious environment creates one.

      I visualize peaceful experiences in my life.

      Total calm and contentment fill every cell of my being.


      I Enjoy Starting My Day Off Right

      intention Appreciating Self

      10-morning-affirmations create awesome day


      I am enjoying who I Am, and the world is brighter and more beautiful too

      At the core of my being, I am deeply peaceful,immensely loving, infinitely wise and profoundly contented

      This is the day, the Lord hath made, and I rejoice in blessing after blessing

      Loving how wonderful it is to give from my heart.

      Imaginative heart-filled ways to give to others arrives in my thoughts …now …with ease.

    • I allow my pace to move with the beautiful rhythm of the universe, and my actions to be in harmony of my hearts desires

      I allow my pace to move with the beautiful rhythm of the universe

      I feel good

      I enjoy my moments, my day, my life

      I am appreciative of all that is here

      I take the time to be truly appreciative and can feel the joy ahead

      Today Is a Wonderful Day to Appreciate. It’s a New Day

      I love the crisp freshness of of this new day.

      I bring in what I enjoy that works, and create a space for something even more incredible.

      Today Is a Wonderful Day to Appreciate & Celebrate Myself, Others and Law of Action


      DETAILED GOAL CHARThttp://www.positivethinking-toolbox.com/goal-chart.html
      goal-tracking              http://www.positivethinking-toolbox.com/goal-tracking.html

      Today Is a Wonderful Day to Celebrate
      affirmation … I am over the top- appreciative.

        • ~
          note: I rejoice because its ridiculous not to. (:

          Implementing What I Need/Desire*
          affirmation -> I rejoice in the process of creating perfect changes in my life

          • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            Not sure where I originally received these basic though valuable questions…but use them when I write in evening:
            Sleep – What do you feed your subconscious mind when you sleep?

          Think – What thoughts feed your conscious mind during the day?

          Eat – Did you eat healthy or unhealthy foods today?

          Physical – Did you get any physical activity today?

          Spirit – Did you nourish your spiritual muscles?

      Enjoying What’s Ahead

      • ~~ ✰~~
        I Am allowing this great day to show up in perfectly great ways.



        • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          love peaceful mom how-to-actually-get-stuff-done-my-plan-for-this-week


      ***_PEOPLE_*** – activities that promote relationship with the people I love

      ***_PASSION_*** – activities and experiences which enable me to enjoy life

      ***_PURPOSE_*** – tasks that enable me to fulfill my purpose in life

      ***_PROJECTS_*** – priority tasks that need to be finished this week
      the PeacefulMom © 2009-2014 Kimberlee Stokes – ThePeacefulMom.com – All rights reserved. – The Peaceful Mom

        • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          quote✰Think of every single thing that we ‘have to’ do to get through a day as something that we ‘get to’ do… before our turn is over. Everything is a gift. by Mike Dooley

      Day 23
      ***Ideal Day/Ideal Life/Ideal Surroundings***


      I create my surroundings w/peaceful, inspiring & creative order

      I fuel my desires with unlimited belief, and accept that they are already manifesting for me.
      I accept with joy and pleasure and gratitude all the good that Life offers me

      Day 22

      Affirmation/Intention : All is well, and I make regular choices which allow me to see this in action even more.

      ideal week

      Day 21
      ***Here’s to mornings (afternoons & evenings) and being right where I Am ->to be where I want to go!***
      Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.

      Day 20
      ***Here’s to mornings and enjoying!***

      I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything
      I am in control of my health and wellness. I am always successful because success is a divine quality of spirit, and spirit is what I am

      Day 18

      ***Awesomeness Appreciation***

      I have awesome appreciation for life, and my life and others.

      I love the space I have created for life; this life that is meeting my greatest good. So appreciative for what is here and being revealed in my spirit.


      Day 17

      ***Waking up to a wonderful new day***

      I am well and thrive

      I co-create and enjoy

      I plan and all is delivered as appreciated.

      note: got up to do a few needed things, and then went back to sleep for some needed rest. Love my rest(:

      later created and enjoyed an awesome meal. ***I LOVE SELF-CARE**

      Day 16

      ***Appreciating Progress and Visible and not So Visible Transformation/Shifts***

      Everything that is happening now is happening for my greatest good.

      I love the growth I am experiencing and the joy that occurs freely as I am who I Am.

      note: none yet(:


      ***_By nurturing myself , my disposition has a positive frequency for being present for others._***

      ***_I hold joyful conversations with myself and love the outcome of our chats_***

      ***_With delightful love and goodness I allow joyous, belief and hope-filled communication with myself and others_***

      ***_I always have enough energy and time to share my thoughts, and even more time and space to listen and respond from a fresh place of love for others delivering their own awesome self._***

      ***_I Am Divine Presence expressing as Compassion, Sincerity, Peace and Clarity. I know what I need to do, and am Divinely guided and supported in doing it. Thank You Loving Creator. And it is so_***





      • Affirmations
        I can create any routine I like, one cognitive brain thought and heart feeling at a a time


        • wow! I’ve maintained this routine on the site and aside from the site… for 2 weeks! If I can create this routine, I can create any(:


      That miracle is my cognitive brain programming the habits in the automatic habit brain. Once the habits are programmed, they are remembered forever. Tom G. Stephens Ph.D

      Day 13
      ***Honest To Goodness Self Care***

      • Affirmations
        Today I allow my routines of self care to receive the love I love.

      Today only goodness, because I deserve to listen to my honesty of my spirit, my body, and life



      Day 11

      I still love all of my feelings

      One feeling I love is that of lightheartedness and enjoying life

      I feel lightheartedness right now

      My heart is light. I allow myself to be open to the kaleidoscope pieces of joyfulness in everyone and everything

      I allow lots of lighthearted laughter, it’s simply liberating.

      I express my prosperity, choosing to give freely, with a soul centered love that is the result from a joyous surrender.

        • ~


      1 affirmation a day, who are you kidding?

      note… will return



added these 

  • post 1

{intro & thread in process}


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#affirmations  #loa perfection #loa



Videos, Pics,Thoughts,Affirmations,Intentions....

page 1



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Personalizing Inner Peace

1. How can ‘it’ get any better than this? (any thing)

2. What are the possibilities?

3. What would ‘it’ take to show up?

[not an exercise to force yourself to answer -just questions consistently]


Things that make me think of love or even just the love that all people should have for one another.

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Related image




Things that make me think of love or even just the love that all people should have for one another.


1.Today is a good day. A day I value  even more because I can see in my minds eye I will do things I have desired to do and now doing.


2.Today I see and feel the expansive accommodating space...which has wonderfully been carved out for these actions I Am taking today



Image result for mindfulness affirmation pics

4. Today in each moment I am present and allowing wonderful feelings for all coming to fruition.

{to be continued}

5. Today is the day, I am allowing thoughts and feelings to surface to create new beginnings in my new goals journal.

Related imagewriting-affirmation.jpg

Mooie spreuken | Tekst: klinkt vrij logisch. Door henfem

Image result for thoughts actions aligned pic


And if a negative thought will enter, I will say cancel, and it will be gone



Today is the day I Am allowing only the best of everything for myself,

and those I love so dearly.


6. Today is the day, I assist my spouse any way he needs for the goals he is working on and the ones we would enjoy as a couple.

30.jpgRelated image



  •  #1 Goal setting worksheet for couples
    Here’s the simple worksheet we have used to assist. The worksheet is a few pages long because it provides space for us to document shared goals and individual goals.
    Goal Setting for Couples Worksheet
    Step 1
    Several dimensions of life are listed in the first column. For each dimension, brainstorm goals you would like to achieve. You’re brainstorming, so don’t place limits on the number or nature of the goals you list. Identify goals you’d like to target personally in the second column and goals you’d like to target as a couple in the third column. 
    to read entire PDF
  •  PDF to sign up for#2 wonderful workbook that another member posted…though must sign up to receive

♥¸.•¸.•˚¨) ¸.•˚¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰

{to be continued}




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Image result for thoughts actions aligned pic

Image result for dr. hank affirmation intention pics

Image result for dr hank vibration action future pic quote affirmation

Image result for matt kahn moment of acceptance




Gif Amour, passion

{intro & thread in process}

Related image

Image result for dr. hank affirmation intention pics

Image result for affirmations intentions thoughts pics

She turned her can'ts into cans and her dreams into plans


mixed media




Whimsical Art - Live Your Dream - Inspirational Art - Motivational Wall Art - Mixed Media Collage Art - Women Art - Giclee Art Print - Quote



I live today as I would like myself to be living tomorrow.



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Image result for quotes about being intuitive





























 Healthy Thoughts

{ thread in process}



The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it.



Make it your purpose to give away as much of your love and joy as you can.







I have allowed and co-created an awesome space in time for all I need to be,to know and to do in this moment.Image result for thoughts actions aligned pic




ð Alignment Before Action ð This a lesson I learn over and over again.  When hasty or in a negative mood, my actions are not aligned with my true self. We are all bound to stumble into this lesson as we indulge in a bad moo

Image result for thoughts actions aligned pic

Go Within

Today I Am imagining my joyful life. It is beautiful!!

{to be continued}


Daily Thoughts.... {thread in process}



I Let Go 




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{thread in process}

[♥♫♥✿♥  MORE VIDEOS♥♫♥✿♥


Feel Great

I Feel It


I Love Life


I Am Grateful

Create Your Own Reality




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Image result for quotes about being intuitive




{thread in process}


lots of great pics are gone from this thread-no prob.laughing

took out the blanks(:

˚Leveraging Energy/Resilience [CynthiaAckrill]


  • ☆1 Optimizing and sustaining performance with resilience to cope with the inevitable stressors of life is really a matter of leveraging energy- becoming aware of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy levels and finding ways to regularly renew energy expended.
    Raise Awareness – ***Create a ritual of checking in with yourself-*** monitoring your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy/state, perceived stress level. You can’t change it if you aren’t aware.
  • ~
  • ☆2. Cool Down to Power Up! –learn and practice an in-the-moment ritual to cool down your amygdala, your stress reaction, and power up your frontal lobe and energy. There are multiple choices- ***the key is to make it a habit that takes no effort.***
  • ~
  • ☆3. Create and Commit to Long Range Stress Strategies –
    1. ***_Commit to a meeting with yourself dedicated to this_***
    2. Identify your values, strengths, purpose (your why)
    3. Create a word/phrase/mantra that reminds you of your why
    4. Do and energy/stress audit
    5. Create strategies to balance your energy, choose your perspective and strengthen your resilience

■1. Start/middle/end with your WHY – let your values and purpose guide your choices and boundaries.
■2. Create habits, rituals to keep your WHY perspective- this develops mindfulness.
■3. Put self-care first. Weekly, put YOU on your calendar.
■4. Continue to build self-awareness. Be brave and ask for input.
■5. Operate from your strengths.
■6. ***Know your needs & create habits to meet them.***

  • ~.
    to read more: ***http://www.cynthiaackrill.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/STRATEGIES-FOR-RESILIENCE-Worksheet-Newtown-Educators-3-22-14.pdf***
    ■9. Practice your best mindset – positive, curious, mindful, accepting.
    ■10. Practice self-compassion. Thank your inner critic, and ask him/her to step aside.
  • ~
    ■13. Practice focus/distraction management. (Multipurpose instead of multitask!)
    ■14. Integrate work/life- this is the future, get creative!
    ■15. Don’t add to the stress epidemic.
    ■16. Celebrate more!!!!!!
  • ~
    to read more: ***http://www.cynthiaackrill.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/STRATEGIES-FOR-RESILIENCE-Worksheet-Newtown-Educators-3-22-14.pdf***
  • ~
    “ bio”:http://www.cynthiaackrill.com/aboutcindiackrill/
    Speaker-Leadership Coach-Stress ExpertSend Message828-777-9730
    Cynthia Ackrill M.D. is a leader in the field of stress management and an expert in the critical relationships between lifestyle choices, performance capacities, and leadership effectiveness. As the only physician trained in neuroscience and wellness and leadership coaching, she travels the world to teach better ways to lead and thrive in the face of stress and constant change.

She is dedicated to finding real life strategies based in neuroscience and the science of human performance and to making the learning process engaging and fun

thread you may like to visit a shift of mind LOA & a bit of Psychology focus

video you may appreciate(:


  • ~

►•I listen to my body and heed its needs.
►•I thank my body for my continued well-being.
►•I send love and appreciation to all the cells of my body.
►•My body maintains itself in perfect health.
►•My whole body vibrates with optimum health and energy.
►•My body thanks me for looking after it.

5 types of affirmations
- – Releasing/Cleansing Affirmations
- – Receiving/Accepting Affirmations
- – Being/Intending Affirmations
- – Acting/Claiming Affirmations
- – Integrating/Embodying

    • ~



Like all of us, I have many things I’m paving a way for(:

Though my top area is being true to myself and do mind/body/spirit work for my self care.

I have found being satisfied with who you are is wonderful… though leaving out true footwork (like you’ve mentioned) causes complacency for even the most basic things that ‘we’ve’ come to know that works/helps.

So my goal is truly doing what it takes for what I know that works, and be open to staying up on learning more for areas that go with this.

I often don’t think I need any support in this area, because I know with or without others I do need to take care of me well… Though, I’ve decided to utilize your thread to move forward more

g bold flashcards

today I’m reviewing all (I’m aware of) that I want to incorporate in my basics/routines.
Thanks Success n Freedom for this awesome thread!
I want to thank flowergirl also who recently shared how bringing back supporting on threads more is a wonderful thing!


as mentioned above – the first one is kind of broad…it is firming up some very basic vital health & home areas (for me) -my exercising, meal planning, “reorganizing” my home like a vision board of joy, comfort and health(define a bit more later) . I write lots to gain clarity.

the second one is a an area which will require more research that pertains to (not so future-) future

2. per your great thoughts… above I will place this where I will see it even more everyday .

3. I actually have wanted to do even more with my vision boards… so your thread has lifted me there(:

4. wow, I like the part about putting my picture in the activity
5. visualizing and feeling… more ok(:

6. sub goals … more sub goals… and see myself doing this!!!!

I have a plan-thanks Success n Freedom…
and I am truly grateful,

It isn’t that we don’t know how…

Sometimes there are too many things going on… and need to clear things out to keep it simple(: you’re are awesome!


I’m ready(:


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We are always creating… fun, focus & footwork are very relevant!

thanks for this thread!(: very helpful and inspiring…

looking forward to taking in this thread ….& as it continues…. too



Thank You.


  1. Whatever I am feeling is fine. 
  2. Today I Am the freedom that allows the love I Am.
  3. In this moment life is good and this moment is all there is.
  4. I release assumptions, obligations and patterns that do not support my Soul's joy.
  5. The quality that I bring into this moment defines the quality of my life.

    music  and affirmations  










music  and affirmations  
















Current List  
Sacred Productivity

Allowing Joy To Go To Work With You {any kind of work}

Whatever I am feeling Is fine.
heart thought

Perfectly Energizing-This Day This Week Present Moment



Allowing Joy To Go To Work With You {any kind of work}

Whatever I am feeling Is fine.
heart thought


Thank You.




Motivation& Alignment Threads  
Allowing Joy To Go To Work With You {any kind of work}

Whatever I am feeling Is fine.
heart thoughts the energy of our love & peace
heart thoughts-empowering self affirmation

Feeling How You Choose With Intent {affirmations}

home decor frequencies

affirmations-allowing,focusing & inspiring action

virtually unlimited gratitude {quotes}

gentle & grateful while creating more new patterns
feeling how you choose with intent
looking forward to summer joy

ease into your joy
flowing like you are a butterfly
choose 3 present moment affirmations
dwelling in complete alignment...1
heart thoughts -joyfully,powered..1
joy of peaceful empowerment ...1
gentle pastels with magic all their own
Threads To Return To  
in the flow with today's intentions  
Ease & Productivity
Joyful Spirit- Fun Love Light
music & music  Threads  

more music coming soon

Links & Quotes  

Clarity about priorities — who you want to be and what you want to do
Organizing your time — planning specific activities to accomplish those priorities
Executing the plan — following through with intention and doing what you say you will do Kathy Paauw
Kathy Paauw’s Blog & The Music of Your Heart
Kathy Pauuw tips & tools
Kathy Paauw declutter
Kathy Paauw tickler file

Organized Times





Productivity Threads  
Sacred Productivity Quotes & Affirmations  
Affirmation Threads  






1 – Your Vision Map-video

2 – Making the Growth Choice-video

3 – The Way of Peace-video

4 – Heart Intelligence-video

5 – The Freedom of Self-Discipline-video

6 – Embracing This Present Moment-video

7 – Accepting and Loving Your Body-video

8 – Healthy Relationships-video

9 – Unleashing Your Creativity-video

10 – Gifts of Gratitude and Blessing-video
UK Extension’s Universe of PossibilitiesTM: Skills for Creating Happiness and Blessing Others is an educational series containing 10 modules. Each module is accompanied by a Macromedia Flash® movie, aPowerPoint® presentation, and other teaching tools. All theseresources, along with a Facilitator’s Guide, are available free-of-charge in camera-ready format



Face it the more we learn the more there is a market to attempt or truly assist us. This thread is a list of products we run across or have actually used.
EMG Protection
Best Teeth and Gum Products I’ve Ever Used




I am more and more able to mindfully bring myself back to the present moment and live and thrive from this place.



I am Able, Accepting, Calm, and Caring

My inner vision is always clear and focused.

I am consciously and subconsciously acknowledging my abilities , and joyously willing to comply with what I know that works


Life agrees with me.

I keep finding an inner source of strength and comfort in and beyond my soul

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I now clearly & completely see, know & understand what I need to do nownew-moment.jpg

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I am grateful for this miraculous key to confidence, energy and energetic effectiveness.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I know my journey consists of experiences just right for me

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I make this a memorable day by meeting every experience with strength, courage and confidence.




affirmations in process










POST 2☑ 





Enjoying This Moment Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.

I have made perfect sense of the language of my heart and I heed its wise guidance.




















 Image result for carefree vibrations affirmations  pic











Threads  Ease




Threads  Ease


I go to the inner place where there is no challenge,and abide in the consciousness of peace joy.


I fully absorb, assimilate and utilize the blessed intelligence which heals and empowers me completely.


This Moment... This moment, is where I am.295332ee66af585f5c4851c910c556be--finding-peace-life-rules.jpg9b38ad253d8bee5cce1999bbe558248b--affirmations.jpg4dbcaa463a5e53bfe821fd8ee7c90d4d--louise-hay-affirmations-daily-affirmations.jpgDay-26-of-30-Days-of-Positive-Affirmations-Carefree-700x350.jpg




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I Am experiencing the awesome Goodness, Joy, Resourcefulness and Liberation of surrendering to Higher Power which now is charging up my God-consciousness

“I am centered and calm. Information flows to me.”
“I understand what is needed. I know what I need to do.”
“My focus is clear. My attention flows to one thing at a time.”
“I focus on this task only. This task is easy.”
“I take joy in doing one thing at a time.”

I Love Affirming

Joyous new ideas are circulating freely within me.


I have at least ten fully formed, useful ideas every day which are all clearly documented and implemented.



my mind is letting all these great ideas in!!

I am equal to this task. I have the answer within me.

I act with high intention and purposeful awareness

Positive thoughts bring me benefits and advantages.

I love taking responsibility for my own happiness. I love to see the results!

I am blessed and loved and free to be me!

This moment is the beginning of the rest of my life! Yes!

Joy is the real fabric of my being.

I believe in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life.

I acknowledge a world beyond my senses, a truth beyond my intellect, a wisdom beyond logic, a power beyond my limits, a serene design despite any distressing display


I vibrate to the frequencies of love and acceptance of myself and others I am prepared for an abundance of love and happiness.

When appropriate I work in blocks of times during which I stay focused and, concentrated on the task at hand

























Everything works together for good. I greet this new day with a song of happiness and hope in my heart. I thank my most loving God for the freedom to determine my life and my victories. My passion is the key to my abundance. Everything in my life has brought me to this moment, and it is perfect.

Every cell in my body is filled with Light. I give thanks for radiant timeless ageless health and content inner spirit.


So many blessings. 

Thank YOU God for letting us know what is valuable and important 

 It’s lovely to focus on how wonderful our lives are! I like accepting myself  and that I want to inspire myself and hopefully someone else at sometime.

 I love to ease into my day with thoughts of appreciation…(BIG) Things I need to get done… are from my heart place... are inspired and start getting done.

I love how this day begins to already show itself with love and beauty as I see what I love and love what I see.

I ease into enthusiasm and that feels great to me…because I can recall how I co-created the experience and it gives me hope that this is a tool that is there for me.

I love much…and love how I can focus my love on ways that bring the best out in me, and can bring my better self out to play(: I love how wonderful it is that a wonderful life is anything I feel it is…and the people who are close to me feel good sharing what they love too.

And even acquaintances in my daily experiences seem to want to exchange what they’re smiling about…or the hope of a better day. I love that!



So many blessings. 

Thank YOU God for letting us know what is valuable and important 

 It’s lovely to focus on how wonderful our lives are! I like accepting myself  and that I want to inspire myself and hopefully someone else at sometime.

 I love to ease into my day with thoughts of appreciation…(BIG) Things I need to get done… are from my heart place... are inspired and start getting done.

I love how this day begins to already show itself with love and beauty as I see what I love and love what I see.

I ease into enthusiasm and that feels great to me…because I can recall how I co-created the experience and it gives me hope that this is a tool that is there for me.

I love much…and love how I can focus my love on ways that bring the best out in me, and can bring my better self out to play(: I love how wonderful it is that a wonderful life is anything I feel it is…and the people who are close to me feel good sharing what they love too.

And even acquaintances in my daily experiences seem to want to exchange what they’re smiling about…or the hope of a better day. I love that!
























I am always successful because success is a divine quality of spirit, and spirit is what I Am.

My outer life is a projection of my inner thoughts. Each day I examine both and am satisfied.

Today I feel the presence
of Divine Love flowing through me.

ღI am consciously and subconsciously acknowledging my abilities, and joyously willing to comply with all that I know that works!  


 Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today.




Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I freely attend to what is important and valuable to me…and wonderful things keep happening(:

Image result for Sacred Productivity pic quotes

ღI am exactly where I want to be to continue where I feel I truly will enjoying going

Enjoying This Day Greeting
the day as fun-filled and full of growth and
achievement is a conscious choice

Today I Am filled with Divine Light.

Today I Am free of cares as I once referred to them

ღMy energetic field fills up with feelings I like, and emotional states I enjoy. I embody the fullness of my life and acknowledge the blessings here for me. I understand that love underlies all challenges and all interactions

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷI’m enjoying the flow of doing what is right for me.



Be-ing What You Love


7 Step Morning Routines & More





ღI now choose to experience the sweetness of today.

Today I Am nurtured and fulfilled, content and blessed. 

I see what I love, and I love what I see.

I allow myself to be in perfect peace.

ღI accept all the pleasure life has to offer.

ღI allow life to flow through me.



ღI am inspired to write my heart felt creative truth. I begin it now.















Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I am allowing my heart to feel more and more joy-connected with each fresh new moment. All moments are fresh and new


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I freely attend to what is important and valuable to me…and wonderful things keep happening (: 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I’m conscious of my time…and can see how to engage in my morning, to add/create more ease for my day.






 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I forgive those who hypnotized me into unreal fears and stagnation.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I draw upon ever-renewing sources of lively energy within me.

 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ All is exactly …take that back…even better than I thought it would be Thank You God!

 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I am on point …oh so ready …& willing to take excellent care of myself within the many ways I know how to do this.

  • ~

Each day is a gift and I will celebrate that gift each and every day.
I have the energy and passion to make my thoughts reality
I vibrate to the frequencies of love and acceptance of myself and others I am prepared for an abundance of love and happiness.
I seize every moment with renewed creativity.
My being is cradled in the rhythms of the universe.
I express my prosperity, giving freely, with love and enthusiasm.
All my blessings attract more blessings.
I am inspired by life.
My heart is light. I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything
I am in control of my health and wellness.

I now express my creativity in my own unique way.
I give thanks for the blessings in my life.

I am a miracle in action!
nI am filled with Divine Light, Joy, and Prosperity.
Today is full of miracles.
I have a sharp memory and clear thoughts
I possess an abundance of creativity and energy

I allow myself awesome growth through loving all I know and will know as joyous bliss.

I liberate my life by following the joyful & goodness path.

 I confidently manage the circumstances of my life

 I love how ease is playing such a large part in my universe…getting things I need focused on… getting adequate attention, quality-completeness for this moment in time.
 I become aware of and sustain my creative connection with life today


 At the core of my being, I am deeply peaceful,immensely loving, growing exponentially,and profoundly contented.

 An ambivert is normally comfortable with groups and enjoys social interaction, but also relishes time alone and away from the crowd; a person who falls in the middle of an introvert and an extrovert.

I'm definitely an ambivert. I'm not more introvert than I am extrovert. I am exactly what an ambivert is, yes I like to go out and have fun but I definitely like my alone time too.

Somedays I show more qualities of one or the other, but I think everyone has their days ~quote author unknown








  • ~


Jung was of the idea there was a 'middle' group. The Ambivert

Ambiversion-The Forgotten Personality Type



  • ~Carl Jung states there are no pure introverts or extroverts. He says certain circumstances bring out more of one than the other...And overall we will have a tendency to be more 1  than the other..Right now, I'm leaning toward ambivert-ion(:
  • The majority of us have traits of both personalities which are contextually driven. In other words, the majority of our behavior is a result of our interactions with a situation. by Mateo Sol 


 →   I look forward to my projects and blocks of time to continue creating.
  →   My energies are molded for the accomplishment of what I need today.
  →   Intuitive answers come to me spontaneously, simultaneous with my own heart's true, pure desire.
  →   My creativity is alive in all aspects of my life
  →   Even little things are important when done with love.
  →   I re-examine my thoughts, beliefs and feelings to make sure they match what I am asking the universe to provide.
  →   By reviewing my wonderful detailed lists and notes, I have gained magnificent inspired simplified action.
  →   Wow!!! This is awesome how I continuously get so much of what I have wanted done with complete ease and joy.
  →   My ideas known to me and new ones coming are creating major enthusiasm.
  →   I am full of creative, wonderful, prosperous, ideas.
  →   I make good decisions that will ensure my future happiness.
  →   I love my readiness for things that really matter to me.
  →   Whatever I need is simply there when I need it.
  →   Joyous new ideas are circulating freely within me.
  →   my mind is letting all these great ideas in!!
  →   I am equal to this task. I have the answer within me.
  →   I act with high intention and purposeful awareness
  →   Positive thoughts bring me benefits and advantages.
  →   I am blessed and loved and free to be me!
  →   This moment is the beginning of the rest of my life! Yes!
  →   Joy is the real fabric of my being.
  →   I believe in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life.
  →   I acknowledge a world beyond my senses, a truth beyond my intellect, a wisdom beyond logic, a power beyond my limits, a serene design despite any distressing display
  →   I fully absorb, assimilate and utilize the blessed intelligence which heals and empowers me completely.
  →   When appropriate I work in blocks of times during which I stay focused and, concentrated on the task at hand
  →   I vibrate to the frequencies of love and acceptance of myself and others I am prepared for an abundance of love and happiness.
  →   I am a being of infinite power.
  →   I have at least ten fully formed, useful ideas every day which are all clearly documented and implemented.
  →   I recognize and honor Divine Spirit to be omnipresent and lovingly all around me every day.
  →   My highest good is manifesting in my life right now
  →   I work from a place of power. I have goodness on my side, and I have Spirit in my corner. Perfect outcomes happening for me, as I allow this Holy Spark within to Be.
  →   Through faith, my weak times become my peak times.
  →   I am responsive to life-enhancing ideas and apply them in my life.
  →   I am the conscious creator of my reality.
  →   I love being healthy.
  →   You are a, gorgeous, intelligent, beautiful, and divine being. All those understandings, flow smoothly into your life with infinite and quintessential abundance. Your appreciation is infinite.
  →   I love taking responsibility for my own happiness. I love to see the results!
  →   I am filled with overflowing gratitude for all the abundance and miracles in my life.
  →   My vision is definite, my purpose is fixed, my faith is steady, and my gratitude is deep.
  →   I am joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
  →   I create my world with the thoughts I think
  →   my thoughts are pure, my mind is strong, my intuition is flowing with my positive vibrations, my life is wildly successful with abundance
  →   The plan of my life reveals itself naturally
  →   I stand in open communication, I hear the voice of the Universe with clarity
  →   I open myself up to the magic and wonderment of creation daily.
  →   I am energized every morning to start my day.
  →   Right HERE, right NOW, in THIS moment, I AM completely centered.
  →   When I awake in the morning I give thanks to a new day
  →   My dominant morning thoughts are of positively intending this day
  →   I wake up each and every morning refreshed and renewed.
  →   I am all that I desire to be in this moment.
  →   Everything in my life is in Divine Order now.
  →   I AM deeply centered and peaceful in life.
  →   I love how my path, my pace, and my process have my perfect specifications for all my needs.
  →   I take sufficient time for rest and renewal.
  →   I am fully appreciative of the complete freedom of being a conscious creator!
  →   I love drinking plenty of water daily
  →   FEELING BETTER with each passing moment
  →   Love how today was meant for me to ease into and create.
  →   I Have a Dream....and I LIVE IT !
  →   The Universe supports my every effort
  →   The odds always favor me
  →   I am capable of accomplishing all my dreams.
  →   I have the ability to simplify and eliminate the unnecessary.
  →   I prosper wherever I turn.
  →   I am inspired
  →   I accomplish more and more each day with ease.
  →   I can accomplish anything I set my mind on
  →   I now clearly & completely see, know & understand what I need to do now
  →   I have great ideas about the things I want to change
  →   I Am putting my attention on the things that move me into higher vibration.
  →   I am Focused and Disciplined.
  →   I am living in an environment that supports my mental, emotional and spiritual well being.
  →   I FOCUS completely on what I am doing, and I am happiest when meeting and exceeding PERSONAL GOALS.
  →   I focus my power. I change my life.
  →   I am moving forward quickly and accomplishing more each day
  →   I give generously, and receive graciously.
  →   I can and I will!
  →   I am capable of creating and maintaining a great life, and I'm worthy of the effort.
  →   I am my best friend, and I never let me down.
  →   I can change my destiny by changing my thoughts
  →   I always take full responsibility for my life and where it is going. I choose my path.
  →   I can change. I will change. I am changed.
  →   I see open doors
  →   creating a beautiful life is a beautiful process
  →   I create a daily routine that gives me a sense of flow
  →   I am fully prepared and totally confident in all situations
  →   Repetition is the key
  →   I consistently choose the best activity to immerse myself in fun & relaxation.
  →   My mind creates an image of my body that is always vital, healthy, beautiful and strong.
  →   I bring my life and aspirations into focus and allow my destination to appear.
  →   I lovingly nurture myself in all that I do and all that I am.
  →   Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.
  →   My wisdom gives me the ability to perceive, believe and proceed.
  →   I choose to choose whatever I am desiring and co-create the life I love.
  →   My life is a sacred journey
  →   Today my health speaks to me in wonderful routines
  →   Its easier and takes less effort to perform tasks.
  →   Less effort is required to perform all tasks.
  →   Total concentration is mine. I have the power to focus my concentration at will. I remain alert and focused. I easily block thoughts unrelated to what I am working on. My goal of super concentration is easily achieved.
  →   Today is about listening to my heart, this guides me peacefully and joyfully every time!
  →   I intuitively know how to focus better and better now
  →   I am seen as being speedy at performing tasks with less effort.
  →   Love how if not this awesome moment, something magnificently better.
  →   Life brings me only positive experiences.
  →   I am happy just being myself.
  →   I perceive my life as a vacation; wonderful pleasurable moments and experiences just waiting for me.
  →   I create my own happiness and I expect my life to overflow with it.
  →   Everything is working out for my highest good;out of this situation only good will come; I am as safe as always
  →   I acknowledge that I am a peaceful soul. I allow the peace within my soul to guide all my thoughts and actions.
  →   I stay completely focused and connected to my deepest desires which are reflected in the daily actions I take
  →   I am loving a foundation of self-care; from there I can enjoy anywhere.
  →   its only a thought and a thought can be changed
  →   I appreciate my life and everyone in it
  →   I am always treated with kindness, consideration, and respect.
  →   I move with ease through time and space
  →   Only love surrounds me
  →   Life responds to my intention
  →   I know what I desire; I ask for it, and receive it
  →   My goals come to fruition
  →   Every day, in every way, I keep getting better and better
  →   I appreciate and love my body
  →   I give and receive love effortlessly
  →   I am unique, loved and free.
  →   I am responsible for my own attitude.
  →   I am at the right place, in the right time, with the right people..
  →   I Am a unique design created by love.
  →   There is no part of me,and no place I can be, that is not sacred
  →   I attract only Peace and Peaceful People into my life.
  →   I am creating a world that is always in support of me.
  →   Whatever I am feeling is fine.
  →   Today was good and looking forward to tomorrow.
  →   My path to my highest priorities are clear and paved by my heart.
  →   I trust my mind will always know and apply only the best information that best completes the task. I am smart and intelligent.
  →   "Never put anyone out of your heart." ~ Neem Karoli Baba.
  →   Every Champion was once a contender who refused to give up.
  →   I Practice my affirmations like the most powerfully joyful and quite serious game I know.
  →   I love my choice to move in life with ease, enjoying every step of the way.
  →   I possess an endless supply of creativity, energy and tolerance for any project that I assume.
  →   What I'm Grateful for matters! I align my intentions with my Gratitude. I manifest greater love, harmony and synchronicity in my life!
  →   Today, I will concentrate on taking one step forward, however small
  →   I am trusting my vision and work to manifest it.
  →   I take positive personal ACTion to REALize my own blessed dreams and desires.
  →   Today and everyday, I choose to prosper without limit! I now release all lack and limitation thinking, and welcome the free-flowing gifts of the Universe!!
  →   I am the creator of my time.
  →   we are always right where we are suppose to be & getting better all the time
  →   Giving and receiving love unconditionally is Love.
  →   I Am tuned into the Divine and am allowing myself to feel my Higher Purpose.
  →   I Am one with my Higher Self and one with The Divine.
  →   I take the time I need to reinforce my own balance every day.
  →   I focus easily on my key tasks
  →   I absolutely love allowing time, space and energy for what I Am presently interested in.
  →   I am never given a dream without the ability to accomplish it. Obstacles make me stronger & must be viewed with gratitude for the challenge.
  →   It is my being in the now which brings all of my optimum moments
  →   Today I discover more of what makes me smile.
  →   Renewal, with my mind: I ask for and expect better ideas, new material. My mind is flexible, open and budding with growing, rapid awareness!
  →   My heart is always singing my abundant-song joyfully.
  →   I now inspire and expand my imagination with enthusiasm.
  →   I win challenges and overcome obstacles because I am constantly improving my mastery of communicating with my environment, and because I take immediate action in the right opportunities.
  →   Every day I let my imagination soar to new heights.
  →   I am a magnificent being with an abundance of power and love to give
  →   I bless my current job with love and know that it is only a stepping-stone on my pathway.
  →   My inner wisdom is guiding me toward perfect solutions, I open myself up to receiving different perspectives and new possibilities.
  →   I turn my obstacles into opportunities.
  →   I am now in perfect health and filled with vitality
  →   Love, health and wealth flows abundantly into my life
  →   At every turn, opportunity appears before me.
  →   I am whole,perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.
  →   I am a love,light and joy.
  →   I am enjoying a beautiful life.
  →   I am attuned to my higher purpose and my life reflects this refinement.
  →   I accept the power of my being to produce health, love and joy in my life.
  →   I pump myself full of self-love whenever I am at home, and wish to do something deeply positive with my time. If the only thing I do with my time and energy, is run self love through my own energy field, I will have done a great deed for the human realm.
  →   I am love, loved and loving.
  →   I enjoy being in my energy field, and I call this Divine Vehicle home. It is a calm and loving place to be. Being here is exactly what I came to earth to do. I like being in my body and it makes me feel happy.
  →   I am purposefully awesome!
  →   I'm now blessed with all the talent, wisdom, money and help that I need to meet my goals, help others and manifest my dreams.
  →   I nourish my own spirit by affirming and appreciating my own intentions of kindness and affection.
  →   I am an efficient, energetic, healthy, fit woman who can handle anything that arises today
  →   I am all that I allow myself to be
  →   Every little cell in my body is happy - Every little cell in my body is well
  →   I feel vibrantly alive and healthy now
  →   I am constantly energized by life's possibilities.
  →   It is a gift to be in this moment.
  →   I dance with time today.
  →   Reality is created by inputs and imagination.
  →   I am a joyous, creative, loving expression of life
  →   I embrace my magnanimity ...
  →   My faith operates in at least five levels: faith in Higher Power, I call God, faith in myself, faith in this moment, faith in others, and faith in tomorrow or the future.
  →   I create good health habits quickly and easily.
  →   My life gets more fabulous and amazing every day!
  →   Everything in my life flows perfectly and with ease.
  →   I am beautiful inside and out.
  →   I believe in my self, my ablities, and my future.
  →   I know my journey consists of experiences just right for me.
  →   I am whole, perfect, strong,powerful, loving, harmonious and happy
  →   Life agrees with me. I assimilate the New, every moment of every day!!
  →   Life supports me in every possible way!
  →   Liking how it feels to know that i can have multiple streams of manifestation going at any one time. There is no need to make only a few areas for bringing forth nice outcomes -- I could easily have ten or twelve streams of manifestation going on.
  →   I like the idea that I am already having a lot of fun bringing forth pleasing ideas and beliefs about my time here on earth. Fun and comfortable ideas & beliefs about what I am doing, and why I am doing it.
  →   One thing that is especially fun for me, is that I have many pretty, pretty manifestation journals, and I write in them joyfully. Manifestations has fun props and paraphernalia -- I could do it anywhere, and I shall!
  →   It is fun for me to remember that manifestation, and principles of manifestation, is best learned and understood when practiced as one's daily life. And that's exactly how I practice as a manifestor!
  →   I am like a giddy happy child as I support my partner with my whole heart.
  →   Every atom of my being is resonating with joy and happiness now.
  →   I know how I would like to organize my life and I love doing it!!
  →   I am valuable to any company and leveraging a high income
  →   I leap to my next level of learning and skill with lighthearted assurance.
  →   I am learning skills and techniques that provide personal empowerment and control over my own life experience.
  →   I increase my self confidence by increasing my skills and abilities every day.
  →   My skills are in high demand. I am sought out for my great knowledge and unique talents!
  →   Wonderful new opportunities are opening up for me to use my unique creative skills and abilities
  →   I Am an excellent beginner. I enthusiastically master new skills with ease and great pleasure.
  →   I eat plenty of fruits and veggies.
  →   My mind is filled with peace
  →   I bring my life and aspirations into focus and concentrate on where I want to go.
  →   I always make great decisions effortlessly
  →   I create my surroundings with peaceful, inspiring and personally appealing delight.
  →   I am fruitful and I create more love and joy in the world.
  →   A miracle of abundance comes to me today. Overflowing wealth and wellness is happening to me right now, in the best possible way, for my greater good.
  →   Goodness and joy are mine in all situations.
  →   I am thankful for all the opportunities for growth and development that have come my way.
  →   You Are Freedom Growth & Loving Your Life Exponentially
  →   My mind is filled with thoughts that bring love, light and truth to my life.
  →   There is a huge demand for my particular skills and abilities
  →   Today I see me as my heart sees me, and that is a magnificent view.
  →   I radiate love and happiness.
  →   I have the energy and passion to make my thoughts reality
  →   Thank you inner being for opening my eyes to so many wonderful things, ideas and thoughts in my life
  →   I will sleep well tonight and suceed in my aim tomorrow
  →   My sleep is relaxed and refreshing
  →   I am surrounded with positive, pleasant people.
  →   My simplified life allows me to hear crisp vivid callings of my soul.
  →   My energetic field fills up with feelings I like, and emotional states I enjoy. I embody the fullness of my life and acknowledge the blessings here for me. I understand that love underlies all challenges and all interactions.
  →   My routines were created in the vortex!
  →   Law of Harmony operates in my mind and body
  →   My Now is continuously refreshed with high vibrations of perfect health and other desired prosperity.
  →   I am manifesting the future of my dreams.
  →   The dynamic potential within me manifests as all vital needs are met!
  →   I am a rich treasure ready to be found.
  →   I hear the music of life, the sounds of nature, and am filled with joy and the love of a supreme being I call God!
  →   I document my exciting and rewarding experiences daily.
  →   Love is streaming live through every area of my life!
  →   Inner Peacefulness always leads me to more inner smiles.
  →   I am open to and give thanks for the good that surrounds me today
  →   I Am now allowing Every cell in my body to replenish,repair and celebrate my strong and flexible body
  →   I am loving how I take simple steps to immediately replace my limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs
  →   I allow myself a flow of actionable steps to joyfully glide through.
  →   My inner vision is always clear and focused.
  →   I am at peace with myself and with what I see.
  →   I have many new ideas and am inspired to take action on them!
  →   I am ready to make my dreams come true in every aspect of my life. I believe I'm guided through every change for my highest good.
  →   I live the Life I love and love the Life I live
  →   I am attracting positive new friends who add benefit to my life
  →   Every day is one filled with joy and wonder.
  →   From this day onward, I go forth with an uplifted vision.
  →   New neural pathways to greater creativity are giving me desired solutions.
  →   I made the perfect choice to dwell in peace, appreciation and freedom!
  →   Affirmation means saying YES! to my own being.
  →   My thinking is peaceful, calm, and centered.
  →   I Am allowing a harmonious stream of positivity.
  →   I do all I can every day to make a loving environment for all those around me, including myself.
  →   I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.
  →   I am connected with my Source gratefully and joyfully. I celebrate, co-create and experience awesome moments now and throughout. 
  →   I make healthy food choices. I love and respect myself and my body is my temple. I choose to live a happy, healthy life.
  →   I see all of the beauty and grace which is around me with loving gratitude.
  →   I choose to dwell in peace, appreciation and freedom and so it is!
  →   I am refreshed, and in the mode of operation for whatever I need and want.
  →   My active mind is a blessing because it listens and respects my heart's focus.
  →   I become aware of and sustain my creative connection with life today!
  →   Discipline is remembering what you want.
  →   I am drenched in harmonious peaceful joyous creativity.
  →   my energy is pure and radiates positive power at every moment
  →   I now have complete and unrestricted use of all things necessary to maximize my potential.
  →   I am healthy, I have plenty, I feel great!
  →   I can begin now with fantastic clarity.
  →   I am filled with energy to do all the daily activities in my life...and then some.
  →   Today I accomplish all tasks joyously and easily.
  →   My mind is constantly creating optimistic and positive thoughts all day long about everything I do.
  →   I am creating the life that I want.
  →   The universe supports my every effort.
  →   Divine love is doing its perfect work in me and through me now.
  →   I am unstoppable.
  →   I live in total harmony with my true life purpose.
  →   I love myself and I am in charge of my own happiness
  →   Every day I send love and gratitude to every part of my body.
  →   I love that I am such a wonderful receiver of this magnificent day. 
  →   I am allowing myself to be in a very good place.
  →   I have an excellent and fit body!
  →   I Am capable! I Am Wise! I am elevated and invigorated! I am unrestricted and productive!
  →   My possibilities are endless.
  →   I envision only that which is for my highest good.
  →   I accept peace and joy in all aspects of my life
  →   Vim, vigor and vitality are the fuel I run on! I am super charged!
  →   I allow myself to be in and feel perfect peace.
  →   I live in a benevolent universe and I am deserving of all the kindnesses bestowed upon me.
  →   I follow my own true purpose with blessed clarity of mind.
  →   I surrender fully and allow magnificent DIVINE LIGHT thru all.
  →   I am responsible for my own life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.
  →   I balance my life to create alignment between my needs, abilities, desires, and purpose
  →   I am ready to allow myself to be fully energised and awake on all levels, and to take full responsibility for my life.
  →   My Life is a song full of assurance
  →   I awake today to the limitless blessings from the God of the universe. I receive these blessings.
  →   I am always on time for what is desired and needed.
  →   It is with my greatest joy that I am my guardian,protector and nurturer and allow my Higher Power to energize this equation.
  →   Serene clarity and blessed peace of mind are my blessed essence.
  →   Each and every day in each and every way my life is getting better.
  →   I am clear minded and focused. I know what tasks are important and I complete them with ease.
  →   My body is healthy and vibrant
  →   I act with assurance, confidence and grace
  →   I wake up every morning refreshed and renewed
  →   I freely attend to what is important and valuable to me and wonderful things keep happening!
  →   I eat healthy and nutritious foods.
  →   I take care of my home with great respect and love.
  →   I breathe deeply.
  →   The higher power of the universe is guiding me through my intuition
  →   I appreciate my wonderful inner joy.
  →   Because my value is intrinsic, external events have no affect on my peace.
  →   I am now writing daily.
  →   I am surrounded by peace, love and beauty and I am peace, love and beauty.
  →   I am now easily and effortlessly attracting unlimited financial prosperity and abundance into every aspect of my life
  →   As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely to me.
  →   I am grateful that I easily surround myself with many kinds of people with their own kind of gentle, loving, kind and creativity.
  →   I am grounded, centered and calm in mind, body and spirit.
  →   I Am creating my life around my calm and peaceful spirit.
  →   I Am master of my vibration.
  →   I am now attracting all of the ideas, resource, people and finances I need to create the life of my dreams.
  →   My heart is light. I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything
  →   I flow through life- life loves me. I am calm.
  →   I am truly looking forward to my work day.
  →   I admire my ability to change and adapt
  →   I enjoy reading what interests me; my eyes see so well and my mind grasps key concepts.
  →   I value myself
  →   I enjoy learning
  →   I exercise my mind by reading and learning new things.
  →   I will make effective use of my time today
  →   I feel a sense of joy and fun when I work.
  →   I enjoy my work at all times
  →   My workload is well organized and fun to complete.
  →   I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being.
  →   I Am a visionary because I see and feel beyond appearances.
  →   By nurturing myself , my disposition has a positive frequency for being present for others.
  →   This is a comfortable and easy time of my life.
  →   I am consistently appreciative in my thoughts, my words, and my deeds towards all I encounter upon my path in life.
  →   Divine spark ignites the spiritual fire within me for creativity and learning.
  →   I love how well I organize things that matter to me.
  →   I look forward to my meaningful tasks today and appreciate knowing all is well.
  →   I Am creating routines my inner spirit loves!
  →   I expect great things to happen today
  →   There is an ease and flow to my life that fills my heart with joy.
  →   I give thanks for the simplicity which enriches my life.
  →   My Focus Is Clear. My Attention Flows to One Thing at a Time.
  →   I choose to see the GREAT beyond the GOOD and welcome it in
  →   Every task I do is worthwhile and is part of a bigger plan
  →   I am appreciative for the capability of thinking clearly and prioritizing with such perfect clarity.
  →   I am loving how well I recall things I am needing.
  →   The timing is soooo right.
  →   The energy of today is perfect harmony.
  →   I stay connected with my Source, by cultivating gratitude and joy. I create, and experience, these emotions on a regular basis throughout the day. I emotionally celebrate with each opportunity that comes along in life, no matter how small or big.
  →   Today flows beautifully.
  →   I wake up refreshed everyday.
  →   My positive energy and belief system, along with my attitude and actions have a huge impact on the life I live and the success I enjoy.
  →   Thank you God for the clarity in this moment
  →   I Am experiencing the awesome Goodness, Joy, Resourcefulness and Liberation of surrendering which now is charging up my God-consciousness.
  →   I work from a place of power. I have goodness on my side, and I have Spirit in my corner. Things happen for me, as I work together with Spirit.
  →   I choose to live this day to the fullest and cultivate my garden of happiness within. I remind myself that I have choices. I make good, sound choices.
  →   Wow! This is great that I keep finding all I am needing in the timing I love. 
  →   Today is an opportunity for joy.
  →   I dramatically enhance the quality of my life & relationships by focusing on what I am grateful for, who I appreciate, and all the good things that surround me.
  →   I am appreciated for who I am
  →   My body is incredibly strong, vibrant, youthful and healthy
  →   My mind is clear, focused, and sharp
  →   I love all the possibilities of today.
  →   I Am enjoying taking exquisite care of me.
  →   Joy is natural when I Am my authentic self, acknowledging nothing is broken from my spirit-place.
  →   I have the power and the discipline to do anything I desire.
  →   I love this wonderful shift in my momentum!
  →   I take deeper, longer, more relaxed breaths
  →   Clarity
  →   I radiate love.
  →   The soft gentle energy of self love now swirls around me wherever I go, and there is absolutely no where I can be, where my Divine Vehicle is not surrounded and nourished by this frequency. Whenever I would like to access it, it is there to soothe & care.
  →   I express my prosperity, giving freely, with love and enthusiasm.
  →   My energy aligns more fully with love, and with living vibrantly, as I progress on the path of manifesting my light completely, and making visible the light that I am and the spirit that I am, unconditionally loving, benefitting all.
  →   I honor my family by being my best self, positive, loving and present.
  →   Gratitude changes my focus to what is good in my life.
  →   I am joyous and happy and free
  →   I am happy and at peace with my life
  →   I have the power to create for myself feelings of joy, celebration, and thankfulness, at any time, regardless of the outward circumstances. My happiness and fulfillment are not dependent upon any outward events, or external conditions.
  →   I take joy in doing one thing at a time.
  →   I let go and trust it's all happening perfectly
  →   I am now living a life of design rather than a life of reaction.
  →   I AM aware that my dreams and hopes can and do create my reality. I have chosen to create a positive and abundant life for myself NOW more than ever before.
  →   I am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life. I am strong, gentle, and capable.
  →   I attract positive people and situations at all times in all ways
  →   As I sleep, my heart radiates joy and my body feels relieved that I am waking up refreshed every morning after a good night's sleep.
  →   Ease is how I travel, aligned with my most optimal direction and highest values is how I arrive.
  →   I radiate harmony, cooperation, and good fellowship.
  →   This Moment... This moment, is where I Am.
  →   It's a wonderful sign of your mastery, that your behaviors and your time allocation, are well-aligned with your vision for yourself. You have a beautiful and strong vision for yourself, and that is something you feel good about.
  →   My gifts, my skills, and my abilities become clearer to me everyday
  →   I control the thoughts I choose. No thought, or image, at any time, can dwell in my mind without my approval or permission.
  →   I see in my mind a clear picture of myself having already accomplished my own true goal.
  →   The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful
  →   There is an awesome time and space for everything I want to do.
  →   Energy follows focus
  →   I love how I am choosing to allow this day to be.
  →   Daily personal meaningful productivity rocks!!!
  →   I understand what is needed. I know what I need to do.
  →   Ease is my way of travel.
  →   My abstract thinking is allowing my new and existing ideas to form powerful combinations.
  →   I focus and work diligently and in a relaxed manner
  →   Everything is getting better every day
  →   Focus
  →   I will enjoy financial freedom
  →   My own blessed prosperity blesses and prospers others as well.
  →   I AM Prosperity.
  →   I'm open to receiving all the blessings of this abundant universe
  →   New opportunities to be, to do and to have are showing up in my life everyday
  →   my income is constantly increasing in expected and unexpected ways and I continue to be amazed at the abundance and generosity of the universe
  →   Wealth is pouring into my life everyday
  →   I prosper in everything I do.
  →   I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my lfe now
  →   I am receiving guidance and insight through daily meditation
  →   When it comes to my intuition, I identify it and follow it through.
  →   I trust my intuition with a deep sense of security.
  →   I give myself permission to behave boldly and map my inward journey with love.
  →   I sizzle with energy and magnetism!
  →   I am focused and engaged on the task being done in this here and now moment.
  →   I am orderly, organized and effective. I operate precisely and smoothly, resulting in Excellent Performance and specific, measurable Results.
  →   I manifest perfect health and strength.
  →   I radiate confidence and relaxation.
  →   I am grateful for this miraculous key to confidence, energy and energetic effectiveness.
  →   This moment is where it needs to be and so am I.
  →   Wow, trust is all it took.
  →   It is an awesome day, the best day ever
  →   My passion for being in engaged in my life is strong because I know what I like to experience.
  →   I am aware that the good life comes to me with ease and joy.
  →   Right action is taking place in my life, I make good decisions easily.
  →   I love how I simply and powerfully ease into my most important tasks and my personal productivity always reflecting what is perfect for me.
  →   I Am an ingenious co-creator of my own energy and energy level. I Am consciously and consistently experiencing being spirit centered and wonderfully refreshed whenever desired.
  →   I take time out just for me to replenish my energy
  →   I maintain balance between my personal sacred growing truths and those which belong to others.
  →   Every cell of my body is absolutely radiant with perfect health and vitality.
  →   I choose to allow all of my experiences to be joyous and loving
  →   Every morning, my taste buds, my spirit and my life-wisdom plan my perfect delicious nutritious foods to ingest. So excited!
  →   I follow my heart and feel a sense of freedom, awe and release
  →   I am automatically filled with energy when I need it.
  →   I Am already Good, and my daily actions have been given my seal of approval too.
  →   Blessed, profound creativity flows through me with ease.
  →   My spirit enjoys the feelings of blissfully standing back and enjoying this God Given Universe 
  →   I love enjoying this surrender. It is always beyond my wildest imagination of completeness
  →   Feeling how blessed I am!!!
  →   I easily experience clarity and harmony with my intuition now
  →   When I feel helpless I remember I AM powerful. When I feel weak I remember I AM strong.
  →   I feel a Divine sense of well being, peace and faith.
  →   I am perfectly aligned! I choose to dwell in peace, appreciation and freedom! I lovingly allow love, joy and good health to flow through my mind and body! I give myself permission to shine!
  →   I wear a sincere, heartwarming smile everywhere I go. My genuine smile comes from deep within my innermost being.
  →   Even now, I am feeling more refreshed.
  →   Wow! My productivity I am desiring is occurring magnificently!!!
  →   I am joyfully listening to my inner spirit.
  →   I get things done
  →   My heart beats to the rhythm of love and supports me easily and effortlessly!
  →   I appreciate this moment.
  →   I am creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, unlimited abundance and receptivity.
  →   My heart knows the path, and being heart centered I quickly receive full view of awesome.
  →   I am happy and grateful for everything I have and receive daily
  →   My mind, body, spirit are all filled with loving thoughts which ultimately are converted into my life experiences.
  →   I am successful at whatever I choose to do
  →   Love flows through my body, shines in my face and radiates out from me in all directions
  →   I love how allowing creates.
  →   My capacity to receive is infinitely expanding.
  →   I invite synchronicity to grace my life with ease, flow and good fortune.
  →   Wow! I choose thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving and positive way so well
  →   The riches of the universe come to me effortlessly
  →   I exude elegance
  →   Even now, I am free of cares as I once referred to them I thrive on the simple, authentic validation that can only come from myself...
  →   How can I not fully accept that my life is wonderful?
  →   I efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstance.
  →   Today I am feeling sorted out and ready to ease into my daily tasks.
  →   The POWER of my sacred yes amplifies the God qualities within me!
  →   I get exactly what I need exactly when I need it most! My needs are all met! My joy is Great!
  →   Feeling good from a place of unconditional love is how my joy expands.
  →   I have all the free time I could ever want. I am so happy and grateful for the time that I have now and all the time that I Am always giving to myself.
  →   I Am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life.
  →   Ahhh... What a great moment this is!!!
  →   I am gifted. I am talented. I am productive.
  →   I love how I keep receiving good news!!
  →   I am taking immediate action on this project today and getting this done
  →   I wake up every new morning to love and joy.
  →   I Am knowing this day will meet my inner spirit approval.
  →   I feel motivated and inspired now for those awesome things which create the life I love!!!
  →   i am resilient
  →   I appreciate myself
  →   The riches of the universe want me
  →   Abundance is the way
  →   My life is organized and my mind is clear and focused.
  →   I clearly see joy in my surroundings.
  →   I let go of my need to know how my desires in life will be attained. I instead have an open mind, allowing in the wonders of imagination and possibility.
  →   I am in excellent health and I feel great everyday.
  →   I attract success & prosperity with all my ideas
  →   I am balanced and in harmony with my inner self and the Universe.
  →   I project a fantastic loving energy to those around me
  →   I make money quickly easily and have fun
  →   My mind expects superb health, my body experiences it.
  →   I awaken in the morning feeling happy and enthusiastic about life.
  →   I am grateful, strong, determined, creative and full of love. I am both a giver and recipient of the great love in the world.
  →   I am willing to move forward with ease
  →   I succeed with ease
  →   I treat myself with such compassion.
  →   I create from my heart place and clarity is mine.
  →   I am so happy and grateful for the inner peace and joy in my life. Thank you for my freedom to make choices and to simply be a free soul in this wonderful world.
  →   I am so happy and grateful for all the wonderful people in my life who give me unconditional love
  →   I have faith that I am being Guided in Ways that bring AMAZING RESULTS!
  →   Everywhere I turn I see perfection and synchronicity orchestrating my entire life.
  →   I am allowing this to be a day of celebratory happenings!
  →   I gratefully accept all the health, wealth and happiness that the universe pours into me every day.
  →   Yes! This is the flow I love that leads to my inspired action!
  →   I am blissful .
  →   I accept miraculous occurrences in my world.
  →   Co-creating this day makes my day!!!
  →   Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today.
  →   I have a beautiful life for myself right now as never before.
  →   Life is fun!
  →   The freedom of this moment is that of breathing oh so deeply and freely.
  →   This is a great day to create, imagine, produce, and visualize.
  →   I am a universe of infinite possibilities.
  →   I love this experience of clarity and harmony in all of my energy exchanges.
  →   I am thankful for my blessings. I focus on the good things in my life thereby giving them power to grow and multiply.
  →   I choose to live an abundant life.
  →   I've decided to be rich
  →   I can feel where I Am going and its so terrific!
  →   I manifest financial brilliance
  →   I Am a deliberate creator of my reality.
  →   I accept the blessed, peaceful, and joyous flow of abundant divine, living love.
  →   I intend to be an instrument of infinite peace
  →   I am filled with love, joy, and peace.
  →   I attract people into my life that can help me achieve more love, peace, and abundance and for whom I can reciprocate the same.
  →   I intend to feel at peace no matter what my external circumstances.
  →   I accept hope, peace, joy and love in all aspects of my life.
  →   I act from a place of calm, centered in love. I bring peace, love and positive energy to others.
  →   I let my own blessed life and my own inspired work be an instrument of peace and love.
  →   Creativity flows through me. I draw to me all that I will ever need.
  →   I now have my mind create a greater sense of inner peace and harmony. I am within an inner sanctuary of bliss.
  →   My happy day is me allowing a string of happy moments.
  →   I am pure, flowing spirit.
  →   I am acutely aware and open to the wonderful new information and opportunities that flow to me minute by minute.
  →   I AM excited about the new day and look forward to it with anticipation and interest.
  →   I Am allowing the joy that creates my loving shine.
  →   I love how alive I feel
  →   I have everything I need right now to accomplish everything I want.
  →   I love myself unconditionally.
  →   I have all the best possible information at the best possible time for the best possible outcome and best possible results.
  →   I give myself the love and affirmation I need to thrive and survive.
  →   I have the vim, vigor, vitality, flexibility and mobility to do what I need and want!
  →   I'm always in the right place, at the right time, successfully engaged in the right activity
  →   Unexpected income is always coming my way
  →   I align with my true self, relax and trust in the process of life
  →   The universe has it covered I can relax.
  →   I enjoy having hope and experiencing optimism towards this here and now
  →   I am a joy to be around
  →   I experience my ultimate dreams
  →   I am sending out the vibrations I want to attract
  →   I trust in the Universe and in My ability to handle everything that comes my way.
  →   I'm living the good life.
  →   Awesomeineveryway
  →   My focus is limitless, resilient, and rewarding.
  →   I am health, fitness and I feel good
  →   My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.
  →   I completely embrace the miraculous.I invite and receive miracles in my life.
  →   I am enjoying the harmony of my choices.
  →   Clarity is natural for my inner spirit.
  →   My mind is clear and I am focused
  →   Today, in this moment, I have everything I need.
  →   I maintain Strength, Clarity, Peace of Mind.
  →   I am surrounded by blessed unexpected miracles.
  →   I choose how I feel, and my future is being wonderfully created in each present moment.
  →   I am soooo amazed how focused I am right now.
  →   I am a magnet for creative ideas.
  →   I speak with confidence, certainty, clarity and conviction
  →   I am resourceful; I am inventive, enterprising and capable
  →   My actions are not independent of my energy, they are a Divine manifestation of it.
  →   I really appreciate this moment.
  →   I am grateful for each experience in my life
  →   The more I think of the good qualities in life - love, purity, peace & wisdom--the more I become them.
  →   I am pure joy; everything else is illusion.
  →   I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path.
  →   The world is beautiful.
  →   I am a success in all that I do.
  →   I am creating a home that is a special space and a sanctuary for the mind ,body and spirit
  →   "I create what I need"
  →   I create supporting affirmations and obtain supporting pictures.
  →   I wake up today with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.
  →   What I seek, I already am.
  →   The world is an abundant place that seeks to nourish and support my highest aspirations
  →   I exude love, kindness, wisdom, light, and joy.
  →   I am a blessed woman.
  →   I am really ready now, it's a great day to have a great day!
  →   I am thankful for the joy that I feel within me, and the peace and the faith I have as my companions.
  →   I feel good about my life.
  →   Everything I touch returns riches to me.
  →   I choose to create a personal environment that feeds and nurtures my positive emotions.
  →   I embrace my spiritual body and enjoy the power it provides me
  →   I AM living MY LIFE PURPOSE!!!
  →   I am aware of the Hand Of God in all that I do.
  →   Today I am allowing the process of centering to continue to quiet my mind and my heart, preparing for a seed of wisdom to be planted by Source.
  →   I remember everything I read
  →   Time spent with my family re-charges me!
  →   I am not my thoughts I am the light of God
  →   I am filled with energy to do all the daily activities in my life.
  →   People love to give me money.
  →   I choose to focus on all the positive and amazing things in my life, each and everyday
  →   I am a creative person.
  →   I complete all my tasks on time.
  →   I am a powerful money magnet
  →   I radiate love,peace and happiness
  →   I possess drive, spirit, stamina and endurance.
  →   All my blessings attract more blessings.
  →   Today's tasks were written by my soul.
  →   I enjoy cleaning and derive immense satisfaction from keeping a tidy home.
  →   I enjoy doing household tasks like cleaning, paying bills and grocery shopping
  →   I enjoy creating my own little masterpieces in the kitchen.
  →   I attract those who can assist me in reaching my goals.
  →   I choose thoughts that nourish and support my ideas and dreams in a loving and positive way
  →   Great feelings have been ushered in, I AM in the flow of this awesome day!!
  →   Living in the moment is a powerful gift I give myself because I am worth it.
  →   It is natural and powerful the way my thoughts align with my Highest Good.
  →   I see myself in my minds eye more fit than ever before - forever more.
  →   I Am abundant as never before, that I am now.
  →   I activate and discover a deeper and better awareness of this here and now moment
  →   I love myself for who I am.
  →   Taking responsibility for my life is enjoyable because I love experiencing things which nurture feelings of loving life.
  →   I am thankful for all the love in my life
  →   The Universe provides me all that I need and desire.
  →   Every positive thought I have expedites the manifestation of my desires.
  →   Every cell and organ of my body is vibrant and well.
  →   I feel more alert, more refreshed, more calm, complete, focused, strong and healthy,
  →   It is natural for my body to be well
  →   I am becoming more and more passionate towards doing affirmations. Doing affirmations is becoming more and more of a passion of mine.
  →   The power of my affirmations transcends the current reality and pulls me into a manifestation of something much greater. I manifest affirmations.
  →   I graciously accept the Divine attunement to my health, wealth and happiness from the Universe.
  →   I am enjoying today and so looking forward to tomorrow!
  →   I give myself permission to lead an amazing life.
  →   I am experiencing abundance as never before that I am now. 
  →   My joy is felt today beyond my best experiences.
  →   Greeting the day as fun-filled and full of growth and achievement is a conscious choice.
  →   Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.
  →   I Am filled with Divine Light.
  →   I am anticipating a joyful future.
  →   I Am in a Good place.
  →   I am fit, healthy and attractive.
  →   I am strong and in physically great shape and have an abundance of energy.
  →   Awesome how my mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts which ultimately are converted into my life experiences.
  →   I highly prize my playful, celebratory approach to everyday life!
  →   I am cherishing all of my feelings and releasing what doesn't serve
  →   I love and care for my body and it cares for me.
  →   I find joy in my day to day experiences.
  →   I am focusing on all the beauty within and around me!
  →   Yes that was even better than the experience I was going for!!!
  →   Wow! These results are so awesome!!
  →   Wow! That's Progress!!!
  →   In areas I truly desire, I Am incredibly disciplined!
  →   I desire to make beautiful progress on my highest priorities.
  →   I am Divine Presence expressing as Compassion, Sincerity, Peace and Clarity. I know what I need to do, and am Divinely guided and supported in doing it.
  →   My life is filled with joy, laughter and happiness everyday.
  →   I live a creative life full of passion and purpose.
  →   I live in a loving, abundant, harmonious universe and I am grateful.
  →   Every day, in every way, I am healthier, happier, and more prosperous!
  →   My life works beautifully. Everything in my Life works, now and forevermore.
  →   The Divine Mind in me expresses itself in happiness
  →   My success is assured.
  →   I have faith that I am being guided in ways that bring amazing results.
  →   I have faith in a positive outcome
  →   My plans are so easy to follow through with, maintain and upgrade.
  →   I can look at what needs to be done, and my plan becomes clear, and I begin immediately with enthusiasm and gratitude for it all.
  →   I am blessed going in and blessed going out.
  →   I find reasons to laugh everyday.
  →   I feel the excitement and thrill of being alive today.
  →   All my love attracts more love.
  →   Wow! I love this feeling and the fact that I am soaring free.
  →   Time is my friend. I work with it, enjoy it, respect it, and allow the best of it.
  →   I lovingly allow love, joy and good health to flow through my mind and body and so it is!
  →   Intention is beautifully powerful. I enjoy intending, allowing and being.
  →   I Am a loving being.
  →   I see love.
  →   I choose love.
  →   I have a beautiful life for myself now and forever more. 
  →   My dreams and hopes can and do create my reality.
  →   Everyday, in everyway I'm getting better and better
  →   I love how what is important to me finds its way to me.
  →   Even now I Am feeling my heart being receptive to this wonderful moment, my day, my new year and my incredible life!
  →   With renewed hope and gratitude, I remember there is a divine order underlying all life. Regardless of outer appearances, every person and event is conspiring toward my highest good.
  →   I am Love, I am abundance, I am joy
  →   My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts, which ultimately are converted into my beautiful life experiences.
  →   I go with the flow and my life is easy and filled with joy
  →   I feel more alert, more refreshed, more calm, complete, focused, strong and healthy.
  →   I am so grateful and thankful that my needs my heart identified are now fulfilled.
  →   I focus on my own strength, my own values, and my own priorities. When I do so, the right people appear to support my goals.
  →   What do you imagine it can feel like, to have the routines and the behaviors that lead to steadily on to your goals? You keep this blueprint in the back of your mind and you refer to it often.
  →   Accomplishing and getting things done feels wonderful
  →   I am my own teacher. How could I not teach myself to seek the compassionate alternative in all ways?
  →   I enjoy using daily affirmations to enrich my life as they positively change my thoughts and behavior.
  →   I remain focused on my Heart's desires and take inspired actions to fulfill them.
  →   Abundance flows freely in my life.
  →   I slow down so I always capture so much more of what my heart is already enjoying.
  →   I ease into everything, and slow my pace so my heart captures more of what it is desiring.
  →   I see beauty, harmony, health, wealth all about me.
  →   Life is a forever flowing sacred cosmic river.
  →   Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health
  →   I Am listening to my heart, and I take time to know the amazing benefits!
  →   I experience perfect health, strength, flexibility, endurance.
  →   I am awesomely appreciative I always have time to be grateful.
  →   I can truly touch wealth, excellence, sweetness.
  →   I am surrounded by love.
  →   What an amazing day!!!
  →   being organized is easy and effortless
  →   It is simply an honor to handle household business, and it is handled with the perfection of this harmonious universe.
  →   I possess an endless supply of creativity, energy and tolerance for any project that I commit to
  →   I will complete my next creative endeavor with focus and zest.
  →   I am enthusiastic about all I will do today.
  →   I AM EAGER
  →   Every cell in my body is filled with Light. I give thanks for radiant timeless ageless health and content inner spirit. 
  →   I am at home in the Universe.
  →   I live my life unapologetically and inspire others to do the same.
  →   Every day I do a joyous cosmic dance with the Universe.
  →   I get paid for being me.
  →   I am so grateful and thankful that all my needs are fulfilled.
  →   I know and feel I Am Light, I Am Love, I Am Joy.
  →   My heart is filled with gratitude for all that I have and all that is yet to come.
  →   I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy
  →   I love how everything I do supports my loving myself & in turn creates a better me to be love to others.
  →   OK ready set, continue.
  →   I trust the validity of my thoughts and I am only acting on the ideas that stimulate my interests
  →   I Am so doing it right! Whatever it is, yay me!
  →   Peace and joy flow in all areas of my life.
  →   My life is filled with joy and happiness. I have peace and harmony in my life.
  →   Alas, being patient paid off! I am enjoying how all the pieces are beautifully interconnected.
  →   I love just taking it easy and taking in this moment.
  →   I achieve amazing results with everything I do
  →   Through listening to and following my deepest messages of truth in my body, emotions, intelligence, relationships, and spirituality I thrive.
  →   I am feeling wonderfully well.
  →   My magnetic energy draws fabulous people into my world.
  →   I am firmly but calmly centered in this moment.
  →   Here and now is where my power is.
  →   I am an incredible woman
  →   I am a conduit for positive change.
  →   I AM
  →   I Am great yesterday, and I Am better today; there is no point in waiting
  →   I have a peaceful and calming heart and soul.
  →   My heart is full-filled!
  →   I have a life with no worries, no fears, no limitations, with nothing to fight against, nothing standing in my way, nothing to hold me back.
  →   I attract supportive and positive people into my life.
  →   I am still and quiet, listening for the answers that lie within me.
  →   I take responsibility for my own life, my own path and my own destiny by listening to my heart.
  →   I am a spiritual being having a human experience
  →   I choose to surrender everything that is not supporting my highest good. I move forward and I am free now!
  →   I love starting my mornings with a warm cup of lemon water.
  →   I am loving that I am perfectly imperfect, and live a refreshing thriving life at a pace that is oh so right.
  →   I take time to slow a bit and enjoy each day`s gifts which enrich me.
  →   Prosperity flows to me and around me, easily and naturally
  →   Miracles happen in my life Every Day!
  →   I recognize and accept my whole being physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
  →   I love the person I am now and the person I am becoming
  →   This day works for me, and I flow with it.
  →   I create my own Happiness, Peace and Love - just by thinking about it!!
  →   My life is amazing, so many wonderful things keep happening to me!
  →   I love my wonderful, amazing, fun life
  →   I act creatively upon this day as a force of enthusiasm moved by divine inspiration!
  →   My mind is powerful, and even more so when I feed it good thoughts and good food.
  →   Life supports me in every possible way.
  →   I am a channel of peace, unconditional love, happiness, generosity, kindness, and positivity!
  →   We have discovered the secret of productivity; we do what needs to be done and we just love moving forward with our dreams.
  →   From this moment on I do things as my heart has already taught me and improve as my heart learns even more.
  →   I energize myself through daily exercise, nutritious eating, and quiet meditation.
  →   I now have a routine that is perfect for me
  →   I am transforming myself into the person I dream of becoming.
  →   I bring my dreams into the present moment.
  →   I apply my creative imagination to visualizing my goals in complete detail.
  →   I am a confident, goal-directed visionary.
  →   Love is my motivation
  →   I bless and encourage the "Wow!" experience.
  →   I enjoy keeping my house clean and organized.
  →   I enjoy preparing delicious meals for my family.
  →   I live the essence of peace in all that I do. I accept Peace as my experience now.
  →   I warmly welcome the new and I experience the old as if it were new. My eyes are those of a child, sparkling with curiosity and seeking to know and learn.
  →   I experience love wherever I go
  →   I create my own experience.
  →   I deeply love and approve of who I am.
  →   Love and joy permeate my every thought, word and deed.
  →   I pay it forward with love.
  →   I think, act and listen from the love in my heart.
  →   I love how I pace myself to the rhythm of a happy healthy heart by doing what I need accomplished with complete gratitude for being able to do it.
  →   I can see it and feel it now- this day is awesome!!!
  →   I flow into an empowered affirmation mindset that feels best for me at this time now. I progressively build my positive mindset with each and every affirmation. I am powerful. I removed all my limitations.
  →   The transition from thought to thought always has a space, silence, and gap between each and every thought.
  →   I own my feelings and appreciate them for the awareness they bring.
  →   I look at every victory as inspiration to keep moving forward.
  →   I make this a memorable day by meeting every experience with strength, courage and confidence.
  →   I am strong, gentle and capable.
  →   Moments that unlock my true joy are all around.
  →   I will renew my mind everyday.
  →   Love flows in my life everyday.
  →   There is never lack in any area of my life.
  →   Today I will do something my future self will be proud of
  →   Feeling joyful bliss. Being comfortable in vibrations of greater truth and higher awareness. Trusting my voice and trusting my light today. Love everywhere in everything, radiant.
  →   I love my life because I live it with ease and with ease I can have, be or do anything.
  →   Real and meaningful changes take place in the field of my willingness!
  →   I am feeling very thankful for the habits that I am developing and manifesting in my life.
  →   It is amazing how easily I Am allowing that which creates good experiences and great benefits!
  →   I consciously control my biochemistry by putting my body into peak emotional states, by healthy eating, exercise, and adequate rest everyday
  →   My actions fully reflect my mind, body and soul's aligned purpose.
  →   I have entered a new, highly successful phase of my life
  →   It feels so good to work out!
  →   I have the ability to come up with great ideas and innovative concepts
  →   I live with a creative, realistic, productive flare.
  →   All of my actions reflect my heartfelt intentions.
  →   I transform my thoughts into reality by taking awesome positive action
  →   Being myself involves no risks. It is my ultimate truth, and I live it fearlessly.
  →   I live from my heart and flow peacefully.
  →   I love my life because I live it with ease, and with ease I can have anything.
  →   I live exercising, it feels so good!
  →   I live each day with passion & purpose
  →   I live a great life and love every bit of it!
  →   I live in the present moment by being grateful for all my life experiences.
  →   I express my true self through joyful exercise!
  →   I look forward to, and thoroughly enjoy exercising.
  →   I choose to do the things that I know will improve my life.
  →   I enjoy physical activities.
  →   I enjoy exercising reasonably and regularly
  →   I eat healthy, exercise and love doing it!
  →   I choose to exercise regularly
  →   I nourish myself properly, exercise every day, and enjoy optimum health.
  →   Love how increasing my energy every day through regular exercise is the ticket!!!
  →   I love to exercise because it makes me feel so good
  →   I take time everyday to exercise my mind, body and spirit.
  →   I love exercising..I do some form of exercise every day.
  →   I want to exercise moderately every day. I love to move my body.
  →   I enjoy exercise and how it makes me feel.
  →   I am a faithful, creative exerciser.
  →   I always make time to Exercise, Clean, and Plan
  →   I love to exercise and feed my body healthy food
  →   I acknowledge my progress and celebrate it daily.
  →   I celebrate my life with love and acknowledge my wholeness
  →   I acknowledge a world beyond my senses, a truth beyond my intellect, a wisdom beyond logic, a power beyond my limits, a serene design despite any distressing display
  →   I choose to be so awesome to myself.
  →   The best thing I ever did was to believe in me, and it is still paying off.
  →   I can see it now! It feels right!
  →   At least once a day, I take time to review my personal truths and enjoy understanding this is a wonderful priority.
  →   I Am lovingly holding and embracing my experiences with love and joy!
  →   Today is the perfect day to enjoy taking care of myself.
  →   My body is conditioned and fit.
  →   I care about my body and I look after it very well!
  →   My body is so healthy
  →   I gratefully replenish my mind, body, and soul.
  →   I naturally make choices that are good for me, I take loving care of my body and my body responds with health, an abundance of energy and a wonderful feeling of well-being
  →   My body is strong, flexible and balanced.
  →   I accomplish wonderful things around my home, because I care about myself, our family unit, and our inevitable bright future.
  →   Our bright future has awesome written all over it; our energy as one is flowing and expansive.
  →   My body is operating at its optimal level of fitness.
  →   I love how being heart centered allows the life I love.
  →   Oh yeah!!! I Am having a heart centered day!!!
  →   I am allowing my heart to feel more and more joy-connected with each fresh new moment.
  →   I am a natural body builder
  →   I embrace a rich prosperity and abundance in all areas of my life.
  →   I love the perfect unfolding of my life
  →   Energy enthusiasm and sparkling health are my birthright I accept these priceless treasures with gratitude knowing that as I give out energy more rushes in
  →   I am smart, confident, and above all else...happy!
  →   I can because I know I can
  →   The next step is clear, I Am knowing and inspired to take complete action and feel good about it all
  →   As I organize my surroundings, I crystalize my thinking.
  →   I have a perfect vision of how I would like to organize my home and routines for a great life and I love doing it.
  →   Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and perfect health
  →   I accept peace and joy in all aspects of my life.
  →   I allow clarity to flow through me, filling my cells and every fiber of my being.
  →   I seize every moment with renewed creativity.
  →   I feel and look great!
  →   Through listening to and following my deepest messages of truth in my body, emotions,intelligence, relationships, and spirituality... I thrive.
  →   I Am playful, creative, and fun while engaging in my AWESOME 90 day goals!!!
  →   I always use my imaginative power to lovingly imagine only good things for others and myself.
  →   My mind is filled with loving thoughts which ultimately are converted into my life experiences.
  →   I create mysurroundings w/peaceful &creative order.
  →   My life is full of fun and I enjoy it to the fullest
  →   Everything I eat turns to health, beauty and love.
  →   I document my daily happenings and love it
  →   Love my colorful system for writing, planning, recalling and action.
  →   I now set goals that command my thoughts that liberate my energies, and inspire my hopes.
  →   As never before, this day will rock!
  →   My positive thinking and positive action keeps me energized
  →   I am always inspired to take action for my goals
  →   My goals have soul, and that's why they get my complete attention.
  →   I truly had a wonderful day.
  →   I am grateful for all that I have!
  →   I love how I Am so at peace with the Universe.
  →   I love my life - and joy is my reward
  →   I inhale the precious breath of each moment; I have peace in body, mind, and spirit.
  →   I joyfully live love.
  →   I am nurtured and fulfilled, content and blessed, safe and at peace, my entire being is balanced, vital, and healthy. I am filled with gratitude.
  →   Every day I reward myself with the perfect health that I AM.
  →   I am naturally exuberant!
  →   Inspired action is the adventure that is taking me to places I love.
  →   My conscious and subconsious are aligned and in agreement
  →   My daily reliable routines add a sense of peace, structure and ease to my life.
  →   I love how I hear, see, feel, and sense only the emotional information that is important for me to know and act upon.
  →   I create my surroundings w/peaceful, inspiring & personally appealing delight
  →   My heart's high intention and deep conviction propels me forward with ease and grace!
  →   Of course I can.
  →   I am quiet and can easily hear my heart's song.
  →   I am joyful listening to my inner spirit.
  →   I choose the peace that surpasses all understanding.
  →   I accept only love into the sacred space of my soul.
  →   I have a stunning wardrobe, all new outfits
  →   I feel fantastic.
  →   I am complete
  →   I accomplish anything I set my mind on.
  →   The universe provides for my every want and need
  →   I see what I love, and I love what I see.
  →   I begin this day bright, happy, alert, and empowered.
  →   I am achieving great success in BIG things with small, steady, babysteps.
  →   I create laughter and feelings of happiness and joy wherever I go.
  →   My authentic self shines brighter than my doubts.
  →   I am Divinely guided and supported in my journey.
  →   I am deeply grateful that something wonderful is about to happen to me as me right now.
  →   Challenges are opportunities for learning and growth.
  →   I represent Divine Love. Everyday I ask myself, What shall I do in the name of love in any given situation?
  →   New opportunities to increase my income are open for me right now
  →   I am ready for my quantum leap!
  →   Everyday I am strengthened so I may use my gifts to help others
  →   I open myself to different perspectives and new possibilities of success and a life of sustainable increase.
  →   I serve and attract others by my loving presence and energy.
  →   When I align my thoughts with my core values, my actions are passionately realized and and accomplished.
  →   There is information that is becoming accessible to me as I open up myself, ready to soar. I rejoice in how the future holds lovely new truths.
  →   Today is such a good day to enjoy freedom.
  →   I Am inviting my amazing life, and it keeps showing up!!
  →   I Am inviting an amazing life and here it is now!
  →   "WOW!" this is wonderful!
  →   The things I create are even better than I imagine.
  →   The way to "Wow!" is living in the now.
  →   The energy of excellence is infused into every activity of my life!
  →   The dynamic potential within me manifests as all needs met!
  →   Each morning I ease into a wonderful day.
  →   Today all I desire occurs surprisingly quickly. I begin, and the rest is history.
  →   I love how my spirit enjoys the awesomeness in others.
  →   I am easily influenced by positivity, joy, peace and harmony. 
  →   Just like I said, it is all coming together!
  →   I Am energized and allow my most productive thoughts to create my best life.
  →   I relish with pure delight every "Wow!" experience.
  →   I am Able and Accepting
  →   I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.
  →   I am so nurtured and fulfilled, content and blessed!!
  →   I now choose and use my thoughts, words and intentions wisely because they shape my life.
  →   I Am manifesting my Divine potential in every aspect of my life.
  →   I co-create a state of mind which compels me to unconsciously create my self-talk and action in line with my highest-good values.
  →   I can feel money, time, talent and energy to accomplish all that I desire has arrived and available to me.
  →   I am someone who builds on emotions of joy, of satisfaction, of abundance and mastery. These feelings just feel good to me!
  →   I ASK and I ALLOW myself to be lifted in vibration, to the frequency that will serve us best now. I allow the highest vibrational things to come into my being, as I re-member myself and my spiritual gifts of light and joy.
  →   I Am Aware and embracing the present moment and experience
  →   What if you could simply imagine doing EVERYTHING that you choose to do, from a spirit of playfulness, healthy intent and curiosity? What if this were your default approach, that you liked best and chose the most for yourself?
  →   I'm actually very pleased to admit that I am the kind of person who brings her OWN aesthetic sensibilities into manifestation. I follow my joys and pleasures, and this helps me tremendously in life!
  →   As I consciously focus within, I turn toward what is loving, what is beautiful, what is strong, what is true. Additionally, this is now a natural habit, an instinct of my choosing and my liking.
  →   I am glad to be alive, to be where I am, to be who I am.
  →   WHAT I HAVE INSIDE-- you just can't teach! It's incredible JOY!
  →   I appreciate this moment for everything I feel. It feels light, and right
  →   I'm well-attuned to the divine blueprint for my life, and that blueprint contains my highest happiness possible in any given moment.
  →   I love my humor and playfulness
  →   I am playfulness giving me a greater flow of ideas, spiritual connections, Divine guidance and energy. I am free to be myself.
  →   I Am looking forward to this and all of that. All is so very well.
  →   I am truly experiencing good things in this moment.
  →   I love this new day, knowing the best is yet to come.
  →   I feel GREAT today and am enjoying every moment
  →   You like the idea of having routines that keep you happily engaged and comfortably on track. This is how you run your life, is by running your routines. You are ridiculously successful with this!
  →   I am where I am supposed to be, and so joyous that it keeps getting better and better!
  →   My future is harmoniously happening!
  →   I create a time table that allows me to be my best self for my Greatest Good and for the needs of my family.
  →   I share joy
  →   I love my life
  →   I totally expect lavish miracles and blessings to unfold in my life today.
  →   I am the artist of my Life! My actions, reactions, and the framework of what I have agreed to believe are the payoff of my artwork which has been created up to this very moment! Life is my masterwork.
  →   I am constantly attracting positive people into my life
  →   My spirit is wealthy, and all that is wonderful flows from my inner joy.
  →   Laughter is where it's at!!! Love this awesome day!
  →   My foundation of ease and creativity have allowed everyday to feel more and more like playtime.
  →   I feel the preciousness in myself, and all I connect with.
  →   My life is satisfying and fun.
  →   I gratefully accept all the health wealth and happiness that the universe pours into my life everyday.
  →   I Am healthy as never before, that I am now.
  →   I Am abundant as never before, that I am now
  →   I am grateful for all things in my life.
  →   I am truly grateful for the positive people who are in my life now and always
  →   I am now absolutely clear about the specific results I want in every area of my life.
  →   All aspects of my life are in perfect harmony.
  →   My life is divine expression of my soul's perfection in every way.
  →   My life is divine expression of my soul.
  →   Miracles occur daily in my life.
  →   I am on cloud nine today and everyday, my life is fantastic!
  →   I live my life around the values which I hold dear in my heart.
  →   My life is filled with infinite possibilities.
  →   Everything in my life works, now and forevermore
  →   I now choose love, joy & freedom, and I open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.
  →   I fully embrace my life, exactly as it is. I love myself entirely as I am. I give thanks for this wondrous day.
  →   Today my life is filled with sunshine.
  →   My life works beautifully
  →   my life is abundant and amazing right now!
  →   My life is filled with awesome beauty, and awesome joy.
  →   my life is effortless, it flows
  →   I attract miracles into my life now!
  →   A wonderful new invigorated strength is flowing freely to every part of my being now. I am renewed in spirit, soul, and body
  →   I am creating from my inner soul which remains joyful.
  →   I make every act an act of love, freedom, mastery and hope
  →   I enjoy and appreciate life more and more every day
  →   I am aglow radiating health, vitality, love, peace and abundance.
  →   I am beautiful, warmhearted, and intelligent
  →   I gratefully accept the Universe's wealth, health, and power
  →   I always receive everything I need right when I need it
  →   I am filled with an abundance of health, wealth, happiness and love
  →   Abundance is already mine
  →   I am Able, Accepting, Calm, and Caring
  →   I take care of myself by eating and sleeping properly
  →   I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals and to fulfill my desires
  →   I attract only supportive and positive people into my life.
  →   I attract only the good in my life.
  →   I exercise reasonably and regularly.
  →   I eat fruit and vegetables every day, I love them
  →   I nurture my own blessed family and friends with love and kindness, patience and goodwill.
  →   I have a power within me that can do the most incredible things.
  →   Joy is my natural state of mind.
  →   I am full of energy and vitality
  →   All the love I need is within me
  →   I am always already receiving far more love and happiness than I could ever give out. I always give with an attitude of gratitude.
  →   Within this space,only good things will come.
  →   I am showered with Blessings of grace and abundance each and every day, my life is extraordinary in wonderful ways.
  →   I now see greater potential in myself than I have ever seen before.
  →   I feel glorious, dynamic energy. I am active and alive.
  →   I love how my joy feels today.
  →   I am so awesomely focused and magnificently personally productive.
  →   Beyond positive thinking is positive believing.
  →   I have profound inner peace and serenity
  →   I FEEL SO MUCH VITAL ENERGY.................
  →   I FEEL TRULY ALIVE.....................
  →   I now know boundless joy and I Am awakened everyday happy every day.
  →   I easily recognize everything that benefits my life and carefully nurture these things.
  →   Today I claim my good from the universe.
  →   Only the best for me today.
  →   Wealth is abundant in this universe and I claim my share
  →   I feel the waves of relaxation washing over me
  →   I feel the vibrations of wealth coming into my life every day
  →   Being creative is one of my great joys in life.
  →   An endless reservoir of creativity lies within me.
  →   I attract Love & Light!
  →   I am thankful for all of the good that is being continuously offered to me
  →   Money allows me to share myself and my resources with people who are dear to me.
  →   I am generous and responsible with my money.
  →   Money flows to me easily and in increasing quantitiies
  →   I am going to receive a large amount of money very soon.
  →   The more money I have, the more I can help others
  →   I absolutely am abundantly rich... I have more money coming in, with every day!!
  →   I am finding friends who are like-minded and appreciative of who I am.
  →   my spiritual gifts are more attuned every moment
  →   Hard core discipline is natural to me
  →   Today I rise up in the frequency of abundance, joy and gratitude!
  →   I love how refreshed I feel right now.
  →   I love how my mind is my sanctuary, and my heart provides such wonderful inspiration for my life
  →   I vibrate to the frequencies of acceptance, love, and appreciation.
  →   I choose to care well for me, and see the beautiful places it takes me.
  →   I Am enjoying taking exquisite care of my Self; it frees me up to love others so much better!
  →   All is well and I like feeling whatever I Am feeling.
  →   My heart celebrates what feels right.
  →   My journey is my own and it is beautiful.
  →   I visualize all my goals daily in many new and wonderful ways.
  →   Everyday I remember that I am whole and complete and I radiate unconditional love to the whole world around me.
  →   I am living my life purpose.
  →   All areas in my life are filled with beautiful, uplifting freedom
  →   Something wonderful is always coming. I look for the good in every experience, and I always find it.
  →   My self esteem is high because I honor who I am.
  →   I define the pace of my life so well and that pace suits me magnificently.
  →   I breathe ease into all of my tasks.
  →   Every day I discover new things which bring me joy
  →   This is the best day ever
  →   I intend to recognize my value and live with self-love
  →   I trust life to be wonderful
  →   I am now expressing my creativity through a unique creative work.
  →   I create ideas that are innovative, helpful, inspiring and valuable.
  →   I trust the Universe to bring the right people and circumstances into my life at the right times
  →   I am truly peaceful, calm and centered within.
  →   At my own blessed core I experience profound well being and infinite living love and light.
  →   I make every moment in my life an opportunity to stretch my potential.
  →   I am more and more able to mindfully bring myself back to the present moment and live and thrive from this place
  →   I am dynamic and full of energy and passionate about what I do.
  →   Exercising gives me great results.
  →   my emotions are happy!
  →   I look forward with joyous anticipation to the day.
  →   my heart is filled with joy
  →   I hold joyful conversations with myself and love the outcome of our chats.
  →   I Am finding something absolutely magnificent in everything I got going on today!!!
  →   It brings me great joy to _____________.
  →   I love the feeling of ____________.
  →   I am greatful for everything I have
  →   I am always supplied with whatever I need
  →   I can create any routine I like, one cognitive brain thought and heart feeling at a time.
  →   I am enjoying how supportive I am of myself on my beautiful journey.
  →   I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy
  →   I have pulled the plug on limitations and rise to occasions of my choice.
  →   My actions are aligned with Divine Perfect energy and today is such a wonderful example!
  →   Ease is my way of a life. 
  →   My ideas prosper and grow
  →   Today is successful because I know I will allow space for my creativity to soar.
  →   I am aglow with enthusiasm as I work toward new goals.
  →   I recognize my progress, and acknowledge the successful things I do each day.
  →   I know the steps I must take to enrich my life
  →   I maintain balance between my personal sacred truths and those that belong to others.
  →   I am doing what needs to be done today and everyday.
  →   I wake up energized ready to learn and master all material before me.
  →   I am love, I am loving, and I am lovable.
  →   I Am soaring free today.
  →   I can be both playful and strong.
  →   I am growing stronger!
  →   I am already strong!
  →   My energy level is increasing daily I feel so strong and healthy
  →   I am in shape, toned and strong
  →   I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.
  →   I am strong, confident, and beautiful.
  →   I am grateful I am HEALTHY. Every cell in body is HEALTHY and STRONG
  →   I am strong, powerful, and beautiful.
  →   I Am strong,gentle and capable.
  →   As I ease into my day, I know instinctively where to begin.
  →   I bring unconscious thoughts into my consciousness, so I can choose what thoughts I want to focus on.
  →   I am vibrant
  →   I now have enough time, money, wisdom and energy to accomplish all that I desire.
  →   I Magnify the best and focus on the next
  →   I enjoy taking time to know what I really believe day to day.
  →   My mind is focused; I have clarity and energy in all I do.
  →   I Am positive energy!!!
  →   My mind is focused only on that which is positive and beneficial
  →   My inner vision is clear and focused
  →   Wealth is pouring into my life.
  →   I look for all the good within my life and the more I look the more I find
  →   I am centered and calm. Information flows to me.
  →   Everything I need to know is revealed to me. Everything I need comes to me. All is well in my life.
  →   I focus on this task only. This task is easy
  →   I focus on all the beauty within and around me!
  →   Colors, sounds, tastes and smells are easy for me to visualize.
  →   I will concentrate on my key priority today, and that key priority is:
  →   I easily and naturally focus on what I need to do and I do exactly that.
  →   I am focused & I can see clearly now
  →   My mind is relaxed and centered at all times.
  →   I can focus specifically on what I want
  →   I am very calm, very patient, and very focused.
  →   I fully experience, believe, and follow each and every one of these positive Affirmations as if i've heard it one million times a day.
  →   I sharpen and hone my mental focus, and concentration skills
  →   I SEE all I need to see to be what I need to be
  →   I am focused in whatever I do
  →   I focus on good things
  →   I remain focused on the task at hand whilst ignoring unimportant distractions.
  →   By focusing in the present, I create enormous mental clarity in my life.
  →   My goals are automatically organized for priority,
  →   I hold my attention on the thoughts which serve me and release those that do not.
  →   I focus on the solutions, not the problems!
  →   My life becomes more focused every day.
  →   I keep my desk and files organized so I can complete tasks in a timely manner.
  →   I focus favorably upon what is right and working in my life.
  →   I know what is important in my life and I focus upon it.
  →   I am fully focused on my goals, knowing that the best in life is yet to come!
  →   I focus on what is truly essential
  →   I am so proud of myself for making this effort and for sticking with it!
  →   I am focused, grounded, and accomplish every task with ease.
  →   I break the end vision into achievable chunks
  →   I am wide-awake, full of energy and ready to EMBRACE whatever today brings.
  →   I can concentrate on demand
  →   I am highly disciplined.
  →   I allow myself to be disciplined, creative and focused on my highest priority tasks; I'm grateful for these abilities.
  →   I am inspired with inner vision
  →   My faith increases with each breath.
  →   My work is deeply satisfying
  →   I am contributing something unique and wholesome to society
  →   I am dynamic and full of energy and passionate about what I do
  →   At work, my mind is focused and I have clarity and energy in all that I do.
  →   I am a vibrational match to all that I wish to attract
  →   Optimism comes to me easily. I embrace infinite possibilities.
  →   My life is enriched by the vast resources of the universe. My blessings are limitless.
  →   Every financial need, want or desire is met through the limitless resources of the universe
  →   My life gets better every second of every minute of every day.
  →   I radiate prosperity. I radiate wealth. I radiate success.
  →   The best is yet to be
  →   I give careful thought to the actions I choose to take.
  →   I remain focused on the task at hand
  →   I take action on a consistent basis
  →   I see myself getting things done with ease
  →   I am prosperous, healthy, happy and live


Thank You.

Thank You.

Thank You.

Thank You.

Thank You.

Thank You.

Thank You.

effort to find lost material-just a storage thread






ღAppreciating Power -Checking In with Self - bmindful forum


intro post4164896433_cebcff19c7_n.jpg

 I see what I love, and I love what I see.

one of my absolute favorite affirmations from Louise Hay -> ★I See What I Love, and I Love What I See.

this thread is closed & will not open until 2018

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today. 

I now choose to experience the sweetness of today.

I allow life to flow through me.

I accept all the pleasure life has to offer.1.jpg



  1 of 4

˚Zig Ziglar [Forbes Magazine] Who Was Zig & 10 Quotes That Can Change Your Life

On the way to work, I used to enjoy listening to an AM radio station which was non-stop short motivational stories. Brian Tracy was of course part of the selection… Though so was this southern fellow …Zig Ziglar…He was part of the great mix of many speakers. And of course…led to other material by him…
Here are some selections I choose to share with you:

RELATED videoAttitude Makes All The Difference Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar
Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar (November 6, 1926 – November 28, 2012) was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker.

Zig Ziglar on happiness:
Happiness is not pleasure, it is victory. Zig Ziglar

If standard of living is your major objective, quality of life almost never improves, but if quality of life is your number one objective, your standard of living almost always improves. Zig Ziglar

Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully. Zig Ziglar

The more you are grateful for what you have the more you will have to be grateful for Zig Ziglar

“Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have.” –Zig Ziglar

this quote and one below- I like very much…


Think this last quote deserves repetition with some joy attached:


  • images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJ97ozrsXPkhaTg2waWe-firRUKKZj3mZsRJeHbgV2wwE7w5-2ww

Hearing this  many times before... doesn't stop its feelings of newness each time I hear it.

Loving it some more!

  • 54c85becbfe1ff139b0b09a4cf7bd88a.jpg

Sending out love-is so not just a figure of speech. It reminds me of another I've grown to truly appreciate: Love is how I see and how my vision expands.




It's easy to see why we love to love ourselves...it FEELS TREMENDOUS, and our joy is a product of that.



A natural place of truly loving yourself is loving others.

Some spend their entire lives trying to get in touch with that loving-themselves more- thing, that connecting with others is often a foreign experience. Personally-I'm feeling since life on planet earth (as we know it)-is finite... finding ways to feel and be in harmony with the oneness of us all... is pretty important toolaughing 

Personally-selfcare coming from Love... is truly 1 of my HIGHEST VALUES!!!


Though how wonderful it is...to allow a Love that stems from Love to 'somehow' shared with others... without debate.


 Most of us have learned well:












  Had a strong invigorated dose of lemon water!


 Thoughts now of having an amazing late breakfast and prepare a wonderful lunch for my work day.


followed through with those thoughts and (for me) waited a bit too long for 1st meal of the day... So I created a brunch out of part of tonight's dinner (citrus salmon plus my breakfast hard boiled egg. ) My selfcare felt more complete... (after I took the bite out of my own hunger...and could think/feel better...)  I prepared the same thing for my hubby. I placed it on a gold shiny charger plate....Image result for gold charger plate picand put a paper-plate on top lol. We create our own parties around here(:

Now to prepare a dynamic lunch, I won't share the menu... I will say I better get to cooking.. and they are part of my absolute healthy-favorites. Mouth starting to water, so this thread served its Mon morning purpose for me(:

Though...needing some foodie dessert 1st(:

FrenchRoast Coffee yogurt by Lazy Meadows (AtlantaFresh.com. First time I'm trying this flavor, normally I have the Ginger Peach! Also delicious!







All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.

I am living the Divine plan which includes wonderful health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now

Many things go into my ideas of self-care...and I'm allowing space for more to show up(:

I would be remiss if I didn't mention:

affirmations/intentions/gratitude list, awareness of energy, & last but not least prayerful affirming unattached to my results, because I'm believing all is better than I can know or plan alone.





While reading Nancees  wonderful material/links on the definition  of Spiritual Wellness - I found another article I loved/needed for me too.

It essentially discusses balance. 

Here is part 

“mental nutrients” that your brain and relationships need to function at their best. By engaging every day in each of these servings, you promote integration in your life and enable your brain to coordinate and balance its activities. These essential mental activities strengthen your brain's internal connections and your connections with other people and the world around you.

We're not suggesting specific amounts of time for this recipe for a healthy mind, as each individual is different, and our needs change over time too. The point is to become aware of the full spectrum of essential mental activities, and as with essential nutrients, make sure that at least every day we are bringing the right ingredients into our mental diet, even if for just a bit of time. Just as you wouldn't eat only pizza every day for days on end, we shouldn't just live on focus time alone with little time for sleep. The key is balancing the day with each of these essential mental activities. Mental wellness is all about reinforcing our connections with others and the world around us; and it is also about strengthening the connections within the brain itself.  When we vary the focus of attention with this spectrum of mental activities, we give the brain lots of opportunities to develop in different ways.

Balance, to me relates to Spiritual Wellness. Sometimes...I can be involved in several activities...feeling great..I'm thinking/feeling... though really needing to step back and just step back (:

I loved your thread Nancee, it created more of a  centering... on the area I love to be centered with.laughing

 (I posted this on your thread too...hope you like)laughing

All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.

I am living the Divine plan which includes wonderful health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now

Does Your Creative Life Need a Spring Cleaning?

 The first step in my spring cleaning process is to reassess your space, your schedule, and patterns of mind to see what is supporting or not supporting your writing life.

Go and look at your writing space. What’s the state of it? Do you feel a sense of ease when you look at it? Is it crammed with stuff that belongs in other rooms of your house? If you live with other people, is this space known as your special writing area?

Have you even claimed some special place yet, or are you waiting for permission from someone else? If you’re struggling with this, see my post on claiming creative space.

Survey your space and make a quick list of what you feel needs your attention most. The questions below are not exhaustive, but offer a good place to start.

-Do you need to organize and sort your paper files?

-Would it be useful to create an index for your piles of journals?

-Are there notes from conferences and workshops that need to be reviewed and filed?

-Are there writing exercises that could be useful to you if they were typed up?

-When was the last time you did a backup of your computer files? Do you need to delete or add programs?

-Do you need to release some writing books? Welcome others?

-Do you need to physically clean your computer?

-Do you have visible reminders of your writing accomplishments? Is it time to take some down and put up new ones?

-Do you have too much or too little of something in your space?

-Do you need more or less shelf space?

-Are there big physical jobs you’d like to do (i.e. paint)?

Once you have your list you can break each item down into specific tasks.

It’s important to not get overwhelmed during spring cleaning. Many people decide they will devote a day to a spring cleaning project and then realize that they’re cranky after two hours and that the task requires at least two days. Start small and reward yourself often. Why not take from now until the official start of summer to spring clean? You could choose one project each week. I suggest working in 15-30 minute intervals so there’s less chance of getting frustrated and overwhelmed. I enjoy using an online stopwatch.

What are you reassessing right now in support of your writing life?

 While I was enjoying the article above, I noticed other wonderful inspirational pieces were on that site . Hope you enjoy too

All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.

I am living the Divine plan which includes wonderful health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now

May this be a thread of (1)personal and (2)community-loving    satisfaction! 

Image result for delightful day pic

All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.

related newsy threads in process

Quick Forum Tips 2017

Bookmarking Favorites-Feature

Announcements In Process




  • and another new thread by Jeff on 6/14/17 I am no scientist but.... 
  • with these 2 videos on SRWE's thread
  • not feeling like I can't keep up, excited about the gifts on the site everywhere/more from SRWE


  • . and one iZ suggested 6/14/17

    Self Empowerment-created by Kathi 06/03/17 this list is helping me find new threads. Thanks Kathi for your addition here
  2. Beyond Time  06/04/17  iZ created a brand new thread... wow !another new thread I have on my looking forward to list Thanks iZ! on 6/09/19 iz created another new thread I'd like to see Cause & Effect /
  3. awhile ago iZ created Talking 5th Dimension/want to check it out again and Unlimited By Fear
  4. latest series thread by iZ What's Your Intentions?
  5. see notes on Butterflies Are Free /and other videos  iZ suggested like 2 below:

and these too shared by iZ:

Mike Dooley's younger brother:






  1. All Is Well-affirmations I started a new affirmations thread this morning  -I'd like to soon return to
  2. Series-threads both by iZ and Nancee/I'd like to take more time with. /And Monkey's recent vortex thread  Thoughts From the Vortex-Chapter 2 & latest one-chapter 3 

    Joseph Murphy ~ How to use you subconscious mind.



  5. more from Monkey's ch.3
  6. And from another thread of Monkey's raising alignment   alignment-thread videoone&
  7.  started a 2nd page to Echkart Tolle thread pg 2 
  8.  Nature Thread/ note to myself - add to in such a way where intro is less cluttered
  9. ⓼ a. LOA thread created in 2015/edit and add page 2/ b.  
  10. Sweet Emotions /a. add this to LOA related threads   ,b. an affirmation thread which I would enjoy returning to c. Pinch Me Living/edit Loving Our Space
  11. Wow! INSPIRED Action versus Action⓽ 
  12. Another new thread started by new member Gina (started 6/11/17)⓾ Start a day with a nice breakfast
  13.  Oh and Yes to affirmation threads-want to return to them (a) Lets Post Affirmations
  14. and some new ones I created today (a) Get Wild ch 1 pg1   (b) and a pg 2 which is less busy for more room for others to share(c) Lessons of Energy
  15. some older ones I'd like to add to How To Be Happy G. Bernstein
  16.  Foundation Of Appreciation Creates Wonderful Possibilities
  17. Self Talk As An Affirmation Created by Meditating Mama 

video-links I'd like to watch from threads:

  1. SRWE posted this video about Wilhelm Reich the other day-  Orgone Energy - Documentary
  2. Stillness posted an Alan Watts video recently
  3. ⑫ a video I'd like to post -though want to listen to better:


⑫ A video shared/discussed by a member/will watch soon.



want to rewatch:


I loved this lil' funny but true I saw on Bmindful:


Hi iZlaughing!


“In the eyes of God, we’re all perfect and we all have unlimited capacity to express brilliantly. I say unlimited capacity rather than unlimited potential because potential can be a dangerous concept. We can use it to tyrannize ourselves, to live in the future instead of the present, to set ourselves up for despair. We’re constantly measuring ourselves against what we think we could be, rather than what we are. Potential is a concept which can bind us to personal powerlessness Focus on human potential becomes impotent without a focus on human capacity. Capacity is expressed in the present, it is immediate, the key to it lies not in what we have inside of us, but rather in what we are willing to own that we have inside of us. There’s no point in waiting until we’re perfect at what we do, or enlightened masters, or PhDs in life, before opening ourselves to what we’re capable of doing now. Of course we’re not as good today as we’ll be tomorrow, but how will we ever get tomorrow’s promise without making some sort of move today?” Marianne Williamson

choose your 3 mits and why

Talk With Inspiration

My body mirrors my state of mind. I am healthy, whole, and complete.
★Step Way Back,Surrender, Breathe,Discover
Yes… I’m sure I have posted many of these on a profile page, and most probably a thread… A way of being is ‘working’ for me & I’m going with it… I Am allowing and experiencing what I need- I am enjoying the merit of surrender,Creating a Space and Gaining the change from a comfort zone… that is quite wonderful.

can’t really capture experience in a thread, so I thought I’d do the next best thing- surrender, affirm and allow.

affirmation which allows the stepping way back, creating a Divine Space & Discover what life Is… to truly Live live!

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~

It is a refreshing peace to connect with my inner spirit, and I do this at will with a growing ease… I feel calm and relaxed.
I breathe slowly and deeply.

    • ~
      With each breath I become more centered … more honest, open & joyously peaceful
      I am being filled with my full spiritual power. Divine light and Divine love are flowing through me.
    • ~
      I am free and allow a life of miraculous moments.
      It is joyously healthy, and wise to surrender right now
      I am free of cares as I once referred to them

All is well in my now.

I allow myself awesome growth through loving all I KNOW and will know as my Good joyous journey
I stay true to what my spirit has demonstrated- stepping way back, take that breath and surrender to the Divine.

I am manifesting my Divine potential in every aspect of my life.
My Spirit is now consistently presenting me with updated plans to achieve my goals even when I am playing, eating, or sleeping
this pic represents my book mark/where I left off_

We all like to share what we value. And of course we would never be able to list the quantity of things we come across…though, this is an effort to save and share… on occasion. It will be awhile before this thread is open. Much to enjoyably do for me first(:

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

See a lot of things created space, time, energy, and real desire for… a path of to-do’s I’ve attached with gratitude and appreciation… I see what I love I love what I see. I make a loving decision what I’d like in my space moment by moment

    • ~
  • ~
  • ~

I am totally ready to continue on to have the best day ever.

***~intention~*** -> Appreciating Self
LIFE is good and I let it flow through all my activities.

I am grateful for beautiful things to admire

It is a refreshing peace to connect with my inner spirit, and I do this at will with a growing ease… I feel calm and relaxed.

I breathe slowly and deeply.

With each breath I become more centered … more honest, open & joyously peaceful

I am being filled with my full spiritual power. Divine light and Divine love are flowing through me. I am free of cares as I once referred to them

I am free and allow a life of miraculous moments.

It is joyously healthy, and wise to surrender right now

I love enjoying this surrender. It is always beyond my wildest imagination of completeness

I Am ease

I feel so peaceful and calm.

I feel so comfortable.

I feel like smiling.

I am smiling.

I accept this new moment, and love surrendering in each new one

I am manifesting my Divine potential in every aspect of my life.

My Spirit is now consistently presenting me with updated plans to achieve my goals even when I am playing, eating, or sleeping

I allow myself awesome growth through loving all I know and will know as joyous journey of regular moments of bliss.

All is well in my now

    • ღ “As long as people, places, and things, do not define your blessings, there are nothing but blessings for you to discover.” ~by Matt Kahn
      this quote is 1 that had me reeling for awhile(:


    • ~
  • ~

ღ When confronted with a situation that appears fragmented or impossible, step back, close your eyes, and envision perfection where you saw brokenness. Go to the inner place where there is no problem, and abide in the consciousness of well-being. 
Alan Cohen


***Self Decluttering*** —Good riddance to decisions that don’t support self-care, self-value, and self-worth.
***Decluttering with Others*** —Do the people in my life give me energy and encourage my personal growth, or block that growth with dysfunctional dynamics and outdated scripts? If they don’t support me as a loving, open, free, and spontaneous being: Goodbye!(lovingly)
***Decluttering emotional life*** —Out with stagnant patterns that no longer serve me.
***Decluttering work*** —Not only reducing the “clutter” of paperwork, inefficiency, and overcommunication, but also striving to create a balanced workload and make my work invigorating, inspiring, collaborative, and empowering to others.
***Decluttering nature and play*** —Seeing these as expressions of love and opportunities to fill your life with truth and joy.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • an appreciating view(:
    Today I Am filled with Divine Light.
    Today I feel the presence of Divine Love flowing through me.
    Today I Am free of cares as I once referred to them
    Today I Am nurtured and fulfilled, content and blessed, safe and at peace, my entire being is balanced, vital, and healthy. I am filled with gratitude
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

★“When your heart speaks, take good notes.” ― Andy Mellon
I Am loving how I am recognizing my perfect blessings
I love choosing to accept that I Am capable, lovable, and destined for success.

I create a state of mind which compels me to unconsciously create my self-talk and action in line with my highest-good values.

I believe in myself today.

I thrive on the simple, authentic validation that can only come from myself…


You and Your Energy: Key Points

Our mental and emotional diets determine our energy levels, health and well-being much more than most people realize.
Look at life as an energy economy game.
Each day, ask, “Are my energy expenditures – actions, reactions, thoughts and feelings – productive or nonproductive?
During the course of my day, have I accumulated more stress or more peace?
Keeping an asset/deficit balance sheet even for a few days will give you an extremely clear picture of where and how you’re adding to your energy account and where and how you’re overdrawing it.
When we consciously evoke core heart feelings, we nourish our bodies at every level. Like quantum nutrients, core heart feelings keep our cells regenerating.
Adapted from the Asset/Deficit Balance Sheet available in various HeartMath materials, including the book The HeartMath Solution, by Doc Childre and Howard Martin, with Donna Beech. great foundation-info for self-care
• Passageabove below came from here

    • ~

    • ~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~

Harmony Affirmations

  • ** Prayer is exhaling the spirit of man and inhaling the spirit of God. Edwin Keith
  • ** I am a Spark of God. My essence is Divine. Tamar Frankiel
    ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰

    • ~

  • ~

My name that most people know me by is SelfCare, and that idea brings the best out in me, because it is truly about allowing ease in being myself, loving myself, caring for me… so I can do all else that matters for me, including being present for others(: And ultimately beyond enjoying our time here ..why are we here? Just for ourselves? Being a self care enthusiast allows us to be available and present in our lives for ourselves and for our fellow-person(: So that is what I desire more of for myself… To create a better me, so I can demonstrate more to people I love, people I’d like to love better, people I’ve yet to meet, and have known… etc… I want to grow into a better me. Therefore: I am loving my shift as I Am changed as I think and speak what I want and need. And I choose to follow through with actions which work with my heart-desires.

  • ~
  • ~
  • ~
  • ~
    Even now, I am free of cares as I once referred to them

    • ~
    • ~
      I consciously control my biochemistry by putting my body into peak emotional states, by healthy eating, exercise, and adequate rest everyday.
  • ~~~~
  • ~
    I choose to embody freedom in all that I do.
    My life moves effortlessly.

Music to inspire spirit-8 yr old singer
fly me to the moon

  • ~

  • ~
    I am saving some sites here

Here is 1 I found in 2011 (or before) I misplaced it, and just came across it today again. Thank you God! I love to think, though love to thank too… I am a thanker…(: (the site has changed a bit and undergoing some changes, though able to find some articles I enjoyed.

site…I loved it & wanted to share it with you. it’s suzeharrison.com first article I’d like to share:

Alchemical Laboratory This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series The Four Pillars of Manifestation ***~by Suze Harrison Self-help guru, future best-selling author, money-magnet, and a goddess with a brain~***
The Four Pillars of Manifestation
love this… The real test however comes when the process hits the critical juncture of the heart. Remember that you can trick your mind but you can’t trick your heart.
The Four Pillars Of Manifestation
The First Pillar Of Manifestation: Inspiration
Pillar Two: Determination
Pillar Three: Co-creation
Pillar Four: Manifestation
The Definition Of Insanity
Light That Inner Fire
Master Your Mind
You Can’t Trick Your Heart
Begin It Now!
Your Alchemical Laboratory
Your Heart Is Mission Control
Look For The Infinite Loop

***~another good blog articles~*** Master Your Mind ***~by Suze Harrison~***

  • ~

I am fully appreciative of the complete freedom of being a conscious creator!

Each new dawn brings yet another inner blessing

***Already there prayerful affirmations*** & other I’m there affirmations/intentions(:


    • ——
    • ——
    • ——
      You are fulfillment, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
      You are happiness, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
      You are joy, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
      You are power, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
      You are grace, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
      You are bliss, not the one who lacks or seeks it.

You are content, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are consciousness, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are light, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are truth, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are the way, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are reality, not the one who lacks or seeks it.

You are innocence, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are wholeness, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are ecstasy, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are freedom, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are the kingdom, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are divinity, not the one who lacks or seeks it.

You are purpose, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are passion, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are clarity, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are oneness, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are the all, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are love, not the one who lacks or seeks it. author- Matt Kahn

  • ~
  • ~

    I love my home

I treat my home as the sanctuary it is.

I decorate my environment with inspiring things.

I surround myself with things that bring me joy.

I take care of my home with great respect and love.

***For Evening***

loving the ease in the peace of the evening(:

As I wind down for the evening, I am expecting just enough energy for things I’d like to complete… and just enough relaxation when I’m done… to enjoy whatever I feel like.

in my now, all is well

    • ~

in my now, all is well


    • ~

sweet dreams!

  • ~
    Make yourself available for success, and know and trust in an invisible force that’s all-providing. Wayne Dyer

I am mindful of my breath in each moment

I hold my attention on the thoughts which serve me and release those that do not.

Today I am so strong and willing, that I allow nothing to disturb my peace of mind
I let go of everything inside that is holding me back, which automatically unlocks positive powers that propel my life to a bold, bright, exciting new level.

My inner-conscious is open allowing my dreams to have clear meaningful messages

ღ5 types of affirmations
—— ——

    • - – Releasing/Cleansing Affirmations
    • - – Receiving/Accepting Affirmations
    • - – Being/Intending Affirmations
    • - – Acting/Claiming Affirmations
    • - – Integrating/Embodying

I release and dissolve all personal patterns that block my abundance


  • ~
    I am enjoying something as ‘little’ as a visual which appears to have movement relaxes me(:

Quotes in process:
★“Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

★“The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown.” Carl Jung

Lately I’ve been loving this one. It reached my heart before my mind(:

My mind didn’t like problems were problems… and insoluble. Though my heart explained it to me…. We simply outgrow the things that seem to stand in our way, and poof… (or it seems that fast /grin) moving forward some more(:

Lake Placid posted this & I’d like to finish listening to it ended at 56:23

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    The usual interpretation of self-knowledge is objectively knowing our strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits in their manifestations through our body, heart, and mind. There can be no true end-point to the acquisition of such self-knowledge for two main reasons. First, our personality has too many possible modes of acting and reacting to exhaustively know them. We can always surprise or surpass ourselves. Second, we change continually. So what we thought we knew about ourselves yesterday may no longer be true today. …Copyright © 2001 – 2015 Joseph Naft


I slow myself to be more loving and compassionate to myself and others.

  • ~

I love appreciating just for me(:
I appreciate this moment because I simply enjoy appreciation, it feels good, and it opens/stimulates neuro-pathways & adds to creativity and desire for the good I love. It reminds me to check in with myself to enjoy my life even more

    • ~
      I appreciate this moment for everything I feel. It feels light, and right.

I appreciate this moment because it is another moment to choose how to take really wonderful care of me.

I appreciate this moment because I love feeling this space in time… and going/growing from here(:

I appreciate this moment because I love how more satisfied I’m feeling within my spirit

My Favorite Quotes


    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

sometimes my sanctuary is just a place that is new … that has nothing that reminds me of anything… It helps where I Am surface to me

Aug 2016
I have been inspired by others who create their personal sanctuaries on this site, thank you bmindful

I’d like to give this a shot(:

I am in a wide open space, with a lovely smooth peaceful comfortable place to sit and admire all around me.

I see smooth medium sized paths… big enough to roam, though narrow enough to stay focused right where I am.

I see mountains I can easily get to, and climb safely and awesomely…and adventurously.

I see a big area of wonderful clean growing food, next to a spring that is beautiful, clear and clean to drink and bathe in.

I see smooth areas to take long naps, or get up and draw or write whatever my heart communicates with me about.

I feel clear headed, and free.

I feel love, loved and refreshed for whatever I want and who I truly am…right from the heart.

I’d like to come back and see how my sanctuary changes/grows etc.

This was refreshing.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



post 5

    • ~


-> “ ***what-is-the-difference-between-positive-affirmations-and-positive-intent***
according to the above article:
In a nutshell
• Positive affirmations help create internal alignment and strength
• Positive intent helps to create external manifestations
• The more aligned you are with your true self, the more aligned you are with all of consciousness and the greater ability you will have to co-create your life and experiences.

Intentions/Affirmations Vibration and Being Your Own Best Friend

I vibrate to the frequencies of acceptance, love, and appreciation.

    • ~ I create Divine play every day!
    • ~
      I value my resources and use them appropriately. I honor and respect the gifts and talents and sacred otherness of others

affirmative prayer
I radiate with joy throughout my entire being. Somehow…in some beautiful way..others benefit We always desire to be a blessing to others. Thank you God for always upgrading my intentions and assuring me I Am right where I Am supposed to be! (and so is everyone else) And this is so. Amen

    • ~
      Now I know what it really means to live with awesome conviction.
    • ~
      Today I am appreciating and loving my life
    • ~
  • ~
    Grounded In Joy
  • ~

☼Sometimes the best way to figure out who you are is to get to that place where you don’t have to be anything else. ☼Unknown

the artist Jim Warren

thread articles 12-truths-to-remember-who-you-really-are
article thinking-make-healthier-choices
BT goals video

    • ~
      ღAppreciating Power [ aka ˚ Checking In With Self]
      thread daily-quotes-with-lots-of-love
      ღAppreciating Power[ aka ˚ Checking In With Self] [thanks for patience]

I see what I love, and I love what I see.

one of my absolute favorites from Louise Hay

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~
      I love being a wife and best friends with my hubby
      I love … to be continued
  • ~
    Affirmations For Goals
    I am achieving outstanding success in all areas of my life!
    I feel intense pleasure by following through on all endeavors
    I am allowing prosperity to flow into my life, and I am graciously receiving it.

It is safe now, to let any old ideas and patterns drop away. I don’t have to know exactly how I am changing — I can flow with a bit of awkwardness and uncertainty today.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      Here are a few suggestions to actually use the New Year as a focal point for a better life:
      . Think in terms of final desired outcomes.
      . Know your current reality in relationship to them.
      . That will form structural tension, the best dynamic for real and lasting change.
      . From that, create an action plan with due dates.
      . Don’t have too many “resolutions” because that will lead to overwhelm.
      . Choose a few that can be created quickly, within the first few weeks so you can generate some momentum.
      . Manage the process directly.
      . Learn, adjust, learn, adjust, learn as you engage in the process.
      . Don’t take it personally, this is not about you but about the end results you are creating.
      . Build foundation. The more you create, the more you are able to create.
      “ Robert Fritz Inc-Home Page”:http://www.robertfritz.com/wp/

***~© 2015 Robert Fritz Inc. | Cattail Consulting & Design~***

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      “tension-seeks-resolution”:http://www.robertfritz.com/wp/principles/tension-seeks-resolution/ R. Fritz “In fact, part of your job as a creator is to form this tension.”


***~Robert Fritz, composer, filmmaker and organizational consultant is founder of Robert Fritz Inc. and author of the international bestseller The Path of Least Resistance.~***

“When we are willing to be open-minded, art and beauty come flooding into us in a thousand small ways. When we let ourselves see the possibilities instead of the improbabilities, we become as flexible and resilient as we really are. It is human nature to create. When we cooperate with our creativity, using it to live within the lives we actually have, we surprise ourselves with our level of invention.” Julia Cameron— The Sound of Paper: Starting from Scratch

The Power of Imagination

“I think of affirmations and visualizations as tapping into the power of the imagination, which is a generator and transformer, a force that precedes and shapes who we become, and what we create and achieve. Whenever we attempt something new or difficult, we have to be able to imagine it before it becomes possible. It’s the combination of inspiration and perspiration that brings about tangible results.” Jean Shinoda BolenClose to the BoneLife-Threatening Illness and the Search for Meaning

Affirmations chosen from AffirmYourLifeblogspot (some slightly altered)
► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►
►I can get into a creative state of mind whenever I want.
►I regularly find original solutions to problems.
►I easily tap the imaginative resources of my mind.
►I am always developing great new ways of doing things.
►I approach all areas of contrast in an inspired and resourceful way.
►Every day I let my imagination soar to new heights.
►Creativity flows through every cell in my body.
►I am always thinking of new, original ways to do things.
►Every day I become more creative and inventive.
►I expand my understanding of things and this feeds my imagination.
►Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more inventive.
►I am a wellspring of creativity.
►Everything I create is inventive and unique.
►Fresh new ideas come to me daily.
►Great ideas come to me easily.
►Great new ideas come to me every day.
►I allow my creative energy to flow freely at all times.
►I am forever grateful for my imaginative mind.
►I give thanks for the creative inspiration I receive daily.
►I have a fantastic imagination.
►With every breath I take, I am bringing greater and greater creativity into my life.
►I love the freedom that creative thinking gives me.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Old paradigm: DO so you can HAVE so you can BE.
    New paradigm: BE so you can DO so you can HAVE.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ☼• ► Be Do Have
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ‘To be is to do’ —Socrates

‘To do is to be’—Jean Paul Sartre

Do-be-do-be-do-be-do. —Frank Sinatra

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      “If we let go of what we’re trying to get more of, which we really don’t need, it frees up reserves of vitality to make a difference with what we have. When you make a difference with what you have, it expands. This applies to love, to time, to relationships — and, of course, to money. If you sit down and make a difference with the money that you have, you will find that your experience of it expands, and you don’t have that focus on scrambling to get more of what you don’t really need — which is what most of us are so busy doing that we don’t even notice who we are and what we have. By contrast, the context of sufficiency is making a difference with who you are, what you have, and knowing that it’s whole, complete, and exactly enough. It’s perfection.” ✰Lynne Twist
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Creativity is the ability to see relationships where none exist.”
☼Thomas Disch

☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►

    • Articles
      What is creativity?
      From Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken:
      Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. (page 396)
      Three reasons why people are motivated to be creative:
      need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation
      need to communicate ideas and values
      need to solve problems (page 396)
      In order to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective. Among other things, you need to be able to generate new possibilities or new alternatives. Tests of creativity measure not only the number of alternatives that people can generate but the uniqueness of those alternatives. the ability to generate alternatives or to see things uniquely does not occur by change; it is linked to other, more fundamental qualities of thinking, such as flexibility, tolerance of ambiguity or unpredictability, and the enjoyment of things heretofore unknown. (page 394)
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  • Videos

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” ☼Mary Lou Cook

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Today’s Music Choice :
What we Love is What Become

☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ► DO IT:A simple process for creativity
D – Define problem
O – Open mind and apply creative techniques
I – Identify best solution
T – Transform

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    • ☼• ► Affirmations for Creativity ( I wouldn’t choose all of these affirmations..but there are some good ideas here… will add other affirmations soon…feel free to add your own here(:

☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ► Related Threads Coming Soon:
Related Ideas in Process:


you may also enjoy
Trust Yourself [Judith Milburn]
5 W’s Of Creativity

˚Cooperating with Our Creativity[trusting]’



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***I go with the flow and my life is easy and filled with joy***

***I see the beauty in my surroundings and I radiate joy and love***

***I am grateful for all the wonderful things I already have in my life and those that are yet to come***

A few words (though slightly altered) by Louise Hay
***Wow! I increasingly relax and accept the good that I now know I deserve in my life***

***Wow! I regularly take time out to do the things I want and love to do, I follow my heart and feel a sense of freedom, awe and release***

***Wow! I choose thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving and positive way so well***


***~AppreciatingView’s Affirmation List for 2016~***
I am passionate about organizing inspiration!!

    • ~

***My heart beats to the rhythm of love and supports me easily and effortlessly!***

***I choose to dwell in peace, appreciation and freedom!***
***I lovingly allow love, joy and good health to flow through my mind and body!***
***I am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life.***

***I give myself permission to shine!***

***Time is my friend. I work with it, enjoy it, respect it, and make the best of it.***
***I receive and give, easily and effortlessly!***

***I am content, peaceful and fulfilled!***

***I am firmly committed to staying active and healthy***
***Feeling that I am soaring free.***


    • ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
      Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷThe highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence. ✿Rabindranath Tagore

***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I perceive myself being at peace quite often in my daily life, and I know that this is part of my plan for myself.
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** People are all here to have different experiences and learn different lessons, and I don’t really need to know the specifics of that. unless they care to be open and I am able to be present.
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I feel a gentle kindness and affection toward others, and this is something I like about myself.
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** If I want to, I can access Stores of goodness for humanity.
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** When I want to, I can express my gentleness openly and freely, just my Love for All. ( and/or Love for All That Is )
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I have a kind and sparkly spirit, and any pathway I choose for myself is bound to reflect that.
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** There is really no one else I need to be today — I can be exactly who I am today, exactly as I am, exactly as I am becoming.

Mindfulness Affirmation Video

Charles Hannel : I can be what I will to be

The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.

This is true because we must “be” before we can “do,” and we can “do” only to the extent which we “are,” and what we “are” depends upon what we “think.”

26 part-audio

book The Master Key System reading/listening to this now
The Master Key does not claim to be a new religion, nor is it antagonistic, or contrary, to any creed. Its realm is the realm of secular life where it stands supreme as a practical guide to the art and science of getting life’s advantages by conscious collaboration with the Law of Causation along definite lines which the inspired author elaborates.

We close by reminding the reader that pure learning is of no use whatever, even to the possessor, unless it is backed by action. Therefore the exercises set must be actually practised, otherwise the new knowledge would tend to create dreamers rather than men and women of purposeful achievement, useful alike to themselves and to all those with whom they come into contact. FREDERICK H. BURGESS for THE MASTER KEY PUBLISHING COMPANY London, August, 1937.

    • ~
      my hubby & and I are studying these lessons (now) together… among other related things(: And as many already know…Charles Haanel has wonderfully powerful material… And for those of us…like myself who only now have created a space for this study…or haven’t been exposed to who he is…and his great influence… its truly worth the focus(:

a good link

other books online desire to read:
You (1927) Everything in the universe vibrates…yes, everything.
Mental Chemistry [1922] “For every problem, there is a solution. For every person, there is a meaning. For every success, there is a formula”
you can be happy under any and all conditions

On What Matters

On Being True To Yourself

When You Start Seeing

Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.

    • ~

    • ~affirmations
      I Choose Peace and Happiness Written by Carmien Owen ***~KnowTheFlow.ca~***
      There is one magnificent and awe-inspiring field of Unconditional Love. My every thought, my entire mind, activates this field of Unconditional Love.

I choose to identify myself with power, love, beauty, peace and happiness. Each realization of my creative potential instills a knowing within me of the Infinite power available to me. I allow myself to dwell upon love and beauty, discerning it through all events and people as a by-product of the expression of God through all. I experience the flow of peace and happiness that results from this state of heart and mind. I identify with, and am receptive to, abundance and success through my creative expression.



  • ~

I can get a magnificent benefit from anything that occurs.

  • ~
    With a celebration of the magnificence of Spirit as I know It, and a sense of Awe for what this awareness inspires through me, I release these words with a profound and deep gratitude. I know it is done in the Mind of the One. And so it is.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Sometimes all I want to do…is simplify. I don’t always start there…though gratefully I get there(:
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** Purpose of this thread: Since ‘the world’ can be such an influential place, I spend time influencing myself…like I am sure other like minded individuals do(-:



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    threads I will soon be extracting audios from
    David McGraw
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  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    thread under major construction…nothing past intro post is being focused on yet(: intro post expected to be ‘complete’ in April 2016

***This thread is under heavy construction***
How about a cup of tea or 3 while we wait(:

because this may take awhile(:
or some other refreshing drink?

I didn’t want to lose things —-so huge conglomeration of stuff(: I got it under control…It’s just not ready to be seen(:

Table of Contents of sorts soon to be situated here

***Thanks for your patience(:*** expected basics in February-March 2016

Angelic Reiki – Full Album – Deeply relaxing music and ideally timed for Reiki treatments

    • ~
      somewhere I had a thread that resembled this:

      It’s lovely to focus on how wonderful our lives are! Another place to focus on appreciation(:

I like accepting of yourself and that you want to love yourself as you should… I believe is a foundation for a wonderful life(:

I love to hear how others are appreciating(: I love to ease into my day with thoughts of appreciation…Things I need to get done…just start getting done. I love how this day begins to already show itself with love and beauty as I see what I love and love what I see.

I too need very little…and the less I seem to need…the more I desire seems to materialize like little surprises.

I ease into enthusiasm and that feels great to me…because I can recall how I co-created the experience and it gives me hope that this is a tool that is there for me.

I love much…and love how I can focus my love on ways that bring the best out in me, and can bring my better self out to play(: I love how wonderful it is that a wonderful life is anything I feel it is…and the people who are close to me feel good sharing what they love too.

And even acquaintances in my daily experiences seem to want to exchange what they’re smiling about…or the hope of a better day. I love that!

Happiness-Thread Meetings
March 23, 2016 resiliency

Organizing Bmindful Threads Ones I’ve Created:

Books I Intend To Read







Threads Others Have Created
the-short-version-of-how-to-get-rich created by Robert

***Self Decluttering*** —Good riddance to decisions that don’t support self-care, self-value, and self-worth.
***Decluttering with Others*** —Do the people in my life give me energy and encourage my personal growth, or block that growth with dysfunctional dynamics and outdated scripts? If they don’t support me as a loving, open, free, and spontaneous being:Goodbye! ( lovingly )
***Decluttering emotional life*** —Out with stagnant patterns that no longer serve me.
***Decluttering work*** —Not only reducing the “clutter” of paperwork, inefficiency, and overcommunication, but also striving to create a balanced workload and make my work invigorating, inspiring, collaborative, and empowering to others.
***Decluttering nature and play*** —Seeing these as expressions of love and opportunities to fill your life with truth and joy.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Symptoms Of Peace


  • _____________________
    about Jack Canfield
  • ______________________ “What are two qualities I most love expressing in life?”For me, it would be love and joy. JACK CANFIELDto see more
  • ______________________

1. Take No Less than 100% Responsibility for Your Life
2. Be Clear Why You’re Here
3. Decide What You Want

  • _____________________

Life Is A Gift
The following are chapters from a book by Jack Canfield entitled Success Principles.. I simply took the chapter titles and converted them into daily questions. I find it to be a very helpful daily inventory. Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life, Be Clear Why You’re Here

    • Why am I here?
    • What do I want?
    • Do I believe it is possible?
    • Do I believe in myself?
    • Have I unleashed my goal setting today?
    • No matter what I feel, am I going for it anyway?
    • Am I willing to pay the price?
    • Do I reject rejection?
    • Do I use feedback to my advantage?
    • Do I commit to constant never-ending improvement?
    • Do I practice persistence?
    • Do I exceed expectations?
    • Do I surround myself with successful people?
    • Do I acknowledge the best about me?
    • Do I face what isn’t working?
    • Have I transformed my inner critic to my inner coach?
    • Do I stay motivated with the masters?
    • Do I fuel my success with passion and enthusiasm?
    • Do I build my success team with creative successful relationships?
    • Am I successful with money?
    • Have I accepted that Success Starts Now??!(:
    • ** Canfield Resources
    • ** -Questions and Article excerpts below from Jack Canfield’s Success Principles Workbook

***_The Law of Attraction_***
The Law of Attraction stipulates that we attract all events, people and circumstances into our lives through our thoughts and feelings. That means if you now have relationships, health, finances, and job circumstances
that you are not satisfied with, it is possible for you to turn things around … by consciously changing your thoughts, feelings and attitude towards these areas in your life.Whatever you think about, talk about, fantasize about, or give your attention to, you are going to attract more of into your life. The universe is made up of energy. Your thoughts are energy. Energy flows where attention goes. Your attention focuses energy into manifestation. Every thought you think, and its accompanying feelings, sends out a vibration to the universe (the zero point field, the quantum field, Source, God, Infinite Intelligence) and attracts back to it experiences that match the vibration of that feeling-thought

1. What irritates you?
2. What do you need to do to fix it?
3. Who could you ask to help get it handled?
4. How do you stop yourself from asking?
5. What is the possible benefit of asking?
6. When will you ask them?

1. What is a mess or incomplete in your life?
2. How does not completing it affect you? What does it cost you?
3. What is the possible benefit of cleaning it up?
4. Who could you delegate all or part of the clean-up to?
5. When will you ask them?
6. When do you commit to being complete by?

    • ☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼

♥`•.¸¸.•´´•:´¨`:•.••.¸¸. ´´¯`•♥

    • ______________
      1. What is a difficult or troubling situation in your life?
      2. How are you creating it or allowing it to happen?
      3. What are you pretending not to know?
      4. What is the payoff for keeping it like it is?
      5. What would you rather be experiencing?
      6. What actions will you take to create that?
      7. By when will you take that action?
      from The Success Principles workbook -Jack Canfield…
    • _____________________
      There are only 3 responses (Rs) you have any control over:
      1) Your behavior (including what you say and how you say it)
      2) Your thoughts (self-talk) and beliefs (both conscious and unconscious)
      3) Your visual imagery (including your images of the future) Jack Canfield…How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

QUOTES by JACK CANFIELD FROM: The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.
Now, when anything ‘bad’ happens, I remember that everything that ever happens to me has within it the seeds of something better. I look for the upside rather than the downside. I ask myself, ‘Where’s the greater benefit in this event?’ — P.47

One of the easiest ways to begin clarifying what you truly want is to make a list of 30 things you want to do, 30 things you want to have, and 30 things you want to be before you die. — P.28

If something doesn’t turn out as planned, you will ask yourself, ‘How did I create that? What was I thinking? What were my beliefs? What did I say or not say? What did I do or not do to create that result? How did I get the other person to act that way? What do I need to do differently next time to get the result I want? — P.5

I like Dr. Daniel Amen’s 18/40/60 Rule: When you’re 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you; when you’re 40, you don’t give a darn what anybody thinks of you; when you’re 60, you realize nobody’s been thinking about you at all. — P.45

I first learned about the power of affirmations when W. Clement Stone challenged me to set a goal so far beyond my current circumstances it would literally astound me if I achieved it. — P.79

    • _____________________

Taking care of to-do items: ▣ If you can take care of it within 10 minutes – Do it immediately. ▣ If you want to take care of it yourself, but know it will take longer – Delay it by filing it. ▣ If you can’t do it yourself or don’t want to take time – Delegate it to someone you trust to accomplish the task; be sure to have the person report back when he or she finishes the task so that you know it is complete. ▣ Dump it – if you do not want to do anything with it. Jack Canfield

ღAppreciating Power [ aka ˚ Checking In With Self]

1) I feel clear headed
2) My heart feels joy
3) I’m conscious of my time…and can see how to engage in my morning, to add/create more ease for my day.
4) I am ready and willing to take excellent care of myself.
5) I am ready to engage in another wonderful day. I enjoyed yesterday & I am so looking forward to today.


  • ~affirmations
    I Choose Peace and Happiness Written by Carmien Owen ***~KnowTheFlow.ca~***
    There is one magnificent and awe-inspiring field of Unconditional Love. My every thought, my entire mind, activates this field of Unconditional Love.

I choose to identify myself with power, love, beauty, peace and happiness. Each realization of my creative potential instills a knowing within me of the Infinite power available to me. I allow myself to dwell upon love and beauty, discerning it through all events and people as a by-product of the expression of God through all. I experience the flow of peace and happiness that results from this state of heart and mind. I identify with, and am receptive to, abundance and success through my creative expression.

    • ~
    • ~

I can get a magnificent benefit from anything that occurs.

  • ~
    _With a celebration of the magnificence of Spirit as I know It, and a sense of Awe for what this awareness inspires through me, I release these words with a profound and deep gratitude. I know it is done in the Mind of the

To know how to choose a path with heart is to learn how to follow intuitive feeling. Logic can tell you superficially where a path might lead to, but it cannot judge whether your heart will be in it. Jean Shinoda Bolen

When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life. Jean Shinoda Bolen

Whatever has crowded out growth needs to be recognized and removed. Jean Shinoda Bolen

To be a soulful person means to go against all the pervasive, prove-yourself values of our culture and instead treasure what is unique and internal and valuable in yourself and your own personal evolution.” Jean Shinoda Bolen

You have the need and the right to spend part of your life caring for your soul. It is not easy. You have to resist the demands of the work-oriented, often defensive, element in your psyche that measures life only in terms of output — how much you produce — not in terms of the quality of your life experiences. Jean Shinoda Bolen

We need to meditate on what is peaceful. Once we have ‘filled up’ in this way, we once again have an abundance of love to send out into the world. Jean Shinoda Bolen

I feel that one must deliberate then act, must scan every life choice with rational thinking but then base the decision on whether one’s heart will be in it. Jean Shinoda Bolen


I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy. Charles Haanel

“I am realistic – I expect miracles.”— Wayne Dyer

I am calm… so peaceful…& trust this now moment of my life

I am safe & reaping prosperity with whatever I’m doing and wherever I go.

I can get a magnificent benefit from anything that occurs.

I am a Karate master of my thoughts.

I open myself to a wonderful and blessed new future full of love and joy

The best way to predict the future is to create it

I am taking care of my mind through right thinking, rest and renewal.
I am always successful because success is a divine quality of spirit, and spirit is what I am.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • ~

“I know that I am pure spirit, that I always have been,
and that I always will be. There is inside me a place of
confidence and quietness and security where all things
are known and understood. This is the Universal Mind,
God, of which I am a part and which responds to me as I
ask of it. This universal mind knows the answer to all of
my problems, and even now the answers are speeding
their way to me. I needn’t struggle for them; I needn’t
worry or strive for them. When the time comes, the
answers will be there. I give my problems to the great mind
of God; I let go of them, confident that the correct answers
will return to me when they are needed. Through the
great law of attraction, everything in life that I need
for my work and fulfillment will come to me. It is not
necessary that I strain about this, only believe. For in
the strength of my belief, my faith will make it so. I
see the hand of divine intelligence all about me, in
the flower, the tree, the brook, the meadow. I know that
the intelligence that created all these things is in me and
around me and that I can call upon it for my slightest
need. I know that my body is a manifestation of pure
spirit and that spirit is perfect; therefore my body is
perfect also. I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant
demonstration of the power and wonder of the universe and
myself. I am confident. I am serene. I am sure. No matter
what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my
path, I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion.
There can be no obstacle or undesirable circumstance to
the mind of God, which is in me, and around me, and
serves me now.”

    • posted the following meditation before:
      I read the book 3 Magic Words in the 70’s, and it was such an inspiration back then. I still love the meditation today. ► by~ U.S. Andersen, author of book Three Magic Words (1954) suggests repeating the meditation , after a daily 10 minute period of stillness.

  • ~

    I am taking care of my mind through right thinking, rest and renewal.
    I am always successful because success is a divine quality of spirit, and spirit is what I am.

Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction.
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
Current Threads I Contributed I’d Like Quicker Access To: (in process)

When I allow myself to be guided, it doesn’t mean that I won’t make mistakes or have failures. I am willing to let things go that aren’t working and pursue what is working Shakti Gawain

I act with high intention and purposeful awareness

I create intentions with joy, ease, and peace. As I look upon my words, I know that the world is shifting to bring forth everything on my mental and physical list. I now see opportunities, I now have ideas, and I now have the means to accomplish everything I desire and it feels wonderful.


to be continued…

Polishing the Process & Expanding the Language

As long as I have a strong connection to Spirit, my connections with other humans are based on affection, not need. I now claim my strong and unwavering connection to Spirit (Loving Creator;God), & I feel that awesome connection in this moment.

Other Affirmations:
• God/the Universe supports me in all things.
• I trust that ALL my needs will be met.
• I surrender to all that is good.
• I surrender to the infinite possibilities that I cannot always see.
• I am secure and safe in God/the Universe
I enjoy creating threads(: The site is going through some transition… and sharing can be compared to a wonderful grand opening that only a handful of people know about.
So until the opening…I am selecting threads which have links, thoughts, pictures which help me create the day I love…I hope others enjoy too

  • ☼Sometimes the best way to figure out who you are is to get to that place where you don’t have to be anything else. ~☼Unknown

Thread’s I’d like to make more reader friendly&/or simply revise:

  • ~

love this subset (as trigger words)
Emotional Intelligence

Esteem Builder
Relationship Investor

Time Optimizer

some other ones I enjoy:


March – Inner Ease

Breathe ease before communications – this helps to align your mind and emotions with your heart.

Ask your heart’s intuition for higher choices in decisions.

When we make peace with our situations, this helps solutions to emerge.

To raise your vibration take time out to love someone, a pet, nature, etc.

Be mindful of drama and over-significance: they are among the top of the list of self-created energy drains.

Make a morning intention to move with ease throughout the day without drama.

“Your hearts intelligent guidance can assist you in finding an exit when seemingly boxed in a room without doors.” – Doc Childre

Go for more ease in all you do

  • ~
    My choices and ridiculously wonderful possibilities are expanding every day.

• I acknowledge and appreciate the synchronicities in my daily life.
• I disperse compassion and love wherever I go.
• I am thankful for the graces that take me beyond my limits.
• I redeem the earth and include all humanity in my heart.
• I keep finding an inner source of strength and comfort in and beyond my soul
• I seek community with others on my path.
• I open myself to every transformation that is ready to happen in and through me.
• I drop the need for certainty; I am comfortable with ambiguity.
• I respect the right of others to reject my path.
• I let go of fear and obligation and live by love and choice.
• I acknowledge a world beyond my senses, a truth beyond my intellect, a wisdom beyond logic, a power beyond my limits, a serene design despite any distressing display

Affirmations are from David Richo
***~from Unexpected Miracles:~*** ***The Gift of Synchronicity & How to Open it***

imagine-better-life russellsmall.com

Give yourself a quiet space, free from interruptions like people and phone calls. Allow your creativity to flow and don’t criticize your ideas. Continue with this process until you feel excited and passionate about what is on paper. The litmus test for this passion is that every time you think about this idea you will feel invigorated, enlivened, and enthusiastic. If the goosebumps don’t come keep looking. Russell Small

When the future hinges on the next words that are said, don’t let logic interfere, believe your heart instead. Philip Robison

    • Manifesting
      1. Identifying your desire
      2. Feeding your desire
      3. Allowing your desire
      Imagine A Life Of Possibility
      1. Are You Crystal Clear about Your most PASSIONATE PURPOSE?
      2. Are You Blissfully Living Your ULTIMATE LIFESTYLE?
      3. Are You Manifesting Desires with CONSCIOUS INTENTION?
      4. Are You in Harmony with Your SENSES and SURROUNDINGS?
      5. Are You Truly Grateful for Your UNIQUE EXPERIENCES?
      ~questions from www.russellsmall.com
    • ~

    • ~

thread 3-most-important-questions-awesome-fest
thread this-moment-of-your-life-3mindfulquestions
thread courage assurance-loa


thread i-see-what-i-love-and-i-love-what-i-see

3 Levels Of Living
Three Levels To Living

Level One might be called reactionary. At this level, a person lives in the moment, but without higher-order goals or purpose. Depending on the quality of circumstances, this person will experience a greater or lesser degree of fun and pleasure.

Level Two is represented by the person who acts to attain highly valued goals. Examples include having a happy relationship, financial security, success in a career. People who live at this level open the door to satisfaction and happiness.

It is when people have a passionate purpose for their life that they live at Level Three. This occurs when a person develops the burning “why” behind what they do and then intentionally expresses this “why” throughout the fabric of his or her life. Those who live at this level experience deep fulfillment and even joy, on top of many moments of fun, pleasure, and happiness.

    • ~

I efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstance.

SELF CARE- do 1 little thing


affirmations and intentions
My heart is light. I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything

    • ~

    • ~
      Being in a peaceful state is normal for me

***a group of affirmations I enjoy***

It is a refreshing peace to connect with my inner spirit, and I do this at will with a growing ease…

I feel calm and relaxed.

I breathe slowly and deeply.

With each breath I become more centered … more honest, open & joyously peaceful

I am being filled with my full spiritual power. Divine light and Divine love are flowing through me. I am free of cares as I once referred to them

I am free and allow a life of miraculous moments.

It is joyously healthy, and wise to surrender right now

I love enjoying this surrender. It is always beyond my wildest imagination of completeness

I Am ease

I feel so peaceful and calm.

I feel so comfortable.

I feel like smiling.

I am smiling.

I accept this new moment, and love surrendering in each new one

I am manifesting my Divine potential in every aspect of my life.

My Spirit is now consistently presenting me with updated plans to achieve my goals even when I am playing, eating, or sleeping

I allow myself awesome growth through loving all I know and will know as joyous journey of regular moments of bliss.

All is well in my now

This thread is geared toward coming from the place of of ease and an open heart.

Feel free to share affirmations, music, and quotes which focus on this theme.

“Everyone is trying to accomplish something big,
not realizing that life is made up of little things.”
— Frank G. Clark

related threads in process
all feels lighter


enoughness abundance affirmations


related posts

”Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it.” – Ray Bradbury

    • ~www.queenofyourownlife.com
    • ~

instrumental Beautiful Light Music – easy smooth inspirational – long playlist by relaxdaily: Ocean Breeze

Most of what we take as being important is not material, whether it’s music or feelings or love. They’re things we can’t really see or touch. They’re not material, but they’re vitally important to us.
— Judy Collins

just add love

Give yourself a quiet space, free from interruptions like people and phone calls. Allow your creativity to flow and don’t criticize your ideas. Continue with this process until you feel excited and passionate about what is on paper. The litmus test for this passion is that every time you think about this idea you will feel invigorated, enlivened, and enthusiastic. If the goosebumps don’t come keep looking. Russell Small

When the future hinges on the next words that are said, don’t let logic interfere, believe your heart instead. Philip Robison

    • Manifesting
      1. Identifying your desire
      2. Feeding your desire
      3. Allowing your desire
      Imagine A Life Of Possibility
      1. Are You Crystal Clear about Your most PASSIONATE PURPOSE?
      2. Are You Blissfully Living Your ULTIMATE LIFESTYLE?
      3. Are You Manifesting Desires with CONSCIOUS INTENTION?
      4. Are You in Harmony with Your SENSES and SURROUNDINGS?
      5. Are You Truly Grateful for Your UNIQUE EXPERIENCES?
      ~questions from www.russellsmall.com
  • ~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ★DESIRE [affirmations, quotes,thoughts,& links]

You must tell the universe what you want. You wouldn’t wait at the pick-up window at a drive-thru without placing an order first. Life’s the same way. Put your desires on loudspeaker… Michael A. Nitti

☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼•
Desire Affirmations

***~I thank the creator of the website~*** ***->*** www.2cashflownow.com ***~and the graciousness to share items from their site.~***
☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼•

    • REMEMBER: Affirmations are based on the following principles
      1. Your present reality is a direct result of your past thinking
      2. Change your thinking, and your reality changes
      3. Affirmations change your thinking

• Action is the bridge between the inner world and
the outer world.

• Thoughts lead to feelings.
• Feelings lead to actions.
• Actions lead to results.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Life is so easy! Life is so good! All good things come to me!
    • Life is easy and fun.
    • I feel happy and successful in everything I do.
    • I know exactly what my heart desires.
    • I have the power to accomplish anything my heart desires.
    • I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.
    • I deserve all good things life has to offer.
    • I deserve to have wealth and abundance in my life.
    • Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.
    • I am open to have miracles happen today.
    • I feel alive and energized.
    • I do only those things that are best for me.
    • I welcome joy into my life.
    • Mastery and I are one.
    • I am a fast learner.
    • There is a powerful, intelligent, creative energy that exists in all things,so it must also exist in me!
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

• I am the master of my thoughts.
• My subconscious mind is now working for me, and will do exactly what
I tell it, because my subconscious mind is my partner in success
• My mind is orderly and well organized.

• I am always in the right place at the right time.
• No matter what I am doing I find a way to succeed.
• I have a millionaire mind.
• I am relaxed and confident knowing I am a powerful manifesting being
in this Universe. The laws of manifesting are Universal Laws that my
soul has chosen to participate and play with, and cannot change.
• I now choose to be successful.
• I am grateful to have the freedom of choice, to choose thoughts
that are empowering and responsible for manifesting my experience.
• I thank the Universe for giving me the power to create ANY life I

All my affirmations work for me, whether I believe them or not.

I am enthusiastic about engaging in my next right action.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • I joyfully live a healthy life with focus, clarity, direction, and purpose.
    • All areas of my life are in balance with my core values.
    • My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life.
    • Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe

Quotes from Members that I’ve liked:
You don’t need a doctorate in horticulture to appreciate a rose. SRWE

Other Quotes I Love:
When confronted with a situation that appears fragmented or impossible, step back, close your eyes, and envision perfection where you saw brokenness. Go to the inner place where there is no problem, and abide in the consciousness of well-being. Alan Cohen

The secret of our lost mode of prayer is to shift our perspective of life by feeling that the miracle has already happened and our prayers have been answered. Now we have the opportunity to bring this wisdom into our lives as prayers of gratitude for what already exists, rather than asking for our prayers to be answered. Gregg Braden

Out of clutter, find Simplicity.
From discord, find Harmony.
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
Albert Einstein

spring cleaning by David Ault

    • ~
      I feel clear headed

My heart feels joy

I’m conscious of my time…and can see how to engage in my morning.

I love how I create more ease for my day.
I naturally take excellent care of myself.
I see this day as new.
This day has a clean slate & I choose inner wealth.
I allow good days.
I anticipate awesome days!


  • ~
    Hallelujah my burdens are removed and my life takes a sudden, sharp turn in my favor.- Everywhere I look, I see abundance. Abundance flows into my life with ease. Today, I become what I desire to be. I take charge, and changes begin to manifest! God, in and through me, is a source of my supply. All my needs are met gloriously! My faith-filled enthusiasm empowers me to rise above all obstacles I live today as a whole, happy being. I am happy, successful, joyous and free I confidently manage the circumstances of my life My positive thoughts are magnets that draw my good to me I am important to life. I have a wonderful, unique contribution to make. My enthusiasm and joy are positive examples for others. Self-confidence is evident in my walk,my posture, my smile, my voice and all that I do I am honest, loving, kind, gentle, astute and aware. Today, I allow God to direct my thoughts,feelings and actions. I become aware of and sustain my creative connection with life today All that is before me to do this day, I do with happy enthusiasm. I welcome every challenge because it is an opportunity for growth. I follow my inner guidance to get things done easily and joyfully. I move in life with ease, enjoying every step of the way. God’s will for me is happiness. I allow myself to be incredibly happy. I am filled and thrilled with the joy of life. Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe. I am committed to my vibration vibrating positively. Ever increasing Joy fills my experience, overflows my Life and permeates my being!


thread from

***~knowing what’s important-quote~*** There are fine things which you mean to do some day, under what you think will be more favorable circumstances. But the only time that is surely yours is the present, hence this is the time to speak the word of appreciation and sympathy, to do the generous deed, to forgive the fault of a thoughtless friend, to sacrifice self a little more for others. Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart, to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed, and to use your God-given abilities for the enrichment of someone less fortunate. Today you can make your life – significant and worthwhile. The present is yours to do with as you will. Grenville Kleiser

    • ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
      At different moments/times of our lives…different areas need tweaking.
  • ~

By Leo Babauta

Pick one important task you really should get done today.
Clear space in front of you to do this task. Close the browser, or all browser tabs except the one you need to deal with this. Shut off the phone, clear everything else away, focus your mind on this one task.
Sit there and do the task.
Watch your mind want to run.
Now we’re going to do “pause training,” where instead of running from the discomfort, you pause. Breathe. Turn your attention to this discomfort — it might be fear, frustration, uncertainty, self-doubt, tiredness. Drop your story about this discomfort, and just notice how it feels physically, in your body. Where is this feeling of discomfort located? What quality does it have?

You’ll notice that the discomfort actually doesn’t feel that bad, even though you habitually want to run from it. It’s just energy. It’s not actually good or bad, but just energy that’s in your body, one that you normally don’t want to have and normally judge as “bad.”

Try this pause training for yourself. It won’t work to just read about it, you have to work with it. Get to know it, become intimate with it.

Unconventional Productivity
Once you’ve started to work with the discomfort, you’ll see that it’s No Big Deal. Nothing to worry about. It’s just a feeling, just energy. You’ll relax a little around it. Try to develop a friendly attitude toward it, instead of being harsh on yourself. Just notice, just smile, just breathe, just be gentle.

How do you turn this No Big Deal into productivity? Here’s a system to try:

Set your 3 Most Important Tasks (MITs) every morning, first thing when you start work. List a few other “should do’s” after that, but focus on the MITs first.
Pick one of the MITs, and clear space to do it. Before you check email.
Do some pause training. Notice when you want to run from this task, pause, investigate the physical feeling of discomfort with gentleness, friendliness and curiosity.
Set a heart intention. When you relax into the discomfort, and see it’s not a big deal, set an intention around the task — are you doing it to improve your life, to do something good for someone else, to help the world? Find the heart in your intention — it’s ultimately coming out of love. Say to yourself, “It is my intention to do this task out of love for __” (fill in the blank: yourself, someone else, the world, etc.).
Work with love. Open your hear and do this task with the love that comes out of your intention. Notice when you’re feeling discomfort and want to switch to something else, relax, do pause training if you need to, and then start again.
Take breaks. Every 10-15 minutes, get up and walk around. Stretch. Drink water. Check in with yourself and see how you’re doing. Then return to the task or pick another MIT.
You won’t be perfect at this, so don’t expect perfection. Just work with it, gently, and you’ll get better and better with practice.

  • ~


    • _____________________
      about Jack Canfield
    • ______________________ “What are two qualities I most love expressing in life?”For me, it would be love and joy. JACK CANFIELDto see more

    QUOTES by JACK CANFIELD FROM: The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.
    Now, when anything ‘bad’ happens, I remember that everything that ever happens to me has within it the seeds of something better. I look for the upside rather than the downside. I ask myself, ‘Where’s the greater benefit in this event?’ — P.47

    One of the easiest ways to begin clarifying what you truly want is to make a list of 30 things you want to do, 30 things you want to have, and 30 things you want to be before you die. — P.28

    If something doesn’t turn out as planned, you will ask yourself, ‘How did I create that? What was I thinking? What were my beliefs? What did I say or not say? What did I do or not do to create that result? How did I get the other person to act that way? What do I need to do differently next time to get the result I want? — P.5

    I like Dr. Daniel Amen’s 18/40/60 Rule: When you’re 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you; when you’re 40, you don’t give a darn what anybody thinks of you; when you’re 60, you realize nobody’s been thinking about you at all. — P.45

    I first learned about the power of affirmations when W. Clement Stone challenged me to set a goal so far beyond my current circumstances it would literally astound me if I achieved it. — P.79

      • _____________________

    3 things that made me smile today:
    1) 3 more things today… hearing wonderful things members are doing these days
    2) creating a tickler file that is GREAT!!! What can I say -creativity for purposeful things makes me smile ear to ear
    3) smiling about my heart-felt dreams ….slow and steady is good(:

There is a member on our site who has posted some extraordinaryaffirmations… which resonate for me. The members name is BrightAngel.…I truly like her style & feel a wonderful identification with some of her affirmations:

When I want to, I can express my gentleness openly and freely, just my love for all that is….extending out to people who are nearest to me

I believe I’m a wonderful person, and my words matter. I like expressing encouragement and support.

People often think that you have to do stuff and be a go-getter, but maybe just being yourself and living fully, also spreads joy into the world.

In what ways might I enjoy spreading love and goodness into the world? Would it be good to do this directly or indirectly? Would I like to spread love to certain issues or certain populations? I can test-drive many different ways, on many different days.

It is safe now, to let any old ideas and patterns drop away. I don’t have to know exactly how I am changing — I can flow with a bit of awkwardness and uncertainty today.

I like who I am on the inside, and see that reflected in the image I present to the outside world. I am confident and comfortable with who I am.

I am completely free to widen my circle of kindness and affection — the universe is supporting me.

I’m getting really good at noticing the gifts of others, and seeing the ways in which other people give me bits of affection and joy.

I like being here on the earthly plane, and I am feeling safe and supported here.

I allow myself to do things that I’m good at, and follow the sparks of joy that I feel while doing stuff I care about.

I find myself having everything I need to feel happy and connected

There is tremendous joy in being willing to be taught by the universe how to lift the vibrations of myself and humanity, in whatever ways I am best suited to.

I am here, whole, complete, beautiful, exactly as I am inside, exactly as I am outside. I bring the full strength and beauty of who I am into the world.

  • ~

some affirmations selected from BeyondAffirmations, and (Miss Inspiration) ->Wambuibahati.com

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Thread formerly called ˚ Checking In With Self(thread-blog ***in process*** )
    thread from

***~knowing what’s important-quote~*** There are fine things which you mean to do some day, under what you think will be more favorable circumstances. But the only time that is surely yours is the present, hence this is the time to speak the word of appreciation and sympathy, to do the generous deed, to forgive the fault of a thoughtless friend, to sacrifice self a little more for others. Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart, to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed, and to use your God-given abilities for the enrichment of someone less fortunate. Today you can make your life – significant and worthwhile. The present is yours to do with as you will. Grenville Kleiser

    • ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
      At different moments/times of our lives…different areas need tweaking.
  • ~

    • ~

      Unconventional Productivity

Posted: 27 Jan 2016 10:45 AM PST

By Leo Babauta

Pick one important task you really should get done today.
Clear space in front of you to do this task. Close the browser, or all browser tabs except the one you need to deal with this. Shut off the phone, clear everything else away, focus your mind on this one task.
Sit there and do the task.
Watch your mind want to run.
Now we’re going to do “pause training,” where instead of running from the discomfort, you pause. Breathe. Turn your attention to this discomfort — it might be fear, frustration, uncertainty, self-doubt, tiredness. Drop your story about this discomfort, and just notice how it feels physically, in your body. Where is this feeling of discomfort located? What quality does it have?

You’ll notice that the discomfort actually doesn’t feel that bad, even though you habitually want to run from it. It’s just energy. It’s not actually good or bad, but just energy that’s in your body, one that you normally don’t want to have and normally judge as “bad.”

Try this pause training for yourself. It won’t work to just read about it, you have to work with it. Get to know it, become intimate with it.

Unconventional Productivity
Once you’ve started to work with the discomfort, you’ll see that it’s No Big Deal. Nothing to worry about. It’s just a feeling, just energy. You’ll relax a little around it. Try to develop a friendly attitude toward it, instead of being harsh on yourself. Just notice, just smile, just breathe, just be gentle.

How do you turn this No Big Deal into productivity? Here’s a system to try:

Set your 3 Most Important Tasks (MITs) every morning, first thing when you start work. List a few other “should do’s” after that, but focus on the MITs first.
Pick one of the MITs, and clear space to do it. Before you check email.
Do some pause training. Notice when you want to run from this task, pause, investigate the physical feeling of discomfort with gentleness, friendliness and curiosity.
Set a heart intention. When you relax into the discomfort, and see it’s not a big deal, set an intention around the task — are you doing it to improve your life, to do something good for someone else, to help the world? Find the heart in your intention — it’s ultimately coming out of love. Say to yourself, “It is my intention to do this task out of love for __” (fill in the blank: yourself, someone else, the world, etc.).
Work with love. Open your hear and do this task with the love that comes out of your intention. Notice when you’re feeling discomfort and want to switch to something else, relax, do pause training if you need to, and then start again.
Take breaks. Every 10-15 minutes, get up and walk around. Stretch. Drink water. Check in with yourself and see how you’re doing. Then return to the task or pick another MIT.
You won’t be perfect at this, so don’t expect perfection. Just work with it, gently, and you’ll get better and better with practice.

  • ~
    3 things that made me smile today:
    1) 3 more things today… hearing wonderful things members are doing these days
    2) creating a tickler file that is GREAT!!! What can I say -creativity for purposeful things makes me smile ear to ear
    3) smiling about my heart-felt dreams ….slow and steady is good(:


  • ______________________


  • _____________________

The following are chapters from a book by Jack Canfield entitled Success Principles.. I simply took the chapter titles and converted them into daily questions. I find it to be a very helpful daily inventory. Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life, Be Clear Why You’re Here

  • Why am I here?
  • What do I want?
  • Do I believe it is possible?
  • Do I believe in myself?
  • Have I unleashed my goal setting today?
  • No matter what I feel, am I going for it anyway?
  • Am I willing to pay the price?
  • Do I reject rejection?
  • Do I use feedback to my advantage?
  • Do I commit to constant never-ending improvement?
  • Do I practice persistence?
  • Do I exceed expectations?
  • Do I surround myself with successful people?
  • Do I acknowledge the best about me?
  • Do I face what isn’t working?
  • Have I transformed my inner critic to my inner coach?
  • Do I stay motivated with the masters?
  • Do I fuel my success with passion and enthusiasm?
  • Do I build my success team with creative successful relationships?
  • Am I successful with money?
  • Have I accepted that Success Starts Now??!(:
  • ** Canfield Resources
  • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    • ** -Questions and Article excerpts below from Jack Canfield’s Success Principles Workbook

***_The Law of Attraction_***
The Law of Attraction stipulates that we attract all events, people and circumstances into our lives through our thoughts and feelings. That means if you now have relationships, health, finances, and job circumstances
that you are not satisfied with, it is possible for you to turn things around … by consciously changing your thoughts, feelings and attitude towards these areas in your life.Whatever you think about, talk about, fantasize about, or give your attention to, you are going to attract more of into your life. The universe is made up of energy. Your thoughts are energy. Energy flows where attention goes. Your attention focuses energy into manifestation. Every thought you think, and its accompanying feelings, sends out a vibration to the universe (the zero point field, the quantum field, Source, God, Infinite Intelligence) and attracts back to it experiences that match the vibration of that feeling-thought

1. What irritates you?
2. What do you need to do to fix it?
3. Who could you ask to help get it handled?
4. How do you stop yourself from asking?
5. What is the possible benefit of asking?
6. When will you ask them?

1. What is a mess or incomplete in your life?
2. How does not completing it affect you? What does it cost you?
3. What is the possible benefit of cleaning it up?
4. Who could you delegate all or part of the clean-up to?
5. When will you ask them?
6. When do you commit to being complete by?

    • ☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼

♥`•.¸¸.•´´•:´¨`:•.••.¸¸. ´´¯`•♥

    • ______________
      1. What is a difficult or troubling situation in your life?
      2. How are you creating it or allowing it to happen?
      3. What are you pretending not to know?
      4. What is the payoff for keeping it like it is?
      5. What would you rather be experiencing?
      6. What actions will you take to create that?
      7. By when will you take that action?
      from The Success Principles workbook -Jack Canfield…
    • _____________________
      There are only 3 responses (Rs) you have any control over:
      1) Your behavior (including what you say and how you say it)
      2) Your thoughts (self-talk) and beliefs (both conscious and unconscious)
      3) Your visual imagery (including your images of the future) Jack Canfield…How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

Post 8
To make the world a better place, see the world as a better place. Alan Cohen

The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to quiet the mind to hear it. Caroline Myss

You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy. Unknown

Hurry ruins saints as well as artists. They want quick success and they are in such haste to get it that they cannot take time to be true to themselves. Thomas Merton

  • ~~ ✰~~
    Worldly success is achieved by doing. Spiritual success is achieved by undoing. Alan Cohen
  • ** * thread being revised.thanks for your patience [posts listed to assist me when I visit for quick & longer edits
  • ~
  • ** * intro post

Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction.
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

Due to the quantity of items that will be posted, I use butterfly bookmarks to highlight, and photos to accentuate or divide. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

I choose to surrender everything that is not supporting my highest good. I move forward and I am free now!

Today all of my needs are being met

Loving the projects related to taking time to organize and plan. I’m worth it.

I can feel money, time, talent and energy to accomplish all that I desire has arrived and available to me

I look and feel younger and healthier each day.


printablesHere’s a great site

articleDownloading the Ram In Your Brain

a favorite siteGreat accountability ideas and work book type pages to explore your life, from one of our members:Kahuna Keith

beginners guide to meditation
Deepok Choprah
well being

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Morning Audio Meditation

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mindful of this moment in time.

  • ** ►•I am firmly but calmly centered in this moment.
  • ** ►•All clocks run at perfect speed for me.
  • ** ►•All my power is in the present moment.
  • ** ►•Every moment of my life is full of wonderful choices.
  • ** ►•I am sure footed and step forward confidently!
    • ** ►•I walk my path with purpose and focus!

  • ** * ~~ ✰~~

Clarity about priorities — who you want to be and what you want to do
Organizing your time — planning specific activities to accomplish those priorities
Executing the plan — following through with intention and doing what you say you will do Kathy Paauw
Kathy Paauw’s Blog & The Music of Your Heart
Kathy Pauuw tips & tools
Kathy Paauw declutter
Kathy Paauw tickler file

Organized Times

    • ~~ ✰~~

Personally I love having dreams! It gives me something to look forward to..Though I guess one of the biggest messages I’ve received in my life… pertaining to life… is to balance out my dreams …so I do not forget why I want them… When I do that, I often find out I am right where I’m supposed to be…(for me)…and it gives me the drive to do the next right thing (for me) and when (for me)… This increases my self-worth…not my ego..my simple foundation for moving forward at my desired speed.

Whatever I end up doing or not doing will have truly been up to me..no one to blame… nothing to regret(:

I can comfortably change my mind… I can comfortably increase or decrease the speed in which I’m traveling. I can love myself.

Am I always acknowledging I have this power. No, I’m not perfect…I have my moments. Though, it always leads me right back here (with a smile which grows from that understanding) Appreciating˚

    • ~~ ✰~~
      It is always my hope that something I post will be of assistance to someone somewhere at sometime. Of course I start with me…though..hoping to make this reader friendly for myself to find things & others if they so choose to visit…and grab something they like. Though if not here with me…may you be led to your expressed favorites(: Appreciating˚
    • ~~ ✰~~
    • ~~ ✰~~
      under heavy construction-currently not even a read only(: Please drop by after October 2015 Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction…expect basic order complete by Oct 2015
    • ~~ ✰~~
      ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
      • I joyfully live a healthy life with focus, clarity, direction, and purpose. • All areas of my life are in balance with my core values. • My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life. • Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe

My mind is full of gratitude for my lovely and wonderful life

  • ~~ ✰~~

I know what I want from life • Life is good to me • I dissolve all past limitations placed on me by others, heredity, education or environment • I believe in myself • • I feel deep peace in my core • I am aligned to my highest purpose • My purpose comes clearly into focus • I have deep, relaxed trust in my life • I have a strong sense of purpose • I am committed to my purpose in life • I know I am taken care of • I understand my life • I am open to receive higher guidance and wisdom • by Jonathan Parker

  • ** affirmations for decisions All my options quickly become clear to me. I exercise good judgment in everything I do.I have good common sense. I easily choose what is right for me. I am a master of intelligent decision making strategies. I gladly make my own decisions and carry them out. It is easy for me to make correct decisions. I attract wonderful opportunities into my life. I make timely decisions.. affirmation by Jonathan Parker ]
  • ~~ ✰~~
    A lengthy list of Bmindful Threads Which Work For Me that I’ve contributed-In Process…located in Post 3
  • ~~ ✰~~
    A lengthy list of Bmindful Threads Which Work For Me Which Promote Sharing
    are located in post 4
  • ~~ ✰~~
    A lengthy list of Bmindful threads Which Work For Me Contributed By Bmindful Members …in process can be located in post 4

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some stretching first page not appearing…will return
this is the site though
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Sacral chakra affirmations

    • ~
      I trust my feelings and given the ample room for expression.
    • ~
      I am a creature of light, open to my highest joy.
    • ~
      I feel the power of healing moving in and through me as I affirm my worth and honour my body.
    • ~
      I use self-care not self-control

• I joyfully live a healthy life with focus, clarity, direction, and purpose. • All areas of my life are in balance with my core values. • My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life. • Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe

    • ~~ ✰~~
      I Live In The Now.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I live In Balance And Harmony.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I laugh More.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I Smile Easily.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I trust that my highest good and greatest joy are unfolding now.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      The Healing Light Of Love
      Flows Through Every Fabric Of My Being.
    • ~
      I make great choices for me and my life
    • ~
      My journey is my own and it is beautiful.
    • ~

  • ~~ ✰~~
    A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes. Hugh Downs
  • ~~ ✰~~
  • ~ ~ ~
    Definition: Let’s briefly define what we mean by Joy. It’s the energy of love, the feeling quality of love. We’re talking about unconditional love for self and others. Joy is different than ordinary happiness which is usually a personality reaction to outer conditions. Joy is a soul quality and is untouched by outer circumstances. Our Motto is “Joy Is An Inside Job.” Joyful You™Joyful Child® www.joy4you.org
  • ~ ~ ~
  • ~~ ✰~~
    As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter. Eckhart Tolle

textileRef:133543482599dc9e50e610:linkStartMarker:”* ~~ ✰~~
If your dominant intent is to feel joy while you are doing the work, your triad of intentions—freedom, growth and joy—will come quickly and easily into alignment. See your “career” as one of creating a joyful life experience. You are not a creator of things or a regurgitator of what someone else has created or a gatherer of stuff. You are a creator, and the subject of your creation is your joyful life experience. That is your mission. That is your quest. That is why you are here. “ Abe”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3755/-wisdom-from-unique-sources#post37181

Don’t try to recreate peak experiences. Instead, just accept them as the gift that they are, and don’t beat up on yourself for not being able to stay there. Because if you stayed there, they wouldn’t be peak experiences. They would be normal, every day in time hum drum boring, experiences. So, savor the peak experiences and compliment yourself upon your achieving of them, and expect more of them, and leave everything else out of the equation.Abe

threads related to the joy that can be found on Bmindful coming soon:

    • ~~ ✰~~
      under heavy construction-currently not even a read only(: Please drop by after August 2015 Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction…expect basic order complete by Aug 2015
    • ~~ ✰~~
      ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

  • ** Where am I in respect to this moment? Where am I in respect to me?
  • ** What is the moment calling from me? ★ღ✰˚ ✰。 ☼Molly Gordon-Life Coach

Mindful of this moment in time.

    • ** ►•I am firmly but calmly centered in this moment.
    • ** ►•All clocks run at perfect speed for me.
    • ** ►•All my power is in the present moment.
    • ** ►•Every moment of my life is full of choices.

  • ~~ ✰~~
    You can fully and deeply relax,
    guilt-free. No apologies needed.
    No explanations or excuses required.
    You are confident that what needs doing
    won’t be forgotten and WILL get done. By Ariane Benefit
  • ~~ ✰~~

You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Timer.focus 25.short brk 5.long brk 15.stop
  • ~~ ✰~~
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Gratitude Affirmations
  • ~~ ✰~~
    My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts which ultimately are converted into my life experiences.

My mind is full of gratitude for my lovely and wonderful life
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
• I joyfully live a healthy life with focus, clarity, direction, and purpose. • All areas of my life are in balance with my core values. • My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life. • Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe

    • ~~ ✰~~
      I Live In The Now.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I live In Balance And Harmony.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I laugh More.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I Smile Easily.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I trust that my highest good and greatest joy are unfolding now.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      The Healing Light Of Love
      Flows Through Every Fabric Of My Being.
    • ~~ ✰~~
    • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ►• declaration I care about every cell, system, and value in myself. Every cell and every system in my body and mind is important to my overall functioning, health, and happiness, and I care for each one. One way to care for each part of myself is to give it proper exercise and allow it regular harmonious functioning. from You Can Choose To Be Happy by Tom G Stevens PhD
    • ~~ ✰~~


Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction.
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

  • ~~ ✰~~ You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.

quoteRedirecting your thoughts, instead of trying to control them, empowers you to release all the energy being sucked up by stress and overwhelm and channel it into designing your life to fit, function and feel good about yourself every day. Ariane Benefit

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      I am a fully actualized, grounded, mature person, who is sure and confident. I always know where I’m going in life, and I continually stay open to the intelligent guidance and leading of God [my Source…SPECIFY description for Source for you]….

People who meet me, and know me, consider me to be a highly valuable human being, as well as a source of radiant, positive spiritual energy. Additionally, I also see the inherent worth and value in all others around me.

I radiate sereneness, poise, self-control, supreme confidence, and high self-esteem, as well as high personal and social value. Personal ‘challenge’, mystery, and magnetism…emanate from within me, and overflow from my subconscious mind.

I’m clear on the purpose of my life and my life’s major intentions…which include to grow spiritually, to improve where I can personally, and to contribute to the lives of others, in meaningful ways.

I have vision, determination, and inspiration…as well as massive amounts of self-esteem and self-confidence.

I align with my deepest, truest purpose in life…and I pursue it and I achieve it.

I’m a highly productive person, in my work and personal life.

Everything that I touch is blessed, and everything that I put my hand to prospers and flourishes.

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

    • ______________

Here is to this day

Today is the day to take it all …plot it before me…and ease into all that creates the life that is here now…
and know the child in me would praise the the adult I’ve become…and the adult in me praises the child…for the joy I’m to incorporate(:
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
audio- 17 great morning affirmations
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
Pinch Me Living

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ audio- rampage of love
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * Seek Agility and Resiliency Ariane Benefit
  • ** * Use calendar and To Do list to protect time, clear mind, enhance memory, improvise and juggle commitments. Ariane Benefit

I accomplish all I want to do today with grace, love and enthusiasm.

    • ~

This Moment• This Day• This Month• This Year

July Calendar

    • ** * “Student Handouts.com”:“http://www.studenthandouts.com/01-Web-Pages/Lot-01/Weekly-Hourly-Planner.html printables
    • ** * “ terms of use”:http://www.studenthandouts.com/termsofuse.htm
      threadLearn Well

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


– activities that promote relationship with the people I love

PASSION – activities and experiences which enable me to enjoy life

PURPOSE – tasks that enable me to fulfill my purpose in life

PROJECTS – priority tasks that need to be finished this week
the PeacefulMom © 2009-2014 Kimberlee Stokes – ThePeacefulMom.com – All rights reserved. – The Peaceful Mom

To Do-Questions/Organizing The Brain

Exercising can actually be a form of prayer—a thanksgiving for the privilege of having a body and for simply being alive. Regina Ryan and John Travis



Sites I’ve Enjoyed To Review At Next Available Moment

Affirmations I’ve Enjoyed
I have moments of brilliance and moments of mediocrity. I remain calm internally regardless. Because my value is intrinsic, external events have no affect/effect on my peace. sensitive + thriving, Inc © 2014

we’ve gained a new owner I am glad I stayed on prospering from this site…and now with new owner Keith being able to dedicate his focus to Bmindful community, there will be more of what we know and love. I’ve decided to keep this thread, and enjoy this space …for myself & one day to share with community…

    • ~~ ✰~~

My mind is full of gratitude for my lovely and wonderful life
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
• I joyfully live a healthy life with focus, clarity, direction, and purpose. • All areas of my life are in balance with my core values. • My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life. • Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
An Amazing Husband!!!
Marriage is sacred and personal…though while others are speaking about what brings them joy or what they are grateful for I so want to share what is in my heart…so I may blurt out marriage never really saying too much more…Sure I tell the source…(my husband) ….and sure I tell Source(God)….(: Though sharing a large part of my life with others which is my significant other is often minimal…if a person isn’t happily married also.

We celebrate many things…We have 2 wedding days a year…2 actual weddings…so our 2nd wedding anniversary for being married 35 years is approaching…and I am filled with thoughts of when we first met, how our relationship evolved and our plans of today…and yes plans toward our retirement. Thank you Hubby for helping to make my life everything it is. Thank you God for creating things within our experiences to help me recognize he Is without a doubt my soulmate.

  • ** quote The more someone practices choosing to love and appreciate, the easier and easier it gets as they will begin to feel more love and appreciation and it will be increasingly reflected back to them in their life. Also, if they do experience a challenge if they have been practicing loving and appreciative thoughts, the challenge will transform more rapidly. Tracy Friend …excerpt from article Love and Appreciation Our Natural State of Being, by Tracy Friend
  • ~
I am at peace with the universe
  • ~

I awaken each morning feeling the promise of a new day and a new beginning

    • ~
      This day is another chance to love. I embrace this concept gratefully.
    • ~
      Love courses through everything; I feel it, I see it, I experience it fully.
    • ~
      I believe that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way

  • ~
    Divine love, expressing through me, now draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life complete.
  • ~

Thank you for the habit I have to feel the feelings of gratitude in advance, for the great day ahead as though it is already done

    • ~
      I think and speak with tones of love
    • ~
      I am a being of love and kindness
    • ~
      I give thanks that my heart is so full of peace, love and joy
    • ~

ღAppreciating Power -Gratitude List & Bmindful Gratitude Threads

Gratitude List
My life
My love
My God
to be continued…

Some Specifics
Thank You Dear God for my ability to hear a loving kind sound and thoughts when desired.

My Health!!!
Thank you Dear God for teaching me how to take good care of me.
An Amazing Husband!!!
Thank you Dear God for bringing him into my life!!!

Thank you Dear God for my current work…
gratitude/appreciation to be regularly continued…
Gratitude Threads
Gratitude and Appreciation Power

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • ** I trust that my highest good and greatest joy are unfolding.
  • ** I delight in sharing my joy.

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

I seek the highest truth and the most healing ways to live my life.

I honor and protect my divine spirit.

I know that all is good despite appearances to the contrary.

I look within where I am safe, loved and protected.

My spirit is eternal. It loves beauty, harmony, peace and joy.

I am grateful for all the good things and people in my life.

I accept who I am and honor the spirit within me.

I live in joy and gratitude for the goodness that fills my life.

I appreciate the beauty of Earth and will hon our and protect it as well as I can.

I know my higher purpose is being fulfilled now.

I trust God to show me the next step in my process.

Goodness and joy are mine in all situations.

I am thankful for the awareness and insight I have into the profound mystery of life.

Thank you for my life, for who I am and for what you have allowed me to become.

a section of this free book textileRef:133543482599dc9e50e610:linkStartMarker:“Harmonious
4Harmonious Functioning is the Root of Emotions Chapter 7, Part 4, from You Can Choose To Be Happy, Tom G. Stevens PhD

1. Importance of the values affected. How important is this one value to your overall happiness? The more important the value, the higher the emotional intensity.
2. Expectation and adaption levels of values affected. The higher your expectations and standards, the harder it is to meet them. Values, expectations, and goals are key aspects of the HF model and directly cause mental search, stimulation, and reinforcement. Adaption levels and novelty also cause varying degrees of search, stimulation, and reinforcement. For example a child used to poverty may feel very happy about receiving a used toy that a wealthy child would feel upset receiving.
3. Number of values affected. The greater the number of values, the greater the emotional intensity. to read more
Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD
Harmonious Functioning Model Of Emotions And Performance P. 250

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ~

Some ideas from this site/book:

quoteWhen we find the causes of our problems, we don’t find “sick” inner parts; we find old assumptions, old beliefs, old expectations, old commitments, or old goals that we now see as limited. Tom G. Stevens PhDCopyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD

    • ~quote
      CREATE POSITIVE LIFE THEMES, SCRIPTS, and ROLES. Learn how you can create the you that you want to be, and spend most of your time focused on positive interests and themes. Focus on creating positives in the world instead of avoiding negatives. (Chapter 4)

To overcome anger and aggression,
over assuming the worst intentions,
over insensitivity,
over the fairness doctrine,
choose ACCEPTING the unchangeable aspects of reality
over hostility—“its the way of things,”
to help get rid of the steam inside, and
remember, there is inherent justice for harmful behaviors and
most of all, remember,
Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD
Tom G. Stevens PhD
SITE CONTENTS:Self Help Information and Assessments, Professional Papers, and Other Materials You Can Choose To Be Happy-Free E Book & Site Info

brief excerpt from bookA Step By Step Guide For Novices To Professionals
Let your nonjudgmental inner observer use neutral, nonjudgmental language as it talks. Some part of you (not your inner observer) might be judging someone—calling them “stupid” or “bad.” During the first part of the self-exploration stage, don’t let your inner observer change that judgmental part or change the language it is using. It will only observe the language and its effects on your other thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Your inner observer may notice that condemning someone increases negative thoughts, increases anger, and increases aggressive actions. The reaction of your neutral observer is not to condemn, it is, “That’s interesting—perhaps there is a causal relationship between my judgments, my anger, and my aggressive responses.”

As your inner observer talks about what it is observing, it is important that it use descriptive, nonjudgmental language. If it falls into a judgmental mode, then it will lose its power to be an accurate observer.

Let your nonjudgmental inner-observer avoid zingers and melodramatic descriptions. Zingers are key words that incite emotional reactions. They can disrupt thinking from a “just getting the facts” mode to an “I need to react” mode. At times when you are observing yourself, you will undoubtedly be tempted to think thoughts like, “That was stupid, why did I do that?” But beware of such temptations. Innuendos, digs, subtle put-downs, and defensive comments all stir up parts of us that are anything but neutral—so avoid observational zingers of any type! to read more Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD


    • ~
    • ** book titleYou Can Choose To Be Happy: Site dedicated to enhancing human happiness, self-development, and success
    • ** authorTom G. Stevens PhD Psychologist/Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach
      Someone calls you an “inconsiderate idiot,” and you feel angry. Someone cuts in front of you on the freeway, and you feel angry. Someone attacks your friend, and you feel angry. Someone tells you that you will not get the pay increase you think you deserve, and you feel angry. What causes you to feel anger? What do all of these situations have in common?

Underlying anger is caused by a perceived loss of control over factors affecting important values. The values in the above examples might be pride, getting someplace on time, someone you love, money, or being treated “fairly”—we are frustrated about not getting what we want or expect. Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD

With anger, we usually think we know what caused the problem. We have some target(s) for our anger. It may be the person criticizing you, the person who cut you off on the freeway, an attacker, your boss, or even yourself. With anger, we may hope that a burst of energy aimed at the threat will defeat it. Or we may hope that a burst of energy will break the barrier stopping us from meeting our goal.

Anger can be used constructively at times. It can give us energy we need to fight back if physically attacked. However, for most situations it merely clouds our judgement and creates extra stress
Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD

eventually a table of contents of sorts in post 2 “:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32516
“intro post”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32515
“post 2”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32516 [] “post 3”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32524 [] “post 4”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32525 [] “post 5”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32526 [] “post 6”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33081 [] “post 7”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33082 “post 8”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33083 [] “post 9”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33095 [] “post 10”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33216 [] “post 11”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33217 [] “post 12”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33218 [] “post 3”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33219 [] “post 14”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33220 [] “post 15”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33221 []
Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    • ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
      I am a skilled choice maker.
      I experience the joy of being!
      I take loving care of myself and I LOVE taking care of my needs.
      I am a private miracle! I am the unique creation of the Creative One, my Loving God!
      I trust life. I slow down. I allow tension-less living. I relax. I let go of all fear. Ah…
      I absolutely love how my kitchen is organized so functionally to grab what I need when I need it for my delectable, healthy choices

I love how I give myself enough time to make and bring my wonderful food choices with me for work, and any other time when I’m out for extended periods

I experiment with a variety of self-nourishing activities and get back in touch with those that are fulfilling to me.

I practice a diet of self-love

Hello, kitchen, you are my nourishment center. I appreciate you!

I love spending time in the kitchen!

I feed myself imaginative meals


[♥♫♥✿♥Affirmations of a Happy Woman[♥♫♥✿♥

  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I am a vibrational being and everything is vibrational.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ When I’m appreciating, (being grateful)I am planning.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I now experience outrageous JOY!
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I see beauty, harmony, health, wealth all about me.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I touch wealth, excellence, sweetness.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I taste sweetness, deliciousness, wholeness.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I feel balance, energy, happiness, enthusiasm, passion, triumph.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I smell cleanliness, freshness, sweetness, spiciness.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I hear harmony, melody, beauty, softness, power.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I celebrate others good.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I now release resistance, and consciously allow my connection to “Source”more of the time, being mindful of the connection.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I am the deliberate creator of my own reality.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I ask through my attention, my desiring, feeling it in my being – and oral or written words are unnecessary
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I desire this, I adore this, I appreciate this.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I expect the best.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I am happy with what I am and with what I have, while at the same time eager for more
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I am on the brink of receiving what is manifesting, feeling eager, optimistic, anticipatory —with no feelings of doubt, impatience, judgment, unworthiness or guilt hindering the receiving of it.
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I feel no guilt that I have plenty, because everyone has the same ability to manifest what I have.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I am a clear channel of healing energy using caring-emotion (energy in motion) as a facilitator
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I put my attention on what I desire, totally enjoying it. I put NO attention on what I do not desire.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Worrying is using your imagination to create something you do NOT want.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I practice the Art of Allowing— the art of no longer resisting the Well-Being I deserve, that is natural, that is my legacy, my Source, my very Being
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ If I shout “NO” at something, I am also including that in my experience, as there is no exclusion in this attraction-based universe.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I work FOR things, not AGAINST them.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ My focus is the invitation, and I get more of the essence of it.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I get what I put my attention on—good or bad.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ One who is a visionary thrives in all times.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Emotions are vibrational interpreters that help me understand my experience in the moment.—my Emotional Guidance System, for I am a vibrational being in a universe of vibration.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Once I expect something , it will manifest when the vibrational essences of me become the same as that desired.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I pay attention to emotions and allow them to be the feedback. They do not create but they indicate what I am currently attracting.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I strengthen and replenish my connection to good by choosing better feeling thoughts!
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I pay attention to the way I feel and deliberately choose thoughts (about everything) that feel good to me when I think them.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I experience no shortage, no lack, no competition for resources. There is only the allowing and disallowing of that which I desire.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Since I want to feel good, I choose a thought that does feel good.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I can have the essence of what I desire.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I remember that appreciation of others and of myself is the closest vibrational match to Source energy.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I find ways to provide value, ways I can serve.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ “Following my bliss” provides the energy needed to serve.
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I never move into “I wish that was me”.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I remember that the thought of scarcity creates greed and war.
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I have all the help I need at phenomenal prices.
  • ~
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I always have plenty of money to use for myself and to share.
  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I experience perfect health, strength, flexibility, endurance.
  • ~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ © 2009 Keith Garrick, with regard to added comments
    To google the editable word doc > google -> The Viewpoints And Affirmations Of A Happy Woman
    [while labeled Affirmations Of A Happy Woman…It seems these affirmations are meaningful for all] Thank you Keith Garrick for all of the wonderful things you share on your phenomenal web site
    free of charge for all to use(:
    Viewpoints/Affirmations of a Happy Woman
    Note: This is being included on the site so that you will have a clearer view and more insight into what works as a viewpoint. From this type of model, you can derive your own version. Note that “affirmations” must be true (at least possible). Individuals use various “symbolic” references that may not seem real to you, so change it to what works for you. This piece was written two years ago and the affirmations with regard to creating things in her life have all come about. Keith Garrick
    [this was most likely written by, with and/or for one of Keith’s clients]


The most destructive force you and I have – and the most constructive – is our own unconscious emotional and thinking and feeling state. Ernest Holmes

  • ~
    Who Is Dr. Shapiro ?”:http://www.philipshapiro.com/philabout.html

Author of Healing Power

✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
With gratitude & appreciation I present excerpts from Dr. Phillip Shapiro’s spiritual and informative site :
Dr. Phillip Shapiro & Affirmations
✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
what you will find on this 1 page, by clicking above link:
o The Power of Thought
Positive thoughts act like medicine released from the brain’s own pharmacy. This thought-medicine cannot do its work, however, if negative ideas, beliefs, or attitudes neutralize its healing power. When a positive affirmation is stated, there is often an attack of negative thoughts or beliefs, which emerge from their storage place in the subconscious.

Affirmations work, but they may not work for you if they lack the necessary potency to take hold and grow. Following are some suggestions for creating effective healing affirmations.


Focus on your solution rather than the problem. Do not think so much of where you have been as of where you want to be. You become and attract what you intend. Your goals will become your new habits. For example, if you are working with disease, focus on health. For fear, invoke courage or bravery. For anger, try peace, patience, forgiveness, or gentleness. For weakness, try strength. For failure, try success.

State the affirmation in the present tense, as though the goal is already accomplished. You would not want to affirm, “I am going to be calm.” You would affirm, “I am calm.”

State the affirmation in positive terms such as “I am calm,” not the negative “I am no longer anxious.”

Keep reworking the affirmation until it feels just right. For example, you may prefer “I remain even-minded under all conditions,” or “evenminded no matter the condition,” or simply a one-word affirmation: “even-minded.” When it feels right, it will fit the rhythm of your being perfectly.

We can reinforce the power of our affirmation by associating it with a mental picture or visualization. In this way we can think, see, and feel the reality of the affirmation. For example, we can all imagine circumstances that make us nervous, angry, or agitated. We can rehearse these scenes in our minds by creating thoughts and pictures of ourselves remaining calm despite provocation. The more we rehearse, the more likely the subconscious and conscious minds will help us stay relaxed when the actual stressful condition arrives.

Practice and repetition are most important. Without repetition, there can be no progress. Deeply embedded negative thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes have been around for a long time in the subconscious mind. When the brain cells are loaded up with thought habits that have to do with disease and limitation, it takes time to form thought circuits that have to do with health and possibility. We need to repeat affirmations continuously for chronic deeply embedded conditions, and we need to ignore an unchanged or contrary condition as we repeat the affirmation.

Many people give up early, not understanding the effort required or unwilling to do the work. Some habits, patterns, or conditions may change with ease, while others may take a long time to heal or replace. We need patience: it may take months, even years, to transform deeply ingrained habit patterns of thought, feeling, desire, or behavior. Perseverance is the magic of spiritual work.

The more we use positive affirmation, the quicker change occurs for the better. With continued practice, the affirmation takes on a life of its own. It repeats itself by itself. The thought gains momentum and strength, eventually becoming powerful enough to become reality. Repetitious positive thoughts gradually replace and finally dominate the negative patterns of the conscious and subconscious minds.

To be effective, we need to bring all of our attention and energy to our spiritual practice. Each method described in this book requires all of our heart, mind, might, and soul for maximum benefit. There must be sufficient intensity and concentration of feeling, thought, will, and faith to give the exercise—in this case, the affirmation—sufficient energy and power to make the necessary changes. If the affirmation is spoken without passion or planted in a restless, unfocused mind, it will have less power.

Muscles atrophy from lack of exercise. Similarly, those who have not been doing an inner workout weaken their powers of concentration and will, the tools necessary to break through the barriers of limitation into conscious possibility. With practice and repetition, our will power and concentration slowly grow.

As you strengthen your affirmation, be sure not to create tension by going too far. Calm concentration without tension increases the force of the thought. The goal is to repeat the affirmation as many times as you wish with calm concentration, deep feeling, and will. When you realize your attention has wandered, bring it back to the affirmation with as much focus as possible. Repeating the affirmation with increasingly intense concentration and feeling mobilizes healing power.

At first, our healing affirmations may be like sparks blowing in the wind with no apparent effect. With patient, persistent practice, these thoughts get stronger. They light healing power ablaze. Although it kindles slowly, if we keep adding affirmative fuel to the healing power, there will be a bonfire. Then the affirmation permeates our conscious and subconscious minds, every cell, fiber, molecule, and atom of our being, as well as surrounding space, eventually bringing into existence the very thing being affirmed.

Life energy, operating the bodily cells, tissues, organs, and systems, has within it the power of healing. This brilliant power heals our cuts, bruises, colds, and other ailments without our action. We can trust it, and there is evidence that the more we trust it, the better it works. Affirmations are more effective when practiced with faith and belief. Doubt and insecurity undermine the authority of the new positive thought, and work against the life energy and healing power. For maximum benefit, perform your affirmation with faith, trust, and belief in its power to heal.

    • ~~ ✰~~

The Power of Intention a wonderful article (in my opinion) AsAlwaysAppreciating˚

[ excerpts ] Until you have experienced this feeling, then you have not yet tapped into the power of intention, and you are not tapping into your full potential either. That should not be a discouraging message by any means. On the contrary, it should be a message of hope. Because if you look at your life as it is now and all you have (or have not) created, realize now that everything you have done and achieved so far was what you have done without harnessing your true power.

Imagine now what you could create and who you could be if you mastered the art of tapping into the power of intention, and instead created with the power of the entire universe behind each and every one of your actions.

to be continued….
many sites and mentors are utilized well by the same members on bmindful…for understandable reasons(:

Personal Excellence
McKenna videos-youtube
Change your Life In 7 Days

…. geared to ways to remain loving in your heart.

  • *********************
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    HealThy Self “:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0Y84-E7EMY
  • *********************
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
  • ** And It Is So Affirmations
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    pinchmeliving articleLife Anchors
    Read the question below and the truthful answer will be whatever first comes to you – your initial gut reaction. Read it, close your eyes and notice your truth rise up from within you:

What is MOST important to you in life?

Your answer/s are what we call your Life Anchors. to read more

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Let us choose to be identified with power, with love and beauty, with peace and happiness. Let us identify ourselves with abundance and with success.” Ernest Holmes

I Choose Peace and Happiness Written by Carmien Owen KnowTheFlow.ca
There is one magnificent and awe-inspiring field of Unconditional Love. My every thought, my entire mind, activates this field of Unconditional Love.

I choose to identify myself with power, love, beauty, peace and happiness. Each realization of my creative potential instills a knowing within me of the Infinite power available to me. I allow myself to dwell upon love and beauty, discerning it through all events and people as a by-product of the expression of God through all. I experience the flow of peace and happiness that results from this state of heart and mind. I identify with, and am receptive to, abundance and success through my creative expression.

With a celebration of the magnificence of Spirit as I know It, and a sense of Awe for what this awareness inspires through me, I release these words with a profound and deep gratitude. I know it is done in the Mind of the One. And so it is.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      I’m sorry.
      Please forgive me.
      Thank you.
      I love you.

article 1
article 2

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    • ~~ ✰ ~~
      Threads You May Appreciate:

thread A Teacher- Tuesdays’s With Morrie formerly entitled…meaningful Tuesdays With Morrie

thread created 6/2/15
last edited 6/2/15

Gentle Living is a personal development and lifestyle blog for the kind, caring and sensitive who are looking for inspiration, motivation, healing, support and encouragement. It’s for those who feel connected to the world around them, to people, to nature, to animals. It’s for those with limitless potential but who sometimes need reminding of it. It’s for those who see the power in being gentle to others, to animals, to ourselves.

Our blogs and newsletters will inspire, relax, motivate and validate you. They’ll nourish your spiritual side, motivate your healthy habits, and spark your inner power.

Gentle Living embraces everything involved in living a gentle but powerful life. From self-love & acceptance, to animal welfare, to travel, to interviews with inspiring women, and more, it’s all gentle; not weak, just gentle. Being gentle is sometimes the most powerful thing you can do for yourself and the world around you.

  • ~

gentleness-as-strength “:http://gentlelivingonline.com/self-growth/gentleness-as-strength/

    • ~

quote from this site article/gentleness-as-strength Personally, I view gentleness as a choice, a powerful one. I choose to be gentle, but that doesn’t mean I’m a pushover. And by making gentleness a conscious choice, I am making it my strength, instead of allowing it to make me a victim.

quote from this site articlegentleness-as-strength I view gentleness as a barometer. Environments or people that don’t let it thrive get quickly avoided. Environments that allow it to flourish get indulged upon. But it took me years to respect my gentleness in this way.

selected affirmations from the site

    • ~ I am perfectly imperfect. I strive for better while loving all that I am today. In loving myself today, I am better equipped to improve myself tomorrow.
    • ~
      I forgive and cherish my mistakes, mishaps, slip ups, foul words and temper losses as items I needed to try on for size to truly understand what a bad fit they’d be for my mental, physical and spiritual wardrobe.
    • ~

I am defined by, and I define others by, love grounded principals, essence exuding manifestations, and radiant energy transmissions. Income, status or title float shallowly in the depth of my perceptions.

    • ~ I value my health, even when my needs inconvenience others, as I can’t truly love myself without loving and inner-adorning the shine that encapsulates the magic of my soul.

    • ~quote from article
      book by renowned author Martha Beck called Steering by Starlight. It’s about finding the life that’s meant for you and it’s incredibly insightful, I highly recommend it (and all of her books for that matter). In it Martha teaches the most interesting trick to silencing your inner critic and I had to share it with you as I think you might benefit from it as well.

silencing your inner critic & a love letter
quote from article….by calling on your brain to observe this lizard identity you’ve created, “you subtract neural energy from survival fear and move it to a more highly evolved portion of the brain… The neuron pathways that carry lizard fears become weaker the more we observe them. Patients with ‘abnormal’ brains, such as those with obsessive-compulsive disorder, have actually reconfigured their brains to ‘normal’ by using self-observation techniques.”

Stop Feeling So Intimidated by People
1. The person you’re intimidated by is human.
2. They may not be who you think they are, after all.
3. Separate your own ego.
4. Don’t posture — but do stand tall.
5. Understand your own worth.
We are all the same and we are all just trying to find our way in this world and heal our souls in the process. To do so we must look internally, with love and gratitude, not outwardly with envy and lack.
6. Approach everyone with love.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      “Who Is site creator”:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      Yes we are all unique…And I know right off the bat, some individuals will see gentle and be turned off for their particular mission, and others immediately gravitate.

And I’m one who gravitates toward it… So if this isn’t your cup of tea, may what assists/inspires you become like a neon light… and all others…hope you enjoy this thread(:
related affirmations to be continued…

My deep emotions, intelligence, sensations, relationships, and spirituality are beautiful and just right in a space that supports me as I am.

    • ~
      All that does not serve me, easily passes from me
    • ~
      I appreciate myself and my sensitivity more and more now
    • ~

Through listening to and following my deepest messages of truth — in my body, emotions, intelligence, relationships, and spirituality — I thrive.

    • ~

I have moments of brilliance and moments of mediocrity. I remain calm internally regardless. Because my value is intrinsic, external events have no affect/effect on my peace.

    • ~ sensitive + thriving, Inc © 2014

I add beauty to the world that no one else can. sensitive + thriving, Inc © 2014

I am glad to be alive, to be where I am, to be who I am.

    • ~~ ✰~~
      I bring my dreams into the present moment.
    • ~~ ✰~~
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I don’t need permission. That is my secret power.
    • ~~ ✰~~

Everything I do increases the harmony, beauty, and order in my life.

    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am creating new possibilities in my life. The universe is my playground.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      Through listening to and following my deepest messages of truth — in my body, emotions, intelligence, relationships, and spirituality — I thrive.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I recognize my true Source and let prosperity pour forth into my every experience.
    • ~~ ✰ღ~~
      I ask for what I want and accept what I receive, I will get what I need.
    • ~~ ✰ღ~~
      I pull the plug on limitations and rise into a new consciousness of power.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I bring unconscious thoughts into my consciousness, so I can choose what thoughts I want to focus on.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am consciously aware of my beliefs. I only hold onto beliefs that support me.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am radiantly beautiful and vibrationally healthy and Joyously alive.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am free to be, according to my highest vision.
    • ~~ ✰~~

I have moments of brilliance and moments of mediocrity. I remain calm internally regardless.

    • ~~ ✰~~

I bless the past, let it go and move swiftly into an exciting, new phase of my life.

    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am grateful for all the people and events that set my feet on the spiritual path to freedom and joy.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I send love to my fears. My fears are the places within me that await my love.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      All that does not serve me, easily passes from me
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I now have surplus, all my needs are being met.
    • ~~ ✰~~

  • ~~ ✰~~
    I am open to receive my higher good.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    I notice when I am out of the flow and get back into it easily.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    My vision is unlimited; therefore, my potential is unlimited.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    My deep emotions, intelligence, sensations, relationships, and spirituality are beautiful and just right in a space that supports me as I am.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    I will make today a great and wonderful adventure. (:
  • ~~ ✰~~
  • like all of us I create, collect and reinforce many self-talk statements [affirmations] which work for me.
  • Some of the sources for some of the wonderful affirmations above were selected from:

“* “ SensitiveandThriving.com”:“http://sensitiveandthriving.com/2009/10/reminders-and-affirmations-for-the-highly-sensitive-person.html [ site is currently under construction ]

5 Tips On Lifelong Learning Adult Brain

threads with significant overlap [to be better reviewed for this thread soon]
Amazingly Tranquil
We’re Just Wired Differently
7 Rules of Life
from data to values [Roy Posner]
Morrie Schwartz Lessons On Living [interview with Ted Koppel]
Getting Better All The Time [adult brain]
eclectic self growth
The Irony

WELLNESS INVENTORY “:http://www.joyceharrell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/wellnessinventorywheel.png
thanks for your patience while this new thread is being created.
completion date June 4, 2015

…to be continued…

related sites/articles/pics/exercises

Harness the Power of Your Thoughts in 3 Simple Steps
Outer Layer of Thought – Thoughts Becomes Things
Middle Layer of Thought – How We Respond Matters
Inner Layer of Thought – Self-Perception
Step 1 Become aware –
Step 2 Appreciate your innocence –
Step 3 Nurture your self-perception with compassion –
to read this article in its entirety

    • ~
      Personal Reflection Exercises… www.joyceharrell.com
      I can live a pressure-free, healthy life
      with focus, clarity, direction, and
    • ~
      I use my tools of centering, simplicity,
      direction and intention to remain healthy
      and light-hearted.
    • ~
      I am able to freely float through my day
      with peace of mind and a joyful heart. I
      feel this serenity because I have fortified
      myself with healthy habits.
    • ~
      I strive to achieve simplicity in my life and thus I can
      feel pressure-free.
    • ~
      to read more
    • ~

to be continued…

Affirmations From a Multi-Millionaire

Everything Is Energy same site

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    I really enjoy articles by James Clear…Here is an excellent one by this author.

excerpt- On average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances. In Lally’s study, it took anywhere from 18 days to 254 days for people to form a new habit. [1]

In other words, if you want to set your expectations appropriately, the truth is that it will probably take you anywhere from two months to eight months to build a new behavior into your life — not 21 days.

In other words, if you want to set your expectations appropriately, the truth is that it will probably take you anywhere from two months to eight months to build a new behavior into your life — not 21 days.

Interestingly, the researchers also found that “missing one opportunity to perform the behavior did not materially affect the habit formation process.” In other words, it doesn’t matter if you mess up every now and then. Building better habits is not an all-or-nothing process.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Finding Inspiration in the Long Road
We’re a Process Not An Event same article… in full


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ writing my intentions/feelings/prayers often opens the gates of my happiness
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ AsAlwaysAppreciating˚ on February 27,2015
Today is a day, I deeply desire to be a part of. I am so appreciative for the joy I feel, and plan on including it in everything. And so it is. Thank You My Loving Creator and the Universe which you’ve allowed me to flow harmoniously with.Amen.


I picture something, it’s beautiful
It’s full of life, and it is all blue
I’ve seen the sunset on the beach, yeah
It makes me feel calm
When I’m calm, I feel good

And when I feel good, I sing
And the joy it brings makes me feel good
And when I feel good, I sing
And the joy it brings

Come on along
I know you really wanna feel our song
We’ve got some life to bring
We’ve got some joy in this thing

I see birds fly across the sky
And everyone’s heart flies together
Food is frying and people smiling
Like there is no other way to feel good

And when I feel good, I sing
And the joy it brings makes me feel good
Cos when I feel good, I sing
Of the joy it brings

Come on along
I know you really wanna feel our song
We’ve got some life to bring
We’ve got some joy in this thing

It brings me freedom
Got to get you some of that freedom
It’s a freedom

Singing freedom
You deserve your freedom
It’s a smile you can feel in your heart beat

Get you (7x) that freedom
Other Songs -& Table of Contents soon to be placed here

What We Love is What We Become
What We Love is What We Become

If you wanna be a dancer
Just start dancing
If you wanna fly
Then just take off
If you wanna let go
Then don’t hold on
If you wanna see the world
Then just get lost

You can be the guy with all the money
You can be the one who gives it away
You can be the keeper of the honey
You might get stung along the way

What We Love Is
What We Become
What We Love Is
What We Become

If you wanna think twice
Don’t forget it
If you wanna be nice
Give a compliment
If you wanna be awesome
Pay my rent
If you wanna be the boss
Be the president
If you wanna start rapping
Just start rhyming
If you wanna hit the top
Then just start climbing
If you wanna relax
Then don’t do nothing
Be like Jackson
Starting something

What We Love Is
What We Become
What We Love Is
What We Become

You know your heart
Is in your hands
Wherever the heart is
Where it begins again

If you want love
Let it be
If you want a friend
Count on me
If you want to see the world
In harmony
Then just stand up
And make your peace
If you’re looking for a song to sing along
If you wanna get off
Just turn it on
If you wanna get toasted
Raise your cup
If you want it all
You’re in love

What We Love Is
What We Become
What We Love Is
What We Become

You know your heart
Is in your hands
Wherever the heart is
Where it begins again

You know your heart
Is in your hands
Wherever the heart is
Where it begins again

You know your heart
Is in your hands
Wherever the heart is
Where it begins again

    • ** * Music and Happiness


The weaker and more depressed the music of the soul, the more sluggish the metabolism becomes. This leaves the body less and less able to withstand regular wear and tear, let alone the ravages of illness or injury. But with happy music, positive attitudes, cheerfulness and joy the entire system becomes invigorated and the functioning of all the cells and organs of the body is enhanced, bringing heightened physical immunity, increased stamina and greater wellbeing.

Feed and nourish the cells of your body with the right songs: happy, healing songs! The songs of life! This applies quite literally. Get into the habit of singing happy, inspiring melodies. Try! Experiment! Choose a favorite tune and work with it for five minutes. See what happens. At first your singing may feel a little uninspired, but if it’s a good melody and you are prepared to get into It, you’ll soon see how the melody will start to lift you up, bringing you new vitality, greater optimism and more positive thoughts and feelings. Do this regularly. When you don’t feel like singing yourself, have others sing or play to you, or listen to recordings of your favorite music. From: Azamra the Azamra Institute is registered as non-profit organization in Israel, Britain, Canada and U.S.A.

    • sources coming soon

  • ** * As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out the present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love – even the most simple action. Eckart Tolle
  • ~~ ✰~~

Be As You Are
Be as you are
And so see who you are
and how you are
Let go for a moment or two
of what you ought to do
and discover what you do do
Risk a little if you can
Feel your own feelings
Say your own words
Think your own thoughts
Be your own self
Let the plan for you
grow from within you

by Fritz Perls

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My heart is open and full in this moment
grateful for all my blessings.
I am grateful for my heart,
my breath, and my body.
I am grateful for my home, my shelter,
my warmth and safety
I am grateful for my family, friends
and my community.
I am grateful for my talents, creativity,
my work and life
I am grateful for my soul, my Spirit
and my connection to Source.
I am filled with gratitude that the Spirit
is having its Life through me
I surrender in deep gratitude for all that is!
Thank you God, and so it is!

    • ~~ ✰~~

  • ~~ ✰~~
    Always remember: Joy is not merely incidental to your spiritual quest. It is vital. Rebbe Nachman Of Breslov
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Just for today, I will assess the categories of my planning in even greater depth and revise my intentions, and tasks ahead.

  • As far as your life situation is concerned,
    there may be things to be attained or acquired.
    That’s the world of form, of gain and loss.
    Yet on a deeper level you are already complete,
    and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy
    behind what you do. ~Eckart Tolle

    fun and effective affirmations you may enjoy”:http://www.balancedweightmanagement.com/NourishingAffirmations!.htm
  • ~
    I experience the joy of being!
  • ~
    I love mornings! I love afternoons! I love evenings!
  • ~
    I appreciate ALL that I do. I be-friend myself.
  • ~
    Every morning: Gee, a brand new 24 hours! What a precious gift! I choose to live in peace and contentment.
  • ~
    I am trusting and at peace with the limitless power at work in my life
  • ~
    I believe in myself and my unlimited potential. I feel confident in my in my ideas and abilities. I have deep resources of untapped inner strength. I believe in my power to change and become the person I’ve always wanted to be.
  • ~
    I really enjoy and LOVE my life, as it is right now.

  • to see more see this page

Invest In Yourself-1
What might be an obstacle or road block for you that could get in your way from having your ideal day?

Remember back to a time in your life when you had mastered this area.

What were you doing at that time? How could you do that again now?

textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“Invest In Yourself-

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gratitude & Appreciation

    • ~~~~~
    • I appreciate how my routines are centered on being my healthiest self.
    • I appreciate my hubby and his ways for himself & with/for me. [Happy 35th anniversary] (:
    • I appreciate my trusted & loving friends
    • I appreciate I have friends and family I can choose to reconnect with and even more joy to my circle of life.
    • I appreciate the trust I have in myself
    • I appreciate how I speak to myself, and am influenced by my Higher Self.
    • I appreciate the flow when I know I’m trusting God.
    • I appreciate the creative ways I allow myself to enjoy my routines.
    • I appreciate my simple pleasures
    • I appreciate reading or listening to the simple pleasures of others
    • ~~ ✰ ~~
    • ~~ ✰~~
      Plant The Garden Of Your Life
      An excerpt (pages 37 – 38-This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes): “Life lies open to me, rich, full and abundant. It is important that you maintain a strict censorship over your thinking. Just as you watch your garden that foreign seeds shall not fall into it, producing a growth of undesirable plants, so you must refuse entrance to any thoughts you do not wish to see manifested in your life.

Learn to convert thought patterns of sickness, unhappiness, fear and doubt into patterns which conform to spiritual perfection. Make a picture of yourself as happy and successful. Refuse to entertain contrary ideas.”

Guard well this garden of your mind. It is God’s garden of your soul. It is your Garden of Eden wherin may grow your fondest desires and hopes, blossoming into fulfillment. Or, if your permit, the weeds of destruction, fear and doubt, will choke out the beauty of hope until despair alone remains. Watch carefully, then, this garden of your soul. Plant there only seeds of happiness, of joy, of peace and of good will.

It may be necessary to cultivate your garden to uproot the weeds and straighten out the rows, planting new seeds—new ideas, broader visions and deeper realizations of life. New aspirations must be bedded here, fertilized with the fervor of hope, the conviction of faith, the beauty of wholeness and the quietness of peace. Watch your garden carefully, guard it patiently, waiting for a new harvest—for you shall reap what you have sown. Plant love in your garden. Kindness and sympathy flow from the heart of love, and human goodness…Go often into your garden. God Himself will go forth anew into creation through you.

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way. Wayne Dyer

You can’t base your life on other people’s expectations. Stevie Wonder

One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered. Michael J. Fox

    • ~~ ✰~~
    • ** * “The few things that work fantastically well should be identified, cultivated, nurtured, and multiplied.” [Richard Koch is a former management consultant,entrepreneur, and writer] love this quote!

Life Wheel

  • ~~ ✰~~

disclaimer for Abe content: First of all, let me state…I often like it, and it is my hope it is appreciated by others. Though if not, like all things…all is well…gravitate to what works for you. …there is much wisdom here. Though like all things…you make your choice… a choice **to yourself**(: simply to keep the thread positive and focusing on messages. This thread is about several messages:

    • owning how you feel
    • knowing the value of a feeling
    • power of changing a feeling
    • power of choice
    • power of this moment
    • power in moving to a better feeling
    • power of your chosen intention
    • ~~ ✰~~

Abe Material

Please make at least one statement about each of the following areas of your life today. Feel free to use an additional sheet of paper to expand on your comments in areas that are important to you.

1. General Mood

2. My Health and Fitness

3. My Friends

4. My Job or Career or Life Work

5. Money

6. Self Esteem

7. My Family

8. My Significant Other

9. My Creativity

10. Other area not covered that is important to you

Whether you have chosen something that just came to you, or something from the assessment listing, now just sit down and free associate.

Once you have the pie chart done, and can see the statements on each side, feels good/feels bad, then ask yourself this important question. “Do I want to live out the results of this percentage pie chart?” I find that a very motivating question, because if I’ve taken the trouble to pie chart something, I usually DON’T want to live with that negative vibration.

Then do a focus wheel on that subject, looking for things that feel good. See the lesson on focus wheels (number 5) if you don’t know how to do that process.
to read more

This, or something better, is now manifesting
in totally satisfying and harmonious ways
for the highest good of all.

  • As far as your life situation is concerned,
    there may be things to be attained or acquired.
    That’s the world of form, of gain and loss.
    Yet on a deeper level you are already complete,
    and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy
    behind what you do. ~Eckart Tolle

Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance toward the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point. Climb slowly, steadily, enjoying each passing moment; and the view from the summit will serve as a fitting climax for the journey. Harold V. Melchert

Ways To Create Extra Time

Self-actualizing people enjoy life in general and practically all its aspects, while most other people enjoy only stray moments of triumph … (Maslow, 1999, p. 37) Maslow, A.H. (1999). Towards a Psychology of Being. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

  • ************************
    Communication via hormones: the heart as a hormonal gland. Another component of the heart-brain communication system was provided by researchers studying the hormonal system. The heart was reclassified as an endocrine gland when, in 1983, a hormone produced and released by the heart called atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) was isolated. This hormone exerts its effect on the blood vessels, on the kidneys, the adrenal glands, and on a large number of regulatory regions in the brain. It was also found that the heart contains a cell type known as ‘intrinsic cardiac adrenergic’’(ICA) cells. Theses cells release noradrenaline and dopamine neurotransmitters,once thought to be produced only by neurons in the CNS. More recently, it was discovered that the heart also secretes oxytocin, commonly referred to as the‘love’ or bonding hormone. In addition to its functions in childbirth and lactation, recent evidence indicates that this hormone is also involved in cognition,tolerance, adaptation, complex sexual and maternal behaviours, learning social cues and the establishment of enduring pair bonds. Concentrations of oxytocin inthe heart were found to be as high as those found in the brain (Cantin & Genest,1986
The Heart, Mind and Spirit Professor Mohamed Omar Salem
  • ************************
  • ~~ …♥… ~~
    The heart refuses to be imprisoned; in its first and narrowest pulses, it already tends outward with a vast force, and to immense and innumerable expansions. Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Circles”
  • ~~ …♥… ~~
    thread video- Jane McGonigal- The game that can give you 10 extra years of life Kelly McGonnigal’s identical twin sister
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Think how often we hear expressions like, “Listen to your heart” or “In your heart you’ll know what to do.” Such advice, when used in a balanced and wise manner, helps us to reduce confusion and make good decisions. Although this intelligence of the heart obviously refers to an intuitive or spiritual type of understanding, it is often connected with sensations felt in the center of the chest, in the general area around the physical heart.

Modern science is finding that the heart has its own memory and intelligence, that it actually plays a role in the feelings of love and intuition that we traditionally associate with the heart. A powerful step in becoming attuned to your heart’s intelligence is simply to be aware of the whole area in the center of your chest-called the heart area-where you may gradually begin to sense a very gentle and soothing warmth.

Whether you are responding to a stressful situation, seeking creative inspiration, or wondering how best to use a period of free time, the following simple four-step exercise can guide you in making optimal choices.

It’s called “Your Heart’s Way.” You can use this exercise in almost any place at any time, and it literally takes only a minute or less.

1.) Pause with confidence. Mentally say to yourself, “I am calm, I am confident.” If you are spiritually inclined, you may instead wish to mentally utter a short prayer or mentally surround yourself with a golden
or white light.
2.) Breathe slowly. Allow your breath to become deep, quiet, and regular as your belly expands with each in-breath and contracts with each out-breath. Imagine that you are breathing in and out through the heart area in the center of your chest.
3.) Feel your heart. Take about seven seconds (perhaps longer when possible) and gently focus on your heart area-the whole central portion of your chest. While you do this, be inwardly quiet and very receptive.
4.) Sense your guidance. As you concentrate on the sensations in your heart area, intuit what your heart is communicating. Your heart’s guidance may be very subtle, showing itself in a feeling, thought, image, or inner knowing.As you practice, you will sense your heart’s guidance more easily and quickly. With continued practice, this helpful exercise may feel quite natural and can become habitual. You may even become so attuned to your
heart and its guidance that you will live almost every aspect of your life from that beautiful place of love. Keeping a portion of your consciousness constantly attuned to the gentle warmth in your heart area will not interfere with the performance of your daily activities. In fact, it will increase your effectiveness, your productivity, your creativity, and your feelings of peace, love, and joy.


7 Core Principles
[1] As science is helping us discover, the physical heart is truly amazing; and even more wondrous is the closely associated intuitive or spiritual heart, which gives us a wealth of subtle information and guides us in making optimal decisions.
[2]A keen, intuitive sense is at the very heart of creativity, inner strength, spiritual attunement,and both personal and interpersonal effectiveness.
[3]Tuning into your heartfelt intuitive guidance demands a degree of inner calmness and attention as well as sensitivity and openness.
[4]Gathering important factual information and seeking wise advice plays a vital role in helping you intelligently follow your heart’s guidance.
[5]A powerful step in becoming attuned to your heart’s intelligence is simply to be aware of the entire area in the center of your chest—called the heart area—where you may gradually begin to sense a gentle and soothing warmth.
[6]By keeping a portion of your awareness in your heart area, and by sensing your inner guidance in all that you do, you will gradually become skilled in following the steadfast wisdom of your heart’s intelligence.
[7]Remember, the more centered you are on the Target of Life, the greater your well-being, the wiser your choices, and the more effective you are in everything you do

UK Extension’s Universe of PossibilitiesTM: Skills for Creating Happiness and Blessing Others is an educational series containing 10 modules. Each module is accompanied by a Macromedia Flash® movie, aPowerPoint® presentation, and other teaching tools. All theseresources, along with a Facilitator’s Guide, are available free-of-charge in camera-ready format at the followingwebsite:www.ca.uky.edu/fcs/possibilities
Sam Quick, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Human Development and Family Relations, and Alex Lesueur,Jr., M.S.L.S., Staff Support Associate.(References and background reading can be found in the eight-page version of this publication.)These publications may be reproduced in portions or their entirety for educational or nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race,color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Copyright © 2004 for materials developed by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension

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  • * Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe.
  • ** * I am committed to my vibration vibrating positively.
  • ** * I am free to choose and I choose LOVE Thank you God and so it is!
  • ** * Ever increasing Joy fills my experience, overflows my Life and permeates my being!
  • ** * Everything works together for good.
  • ** * Everywhere I look, I see abundance.
  • ** * I greet this new day with a song of happiness and hope in my heart.
  • ** * I thank my most loving God for the freedom to determine my life and my victories.
  • ** * My passion is the key to my abundance.
  • ** * Abundance flows into my life with ease.
  • ** * Everything in my life has brought me to this moment, and it is perfect.


• Around the heart is a field of energy 3-5 feet in diameter.

• Every moment of every day your heart is sending signals to your brain instructing it to send what kind of energy to different parts of your body.

• Science has now revealed that atoms are concentrated fields of energy

• If you change the field of energy in which the atom lives, you change the structure of the atom. You can change the field electrically or magnetically.

• Our hearts are the strongetst bioelectrical and magnetic field generators in our body. Our hearts generate stronger electrical fields than out brain.

• Our hearts are 5000 times stronger magnetically than our brain

• The EKG of our heart is 100 times stronger than the EEG, the electrical information of our brains.

• So, it is electrical signals or frequencies generated internally that influence the the Brain on how much and where to send energy to different parts of the body.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ bookmark VIDEO 3Did You Know? [Mysteries of the Heart❤] 2 min 33 sec

The Institute of HeartMath (http://www.heartmath.org) shares fascinating understandings of the human heart as explored in more than 20 years of its research. The ‘Did you know’ facts are lesser-known gems of information to enlighten curiosity on how your own thoughts and emotions are affecting yourself and others.

HeartMath Research Director Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., says, “It’s important to take a pause and really consider what our emotions are contributing to our environment and to other people. Our research and its applications can help people create a positive emotion-based environment that has real effects on physiology.”

McCraty said that the true nature of human emotion is one of care and love. He said HeartMath and other research shows that by focusing on these core heart-felt emotions, it can enhance one’s connection with others, and that this connection extends far beyond the individual.

  • ************************
  • Passage below came from above site.
    You and Your Energy: Key Points
  • Our mental and emotional diets determine our energy levels, health and well-being much more than most people realize.
  • Look at life as an energy economy game.
  • Each day, ask, “Are my energy expenditures – actions, reactions, thoughts and feelings – productive or nonproductive?
  • During the course of my day, have I accumulated more stress or more peace?
  • Keeping an asset/deficit balance sheet even for a few days will give you an extremely clear picture of where and how you’re adding to your energy account and where and how you’re overdrawing it.
  • When we consciously evoke core heart feelings, we nourish our bodies at every level. Like quantum nutrients, core heart feelings keep our cells regenerating.

Adapted from the Asset/Deficit Balance Sheet available in various HeartMath materials, including the book The HeartMath Solution, by Doc Childre and Howard Martin, with Donna Beech. great foundation-info for self-care

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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ bookmark The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence VIDEO
The Spiritual Heart — is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy that the heart emits that humans are profoundly connected to all living things. The energy of the heart literally links us to each other. Every person’s heart contributes to a ‘collective field environment.’ This short video explains the importance of this connection and how we each add to this collective energy field. The energetic field of the heart even connects us with the earth itself.

7 min 19 sec

The heart is in a constant two-way dialogue with the brain. But, McCraty explains, the heart and cardiovascular system are sending far more signals to the brain than the brain is sending to the heart.
Full Article
Speaking from the Heart
Mind of the Placebo
Real Drugs for
Imaginary Diseases

Dominique Surel is a Professor at the Energy Medicine University, CA, offering graduate and doctoral courses in Spiritual Leadership, Critical Thinking, Intuitive Intelligence, and Controlled Remote Viewing.


Doctoral Degree – Organizational Leadership (2007, University of Phoenix)
MBA (Webster University; London, UK)
B.A. International Relations (Regis College; Boston, USA)

Additional Training

Controlled Remote Viewing – formal trainings with L. Buchanan.
Emotional Intelligence
Leadership: Wisdom in the Workplace


Society for Scientific Exploration: Council Member
International Remote Viewing Association
PSI – Controlled Remote Viewing Training
Institute for Noetic Sciences – Associate

For the past decade Dr. Dominique Surel has been advising individuals in making intuitive decisions. Through her strategy work, which involves talking to high-level decision-makers, she noticed that most of these individuals rely on their intuition, even though they may not consciously realize it, or if they do, may not be able to articulate exactly what this means. She then came up with the concept that if individuals could understand the nature of intuition, learn how to develop this innate skill, and use it in conjunction with the left-brain functions, this would create an extremely powerful decision-making tool.

After more research which included studying scientific articles and abstracts on the subject, Dr. Dominique Surel developed her own methodology to teach the art and science of intuitive thinking. The added value of this training is the sharpening of the mind and a significant increase in the level of creativity.

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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ bookmark Greg Braden

5 min 40 sec

For over 22 years, Gregg Braden has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. Combining his discoveries with the best science of today, his original research crosses the traditional boundaries of science, history, and religion offering fresh insights into ancient mysteries.

The Institute of HeartMath is an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives. Personal coherence, also known as psychophysiological coherence, refers to the synchronization of our physical, mental and emotional systems. It can be measured by our heart-rhythm patterns: The more balanced and smooth they are, the more in sync, or coherent, we are.

Personal coherence, also known as psychophysiological coherence, refers to the synchronization of our physical, mental and emotional systems. It can be measured by our heart-rhythm patterns: The more balanced and smooth they are, the more in sync, or coherent, we are.

Global coherence refers to the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of the greater community of human beings, while acting in concert with their own hearts, each other and nation to nation in harmony with our living planet. HeartMath believes coherence on a grand scale is highly achievable when large numbers of people focus their heart intelligence on a common goal.

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By using your heart as your compass, you can see more clearly which direction to go to stop self-defeating behavior. If you take just one mental or emotional habit that really bothers or drains you and apply heart intelligence to it, you’ll see a noticeable difference in your life. Doc Childre and Howard Martin

quoteWhen we find the causes of our problems, we don’t find “sick” inner parts; we find old assumptions, old beliefs, old expectations, old commitments, or old goals that we now see as limited. Tom G. Stevens PhD

    • ~affirmation
      I change my world by changing the way I think about it.

    • ~affirmation
      I am ready and eager to embrace a glorious new year and all the blessings it has to offer me.

    • ~affirmation
      I am filled with love and new visions of good.

    • ~affirmation
      The higher I lift my thoughts, the more blessed and enduring are my achievements.

    • ~affirmation
      I look at every victory as inspiration to keep moving forward.

    • ~affirmation
      I am on the winning side of life.

    • ~affirmation
      I am glad to be alive! I will make today a great and wonderful adventure.
      videoHeart Science

A HeartMath Tip / When you start feeling overwhelm or time pressure, take a few minutes to try these simple steps adapted from the HeartMath Attitude Breathing® tool:

    • Focus on your heart as you breathe in. Focus on your solar plexus as you breathe out.
    • Concentrate on a positive feeling or attitude as you breathe.
    • Lock in this feeling.

  • As you become adept at this technique select new feelings and attitudes
    Institute of Heart Math
    (strongly recommend signing up-lots of benefits…free)

1. Wellness …You Are Energy- The Personal Energy Crisis
“An estimated 75% to 90% of visits to primary-care physicians are for stress-related problems.”
– American Institute of Stress
Institute of Heart Math
(strongly recommend signing up-lots of benefits…free)

Comments re: affirmations….

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About the web site

About Keith Garrick

coming soon….

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  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ When I’m appreciating, ( being grateful ) I am planning.
  • I love this affirmation! [to be continued…]
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Get a piece of paper and make three categories across the top:

    • Recognizing Your Peak Times as Times to Self-Nurture
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The Time Is Life-List
(Adapted From “The Woman’s Comfort Book A Self Nurturing Guide for Restoring Balance in Your Life “ by Jennifer Louden)

Creating a Comfort and Pleasure List
(Adapted From “The Woman’s Comfort Book A Self Nurturing Guide for Restoring Balance in Your Life “ by Jennifer Louden)

I am joyfully creating my happy place… feel free to visit as is…

Took a hint from flowergirl/flowerpower and other old timers from bmindful and created my own happy place(:

textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:”* ~~ ✰~~
Every cell and every system in my body and mind is important to my overall functioning, health, and happiness, and I care for each one. One way to care for each part of myself is to give it proper exercise and allow it regular harmonious functioning. from You Can Choose To Be Happy by Tom G Stevens PhDthread [Whenever Possible] Assume The Best”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4503/whenever-possible-assume-the-best#post47955

  • ~ ~ ~
  • I allow harmony to rule my life
  • I know what I want to do in life
  • I think logically through life decisions
  • I make the right choices for me
  • I look out for myself in the right way
  • I am conscientious of what I want
  • I am at peace with my desires
  • I think ahead
  • I use my available resources to my advantage
  • I am doing the things that I love to do
    AFFIRMATION RESOURCE-www.freeaffirmations.org
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declarationI care about every cell, system, and value in myself.

300+ Power Affirmations for Career & Professional Success

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declarationI care about every cell, system, and value in myself. Every cell and every system in my body and mind is important to my overall functioning, health, and happiness, and I care for each one. One way to care for each part of myself is to give it proper exercise and allow it regular harmonious functioning. from You Can Choose To Be Happy by Tom G Stevens PhDthread [Whenever Possible] Assume The Best


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SelfNurturing Self Soothing

The irony here is that we often place ourselves way down on the priority list, as it is something we can put off. But the true manager of life schedules in and assures times for what is important but not urgent.

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I define happiness as a kind of resourcefulness. It’s a sense of resiliency and the ability to meet things without being defined by them. It’s a source of profound strength inside ourselves, which we don’t always realize we have. Also, happiness is our connection to one another, so we don’t feel so cut off and alone. Sharon Salzberg

Viewpoint Of A Life Of A Happy Woman Keith Garrick

I am a vibrational being and everything is vibrational.
I now experience outrageous JOY!
I see beauty, harmony, health, wealth all about me.
I touch wealth, excellence, sweetness.
I taste sweetness, deliciousness, wholeness.
I feel balance, energy, happiness, enthusiasm, passion, triumph.
I smell cleanliness, freshness, sweetness, spiciness.
I hear harmony, melody, beauty, softness, power.

I now release resistance, and consciously allow my connection to “Source” more of the time, being mindful of the connection.

I am the deliberate creator of my own reality.

I ask through my attention, my desiring, feeling it in my being – and oral or written words are unnecessary I desire this, I adore this, and I appreciate this.
I expect the best.
I am happy with what I am and with what I have, while at the same time eager for more

These are, indeed, affirmations, but many of them are “statements” about what is true in life and “declarations” about what she will do and believe in. All those are necessary to form a clear philosophy and to create a strong sense of an ability to create what one wants in life. It is physically true that there are electrical impulses our bodies and minds run on. Scientifically, all electricity has “waves”, which cause “vibrations” – and it is proven that those waves can have an effect 13 feet away with regard to heart entrainment. No one knows the limits. But here the usefulness of this is that if we are cheery we’ll tend to get better results (as our brain works better and we are looking for what works) than if we are “vibrating at a low frequency”, a euphemism perhaps for something akin to pessimism or hopelessness. In the latter case, our brain is looking for dangers and more focused on protection than opportunities, plus it is proven that it doesn’t function as well when resources/energy is drawn away to deal with the supposed danger. “Source” is a symbolic term that is used in various ways. Here it is referring mostly to the higher brain within oneself. Keith Garrick

source link to be shared soon.

When we start to do the actions of loving ourselves, we begin to free ourselves from the prison of self-criticism and blame. And something beautiful comes in to replace them… Keith Garrick

Favorite Quotes Related To Thread:

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Almost all needs, capacities, and talents can be satisfied in a variety of ways. Maslow, A.H. (1999). Towards a Psychology of Being. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Be As You Are
Be as you are
And so see who you are
and how you are
Let go for a moment or two
of what you ought to do
and discover what you do do
Risk a little if you can
Feel your own feelings
Say your own words
Think your own thoughts
Be your own self
Let the plan for you
grow from within you

by Fritz Perls

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      Thoughts + Emotions = Attraction.
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      related material coming soon……
      this is temporarily a read only thread … still under construction Thanks for patience

textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“You May Also Like:
My joy Is Growing Up”:http://www.livelifehappy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/sowhatifinsteadof.jpg

top of thread

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
threads for easy access:
Whenever Possible Assume The Best

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      ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
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Thoughts + Emotions = Attraction.

SelfNurturing Self Soothing

    • ~

  • ~~ ✰~~
    Always remember: Joy is not merely incidental to your spiritual quest. It is vital. Rebbe Nachman Of Breslov
  • ~~ ✰~~
    My joy Is Growing Up “:http://www.livelifehappy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/sowhatifinsteadof.jpg
I define happiness as a kind of resourcefulness. It’s a sense of resiliency and the ability to meet things without being defined by them. It’s a source of profound strength inside ourselves, which we don’t always realize we have. Also, happiness is our connection to one another, so we don’t feel so cut off and alone. Sharon Salzberg

textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“quoteThe old spiritual paradigm focuses on tearing things down, whereas the new era of spirituality invites a more miraculous depth of transformation by building yourself up. Whether the focus is on dissolving illusion, duality, the ego, or unconscious belief patterns, there is no way to tear anything down without ripping your innocence apart in the process.
Instead of having anything to resolve, process, maintain, or remember, it is the activity of building yourself up that raises your vibration to bring your highest qualities to life. This includes loving what arises, viewing life through the eyes of beauty, and celebrating the success of what you are doing right in any given moment.
When building yourself up replaces any tendency to tear anything down, you will no longer manufacture erroneous symptoms to overcome. As this occurs, you free yourself from believing that spiritual evolution can be earned, when it exists as a truth you are free to remember by declaring it so. This is the way of heart-centered consciousness.Matt Kahn”:https://www.facebook.com/mattkahn

little tuneLiving Free

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. J. B. Priestly

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. Nido Qubein

Plan enjoyable activities
I so enjoy reinforcing anything I desire…with pictures,videos, and of course affirmations. For example with pics I’ve added, I can with ease state I Am serenity, and my energy will go with my affirming statements.

  • ** * Resting and relaxing is productive. Ariane Benefit
  • ** * Begin With Needs In Mind Versus Time. Ariane Benefit
  • • ~~ ✰~~
    Mindful of this moment in time.
  • ** * Where am I in respect to this moment? Where am I in respect to me? What is the moment calling from me?  Molly Gordon
  • ** * What gives me joy? [] What calls to me when I am freed of having to be somebody? [] What questions are guiding and sustaining you these days? [] Do you need the story of bigger to help you or the story of another way?  sources to this coming soon women’s lifecoach/mentors MollyGordon/Jennifer Louden
  • • ~~ ✰~~
  • ** * • I am firmly but calmly centered in this moment.
  • ** * • All clocks run at perfect speed for me.
  • ** * • All my power is in the present moment.
  • ** * • Every moment of my life is full of choices.
    ~~ ✰~~
    Should you ever hear that voice inside exclaim that you’re working too slow, are too easily distracted, or that you should take life more seriously, please rest assured, dearest, that it absolutely, positively is not me.
    I’m the one saying, “You totally rock!” – The Universe tut.com

[Note Regarding Thread] Please be patient with thread’s content…all is being re-positioned & revised [last edited 12/11/2014]

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

entire thread under major revision
expected “completion” some time in 2015 …

    • ** Disclaimer for thread: This thread is not intended to take the place of any healing support or education which may assist in anyone’s journey. It is not meant to act as a substitute for medical or psychological information one may receive in the real world. Internet posts are not intended to replace your chosen guidance in real world-journey. They are opinions from the individuals who post. As in all areas of life, one must be able to discern what is healthy and right for them. If any information serves those who read this, of course that is pleasing, though you be the judge(:

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Knowing something is not as good as liking it. Liking something is not as good as rejoicing in it.” Confucius

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” The 14th Dalai Lama

  • ** * “Speak often about things that you want and already believe”:“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJDC1quyD20 14 min 30 sec ~ Abe Video
  • ** * “ Being Good to Me and Decluttering My Life”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6uHDejRVQk 4 min ~ Abe Video

textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:”* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    • ** * Highlighted Video – “ 500 Positive Affirmations – The Secret to Positive Thinking”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lkCrPjmwks by David McGraw 41 min 55 sec ~

very important

remember at any given moment…you can change/delete/more strongly reinforce … anything that is being said to ideas which work better for you…. David McGraw is a favorite of mine.

articleLove Be Thy Name Matt Kahn

articleWhat Really Matters Matt Kahn

articleThe Wisdom of I Don’t Know Matt Kahn

videoA Way Out Of Pain
Matt Kahn

textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“Abundance is the energy of
permission The more you permit
yourself the right to desire what
you want, express gratitude for
what you have, and be excited for
whatever comes your way the
more abundance you are bound
to receive.

    • ** * “ Matt Kahn”:https://www.facebook.com/mattkahn
    • ** * site

Mat Kahn
Mat Kahn

The following is geared to Guided Imagery videos/and Music To Evoke Whatever Works For You on the web (which I trust). Appreciating˚

  • ~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * Mindfulness Music Mindfulness Music: Find Your Balance in the Work Place. Concentration Music, Focus, De-Stress
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This Collection of Long Music Playlists is Perfect for your daily Meditation and Relaxation. A lot of music out there for meditation and relaxation is too busy and distracting.The music from these videos is light, beautiful, with calming sounds (some with binaural brainwaves and nature sounds) that does not distract you from focusing on what you want to achieve. A Daily 1 Hour Instrumental Playlist can be used for background music with the following intentions:

Meditation and Healing:
The music we create is perfect for Deepak Chopra meditations, buddhist meditation, zen meditation, mindfulness meditation, Eckhart Tolle meditation. Influences used in this type of music are mainly from Japanese meditation music, Indian meditation music, Native American music and African Meditation Music. Some benefits from using it are: It will cleanse the Chakras, open the Third Eye and increase Transcendental Meditation skills. The work of Byron Katie, Sedona Method, Silva Method and the Secret highlights the fact that healing can occur through the use of mind and being in the now. Healing Meditation can be practised using this music for best results.

Yoga and Massage:
The music is really useful in yoga for beginners, yoga exercises, yoga chants influenced by Indian songs, African music, soothing music that has a calming effect.

Relaxation and Spa:
The light peaceful sound of our music can really be useful after a long hard day of work to unwind and relax. Imagine the spa music, nature sounds, rain sounds, light piano. Easy listening instruments are used in these tracks for ultimate relaxation.

Binaural Mind States:
Many of the tracks include Binaural Brain Waves that can be used to enter different mind frequencies. For instance it can be used for studying music, revision for when you need to be creative, focused and have good concentration. Many people find Brainwave entrainment useful for deep sleep to help you fall asleep easily, and also have enough rest to start the day fresh. As mentioned before, Binaural Brainwaves can be used for meditation, study music, creativity, deep sleep and many more benefits. Many mothers use it for baby music, lullabies to help baby sleep.

hypnosisridding unnecessary upset

related threads coming soon:

bmindful threads
You Reap What You Sow

Phil’s blog post on How to Create a Successful Routine
Weekly Sheet-3 Goals

Note from Phil Newton’s Blog:
Paper Based – The main reasons for this is that I find it much easier to modify a paper based system “on the fly”. The other main reason is that I find paper to be more rewarding to use when ticking things off. It also means I don’t need to switch the computer on first thing in the morning, which would stop the “I’ll just check my email” phase that can last hours.

Printable – As much fun as it was to draw all that stuff, it really needs to be printable so I can stick it in a binder and save myself some time.

Bigger System – Ideally it should cover my long term goals as well as my weekly ones, and also my affirmations and intentions. These items should be easy to access so that I don’t overlook them. There should also be the potential to add slots for my 30 day trials.

Points Tracking – Points tracking worked well in previous versions of my progress tracker, so I’ll be keeping it.

Space for Reflection – There should be space to write down what worked and what didn’t work, which I should be able to put in a stack and review when my monthly/quarterly goal sessions come around. There’s not much point in writing these things down if I won’t be using them.

Weekly Goal Tracking – There should be a space to monitor the progress of my top three goals.

Weekly Review Checklist – The weekly sheet should have a checklist for completing my GTD weekly review. This is more of a system to help me get into the habit of performing a weekly review.

30 Day Trial-Tracker
Do You Have a Focusing Partner?
Copyright © 2014 PhilNewton.net. All Rights Reserved

This thread is …temporarily a listen if you choose only thread/due to it being newly created(: It is my hope someone somewhere benefits from something here…though if not…may you always easily gravitate to all you need/desire wherever you find it(:

Mindfulness Music

hypnosisFor change in your life
chakras3 Physical moves-Clearing The Way
faster EFTEFT

article The Biochemistry of Gratitude

Well-known physician and author Christiane Northrup strongly encourages gratitude of all types. She reminds us, “No matter what’s going on in the world, the economy, or the news, you have the power within you to create the biochemistry of gratitude right now.” Dr. Northrup explains that when you hold feelings of thankfulness for at least 15 to 20 seconds, a variety of subtle and beneficial physiological changes take place in your body:

  • Levels of the stress hormones cortisol and norepinephrine decrease, producing a cascade of beneficial metabolic changes, such as an enhanced immune system.
  • Coronary arteries relax, thus increasing the blood supply to your heart.
  • Heart rhythm becomes more harmonious, positively affecting your mood and all bodily organs.
  • Breathing becomes deeper, thus raising the oxygen level of your tissues.

So spend some time feeling gratitude for your body, for your family and friends, for all that is wonderful in your life. It will pay off in better health!
Prepared by Sam Quick, Ph.D., Human Development and Family Relations Specialist, and Alex Lesueur, Jr., M.S.L.S, Staff Support Associate.
UK Extension’s Universe of PossibilitiesTM: Skills for Creating Happiness and Blessing Others is an educational series containing 10 modules. Each module is accompanied by a Macromedia Flash® movie, a PowerPoint®presentation, and other teaching tools. All these resources, along with a Facilitator’s Guide, are available free-of-charge in camera-ready format

    • ********
    • ** quote Experiencing and expressing gratitude is an important part of any spiritual practice. It opens the heart and activates positive emotion centers in the brain. Regular practice of gratitude can change the way our brain neurons fire into more positive automatic patterns. The positive emotions we evoke can soothe distress and broaden our thinking patterns so we develop a larger and more expansive view of our lives. Gratitude is an emotion of connectedness, which reminds us we are part of a larger universe with all living things. piece written by by Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D. who is is a clinical psychologist, life coach, and expert on life change, health psychology, integrative & behavioral medicine, chronic stress and pain, who has published her own research in academic journals. Previously a Professor, she is now an influential practicing psychologist, speaker, and media consultant
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      you may like:
      hypnosis affirmation video on letting go of an emotional upset
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** Power In Gratitude It’s easy to take being grateful for granted. It’s easy to say, “Oh sure, gratitude,” and dismiss it as positive thinking ‘mumbo jumbo’. Do not make this mistake. to read article in its entirety
      The benefits of gratitude include:
    • ** EMOTIONAL

More good feelings
More relaxed
Increased resilience
Less envious
Happier memories

    • ** SOCIAL

Increased kindness
More friends
Healthier marriage/partnership
Deeper relationship
More social interactions


Less materialistic
Less self-centered
Heightened self-esteem
More spiritual

    • ** HEALTH

Improved sleep
Less apt to become ill
Live longer
Increased energy
Exercise more frequently

    • ** CAREER

Improved network
Better management skills
Improved decision making
Enhanced productivity and creativity
Set and achieve goals

to read article in its entirety © Copyright – Gratitude Habitat

✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

  • [Here is a short Bodhi-inspired thank you prayer for liberation]
[Repeat each phrase for 1 to 10minutes]
  • ** * I notice this breath…thank you breath.
  • ** * Feel breath caress the body.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * I notice this body…thank you body.
  • ** * Feel the aliveness within.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * I notice this mind…thank you mind.
  • ** * Feel the ripples smooth.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * I notice ‘my story’…thank you story.
  • ** * Feel the loosening of attachment.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * I notice life…thank you life.
  • ** * Feel the connectedness.

  • ~posted by Kerri McCutcheon

    innervitalityblog “:http://ivblog.wordpress.com/category/health-wellness-soul/self-care-empowerment
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * thread being revised.thanks for your patience
    intro post
    post 2
    post 3
  • ** * [Note Regarding Thread] Please be patient with thread’s content…all is being re-positioned & revised [last edited 11/07/2014]
  • ** This thread is under major construction(: [This was once a thread-blog, and turned into a book marking site for threads I was creating, or things I was simply saving that worked for me. Expected clean-up of the undertaking of turning this into a reader-friendly revised thread…will be before the end of 2014. Thank you for your patience. This type of effort was once popular (with some of us members)when we were a smaller community;coined PERSONAL POWERTOOLS. As we grew we simply shared everywhere…My new practice on this site is to adopt this practice again for myself and for those who feel they would also prosper.
  • ** * not every tool (I enjoy) will make it to the site or thread, that would be a silly conclusion(: I enjoy reinforcing various things…and it will become apparent what works for me as this thread moves forward.
  • ** * Other threads which seem to duplicate this one (from days of earlier community are being phased out [slowly deleted].

Ease Peace Joy are my words of the day
People places & things, thank thank you for all of the lessons you’ve brought my way.

  • ~~ ✰~~
    only post 1 is being focused on. When it is more organized… will add a link to next post.

quoteSo here we are, in our rare and precious lives, surrounded by gorgeous moments begging to be noticed and celebrated. Go! Celebrate! Sark

quoteHem your blessings with thankfulness so they don’t unravel. author unknown

    • ~quote
      Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. Alan Cohen

    • ~quote
      GRATITUDE IS A VITAL SKILL, A FOCUS, A VIEWPOINT TO BE LEARNED AND HARVESTED FULLY. I urge you to practice this, even if you are not yet able to see the benefit. It works! Keith Garrick
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

musicFreedom Gratitude and Joy For Life

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • ~
    Each day I choose to see things from the most optimistic perspective.
  • ~
    I can round up better thoughts whenever I choose,because I am deliberate creator.

Here is my wish for you and every other child, woman, and man on the face of the earth: Spend one week saying only kind, caring things to yourself. Say thank you at least ten times an hour, direct five toward yourself and five to the world at large. Compliment yourself (and others) each time an effort is made. Notice all the wonderful qualities and characteristics about yourself and those around you. One week. You will never go back. And your whole life will be a glorious meditation. Cheri Huber


When confronted with a situation that appears fragmented or impossible, step back, close your eyes, and envision perfection where you saw brokenness. Go to the inner place where there is no problem, and abide in the consciousness of well-being. Alan Cohen

    • ~~ ✰~~

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
I am living a vibrant and healthy life
Exercise is a daily routine in my life.
I exercise both my body and mind.
As my mind receives a daily workout from life’s events, I also give my body the physical workout it deserves.
I set aside time just for me.
I can build a firewall that filters out stress and reclaims success
affirmation source: Wambui Bahati Inspirational Speaker,Motivational Speaker, Humorist, Entertainer, Author

    • ** Affirmations For Women
      As far as your life situation is concerned,
      there may be things to be attained or acquired.
      That’s the world of form, of gain and loss.
      Yet on a deeper level you are already complete,
      and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy
      behind what you do. Eckart Tolle
      ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

thread Mantra Affirmations-Allow Your Joy To Grow Up
    • ** I am done complaining ….(statement) (affirmations follow:)
    • ** I am reading for creating
    • ** I am a messenger of love
    • ** I am enough
    • ** Yes! I am changing
    • ** I am worth it
    • ** I am letting go
    • ** I deserve it
    • ** I am brilliant
    • ** I am proud
    • ** I am perfect
    • ** I am allowed
    • ** To use my power
    • ** To shine
    • ** To attract greatness

Title: CURRENT MANTRA… from www.satilife.com/
    • ** I want it
    • ** I Am it
    • ** I expect it
    • ** I accept it
    • ** I am loving it
    • ** I am living it
    • ** I am doing it
    • ** I am giving it
    • ** I am sure
    • ** I am free
    • ** I am empowered with integrity
    • ** I have faith
    • ** it is done
    • ** I am creating
    • ** I am the one

Title: CURRENT MANTRA… from www.satilife.com/

My joy Is Growing Up “:http://www.livelifehappy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/sowhatifinsteadof.jpg

  • ** basic beliefquote •When you don’t cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago when humanity…became possessed by thought. A depth returns to your life. Things regain their newness, their freshness, and the greatest miracle is the experiencing your essential self as prior to any words, thoughts, mental labels and images.• Eckhart Tolle

There are many wonderful ways to begin affirmations…Here are some ideas for starters

Write your own♥ affirmations:

Write what is true for you. Decide which words best reflect your goal/s. Your words need to be emotionally charged and true for you. Have fun experimenting and creating your own affirmations. Here are some affirmation starters to get you going:

For the highest good, I

I acknowledge

I affirm

I allow

I am

I am abounding with

I am aware

I am willing

I can

I choose

I create

I enjoy

I follow

I fully accept

I know

I make

I own

I realize

I trust

In every way

In this moment

Right now I

Today I

Yes I

above came from inspirationlifecoaching.com on defining affirmations

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

generate your own positive affirmation

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

affirmation sets-you may like

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


When we need to do some work in a particular area, we can affirm any spiritual quality with one word. For example, when we feel restless, we can talk to our body. It will take instructions. We can give the body a one-word command such as “relax,” “harmony,” “balance,” or “rhythm.” We can talk to our mind. Eventually it will listen. We can think, “patience,” “peace,” or “poise.” When someone is giving us a hard time, we can affirm, “understanding,” “compassion,” or “forgiveness.” Dr. Phillip Shapiro

to be continued…

I’m duplicating from some busy threads I’ve posted. Affirmations are all about repetition(: AGoodVibeEnthusiast

thread25 Resolutions Of Happiness

  • I will make happiness a worthy goal, for achieving it is entirely within my power.
  • I will use my feelings to tell me when things aren’t working for me
  • I will let go of what I cannot change: other people, the past, the future.
  • I will believe that all people are equally valuable and worthy by virtue of being human, and that makes me valuable and worthy. I will accept that I don’t have to be perfect, I don’t have to meet anyone else’s expectations or needs to be a worthy and lovable person. And they don’t have to meet mine.
  • I will focus on what I can change—my thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and behavior, which will change how I feel
  • I will not judge others (or myself) because it is harsh and destructive When we attach value to those perceptions (better than/worse than) and rank our comparisons, we become judgmental. Even when I win the comparison contest, I find I’ve lost, just because I played
  • I will appreciate the moment.
  • I will focus on what I have so that I experience abundance, remembering that unhappy people focus on what they want, and they feel deprived.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** Peace & Joy (: w/love,Appreciating˚

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • ** quote “Today, I choose to be grateful. Because I know with enough time and enough love I’m going to be that any way. So, why not start now…” …. © 2014 Stacey Robbins

musicAccent The Positive

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    1. “Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It means learning to live your life as if everything were a miracle, and being aware on a continuous basis of how much you’ve been given.” Marelisa Fábregato read more-40 More Quotes-Thanksgiving
  • ~

  • Appreciation is like looking through a wide-angle lens that lets you see the entire forest, not just the one tree limb you walked up on. ~Doc Childre and Sara Paddision

“ Doing Better Than You Think[19 Signs]”:http://www.marcandangel.com/2012/11/28/19-signs-youre-doing-better-than-you-think/
You are alive.
You are able to see the sunrise and the sunset.
You are able to hear birds sing and waves crash.
You can walk outside and feel the breeze through your hair and the sun’s warmth on your skin.

To Read List In Its Entirety

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~
    The Power of Thankfulness
  • ~
    10 Benefits of Gratitude
    Rick Foster and Greg Hicks set out on a three-year journey to study extremely happy people. In their book How we Choose to be Happy, they found that there are 9 choices happy people make. One of those nine is to practice appreciation. read article in its entirety Besides a higher happiness set-point, other benefits of gratitude include: read article in its entirety
  • ~
    Appreciation Tools A powerful way to improve mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being is to invoke and sustain sincere appreciation. Appreciating yourself, a loved one, friend, pet, even a cherished place or memory also quickly establishes a connection to your heart. The greater your capacity for sincere appreciation, the deeper the connection to your heart, where intuition and unlimited inspiration and possibilities reside. Try HeartMath’s Appreciation Tool and exercises. to see the exercises & read more
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    …participants who found reasons to be grateful reported less intrusive memories, such as ruminating about why it happened or how it could have been prevented. Gratitude can help you to get over upsetting experiences, and it can help you to move on. to read moreEight Life Changing Benefits of Gratitude
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Relaxing Walk Near The Ocean

Waves-Crashing ~ Ocean Sounds for Yoga, Meditation, Sleeping, Relaxation

Pacific Ocean Waves-4 Hours

Ocean Sea Waves crashing against the pier

3 Hour waves

    • ~quote
      If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice. Meister Eckhart
    • ~

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    musicHappy Feeling-Earth Wind and Fire
    Feelin’, happy feelin’
    In the music that we’re givin’
    Feel the power every hour
    Every moment that we’re livin’

Little babies, tell the story
Of Mother Nature and its glory
Share the feelin’ with your brother
Don’t stop carin’ for one another, alright

Little babies, tell the story
Of Mother Nature and its glory
Share the feelin’ with your brother
Don’t stop carin’ one another

There’s a reason that we’re pleasing
What you’re yearnin’ life’s a burnin’
In the music hear the message
All the feelin’ is a blessin’, oh yeah

Ooh feelin’, feelin’
Happy feelin’, feelin’ feelin’ feelin’
Feelin’ feelin’

Make ya groove

“We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.” Mary Dunbar

Self-Reflection Questions….I SAVOR EACH MOMENT OF EACH DAY
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I savor each moment of each day?
2. Am I mindful that each day I have an opportunity to enjoy life?
3. How can I create a good moment today so that I may gift my future self with a beautiful memory?
to read more

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      From rescueyourselfesteem.com
      I show my commitment to my family even in my everyday, routine activities.
      When I cook a meal, I do it with love. Not only do I foster good nutrition in my choices, but I also put special touches on it to let them know I care.
      When I work, I know that I am doing it not only for myself, but for my family in order to provide the things we need and want.
      A little happy tip- Play 1 happy song after another emphasizing your feelings about the joy you feel for your loved ones…and share the music with them, asking to hear their favorites too. What an experience this brings!(: Appreciating˚
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gratitude Love Songs
musicHave I Told You Lately That I Love You?
musicWith Your Love
musicI’m Yours
musicCount On Me

(a few more songs further down the page)

The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an extent that it changes the world you see. Dr. Robert Holden
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~ quote “Stop focusing on how stressed you are, and remember how blessed you are.” (: Unknown

Appreciation Breaks Take two or three appreciation breaks each day – ideally in early morning, during work, school, returning home or before bed. Just follow the above simple steps. It takes as little as two minutes to achieve mental, emotional and physical balance.
Appreciation List Make a list of things you appreciate – people, places, activities, pets – and choose one or two each morning to hold in your heart during the day. Choose an item again at night to hold in your heart while you rest.
Appreciation in the Moment Keep your Appreciation List close all day,in a pocket or purse, by your computer, etc. In stressful moments, choose an item that can quickly evoke appreciation. It can turn a stressful day into one that flows – in 30 seconds or less. read article in full HEARTMATH

  • ~
  • ~

music Earth Wind and Fire “ Devotion

Thru devotion, blessed are the children
Praise the teacher, that brings true love to many
your devotion, opens all life’s treasures
and deliverance, from the fruits of evil.
So our mission, to bring a melody,
ringin’ voices sing sweet harmony

For you here’s a song, to make your day brighter.
One that will last, you long thru troubled days.
Giving your heart the light to brighten.
All of the dark that falls in your way
You need devotion. bless the children
deliverance from the fruits of evil

In everyone’s life, there’s a need to be happy.
Let the sun shine, a smile your way.
Open your heart, feel a touch of devotion.
Maybe this song, will help uplift your day.

Make a better way
You need devotion

    • ~music
      That’s The Way Of The World
      Hearts of fire creates love desire
      Take you high and higher to the world you belong
      Hearts of fire creates love desire
      High and higher to your place on the throne

We’ve come together on this special day
To sing our message loud and clear
Looking back weve touched on sorrowful days
Future pass, they disappear

You will find peace of mind
If you look way down in your heart and soul
Dont hesitate cause the world seems cold
Stay young at heart cause youre never, never old at heart

That’s the way of the world
Plant your flower and you grow a pearl
A child is born with a heart of gold
The way of the world makes his heart grow cold

Hearts of fire creates love desire
Take you high and higher to the world you belong
Hearts of fire, love desire
High and higher, you, you, you

Hearts of fire, love desire
High and higher

We’ve came together on this special day
To sing our message loud and clear
Looking back weve touched on sorrowful days
Well, future disappear

You will find peace of mind
If you look way down in your heart and soul
Dont hesitate cause the world seems cold
Stay young at heart cause youre never, never, never old at heart

That’s the way of the world
Plant your flowers and you grow a pearl
A child is born with a heart of gold
The way of the world makes his heart grow cold

And love, and love, and love, and love
And love, and love, and love
Well the love, the love, the love
Darlin’ lovely, don’t you hear me now?
Don’t you hear me now?
Darlin’, won’t you hear me now, won’t you hear me now?

Hearts of fire, love desire
High and higher, you, you, you
Hearts of fire, love desire

  • ~

music Connie Talbot is a phenomenon, and much beloved around the world for her peerless vocal talent and her heart-warming persona. A normal lovely little girl, she melts the hardest souls with her angelic voice.❊ 3 Little Birds

Gratitude for What Brought You To Today
musicWho I Am Today

Upbeat-Gratitude Love Songs

musicI’m Yours
musicKind and Generous
musicI Thank You
musicWhenever I Call You Friend
Gratitude Love Songs coming soon…
musicYour Precious Love
music “Lucky(music by Jason Mraz)”:“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acvIVA9-FMQ
music “ I Say a Little Prayer (music by Aretha Franklin)”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8cCwwsWTlI&feature=related
musicYou’re My Best Friend

musicThank You for Hearing Me

musicThank You

You May Also Like To Visit:

related thread [don’t forget the music]
Music Contributes Well To Life

musicYou’re My Best Friend

musicSing a Song

    • ** You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you. Sarah Ban Breathnach on giving thanks for 2 months
    • ** If you will buy a new notebook, and call it your Book of Positive Aspects, and spend 10 minutes each day writing positive aspects about your home, your body, your work, your relationships…If you will wake up every morning acknowledging that you have re-emerged into the physical and that today you will look for reasons to feel good…And if you will pay attention to the way you are feeling, and utilize the process of pivoting,it is our absolute promise to you, that — within 30 days — you will see such a dramatic turn of events in your life experience, that you will not believe you are the same person. whatanicewebsiteAbe inspired writing positive aspects for 30 days for 10 minutes a day
    • ** Rewire Your Brain For Positivity and Happiness
      So how can we combat our negativity bias? The Positive Tetris Effect.

Indeed, it’s quite simple: We can harness the brain’s plasticity by training our brain to make positive patterns more automatic. When we practice looking for and being more aware of positive aspects of life, we fight off the brain’s natural tendency to scan for and spot the negatives. Naturally we bring ourselves into better balance.

Scan for the 3 daily positives. At the end of each day, make a list of three specific good things that happened that day and reflect on what caused them to happen. The good things could be anything — bumping into an old friend, a positive remark from someone at work, a pretty sunset. Celebrating small wins also has a proven effect of powering motivation and igniting joy. As you record your good things daily, the better you will get and feel. At the end of the day, make a list of 3 positives which occurred. whole article link
The Happiness Effect
You May Also Enjoy These Links:
Happiness Diary —Keith Garrick [wonderful site] LIFE MANAGEMENT ALLIANCE -CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE
Gratitude Journal —Keith Garrick
101 reasons To Journal

Keith Garrick’s Visual Diary fromLIFE MANAGEMENT ALLIANCE Not necessarily in order, but here is a listing of some of the things I have in the notebook. It’s always a delight to thumb through it, sometime along with my Memories Book. I can re-experience the best in life – in no time at all, in a series of flashes.
Examples from Keith Garrick’s Visual Diary
CATEGORY WHAT’S IN THE CATEGORY ►EXPERIENCES…Experiences I want to have, from sensual to uplifting to beautiful…,►EMOTIONS…Emotions I love,►BEAUTY..Beauty that is inspiring and wonderful to look at, from scenario to anything that is beauty,►TRAVEL
…Where I want to go or be [or simply visualize],►PEOPLE..[people who bring sense of delight…all kinds of people]…►PEOPLE I ADMIRE…Inspiring people, extraordinary people……►RELATIONSHIPS…Inspiring,beautiful,touching or anything that appeals to me.►MEMORIES…Pleasant memories, even pictures of me…,►SPACES
Spaces and places I could live in and be in, or just look at.,►THINGS …Things that appeal,►INSPIRATIONSAnything that inspires me, visually or in words,►WISDOM…Anything that reminds me of what is wise and true in life [to me]…►SAYINGS…Sayings I just like, ones that might be included above, but they just fit here.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~

  • ~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you. Sarah Ban Breathnach on giving thanks for 2 months

100 Things You Love To Do

Often we discover what we love to do in life by living…being spontaneous…

By knowing what you enjoy you are consciously creating a life of your dreams.

No one is saying the tasks we often in engage in are 100% fun…and certainly not all of the time. Though, the more we are in touch with what makes us happy…the more we can be responsible for our own happiness and somehow thread them (whenever possible) through our daily life(:

Take time to recall what you enjoy. It’s a good thing to know(: Appreciating˚

  • ** * “The few things that work fantastically well should be identified, cultivated, nurtured, and multiplied.” [Richard Koch is a former management consultant,entrepreneur, and writer]

[not to veer off topic too much…but the pdf in link does make a good template for any master list]
✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰

    • ~

Quote As far as your life situation is concerned,
there may be things to be attained or acquired.
That’s the world of form, of gain and loss.
Yet on a deeper level you are already complete,
and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy
behind what you do. Eckart Tolle
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

1 – Your Vision Map-video

2 – Making the Growth Choice-video

3 – The Way of Peace-video

4 – Heart Intelligence-video

5 – The Freedom of Self-Discipline-video

6 – Embracing This Present Moment-video

7 – Accepting and Loving Your Body-video

8 – Healthy Relationships-video

9 – Unleashing Your Creativity-video

10 – Gifts of Gratitude and Blessing-video
UK Extension’s Universe of PossibilitiesTM: Skills for Creating Happiness and Blessing Others is an educational series containing 10 modules. Each module is accompanied by a Macromedia Flash® movie, aPowerPoint® presentation, and other teaching tools. All theseresources, along with a Facilitator’s Guide, are available free-of-charge in camera-ready format

    • _______________
      quoteYesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived, and I lie in an eternal present filled with an everlasting good. There is nothing unhappy or morbid in my consciousness. I have no fear of yesterday nor do I anticipate tomorrow with anything other than enthusiastic expectation. Everything good in my experience shall create my future. I have no fear in looking backward or forward, but realize the eternal day in which I now live. Today is big with hope fulfilled, with love and life well-lived. Tomorrow will provide its own blessings. Ernest Holmes

I anticipate the next moment with enthusiastic expectation.

I’m going to choose to be happy and play with life. I’m going to share my smile …a lot. I’m going to count my blessings everyday and remember to share only the good things with others. What I learn, I will learn from joy. I know that it is my nature to skip and have fun. Life is good if I choose to see it that way. Rodger Briley

quote“Accept yourself as you are. Otherwise you will never see opportunity. You will not feel free to move toward it; you will feel you are not deserving.” Maxwell Maltz

  • Affirmations You May Like:
    Every new day comes with happiness

I am loving and accepting of myself just as I am
I am loving and accepting of myself for who I am becoming
I have an enthusiastic outlook on life
I feel total peace with my powerful positive self-esteem
I can sit back and view all of the wondrous things that life has to offer me.
I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind, and soul.
I fill my mind with positive and nourishing thoughts.
I only have positive mental pictures
I love and approve of myself aside from my accomplishments
I succeed with ease
I pursue my life’s purpose
Joy overflows in my life

    • ~
      other-persons affirmations
      I appreciate the positive people and situations that are currently in my life.
      I appreciate the positive people and situations which are always present in my life experience.
      I treasure my joyous relationship and demonstrate my happiness.

quote “Though we might not determine all the events around us, we are omnipotent in determining our reaction to them.” Barry Neil Kaufman

Adverse appearances work for my good, for God utilizes every person and every situation to bring to me my heart’s desire. “Hindrances are friendly” and obstacles spring boards! I now jump into my good! Florence Scovel Shinn
I live in a world of abundance and prosperity
Everyone deserves to be wealthy, including me
The universe showers me with abundance everyday
I fully open myself up to receive prosperity from the universe
Prosperity is circulating in my life. It flows to me in abundantly
I am creative and resourceful and have all the abilities I need to succeed
I live every day with power and passion
I feel strong and excited, passionate and powerful
I am deeply grateful for the freedom to act and move toward my goals


BLESSINGS TO NEW MEMBERS & EXISTING MEMBERS As a suggestion, please scan the categories …to get a feel for the site and what is posted.

  • ~
    This Week on Bmindful “:http://bmindful.com/thisweek
  • ~ ~
    Some Links You May Like Related To Bmindful Community
  • ** “Bmindful”:http://bmindful.com/thisweek
  • ** “Affirmation Quick Search”:http://bmindful.com/quicksearch
  • ** “Random Affirmations”:http://bmindful.com/random
  • ** “Daily Affirmations”:https://twitter.com/dlyaffirmations
  • ** “Practice Page For Linking and Editing on Bmindful”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/351/practice-page-for-linking-and-editing-#post3548
  • ** “Bmindful Tour”:http://bmindful.com/pages/bmindful-tour
    “Lee’s Vision For Bmindful”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/33/my-vision-for-this-forum#post39
  • ** More Bmindful Links coming soon…

Rules for Being Human

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire time around.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called “life.” Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like some of the lessons, or think them irrelevant and stupid.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷThere are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is the process of trial and error, experimentation. The “failed” experiments are as much a part of the process as experiments that ultimately “work.”

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷA lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go to the next lesson.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ“There” is no better than “here.” When your “there” has become “here,” you will simply obtain another “there” that will, again, look better than “here.”

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷOthers are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷWhat you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need.. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYour answers lie inside you. The answer’s to life’s questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou will forget all this. – Anonymous

  • ~
    post 1
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textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“Recent Threads I’ve Created & Goal

    • ** * “ Making Stress your Friend-TED video [ Kelly McGonigal]”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4533/making-stress-your-friend-kelly-mcgonigal#post48528
    • ** * thread created 1-16/15 last edited 1/16/15
    • ** * video How To Make Stress Your Friend 14 min 28 sec
    • ** * Scientists have discovered that the heart is far more complex than we’d ever imagined. We now have evidence that the heart sends us emotional and intuitive signals to help govern our lives. Instead of simply pumping blood, it directs and aligns many systems in the body so that they can function in harmony. And although the heart is in constant communication with the brain, we now know it makes many of its decisions
    • ** * Kelly McGonigal;Health Psychologist translates academic research into practical strategies for health, happiness and personal success.
    • ** * COMMENTS:

textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:”* ** * My rating for this video:

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ Resentment Is The Emotion ( Forgiveness=Answer )”:textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4531/resentment-is-the-emotionforgivenessanswer#post48519
    • ** * thread created 1-16/15 last edited 1/16/15
    • ** * Resentment is the emotion that goes with complaining and the mental labeling of people and adds even more energy to the ego /quote by Eckart Tolle starts focus of this thread
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ The Hearts Intuitive Intelligence”:textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4527/the-hearts-intuitive-intelligence#post48311
    • ** * thread created 1-15/15 last edited 1/15/15
    • ** *
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ Here’s to a better better everything”:textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4529/heres-to-a-better-better-everything#post48424
    • ** * thread created 1-15/15 last edited 1/15/15
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ neurons that fire together wire together”:textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4519/neurons-that-fire-together-wire-together-
    • ** * thread created 1/14/15 last edited 1/14/15
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ Emotions**-[ **Molly L. StranahanPsy.D ]”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4517/emotions-molly-l-stranahan-psyd#post48104
    • ** * thread created 1/13/15
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“* ** * “ Welcome To Phil’s Site”:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4474/welcome-to-phils-site-personal-development

    • ** *
    • ** * thread created 1-1-15 last edited 1-14-15
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ 1 Guided Meditation [Alan Watts]”:textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4501/1-guided-meditation-alan-watts
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ Wellness 2015”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3866/exploringwellness2015blogreliable-sources-#post38359
    • ** * thread created 2014 will be revised in 2015
    • ** *
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* ** * “ Suggested Tips For The Best Year Of Your Life

    • ** *
    • ** * thread created
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • ~

related threads you may like:

    • ~~ …♥… ~~
    • ** * I am thankful for the abundance that already exists in my life.
    • ** * I celebrate the abundance of others [double pleasure].

Intro post

thread created 1/20/15 last edited 1/20/15

  • ~~ ✰~~
    Today/Tonight’s Focus/ Intentions: 1/09/15
  • Work Related Focus [Current Profession/Career/Education/Deadlines]
  • Personal Care Routine
  • Family-care / cooking budget planning/ family budget/home care chat
  • Home-care /cleaning/organizing/decorating
  • PC organization
  • Create a blue print for the end of month.
  • Upcoming celebrations & holidays
  • Friends/Family (across the miles)
  • ~~ ✰~~
    trigger ideas: laundry /meals
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    affirmationI efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstance
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
  • ~~ ✰~~
  • ** printable
  • ** What is cozi.com?
  • ** quoted from their site: Cozi is a free online organizer that helps families manage crazy schedules, track shopping lists and to do lists, organize household chores, stay in communication and share memories—all in one place.
  • ** People have accused us of being fanatically family focused, and you know what? They’re right. From our very beginning in 2005, we’ve been all about families. When we started Cozi, we were just a small group of Microsoft and Amazon veterans—all with kids of our own—looking for a way to balance our busy family schedules and create more harmony at home. So we pooled our collective knowledge and experience to create something special. Something that would make it easy and fun for families to juggle everything they have to do. Not just our families, but families everywhere.
  • ** We know every family is different, but we all have one thing in common: we’re crazy-busy. Cozi is designed to make it easier to manage everything we have to do. Cozi tracks appointments and activities, simplifies shopping lists and chores, and makes it easy for everyone to communicate with each other. Even when schedules change, Cozi is there making sure all the moving pieces fit together at the end of the day.
    When we make life easier for you and your family, we’re happy. We invite you to simplify family life with Cozi.
  • ** cozi.com sign up
  • ** cozi.com sign in
  • ** 60 min silent timer ~~ ✰~~
    There are some great timers already posted on Bmindful/Internet,though this one appealed to my inner child(:
    30 sec timer [also makes a great auditory metronome]
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    speaking of metronomes

…….Use an audible second-ticking clock or a metronome stroking at 60 beats per minute. Assume a comfortable position in a chair or a bed, and achieve a self-hypnotic state. After getting into a deeply relaxed state, your heartbeat will entrain itself to the slow rhythm of 60 beats per minute. Concentrate on deep rhythmic breathing and clear your mind to allow your brain waves to also slow down.

…….You can memorize and say the following statements to yourself or you can put them on a cassette tape for playback when you’re relaxed.

….Now begin using the following suggestions on yourself:
1) I am feeling good. I am feeling wonderful.

    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      2) The beats are slowing now — slower – slower.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      3) The time between each beat is seeming longer and longer.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      4) I am relaxed and I have lots of time.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      5) Time is only relative to what I want it to be.
      ~~ ✰~~
      6) Each stroke is further and further apart now.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      7) There is lots of time.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      8) I feel so relaxed and at peace with myself.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      9) Time is slowing down.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      10) Each beat of the metronome feels distantly separated.
      ……Repeat the above suggestions or similar ones over and over to yourself until you “feel” that each click of the metronome is spaced between 2 – 4 minutes apart. Bring into mental focus the material you want to review and say the following:
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      1) I have plenty of time to review this.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      2) Every time I do this, I improve myself and my performance.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      3) I am relaxed and taking my time.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      4) The more I practice, the easier it becomes.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      5) I am feeling good and experiencing no hurry.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      6) I have all the time that I need to accomplish this review.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      7) I am completing my review.
      …….At this suggestive state of mind, you can review any material you wish in a matter of seconds over and over again. By being relaxed and saying to yourself that you have lots of time, your mind does indeed ‘create’ lots of time.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~ You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~ The more you practice this exercise, the easier it will become. Bring yourself out of the self-hypnotic state by counting backwards from 10 to 1 and then progressively awaken. Always give yourself a post-hypnotic suggestion that the next time that you want to experience self-hypnotic time distortion, it will be easier and faster to undergo. You can even create a tape for yourself with the above suggestions.

  • ** * • Thank You fellow bmindful member,Keith Garrick for your wonderful site LifeManagementAlliance.com :
  • ** * •  Worksheet For Effective Change
  • ** * •  Essential Life Skills The “Essential Life Skills” are all learnable, and they are part of the “build” in life that has you accumulating what you can count on in life to create a great life.

Constructing My Own Directory to Keith’s Site In Process:
“The Notebooks”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/LifeBookSystem.html#anchor_46
“The Life Book System”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/LifeBookSystem.html
“Life Planning Notebooks”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/LifePlan/PlanningSTLT/PlgNotebooksSystemsMain.html

    • ** * •  “Current Operations Notebook”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/SiteIVA.html (1 1/2”)
      “The Forms”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/SiteIVA.html#anchor_7
      Daily Monitoring: [for a month] For when you want to track targeted habits, practices, results over a period of time to see how you are doing.
    • ** * •  Current Year Plan (1 1/2”)
    • ** * •  LifePlan (2”)
    • ** * •  Reminders (Grounding) Notebook ( 2”)
    • ** * •  About Me Notebook (2”)
    • ** * •  Personal Progress Notebook (2”)
    • ** * •  “The visuals notebook”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/Lifebooks/VisualsNBook/VisualsNotebookMainPage.html (2” – large, as you’ll be amazed at how things accumulate)
    • ** * •  The Memories Notebook (2” also)
    • ** * •  “ Setting Up Notebook “:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/Lifebooks/Overall/SettingUpLifebooks.html

II. PLANNING Notebooks/forms My Life Plan
III. THE LIFEBOOKS “About Me” Reminders, Grounding Memories Notebook Visuals Notebook

  • ** * •  The Reminders Notebook
  • ** * •  The Life Plan
  • ** * •  Philosophy of Life
  • ** * •  textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“THE ABOUT ME NOTEBOOK
    WHO I AM, MY DREAMS, WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY, MY CONCERNS, MY STRENGTHS, MY WEAKNESSES, MY SOLUTIONS, MY HISTORY…”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/LifePlan/AboutMeNtbk/AbtMeNtbkCnts.html

My relaxation techniques My energy, blood sugar Physical/health My nutrition My exercise My body care My relaxation techniques My energy, blood sugar Timeline for life

    Recreation activity list
    time management, productivity
    Rewards, reinforcers
    Time management, productivity
  • ** * •  Values
    ↓ ↑
    (Biggest, core, “derivative”)
    ↓ ↑
    (Criteria levels for action for that which gets me my values.)
    ↓ ↑
    To implement the standards
    ↓ ↑
    (Ways to get things done, including checklists

a little Abe
“ [1] Will get ready to end this thread toward new beginnings with a little Abe video on pre-paving the way (leaving the last piece of resistance) and creating momentum and how focus fits in pre-action)”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM6gQFe8ZCg / “ [2] feels so good to flow that energy”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFmZjFgDwC8 / “ [3] Only You Know The Truth”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5GznM4s8Ac living the life/reaching for the feeling
[listen for the wisdom…]

✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some. That is part of the paradox of success described in the book of the same title by John R. O’Neil. He says that the belief that every moment of our time must be somehow valuable and productive is actually pretty harmful. When you give yourself open-ended time, you can “create space for your seldom-heard desires, needs, and notions to assert themselves, and you begin creating a model for a different, more friendly relationship with time.” Robert Fulgham
✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
Quote Almost all needs, capacities, and talents can be satisfied in a variety of ways. Maslow, A.H. (1999). Towards a Psychology of Being. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Quote Growth takes place when the next step forward is subjectively more delightful, more joyous, more intrinsically satisfying than the previous gratification with which we have become familiar and even bored; the only way we can ever know what is right for us is that it feels better subjectively than any alternative. The new experience validates itself rather than by any outside criterion. It is self-justifying, self-validating. (Maslow, 1999, p. 53).Maslow, A.H. (1999). Towards a Psychology of Being. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Quote Authentic selfhood can be defined in part as being able to hear the impulse-voices within oneself, i.e., to know what one really wants or doesn’t want, what one is fit for and what one is not fit for. Maslow, A.H. (1999). Towards a Psychology of Being. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

On Genius Maslow, A.H.


  • ** The ticket is it to maintain what works for you …because you will be the one to endure the lesson…when balance is a low priority to what you really want to experience & why. Each individual is unique…and achievement & success is quantified & qualified differently by all. The best to everyone(: blessings,Appreciating˚
    ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

Being Love

Working Your Grid for those of you who are turned off by Abe hicks…Don’t Shoot The Messenger, great stuff here

pic clear path

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~
    As I choose my thoughts, I choose my life.
    Every day I have the option to make choices that support my well-being.
    I choose to be healthy every minute of my life.
    I always have the choice to re-create my reality.
    I always have the power to choose the most optimistic outlook.
    Each decision I make presents wondrous new possibilities.
    Every moment of my life is full of choices
    My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life.

  • Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so. If you assume there is no hope, you guarantee there will be no hope. ~Norm Chomsky

quoteYesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived, and I lie in an eternal present filled with an everlasting good. There is nothing unhappy or morbid in my consciousness. I have no fear of yesterday nor do I anticipate tomorrow with anything other than enthusiastic expectation. Everything good in my experience shall create my future. I have no fear in looking backward or forward, but realize the eternal day in which I now live. Today is big with hope fulfilled, with love and life well-lived. Tomorrow will provide its own blessings. Ernest Holmes

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

Quick Reference List For Threads (I’ve Created) Which Assist Me Today
Unblock Your Energetic Pipeline [Eternal Code]
Completing Projects With Ease”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4298/completing-projects-w-easeaffirmationvideos#post44436
Quick Reference List For Articles Which Resonate With Me:
Harnessing The Power of Gratitude Intention Affirmation by Melissa Heisler, Stress Reduction Expert
Caring For Your Mind Body and Soul

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * I can round up better thoughts whenever I choose,because I am a magnificent deliberate creator.
  • ** * I accept only love into the sacred space of my soul.
  • ** * I feel an amazing oneness with the power that created me.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~
    1. Give thanks for everything you already have,
    2. Give thanks for everything you are expecting, and
    3. Give thanks again when your good arrives,
    you will find you’re already half-way to your destination of developing a magnificent prosperity consciousness.
  • ~~~~~

The Happy Pig contributed on FlowerPower-thread by Flowergirl

  • ~~~~~
    Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing. UNKNOWN
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours. Ayn Rand

There is a basic law that like attracts like. Negative thinking definitely attracts negative results. Conversely, if a person habitually thinks optimistically and hopefully, his positive thinking sets in motion creative forces – and success, instead of eluding him, flows toward him.
William Wordsworth

Learn to shake yourself loose from what the world believes is the only reality. Neville Goddard

    • ~ quote Follow the timing of your human life. Sally Kempton tells the story of two radical callings in her life, and both times, she took the time she needed to make the changes she was called to make. You are living in a human body with human limits and needs. Proceed accordingly. (Note: your journey may be metaphorical, completely internal, quietly subtle and it is no less sheroicYou define what all of this looks like. Always.  ★ღ✰˚ ✰Jennifer Louden

  • Here is an affirmation for today: I feel passionately about my life, and this passion fills me with excitement and energy! ~Wayne Dyer

    Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing. Wayne Dyer

Look at everything as though you were seeing it for the first time or the last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory. Betty Smith

musicBalance & relaxation

Affirmations-Look For The Good
(Repeat these affirmations to yourself to manifest them in your life.)
I make a positive difference. I look for the good in this situation and respond with love, wisdom and understanding.
I look beyond the personalities to the issues. I plan to look for the good.
I make a positive difference every time I look for the good in a challenging situation.
I want to know what people are for, not what they are against 
In every situation, I look for what is right, not what is wrong.
I am centered and see the good all around me.
Everything works together for my highest good.
I move forward in my life’s journey toward my good.
I celebrate my progress and smile at whatever challenges me.
I find good in whatever comes my way.
Good surrounds me wherever I am and whatever I am doing.
In every situation I strive to show up, pay attention and respond in love.
Every life experience offers a gift.
I attract good in all areas of my life.
Good things come into my life easily and often.
I look for something good in every person I meet.
I cherish the good in myself and others.
I am showered with good every day in every area of my life.
I am grateful for the good I already have.
Wherever I am, God is, and all is well.

written by: Association of Unity Churches International www.unity.org

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* ** “ Boundless Appreciation from The Love Foundation related video

    • ~~~~~
      affirmative prayerI am appreciative and grateful that I can explore where I have been and where I desire to go with enthusiasm, joy and peace. And I thank You-God, for the ability to regularly see the bigger picture of value for life, my life, and how I relate to generalities and specifics which I deem important. It is all wonderful. Thank You Thank You Thank You to myself, others and My Creator. It is all so. Amen. Appreciating˚ formerly AGoodLife˚ & AGoodVibeEnthusiast
    • ~~~~~

  • ** quoteEvery choice before you represents the universe inviting you to remember who you are and what you want. Alan Cohen
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Enthusiasm takes the place of skepticism
    Curiosity takes the place of fear
    Creativity takes the place of greed
    Compassion takes the place of resentment
    Self possession takes the place of stress and worry
    Guy Finley
  • ~~ ✰~~

quoteNotice what happens when you live by what you are devoted to. Where does your devotion intersect with what you desire? Jennifer Louden

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

quoteClimb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. John Muir

T O D A Y “:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRmiAwVLcTQ

  • I treat life with prayer
  • Every day gives me fresh courage, because today is the only day that matters.
  • I am in faith with God, we speak as one and can work miracles
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I feel great as I live with the confidence to be myself and live by my own inner guidance and can interrelate to those around me, without sacrificing my own values, goals and purposeful direction.
    • ~

some quotes from BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM Second Edition By L.S. Barksdale

which help with detachment…

Comparing myself with another’s personality, conduct or accomplishments as a gauge of my worth is absolutely meaningless. (No two people have had the same heredity, Inner Knowing, and total life experience.)

No one can possibly put himself in another’s place as a valid point of reference, for no one else in the entire world has the same degree of awareness.

I am not my awareness—I am that which is aware.

I am not my mind—my mind is but the human computer that receives and evaluates the data of my five senses, my instincts and intuition

I am a nonphysical essence—a unique and precious being, inviolable, invincible and eternal, ever doing the best I can, ever growing in wisdom and love.

Additional Self-Esteem and Stress Control Materials Available If you would like to know more about The Barksdale Foundation and its Self-Esteem and Stress Control materials, call or write for a catalog of visual and audio products for adults, teens and preteens. This group work, of course, is not intended to replace the conventional techniques of psychotherapy and other forms of professional counseling. People with serious emotional problems are advised to consult a competent professional.
The Barksdale Foundation
P.O. Box 187
Idyllwild, CA 92349
(714) 659-4676

  • ~~ ✰~~ Morning Affirmations by Janice Taylor

Today is a new day and each new day presents a fresh start.

Each new day offers a new beginning overflowing with possibility and opportunity.

Today, I greet the day with fresh eyes and new ideas.

Today, there is no past, there is no future; there is only this moment.

In this Now, I give myself permission to release toxicity from every level of my energy field.

Abundance flows through my day; an abundance of love, happiness and positive energy.

This abundance, this positive energy allows me to step into my day, into my work, into my mission, into every word and action—moment to moment.

I am focused, excited, energized and determined.

I am creative.

I am grateful, fully appreciating all the love in my life – the abundance.

  • ~~ ✰~~
    • ~~ ✰~~
      quoteGratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.

William Arthur Ward
  • ** The things I create are even better than I imagine them to be.

5 min 20 secEmbracing Change with Love

    • ** * from The Love Foundation
      transcript of ‘Embracing Change [ With Love] above:

Harold W. Becker shares we are such amazing beings of infinite capacity and potential. Our boundless imagination, coupled with our wondrous will, allows us to bring our ideas into outer reality. Through our thoughts and feelings, we can literally create and experience that which we dream of in our heart of hearts. With patience and trust we manifest whatever we truly seek to experience on this grand adventure.

He continues whether we realize it or not, we create this way every moment. Yet, so often we become mired in habit and routine and stop being present with our imagination and the wisdom of our heart. Instead, we allow outmoded and outdated beliefs to take over rather than being aware of our creative choice. The unquestioned stream of mental thoughts, subtle notions of our emotional disposition, and very often, the outer suggestions of others, begin to dictate our identity, our actions and reactions.

That is, until something comes along to awaken us. This is frequently in the form of an accident, illness, unexpected event or circumstances that instantly disrupts our routine. If we are deeply rooted in habit, mentally or emotionally focused in the past or future, or simply unaware of our own creative spirit, this experience is usually met with great resistance and defiance by our outer personality or ego. The defenses, justification, victimhood and righteousness are often our immediate reaction to the fear and doubt that comes instantly to the surface. We become afraid of the change that has already happened.

How would our lives be different if we chose to be present in each moment knowing that change is constant and the very nature of life itself? What would happen if we actually embraced change as a wonderful opportunity to restore our creative capacity and begin anew with love?

Life is fluid, expansive and recreating itself every moment; we need only pay attention to the natural world to realize this. From the cycle of the seasons to the ever flowing rivers, the ceaseless life giving energy of the sun, the acorn becoming the mighty oak, or the rhythmic pulse of our own heartbeat, nature understands and embraces change. No two moments are exactly the same and love is forever present.

Always remember who you are a beautiful and outrageously creative being capable of manifesting a world filled with peace, joy and unconditional love. Now is the perfect moment to imagine a new potential and choose it for yourself and the world around you.

  • ~
    My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life.

  • and yes I do like Abe ideas that I read & hear. No explanation…just read for yourself …this is today’s thought for the day:
    You are the owner of all that you perceive. But you can’t perceive apart from your vibration. Feel your way, little-by-little, into a greater sense of abundance by looking for the treasures that the Universe is offering you on a day-to-day basis. ~Abe

QUOTE by Virginia Satir (American Psychologist and Educator, 1916-1988) “I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it — I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing,I can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know — but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me…..However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay.”
by Abe…contributed by Mara and appreciated by others…myself included…another positivity-believer member of bmindful(:







As you go through your day notice when you have even the smallest thing to feel good about or the smallest,simplest thing that triggers in you a smile and then SAVOR the experience.

Do this because as I understand things,the universe doesn’t care WHY we feel some good feeling,it simply responds to ANY good feeling we have by mirroring back to us any and every experience or condition that aligns with any good feeling we experience,its ALL good

  • ~
    As I choose my thoughts, I choose my life.
    Every day I have the option to make choices that support my well-being.
    I choose to be healthy every minute of my life.
    I always have the choice to re-create my reality.
    I always have the power to choose the most optimistic outlook.
    Each decision I make presents wondrous new possibilities.
    Every moment of my life is full of choices
    My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life.
  • ** * quotelife affirmingEvery problem contains its own answer if you think of the problem merely as a question, and inquiry, and not as an obstruction. Thinking of it this way, keep your mind not on the repetition of thoughts about the problem, but on the receipt of a definite answer. Ernest Holmes

~~ ✰~~
I have a need inside me, of a certain joy, you see? An expression of joy. I feel it. I suppose that I am glad to be alive, glad to have a man whom I love and a life that I enjoy and the things which I work on which sometimes make my spirit sing. And I hope everybody has that feeling inside. I am grateful that I have a spirit inside me which often sings. Nina Holton, sculptor

There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude. It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance. Joseph Addison
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Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. Brian Tracy
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Be thankful for what you have. Your life, no matter how bad you think it is, is someone else’s fairy-tale. Wale Ayeni

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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  • ► video- music Lucy Schwartz beautiful
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. Richard Bach
  • ~~ ✰ ~~

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The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and serene lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowered fields and sandy beaches. It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day. What the world needs more of is people to appreciate and enjoy it. Michael Josephson, whatwillmatter.com

quoteLook at everything as though you were seeing it for the first time or the last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.
Betty Smith

quoteLaughter is the lubricant and elixir of life. Being able to laugh at yourself and the everyday incongruities of your daily situation is the best way to quell stress. Lighten up and enjoy life! Susan Smith Jones

  • ** * Play With Life
    Every day, I welcome more fun into my life.
    Every day I discover new things that bring me joy.
    Every day I am having more and more fun.
    I take full responsibility for my happiness.
    Bliss comes when I am optimistic.
    I feel happy and relaxed as I go about my day.
    I feel immense joy in being alive
    I take time each day to laugh and have fun.
    I always look for ways to bring more laughter and joy into my life.
    The more happy thoughts I generate, the more fantastic I feel.
    I am fantastically happy about..
    All my happy thoughts are in a book which serves to lift my spirits
    whenever needed.
    Happiness Affirmations from Affirm Your Life

basic belief  I would not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum Frances Willard

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** 5 tips for a balanced life
    A well balanced life is essential for personal effectiveness, peace of mind and living well.
    Whether we work, go to school, are retired or not, we all have responsibilities.

There is always someone, or something, to answer to. There are things we want to do and things we must do.

The challenge is to balance what we must do with what we enjoy and want to do.. to read article in its entirety Essential Life Skills

    • ** To balance(: blessings from A GoodLife aka AGoodVibeEnthusiast, Selfcare

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

EckhartTollevideo#1 Acceptance, Enjoyment & Enthusiasm 15 min 39 sec
EckhartTollevideo#2 Acceptance & Surrender 15 min 29 sec

  • ** I trust in the ebb and flow of the universe. I trust that life’s bigger than what I can see. I trust that there is a divine order beyond my control. And I trust that no matter what happens, I will be all right ★ღ✰˚ ✰ Oprah Winfrey

The modalities of awakened doing are acceptance, enjoyment, and
enthusiasm. Each one represents a certain vibrational frequency of
consciousness. You need to be vigilant to make sure that one of them
operates whenever you are engaged in doing anything at all – from the most simple task to the most complex. If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm, look closely and you will find that you are creating suffering for yourself and others. EckhartTolle

The Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It’s not testing you. It’s benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation. Abe
threadAcceptance Enthusiasm & Enjoyment

Why Time Slows Down When We’re Afraid, Speeds Up as We Age, and Gets Warped on Vacation by Maria Popova

an excerpts to come from the above link: ….we’ve been nursed on the belief that time is one of those few utterly reliable and objective things in life – it is also strangely empowering to think that the very phenomenon depicted as the unforgiving dictator of life is something we might be able to shape and benefit from.

“We construct the experience of time in our minds, so it follows that we are able to change the elements we find troubling – whether it’s trying to stop the years racing past, or speeding up time when we’re stuck in a queue, trying to live more in the present, or working out how long ago we last saw our old friends. Time can be a friend, but it can also be an enemy. The trick is to harness it, whether at home, at work, or even in social policy, and to work in line with our conception of time. Time perception matters because it is the experience of time that roots us in our mental reality. Time is not only at the heart of the way we organize life, but the way we experience it” Claudia Hammond

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  • Excerpts from Managing Time Pressure and Overwhelm-HEARTMATH
    What Is Overwhelm?
    In this fast-paced age of the Internet we hear that every minute counts and speed and efficiency are critical. Day after day, week after week, year after year, all this pressure to succeed, achieve, meet goals, make a contribution begins to build up inside of us until one day we are locked in the throes of overwhelm, numb to its debilitating effects on our bodies and quality of life. Information overload – from the media, our jobs, Madison Avenue, junk mail, e-mail, the telephone, political campaigns, charity campaigns, religious campaigns and so much more – often jumbles our thoughts, makes us forgetful and frays our nerves. Overcare, the sense that you have to take care of everyone because no one else will or can, ambition that leads many to burn the candle at both ends, and performance anxiety stemming from the fear that not doing more will cost you your job, are but a few of the byproducts of overwhelm.

Many people experience relentless overwhelm every day and fret over how they can get though everything they have to do. They trudge on because they believe they must and that things will never change. Chronic overwhelm is one of the major causes of anxiety and anxiety disorders. When you’re overwhelmed, your mind overloads with all that’s going on. It takes a toll on your nervous, immune and hormonal systems, and left unattended likely will produce cycles of anxiety, fatigue and temporary despair. People on this kind of overload are more susceptible to disease and they age faster

What we know today about what the heart knows is truly exciting and the implications are great. Relying on a variety of data from numerous studies and experiments, particularly heart-rhythm-pattern measurements, IHM’s findings point to the human heart as playing a key role in the intuitive process, and a recent study concludes the heart actually receives intuitive information faster than the brain – by a second or slightly more. This would seem to attribute some independent intelligence to the heart: In fact, the concept of a “heart brain” is widely accepted today”

It has been established that the heart has a powerful electromagnetic field and its own complex nervous system and circuitry that generates up to an estimated 60 times the electrical amplitude of the brain. The electromagnetic signal our heart rhythms produce actually can be measured in the brain waves of people around us. It is no wonder that the findings by researchers at HeartMath and elsewhere conclude the heart has its own organized intelligence network enabling it to act independently, learn, remember and produce feelings – all attributes which, until recently, were nearly universally held to be solely in the brain’s dominion.

    • ~~ ✰ ~~

“Your emotions affect every cell in your body. Mind and body, mental and physical, are intertwined.”
– Dr. Thomas Tutko, Father of Sports Psycholo


When progressing in any of our uniquely chosen areas, it is no secret studying and creating ways to retain and utilize data is important.

This post is geared to affirmations for studying,utilization of chosen material and retention.

alpha study waves


to do list

On Discouragement: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Do not be intimidated; do not be put off by the challenge If you slip, remember this is natural Take a break and then refresh the challenge www.studygs.net
  • ~
    Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Mark your progress:
    On a calendar in your bathroom, on a spreadsheet at your computer, on your breakfast table: Check off days you successfully follow up. If you break the routine, start over!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Advantage: Visualizing is a ready reinforcement of progress
notein my mind’s eye I change the word problem to opportunity Appreciating˚
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Problem Solving
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ “Defining the Problem”:“http://www.studygs.net/problem/problemsolvingv1.htm
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ “ Developing/weighing [alternatives”:http://www.studygs.net/problem/problemsolvingv2.htm
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Implementing Decisions
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Graphic Overview Of Process Mapping the
problem solving process
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Adaptive Decision Making
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“Brainstorming or generating options
toward problem solving”:http://www.studygs.net/brainstorm.htm
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Critical Thinking
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Thinking Like a Genius

    • ~
      All of the threads I post…assist me. And as always, it is my hope someone …somewhere gain something they need as well. Appreciating˚

related threads & videos in process:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Welcome To Phil’s Site-Personal Development
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself by Steve Chandler Unabridged Audio Book I really like this/do not let the demotivated sounded voice throw you(:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Sharing a Powerful Exercise

I was designed to be prosperous. I have abundance to share and to spare.

I am strong gentle and capable

♥ ♫ ♪Song Of The Wind

textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:”* ~~ ✰~~

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    -focus on the unseen – at least 5 solid minutes
    lemon water
    intentions for the day/affirmative prayer
    physical exercise
    liquid,powder & pill form supplements chosen for today
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    The most destructive force you and I have – and the most constructive – is our own unconscious emotional and thinking and feeling state. Ernest Holmes
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    ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
    Affirmations Article [Louise Hay] When I talk about doing affirmations, I mean consciously choosing words that will either help eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. All of our self-talk, our internal dialogue, is a stream of affirmations. You’re using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. You’re affirming and creating your life experiences with every word and thought. to read more
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Today is that day I have been joyously choosing to have.

  • ~~ ✰~~
    Making Love To Time by Tara Mohr
    Yesterday, I was listening to a beautiful interview with the late Irish poet John O’Donahue.

He said,
“One of the biggest problems of modern life is that time has become the enemy.”
He spoke about how so many of us struggle with time: we struggle with how much we have, we struggle to fit things in, we complain about the lack of it.

Yes, it’s problematic that the pace and expectations of modern life leave us without time for white space, for reflection, for downtime.

Yes, “lack of time” is an ever-convenient, oft-used excuse for not following one’s passion, not doing one’s art, not tending to their spiritual lives.

But until I heard John O’Donahue say, “One of the biggest problems of modern life is that time has become the enemy,” I hadn’t realized the depth of the problem. When you set yourself up in that oppositional relationship to time, you are cutting yourself off from the very flow of life. to read article in its entirety

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  • *********************

I sizzle with power and enthusiasm.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      The beauty of yesterday is lovely…The passionate dreams for the future… are stupendous…as long as the past,future or what we perceive as the present do not make us sideswipe the possibilities of our today.

Do you know some people cringe when they see the affirmation which is worded … TODAY IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE ?

Why do you think that is? Could it be it is only our joyous memories which keep us afloat? Could it be because a projection of what we don’t want to happen is feared and will be experienced today? Could it be those dreams of our future are so enticing that today could never match up to our minds eye of the future? … a combo maybe …or something different beyond this “simplistic” dialogue?

What if we started today with the idea…that this is that best day… It is simply because as individuals we say so…and the beauty we have not yet defined will reveal itself to us. It will not discount the gratitude and appreciation of yesterday…or the enthusiasm for tomorrow…or even the avoidance of areas which require our attention. Here’s to today. Here’s to the beauty in each moment …this very moment…this very day…
with great thoughts for this day… Appreciating˚ aka AGoodVibe aka SelfcareEnthusiast

American Authors♫Best Day Of My Life-song

articleToday Is Your Day by John Patrick Hickey

“Wake up in anticipation something great is going to happen today.”
- Brian Tracy (1944- )

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There are 1,440 minutes in every day.

entire thread is joyously under major construction
much of what I will post here …is what I have favored from threads I have posted…in hopes of creating an even better boost in 1 place…when I visit. I hope you enjoy and prosper from my choices, or decide to engage deeply where your choices work special & wonderful things for you.

This intro post is the first part of my joyous editing. So once again…please enjoy my happy mess… It is a work in progress [like me/you] being a work in progress [not that we are a mess …joyous or otherwise] big grin(:

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      helpful sites for organizing thoughts
    • ~
    • ** Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ“At the end of a matter ask,“what will I learn from this to make me better?” Mary Anne Radmacher
    • ~~ ✰~~

helpful sites for studying-tools

I am free to make my own choices and decisions.

I am never alone. The universe supports me and is with me at every step.

My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts which ultimately are converted into my life experiences.

My mind is full of gratitude for my lovely and wonderful life.

I bless the past, let it go and move swiftly into an exciting, new phase of my life.

I consciously release the past and live only in the present. That way I get to enjoy and experience life to the full.

    • ~

pdf “Letting Go..What to Let Go Of”:“http://lifecoachonthego.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/LCOGF046-What-Do-You-Need-To-Let-Go-Of.pdf

    • ~~~~~~~
    • ** * video affirmationsAffirmations Mantra for Letting Go of Negative Reactions to Life”:textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRw16Np4n20
    • ** * video affirmationsAffirmations Mantra for Letting Go of Needing Validation”:textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFWhEXPPinM Pinch Me Living
    • ** * video affirmationsAffirmations Mantra for Letting Go of Resistance”:textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geiOGaFrx4k Pinch Me Living
    • ** * video affirmationsAffirmations Mantra for Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You”:textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3BhaLxmQXg Pinch Me Living
    • ** * video affirmationsAffirmations Mantra for Letting Go Excuses”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye6DSyUUfp8 Pinch Me Living
    • ~

Good Morning is not a greeting, it’s a decision anonymous

I am worthy of the happiness I consistently desire.

I consistently practice the visualization of my choosing.

  • ** * excerpt of articleWant to be Happy. Stop Trying To be perfect The root of the word courage is cor — the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage had a very different definition than it does today. Courage originally meant to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.
  • ** * excerpt of articleOver time, this definition has changed, and, today, courage is more synonymous with being heroic. Heroics are important and we certainly need heroes, but I think we’ve lost touch with the idea that speaking honestly and openly about who we are, about what we’re feeling, and about our experiences (good and bad) is the definition of courage.

videoNew Beginnings
[for some odd reason this video goes straight to the end…you’ll need to manually start this from the beginning]
EckhartTollevideo#1 Acceptance, Enjoyment & Enthusiasm 15 min 39 sec
EckhartTollevideo#2 Acceptance & Surrender 15 min 29 sec

  • ** I trust in the ebb and flow of the universe. I trust that life’s bigger than what I can see. I trust that there is a divine order beyond my control. And I trust that no matter what happens, I will be all right ★ღ✰˚ ✰ Oprah Winfrey
  • ** * quoteThe modalities of awakened doing are acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm. Each one represents a certain vibrational frequency of consciousness. You need to be vigilant to make sure that one of them operates whenever you are engaged in doing anything at allfrom the most simple task to the most complex. If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm, look closely and you will find that you are creating suffering for yourself and others. EckhartTolle

quoteThe Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It’s not testing you. It’s benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation. Abe

    • ~~~~~~~~~ ★ღ✰˚ ✰ (:
    • ~~~~~~~~~

  • ** * excerpt of articleEmotional Acceptance when you accept a negative emotion, it tends to lose its destructive power. This is surprising and counter intuitive to many people, but if you think about it for a while, you will see the logic of this approach. Swimmers who are caught in an undertow and feel themselves being dragged out to sea often panic and begin to swim against the current with all their might. Often, they fatigue, cramp and drown. To survive, such a swimmer should do the opposite—let go. Let the current take him out to sea. Within a few hundred yards the current will weaken and the swimmer can swim around and back to shore. The same with a powerful emotion: pushing against it is futile and possibly dangerous; but if you accept the emotion, it will run its course while allowing you to run yours.
  • ** * Note To Myself: I am an auditory-sense learner & I liten to wonderful auditory affirmations with ideas which resonate for me.
  • ** * Note To You: It is my hope that my choices are helpful to others at some time. And if not what I choose…may you always find what works for you. you
  • ** * Your success is an “inside out” process. Everything that is occurring in your life, including in your career/professional path, is being experienced by you through the filter of your unique paradigm. That paradigm includes your beliefs about yourself, your life and your career, business and professional possibilities, which then gives rise to resulting thought patterns. All of this informs the inner dialogue you have with yourself, and heavily impacts upon your actions/behaviours in your professional life.

Recommended use: Please use a headset for best audio quality. Listen every day for 30 days to allow the messages to embed and uplift you.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~
      80 Affirmations
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * Note To Myself:
    • ** * Keep a gratitude list close(:
      My heart is abundantly open and I expect joyous blessings to enter into my life.

  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    Discipline yourself to start each day identifying something to be grateful about. The world opens to those who approach it with a grateful heart. Michael Josephson
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence. Og Mandino
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    When you carry a blessing-finder in your spirit you will see and discover blessings (great things) everywhere…AGoodLife˚ (aka AGoodVibe, AGoodVibeEnthusiast,SelfcareEnthusiast)
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Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. William Arthur Ward

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temporarily a prosper-only thread(:


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  • ** * Joe Tye, America’s Values Coach tmtrademark…69 Actions You Can Take To Have More Energy!! A Values Coach Special Report (copyright © 2005) excerpts of Page 1 of 28
    16 of 69. Take the Time to Enjoy Your Life
    “Success can give us many good things, but it usually fails to give us either time or the ability to enjoy it.”

That is part of the paradox of success described in the book of the same title by John R. O’Neil. He says that the belief that every moment of our time must be somehow valuable and productive is actually pretty harmful. When you give yourself open-ended time, you can “create space for your seldom-heard desires, needs, and notions to assert themselves, and you begin creating a model for a different, more friendly relationship with time.”

  • ** *
  • ~

100 Things You Love To Do

Often we discover what we love to do in life by living…being spontaneous…

By knowing what you enjoy you are consciously creating a life of your dreams.

No one is saying the tasks we often in engage in are 100% fun…and certainly not all of the time. Though, the more we are in touch with what makes us happy…the more we can be responsible for our own happiness and somehow thread them (whenever possible) through our daily life(:

Take time to recall what you enjoy. It’s a good thing to know(: AGoodVibeEnthusiast

  • ** * “The few things that work fantastically well should be identified, cultivated, nurtured, and multiplied.” [Richard Koch is a former management consultant,entrepreneur, and writer]

[not to veer off topic too much…but the pdf in link does make a good template for any master list]

  • ~
    Freedom A F F I R M A T I O N S & Q U O T E S
  • ** excerpt of article[article excerpt-Awakening Genius by Thomas Armstrong] Joy – If genius has any core component, it is probably the experience of joy. Ask some of the great minds of our time to explain what motivates them in their work and generally you will not hear them talk about pay checks or even the Nobel Prize (though these certainly have their allure). More often they may speak somewhat mystically of an experience that sounds like joy. Young children may not be as articulate, but if they could speak about what motivates them in their most passionate play experiences they would probably speak of ‘o (they speak of it anyway through their sparkling eyes, their bouncing bodies, and their squeals of delight). As Piaget once wrote: “On seeing a baby joyfully watching the movements of his feet, one has the impression of the joy felt by a god in directing from a distance the movement of the stars.”
  • ** Joy is something mysterious that cooks up from deep inside of us when a new connection has been made, a new insight obtained, a new feat accomplished, or a skill mastered. Such joy can be witnessed in the brilliant grin of a high school student who witnesses the invention that he’s been toiling on for the past several weeks finally work for the first time. joy is in the 7th grader who twirls across the stage in the school musical. joy shows itself in the lst grader who jumps up and down after reading his first story. The neurochemistry of the joy of teaming is still unclear-it might have something to do with neuronal connections stimulating a release of neuropeptides into the nervous system. But however it occurs, its importance cannot be underestimated. Without joy, learning is soda pop without the fizzle – flat and tasteless.
  • ** “So much of what goes on in our society works to pressure people into meeting rigid expectations for behavior, learning, and development. The reality, though, is that individuals grow and learn in remarkably different ways. When we allow people to develop according to their natural rhythms, and learn in their own unique way, we make it possible for them to achieve a sense of meaning in their lives, and enable them to share their remarkable gifts with the broader culture, thus making the world a better place in which to live” by Thomas Armstrong – http://institute4learning.com/http://institute4learning.com/
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  • ** I’m going to choose to be happy and play with life. I’m going to share my smile …a lot. I’m going to count my blessings everyday and remember to share only the good things with others. What I learn, I will learn from joy. I know that it is my nature to skip and have fun. Life is good if I choose to see it that way. Rodger Briley
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    Notes to myself are helpers for table of contents which will eventually be created
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    note to myself: October Tools
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    note to myself: Sites I appreciate
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    note to myself: Sites Geared To Happiness
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

note to myself: Table of contents of sorts will eventually be positioned here

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  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I’m going to choose to be happy and play with life. I’m going to share my smile …a lot. I’m going to count my blessings everyday and remember to share only the good things with others. What I learn, I will learn from joy. I know that it is my nature to skip and have fun. Life is good if I choose to see it that way. Rodger Briley

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    I know my value. I honor my worth

Today, I intend to open myself to allowing my intentions into my life.

I allow Abundance, Fun, Love, Friendship and Riches into my life today.

They all pour into my family life, like a water fall !!!

I know it and let it all in,


author: Marcelle della Faille

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I have found it is vital to start my day with a fresh start…remembering my values and refreshing them. It makes it so much easier to experience the world and allow what is important for me to permeate a slice of what works for me-mode.

Starting fresh (regularly) assists in my growth, and less likely to be influenced by anything which goes against basic values. It assists with detachment from the world…so I can reintegrate myself in a world which houses diverse personalities and ideas that others want us to own…when they do not align with ones beliefs/values

I wish I could find the source of a particular tool I use… It is using the word DISCONNECT …when desiring a quick detach from a person, place or thing which ‘works its way into my psyche’ and I choose to disallow its presence…quickly. I imagine its like Silva’s cancel cancel-method…though I’m receiving some great results with it & thought I’d share. I thank the source who posted it on the web I’m appreciative of the assistance

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values. – Ayn Rand

Affirmations Which May Inspire:
My values give me strength and confidence.

I act with consistence and commitment because I am guided by those values I cherish most.

I dedicate time every day to support and promote my core values.

I have listed my core values and know what each one means to me.

I arrange my life according to my highest values.

I breathe life into my core values every day.

I concentrate all my efforts on what is most important in my life.

I respect and appreciate that others values may be different from my own.

I create time for those things that are important to me.

I am committed to taking action towards all that I value in life.

I am completely familiar with the guiding principles of my life.

Every affirmation I create supports my personal values.

All areas of my life are in balance with my core values.

I am free to choose those values which are most important to me.

All my actions are in agreement with my top life values.

All my goals are in agreement with my personal values.

All my goals are in keeping with my true values.

All my thoughts and words support my true values.

Words (stories) produce thoughts.
Thoughts produce feelings.
Feelings produce decisions.
Decisions produce actions.
Actions produce habits.
Habits create character.
Character determines your destiny.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Affirmations-Look For The Good
    (Repeat these affirmations to yourself to manifest them in your life.)
    I make a positive difference. I look for the good in this situation and respond with love, wisdom and understanding.
    I look beyond the personalities to the issues. I plan to look for the good.
    I make a positive difference every time I look for the good in a challenging situation.
    I want to know what people are for, not what they are against
    In every situation, I look for what is right, not what is wrong.
    I am centered and see the good all around me.
    Everything works together for my highest good.
    I move forward in my life’s journey toward my good.
    I celebrate my progress and smile at whatever challenges me.
    I find good in whatever comes my way.
    Good surrounds me wherever I am and whatever I am doing.
    In every situation I strive to show up, pay attention and respond in love.
    Every life experience offers a gift.
    I attract good in all areas of my life.
    Good things come into my life easily and often.
    I look for something good in every person I meet.
    I cherish the good in myself and others.
    I am showered with good every day in every area of my life.
    I am grateful for the good I already have.
    Wherever I am, God is, and all is well.
    written by: Association of Unity Churches International www.unity.org
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Purpose of this newly revised thread will eventually be positioned here:


    • ~~~~~~~~

My Joy Is Growing Up
People Who Bring The Joy Out In You


– activities that promote relationship with the people I love

PASSION – activities and experiences which enable me to enjoy life

PURPOSE – tasks that enable me to fulfill my purpose in life

PROJECTS – priority tasks that need to be finished this week
the PeacefulMom © 2009-2014 Kimberlee Stokes – ThePeacefulMom.com – All rights reserved. – The Peaceful Mom

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The site was created by Lee Nutter. I thank him for developing a place for members to gather … and share what it means to ‘be mindful’ . The community began to grow in leaps and bounds…Lee moved on to some amazing things in all aspects of his life …and so amazingly happy for him.

I am so grateful the site is still in place…because even today [with the transitions the site has experienced] I utilize it as just one more tool to process, remain joyful, and of course to continue growing.

To me, to keep on going regardless of an environment…is truth of a value I had hoped to be living.

  • ~
  • ~~ ✰~~ You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.
  • ~~ ✰~~


    • ** releasing & other types of affirmations 5 types of affirmations AffirmationsReleasing/Cleansing AffirmationsReceiving/Accepting AffirmationsBeing/Intending AffirmationsActing/Claiming AffirmationsIntegrating/Embodying




There are many wonderful ways to begin affirmations…Here are some ideas for starters

Write your own♥ affirmations:

Write what is true for you. Decide which words best reflect your goal/s. Your words need to be emotionally charged and true for you. Have fun experimenting and creating your own affirmations. Here are some affirmation starters to get you going:

For the highest good, I

I acknowledge

I affirm

I allow

I am

I am abounding with

I am aware

I am willing

I can

I choose

I create

I enjoy

I follow

I fully accept

I know

I make

I own

I realize

I trust

In every way

In this moment

Right now I

Today I

Yes I

above came from inspirationlifecoaching.com on defining affirmations


    • ☼• ► Using Affirmations for Positive Change PDF
    • ** [♥♫♥✿♥Affirmations[♥♫♥✿♥
    • ☼• ► Abundance PDF
      • [♥♫♥✿♥Affirmations[♥♫♥✿♥
    • ~~~~~~~~
      Hello I am AGoodVibeEnthusiast. I chose this name (after having utilized other personally meaningful aliases on this site…since the sites’ beginnings). To me an alias is another form of an affirmation.

I chose the alias AGoodVibeEnthusiast…after having experienced some ‘contrast’ on this site. I then realized (more than ever) how I felt, and was as important as the areas in my life I tend to.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


– activities that promote relationship with the people I love

PASSION – activities and experiences which enable me to enjoy life

PURPOSE – tasks that enable me to fulfill my purpose in life

PROJECTS – priority tasks that need to be finished this week
the PeacefulMom © 2009-2014 Kimberlee Stokes – ThePeacefulMom.com – All rights reserved. – The Peaceful Mom

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The site was created by Lee Nutter. I thank him for developing a place for members to gather … and share what it means to ‘be mindful’ . The community began to grow in leaps and bounds…Lee moved on to some amazing things in all aspects of his life …and so amazingly happy for him.

I am so grateful the site is still in place…because even today [with the transitions the site has experienced] I utilize it as just one more tool to process, remain joyful, and of course to continue growing.

To me, to keep on going regardless of an environment…is truth of a value I had hoped to be living.

  • ~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    1. Set yourself a definite goal.
    2. Quit running yourself down.

3. Stop thinking of all the reasons why you cannot be successful and instead think of all the reasons why you can.

4. Trace your attitudes back through your childhood and discover where you first got the idea that you could not be successful if that is the way you’ve been thinking.

5. Change the image you have of yourself by writing out a description of the person you would like to be.

6. Act the part of the successful person you have decided to become.

The doctor that wrote those words is a noted west coast psychiatrist, Dr. David Harold Fink.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • ~~ ✰~~ You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Mindful of this moment in time.
  • Where am I in respect to this moment? Where am I in respect to me? What is the moment calling from me? Molly Gordon
  • What gives me joy? [] What calls to me when I am freed of having to be somebody? [] What questions are guiding and sustaining you these days? [] Do you need the story of bigger to help you or the story of another way? sources to this coming soonwomen’s life coach/mentors Molly Gordon/Jennifer Louden
  • ** ►• I am firmly but calmly centered in this moment.
  • ** ►• All clocks run at perfect speed for me.
  • ** ►• All my power is in the present moment.
  • ** ►• Every moment of my life is full of choices.

~~ ✰~~
Should you ever hear that voice inside exclaim that you’re working too slow, are too easily distracted, or that you should take life more seriously, please rest assured, dearest, that it absolutely, positively is not me.

textileRef:1757038336599dc9e547434:linkStartMarker:“I’m the one saying, “You totally rock!” – The Universetut.com”:http://www.tut.com/

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      quoteThe Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It’s not testing you. It’s benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation. Abe
      Affirmations coming soon:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      The things I create are even better than I imagine them to be.
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      note to myself: October Tools

Another Site You May Enjoy www.dailygood.org

Everyday Heroes
Science and Technology
Mind and Body

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** Disclaimer for thread:
      This thread is not intended to take the place of any healing support or education which may assist in anyone’s journey. It is not meant to act as a substitute for medical or psychological information one may receive in the real world. Internet posts are not intended to replace your chosen guidance in real world-journey. They are opinions from the individuals who post. As in all areas of life, one must be able to discern what is healthy and right for them. If any information serves those who read this, of course that is pleasing, though you be the judge(:

  • ** It is my hope someone somewhere prospers from this(: These are ideas I find very helpful. And of course if from this or elsewhere…prospering is my hope for all. Because there is abundance already available/enough for everyone (: blessings from AGoodLife˚ formerly AGoodVibe & selfcare enthusiast

HeartMath On Feelings

It is also my hope that the forum will become a place for sharing as intended by Lee Nutter;site’s creator. Though, while the site is undergoing transition, I remain my joyous self on the thread-blog of my own which is a compilation of many threads & prompts which assist in AGoodLife˚. (:

..and begin to share that
which we already are…
powerful, wise loving and
lovable beings of immense
talent, creativity, compassion
And strength. Not to mention
individuals filled with integrity,
Dignity harmony peace and love
By Harold Becker

~~ ✰~~

I really like this and wanted to share it:

Articles About Happiness
Articles about happiness and on attaining happiness.

“Try to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment.”
- Sydney Smith -

Articles about Happiness

Tips for Happiness in Daily Life
Daily life can be made happier. It is a matter of choice. It is our attitude that makes us feel happy or unhappy. It is true, we meet all kinds of situations during the day, and some of them may…
Happiness Is Within Us
What is happiness, and why do we constantly run after it? What does it mean to be happy? What is the difference between happiness and pleasure…
Happiness and Security Are the Primary Desires
If you analyze your goals, small or big, you will ultimately discover that what you really want are happiness and security. Everything you do is motivated by the desire to gain happiness and security…
The Happiness Factor
If you analyze people’s actions, you will come to the conclusion that they all seek happiness. Every act is in fact a search for it, even if on the surface it doesn’t look so. Happiness is always the main target…
How to Enjoy a Wonderful Day
How about living and spending one day in a different way from your other days? You can create and enjoy a beautiful, satisfying and wonderful day. You can do so, by making small changes in your daily life…
10 Tips to Help You Choose to Be Happy
On a beautiful sunny morning, while walking to work, you meet someone, who asked you for a small loan, months ago, but haven’t paid back yet. He smiles at you, says a nice “good morning”, and keeps walking. How would…
Your Happiness Is Hidden by Thoughts, Worries and Desires
On a cloudy day, the clouds hide the sun, but the sun is always there. Happiness is like the sun, it is often hidden by the clouds of thoughts, worries and desires. We have to scatter and dissolve….
Affirmations Words with Power
Affirmations – Words with Power

    • ~~~~~~~

peace & harmony cards by Wayne Dyer

If you meet someone whose soul is not aligned with yours, send them love and move along. (I align myself with people who support my growth.)

One of the highest places you can get to is to be independent of the good opinions of others. (What other people think of me is none of my business.)

You can’t go around being what everyone wants you to be, living your life through other people’s rules, and expect to be happy and have inner peace. (I live my life in my own way.)

No one can create negativity or stress within you. Only you can do that by virtue of how you process your world. (I create the world that I live in.)

I fill myself with love, and I send that love out into the world. How others treat me is their path; how I react is mine.(Love is my gift to the world.)

  • ~
    This Week on Bmindful “:http://bmindful.com/thisweek
  • ~ ~
    Some Links You May Like Related To Bmindful Community
  • ** “Bmindful”:http://bmindful.com/thisweek
  • ** “Affirmation Quick Search”:http://bmindful.com/quicksearch
  • ** “Random Affirmations”:http://bmindful.com/random
  • ** “Practice Page For Linking and Editing on Bmindful”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/351/practice-page-for-linking-and-editing-#post3548
  • ** “Bmindful Tour”:http://bmindful.com/pages/bmindful-tour
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    []Bmindful began in 2005.[] The site moved to its current location in 2007.[]Creator of Bmindful – Lee Nutter (& former owner)[]New Owner is- Thomas Allan (Tallan) for last 2 years.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~

threads to update
An Affirmation blog

Freedom A F F I R M A T I O N S & Q U O T E S

    • ** excerpt of article[article excerpt-Awakening Genius by Thomas Armstrong] Joy – If genius has any core component, it is probably the experience of joy. Ask some of the great minds of our time to explain what motivates them in their work and generally you will not hear them talk about pay checks or even the Nobel Prize (though these certainly have their allure). More often they may speak somewhat mystically of an experience that sounds like joy. Young children may not be as articulate, but if they could speak about what motivates them in their most passionate play experiences they would probably speak of ‘o (they speak of it anyway through their sparkling eyes, their bouncing bodies, and their squeals of delight). As Piaget once wrote: “On seeing a baby joyfully watching the movements of his feet, one has the impression of the joy felt by a god in directing from a distance the movement of the stars.”

  • ** Joy is something mysterious that cooks up from deep inside of us when a new connection has been made, a new insight obtained, a new feat accomplished, or a skill mastered. Such joy can be witnessed in the brilliant grin of a high school student who witnesses the invention that he’s been toiling on for the past several weeks finally work for the first time. joy is in the 7th grader who twirls across the stage in the school musical. joy shows itself in the lst grader who jumps up and down after reading his first story. The neurochemistry of the joy of teaming is still unclear-it might have something to do with neuronal connections stimulating a release of neuropeptides into the nervous system. But however it occurs, its importance cannot be underestimated. Without joy, learning is soda pop without the fizzle – flat and tasteless.
  • ** “So much of what goes on in our society works to pressure people into meeting rigid expectations for behavior, learning, and development. The reality, though, is that individuals grow and learn in remarkably different ways. When we allow people to develop according to their natural rhythms, and learn in their own unique way, we make it possible for them to achieve a sense of meaning in their lives, and enable them to share their remarkable gifts with the broader culture, thus making the world a better place in which to live” by Thomas Armstrong – http://institute4learning.com/http://institute4learning.com/

quoteThe modalities of awakened doing are acceptance, enjoyment, and
enthusiasm. Each one represents a certain vibrational frequency of consciousness. You need to be vigilant to make sure that one of them
operates whenever you are engaged in doing anything at allfrom the most simple task to the most complex. If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm, look closely and you will find that you are creating suffering for yourself and others. EckhartTo


Thank You.

post 11




★★ Just For Today: Self-Care Action/Feelings







4/10/17  Had a strong invigorated dose of lemon water!


 Thoughts now of having an amazing late breakfast and prepare a wonderful lunch for my work day.


followed through with those thoughts and (for me) waited a bit too long for 1st meal of the day... So I created a brunch out of part of tonight's dinner (citrus salmon plus my breakfast hard boiled egg. ) My selfcare felt more complete... (after I took the bite out of my own hunger...and could think/feel better...)  I prepared the same thing for my hubby. I placed it on a gold shiny charger plate....Image result for gold charger plate picand put a paper-plate on top lol. We create our own parties around here(:

Now to prepare a dynamic lunch, I won't share the menu... I will say I better get to cooking.. and they are part of my absolute healthy-favorites. Mouth starting to water, so this thread served its Mon morning purpose for me(:

Though...needing some foodie dessert 1st(:

FrenchRoast Coffee yogurt by Lazy Meadows (AtlantaFresh.com. First time I'm trying this flavor, normally I have the Ginger Peach! Also delicious!










 Related Threads Coming Soon:


All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.

I am living the Divine plan which includes wonderful health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now

Many things go into my ideas of self-care...and I'm allowing space for more to show up(:


I would be remiss if I didn't mention:

affirmations/intentions/gratitude list, awareness of energy, & last but not least prayerful affirming unattached to my results, because I'm believing all is better than I can know or plan alone.










While reading Nancees  wonderful material/links on the definition  of Spiritual Wellness - I found another article I loved/needed for me too.

HEALTHY MIND PLATTER Seven daily essential mental activities to optimize brain matter and create well-being


It essentially discusses balance. 

Here is part 

“mental nutrients” that your brain and relationships need to function at their best. By engaging every day in each of these servings, you promote integration in your life and enable your brain to coordinate and balance its activities. These essential mental activities strengthen your brain's internal connections and your connections with other people and the world around you.

We're not suggesting specific amounts of time for this recipe for a healthy mind, as each individual is different, and our needs change over time too. The point is to become aware of the full spectrum of essential mental activities, and as with essential nutrients, make sure that at least every day we are bringing the right ingredients into our mental diet, even if for just a bit of time. Just as you wouldn't eat only pizza every day for days on end, we shouldn't just live on focus time alone with little time for sleep. The key is balancing the day with each of these essential mental activities. Mental wellness is all about reinforcing our connections with others and the world around us; and it is also about strengthening the connections within the brain itself.  When we vary the focus of attention with this spectrum of mental activities, we give the brain lots of opportunities to develop in different ways.

Balance, to me relates to Spiritual Wellness. Sometimes...I can be involved in several activities...feeling great..I'm thinking/feeling... though really needing to step back and just step back (:

I loved your thread Nancee, it created more of a  centering... on the area I love to be centered with.laughing

 (I posted this on your thread too...hope you like)laughing


All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.

I am living the Divine plan which includes wonderful health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now


I allow myself to be disciplined, creative and focused on my highest priority tasks; I'm grateful for these abilities.

Today feels like no other, in terms of creating magical plans for my awesome way of living

I allow myself a flow of actionable steps to joyfully glide through.51wd70FOynL.jpg

My space is clean and organized.




Does Your Creative Life Need a Spring Cleaning?

 The first step in my spring cleaning process is to reassess your space, your schedule, and patterns of mind to see what is supporting or not supporting your writing life.

Go and look at your writing space. What’s the state of it? Do you feel a sense of ease when you look at it? Is it crammed with stuff that belongs in other rooms of your house? If you live with other people, is this space known as your special writing area?

Have you even claimed some special place yet, or are you waiting for permission from someone else? If you’re struggling with this, see my post on claiming creative space.

Survey your space and make a quick list of what you feel needs your attention most. The questions below are not exhaustive, but offer a good place to start.

-Do you need to organize and sort your paper files?

-Would it be useful to create an index for your piles of journals?

-Are there notes from conferences and workshops that need to be reviewed and filed?

-Are there writing exercises that could be useful to you if they were typed up?

-When was the last time you did a backup of your computer files? Do you need to delete or add programs?

-Do you need to release some writing books? Welcome others?

-Do you need to physically clean your computer?

-Do you have visible reminders of your writing accomplishments? Is it time to take some down and put up new ones?

-Do you have too much or too little of something in your space?

-Do you need more or less shelf space?

-Are there big physical jobs you’d like to do (i.e. paint)?

Once you have your list you can break each item down into specific tasks.

It’s important to not get overwhelmed during spring cleaning. Many people decide they will devote a day to a spring cleaning project and then realize that they’re cranky after two hours and that the task requires at least two days. Start small and reward yourself often. Why not take from now until the official start of summer to spring clean? You could choose one project each week. I suggest working in 15-30 minute intervals so there’s less chance of getting frustrated and overwhelmed. I enjoy using an online stopwatch.

What are you reassessing right now in support of your writing life?






 While I was enjoying the article above, I noticed other wonderful inspirational pieces were on that site . Hope you enjoy too


All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.

I am living the Divine plan which includes wonderful health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now

May this be a thread of (1)personal and (2)community-loving    satisfaction! 


Image result for delightful day pic

All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.


★★ Just For Today: Self-Care Action/Feelings







4/10/17  Had a strong invigorated dose of lemon water!


 Thoughts now of having an amazing late breakfast and prepare a wonderful lunch for my work day.


followed through with those thoughts and (for me) waited a bit too long for 1st meal of the day... So I created a brunch out of part of tonight's dinner (citrus salmon plus my breakfast hard boiled egg. ) My selfcare felt more complete... (after I took the bite out of my own hunger...and could think/feel better...)  I prepared the same thing for my hubby. I placed it on a gold shiny charger plate....Image result for gold charger plate picand put a paper-plate on top lol. We create our own parties around here(:

Now to prepare a dynamic lunch, I won't share the menu... I will say I better get to cooking.. and they are part of my absolute healthy-favorites. Mouth starting to water, so this thread served its Mon morning purpose for me(:

Though...needing some foodie dessert 1st(:

FrenchRoast Coffee yogurt by Lazy Meadows (AtlantaFresh.com. First time I'm trying this flavor, normally I have the Ginger Peach! Also delicious!










 Related Threads Coming Soon:


All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.

I am living the Divine plan which includes wonderful health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now

Many things go into my ideas of self-care...and I'm allowing space for more to show up(:


I would be remiss if I didn't mention:

affirmations/intentions/gratitude list, awareness of energy, & last but not least prayerful affirming unattached to my results, because I'm believing all is better than I can know or plan alone.










While reading Nancees  wonderful material/links on the definition  of Spiritual Wellness - I found another article I loved/needed for me too.

HEALTHY MIND PLATTER Seven daily essential mental activities to optimize brain matter and create well-being


It essentially discusses balance. 

Here is part 

“mental nutrients” that your brain and relationships need to function at their best. By engaging every day in each of these servings, you promote integration in your life and enable your brain to coordinate and balance its activities. These essential mental activities strengthen your brain's internal connections and your connections with other people and the world around you.

We're not suggesting specific amounts of time for this recipe for a healthy mind, as each individual is different, and our needs change over time too. The point is to become aware of the full spectrum of essential mental activities, and as with essential nutrients, make sure that at least every day we are bringing the right ingredients into our mental diet, even if for just a bit of time. Just as you wouldn't eat only pizza every day for days on end, we shouldn't just live on focus time alone with little time for sleep. The key is balancing the day with each of these essential mental activities. Mental wellness is all about reinforcing our connections with others and the world around us; and it is also about strengthening the connections within the brain itself.  When we vary the focus of attention with this spectrum of mental activities, we give the brain lots of opportunities to develop in different ways.

Balance, to me relates to Spiritual Wellness. Sometimes...I can be involved in several activities...feeling great..I'm thinking/feeling... though really needing to step back and just step back (:

I loved your thread Nancee, it created more of a  centering... on the area I love to be centered with.laughing

 (I posted this on your thread too...hope you like)laughing


All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.

I am living the Divine plan which includes wonderful health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now


I allow myself to be disciplined, creative and focused on my highest priority tasks; I'm grateful for these abilities.

Today feels like no other, in terms of creating magical plans for my awesome way of living

I allow myself a flow of actionable steps to joyfully glide through.51wd70FOynL.jpg

My space is clean and organized.




Does Your Creative Life Need a Spring Cleaning?

 The first step in my spring cleaning process is to reassess your space, your schedule, and patterns of mind to see what is supporting or not supporting your writing life.

Go and look at your writing space. What’s the state of it? Do you feel a sense of ease when you look at it? Is it crammed with stuff that belongs in other rooms of your house? If you live with other people, is this space known as your special writing area?

Have you even claimed some special place yet, or are you waiting for permission from someone else? If you’re struggling with this, see my post on claiming creative space.

Survey your space and make a quick list of what you feel needs your attention most. The questions below are not exhaustive, but offer a good place to start.

-Do you need to organize and sort your paper files?

-Would it be useful to create an index for your piles of journals?

-Are there notes from conferences and workshops that need to be reviewed and filed?

-Are there writing exercises that could be useful to you if they were typed up?

-When was the last time you did a backup of your computer files? Do you need to delete or add programs?

-Do you need to release some writing books? Welcome others?

-Do you need to physically clean your computer?

-Do you have visible reminders of your writing accomplishments? Is it time to take some down and put up new ones?

-Do you have too much or too little of something in your space?

-Do you need more or less shelf space?

-Are there big physical jobs you’d like to do (i.e. paint)?

Once you have your list you can break each item down into specific tasks.

It’s important to not get overwhelmed during spring cleaning. Many people decide they will devote a day to a spring cleaning project and then realize that they’re cranky after two hours and that the task requires at least two days. Start small and reward yourself often. Why not take from now until the official start of summer to spring clean? You could choose one project each week. I suggest working in 15-30 minute intervals so there’s less chance of getting frustrated and overwhelmed. I enjoy using an online stopwatch.

What are you reassessing right now in support of your writing life?






 While I was enjoying the article above, I noticed other wonderful inspirational pieces were on that site . Hope you enjoy too


All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.

I am living the Divine plan which includes wonderful health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now

May this be a thread of (1)personal and (2)community-loving    satisfaction! 


Image result for delightful day pic

All that matters is how I choose to spend this moment.








  • a13e46933a7e09efcfa24e162a1f528d.jpg
  • 114c051a91511ae8f78fd7ce89e57216.jpgf7d6f7b1dd3228d80f42d9cfdb653645--calm-quotes-abraham-hicks-quotes.jpg


     I see what I love, and I love what I see.

    one of my absolute favorite affirmations from Louise Hay -> ★I See What I Love, and I Love What I See.





“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.

If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

                                                 – Dalai Lamaappreciation.jpg4212204d47d2d04d2d70f2348f9c382a--abraham-hicks-quotes-vortex.jpg



related threads in process


Receiving The Blessing

Gratitude Brings Answers/Meets Needs Pg 1

 Spiritual Wellness/SoulFood Series

Your Inner Powerful Warrior

Honouring The Goddess Within

Alignment pg 3

[page 1

page 2  

Page 4-vibrating slightly higher]


I'm with my inner kids today, and they are loving what we've chosen to do for the day.

  • ★   →   I am open to the spirit of life, which carries me beyond my original limits to a higher, more creative space.
  • ★   →  I clearly see joy in my surroundings.
  • ★  →   I Am loving how I am recognizing my perfect blessings
  • ★  →   I only co-create peaceful experiences because I love myself. All is well.
  • ★  →   I hear harmony, melody, beauty, softness, power.
  • ★  →   I create clarity of mind and unlimited vision for myself.
  • ★  →   I Am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life.
  • ★  →   Goodness and joy are mine in all situations.
  • ★  →   I am the cool, calm expression of peace and love

Affirmations in process






thread in process /feel free to post on as islaughing

created in 2015/being edited to reflect a new day!!!







related newsy threads in process






Quick Forum Tips 2017

Bookmarking Favorites-Feature


Announcements In Process

Coming Soon In Month of June(or sometime soon in summer mos)



I'll do mine in this intro post(:  



articles I've enjoyed that I want to find again...(oh yeah, that's why I'm bookmarkingtongue-out)


table of contents to help me keep up with enjoyment below (via threads or sent my way):

  1. SRWE videos/threads -
  2. iZ videos
  3. Kathi
  4. Monkey
  5. myself (Things I've Posted Or just of interest)
  6. MeditatingMama
  7. Stillness
  8. Threads (many listed below) and more to soon be listed up here... (never realized this would grow so much...though now foresee this being lots!

to be continued


  • and another new thread by Jeff on 6/14/17 I am no scientist but.... 
  • with these 2 videos on SRWE's thread
  • not feeling like I can't keep up, excited about the gifts on the site everywhere/more from SRWE


  • . and one iZ suggested 6/14/17
  1. Self Empowerment-created by Kathi 06/03/17 this list is helping me find new threads. Thanks Kathi for your addition here
  2. Beyond Time  06/04/17  iZ created a brand new thread... wow !another new thread I have on my looking forward to list Thanks iZ! on 6/09/19 iz created another new thread I'd like to see Cause & Effect /
  3. awhile ago iZ created Talking 5th Dimension/want to check it out again and Unlimited By Fear
  4. latest series thread by iZ What's Your Intentions?
  5. see notes on Butterflies Are Free /and other videos  iZ suggested like 2 below:

and these too shared by iZ:

Mike Dooley's younger brother:


  1. All Is Well-affirmations I started a new affirmations thread this morning  -I'd like to soon return to
  2. Series-threads both by iZ and Nancee/I'd like to take more time with. /And Monkey's recent vortex thread  Thoughts From the Vortex-Chapter 2 & latest one-chapter 3 

    Joseph Murphy ~ How to use you subconscious mind.




  5. more from Monkey's ch.3
  6. And from another thread of Monkey's raising alignment   alignment-thread videoone&
  7.  started a 2nd page to Echkart Tolle thread pg 2 
  8.  Nature Thread/ note to myself - add to in such a way where intro is less cluttered
  9. ⓼ a. LOA thread created in 2015/edit and add page 2/ b.  
  10. Sweet Emotions /a. add this to LOA related threads   ,b. an affirmation thread which I would enjoy returning to c. Pinch Me Living/edit Loving Our Space
  11. Wow! INSPIRED Action versus Action⓽ 
  12. Another new thread started by new member Gina (started 6/11/17)⓾ Start a day with a nice breakfast
  13.  Oh and Yes to affirmation threads-want to return to them (a) Lets Post Affirmations
  14. and some new ones I created today (a) Get Wild ch 1 pg1   (b) and a pg 2 which is less busy for more room for others to share(c) Lessons of Energy
  15. some older ones I'd like to add to How To Be Happy G. Bernstein
  16.  Foundation Of Appreciation Creates Wonderful Possibilities
  17. Self Talk As An Affirmation Created by Meditating Mama 


video-links I'd like to watch from threads:

  1. SRWE posted this video about Wilhelm Reich the other day-  Orgone Energy - Documentary
  2. Stillness posted an Alan Watts video recently
  3. ⑫ a video I'd like to post -though want to listen to better:


⑫ A video shared/discussed by a member/will watch soon.


want to rewatch:




I loved this lil' funny but true I saw on Bmindful:















Hi iZlaughing!






“In the eyes of God, we’re all perfect and we all have unlimited capacity to express brilliantly. I say unlimited capacity rather than unlimited potential because potential can be a dangerous concept. We can use it to tyrannize ourselves, to live in the future instead of the present, to set ourselves up for despair. We’re constantly measuring ourselves against what we think we could be, rather than what we are. Potential is a concept which can bind us to personal powerlessness Focus on human potential becomes impotent without a focus on human capacity. Capacity is expressed in the present, it is immediate, the key to it lies not in what we have inside of us, but rather in what we are willing to own that we have inside of us. There’s no point in waiting until we’re perfect at what we do, or enlightened masters, or PhDs in life, before opening ourselves to what we’re capable of doing now. Of course we’re not as good today as we’ll be tomorrow, but how will we ever get tomorrow’s promise without making some sort of move today?” Marianne Williamson

choose your 3 mits and why

Talk With Inspiration


My body mirrors my state of mind. I am healthy, whole, and complete.
★Step Way Back,Surrender, Breathe,Discover
Yes… I’m sure I have posted many of these on a profile page, and most probably a thread… A way of being is ‘working’ for me & I’m going with it… I Am allowing and experiencing what I need- I am enjoying the merit of surrender,Creating a Space and Gaining the change from a comfort zone… that is quite wonderful.

can’t really capture experience in a thread, so I thought I’d do the next best thing- surrender, affirm and allow.

affirmation which allows the stepping way back, creating a Divine Space & Discover what life Is… to truly Live live!

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~


It is a refreshing peace to connect with my inner spirit, and I do this at will with a growing ease… I feel calm and relaxed.
I breathe slowly and deeply.

    • ~
      With each breath I become more centered … more honest, open & joyously peaceful
      I am being filled with my full spiritual power. Divine light and Divine love are flowing through me.
    • ~
      I am free and allow a life of miraculous moments.
      It is joyously healthy, and wise to surrender right now
      I am free of cares as I once referred to them


All is well in my now.

I allow myself awesome growth through loving all I KNOW and will know as my Good joyous journey
I stay true to what my spirit has demonstrated- stepping way back, take that breath and surrender to the Divine.

I am manifesting my Divine potential in every aspect of my life.
My Spirit is now consistently presenting me with updated plans to achieve my goals even when I am playing, eating, or sleeping
this pic represents my book mark/where I left off_

We all like to share what we value. And of course we would never be able to list the quantity of things we come across…though, this is an effort to save and share… on occasion. It will be awhile before this thread is open. Much to enjoyably do for me first(:

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


See a lot of things created space, time, energy, and real desire for… a path of to-do’s I’ve attached with gratitude and appreciation… I see what I love I love what I see. I make a loving decision what I’d like in my space moment by moment

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  • ~
  • ~

I am totally ready to continue on to have the best day ever.


***~intention~*** -> Appreciating Self
LIFE is good and I let it flow through all my activities.

I am grateful for beautiful things to admire

It is a refreshing peace to connect with my inner spirit, and I do this at will with a growing ease… I feel calm and relaxed.

I breathe slowly and deeply.

With each breath I become more centered … more honest, open & joyously peaceful

I am being filled with my full spiritual power. Divine light and Divine love are flowing through me. I am free of cares as I once referred to them

I am free and allow a life of miraculous moments.

It is joyously healthy, and wise to surrender right now

I love enjoying this surrender. It is always beyond my wildest imagination of completeness

I Am ease

I feel so peaceful and calm.

I feel so comfortable.

I feel like smiling.

I am smiling.

I accept this new moment, and love surrendering in each new one

I am manifesting my Divine potential in every aspect of my life.

My Spirit is now consistently presenting me with updated plans to achieve my goals even when I am playing, eating, or sleeping

I allow myself awesome growth through loving all I know and will know as joyous journey of regular moments of bliss.

All is well in my now

    • ღ “As long as people, places, and things, do not define your blessings, there are nothing but blessings for you to discover.” ~by Matt Kahn
      this quote is 1 that had me reeling for awhile(:


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  • ~

ღ When confronted with a situation that appears fragmented or impossible, step back, close your eyes, and envision perfection where you saw brokenness. Go to the inner place where there is no problem, and abide in the consciousness of well-being. 
Alan Cohen

***Self Decluttering*** —Good riddance to decisions that don’t support self-care, self-value, and self-worth.
***Decluttering with Others*** —Do the people in my life give me energy and encourage my personal growth, or block that growth with dysfunctional dynamics and outdated scripts? If they don’t support me as a loving, open, free, and spontaneous being: Goodbye!(lovingly)
***Decluttering emotional life*** —Out with stagnant patterns that no longer serve me.
***Decluttering work*** —Not only reducing the “clutter” of paperwork, inefficiency, and overcommunication, but also striving to create a balanced workload and make my work invigorating, inspiring, collaborative, and empowering to others.
***Decluttering nature and play*** —Seeing these as expressions of love and opportunities to fill your life with truth and joy.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • an appreciating view(:
    Today I Am filled with Divine Light.
    Today I feel the presence of Divine Love flowing through me.
    Today I Am free of cares as I once referred to them
    Today I Am nurtured and fulfilled, content and blessed, safe and at peace, my entire being is balanced, vital, and healthy. I am filled with gratitude
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

★“When your heart speaks, take good notes.” ― Andy Mellon
I Am loving how I am recognizing my perfect blessings
I love choosing to accept that I Am capable, lovable, and destined for success.

I create a state of mind which compels me to unconsciously create my self-talk and action in line with my highest-good values.

I believe in myself today.

I thrive on the simple, authentic validation that can only come from myself…


You and Your Energy: Key Points

Our mental and emotional diets determine our energy levels, health and well-being much more than most people realize.
Look at life as an energy economy game.
Each day, ask, “Are my energy expenditures – actions, reactions, thoughts and feelings – productive or nonproductive?
During the course of my day, have I accumulated more stress or more peace?
Keeping an asset/deficit balance sheet even for a few days will give you an extremely clear picture of where and how you’re adding to your energy account and where and how you’re overdrawing it.
When we consciously evoke core heart feelings, we nourish our bodies at every level. Like quantum nutrients, core heart feelings keep our cells regenerating.
Adapted from the Asset/Deficit Balance Sheet available in various HeartMath materials, including the book The HeartMath Solution, by Doc Childre and Howard Martin, with Donna Beech. great foundation-info for self-care
• Passageabove below came from here

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  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~

Harmony Affirmations

  • ** Prayer is exhaling the spirit of man and inhaling the spirit of God. Edwin Keith
  • ** I am a Spark of God. My essence is Divine. Tamar Frankiel
    ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰

    • ~


  • ~

My name that most people know me by is SelfCare, and that idea brings the best out in me, because it is truly about allowing ease in being myself, loving myself, caring for me… so I can do all else that matters for me, including being present for others(: And ultimately beyond enjoying our time here ..why are we here? Just for ourselves? Being a self care enthusiast allows us to be available and present in our lives for ourselves and for our fellow-person(: So that is what I desire more of for myself… To create a better me, so I can demonstrate more to people I love, people I’d like to love better, people I’ve yet to meet, and have known… etc… I want to grow into a better me. Therefore: I am loving my shift as I Am changed as I think and speak what I want and need. And I choose to follow through with actions which work with my heart-desires.

  • ~
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  • ~
    Even now, I am free of cares as I once referred to them

    • ~
    • ~
      I consciously control my biochemistry by putting my body into peak emotional states, by healthy eating, exercise, and adequate rest everyday.


  • ~~~~
  • ~
    I choose to embody freedom in all that I do.
    My life moves effortlessly.

Music to inspire spirit-8 yr old singer
fly me to the moon

  • ~

  • ~
    I am saving some sites here

Here is 1 I found in 2011 (or before) I misplaced it, and just came across it today again. Thank you God! I love to think, though love to thank too… I am a thanker…(: (the site has changed a bit and undergoing some changes, though able to find some articles I enjoyed.

site…I loved it & wanted to share it with you. it’s suzeharrison.com first article I’d like to share:

Alchemical Laboratory This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series The Four Pillars of Manifestation ***~by Suze Harrison Self-help guru, future best-selling author, money-magnet, and a goddess with a brain~***
The Four Pillars of Manifestation
love this… The real test however comes when the process hits the critical juncture of the heart. Remember that you can trick your mind but you can’t trick your heart.
The Four Pillars Of Manifestation
The First Pillar Of Manifestation: Inspiration
Pillar Two: Determination
Pillar Three: Co-creation
Pillar Four: Manifestation
The Definition Of Insanity
Light That Inner Fire
Master Your Mind
You Can’t Trick Your Heart
Begin It Now!
Your Alchemical Laboratory
Your Heart Is Mission Control
Look For The Infinite Loop

***~another good blog articles~*** Master Your Mind ***~by Suze Harrison~***

  • ~

I am fully appreciative of the complete freedom of being a conscious creator!

Each new dawn brings yet another inner blessing

***Already there prayerful affirmations*** & other I’m there affirmations/intentions(:

    • ——
    • ——
    • ——
      You are fulfillment, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
      You are happiness, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
      You are joy, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
      You are power, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
      You are grace, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
      You are bliss, not the one who lacks or seeks it.


You are content, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are consciousness, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are light, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are truth, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are the way, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are reality, not the one who lacks or seeks it.

You are innocence, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are wholeness, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are ecstasy, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are freedom, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are the kingdom, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are divinity, not the one who lacks or seeks it.

You are purpose, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are passion, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are clarity, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are oneness, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are the all, not the one who lacks or seeks it.
You are love, not the one who lacks or seeks it. author- Matt Kahn

  • ~
  • ~

    I love my home

I treat my home as the sanctuary it is.

I decorate my environment with inspiring things.

I surround myself with things that bring me joy.

I take care of my home with great respect and love.

***For Evening***

loving the ease in the peace of the evening(:

As I wind down for the evening, I am expecting just enough energy for things I’d like to complete… and just enough relaxation when I’m done… to enjoy whatever I feel like.

in my now, all is well

    • ~


in my now, all is well

    • ~


sweet dreams!

  • ~
    Make yourself available for success, and know and trust in an invisible force that’s all-providing. Wayne Dyer

I am mindful of my breath in each moment

I hold my attention on the thoughts which serve me and release those that do not.

Today I am so strong and willing, that I allow nothing to disturb my peace of mind
I let go of everything inside that is holding me back, which automatically unlocks positive powers that propel my life to a bold, bright, exciting new level.

My inner-conscious is open allowing my dreams to have clear meaningful messages

ღ5 types of affirmations
—— ——

    • - – Releasing/Cleansing Affirmations
    • - – Receiving/Accepting Affirmations
    • - – Being/Intending Affirmations
    • - – Acting/Claiming Affirmations
    • - – Integrating/Embodying


I release and dissolve all personal patterns that block my abundance


  • ~
    I am enjoying something as ‘little’ as a visual which appears to have movement relaxes me(:

Quotes in process:
★“Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

★“The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown.” Carl Jung

Lately I’ve been loving this one. It reached my heart before my mind(:

My mind didn’t like problems were problems… and insoluble. Though my heart explained it to me…. We simply outgrow the things that seem to stand in our way, and poof… (or it seems that fast /grin) moving forward some more(:

Lake Placid posted this & I’d like to finish listening to it ended at 56:23

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    The usual interpretation of self-knowledge is objectively knowing our strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits in their manifestations through our body, heart, and mind. There can be no true end-point to the acquisition of such self-knowledge for two main reasons. First, our personality has too many possible modes of acting and reacting to exhaustively know them. We can always surprise or surpass ourselves. Second, we change continually. So what we thought we knew about ourselves yesterday may no longer be true today. …Copyright © 2001 – 2015 Joseph Naft


I slow myself to be more loving and compassionate to myself and others.

  • ~

    I allow loving gentle energy with myself and others.
  • ~
    In learning who others are in the present moment, and learning who I am (as I too am always changing), it is vital I always start with a loving fresh heart-space with each new circumstance…even if it is myself, or interacting with the same person.
  • ~

I love appreciating just for me(:
I appreciate this moment because I simply enjoy appreciation, it feels good, and it opens/stimulates neuro-pathways & adds to creativity and desire for the good I love. It reminds me to check in with myself to enjoy my life even more

    • ~
      I appreciate this moment for everything I feel. It feels light, and right.


I appreciate this moment because it is another moment to choose how to take really wonderful care of me.

I appreciate this moment because I love feeling this space in time… and going/growing from here(:

I appreciate this moment because I love how more satisfied I’m feeling within my spirit

My Favorite Quotes


    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


sometimes my sanctuary is just a place that is new … that has nothing that reminds me of anything… It helps where I Am surface to me

Aug 2016
I have been inspired by others who create their personal sanctuaries on this site, thank you bmindful

I’d like to give this a shot(:

I am in a wide open space, with a lovely smooth peaceful comfortable place to sit and admire all around me.

I see smooth medium sized paths… big enough to roam, though narrow enough to stay focused right where I am.

I see mountains I can easily get to, and climb safely and awesomely…and adventurously.

I see a big area of wonderful clean growing food, next to a spring that is beautiful, clear and clean to drink and bathe in.

I see smooth areas to take long naps, or get up and draw or write whatever my heart communicates with me about.

I feel clear headed, and free.

I feel love, loved and refreshed for whatever I want and who I truly am…right from the heart.

I’d like to come back and see how my sanctuary changes/grows etc.

This was refreshing.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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post 5

    • ~



-> “ ***what-is-the-difference-between-positive-affirmations-and-positive-intent***
according to the above article:
In a nutshell
• Positive affirmations help create internal alignment and strength
• Positive intent helps to create external manifestations
• The more aligned you are with your true self, the more aligned you are with all of consciousness and the greater ability you will have to co-create your life and experiences.

Intentions/Affirmations Vibration and Being Your Own Best Friend

I vibrate to the frequencies of acceptance, love, and appreciation.

    • ~ I create Divine play every day!
    • ~
      I value my resources and use them appropriately. I honor and respect the gifts and talents and sacred otherness of others


affirmative prayer
I radiate with joy throughout my entire being. Somehow…in some beautiful way..others benefit We always desire to be a blessing to others. Thank you God for always upgrading my intentions and assuring me I Am right where I Am supposed to be! (and so is everyone else) And this is so. Amen

    • ~
      Now I know what it really means to live with awesome conviction.
    • ~
      Today I am appreciating and loving my life
    • ~


  • ~
    Grounded In Joy
  • ~

☼Sometimes the best way to figure out who you are is to get to that place where you don’t have to be anything else. ☼Unknown

the artist Jim Warren

thread articles 12-truths-to-remember-who-you-really-are
article thinking-make-healthier-choices
BT goals video

    • ~
      ღAppreciating Power [ aka ˚ Checking In With Self]
      thread daily-quotes-with-lots-of-love
      ღAppreciating Power[ aka ˚ Checking In With Self] [thanks for patience]


I see what I love, and I love what I see.

one of my absolute favorites from Louise Hay

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~
      I love being a wife and best friends with my hubby
      I love … to be continued


  • ~
    Affirmations For Goals
    I am achieving outstanding success in all areas of my life!
    I feel intense pleasure by following through on all endeavors
    I am allowing prosperity to flow into my life, and I am graciously receiving it.

It is safe now, to let any old ideas and patterns drop away. I don’t have to know exactly how I am changing — I can flow with a bit of awkwardness and uncertainty today.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      Here are a few suggestions to actually use the New Year as a focal point for a better life:
      . Think in terms of final desired outcomes.
      . Know your current reality in relationship to them.
      . That will form structural tension, the best dynamic for real and lasting change.
      . From that, create an action plan with due dates.
      . Don’t have too many “resolutions” because that will lead to overwhelm.
      . Choose a few that can be created quickly, within the first few weeks so you can generate some momentum.
      . Manage the process directly.
      . Learn, adjust, learn, adjust, learn as you engage in the process.
      . Don’t take it personally, this is not about you but about the end results you are creating.
      . Build foundation. The more you create, the more you are able to create.
      “ Robert Fritz Inc-Home Page”:http://www.robertfritz.com/wp/


***~© 2015 Robert Fritz Inc. | Cattail Consulting & Design~***

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      “tension-seeks-resolution”:http://www.robertfritz.com/wp/principles/tension-seeks-resolution/ R. Fritz “In fact, part of your job as a creator is to form this tension.”



***~Robert Fritz, composer, filmmaker and organizational consultant is founder of Robert Fritz Inc. and author of the international bestseller The Path of Least Resistance.~***

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      Cooperating with Our Creativity


“When we are willing to be open-minded, art and beauty come flooding into us in a thousand small ways. When we let ourselves see the possibilities instead of the improbabilities, we become as flexible and resilient as we really are. It is human nature to create. When we cooperate with our creativity, using it to live within the lives we actually have, we surprise ourselves with our level of invention.” Julia Cameron— The Sound of Paper: Starting from Scratch

The Power of Imagination

“I think of affirmations and visualizations as tapping into the power of the imagination, which is a generator and transformer, a force that precedes and shapes who we become, and what we create and achieve. Whenever we attempt something new or difficult, we have to be able to imagine it before it becomes possible. It’s the combination of inspiration and perspiration that brings about tangible results.” Jean Shinoda BolenClose to the BoneLife-Threatening Illness and the Search for Meaning

Affirmations chosen from AffirmYourLifeblogspot (some slightly altered)
► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►
►I can get into a creative state of mind whenever I want.
►I regularly find original solutions to problems.
►I easily tap the imaginative resources of my mind.
►I am always developing great new ways of doing things.
►I approach all areas of contrast in an inspired and resourceful way.
►Every day I let my imagination soar to new heights.
►Creativity flows through every cell in my body.
►I am always thinking of new, original ways to do things.
►Every day I become more creative and inventive.
►I expand my understanding of things and this feeds my imagination.
►Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more inventive.
►I am a wellspring of creativity.
►Everything I create is inventive and unique.
►Fresh new ideas come to me daily.
►Great ideas come to me easily.
►Great new ideas come to me every day.
►I allow my creative energy to flow freely at all times.
►I am forever grateful for my imaginative mind.
►I give thanks for the creative inspiration I receive daily.
►I have a fantastic imagination.
►With every breath I take, I am bringing greater and greater creativity into my life.
►I love the freedom that creative thinking gives me.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Old paradigm: DO so you can HAVE so you can BE.
    New paradigm: BE so you can DO so you can HAVE.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ☼• ► Be Do Have
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ‘To be is to do’ —Socrates

‘To do is to be’—Jean Paul Sartre

Do-be-do-be-do-be-do. —Frank Sinatra

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      “If we let go of what we’re trying to get more of, which we really don’t need, it frees up reserves of vitality to make a difference with what we have. When you make a difference with what you have, it expands. This applies to love, to time, to relationships — and, of course, to money. If you sit down and make a difference with the money that you have, you will find that your experience of it expands, and you don’t have that focus on scrambling to get more of what you don’t really need — which is what most of us are so busy doing that we don’t even notice who we are and what we have. By contrast, the context of sufficiency is making a difference with who you are, what you have, and knowing that it’s whole, complete, and exactly enough. It’s perfection.” ✰Lynne Twist
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


“Creativity is the ability to see relationships where none exist.”
☼Thomas Disch

☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►

    • Articles
      What is creativity?
      From Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken:
      Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. (page 396)
      Three reasons why people are motivated to be creative:
      need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation
      need to communicate ideas and values
      need to solve problems (page 396)
      In order to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective. Among other things, you need to be able to generate new possibilities or new alternatives. Tests of creativity measure not only the number of alternatives that people can generate but the uniqueness of those alternatives. the ability to generate alternatives or to see things uniquely does not occur by change; it is linked to other, more fundamental qualities of thinking, such as flexibility, tolerance of ambiguity or unpredictability, and the enjoyment of things heretofore unknown. (page 394)
      ☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►


  • Videos

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” ☼Mary Lou Cook

► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►
Today’s Music Choice :
What we Love is What Become

☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ► DO IT:A simple process for creativity
D – Define problem
O – Open mind and apply creative techniques
I – Identify best solution
T – Transform

☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►

    • ☼• ► Affirmations for Creativity ( I wouldn’t choose all of these affirmations..but there are some good ideas here… will add other affirmations soon…feel free to add your own here(:


☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ► Related Threads Coming Soon:
Related Ideas in Process:

you may also enjoy
Trust Yourself [Judith Milburn]
5 W’s Of Creativity

˚Cooperating with Our Creativity[trusting]’



    • ~


***I go with the flow and my life is easy and filled with joy***

***I see the beauty in my surroundings and I radiate joy and love***

***I am grateful for all the wonderful things I already have in my life and those that are yet to come***

A few words (though slightly altered) by Louise Hay
***Wow! I increasingly relax and accept the good that I now know I deserve in my life***

***Wow! I regularly take time out to do the things I want and love to do, I follow my heart and feel a sense of freedom, awe and release***

***Wow! I choose thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving and positive way so well***


***~AppreciatingView’s Affirmation List for 2016~***
I am passionate about organizing inspiration!!

    • ~


***My heart beats to the rhythm of love and supports me easily and effortlessly!***

***I choose to dwell in peace, appreciation and freedom!***
***I lovingly allow love, joy and good health to flow through my mind and body!***
***I am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life.***

***I give myself permission to shine!***

***Time is my friend. I work with it, enjoy it, respect it, and make the best of it.***
***I receive and give, easily and effortlessly!***

***I am content, peaceful and fulfilled!***

***I am firmly committed to staying active and healthy***
***Feeling that I am soaring free.***

    • ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
      Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷThe highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence. ✿Rabindranath Tagore


***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I perceive myself being at peace quite often in my daily life, and I know that this is part of my plan for myself.
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** People are all here to have different experiences and learn different lessons, and I don’t really need to know the specifics of that. unless they care to be open and I am able to be present.
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I feel a gentle kindness and affection toward others, and this is something I like about myself.
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** If I want to, I can access Stores of goodness for humanity.
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** When I want to, I can express my gentleness openly and freely, just my Love for All. ( and/or Love for All That Is )
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I have a kind and sparkly spirit, and any pathway I choose for myself is bound to reflect that.
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** There is really no one else I need to be today — I can be exactly who I am today, exactly as I am, exactly as I am becoming.

  • ~

    I think I have a lovely spirit, and just bringing that into the world is enough for me some days.

Mindfulness Affirmation Video

Charles Hannel : I can be what I will to be

The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.

This is true because we must “be” before we can “do,” and we can “do” only to the extent which we “are,” and what we “are” depends upon what we “think.”

26 part-audio

book The Master Key System reading/listening to this now
The Master Key does not claim to be a new religion, nor is it antagonistic, or contrary, to any creed. Its realm is the realm of secular life where it stands supreme as a practical guide to the art and science of getting life’s advantages by conscious collaboration with the Law of Causation along definite lines which the inspired author elaborates.

We close by reminding the reader that pure learning is of no use whatever, even to the possessor, unless it is backed by action. Therefore the exercises set must be actually practised, otherwise the new knowledge would tend to create dreamers rather than men and women of purposeful achievement, useful alike to themselves and to all those with whom they come into contact. FREDERICK H. BURGESS for THE MASTER KEY PUBLISHING COMPANY London, August, 1937.

    • ~
      my hubby & and I are studying these lessons (now) together… among other related things(: And as many already know…Charles Haanel has wonderfully powerful material… And for those of us…like myself who only now have created a space for this study…or haven’t been exposed to who he is…and his great influence… its truly worth the focus(:


a good link

other books online desire to read:
You (1927) Everything in the universe vibrates…yes, everything.
Mental Chemistry [1922] “For every problem, there is a solution. For every person, there is a meaning. For every success, there is a formula”
you can be happy under any and all conditions

On What Matters

On Being True To Yourself

When You Start Seeing


Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.

    • ~

    • ~affirmations
      I Choose Peace and Happiness Written by Carmien Owen ***~KnowTheFlow.ca~***
      There is one magnificent and awe-inspiring field of Unconditional Love. My every thought, my entire mind, activates this field of Unconditional Love.


I choose to identify myself with power, love, beauty, peace and happiness. Each realization of my creative potential instills a knowing within me of the Infinite power available to me. I allow myself to dwell upon love and beauty, discerning it through all events and people as a by-product of the expression of God through all. I experience the flow of peace and happiness that results from this state of heart and mind. I identify with, and am receptive to, abundance and success through my creative expression.


  • ~

I can get a magnificent benefit from anything that occurs.

  • ~
    With a celebration of the magnificence of Spirit as I know It, and a sense of Awe for what this awareness inspires through me, I release these words with a profound and deep gratitude. I know it is done in the Mind of the One. And so it is.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sometimes all I want to do…is simplify. I don’t always start there…though gratefully I get there(:
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** Purpose of this thread: Since ‘the world’ can be such an influential place, I spend time influencing myself…like I am sure other like minded individuals do(-:

  • ~
    threads I will soon be extracting audios from
    David McGraw
  • ~
  • ~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    thread under major construction…nothing past intro post is being focused on yet(: intro post expected to be ‘complete’ in April 2016

***This thread is under heavy construction***
How about a cup of tea or 3 while we wait(:

because this may take awhile(:
or some other refreshing drink?

I didn’t want to lose things —-so huge conglomeration of stuff(: I got it under control…It’s just not ready to be seen(:

Table of Contents of sorts soon to be situated here


***Thanks for your patience(:*** expected basics in February-March 2016


Angelic Reiki – Full Album – Deeply relaxing music and ideally timed for Reiki treatments

    • ~
      somewhere I had a thread that resembled this:

      It’s lovely to focus on how wonderful our lives are! Another place to focus on appreciation(:


I like accepting of yourself and that you want to love yourself as you should… I believe is a foundation for a wonderful life(:

I love to hear how others are appreciating(: I love to ease into my day with thoughts of appreciation…Things I need to get done…just start getting done. I love how this day begins to already show itself with love and beauty as I see what I love and love what I see.

I too need very little…and the less I seem to need…the more I desire seems to materialize like little surprises.

I ease into enthusiasm and that feels great to me…because I can recall how I co-created the experience and it gives me hope that this is a tool that is there for me.

I love much…and love how I can focus my love on ways that bring the best out in me, and can bring my better self out to play(: I love how wonderful it is that a wonderful life is anything I feel it is…and the people who are close to me feel good sharing what they love too.

And even acquaintances in my daily experiences seem to want to exchange what they’re smiling about…or the hope of a better day. I love that!

Happiness-Thread Meetings
March 23, 2016 resiliency

Organizing Bmindful Threads Ones I’ve Created:

Books I Intend To Read







Threads Others Have Created
the-short-version-of-how-to-get-rich created by Robert

***Self Decluttering*** —Good riddance to decisions that don’t support self-care, self-value, and self-worth.
***Decluttering with Others*** —Do the people in my life give me energy and encourage my personal growth, or block that growth with dysfunctional dynamics and outdated scripts? If they don’t support me as a loving, open, free, and spontaneous being:Goodbye! ( lovingly )
***Decluttering emotional life*** —Out with stagnant patterns that no longer serve me.
***Decluttering work*** —Not only reducing the “clutter” of paperwork, inefficiency, and overcommunication, but also striving to create a balanced workload and make my work invigorating, inspiring, collaborative, and empowering to others.
***Decluttering nature and play*** —Seeing these as expressions of love and opportunities to fill your life with truth and joy.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Symptoms Of Peace


  • _____________________
    about Jack Canfield
  • ______________________ “What are two qualities I most love expressing in life?”For me, it would be love and joy. JACK CANFIELDto see more
  • ______________________

1. Take No Less than 100% Responsibility for Your Life
2. Be Clear Why You’re Here
3. Decide What You Want

  • _____________________

Life Is A Gift
The following are chapters from a book by Jack Canfield entitled Success Principles.. I simply took the chapter titles and converted them into daily questions. I find it to be a very helpful daily inventory. Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life, Be Clear Why You’re Here

    • Why am I here?
    • What do I want?
    • Do I believe it is possible?
    • Do I believe in myself?
    • Have I unleashed my goal setting today?
    • No matter what I feel, am I going for it anyway?
    • Am I willing to pay the price?
    • Do I reject rejection?
    • Do I use feedback to my advantage?
    • Do I commit to constant never-ending improvement?
    • Do I practice persistence?
    • Do I exceed expectations?
    • Do I surround myself with successful people?
    • Do I acknowledge the best about me?
    • Do I face what isn’t working?
    • Have I transformed my inner critic to my inner coach?
    • Do I stay motivated with the masters?
    • Do I fuel my success with passion and enthusiasm?
    • Do I build my success team with creative successful relationships?
    • Am I successful with money?
    • Have I accepted that Success Starts Now??!(:
    • ** Canfield Resources


    • ** -Questions and Article excerpts below from Jack Canfield’s Success Principles Workbook


***_The Law of Attraction_***
The Law of Attraction stipulates that we attract all events, people and circumstances into our lives through our thoughts and feelings. That means if you now have relationships, health, finances, and job circumstances
that you are not satisfied with, it is possible for you to turn things around … by consciously changing your thoughts, feelings and attitude towards these areas in your life.Whatever you think about, talk about, fantasize about, or give your attention to, you are going to attract more of into your life. The universe is made up of energy. Your thoughts are energy. Energy flows where attention goes. Your attention focuses energy into manifestation. Every thought you think, and its accompanying feelings, sends out a vibration to the universe (the zero point field, the quantum field, Source, God, Infinite Intelligence) and attracts back to it experiences that match the vibration of that feeling-thought

1. What irritates you?
2. What do you need to do to fix it?
3. Who could you ask to help get it handled?
4. How do you stop yourself from asking?
5. What is the possible benefit of asking?
6. When will you ask them?

1. What is a mess or incomplete in your life?
2. How does not completing it affect you? What does it cost you?
3. What is the possible benefit of cleaning it up?
4. Who could you delegate all or part of the clean-up to?
5. When will you ask them?
6. When do you commit to being complete by?

    • ☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼


♥`•.¸¸.•´´•:´¨`:•.••.¸¸. ´´¯`•♥

    • ______________
      1. What is a difficult or troubling situation in your life?
      2. How are you creating it or allowing it to happen?
      3. What are you pretending not to know?
      4. What is the payoff for keeping it like it is?
      5. What would you rather be experiencing?
      6. What actions will you take to create that?
      7. By when will you take that action?
      from The Success Principles workbook -Jack Canfield…
    • _____________________
      There are only 3 responses (Rs) you have any control over:
      1) Your behavior (including what you say and how you say it)
      2) Your thoughts (self-talk) and beliefs (both conscious and unconscious)
      3) Your visual imagery (including your images of the future) Jack Canfield…How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be


QUOTES by JACK CANFIELD FROM: The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.
Now, when anything ‘bad’ happens, I remember that everything that ever happens to me has within it the seeds of something better. I look for the upside rather than the downside. I ask myself, ‘Where’s the greater benefit in this event?’ — P.47

One of the easiest ways to begin clarifying what you truly want is to make a list of 30 things you want to do, 30 things you want to have, and 30 things you want to be before you die. — P.28

If something doesn’t turn out as planned, you will ask yourself, ‘How did I create that? What was I thinking? What were my beliefs? What did I say or not say? What did I do or not do to create that result? How did I get the other person to act that way? What do I need to do differently next time to get the result I want? — P.5

I like Dr. Daniel Amen’s 18/40/60 Rule: When you’re 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you; when you’re 40, you don’t give a darn what anybody thinks of you; when you’re 60, you realize nobody’s been thinking about you at all. — P.45

I first learned about the power of affirmations when W. Clement Stone challenged me to set a goal so far beyond my current circumstances it would literally astound me if I achieved it. — P.79

    • _____________________


Taking care of to-do items: ▣ If you can take care of it within 10 minutes – Do it immediately. ▣ If you want to take care of it yourself, but know it will take longer – Delay it by filing it. ▣ If you can’t do it yourself or don’t want to take time – Delegate it to someone you trust to accomplish the task; be sure to have the person report back when he or she finishes the task so that you know it is complete. ▣ Dump it – if you do not want to do anything with it. Jack Canfield

ღAppreciating Power [ aka ˚ Checking In With Self]

1) I feel clear headed
2) My heart feels joy
3) I’m conscious of my time…and can see how to engage in my morning, to add/create more ease for my day.
4) I am ready and willing to take excellent care of myself.
5) I am ready to engage in another wonderful day. I enjoyed yesterday & I am so looking forward to today.


  • ~affirmations
    I Choose Peace and Happiness Written by Carmien Owen ***~KnowTheFlow.ca~***
    There is one magnificent and awe-inspiring field of Unconditional Love. My every thought, my entire mind, activates this field of Unconditional Love.

I choose to identify myself with power, love, beauty, peace and happiness. Each realization of my creative potential instills a knowing within me of the Infinite power available to me. I allow myself to dwell upon love and beauty, discerning it through all events and people as a by-product of the expression of God through all. I experience the flow of peace and happiness that results from this state of heart and mind. I identify with, and am receptive to, abundance and success through my creative expression.

    • ~
    • ~


I can get a magnificent benefit from anything that occurs.

  • ~
    _With a celebration of the magnificence of Spirit as I know It, and a sense of Awe for what this awareness inspires through me, I release these words with a profound and deep gratitude. I know it is done in the Mind of the

To know how to choose a path with heart is to learn how to follow intuitive feeling. Logic can tell you superficially where a path might lead to, but it cannot judge whether your heart will be in it. Jean Shinoda Bolen

When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life. Jean Shinoda Bolen

Whatever has crowded out growth needs to be recognized and removed. Jean Shinoda Bolen

To be a soulful person means to go against all the pervasive, prove-yourself values of our culture and instead treasure what is unique and internal and valuable in yourself and your own personal evolution.” Jean Shinoda Bolen

You have the need and the right to spend part of your life caring for your soul. It is not easy. You have to resist the demands of the work-oriented, often defensive, element in your psyche that measures life only in terms of output — how much you produce — not in terms of the quality of your life experiences. Jean Shinoda Bolen

We need to meditate on what is peaceful. Once we have ‘filled up’ in this way, we once again have an abundance of love to send out into the world. Jean Shinoda Bolen

I feel that one must deliberate then act, must scan every life choice with rational thinking but then base the decision on whether one’s heart will be in it. Jean Shinoda Bolen

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy. Charles Haanel

“I am realistic – I expect miracles.”— Wayne Dyer

I am calm… so peaceful…& trust this now moment of my life

I am safe & reaping prosperity with whatever I’m doing and wherever I go.

I can get a magnificent benefit from anything that occurs.

I am a Karate master of my thoughts.

I open myself to a wonderful and blessed new future full of love and joy

The best way to predict the future is to create it

I am taking care of my mind through right thinking, rest and renewal.
I am always successful because success is a divine quality of spirit, and spirit is what I am.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~

“I know that I am pure spirit, that I always have been,
and that I always will be. There is inside me a place of
confidence and quietness and security where all things
are known and understood. This is the Universal Mind,
God, of which I am a part and which responds to me as I
ask of it. This universal mind knows the answer to all of
my problems, and even now the answers are speeding
their way to me. I needn’t struggle for them; I needn’t
worry or strive for them. When the time comes, the
answers will be there. I give my problems to the great mind
of God; I let go of them, confident that the correct answers
will return to me when they are needed. Through the
great law of attraction, everything in life that I need
for my work and fulfillment will come to me. It is not
necessary that I strain about this, only believe. For in
the strength of my belief, my faith will make it so. I
see the hand of divine intelligence all about me, in
the flower, the tree, the brook, the meadow. I know that
the intelligence that created all these things is in me and
around me and that I can call upon it for my slightest
need. I know that my body is a manifestation of pure
spirit and that spirit is perfect; therefore my body is
perfect also. I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant
demonstration of the power and wonder of the universe and
myself. I am confident. I am serene. I am sure. No matter
what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my
path, I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion.
There can be no obstacle or undesirable circumstance to
the mind of God, which is in me, and around me, and
serves me now.”

    • posted the following meditation before:
      I read the book 3 Magic Words in the 70’s, and it was such an inspiration back then. I still love the meditation today. ► by~ U.S. Andersen, author of book Three Magic Words (1954) suggests repeating the meditation , after a daily 10 minute period of stillness.


  • ~

    I am taking care of my mind through right thinking, rest and renewal.
    I am always successful because success is a divine quality of spirit, and spirit is what I am.

Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction.
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
Current Threads I Contributed I’d Like Quicker Access To: (in process)


When I allow myself to be guided, it doesn’t mean that I won’t make mistakes or have failures. I am willing to let things go that aren’t working and pursue what is working Shakti Gawain

I act with high intention and purposeful awareness

I create intentions with joy, ease, and peace. As I look upon my words, I know that the world is shifting to bring forth everything on my mental and physical list. I now see opportunities, I now have ideas, and I now have the means to accomplish everything I desire and it feels wonderful.

to be continued…


Polishing the Process & Expanding the Language

As long as I have a strong connection to Spirit, my connections with other humans are based on affection, not need. I now claim my strong and unwavering connection to Spirit (Loving Creator;God), & I feel that awesome connection in this moment.

Other Affirmations:
• God/the Universe supports me in all things.
• I trust that ALL my needs will be met.
• I surrender to all that is good.
• I surrender to the infinite possibilities that I cannot always see.
• I am secure and safe in God/the Universe
I enjoy creating threads(: The site is going through some transition… and sharing can be compared to a wonderful grand opening that only a handful of people know about.
So until the opening…I am selecting threads which have links, thoughts, pictures which help me create the day I love…I hope others enjoy too

  • ☼Sometimes the best way to figure out who you are is to get to that place where you don’t have to be anything else. ~☼Unknown

Thread’s I’d like to make more reader friendly&/or simply revise:


  • ~

love this subset (as trigger words)
Emotional Intelligence

Esteem Builder
Relationship Investor

Time Optimizer

some other ones I enjoy:

March – Inner Ease

Breathe ease before communications – this helps to align your mind and emotions with your heart.

Ask your heart’s intuition for higher choices in decisions.

When we make peace with our situations, this helps solutions to emerge.

To raise your vibration take time out to love someone, a pet, nature, etc.

Be mindful of drama and over-significance: they are among the top of the list of self-created energy drains.

Make a morning intention to move with ease throughout the day without drama.

“Your hearts intelligent guidance can assist you in finding an exit when seemingly boxed in a room without doors.” – Doc Childre

Go for more ease in all you do

  • ~
    My choices and ridiculously wonderful possibilities are expanding every day.

• I acknowledge and appreciate the synchronicities in my daily life.
• I disperse compassion and love wherever I go.
• I am thankful for the graces that take me beyond my limits.
• I redeem the earth and include all humanity in my heart.
• I keep finding an inner source of strength and comfort in and beyond my soul
• I seek community with others on my path.
• I open myself to every transformation that is ready to happen in and through me.
• I drop the need for certainty; I am comfortable with ambiguity.
• I respect the right of others to reject my path.
• I let go of fear and obligation and live by love and choice.
• I acknowledge a world beyond my senses, a truth beyond my intellect, a wisdom beyond logic, a power beyond my limits, a serene design despite any distressing display

Affirmations are from David Richo
***~from Unexpected Miracles:~*** ***The Gift of Synchronicity & How to Open it***

imagine-better-life russellsmall.com

Give yourself a quiet space, free from interruptions like people and phone calls. Allow your creativity to flow and don’t criticize your ideas. Continue with this process until you feel excited and passionate about what is on paper. The litmus test for this passion is that every time you think about this idea you will feel invigorated, enlivened, and enthusiastic. If the goosebumps don’t come keep looking. Russell Small

When the future hinges on the next words that are said, don’t let logic interfere, believe your heart instead. Philip Robison

    • Manifesting
      1. Identifying your desire
      2. Feeding your desire
      3. Allowing your desire
      Imagine A Life Of Possibility
      1. Are You Crystal Clear about Your most PASSIONATE PURPOSE?
      2. Are You Blissfully Living Your ULTIMATE LIFESTYLE?
      3. Are You Manifesting Desires with CONSCIOUS INTENTION?
      4. Are You in Harmony with Your SENSES and SURROUNDINGS?
      5. Are You Truly Grateful for Your UNIQUE EXPERIENCES?
      ~questions from www.russellsmall.com
    • ~
    • ~


thread 3-most-important-questions-awesome-fest
thread this-moment-of-your-life-3mindfulquestions
thread courage assurance-loa


thread i-see-what-i-love-and-i-love-what-i-see

3 Levels Of Living
Three Levels To Living

Level One might be called reactionary. At this level, a person lives in the moment, but without higher-order goals or purpose. Depending on the quality of circumstances, this person will experience a greater or lesser degree of fun and pleasure.

Level Two is represented by the person who acts to attain highly valued goals. Examples include having a happy relationship, financial security, success in a career. People who live at this level open the door to satisfaction and happiness.

It is when people have a passionate purpose for their life that they live at Level Three. This occurs when a person develops the burning “why” behind what they do and then intentionally expresses this “why” throughout the fabric of his or her life. Those who live at this level experience deep fulfillment and even joy, on top of many moments of fun, pleasure, and happiness.

    • ~


I efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstance.

SELF CARE- do 1 little thing

affirmations and intentions
My heart is light. I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything

    • ~
    • ~
      Being in a peaceful state is normal for me


***a group of affirmations I enjoy***

It is a refreshing peace to connect with my inner spirit, and I do this at will with a growing ease…

I feel calm and relaxed.

I breathe slowly and deeply.

With each breath I become more centered … more honest, open & joyously peaceful

I am being filled with my full spiritual power. Divine light and Divine love are flowing through me. I am free of cares as I once referred to them

I am free and allow a life of miraculous moments.

It is joyously healthy, and wise to surrender right now

I love enjoying this surrender. It is always beyond my wildest imagination of completeness

I Am ease

I feel so peaceful and calm.

I feel so comfortable.

I feel like smiling.

I am smiling.

I accept this new moment, and love surrendering in each new one

I am manifesting my Divine potential in every aspect of my life.

My Spirit is now consistently presenting me with updated plans to achieve my goals even when I am playing, eating, or sleeping

I allow myself awesome growth through loving all I know and will know as joyous journey of regular moments of bliss.

All is well in my now

This thread is geared toward coming from the place of of ease and an open heart.

Feel free to share affirmations, music, and quotes which focus on this theme.

“Everyone is trying to accomplish something big,
not realizing that life is made up of little things.”
— Frank G. Clark

related threads in process
all feels lighter


enoughness abundance affirmations


related posts

”Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it.” – Ray Bradbury

    • ~www.queenofyourownlife.com
    • ~


instrumental Beautiful Light Music – easy smooth inspirational – long playlist by relaxdaily: Ocean Breeze

Most of what we take as being important is not material, whether it’s music or feelings or love. They’re things we can’t really see or touch. They’re not material, but they’re vitally important to us.
— Judy Collins

just add love


Give yourself a quiet space, free from interruptions like people and phone calls. Allow your creativity to flow and don’t criticize your ideas. Continue with this process until you feel excited and passionate about what is on paper. The litmus test for this passion is that every time you think about this idea you will feel invigorated, enlivened, and enthusiastic. If the goosebumps don’t come keep looking. Russell Small

When the future hinges on the next words that are said, don’t let logic interfere, believe your heart instead. Philip Robison

    • Manifesting
      1. Identifying your desire
      2. Feeding your desire
      3. Allowing your desire
      Imagine A Life Of Possibility
      1. Are You Crystal Clear about Your most PASSIONATE PURPOSE?
      2. Are You Blissfully Living Your ULTIMATE LIFESTYLE?
      3. Are You Manifesting Desires with CONSCIOUS INTENTION?
      4. Are You in Harmony with Your SENSES and SURROUNDINGS?
      5. Are You Truly Grateful for Your UNIQUE EXPERIENCES?
      ~questions from www.russellsmall.com


  • ~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ★DESIRE [affirmations, quotes,thoughts,& links]

You must tell the universe what you want. You wouldn’t wait at the pick-up window at a drive-thru without placing an order first. Life’s the same way. Put your desires on loudspeaker… Michael A. Nitti

☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼•
Desire Affirmations

***~I thank the creator of the website~*** ***->*** www.2cashflownow.com ***~and the graciousness to share items from their site.~***
☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼• ►☼•

    • REMEMBER: Affirmations are based on the following principles
      1. Your present reality is a direct result of your past thinking
      2. Change your thinking, and your reality changes
      3. Affirmations change your thinking


• Action is the bridge between the inner world and
the outer world.

• Thoughts lead to feelings.
• Feelings lead to actions.
• Actions lead to results.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Life is so easy! Life is so good! All good things come to me!
    • Life is easy and fun.
    • I feel happy and successful in everything I do.
    • I know exactly what my heart desires.
    • I have the power to accomplish anything my heart desires.
    • I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.
    • I deserve all good things life has to offer.
    • I deserve to have wealth and abundance in my life.
    • Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.
    • I am open to have miracles happen today.
    • I feel alive and energized.
    • I do only those things that are best for me.
    • I welcome joy into my life.
    • Mastery and I are one.
    • I am a fast learner.
    • There is a powerful, intelligent, creative energy that exists in all things,so it must also exist in me!
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

• I am the master of my thoughts.
• My subconscious mind is now working for me, and will do exactly what
I tell it, because my subconscious mind is my partner in success
• My mind is orderly and well organized.

• I am always in the right place at the right time.
• No matter what I am doing I find a way to succeed.
• I have a millionaire mind.
• I am relaxed and confident knowing I am a powerful manifesting being
in this Universe. The laws of manifesting are Universal Laws that my
soul has chosen to participate and play with, and cannot change.
• I now choose to be successful.
• I am grateful to have the freedom of choice, to choose thoughts
that are empowering and responsible for manifesting my experience.
• I thank the Universe for giving me the power to create ANY life I

All my affirmations work for me, whether I believe them or not.

I am enthusiastic about engaging in my next right action.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • I joyfully live a healthy life with focus, clarity, direction, and purpose.
    • All areas of my life are in balance with my core values.
    • My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life.
    • Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe

Quotes from Members that I’ve liked:
You don’t need a doctorate in horticulture to appreciate a rose. SRWE

Other Quotes I Love:
When confronted with a situation that appears fragmented or impossible, step back, close your eyes, and envision perfection where you saw brokenness. Go to the inner place where there is no problem, and abide in the consciousness of well-being. Alan Cohen

The secret of our lost mode of prayer is to shift our perspective of life by feeling that the miracle has already happened and our prayers have been answered. Now we have the opportunity to bring this wisdom into our lives as prayers of gratitude for what already exists, rather than asking for our prayers to be answered. Gregg Braden

Out of clutter, find Simplicity.
From discord, find Harmony.
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
Albert Einstein






spring cleaning by David Ault

    • ~
      I feel clear headed


My heart feels joy

I’m conscious of my time…and can see how to engage in my morning.

I love how I create more ease for my day.
I naturally take excellent care of myself.
I see this day as new.
This day has a clean slate & I choose inner wealth.
I allow good days.
I anticipate awesome days!



post 7

  • ~
    Hallelujah my burdens are removed and my life takes a sudden, sharp turn in my favor.- Everywhere I look, I see abundance. Abundance flows into my life with ease. Today, I become what I desire to be. I take charge, and changes begin to manifest! God, in and through me, is a source of my supply. All my needs are met gloriously! My faith-filled enthusiasm empowers me to rise above all obstacles I live today as a whole, happy being. I am happy, successful, joyous and free I confidently manage the circumstances of my life My positive thoughts are magnets that draw my good to me I am important to life. I have a wonderful, unique contribution to make. My enthusiasm and joy are positive examples for others. Self-confidence is evident in my walk,my posture, my smile, my voice and all that I do I am honest, loving, kind, gentle, astute and aware. Today, I allow God to direct my thoughts,feelings and actions. I become aware of and sustain my creative connection with life today All that is before me to do this day, I do with happy enthusiasm. I welcome every challenge because it is an opportunity for growth. I follow my inner guidance to get things done easily and joyfully. I move in life with ease, enjoying every step of the way. God’s will for me is happiness. I allow myself to be incredibly happy. I am filled and thrilled with the joy of life. Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe. I am committed to my vibration vibrating positively. Ever increasing Joy fills my experience, overflows my Life and permeates my being!


thread from

***~knowing what’s important-quote~*** There are fine things which you mean to do some day, under what you think will be more favorable circumstances. But the only time that is surely yours is the present, hence this is the time to speak the word of appreciation and sympathy, to do the generous deed, to forgive the fault of a thoughtless friend, to sacrifice self a little more for others. Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart, to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed, and to use your God-given abilities for the enrichment of someone less fortunate. Today you can make your life – significant and worthwhile. The present is yours to do with as you will. Grenville Kleiser

    • ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
      At different moments/times of our lives…different areas need tweaking.


  • ~


By Leo Babauta

Pick one important task you really should get done today.
Clear space in front of you to do this task. Close the browser, or all browser tabs except the one you need to deal with this. Shut off the phone, clear everything else away, focus your mind on this one task.
Sit there and do the task.
Watch your mind want to run.
Now we’re going to do “pause training,” where instead of running from the discomfort, you pause. Breathe. Turn your attention to this discomfort — it might be fear, frustration, uncertainty, self-doubt, tiredness. Drop your story about this discomfort, and just notice how it feels physically, in your body. Where is this feeling of discomfort located? What quality does it have?

You’ll notice that the discomfort actually doesn’t feel that bad, even though you habitually want to run from it. It’s just energy. It’s not actually good or bad, but just energy that’s in your body, one that you normally don’t want to have and normally judge as “bad.”

Try this pause training for yourself. It won’t work to just read about it, you have to work with it. Get to know it, become intimate with it.

Unconventional Productivity
Once you’ve started to work with the discomfort, you’ll see that it’s No Big Deal. Nothing to worry about. It’s just a feeling, just energy. You’ll relax a little around it. Try to develop a friendly attitude toward it, instead of being harsh on yourself. Just notice, just smile, just breathe, just be gentle.

How do you turn this No Big Deal into productivity? Here’s a system to try:

Set your 3 Most Important Tasks (MITs) every morning, first thing when you start work. List a few other “should do’s” after that, but focus on the MITs first.
Pick one of the MITs, and clear space to do it. Before you check email.
Do some pause training. Notice when you want to run from this task, pause, investigate the physical feeling of discomfort with gentleness, friendliness and curiosity.
Set a heart intention. When you relax into the discomfort, and see it’s not a big deal, set an intention around the task — are you doing it to improve your life, to do something good for someone else, to help the world? Find the heart in your intention — it’s ultimately coming out of love. Say to yourself, “It is my intention to do this task out of love for __” (fill in the blank: yourself, someone else, the world, etc.).
Work with love. Open your hear and do this task with the love that comes out of your intention. Notice when you’re feeling discomfort and want to switch to something else, relax, do pause training if you need to, and then start again.
Take breaks. Every 10-15 minutes, get up and walk around. Stretch. Drink water. Check in with yourself and see how you’re doing. Then return to the task or pick another MIT.
You won’t be perfect at this, so don’t expect perfection. Just work with it, gently, and you’ll get better and better with practice.

  • CHbookshelf1-1024x1024.jpg



    • _____________________
      about Jack Canfield
    • ______________________ “What are two qualities I most love expressing in life?”For me, it would be love and joy. JACK CANFIELDto see more

    QUOTES by JACK CANFIELD FROM: The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.
    Now, when anything ‘bad’ happens, I remember that everything that ever happens to me has within it the seeds of something better. I look for the upside rather than the downside. I ask myself, ‘Where’s the greater benefit in this event?’ — P.47

    One of the easiest ways to begin clarifying what you truly want is to make a list of 30 things you want to do, 30 things you want to have, and 30 things you want to be before you die. — P.28

    If something doesn’t turn out as planned, you will ask yourself, ‘How did I create that? What was I thinking? What were my beliefs? What did I say or not say? What did I do or not do to create that result? How did I get the other person to act that way? What do I need to do differently next time to get the result I want? — P.5

    I like Dr. Daniel Amen’s 18/40/60 Rule: When you’re 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you; when you’re 40, you don’t give a darn what anybody thinks of you; when you’re 60, you realize nobody’s been thinking about you at all. — P.45

    I first learned about the power of affirmations when W. Clement Stone challenged me to set a goal so far beyond my current circumstances it would literally astound me if I achieved it. — P.79

      • _____________________


    3 things that made me smile today:
    1) 3 more things today… hearing wonderful things members are doing these days
    2) creating a tickler file that is GREAT!!! What can I say -creativity for purposeful things makes me smile ear to ear
    3) smiling about my heart-felt dreams ….slow and steady is good(:

There is a member on our site who has posted some extraordinaryaffirmations… which resonate for me. The members name is BrightAngel.…I truly like her style & feel a wonderful identification with some of her affirmations:

When I want to, I can express my gentleness openly and freely, just my love for all that is….extending out to people who are nearest to me

I believe I’m a wonderful person, and my words matter. I like expressing encouragement and support.

People often think that you have to do stuff and be a go-getter, but maybe just being yourself and living fully, also spreads joy into the world.

In what ways might I enjoy spreading love and goodness into the world? Would it be good to do this directly or indirectly? Would I like to spread love to certain issues or certain populations? I can test-drive many different ways, on many different days.

It is safe now, to let any old ideas and patterns drop away. I don’t have to know exactly how I am changing — I can flow with a bit of awkwardness and uncertainty today.

I like who I am on the inside, and see that reflected in the image I present to the outside world. I am confident and comfortable with who I am.

I am completely free to widen my circle of kindness and affection — the universe is supporting me.

I’m getting really good at noticing the gifts of others, and seeing the ways in which other people give me bits of affection and joy.

I like being here on the earthly plane, and I am feeling safe and supported here.

I allow myself to do things that I’m good at, and follow the sparks of joy that I feel while doing stuff I care about.

I find myself having everything I need to feel happy and connected

There is tremendous joy in being willing to be taught by the universe how to lift the vibrations of myself and humanity, in whatever ways I am best suited to.

I am here, whole, complete, beautiful, exactly as I am inside, exactly as I am outside. I bring the full strength and beauty of who I am into the world.

  • ~

some affirmations selected from BeyondAffirmations, and (Miss Inspiration) ->Wambuibahati.com

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Thread formerly called ˚ Checking In With Self(thread-blog ***in process*** )
    thread from

***~knowing what’s important-quote~*** There are fine things which you mean to do some day, under what you think will be more favorable circumstances. But the only time that is surely yours is the present, hence this is the time to speak the word of appreciation and sympathy, to do the generous deed, to forgive the fault of a thoughtless friend, to sacrifice self a little more for others. Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart, to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed, and to use your God-given abilities for the enrichment of someone less fortunate. Today you can make your life – significant and worthwhile. The present is yours to do with as you will. Grenville Kleiser

    • ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
      At different moments/times of our lives…different areas need tweaking.


  • ~

    • ~

      Unconventional Productivity


Posted: 27 Jan 2016 10:45 AM PST

By Leo Babauta

Pick one important task you really should get done today.
Clear space in front of you to do this task. Close the browser, or all browser tabs except the one you need to deal with this. Shut off the phone, clear everything else away, focus your mind on this one task.
Sit there and do the task.
Watch your mind want to run.
Now we’re going to do “pause training,” where instead of running from the discomfort, you pause. Breathe. Turn your attention to this discomfort — it might be fear, frustration, uncertainty, self-doubt, tiredness. Drop your story about this discomfort, and just notice how it feels physically, in your body. Where is this feeling of discomfort located? What quality does it have?

You’ll notice that the discomfort actually doesn’t feel that bad, even though you habitually want to run from it. It’s just energy. It’s not actually good or bad, but just energy that’s in your body, one that you normally don’t want to have and normally judge as “bad.”

Try this pause training for yourself. It won’t work to just read about it, you have to work with it. Get to know it, become intimate with it.

Unconventional Productivity
Once you’ve started to work with the discomfort, you’ll see that it’s No Big Deal. Nothing to worry about. It’s just a feeling, just energy. You’ll relax a little around it. Try to develop a friendly attitude toward it, instead of being harsh on yourself. Just notice, just smile, just breathe, just be gentle.

How do you turn this No Big Deal into productivity? Here’s a system to try:

Set your 3 Most Important Tasks (MITs) every morning, first thing when you start work. List a few other “should do’s” after that, but focus on the MITs first.
Pick one of the MITs, and clear space to do it. Before you check email.
Do some pause training. Notice when you want to run from this task, pause, investigate the physical feeling of discomfort with gentleness, friendliness and curiosity.
Set a heart intention. When you relax into the discomfort, and see it’s not a big deal, set an intention around the task — are you doing it to improve your life, to do something good for someone else, to help the world? Find the heart in your intention — it’s ultimately coming out of love. Say to yourself, “It is my intention to do this task out of love for __” (fill in the blank: yourself, someone else, the world, etc.).
Work with love. Open your hear and do this task with the love that comes out of your intention. Notice when you’re feeling discomfort and want to switch to something else, relax, do pause training if you need to, and then start again.
Take breaks. Every 10-15 minutes, get up and walk around. Stretch. Drink water. Check in with yourself and see how you’re doing. Then return to the task or pick another MIT.
You won’t be perfect at this, so don’t expect perfection. Just work with it, gently, and you’ll get better and better with practice.

  • ~
    3 things that made me smile today:
    1) 3 more things today… hearing wonderful things members are doing these days
    2) creating a tickler file that is GREAT!!! What can I say -creativity for purposeful things makes me smile ear to ear
    3) smiling about my heart-felt dreams ….slow and steady is good(:

  • ______________________


  • _____________________

The following are chapters from a book by Jack Canfield entitled Success Principles.. I simply took the chapter titles and converted them into daily questions. I find it to be a very helpful daily inventory. Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life, Be Clear Why You’re Here

  • Why am I here?
  • What do I want?
  • Do I believe it is possible?
  • Do I believe in myself?
  • Have I unleashed my goal setting today?
  • No matter what I feel, am I going for it anyway?
  • Am I willing to pay the price?
  • Do I reject rejection?
  • Do I use feedback to my advantage?
  • Do I commit to constant never-ending improvement?
  • Do I practice persistence?
  • Do I exceed expectations?
  • Do I surround myself with successful people?
  • Do I acknowledge the best about me?
  • Do I face what isn’t working?
  • Have I transformed my inner critic to my inner coach?
  • Do I stay motivated with the masters?
  • Do I fuel my success with passion and enthusiasm?
  • Do I build my success team with creative successful relationships?
  • Am I successful with money?
  • Have I accepted that Success Starts Now??!(:
  • ** Canfield Resources
  • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    • ** -Questions and Article excerpts below from Jack Canfield’s Success Principles Workbook


***_The Law of Attraction_***
The Law of Attraction stipulates that we attract all events, people and circumstances into our lives through our thoughts and feelings. That means if you now have relationships, health, finances, and job circumstances
that you are not satisfied with, it is possible for you to turn things around … by consciously changing your thoughts, feelings and attitude towards these areas in your life.Whatever you think about, talk about, fantasize about, or give your attention to, you are going to attract more of into your life. The universe is made up of energy. Your thoughts are energy. Energy flows where attention goes. Your attention focuses energy into manifestation. Every thought you think, and its accompanying feelings, sends out a vibration to the universe (the zero point field, the quantum field, Source, God, Infinite Intelligence) and attracts back to it experiences that match the vibration of that feeling-thought

1. What irritates you?
2. What do you need to do to fix it?
3. Who could you ask to help get it handled?
4. How do you stop yourself from asking?
5. What is the possible benefit of asking?
6. When will you ask them?

1. What is a mess or incomplete in your life?
2. How does not completing it affect you? What does it cost you?
3. What is the possible benefit of cleaning it up?
4. Who could you delegate all or part of the clean-up to?
5. When will you ask them?
6. When do you commit to being complete by?

    • ☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼~☼


♥`•.¸¸.•´´•:´¨`:•.••.¸¸. ´´¯`•♥

    • ______________
      1. What is a difficult or troubling situation in your life?
      2. How are you creating it or allowing it to happen?
      3. What are you pretending not to know?
      4. What is the payoff for keeping it like it is?
      5. What would you rather be experiencing?
      6. What actions will you take to create that?
      7. By when will you take that action?
      from The Success Principles workbook -Jack Canfield…
    • _____________________
      There are only 3 responses (Rs) you have any control over:
      1) Your behavior (including what you say and how you say it)
      2) Your thoughts (self-talk) and beliefs (both conscious and unconscious)
      3) Your visual imagery (including your images of the future) Jack Canfield…How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be






Post 8
To make the world a better place, see the world as a better place. Alan Cohen

The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to quiet the mind to hear it. Caroline Myss

You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy. Unknown

Hurry ruins saints as well as artists. They want quick success and they are in such haste to get it that they cannot take time to be true to themselves. Thomas Merton

  • ~~ ✰~~
    Worldly success is achieved by doing. Spiritual success is achieved by undoing. Alan Cohen
  • ** * thread being revised.thanks for your patience [posts listed to assist me when I visit for quick & longer edits
  • ~
  • ** * intro post

Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction.
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

Due to the quantity of items that will be posted, I use butterfly bookmarks to highlight, and photos to accentuate or divide. ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ***

I choose to surrender everything that is not supporting my highest good. I move forward and I am free now!

Today all of my needs are being met

Loving the projects related to taking time to organize and plan. I’m worth it.

I can feel money, time, talent and energy to accomplish all that I desire has arrived and available to me

I look and feel younger and healthier each day.

printablesHere’s a great site

articleDownloading the Ram In Your Brain

a favorite siteGreat accountability ideas and work book type pages to explore your life, from one of our members:Kahuna Keith

beginners guide to meditation
Deepok Choprah
well being

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Morning Audio Meditation

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mindful of this moment in time.

  • ** ►•I am firmly but calmly centered in this moment.
  • ** ►•All clocks run at perfect speed for me.
  • ** ►•All my power is in the present moment.
  • ** ►•Every moment of my life is full of wonderful choices.


  • ** ►•I am sure footed and step forward confidently!
    • ** ►•I walk my path with purpose and focus!



  • ** * ~~ ✰~~

Clarity about priorities — who you want to be and what you want to do
Organizing your time — planning specific activities to accomplish those priorities
Executing the plan — following through with intention and doing what you say you will do Kathy Paauw
Kathy Paauw’s Blog & The Music of Your Heart
Kathy Pauuw tips & tools
Kathy Paauw declutter
Kathy Paauw tickler file

Organized Times

    • ~~ ✰~~


Personally I love having dreams! It gives me something to look forward to..Though I guess one of the biggest messages I’ve received in my life… pertaining to life… is to balance out my dreams …so I do not forget why I want them… When I do that, I often find out I am right where I’m supposed to be…(for me)…and it gives me the drive to do the next right thing (for me) and when (for me)… This increases my self-worth…not my ego..my simple foundation for moving forward at my desired speed.

Whatever I end up doing or not doing will have truly been up to me..no one to blame… nothing to regret(:

I can comfortably change my mind… I can comfortably increase or decrease the speed in which I’m traveling. I can love myself.

Am I always acknowledging I have this power. No, I’m not perfect…I have my moments. Though, it always leads me right back here (with a smile which grows from that understanding) Appreciating˚

    • ~~ ✰~~
      It is always my hope that something I post will be of assistance to someone somewhere at sometime. Of course I start with me…though..hoping to make this reader friendly for myself to find things & others if they so choose to visit…and grab something they like. Though if not here with me…may you be led to your expressed favorites(: Appreciating˚
    • ~~ ✰~~
    • ~~ ✰~~
      under heavy construction-currently not even a read only(: Please drop by after October 2015 Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction…expect basic order complete by Oct 2015
    • ~~ ✰~~
      ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
      • I joyfully live a healthy life with focus, clarity, direction, and purpose. • All areas of my life are in balance with my core values. • My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life. • Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe


My mind is full of gratitude for my lovely and wonderful life

  • ~~ ✰~~

I know what I want from life • Life is good to me • I dissolve all past limitations placed on me by others, heredity, education or environment • I believe in myself • • I feel deep peace in my core • I am aligned to my highest purpose • My purpose comes clearly into focus • I have deep, relaxed trust in my life • I have a strong sense of purpose • I am committed to my purpose in life • I know I am taken care of • I understand my life • I am open to receive higher guidance and wisdom • ***~by Jonathan Parker~***

  • ** affirmations for decisions All my options quickly become clear to me. I exercise good judgment in everything I do.I have good common sense. I easily choose what is right for me. I am a master of intelligent decision making strategies. I gladly make my own decisions and carry them out. It is easy for me to make correct decisions. I attract wonderful opportunities into my life. I make timely decisions.. affirmation by Jonathan Parker ]
  • ~~ ✰~~
    A lengthy list of Bmindful Threads Which Work For Me that I’ve contributed-In Process…located in Post 3
  • ~~ ✰~~
    A lengthy list of Bmindful Threads Which Work For Me Which Promote Sharing
    are located in post 4
  • ~~ ✰~~
    A lengthy list of Bmindful threads Which Work For Me Contributed By Bmindful Members …in process can be located in post 4

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
some stretching first page not appearing…will return
this is the site though
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。


Sacral chakra affirmations

    • ~
      I trust my feelings and given the ample room for expression.
    • ~
      I am a creature of light, open to my highest joy.
    • ~
      I feel the power of healing moving in and through me as I affirm my worth and honour my body.
    • ~
      I use self-care not self-control


• I joyfully live a healthy life with focus, clarity, direction, and purpose. • All areas of my life are in balance with my core values. • My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life. • Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe

    • ~~ ✰~~
      I Live In The Now.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I live In Balance And Harmony.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I laugh More.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I Smile Easily.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I trust that my highest good and greatest joy are unfolding now.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      The Healing Light Of Love
      Flows Through Every Fabric Of My Being.
    • ~
      I make great choices for me and my life
    • ~
      My journey is my own and it is beautiful.
    • ~


  • ~~ ✰~~
  • ** ***~affirmation for congruency~*** All of my internal images, dialogue and feelings are now pulling me towards the results I desire. I am totally committed and congruent
  • ~~ ✰~~
    related threadJohn Assaraf/Jonathan Parker videos/articles/affirmations
  • ** affirmation for belief in now My perceptions are clear. I see the big picture. I think clearly. I am an insightful person. I am sensitive and perceptive to subtle cues. I intuitively know the best decisions to make. My mind works quickly. I expect the best. I naturally make the right decisions. [ affirmation by Johnathan Parker
  • ~~ ✰~~
    related articleWhat Really Matters by Matt Kahn
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Attributes of a Powerful Person Dr. Laura Brown
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Top NLP Techniques
  • ~~ ✰~~
    eventually a table of contents of sorts will be positioned in post 2
  • ~~ ✰~~
    A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes. Hugh Downs
  • ~~ ✰~~
  • ~ ~ ~
    Definition: Let’s briefly define what we mean by Joy. It’s the energy of love, the feeling quality of love. We’re talking about unconditional love for self and others. Joy is different than ordinary happiness which is usually a personality reaction to outer conditions. Joy is a soul quality and is untouched by outer circumstances. Our Motto is “Joy Is An Inside Job.” ***~Joyful You™Joyful Child® www.joy4you.org~***
  • ~ ~ ~
  • ~~ ✰~~
    As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter. ***~Eckhart Tolle~***

textileRef:172378060559b9d9c3475fe:linkStartMarker:”* ~~ ✰~~
If your dominant intent is to feel joy while you are doing the work, your triad of intentions—freedom, growth and joy—will come quickly and easily into alignment. See your “career” as one of creating a joyful life experience. You are not a creator of things or a regurgitator of what someone else has created or a gatherer of stuff. You are a creator, and the subject of your creation is your joyful life experience. That is your mission. That is your quest. That is why you are here. “ Abe”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3755/-wisdom-from-unique-sources#post37181

Don’t try to recreate peak experiences. Instead, just accept them as the gift that they are, and don’t beat up on yourself for not being able to stay there. Because if you stayed there, they wouldn’t be peak experiences. They would be normal, every day in time hum drum boring, experiences. So, savor the peak experiences and compliment yourself upon your achieving of them, and expect more of them, and leave everything else out of the equation.Abe

threads related to the joy that can be found on Bmindful coming soon:

    • ~~ ✰~~
      under heavy construction-currently not even a read only(: Please drop by after August 2015 Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction…expect basic order complete by Aug 2015
    • ~~ ✰~~
      ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。


  • ** Where am I in respect to this moment? Where am I in respect to me?
  • ** What is the moment calling from me? ★ღ✰˚ ✰。 ☼Molly Gordon-Life Coach

Mindful of this moment in time.

    • ** ►•I am firmly but calmly centered in this moment.
    • ** ►•All clocks run at perfect speed for me.
    • ** ►•All my power is in the present moment.
    • ** ►•Every moment of my life is full of choices.



  • ~~ ✰~~
    You can fully and deeply relax,
    guilt-free. No apologies needed.
    No explanations or excuses required.
    You are confident that what needs doing
    won’t be forgotten and WILL get done. By Ariane Benefit
  • ~~ ✰~~

You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Timer.focus 25.short brk 5.long brk 15.stop

  • ~~ ✰~~
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Gratitude Affirmations
  • ~~ ✰~~
    My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts which ultimately are converted into my life experiences.

My mind is full of gratitude for my lovely and wonderful life
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
• I joyfully live a healthy life with focus, clarity, direction, and purpose. • All areas of my life are in balance with my core values. • My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life. • Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe

    • ~~ ✰~~
      I Live In The Now.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I live In Balance And Harmony.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I laugh More.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I Smile Easily.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I trust that my highest good and greatest joy are unfolding now.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      The Healing Light Of Love
      Flows Through Every Fabric Of My Being.
    • ~~ ✰~~
    • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ►• ***~declaration~*** I care about every cell, system, and value in myself. Every cell and every system in my body and mind is important to my overall functioning, health, and happiness, and I care for each one. One way to care for each part of myself is to give it proper exercise and allow it regular harmonious functioning. from You Can Choose To Be Happy by Tom G Stevens PhD
    • ~~ ✰~~



Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction.
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

  • ~~ ✰~~ You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.

quoteRedirecting your thoughts, instead of trying to control them, empowers you to release all the energy being sucked up by stress and overwhelm and channel it into designing your life to fit, function and feel good about yourself every day. ***~Ariane Benefit~***

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      I am a fully actualized, grounded, mature person, who is sure and confident. I always know where I’m going in life, and I continually stay open to the intelligent guidance and leading of God [my Source…SPECIFY description for Source for you]….


People who meet me, and know me, consider me to be a highly valuable human being, as well as a source of radiant, positive spiritual energy. Additionally, I also see the inherent worth and value in all others around me.

I radiate sereneness, poise, self-control, supreme confidence, and high self-esteem, as well as high personal and social value. Personal ‘challenge’, mystery, and magnetism…emanate from within me, and overflow from my subconscious mind.

I’m clear on the purpose of my life and my life’s major intentions…which include to grow spiritually, to improve where I can personally, and to contribute to the lives of others, in meaningful ways.

I have vision, determination, and inspiration…as well as massive amounts of self-esteem and self-confidence.

I align with my deepest, truest purpose in life…and I pursue it and I achieve it.

I’m a highly productive person, in my work and personal life.

Everything that I touch is blessed, and everything that I put my hand to prospers and flourishes.

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

    • ______________


Here is to this day

Today is the day to take it all …plot it before me…and ease into all that creates the life that is here now…
and know the child in me would praise the the adult I’ve become…and the adult in me praises the child…for the joy I’m to incorporate(:
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
audio- 17 great morning affirmations
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
Pinch Me Living

***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** audio- rampage of love
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * Seek Agility and Resiliency ***~Ariane Benefit~***
  • ** * Use calendar and To Do list to protect time, clear mind, enhance memory, improvise and juggle commitments. ***~Ariane Benefit~***

I accomplish all I want to do today with grace, love and enthusiasm.

    • ~


***~This Moment• This Day• This Month• This Year~***

July Calendar

    • ** * “Student Handouts.com”:“http://www.studenthandouts.com/01-Web-Pages/Lot-01/Weekly-Hourly-Planner.html printables
    • ** * “ ***~terms of use~***”:http://www.studenthandouts.com/termsofuse.htm
      threadLearn Well


    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


***_PEOPLE_*** – activities that promote relationship with the people I love

***_PASSION_*** – activities and experiences which enable me to enjoy life

***_PURPOSE_*** – tasks that enable me to fulfill my purpose in life

***_PROJECTS_*** – priority tasks that need to be finished this week
the PeacefulMom © 2009-2014 Kimberlee Stokes – ThePeacefulMom.com – All rights reserved. – The Peaceful Mom

To Do-Questions/Organizing The Brain

Exercising can actually be a form of prayer—a thanksgiving for the privilege of having a body and for simply being alive. Regina Ryan and John Travis


Sites I’ve Enjoyed To Review At Next Available Moment

Affirmations I’ve Enjoyed
I have moments of brilliance and moments of mediocrity. I remain calm internally regardless. Because my value is intrinsic, external events have no affect/effect on my peace. sensitive + thriving, Inc © 2014

we’ve gained a new owner I am glad I stayed on prospering from this site…and now with new owner Keith being able to dedicate his focus to Bmindful community, there will be more of what we know and love. I’ve decided to keep this thread, and enjoy this space …for myself & one day to share with community…

    • ~~ ✰~~


My mind is full of gratitude for my lovely and wonderful life
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
• I joyfully live a healthy life with focus, clarity, direction, and purpose. • All areas of my life are in balance with my core values. • My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life. • Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
An Amazing Husband!!!
Marriage is sacred and personal…though while others are speaking about what brings them joy or what they are grateful for I so want to share what is in my heart…so I may blurt out marriage never really saying too much more…Sure I tell the source…(my husband) ….and sure I tell Source(God)….(: Though sharing a large part of my life with others which is my significant other is often minimal…if a person isn’t happily married also.

We celebrate many things…We have 2 wedding days a year…2 actual weddings…so our 2nd wedding anniversary for being married 35 years is approaching…and I am filled with thoughts of when we first met, how our relationship evolved and our plans of today…and yes plans toward our retirement. Thank you Hubby for helping to make my life everything it is. Thank you God for creating things within our experiences to help me recognize he Is without a doubt my soulmate.

  • ** quote The more someone practices choosing to love and appreciate, the easier and easier it gets as they will begin to feel more love and appreciation and it will be increasingly reflected back to them in their life. Also, if they do experience a challenge if they have been practicing loving and appreciative thoughts, the challenge will transform more rapidly. Tracy Friend …excerpt from article Love and Appreciation Our Natural State of Being, by Tracy Friend
  • ~

***_I am at peace with the universe_***

  • ~

***_I awaken each morning feeling the promise of a new day and a new beginning_***

    • ~
      This day is another chance to love. I embrace this concept gratefully.
    • ~
      Love courses through everything; I feel it, I see it, I experience it fully.
    • ~
      I believe that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way


  • ~
    Divine love, expressing through me, now draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life complete.
  • ~

Thank you for the habit I have to feel the feelings of gratitude in advance, for the great day ahead as though it is already done

    • ~
      I think and speak with tones of love
    • ~
      I am a being of love and kindness
    • ~
      I give thanks that my heart is so full of peace, love and joy
    • ~


ღAppreciating Power -Gratitude List & Bmindful Gratitude Threads

Gratitude List
My life
My love
My God
to be continued…

Some Specifics
Thank You Dear God for my ability to hear a loving kind sound and thoughts when desired.

My Health!!!
Thank you Dear God for teaching me how to take good care of me.
An Amazing Husband!!!
Thank you Dear God for bringing him into my life!!!

Thank you Dear God for my current work…
gratitude/appreciation to be regularly continued…
Gratitude Threads
Gratitude and Appreciation Power

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • ** I am grateful that I am able to turn away from complaining, blame, criticism and negative emotion
  • ** I am grateful that I am always free to choose my response to the world around me
  • ** I forgive those who hypnotized me into unreal fears.
  • ** I am happy about all the gifts I have and how they fit me so perfectly.
  • ** I love how I awake or change or resolve or complete at just the right moment
  • ** I give up the need to correct people’s impressions of me.
  • ** I draw upon ever-renewing sources of lively energy within me.
  • ** I am truly grateful that I often think and feel the words ‘thank you’ in my heart
  • ** As I silently say the words ‘thank you’, it is as though the words are being spoken through my heart
  • ** I am thankful for the joy that I feel within me, and the peace and the faith I have as my companions
  • ** Thank you for the capacity that I have to think, feel, speak and focus on what I am grateful for
  • ** I am deeply thankful for the unlimited possibilities that lie before me, and the clarity that illuminates my path
  • ** I look for the joy in myself and see it in all things.

  • ** I trust that my highest good and greatest joy are unfolding.
  • ** I delight in sharing my joy.

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

I seek the highest truth and the most healing ways to live my life.

I honor and protect my divine spirit.

I know that all is good despite appearances to the contrary.

I look within where I am safe, loved and protected.

My spirit is eternal. It loves beauty, harmony, peace and joy.

I am grateful for all the good things and people in my life.

I accept who I am and honor the spirit within me.

I live in joy and gratitude for the goodness that fills my life.

I appreciate the beauty of Earth and will hon our and protect it as well as I can.

I know my higher purpose is being fulfilled now.

I trust God to show me the next step in my process.

Goodness and joy are mine in all situations.

I am thankful for the awareness and insight I have into the profound mystery of life.

Thank you for my life, for who I am and for what you have allowed me to become.

a section of this free book textileRef:172378060559b9d9c3475fe:linkStartMarker:“Harmonious
4 ***~Harmonious Functioning is the Root of Emotions Chapter 7,*** ***~Part 4, from You Can Choose To Be Happy,~*** ~Tom G. Stevens PhD

1. Importance of the values affected. How important is this one value to your overall happiness? The more important the value, the higher the emotional intensity.
2. Expectation and adaption levels of values affected. The higher your expectations and standards, the harder it is to meet them. Values, expectations, and goals are key aspects of the HF model and directly cause mental search, stimulation, and reinforcement. Adaption levels and novelty also cause varying degrees of search, stimulation, and reinforcement. For example a child used to poverty may feel very happy about receiving a used toy that a wealthy child would feel upset receiving.
3. Number of values affected. The greater the number of values, the greater the emotional intensity. to read more
Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD
Harmonious Functioning Model Of Emotions And Performance P. 250

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ~


Some ideas from this site/book:

quoteWhen we find the causes of our problems, we don’t find “sick” inner parts; we find old assumptions, old beliefs, old expectations, old commitments, or old goals that we now see as limited. Tom G. Stevens PhD ***~Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD~***

    • ~quote
      CREATE POSITIVE LIFE THEMES, SCRIPTS, and ROLES. Learn how you can create the you that you want to be, and spend most of your time focused on positive interests and themes. Focus on creating positives in the world instead of avoiding negatives. (Chapter 4)


To overcome anger and aggression,
over assuming the worst intentions,
over insensitivity,
over the fairness doctrine,
choose ACCEPTING the unchangeable aspects of reality
over hostility—“its the way of things,”
to help get rid of the steam inside, and
remember, there is inherent justice for harmful behaviors and
most of all, remember,
Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD
Tom G. Stevens PhD
SITE CONTENTS:Self Help Information and Assessments, Professional Papers, and Other Materials You Can Choose To Be Happy-Free E Book & Site Info

brief excerpt from bookA Step By Step Guide For Novices To Professionals
Let your nonjudgmental inner observer use neutral, nonjudgmental language as it talks. Some part of you (not your inner observer) might be judging someone—calling them “stupid” or “bad.” During the first part of the self-exploration stage, don’t let your inner observer change that judgmental part or change the language it is using. It will only observe the language and its effects on your other thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Your inner observer may notice that condemning someone increases negative thoughts, increases anger, and increases aggressive actions. The reaction of your neutral observer is not to condemn, it is, “That’s interesting—perhaps there is a causal relationship between my judgments, my anger, and my aggressive responses.”

As your inner observer talks about what it is observing, it is important that it use descriptive, nonjudgmental language. If it falls into a judgmental mode, then it will lose its power to be an accurate observer.

Let your nonjudgmental inner-observer avoid zingers and melodramatic descriptions. Zingers are key words that incite emotional reactions. They can disrupt thinking from a “just getting the facts” mode to an “I need to react” mode. At times when you are observing yourself, you will undoubtedly be tempted to think thoughts like, “That was stupid, why did I do that?” But beware of such temptations. Innuendos, digs, subtle put-downs, and defensive comments all stir up parts of us that are anything but neutral—so avoid observational zingers of any type! to read more Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD

    • ~
    • ** book title ***You Can Choose To Be Happy: Site dedicated to enhancing human happiness, self-development, and success***
    • ** author ***~Tom G. Stevens PhD Psychologist/Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach~***
      Someone calls you an “inconsiderate idiot,” and you feel angry. Someone cuts in front of you on the freeway, and you feel angry. Someone attacks your friend, and you feel angry. Someone tells you that you will not get the pay increase you think you deserve, and you feel angry. What causes you to feel anger? What do all of these situations have in common?


Underlying anger is caused by a perceived loss of control over factors affecting important values. The values in the above examples might be pride, getting someplace on time, someone you love, money, or being treated “fairly”—we are frustrated about not getting what we want or expect. Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD

With anger, we usually think we know what caused the problem. We have some target(s) for our anger. It may be the person criticizing you, the person who cut you off on the freeway, an attacker, your boss, or even yourself. With anger, we may hope that a burst of energy aimed at the threat will defeat it. Or we may hope that a burst of energy will break the barrier stopping us from meeting our goal.

Anger can be used constructively at times. It can give us energy we need to fight back if physically attacked. However, for most situations it merely clouds our judgement and creates extra stress
Copyright 2014 Tom G. Stevens PhD

“ ***eventually a table of contents of sorts in post 2*** “:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32516
“intro post”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32515
“post 2”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32516 [] “post 3”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32524 [] “post 4”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32525 [] “post 5”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/-checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post32526 [] “post 6”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33081 [] “post 7”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33082 “post 8”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33083 [] “post 9”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33095 [] “post 10”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33216 [] “post 11”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33217 [] “post 12”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33218 [] “post 3”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33219 [] “post 14”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33220 [] “post 15”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3472/checking-in-with-selfthread-blog-in-process#post33221 []
Thank you for your patience…joyfully under construction.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    • ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
      I am a skilled choice maker.
      I experience the joy of being!
      I take loving care of myself and I LOVE taking care of my needs.
      I am a private miracle! I am the unique creation of the Creative One, my Loving God!
      I trust life. I slow down. I allow tension-less living. I relax. I let go of all fear. Ah…
      I absolutely love how my kitchen is organized so functionally to grab what I need when I need it for my delectable, healthy choices


I love how I give myself enough time to make and bring my wonderful food choices with me for work, and any other time when I’m out for extended periods

I experiment with a variety of self-nourishing activities and get back in touch with those that are fulfilling to me.

I practice a diet of self-love

Hello, kitchen, you are my nourishment center. I appreciate you!

I love spending time in the kitchen!

I feed myself imaginative meals



post 9
[♥♫♥✿♥Affirmations of a Happy Woman[♥♫♥✿♥

  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I am a vibrational being and everything is vibrational.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***When I’m appreciating, (being grateful)I am planning.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I now experience outrageous JOY!***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I see beauty, harmony, health, wealth all about me.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I touch wealth, excellence, sweetness.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I taste sweetness, deliciousness, wholeness.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I feel balance, energy, happiness, enthusiasm, passion, triumph.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I smell cleanliness, freshness, sweetness, spiciness.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I hear harmony, melody, beauty, softness, power.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I celebrate others good.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I now release resistance, and consciously allow my connection to “Source”more of the time, being mindful of the connection.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I am the deliberate creator of my own reality.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I ask through my attention, my desiring, feeling it in my being – and oral or written words are unnecessary***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I desire this, I adore this, I appreciate this.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I expect the best.***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I am happy with what I am and with what I have, while at the same time eager for more***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I am on the brink of receiving what is manifesting, feeling eager, optimistic, anticipatory*** —with no feelings of doubt, impatience, judgment, unworthiness or guilt hindering the receiving of it.
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I feel no guilt that I have plenty, because everyone has the same ability to manifest what I have.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I am a clear channel of healing energy using caring-emotion (energy in motion) as a facilitator
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I put my attention on what I desire, totally enjoying it. I put NO attention on what I do not desire.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** Worrying is using your imagination to create something you do NOT want.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***I practice the Art of Allowing— the art of no longer resisting the Well-Being I deserve, that is natural, that is my legacy, my Source, my very Being***
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** If I shout “NO” at something, I am also including that in my experience, as there is no exclusion in this attraction-based universe.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I work FOR things, not AGAINST them.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** My focus is the invitation, and I get more of the essence of it.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I get what I put my attention on—good or bad.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** One who is a visionary thrives in all times.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** Emotions are vibrational interpreters that help me understand my experience in the moment.—my Emotional Guidance System, for I am a vibrational being in a universe of vibration.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** Once I expect something , it will manifest when the vibrational essences of me become the same as that desired.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I pay attention to emotions and allow them to be the feedback. They do not create but they indicate what I am currently attracting.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I strengthen and replenish my connection to good by choosing better feeling thoughts!
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I pay attention to the way I feel and deliberately choose thoughts (about everything) that feel good to me when I think them.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I experience no shortage, no lack, no competition for resources. There is only the allowing and disallowing of that which I desire.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** Since I want to feel good, I choose a thought that does feel good.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I can have the essence of what I desire.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I remember that appreciation of others and of myself is the closest vibrational match to Source energy.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I find ways to provide value, ways I can serve.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** “Following my bliss” provides the energy needed to serve.
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I never move into “I wish that was me”.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I remember that the thought of scarcity creates greed and war.
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I have all the help I need at phenomenal prices.
  • ~
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I always have plenty of money to use for myself and to share.
  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** I experience perfect health, strength, flexibility, endurance.
  • ~


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ © 2009 Keith Garrick, with regard to added comments
    To google the editable word doc > google -> ***The Viewpoints And Affirmations Of A Happy Woman***
    [while labeled Affirmations Of A Happy Woman…It seems these affirmations are meaningful for all] Thank you Keith Garrick for all of the wonderful things you share on your phenomenal web site
    free of charge for all to use(:
    Viewpoints/Affirmations of a Happy Woman
    Note: This is being included on the site so that you will have a clearer view and more insight into what works as a viewpoint. From this type of model, you can derive your own version. Note that “affirmations” must be true (at least possible). Individuals use various “symbolic” references that may not seem real to you, so change it to what works for you. This piece was written two years ago and the affirmations with regard to creating things in her life have all come about. ***~Keith Garrick~***
    [this was most likely written by, with and/or for one of Keith’s clients]


The most destructive force you and I have – and the most constructive – is our own unconscious emotional and thinking and feeling state. Ernest Holmes

  • ~
    “ ***Who Is Dr. Shapiro*** ?”:http://www.philipshapiro.com/philabout.html

Author of Healing Power

✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
With gratitude & appreciation I present excerpts from Dr. Phillip Shapiro’s spiritual and informative site :
Dr. Phillip Shapiro & Affirmations
✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
***~what you will find on this 1 page, by clicking above link:~***
o The Power of Thought
Positive thoughts act like medicine released from the brain’s own pharmacy. This thought-medicine cannot do its work, however, if negative ideas, beliefs, or attitudes neutralize its healing power. When a positive affirmation is stated, there is often an attack of negative thoughts or beliefs, which emerge from their storage place in the subconscious.

Affirmations work, but they may not work for you if they lack the necessary potency to take hold and grow. Following are some suggestions for creating effective healing affirmations.


Focus on your solution rather than the problem. Do not think so much of where you have been as of where you want to be. You become and attract what you intend. Your goals will become your new habits. For example, if you are working with disease, focus on health. For fear, invoke courage or bravery. For anger, try peace, patience, forgiveness, or gentleness. For weakness, try strength. For failure, try success.

State the affirmation in the present tense, as though the goal is already accomplished. You would not want to affirm, “I am going to be calm.” You would affirm, “I am calm.”

State the affirmation in positive terms such as “I am calm,” not the negative “I am no longer anxious.”

Keep reworking the affirmation until it feels just right. For example, you may prefer “I remain even-minded under all conditions,” or “evenminded no matter the condition,” or simply a one-word affirmation: “even-minded.” When it feels right, it will fit the rhythm of your being perfectly.

We can reinforce the power of our affirmation by associating it with a mental picture or visualization. In this way we can think, see, and feel the reality of the affirmation. For example, we can all imagine circumstances that make us nervous, angry, or agitated. We can rehearse these scenes in our minds by creating thoughts and pictures of ourselves remaining calm despite provocation. The more we rehearse, the more likely the subconscious and conscious minds will help us stay relaxed when the actual stressful condition arrives.

Practice and repetition are most important. Without repetition, there can be no progress. Deeply embedded negative thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes have been around for a long time in the subconscious mind. When the brain cells are loaded up with thought habits that have to do with disease and limitation, it takes time to form thought circuits that have to do with health and possibility. We need to repeat affirmations continuously for chronic deeply embedded conditions, and we need to ignore an unchanged or contrary condition as we repeat the affirmation.

Many people give up early, not understanding the effort required or unwilling to do the work. Some habits, patterns, or conditions may change with ease, while others may take a long time to heal or replace. We need patience: it may take months, even years, to transform deeply ingrained habit patterns of thought, feeling, desire, or behavior. Perseverance is the magic of spiritual work.

The more we use positive affirmation, the quicker change occurs for the better. With continued practice, the affirmation takes on a life of its own. It repeats itself by itself. The thought gains momentum and strength, eventually becoming powerful enough to become reality. Repetitious positive thoughts gradually replace and finally dominate the negative patterns of the conscious and subconscious minds.

To be effective, we need to bring all of our attention and energy to our spiritual practice. Each method described in this book requires all of our heart, mind, might, and soul for maximum benefit. There must be sufficient intensity and concentration of feeling, thought, will, and faith to give the exercise—in this case, the affirmation—sufficient energy and power to make the necessary changes. If the affirmation is spoken without passion or planted in a restless, unfocused mind, it will have less power.

Muscles atrophy from lack of exercise. Similarly, those who have not been doing an inner workout weaken their powers of concentration and will, the tools necessary to break through the barriers of limitation into conscious possibility. With practice and repetition, our will power and concentration slowly grow.

As you strengthen your affirmation, be sure not to create tension by going too far. Calm concentration without tension increases the force of the thought. The goal is to repeat the affirmation as many times as you wish with calm concentration, deep feeling, and will. When you realize your attention has wandered, bring it back to the affirmation with as much focus as possible. Repeating the affirmation with increasingly intense concentration and feeling mobilizes healing power.

At first, our healing affirmations may be like sparks blowing in the wind with no apparent effect. With patient, persistent practice, these thoughts get stronger. They light healing power ablaze. Although it kindles slowly, if we keep adding affirmative fuel to the healing power, there will be a bonfire. Then the affirmation permeates our conscious and subconscious minds, every cell, fiber, molecule, and atom of our being, as well as surrounding space, eventually bringing into existence the very thing being affirmed.

Life energy, operating the bodily cells, tissues, organs, and systems, has within it the power of healing. This brilliant power heals our cuts, bruises, colds, and other ailments without our action. We can trust it, and there is evidence that the more we trust it, the better it works. Affirmations are more effective when practiced with faith and belief. Doubt and insecurity undermine the authority of the new positive thought, and work against the life energy and healing power. For maximum benefit, perform your affirmation with faith, trust, and belief in its power to heal.

    • ~~ ✰~~


The Power of Intention a wonderful article (in my opinion) AsAlwaysAppreciating˚

[ ***~excerpts~*** ] Until you have experienced this feeling, then you have not yet tapped into the power of intention, and you are not tapping into your full potential either. That should not be a discouraging message by any means. On the contrary, it should be a message of hope. Because if you look at your life as it is now and all you have (or have not) created, realize now that everything you have done and achieved so far was what you have done without harnessing your true power.

Imagine now what you could create and who you could be if you mastered the art of tapping into the power of intention, and instead created with the power of the entire universe behind each and every one of your actions.

to be continued….
many sites and mentors are utilized well by the same members on bmindful…for understandable reasons(:

Personal Excellence
McKenna videos-youtube
Change your Life In 7 Days

…. geared to ways to remain loving in your heart.

  • *******************************
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    “ ***HealThy Self*** “:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0Y84-E7EMY
  • *******************************
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
  • ** ***~And It Is So~*** Affirmations
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    pinchmeliving articleLife Anchors
    Read the question below and the truthful answer will be whatever first comes to you – your initial gut reaction. Read it, close your eyes and notice your truth rise up from within you:

What is MOST important to you in life?

Your answer/s are what we call your Life Anchors. to read more

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Let us choose to be identified with power, with love and beauty, with peace and happiness. Let us identify ourselves with abundance and with success.” Ernest Holmes

I Choose Peace and Happiness Written by Carmien Owen ***~KnowTheFlow.ca~***
There is one magnificent and awe-inspiring field of Unconditional Love. My every thought, my entire mind, activates this field of Unconditional Love.

I choose to identify myself with power, love, beauty, peace and happiness. Each realization of my creative potential instills a knowing within me of the Infinite power available to me. I allow myself to dwell upon love and beauty, discerning it through all events and people as a by-product of the expression of God through all. I experience the flow of peace and happiness that results from this state of heart and mind. I identify with, and am receptive to, abundance and success through my creative expression.

With a celebration of the magnificence of Spirit as I know It, and a sense of Awe for what this awareness inspires through me, I release these words with a profound and deep gratitude. I know it is done in the Mind of the One. And so it is.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      I’m sorry.
      Please forgive me.
      Thank you.
      I love you.


article 1
article 2

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    • ~~ ✰ ~~
      Threads You May Appreciate:


thread A Teacher- Tuesdays’s With Morrie formerly entitled…meaningful Tuesdays With Morrie

***~thread created 6/2/15~***
***~last edited 6/2/15~***


Gentle Living is a personal development and lifestyle blog for the kind, caring and sensitive who are looking for inspiration, motivation, healing, support and encouragement. It’s for those who feel connected to the world around them, to people, to nature, to animals. It’s for those with limitless potential but who sometimes need reminding of it. It’s for those who see the power in being gentle to others, to animals, to ourselves.

Our blogs and newsletters will inspire, relax, motivate and validate you. They’ll nourish your spiritual side, motivate your healthy habits, and spark your inner power.

Gentle Living embraces everything involved in living a gentle but powerful life. From self-love & acceptance, to animal welfare, to travel, to interviews with inspiring women, and more, it’s all gentle; not weak, just gentle. Being gentle is sometimes the most powerful thing you can do for yourself and the world around you.

  • ~

“ ***gentleness-as-strength*** “:http://gentlelivingonline.com/self-growth/gentleness-as-strength/

    • ~


***~quote from this site article/gentleness-as-strength~*** Personally, I view gentleness as a choice, a powerful one. I choose to be gentle, but that doesn’t mean I’m a pushover. And by making gentleness a conscious choice, I am making it my strength, instead of allowing it to make me a victim.

***~quote from this site articlegentleness-as-strength~*** I view gentleness as a barometer. Environments or people that don’t let it thrive get quickly avoided. Environments that allow it to flourish get indulged upon. But it took me years to respect my gentleness in this way.

selected affirmations from the site

    • ~ I am perfectly imperfect. I strive for better while loving all that I am today. In loving myself today, I am better equipped to improve myself tomorrow.
    • ~
      I forgive and cherish my mistakes, mishaps, slip ups, foul words and temper losses as items I needed to try on for size to truly understand what a bad fit they’d be for my mental, physical and spiritual wardrobe.
    • ~


I am defined by, and I define others by, love grounded principals, essence exuding manifestations, and radiant energy transmissions. Income, status or title float shallowly in the depth of my perceptions.

    • ~ I value my health, even when my needs inconvenience others, as I can’t truly love myself without loving and inner-adorning the shine that encapsulates the magic of my soul.

    • ~quote from article
      book by renowned author Martha Beck called Steering by Starlight. It’s about finding the life that’s meant for you and it’s incredibly insightful, I highly recommend it (and all of her books for that matter). In it Martha teaches the most interesting trick to silencing your inner critic and I had to share it with you as I think you might benefit from it as well.


silencing your inner critic & a love letter
quote from article….by calling on your brain to observe this lizard identity you’ve created, “you subtract neural energy from survival fear and move it to a more highly evolved portion of the brain… The neuron pathways that carry lizard fears become weaker the more we observe them. Patients with ‘abnormal’ brains, such as those with obsessive-compulsive disorder, have actually reconfigured their brains to ‘normal’ by using self-observation techniques.”

Stop Feeling So Intimidated by People
1. The person you’re intimidated by is human.
2. They may not be who you think they are, after all.
3. Separate your own ego.
4. Don’t posture — but do stand tall.
5. Understand your own worth.
We are all the same and we are all just trying to find our way in this world and heal our souls in the process. To do so we must look internally, with love and gratitude, not outwardly with envy and lack.
6. Approach everyone with love.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      “Who Is site creator”:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      Yes we are all unique…And I know right off the bat, some individuals will see gentle and be turned off for their particular mission, and others immediately gravitate.


And I’m one who gravitates toward it… So if this isn’t your cup of tea, may what assists/inspires you become like a neon light… and all others…hope you enjoy this thread(:
related affirmations to be continued…

My deep emotions, intelligence, sensations, relationships, and spirituality are beautiful and just right in a space that supports me as I am.

    • ~
      All that does not serve me, easily passes from me
    • ~
      I appreciate myself and my sensitivity more and more now
    • ~


Through listening to and following my deepest messages of truth — in my body, emotions, intelligence, relationships, and spirituality — I thrive.

    • ~


I have moments of brilliance and moments of mediocrity. I remain calm internally regardless. Because my value is intrinsic, external events have no affect/effect on my peace.

    • ~ sensitive + thriving, Inc © 2014


I add beauty to the world that no one else can. sensitive + thriving, Inc © 2014

I am glad to be alive, to be where I am, to be who I am.

    • ~~ ✰~~
      I bring my dreams into the present moment.
    • ~~ ✰~~
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I don’t need permission. That is my secret power.
    • ~~ ✰~~


Everything I do increases the harmony, beauty, and order in my life.

    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am creating new possibilities in my life. The universe is my playground.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      Through listening to and following my deepest messages of truth — in my body, emotions, intelligence, relationships, and spirituality — I thrive.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I recognize my true Source and let prosperity pour forth into my every experience.
    • ~~ ✰ღ~~
      I ask for what I want and accept what I receive, I will get what I need.
    • ~~ ✰ღ~~
      I pull the plug on limitations and rise into a new consciousness of power.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I bring unconscious thoughts into my consciousness, so I can choose what thoughts I want to focus on.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am consciously aware of my beliefs. I only hold onto beliefs that support me.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am radiantly beautiful and vibrationally healthy and Joyously alive.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am free to be, according to my highest vision.
    • ~~ ✰~~


I have moments of brilliance and moments of mediocrity. I remain calm internally regardless.

    • ~~ ✰~~


I bless the past, let it go and move swiftly into an exciting, new phase of my life.

    • ~~ ✰~~
      I am grateful for all the people and events that set my feet on the spiritual path to freedom and joy.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I send love to my fears. My fears are the places within me that await my love.
    • ~~ ✰~~
      All that does not serve me, easily passes from me
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I now have surplus, all my needs are being met.
    • ~~ ✰~~


  • ~~ ✰~~
    I am open to receive my higher good.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    I notice when I am out of the flow and get back into it easily.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    My vision is unlimited; therefore, my potential is unlimited.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    My deep emotions, intelligence, sensations, relationships, and spirituality are beautiful and just right in a space that supports me as I am.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    I will make today a great and wonderful adventure. (:
  • ~~ ✰~~
  • like all of us I create, collect and reinforce many self-talk statements [affirmations] which work for me.
  • ***Some*** of the sources for some of the wonderful affirmations above were selected from:

“* “ ***~SensitiveandThriving.com~***”:“http://sensitiveandthriving.com/2009/10/reminders-and-affirmations-for-the-highly-sensitive-person.html [ site is currently under construction ]


5 Tips On Lifelong Learning Adult Brain

threads with significant overlap [to be better reviewed for this thread soon]
Amazingly Tranquil
We’re Just Wired Differently
7 Rules of Life
from data to values [Roy Posner]
Morrie Schwartz Lessons On Living [interview with Ted Koppel]
Getting Better All The Time [adult brain]
eclectic self growth
The Irony

WELLNESS INVENTORY “:http://www.joyceharrell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/wellnessinventorywheel.png
thanks for your patience while this new thread is being created.
completion date June 4, 2015

…to be continued…

related sites/articles/pics/exercises

Harness the Power of Your Thoughts in 3 Simple Steps
Outer Layer of Thought – Thoughts Becomes Things
Middle Layer of Thought – How We Respond Matters
Inner Layer of Thought – Self-Perception
Step 1 Become aware –
Step 2 Appreciate your innocence –
Step 3 Nurture your self-perception with compassion –
to read this article in its entirety

    • ~
      Personal Reflection Exercises… ***~www.joyceharrell.com~***
      I can live a pressure-free, healthy life
      with focus, clarity, direction, and
    • ~
      I use my tools of centering, simplicity,
      direction and intention to remain healthy
      and light-hearted.
    • ~
      I am able to freely float through my day
      with peace of mind and a joyful heart. I
      feel this serenity because I have fortified
      myself with healthy habits.
    • ~
      I strive to achieve simplicity in my life and thus I can
      feel pressure-free.
    • ~
      to read more
    • ~


to be continued…


Affirmations From a Multi-Millionaire


Everything Is Energy same site

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    I really enjoy articles by James Clear…Here is an excellent one by this author.

excerpt- On average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances. In Lally’s study, it took anywhere from 18 days to 254 days for people to form a new habit. [1]

In other words, if you want to set your expectations appropriately, the truth is that it will probably take you anywhere from two months to eight months to build a new behavior into your life — not 21 days.

In other words, if you want to set your expectations appropriately, the truth is that it will probably take you anywhere from two months to eight months to build a new behavior into your life — not 21 days.

Interestingly, the researchers also found that “missing one opportunity to perform the behavior did not materially affect the habit formation process.” In other words, it doesn’t matter if you mess up every now and then. Building better habits is not an all-or-nothing process.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


***Finding Inspiration in the Long Road***
***We’re a Process Not An Event*** same article… in full (:

***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***~writing my intentions/feelings/prayers often opens the gates of my happiness~***
***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** ***~AsAlwaysAppreciating˚ on February 27,2015~***
Today is a day, I deeply desire to be a part of. I am so appreciative for the joy I feel, and plan on including it in everything. And so it is. Thank You My Loving Creator and the Universe which you’ve allowed me to flow harmoniously with.Amen.


I picture something, it’s beautiful
It’s full of life, and it is all blue
I’ve seen the sunset on the beach, yeah
It makes me feel calm
When I’m calm, I feel good

And when I feel good, I sing
And the joy it brings makes me feel good
And when I feel good, I sing
And the joy it brings

Come on along
I know you really wanna feel our song
We’ve got some life to bring
We’ve got some joy in this thing

I see birds fly across the sky
And everyone’s heart flies together
Food is frying and people smiling
Like there is no other way to feel good

And when I feel good, I sing
And the joy it brings makes me feel good
Cos when I feel good, I sing
Of the joy it brings

Come on along
I know you really wanna feel our song
We’ve got some life to bring
We’ve got some joy in this thing

It brings me freedom
Got to get you some of that freedom
It’s a freedom

Singing freedom
You deserve your freedom
It’s a smile you can feel in your heart beat

Get you (7x) that freedom
Other Songs -& Table of Contents soon to be placed here

What We Love is What We Become
What We Love is What We Become

If you wanna be a dancer
Just start dancing
If you wanna fly
Then just take off
If you wanna let go
Then don’t hold on
If you wanna see the world
Then just get lost

You can be the guy with all the money
You can be the one who gives it away
You can be the keeper of the honey
You might get stung along the way

What We Love Is
What We Become
What We Love Is
What We Become

If you wanna think twice
Don’t forget it
If you wanna be nice
Give a compliment
If you wanna be awesome
Pay my rent
If you wanna be the boss
Be the president
If you wanna start rapping
Just start rhyming
If you wanna hit the top
Then just start climbing
If you wanna relax
Then don’t do nothing
Be like Jackson
Starting something

What We Love Is
What We Become
What We Love Is
What We Become

You know your heart
Is in your hands
Wherever the heart is
Where it begins again

If you want love
Let it be
If you want a friend
Count on me
If you want to see the world
In harmony
Then just stand up
And make your peace
If you’re looking for a song to sing along
If you wanna get off
Just turn it on
If you wanna get toasted
Raise your cup
If you want it all
You’re in love

What We Love Is
What We Become
What We Love Is
What We Become

You know your heart
Is in your hands
Wherever the heart is
Where it begins again

You know your heart
Is in your hands
Wherever the heart is
Where it begins again

You know your heart
Is in your hands
Wherever the heart is
Where it begins again

    • ** * ***Music and Happiness***



The weaker and more depressed the music of the soul, the more sluggish the metabolism becomes. This leaves the body less and less able to withstand regular wear and tear, let alone the ravages of illness or injury. But with happy music, positive attitudes, cheerfulness and joy the entire system becomes invigorated and the functioning of all the cells and organs of the body is enhanced, bringing heightened physical immunity, increased stamina and greater wellbeing.

Feed and nourish the cells of your body with the right songs: happy, healing songs! The songs of life! This applies quite literally. Get into the habit of singing happy, inspiring melodies. Try! Experiment! Choose a favorite tune and work with it for five minutes. See what happens. At first your singing may feel a little uninspired, but if it’s a good melody and you are prepared to get into It, you’ll soon see how the melody will start to lift you up, bringing you new vitality, greater optimism and more positive thoughts and feelings. Do this regularly. When you don’t feel like singing yourself, have others sing or play to you, or listen to recordings of your favorite music. From: Azamra the Azamra Institute is registered as non-profit organization in Israel, Britain, Canada and U.S.A.

    • sources coming soon


  • ** * As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out the present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love – even the most simple action. Eckart Tolle
  • ~~ ✰~~

Be As You Are
Be as you are
And so see who you are
and how you are
Let go for a moment or two
of what you ought to do
and discover what you do do
Risk a little if you can
Feel your own feelings
Say your own words
Think your own thoughts
Be your own self
Let the plan for you
grow from within you

by Fritz Perls

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


My heart is open and full in this moment
grateful for all my blessings.
I am grateful for my heart,
my breath, and my body.
I am grateful for my home, my shelter,
my warmth and safety
I am grateful for my family, friends
and my community.
I am grateful for my talents, creativity,
my work and life
I am grateful for my soul, my Spirit
and my connection to Source.
I am filled with gratitude that the Spirit
is having its Life through me
I surrender in deep gratitude for all that is!
Thank you God, and so it is!

    • ~~ ✰~~


  • ~~ ✰~~
    Always remember: Joy is not merely incidental to your spiritual quest. It is vital. Rebbe Nachman Of Breslov
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Just for today, I will assess the categories of my planning in even greater depth and revise my intentions, and tasks ahead.

  • As far as your life situation is concerned,
    there may be things to be attained or acquired.
    That’s the world of form, of gain and loss.
    Yet on a deeper level you are already complete,
    and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy
    behind what you do. ~Eckart Tolle

    “ ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ***
    fun and effective affirmations you may enjoy”:http://www.balancedweightmanagement.com/NourishingAffirmations!.htm
  • ~
    I experience the joy of being!
  • ~
    I love mornings! I love afternoons! I love evenings!
  • ~
    I appreciate ALL that I do. I be-friend myself.
  • ~
    Every morning: Gee, a brand new 24 hours! What a precious gift! I choose to live in peace and contentment.
  • ~
    I am trusting and at peace with the limitless power at work in my life
  • ~
    I believe in myself and my unlimited potential. I feel confident in my in my ideas and abilities. I have deep resources of untapped inner strength. I believe in my power to change and become the person I’ve always wanted to be.
  • ~
    I really enjoy and LOVE my life, as it is right now.

  • to see more see this page

Invest In Yourself-1
What might be an obstacle or road block for you that could get in your way from having your ideal day?

Remember back to a time in your life when you had mastered this area.

What were you doing at that time? How could you do that again now?

textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“Invest In Yourself-

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gratitude & Appreciation

    • ~~~~~
    • I appreciate how my routines are centered on being my healthiest self.
    • I appreciate my hubby and his ways for himself & with/for me. [Happy 35th anniversary] (:
    • I appreciate my trusted & loving friends
    • I appreciate I have friends and family I can choose to reconnect with and even more joy to my circle of life.
    • I appreciate the trust I have in myself
    • I appreciate how I speak to myself, and am influenced by my Higher Self.
    • I appreciate the flow when I know I’m trusting God.
    • I appreciate the creative ways I allow myself to enjoy my routines.
    • I appreciate my simple pleasures
    • I appreciate reading or listening to the simple pleasures of others
    • ~~ ✰ ~~
    • ~~ ✰~~
      Plant The Garden Of Your Life
      An excerpt (pages 37 – 38-This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes): “Life lies open to me, rich, full and abundant. It is important that you maintain a strict censorship over your thinking. Just as you watch your garden that foreign seeds shall not fall into it, producing a growth of undesirable plants, so you must refuse entrance to any thoughts you do not wish to see manifested in your life.


Learn to convert thought patterns of sickness, unhappiness, fear and doubt into patterns which conform to spiritual perfection. Make a picture of yourself as happy and successful. Refuse to entertain contrary ideas.”

Guard well this garden of your mind. It is God’s garden of your soul. It is your Garden of Eden wherin may grow your fondest desires and hopes, blossoming into fulfillment. Or, if your permit, the weeds of destruction, fear and doubt, will choke out the beauty of hope until despair alone remains. Watch carefully, then, this garden of your soul. Plant there only seeds of happiness, of joy, of peace and of good will.

It may be necessary to cultivate your garden to uproot the weeds and straighten out the rows, planting new seeds—new ideas, broader visions and deeper realizations of life. New aspirations must be bedded here, fertilized with the fervor of hope, the conviction of faith, the beauty of wholeness and the quietness of peace. Watch your garden carefully, guard it patiently, waiting for a new harvest—for you shall reap what you have sown. Plant love in your garden. Kindness and sympathy flow from the heart of love, and human goodness…Go often into your garden. God Himself will go forth anew into creation through you.

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way. Wayne Dyer

You can’t base your life on other people’s expectations. Stevie Wonder

One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered. Michael J. Fox

    • ~~ ✰~~
    • ** * “The few things that work fantastically well should be identified, cultivated, nurtured, and multiplied.” [Richard Koch is a former management consultant,entrepreneur, and writer] love this quote!


Life Wheel

  • ~~ ✰~~

disclaimer for Abe content: First of all, let me state…I often like it, and it is my hope it is appreciated by others. Though if not, like all things…all is well…gravitate to what works for you. …there is much wisdom here. Though like all things…you make your choice… a choice ***to yourself***(: simply to keep the thread positive and focusing on messages. This thread is about several messages:

    • owning how you feel
    • knowing the value of a feeling
    • power of changing a feeling
    • power of choice
    • power of this moment
    • power in moving to a better feeling
    • power of your chosen intention
    • ~~ ✰~~


Abe Material

Please make at least one statement about each of the following areas of your life today. Feel free to use an additional sheet of paper to expand on your comments in areas that are important to you.

1. General Mood

2. My Health and Fitness

3. My Friends

4. My Job or Career or Life Work

5. Money

6. Self Esteem

7. My Family

8. My Significant Other

9. My Creativity

10. Other area not covered that is important to you

Whether you have chosen something that just came to you, or something from the assessment listing, now just sit down and free associate.

Once you have the pie chart done, and can see the statements on each side, feels good/feels bad, then ask yourself this important question. “Do I want to live out the results of this percentage pie chart?” I find that a very motivating question, because if I’ve taken the trouble to pie chart something, I usually DON’T want to live with that negative vibration.

Then do a focus wheel on that subject, looking for things that feel good. See the lesson on focus wheels (number 5) if you don’t know how to do that process.
to read more


This, or something better, is now manifesting
in totally satisfying and harmonious ways
for the highest good of all.

  • As far as your life situation is concerned,
    there may be things to be attained or acquired.
    That’s the world of form, of gain and loss.
    Yet on a deeper level you are already complete,
    and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy
    behind what you do. ~Eckart Tolle

Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance toward the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point. Climb slowly, steadily, enjoying each passing moment; and the view from the summit will serve as a fitting climax for the journey. Harold V. Melchert

Ways To Create Extra Time


Self-actualizing people enjoy life in general and practically all its aspects, while most other people enjoy only stray moments of triumph … (Maslow, 1999, p. 37) ***~Maslow, A.H. (1999). Towards a Psychology of Being. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.~***

  • ************************************
    Communication via hormones: the heart as a hormonal gland. Another component of the heart-brain communication system was provided by researchers studying the hormonal system. The heart was reclassified as an endocrine gland when, in 1983, a hormone produced and released by the heart called atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) was isolated. This hormone exerts its effect on the blood vessels, on the kidneys, the adrenal glands, and on a large number of regulatory regions in the brain. It was also found that the heart contains a cell type known as ‘intrinsic cardiac adrenergic’’(ICA) cells. Theses cells release noradrenaline and dopamine neurotransmitters,once thought to be produced only by neurons in the CNS. More recently, it was discovered that the heart also secretes oxytocin, commonly referred to as the‘love’ or bonding hormone. In addition to its functions in childbirth and lactation, recent evidence indicates that this hormone is also involved in cognition,tolerance, adaptation, complex sexual and maternal behaviours, learning social cues and the establishment of enduring pair bonds. Concentrations of oxytocin inthe heart were found to be as high as those found in the brain (Cantin & Genest,1986

***~The Heart, Mind and Spirit Professor Mohamed Omar Salem~***

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    The heart refuses to be imprisoned; in its first and narrowest pulses, it already tends outward with a vast force, and to immense and innumerable expansions. Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Circles”
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    thread video- Jane McGonigal- The game that can give you 10 extra years of life ***Kelly McGonnigal’s identical twin sister***
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Think how often we hear expressions like, “Listen to your heart” or “In your heart you’ll know what to do.” Such advice, when used in a balanced and wise manner, helps us to reduce confusion and make good decisions. Although this intelligence of the heart obviously refers to an intuitive or spiritual type of understanding, it is often connected with sensations felt in the center of the chest, in the general area around the physical heart.

Modern science is finding that the heart has its own memory and intelligence, that it actually plays a role in the feelings of love and intuition that we traditionally associate with the heart. A powerful step in becoming attuned to your heart’s intelligence is simply to be aware of the whole area in the center of your chest-called the heart area-where you may gradually begin to sense a very gentle and soothing warmth.

Whether you are responding to a stressful situation, seeking creative inspiration, or wondering how best to use a period of free time, the following simple four-step exercise can guide you in making optimal choices.

It’s called “Your Heart’s Way.” You can use this exercise in almost any place at any time, and it literally takes only a minute or less.

1.) Pause with confidence. Mentally say to yourself, “I am calm, I am confident.” If you are spiritually inclined, you may instead wish to mentally utter a short prayer or mentally surround yourself with a golden
or white light.
2.) Breathe slowly. Allow your breath to become deep, quiet, and regular as your belly expands with each in-breath and contracts with each out-breath. Imagine that you are breathing in and out through the heart area in the center of your chest.
3.) Feel your heart. Take about seven seconds (perhaps longer when possible) and gently focus on your heart area-the whole central portion of your chest. While you do this, be inwardly quiet and very receptive.
4.) Sense your guidance. As you concentrate on the sensations in your heart area, intuit what your heart is communicating. Your heart’s guidance may be very subtle, showing itself in a feeling, thought, image, or inner knowing.As you practice, you will sense your heart’s guidance more easily and quickly. With continued practice, this helpful exercise may feel quite natural and can become habitual. You may even become so attuned to your
heart and its guidance that you will live almost every aspect of your life from that beautiful place of love. Keeping a portion of your consciousness constantly attuned to the gentle warmth in your heart area will not interfere with the performance of your daily activities. In fact, it will increase your effectiveness, your productivity, your creativity, and your feelings of peace, love, and joy.


7 Core Principles
[1] As science is helping us discover, the physical heart is truly amazing; and even more wondrous is the closely associated intuitive or spiritual heart, which gives us a wealth of subtle information and guides us in making optimal decisions.
[2]A keen, intuitive sense is at the very heart of creativity, inner strength, spiritual attunement,and both personal and interpersonal effectiveness.
[3]Tuning into your heartfelt intuitive guidance demands a degree of inner calmness and attention as well as sensitivity and openness.
[4]Gathering important factual information and seeking wise advice plays a vital role in helping you intelligently follow your heart’s guidance.
[5]A powerful step in becoming attuned to your heart’s intelligence is simply to be aware of the entire area in the center of your chest—called the heart area—where you may gradually begin to sense a gentle and soothing warmth.
[6]By keeping a portion of your awareness in your heart area, and by sensing your inner guidance in all that you do, you will gradually become skilled in following the steadfast wisdom of your heart’s intelligence.
[7]Remember, the more centered you are on the Target of Life, the greater your well-being, the wiser your choices, and the more effective you are in everything you do

UK Extension’s Universe of PossibilitiesTM: Skills for Creating Happiness and Blessing Others is an educational series containing 10 modules. Each module is accompanied by a Macromedia Flash® movie, aPowerPoint® presentation, and other teaching tools. All theseresources, along with a Facilitator’s Guide, are available free-of-charge in camera-ready format at the followingwebsite:www.ca.uky.edu/fcs/possibilities
Sam Quick, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Human Development and Family Relations, and Alex Lesueur,Jr., M.S.L.S., Staff Support Associate.(References and background reading can be found in the eight-page version of this publication.) ***~These publications may be reproduced in portions or their entirety for educational or nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race,color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.~*** ***~Copyright © 2004 for materials developed by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension~***

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  • * Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the Universe.
  • ** * I am committed to my vibration vibrating positively.
  • ** * I am free to choose and I choose LOVE Thank you God and so it is!
  • ** * Ever increasing Joy fills my experience, overflows my Life and permeates my being!
  • ** * Everything works together for good.
  • ** * Everywhere I look, I see abundance.
  • ** * I greet this new day with a song of happiness and hope in my heart.
  • ** * I thank my most loving God for the freedom to determine my life and my victories.
  • ** * My passion is the key to my abundance.
  • ** * Abundance flows into my life with ease.
  • ** * Everything in my life has brought me to this moment, and it is perfect.


• Around the heart is a field of energy 3-5 feet in diameter.

• Every moment of every day your heart is sending signals to your brain instructing it to send what kind of energy to different parts of your body.

• Science has now revealed that atoms are concentrated fields of energy

• If you change the field of energy in which the atom lives, you change the structure of the atom. You can change the field electrically or magnetically.

• Our hearts are the strongetst bioelectrical and magnetic field generators in our body. Our hearts generate stronger electrical fields than out brain.

• Our hearts are 5000 times stronger magnetically than our brain

• The EKG of our heart is 100 times stronger than the EEG, the electrical information of our brains.

• So, it is electrical signals or frequencies generated internally that influence the the Brain on how much and where to send energy to different parts of the body.

***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** bookmark ***~VIDEO 3~*** “ ***Did You Know?*** [Mysteries of the Heart❤] 2 min 33 sec

The Institute of HeartMath (http://www.heartmath.org) shares fascinating understandings of the human heart as explored in more than 20 years of its research. The ‘Did you know’ facts are lesser-known gems of information to enlighten curiosity on how your own thoughts and emotions are affecting yourself and others.

HeartMath Research Director Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., says, “It’s important to take a pause and really consider what our emotions are contributing to our environment and to other people. Our research and its applications can help people create a positive emotion-based environment that has real effects on physiology.”

McCraty said that the true nature of human emotion is one of care and love. He said HeartMath and other research shows that by focusing on these core heart-felt emotions, it can enhance one’s connection with others, and that this connection extends far beyond the individual.

  • ************************************
  • Passage below came from above site.
    You and Your Energy: Key Points
  • Our mental and emotional diets determine our energy levels, health and well-being much more than most people realize.
  • Look at life as an energy economy game.
  • Each day, ask, “Are my energy expenditures – actions, reactions, thoughts and feelings – productive or nonproductive?
  • During the course of my day, have I accumulated more stress or more peace?
  • Keeping an asset/deficit balance sheet even for a few days will give you an extremely clear picture of where and how you’re adding to your energy account and where and how you’re overdrawing it.
  • When we consciously evoke core heart feelings, we nourish our bodies at every level. Like quantum nutrients, core heart feelings keep our cells regenerating.

Adapted from the Asset/Deficit Balance Sheet available in various HeartMath materials, including the book The HeartMath Solution, by Doc Childre and Howard Martin, with Donna Beech. great foundation-info for self-care

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***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** bookmark The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence VIDEO
The Spiritual Heart — is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy that the heart emits that humans are profoundly connected to all living things. The energy of the heart literally links us to each other. Every person’s heart contributes to a ‘collective field environment.’ This short video explains the importance of this connection and how we each add to this collective energy field. The energetic field of the heart even connects us with the earth itself. 7 min 19 sec

The heart is in a constant two-way dialogue with the brain. But, McCraty explains, the heart and cardiovascular system are sending far more signals to the brain than the brain is sending to the heart.
Full Article
Speaking from the Heart
Mind of the Placebo
Real Drugs for
Imaginary Diseases

Dominique Surel is a Professor at the Energy Medicine University, CA, offering graduate and doctoral courses in Spiritual Leadership, Critical Thinking, Intuitive Intelligence, and Controlled Remote Viewing.


Doctoral Degree – Organizational Leadership (2007, University of Phoenix)
MBA (Webster University; London, UK)
B.A. International Relations (Regis College; Boston, USA)

Additional Training

Controlled Remote Viewing – formal trainings with L. Buchanan.
Emotional Intelligence
Leadership: Wisdom in the Workplace


Society for Scientific Exploration: Council Member
International Remote Viewing Association
PSI – Controlled Remote Viewing Training
Institute for Noetic Sciences – Associate

For the past decade Dr. Dominique Surel has been advising individuals in making intuitive decisions. Through her strategy work, which involves talking to high-level decision-makers, she noticed that most of these individuals rely on their intuition, even though they may not consciously realize it, or if they do, may not be able to articulate exactly what this means. She then came up with the concept that if individuals could understand the nature of intuition, learn how to develop this innate skill, and use it in conjunction with the left-brain functions, this would create an extremely powerful decision-making tool.

After more research which included studying scientific articles and abstracts on the subject, Dr. Dominique Surel developed her own methodology to teach the art and science of intuitive thinking. The added value of this training is the sharpening of the mind and a significant increase in the level of creativity.

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***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** bookmark Greg Braden 5 min 40 sec
For over 22 years, Gregg Braden has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. Combining his discoveries with the best science of today, his original research crosses the traditional boundaries of science, history, and religion offering fresh insights into ancient mysteries.

The Institute of HeartMath is an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives. Personal coherence, also known as psychophysiological coherence, refers to the synchronization of our physical, mental and emotional systems. It can be measured by our heart-rhythm patterns: The more balanced and smooth they are, the more in sync, or coherent, we are.

Personal coherence, also known as psychophysiological coherence, refers to the synchronization of our physical, mental and emotional systems. It can be measured by our heart-rhythm patterns: The more balanced and smooth they are, the more in sync, or coherent, we are.

Global coherence refers to the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of the greater community of human beings, while acting in concert with their own hearts, each other and nation to nation in harmony with our living planet. HeartMath believes coherence on a grand scale is highly achievable when large numbers of people focus their heart intelligence on a common goal.

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By using your heart as your compass, you can see more clearly which direction to go to stop self-defeating behavior. If you take just one mental or emotional habit that really bothers or drains you and apply heart intelligence to it, you’ll see a noticeable difference in your life. Doc Childre and Howard Martin

quoteWhen we find the causes of our problems, we don’t find “sick” inner parts; we find old assumptions, old beliefs, old expectations, old commitments, or old goals that we now see as limited. Tom G. Stevens PhD

    • ~affirmation
      I change my world by changing the way I think about it.

    • ~affirmation
      I am ready and eager to embrace a glorious new year and all the blessings it has to offer me.

    • ~affirmation
      I am filled with love and new visions of good.

    • ~affirmation
      The higher I lift my thoughts, the more blessed and enduring are my achievements.

    • ~affirmation
      I look at every victory as inspiration to keep moving forward.

    • ~affirmation
      I am on the winning side of life.

    • ~affirmation
      I am glad to be alive! I will make today a great and wonderful adventure.
      videoHeart Science


A HeartMath Tip / When you start feeling overwhelm or time pressure, take a few minutes to try these simple steps adapted from the HeartMath Attitude Breathing® tool:

    • Focus on your heart as you breathe in. Focus on your solar plexus as you breathe out.
    • Concentrate on a positive feeling or attitude as you breathe.
    • Lock in this feeling.


  • As you become adept at this technique select new feelings and attitudes
    Institute of Heart Math
    (strongly recommend signing up-lots of benefits…free)

1. Wellness …You Are Energy- The Personal Energy Crisis
“An estimated 75% to 90% of visits to primary-care physicians are for stress-related problems.”
– American Institute of Stress
Institute of Heart Math
(strongly recommend signing up-lots of benefits…free)

Comments re: affirmations….

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About the web site

About Keith Garrick

coming soon….

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  • ** * ***Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*** When I’m appreciating, ( being grateful ) I am planning.
  • I love this affirmation! [to be continued…]
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Get a piece of paper and make three categories across the top:

    • ***Recognizing Your Peak Times as Times to Self-Nurture***
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The Time Is Life-List
(Adapted From “The Woman’s Comfort Book A Self Nurturing Guide for Restoring Balance in Your Life “ by Jennifer Louden)

Creating a Comfort and Pleasure List
(Adapted From “The Woman’s Comfort Book A Self Nurturing Guide for Restoring Balance in Your Life “ by Jennifer Louden)

I am joyfully creating my happy place… feel free to visit as is…

Took a hint from flowergirl/flowerpower and other old timers from bmindful and created my own happy place(:

textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:”* ~~ ✰~~
Every cell and every system in my body and mind is important to my overall functioning, health, and happiness, and I care for each one. One way to care for each part of myself is to give it proper exercise and allow it regular harmonious functioning. from You Can Choose To Be Happy by Tom G Stevens PhDthread [Whenever Possible] Assume The Best”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4503/whenever-possible-assume-the-best#post47955

  • ~ ~ ~
  • I allow harmony to rule my life
  • I know what I want to do in life
  • I think logically through life decisions
  • I make the right choices for me
  • I look out for myself in the right way
  • I am conscientious of what I want
  • I am at peace with my desires
  • I think ahead
  • I use my available resources to my advantage
  • I am doing the things that I love to do
    AFFIRMATION RESOURCE-www.freeaffirmations.org
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declarationI care about every cell, system, and value in myself.

300+ Power Affirmations for Career & Professional Success

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declarationI care about every cell, system, and value in myself. Every cell and every system in my body and mind is important to my overall functioning, health, and happiness, and I care for each one. One way to care for each part of myself is to give it proper exercise and allow it regular harmonious functioning. from You Can Choose To Be Happy by Tom G Stevens PhDthread [Whenever Possible] Assume The Best


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SelfNurturing Self Soothing

The irony here is that we often place ourselves way down on the priority list, as it is something we can put off. But the true manager of life schedules in and assures times for what is important but not urgent.

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I define happiness as a kind of resourcefulness. It’s a sense of resiliency and the ability to meet things without being defined by them. It’s a source of profound strength inside ourselves, which we don’t always realize we have. Also, happiness is our connection to one another, so we don’t feel so cut off and alone. Sharon Salzberg

Viewpoint Of A Life Of A Happy Woman Keith Garrick

I am a vibrational being and everything is vibrational.
I now experience outrageous JOY!
I see beauty, harmony, health, wealth all about me.
I touch wealth, excellence, sweetness.
I taste sweetness, deliciousness, wholeness.
I feel balance, energy, happiness, enthusiasm, passion, triumph.
I smell cleanliness, freshness, sweetness, spiciness.
I hear harmony, melody, beauty, softness, power.

I now release resistance, and consciously allow my connection to “Source” more of the time, being mindful of the connection.

I am the deliberate creator of my own reality.

I ask through my attention, my desiring, feeling it in my being – and oral or written words are unnecessary I desire this, I adore this, and I appreciate this.
I expect the best.
I am happy with what I am and with what I have, while at the same time eager for more

***_~These are, indeed, affirmations, but many of them are “statements” about what is true in life and “declarations” about what she will do and believe in. All those are necessary to form a clear philosophy and to create a strong sense of an ability to create what one wants in life.~_*** ***_~It is physically true that there are electrical impulses our bodies and minds run on. Scientifically, all electricity has “waves”, which cause “vibrations” – and it is proven that those waves can have an effect 13 feet away with regard to heart entrainment. No one knows the limits. But here the usefulness of this is that if we are cheery we’ll tend to get better results (as our brain works better and we are looking for what works) than if we are “vibrating at a low frequency”, a euphemism perhaps for something akin to pessimism or hopelessness.~_*** ***_~In the latter case, our brain is looking for dangers and more focused on protection than opportunities, plus it is proven that it doesn’t function as well when resources/energy is drawn away to deal with the supposed danger.~_*** ***_~“Source” is a symbolic term that is used in various ways. Here it is referring mostly to the higher brain within oneself._*** ~Keith Garrick source link to be shared soon.

When we start to do the actions of loving ourselves, we begin to free ourselves from the prison of self-criticism and blame. And something beautiful comes in to replace them… Keith Garrick

Favorite Quotes Related To Thread:

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    Almost all needs, capacities, and talents can be satisfied in a variety of ways. ***~Maslow, A.H. (1999). Towards a Psychology of Being. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.~***

Be As You Are
Be as you are
And so see who you are
and how you are
Let go for a moment or two
of what you ought to do
and discover what you do do
Risk a little if you can
Feel your own feelings
Say your own words
Think your own thoughts
Be your own self
Let the plan for you
grow from within you

by Fritz Perls

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      Thoughts + Emotions = Attraction.
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      related material coming soon……
      this is temporarily a read only thread … still under construction Thanks for patience


textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“You May Also Like:
“ ***My joy Is Growing Up***”:http://www.livelifehappy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/sowhatifinsteadof.jpg

top of thread

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
threads for easy access:
Whenever Possible Assume The Best

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      ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Thoughts + Emotions = Attraction.

SelfNurturing Self Soothing

    • ~


  • ~~ ✰~~
    Always remember: Joy is not merely incidental to your spiritual quest. It is vital. Rebbe Nachman Of Breslov
  • ~~ ✰~~
    “ ***My joy Is Growing Up*** “:http://www.livelifehappy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/sowhatifinsteadof.jpg

I define happiness as a kind of resourcefulness. It’s a sense of resiliency and the ability to meet things without being defined by them. It’s a source of profound strength inside ourselves, which we don’t always realize we have. Also, happiness is our connection to one another, so we don’t feel so cut off and alone. Sharon Salzberg

textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“quoteThe old spiritual paradigm focuses on tearing things down, whereas the new era of spirituality invites a more miraculous depth of transformation by building yourself up. Whether the focus is on dissolving illusion, duality, the ego, or unconscious belief patterns, there is no way to tear anything down without ripping your innocence apart in the process.
Instead of having anything to resolve, process, maintain, or remember, it is the activity of building yourself up that raises your vibration to bring your highest qualities to life. This includes loving what arises, viewing life through the eyes of beauty, and celebrating the success of what you are doing right in any given moment.
When building yourself up replaces any tendency to tear anything down, you will no longer manufacture erroneous symptoms to overcome. As this occurs, you free yourself from believing that spiritual evolution can be earned, when it exists as a truth you are free to remember by declaring it so. This is the way of heart-centered consciousness. “ ***~Matt Kahn~***”:https://www.facebook.com/mattkahn

little tuneLiving Free

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. J. B. Priestly

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. Nido Qubein

Plan enjoyable activities
I so enjoy reinforcing anything I desire…with pictures,videos, and of course affirmations. For example with pics I’ve added, I can with ease state I Am serenity, and my energy will go with my affirming statements.

  • ** * Resting and relaxing is productive. ***~Ariane Benefit~***
  • ** * Begin With Needs In Mind Versus Time. ***~Ariane Benefit~***
  • • ~~ ✰~~
    Mindful of this moment in time.
  • ** * Where am I in respect to this moment? Where am I in respect to me? What is the moment calling from me?  Molly Gordon
  • ** * What gives me joy? [] What calls to me when I am freed of having to be somebody? [] What questions are guiding and sustaining you these days? [] Do you need the story of bigger to help you or the story of another way?  sources to this coming soon women’s lifecoach/mentors MollyGordon/Jennifer Louden
  • • ~~ ✰~~
  • ** * • I am firmly but calmly centered in this moment.
  • ** * • All clocks run at perfect speed for me.
  • ** * • All my power is in the present moment.
  • ** * • Every moment of my life is full of choices.
    ~~ ✰~~
    Should you ever hear that voice inside exclaim that you’re working too slow, are too easily distracted, or that you should take life more seriously, please rest assured, dearest, that it absolutely, positively is not me.
    I’m the one saying, “You totally rock!” – The Universe tut.com

[Note Regarding Thread] Please be patient with thread’s content…all is being re-positioned & revised [last edited 12/11/2014]

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


***entire thread under major revision***
expected “completion” some time in 2015 …

    • ** Disclaimer for thread: This thread is not intended to take the place of any healing support or education which may assist in anyone’s journey. It is not meant to act as a substitute for medical or psychological information one may receive in the real world. Internet posts are not intended to replace your chosen guidance in real world-journey. They are opinions from the individuals who post. As in all areas of life, one must be able to discern what is healthy and right for them. If any information serves those who read this, of course that is pleasing, though you be the judge(:


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Knowing something is not as good as liking it. Liking something is not as good as rejoicing in it.” Confucius

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” The 14th Dalai Lama

  • ** * “Speak often about things that you want and already believe”:“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJDC1quyD20 ***14 min 30 sec*** ~ Abe Video
  • ** * “ Being Good to Me and Decluttering My Life”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6uHDejRVQk ***4 min*** ~ Abe Video

textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:”* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    • ** * Highlighted Video – “ ***500 Positive Affirmations – The Secret to Positive Thinking***”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lkCrPjmwks ***_by David McGraw 41 min 55 sec_*** ~


***very important*** remember at any given moment…you can change/delete/more strongly reinforce … anything that is being said to ideas which work better for you…. David McGraw is a favorite of mine.


articleLove Be Thy Name ***~Matt Kahn~***

articleWhat Really Matters ***~Matt Kahn~***

articleThe Wisdom of I Don’t Know ***~Matt Kahn~***

videoA Way Out Of Pain
***~Matt Kahn~***

textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“Abundance is the energy of
permission The more you permit
yourself the right to desire what
you want, express gratitude for
what you have, and be excited for
whatever comes your way the
more abundance you are bound
to receive.

    • ** * “ ***~Matt Kahn~***”:https://www.facebook.com/mattkahn
    • ** * site


Mat Kahn
Mat Kahn


The following is geared to Guided Imagery videos/and Music To Evoke Whatever Works For You on the web (which I trust). Appreciating˚


  • ~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * Mindfulness Music Mindfulness Music: Find Your Balance in the Work Place. Concentration Music, Focus, De-Stress
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This Collection of Long Music Playlists is Perfect for your daily Meditation and Relaxation. A lot of music out there for meditation and relaxation is too busy and distracting.The music from these videos is light, beautiful, with calming sounds (some with binaural brainwaves and nature sounds) that does not distract you from focusing on what you want to achieve. A Daily 1 Hour Instrumental Playlist can be used for background music with the following intentions:

Meditation and Healing:
The music we create is perfect for Deepak Chopra meditations, buddhist meditation, zen meditation, mindfulness meditation, Eckhart Tolle meditation. Influences used in this type of music are mainly from Japanese meditation music, Indian meditation music, Native American music and African Meditation Music. Some benefits from using it are: It will cleanse the Chakras, open the Third Eye and increase Transcendental Meditation skills. The work of Byron Katie, Sedona Method, Silva Method and the Secret highlights the fact that healing can occur through the use of mind and being in the now. Healing Meditation can be practised using this music for best results.

Yoga and Massage:
The music is really useful in yoga for beginners, yoga exercises, yoga chants influenced by Indian songs, African music, soothing music that has a calming effect.

Relaxation and Spa:
The light peaceful sound of our music can really be useful after a long hard day of work to unwind and relax. Imagine the spa music, nature sounds, rain sounds, light piano. Easy listening instruments are used in these tracks for ultimate relaxation.

Binaural Mind States:
Many of the tracks include Binaural Brain Waves that can be used to enter different mind frequencies. For instance it can be used for studying music, revision for when you need to be creative, focused and have good concentration. Many people find Brainwave entrainment useful for deep sleep to help you fall asleep easily, and also have enough rest to start the day fresh. As mentioned before, Binaural Brainwaves can be used for meditation, study music, creativity, deep sleep and many more benefits. Many mothers use it for baby music, lullabies to help baby sleep.

hypnosisridding unnecessary upset

related threads coming soon:

bmindful threads
You Reap What You Sow


Phil’s blog post on How to Create a Successful Routine
Weekly Sheet-3 Goals

Note from Phil Newton’s Blog:
Paper Based – The main reasons for this is that I find it much easier to modify a paper based system “on the fly”. The other main reason is that I find paper to be more rewarding to use when ticking things off. It also means I don’t need to switch the computer on first thing in the morning, which would stop the “I’ll just check my email” phase that can last hours.

Printable – As much fun as it was to draw all that stuff, it really needs to be printable so I can stick it in a binder and save myself some time.

Bigger System – Ideally it should cover my long term goals as well as my weekly ones, and also my affirmations and intentions. These items should be easy to access so that I don’t overlook them. There should also be the potential to add slots for my 30 day trials.

Points Tracking – Points tracking worked well in previous versions of my progress tracker, so I’ll be keeping it.

Space for Reflection – There should be space to write down what worked and what didn’t work, which I should be able to put in a stack and review when my monthly/quarterly goal sessions come around. There’s not much point in writing these things down if I won’t be using them.

Weekly Goal Tracking – There should be a space to monitor the progress of my top three goals.

Weekly Review Checklist – The weekly sheet should have a checklist for completing my GTD weekly review. This is more of a system to help me get into the habit of performing a weekly review.

30 Day Trial-Tracker
Do You Have a Focusing Partner?
***~Copyright © 2014 PhilNewton.net. All Rights Reserved~***


This thread is …temporarily a listen if you choose only thread/due to it being newly created(: It is my hope someone somewhere benefits from something here…though if not…may you always easily gravitate to all you need/desire wherever you find it(:

Mindfulness Music

hypnosisFor change in your life
chakras3 Physical moves-Clearing The Way
faster EFTEFT


***~article~*** The Biochemistry of Gratitude

Well-known physician and author Christiane Northrup strongly encourages gratitude of all types. She reminds us, “No matter what’s going on in the world, the economy, or the news, you have the power within you to create the biochemistry of gratitude right now.” Dr. Northrup explains that when you hold feelings of thankfulness for at least 15 to 20 seconds, a variety of subtle and beneficial physiological changes take place in your body:

  • Levels of the stress hormones cortisol and norepinephrine decrease, producing a cascade of beneficial metabolic changes, such as an enhanced immune system.
  • Coronary arteries relax, thus increasing the blood supply to your heart.
  • Heart rhythm becomes more harmonious, positively affecting your mood and all bodily organs.
  • Breathing becomes deeper, thus raising the oxygen level of your tissues.

So spend some time feeling gratitude for your body, for your family and friends, for all that is wonderful in your life. It will pay off in better health!
***~Prepared by Sam Quick, Ph.D., Human Development and Family Relations Specialist, and Alex Lesueur, Jr., M.S.L.S, Staff Support Associate.~***
UK Extension’s Universe of PossibilitiesTM: Skills for Creating Happiness and Blessing Others is an educational series containing 10 modules. Each module is accompanied by a Macromedia Flash® movie, a PowerPoint®presentation, and other teaching tools. All these resources, along with a Facilitator’s Guide, are available free-of-charge in camera-ready format

    • ************
    • ** quote Experiencing and expressing gratitude is an important part of any spiritual practice. It opens the heart and activates positive emotion centers in the brain. Regular practice of gratitude can change the way our brain neurons fire into more positive automatic patterns. The positive emotions we evoke can soothe distress and broaden our thinking patterns so we develop a larger and more expansive view of our lives. Gratitude is an emotion of connectedness, which reminds us we are part of a larger universe with all living things. piece written by by Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D. who is is a clinical psychologist, life coach, and expert on life change, health psychology, integrative & behavioral medicine, chronic stress and pain, who has published her own research in academic journals. Previously a Professor, she is now an influential practicing psychologist, speaker, and media consultant
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      you may like:
      hypnosis affirmation video on letting go of an emotional upset
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** Power In Gratitude It’s easy to take being grateful for granted. It’s easy to say, “Oh sure, gratitude,” and dismiss it as positive thinking ‘mumbo jumbo’. Do not make this mistake. to read article in its entirety
      The benefits of gratitude include:
    • ** ***EMOTIONAL***


More good feelings
More relaxed
Increased resilience
Less envious
Happier memories

    • ** ***SOCIAL***


Increased kindness
More friends
Healthier marriage/partnership
Deeper relationship
More social interactions

    • ** ***PERSONALITY***


Less materialistic
Less self-centered
Heightened self-esteem
More spiritual

    • ** ***HEALTH***


Improved sleep
Less apt to become ill
Live longer
Increased energy
Exercise more frequently

    • ** ***CAREER***


Improved network
Better management skills
Improved decision making
Enhanced productivity and creativity
Set and achieve goals

to read article in its entirety ***~© Copyright – Gratitude Habitat~***

✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
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  • [Here is a short Bodhi-inspired thank you prayer for liberation]

[Repeat each phrase for 1 to 10minutes]

  • ** * I notice this breath…thank you breath.
  • ** * Feel breath caress the body.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * I notice this body…thank you body.
  • ** * Feel the aliveness within.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * I notice this mind…thank you mind.
  • ** * Feel the ripples smooth.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * I notice ‘my story’…thank you story.
  • ** * Feel the loosening of attachment.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * I notice life…thank you life.
  • ** * Feel the connectedness.

  • ~posted by Kerri McCutcheon

    innervitalityblog “:http://ivblog.wordpress.com/category/health-wellness-soul/self-care-empowerment
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * thread being revised.thanks for your patience
    intro post
    post 2
    post 3
  • ** * [Note Regarding Thread] Please be patient with thread’s content…all is being re-positioned & revised [last edited 11/07/2014]
  • ** ***_This thread is under major construction(: [This was once a thread-blog, and turned into a book marking site for threads I was creating, or things I was simply saving that worked for me. Expected clean-up of the undertaking of turning this into a reader-friendly revised thread…will be before the end of 2014. Thank you for your patience.*** _This type of effort was once popular (with some of us members)when we were a smaller community;coined PERSONAL POWERTOOLS. As we grew we simply shared everywhere…My new practice on this site is to adopt this practice again for myself and for those who feel they would also prosper.
  • ** * not every tool (I enjoy) will make it to the site or thread, that would be a silly conclusion(: I enjoy reinforcing various things…and it will become apparent what works for me as this thread moves forward.
  • ** * Other threads which seem to duplicate this one (from days of earlier community are being phased out [slowly deleted].

Ease Peace Joy are my words of the day
People places & things, thank thank you for all of the lessons you’ve brought my way.

  • ~~ ✰~~
    only post 1 is being focused on. When it is more organized… will add a link to next post.

quoteSo here we are, in our rare and precious lives, surrounded by gorgeous moments begging to be noticed and celebrated. Go! Celebrate! Sark

quoteHem your blessings with thankfulness so they don’t unravel. author unknown

    • ~quote
      Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. Alan Cohen

    • ~quote
      GRATITUDE IS A VITAL SKILL, A FOCUS, A VIEWPOINT TO BE LEARNED AND HARVESTED FULLY. I urge you to practice this, even if you are not yet able to see the benefit. It works! Keith Garrick
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


musicFreedom Gratitude and Joy For Life

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • ~
    Each day I choose to see things from the most optimistic perspective.
  • ~
    I can round up better thoughts whenever I choose,because I am deliberate creator.

Here is my wish for you and every other child, woman, and man on the face of the earth: Spend one week saying only kind, caring things to yourself. Say thank you at least ten times an hour, direct five toward yourself and five to the world at large. Compliment yourself (and others) each time an effort is made. Notice all the wonderful qualities and characteristics about yourself and those around you. One week. You will never go back. And your whole life will be a glorious meditation. Cheri Huber


When confronted with a situation that appears fragmented or impossible, step back, close your eyes, and envision perfection where you saw brokenness. Go to the inner place where there is no problem, and abide in the consciousness of well-being. Alan Cohen

    • ~~ ✰~~


˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
I am living a vibrant and healthy life
Exercise is a daily routine in my life.
I exercise both my body and mind.
As my mind receives a daily workout from life’s events, I also give my body the physical workout it deserves.
I set aside time just for me.
I can build a firewall that filters out stress and reclaims success
***~affirmation source: Wambui Bahati Inspirational Speaker,Motivational Speaker, Humorist, Entertainer, Author~***

    • ** Affirmations For Women
      As far as your life situation is concerned,
      there may be things to be attained or acquired.
      That’s the world of form, of gain and loss.
      Yet on a deeper level you are already complete,
      and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy
      behind what you do. Eckart Tolle
      ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


***~thread~*** Mantra Affirmations-Allow Your Joy To Grow Up

    • ** I am done complaining ….(statement) (affirmations follow:)
    • ** I am reading for creating
    • ** I am a messenger of love
    • ** I am enough
    • ** Yes! I am changing
    • ** I am worth it
    • ** I am letting go
    • ** I deserve it
    • ** I am brilliant
    • ** I am proud
    • ** I am perfect
    • ** I am allowed
    • ** To use my power
    • ** To shine
    • ** To attract greatness


Title: CURRENT MANTRA… from www.satilife.com/

    • ** I want it
    • ** I Am it
    • ** I expect it
    • ** I accept it
    • ** I am loving it
    • ** I am living it
    • ** I am doing it
    • ** I am giving it
    • ** I am sure
    • ** I am free
    • ** I am empowered with integrity
    • ** I have faith
    • ** it is done
    • ** I am creating
    • ** I am the one


Title: CURRENT MANTRA… from www.satilife.com/

“ ***My joy Is Growing Up*** “:http://www.livelifehappy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/sowhatifinsteadof.jpg

  • ** basic belief ***~quote~*** •When you don’t cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago when humanity…became possessed by thought. A depth returns to your life. Things regain their newness, their freshness, and the greatest miracle is the experiencing your essential self as prior to any words, thoughts, mental labels and images.• ***~Eckhart Tolle~***


There are many wonderful ways to begin affirmations…Here are some ideas for starters

Write your own♥ affirmations:

Write what is true for you. Decide which words best reflect your goal/s. Your words need to be emotionally charged and true for you. Have fun experimenting and creating your own affirmations. Here are some affirmation starters to get you going:

For the highest good, I

I acknowledge

I affirm

I allow

I am

I am abounding with

I am aware

I am willing

I can

I choose

I create

I enjoy

I follow

I fully accept

I know

I make

I own

I realize

I trust

In every way

In this moment

Right now I

Today I

Yes I

above came from inspirationlifecoaching.com on defining affirmations

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


generate your own positive affirmation

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


affirmation sets-you may like

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


When we need to do some work in a particular area, we can affirm any spiritual quality with one word. For example, when we feel restless, we can talk to our body. It will take instructions. We can give the body a one-word command such as “relax,” “harmony,” “balance,” or “rhythm.” We can talk to our mind. Eventually it will listen. We can think, “patience,” “peace,” or “poise.” When someone is giving us a hard time, we can affirm, “understanding,” “compassion,” or “forgiveness.” ***~Dr. Phillip Shapiro~***

to be continued…

I’m duplicating from some busy threads I’ve posted. Affirmations are all about repetition(: AGoodVibeEnthusiast


thread25 Resolutions Of Happiness


  • I will make happiness a worthy goal, for achieving it is entirely within my power.
  • I will use my feelings to tell me when things aren’t working for me
  • I will let go of what I cannot change: other people, the past, the future.
  • I will believe that all people are equally valuable and worthy by virtue of being human, and that makes me valuable and worthy. I will accept that I don’t have to be perfect, I don’t have to meet anyone else’s expectations or needs to be a worthy and lovable person. And they don’t have to meet mine.
  • I will focus on what I can change—my thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and behavior, which will change how I feel
  • I will not judge others (or myself) because it is harsh and destructive When we attach value to those perceptions (better than/worse than) and rank our comparisons, we become judgmental. Even when I win the comparison contest, I find I’ve lost, just because I played
  • I will appreciate the moment.
  • I will focus on what I have so that I experience abundance, remembering that unhappy people focus on what they want, and they feel deprived.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** ***Peace & Joy*** (: w/love,Appreciating˚

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • ** quote “Today, I choose to be grateful. Because I know with enough time and enough love I’m going to be that any way. So, why not start now…” …. © 2014 Stacey Robbins

musicAccent The Positive

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    1. “Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It means learning to live your life as if everything were a miracle, and being aware on a continuous basis of how much you’ve been given.” Marelisa Fábregato read more-40 More Quotes-Thanksgiving
  • ~

  • Appreciation is like looking through a wide-angle lens that lets you see the entire forest, not just the one tree limb you walked up on. ~Doc Childre and Sara Paddision

“ Doing Better Than You Think[19 Signs]”:http://www.marcandangel.com/2012/11/28/19-signs-youre-doing-better-than-you-think/
You are alive.
You are able to see the sunrise and the sunset.
You are able to hear birds sing and waves crash.
You can walk outside and feel the breeze through your hair and the sun’s warmth on your skin.

To Read List In Its Entirety

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~
    The Power of Thankfulness
  • ~
    10 Benefits of Gratitude
    Rick Foster and Greg Hicks set out on a three-year journey to study extremely happy people. In their book How we Choose to be Happy, they found that there are 9 choices happy people make. One of those nine is to practice appreciation. read article in its entirety Besides a higher happiness set-point, other benefits of gratitude include: read article in its entirety
  • ~
    Appreciation Tools A powerful way to improve mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being is to invoke and sustain sincere appreciation. Appreciating yourself, a loved one, friend, pet, even a cherished place or memory also quickly establishes a connection to your heart. The greater your capacity for sincere appreciation, the deeper the connection to your heart, where intuition and unlimited inspiration and possibilities reside. Try HeartMath’s Appreciation Tool and exercises. to see the exercises & read more
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    …participants who found reasons to be grateful reported less intrusive memories, such as ruminating about why it happened or how it could have been prevented. Gratitude can help you to get over upsetting experiences, and it can help you to move on. to read moreEight Life Changing Benefits of Gratitude
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Relaxing Walk Near The Ocean

Waves-Crashing ~ Ocean Sounds for Yoga, Meditation, Sleeping, Relaxation

Pacific Ocean Waves-4 Hours

Ocean Sea Waves crashing against the pier

3 Hour waves

    • ~quote
      If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice. Meister Eckhart
    • ~


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    musicHappy Feeling-Earth Wind and Fire
    Feelin’, happy feelin’
    In the music that we’re givin’
    Feel the power every hour
    Every moment that we’re livin’

Little babies, tell the story
Of Mother Nature and its glory
Share the feelin’ with your brother
Don’t stop carin’ for one another, alright

Little babies, tell the story
Of Mother Nature and its glory
Share the feelin’ with your brother
Don’t stop carin’ one another

There’s a reason that we’re pleasing
What you’re yearnin’ life’s a burnin’
In the music hear the message
All the feelin’ is a blessin’, oh yeah

Ooh feelin’, feelin’
Happy feelin’, feelin’ feelin’ feelin’
Feelin’ feelin’

Make ya groove

“We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.” Mary Dunbar

Self-Reflection Questions….I SAVOR EACH MOMENT OF EACH DAY
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I savor each moment of each day?
2. Am I mindful that each day I have an opportunity to enjoy life?
3. How can I create a good moment today so that I may gift my future self with a beautiful memory?
to read more

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      From rescueyourselfesteem.com
      I show my commitment to my family even in my everyday, routine activities.
      When I cook a meal, I do it with love. Not only do I foster good nutrition in my choices, but I also put special touches on it to let them know I care.
      When I work, I know that I am doing it not only for myself, but for my family in order to provide the things we need and want.
      A little happy tip- Play 1 happy song after another emphasizing your feelings about the joy you feel for your loved ones…and share the music with them, asking to hear their favorites too. What an experience this brings!(: Appreciating˚
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~


Gratitude Love Songs
musicHave I Told You Lately That I Love You?
musicWith Your Love
musicI’m Yours
musicCount On Me

(a few more songs further down the page)


***_The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception_*** ***_to such an extent that it changes the world you see._*** Dr. Robert Holden

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~ quote “Stop focusing on how stressed you are, and remember how blessed you are.” (: Unknown

***Appreciation Breaks*** Take two or three appreciation breaks each day – ideally in early morning, during work, school, returning home or before bed. Just follow the above simple steps. It takes as little as two minutes to achieve mental, emotional and physical balance.
***Appreciation List*** Make a list of things you appreciate – people, places, activities, pets – and choose one or two each morning to hold in your heart during the day. Choose an item again at night to hold in your heart while you rest.
***Appreciation in the Moment*** Keep your Appreciation List close all day,in a pocket or purse, by your computer, etc. In stressful moments, choose an item that can quickly evoke appreciation. It can turn a stressful day into one that flows – in 30 seconds or less. read article in full HEARTMATH

  • ~
  • ~

***~music~*** Earth Wind and Fire “ ***Devotion***

Thru devotion, blessed are the children
Praise the teacher, that brings true love to many
your devotion, opens all life’s treasures
and deliverance, from the fruits of evil.
So our mission, to bring a melody,
ringin’ voices sing sweet harmony

For you here’s a song, to make your day brighter.
One that will last, you long thru troubled days.
Giving your heart the light to brighten.
All of the dark that falls in your way
You need devotion. bless the children
deliverance from the fruits of evil

In everyone’s life, there’s a need to be happy.
Let the sun shine, a smile your way.
Open your heart, feel a touch of devotion.
Maybe this song, will help uplift your day.

Make a better way
You need devotion

    • ~music
      That’s The Way Of The World
      Hearts of fire creates love desire
      Take you high and higher to the world you belong
      Hearts of fire creates love desire
      High and higher to your place on the throne


We’ve come together on this special day
To sing our message loud and clear
Looking back weve touched on sorrowful days
Future pass, they disappear

You will find peace of mind
If you look way down in your heart and soul
Dont hesitate cause the world seems cold
Stay young at heart cause youre never, never old at heart

That’s the way of the world
Plant your flower and you grow a pearl
A child is born with a heart of gold
The way of the world makes his heart grow cold

Hearts of fire creates love desire
Take you high and higher to the world you belong
Hearts of fire, love desire
High and higher, you, you, you

Hearts of fire, love desire
High and higher

We’ve came together on this special day
To sing our message loud and clear
Looking back weve touched on sorrowful days
Well, future disappear

You will find peace of mind
If you look way down in your heart and soul
Dont hesitate cause the world seems cold
Stay young at heart cause youre never, never, never old at heart

That’s the way of the world
Plant your flowers and you grow a pearl
A child is born with a heart of gold
The way of the world makes his heart grow cold

And love, and love, and love, and love
And love, and love, and love
Well the love, the love, the love
Darlin’ lovely, don’t you hear me now?
Don’t you hear me now?
Darlin’, won’t you hear me now, won’t you hear me now?

Hearts of fire, love desire
High and higher, you, you, you
Hearts of fire, love desire

  • ~

music Connie Talbot is a phenomenon, and much beloved around the world for her peerless vocal talent and her heart-warming persona. A normal lovely little girl, she melts the hardest souls with her angelic voice.❊ 3 Little Birds

Gratitude for What Brought You To Today
musicWho I Am Today

Upbeat-Gratitude Love Songs

musicI’m Yours
musicKind and Generous
musicI Thank You
musicWhenever I Call You Friend
Gratitude Love Songs coming soon…
musicYour Precious Love
music “Lucky(music by Jason Mraz)”:“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acvIVA9-FMQ
music “ I Say a Little Prayer (music by Aretha Franklin)”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8cCwwsWTlI&feature=related
musicYou’re My Best Friend

musicThank You for Hearing Me

musicThank You

You May Also Like To Visit:


related thread [don’t forget the music]
Music Contributes Well To Life

musicYou’re My Best Friend

musicSing a Song

    • ** You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you. Sarah Ban Breathnach on giving thanks for 2 months
    • ** If you will buy a new notebook, and call it your Book of Positive Aspects, and spend 10 minutes each day writing positive aspects about your home, your body, your work, your relationships…If you will wake up every morning acknowledging that you have re-emerged into the physical and that today you will look for reasons to feel good…And if you will pay attention to the way you are feeling, and utilize the process of pivoting,it is our absolute promise to you, that — within 30 days — you will see such a dramatic turn of events in your life experience, that you will not believe you are the same person. whatanicewebsiteAbe inspired writing positive aspects for 30 days for 10 minutes a day
    • ** Rewire Your Brain For Positivity and Happiness
      So how can we combat our negativity bias? The Positive Tetris Effect.


Indeed, it’s quite simple: We can harness the brain’s plasticity by training our brain to make positive patterns more automatic. When we practice looking for and being more aware of positive aspects of life, we fight off the brain’s natural tendency to scan for and spot the negatives. Naturally we bring ourselves into better balance.

Scan for the 3 daily positives. At the end of each day, make a list of three specific good things that happened that day and reflect on what caused them to happen. The good things could be anything — bumping into an old friend, a positive remark from someone at work, a pretty sunset. Celebrating small wins also has a proven effect of powering motivation and igniting joy. As you record your good things daily, the better you will get and feel. At the end of the day, make a list of 3 positives which occurred. whole article link
The Happiness Effect
You May Also Enjoy These Links:
Happiness Diary —Keith Garrick [wonderful site] LIFE MANAGEMENT ALLIANCE -CREATE THE LIFE YOU LOVE
Gratitude Journal —Keith Garrick
101 reasons To Journal

***Keith Garrick’s Visual Diary fromLIFE MANAGEMENT ALLIANCE*** Not necessarily in order, but here is a listing of some of the things I have in the notebook. It’s always a delight to thumb through it, sometime along with my Memories Book. I can re-experience the best in life – in no time at all, in a series of flashes.
Examples from Keith Garrick’s Visual Diary
CATEGORY WHAT’S IN THE CATEGORY ►EXPERIENCES…Experiences I want to have, from sensual to uplifting to beautiful…,►EMOTIONS…Emotions I love,►BEAUTY..Beauty that is inspiring and wonderful to look at, from scenario to anything that is beauty,►TRAVEL
…Where I want to go or be [or simply visualize],►PEOPLE..[people who bring sense of delight…all kinds of people]…►PEOPLE I ADMIRE…Inspiring people, extraordinary people……►RELATIONSHIPS…Inspiring,beautiful,touching or anything that appeals to me.►MEMORIES…Pleasant memories, even pictures of me…,►SPACES
Spaces and places I could live in and be in, or just look at.,►THINGS …Things that appeal,►INSPIRATIONSAnything that inspires me, visually or in words,►WISDOM…Anything that reminds me of what is wise and true in life [to me]…►SAYINGS…Sayings I just like, ones that might be included above, but they just fit here.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~


  • ~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you. Sarah Ban Breathnach on giving thanks for 2 months

100 Things You Love To Do

Often we discover what we love to do in life by living…being spontaneous…

By knowing what you enjoy you are consciously creating a life of your dreams.

No one is saying the tasks we often in engage in are 100% fun…and certainly not all of the time. Though, the more we are in touch with what makes us happy…the more we can be responsible for our own happiness and somehow thread them (whenever possible) through our daily life(:

Take time to recall what you enjoy. It’s a good thing to know(: Appreciating˚

  • ** * “The few things that work fantastically well should be identified, cultivated, nurtured, and multiplied.” [Richard Koch is a former management consultant,entrepreneur, and writer]

[not to veer off topic too much…but the pdf in link does make a good template for any master list]
✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰

    • ~


***~Quote~*** As far as your life situation is concerned,
there may be things to be attained or acquired.
That’s the world of form, of gain and loss.
Yet on a deeper level you are already complete,
and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy
behind what you do. Eckart Tolle
˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

1 – Your Vision Map-video

2 – Making the Growth Choice-video

3 – The Way of Peace-video

4 – Heart Intelligence-video

5 – The Freedom of Self-Discipline-video

6 – Embracing This Present Moment-video

7 – Accepting and Loving Your Body-video

8 – Healthy Relationships-video

9 – Unleashing Your Creativity-video

10 – Gifts of Gratitude and Blessing-video
UK Extension’s Universe of PossibilitiesTM: Skills for Creating Happiness and Blessing Others is an educational series containing 10 modules. Each module is accompanied by a Macromedia Flash® movie, aPowerPoint® presentation, and other teaching tools. All theseresources, along with a Facilitator’s Guide, are available free-of-charge in camera-ready format

    • _______________
      quoteYesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived, and I lie in an eternal present filled with an everlasting good. There is nothing unhappy or morbid in my consciousness. I have no fear of yesterday nor do I anticipate tomorrow with anything other than enthusiastic expectation. Everything good in my experience shall create my future. I have no fear in looking backward or forward, but realize the eternal day in which I now live. Today is big with hope fulfilled, with love and life well-lived. Tomorrow will provide its own blessings. Ernest Holmes


I anticipate the next moment with enthusiastic expectation.

I’m going to choose to be happy and play with life. I’m going to share my smile …a lot. I’m going to count my blessings everyday and remember to share only the good things with others. What I learn, I will learn from joy. I know that it is my nature to skip and have fun. Life is good if I choose to see it that way. Rodger Briley

quote“Accept yourself as you are. Otherwise you will never see opportunity. You will not feel free to move toward it; you will feel you are not deserving.” ***~Maxwell Maltz~***

  • Affirmations You May Like:
    Every new day comes with happiness

I am loving and accepting of myself just as I am
I am loving and accepting of myself for who I am becoming
I have an enthusiastic outlook on life
I feel total peace with my powerful positive self-esteem
I can sit back and view all of the wondrous things that life has to offer me.
I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind, and soul.
I fill my mind with positive and nourishing thoughts.
I only have positive mental pictures
I love and approve of myself aside from my accomplishments
I succeed with ease
I pursue my life’s purpose
Joy overflows in my life

    • ~
      other-persons affirmations
      I appreciate the positive people and situations that are currently in my life.
      I appreciate the positive people and situations which are always present in my life experience.
      I treasure my joyous relationship and demonstrate my happiness.


quote “Though we might not determine all the events around us, we are omnipotent in determining our reaction to them.” Barry Neil Kaufman

Adverse appearances work for my good, for God utilizes every person and every situation to bring to me my heart’s desire. “Hindrances are friendly” and obstacles spring boards! I now jump into my good! Florence Scovel Shinn
I live in a world of abundance and prosperity
Everyone deserves to be wealthy, including me
The universe showers me with abundance everyday
I fully open myself up to receive prosperity from the universe
Prosperity is circulating in my life. It flows to me in abundantly
I am creative and resourceful and have all the abilities I need to succeed
I live every day with power and passion
I feel strong and excited, passionate and powerful
I am deeply grateful for the freedom to act and move toward my goals


BLESSINGS TO NEW MEMBERS & EXISTING MEMBERS As a suggestion, please scan the categories …to get a feel for the site and what is posted.

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    “ ***This Week on Bmindful*** “:http://bmindful.com/thisweek
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    Some Links You May Like Related To Bmindful Community
  • ** “Bmindful”:http://bmindful.com/thisweek
  • ** “Affirmation Quick Search”:http://bmindful.com/quicksearch
  • ** “Random Affirmations”:http://bmindful.com/random
  • ** “Daily Affirmations”:https://twitter.com/dlyaffirmations
  • ** “Practice Page For Linking and Editing on Bmindful”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/351/practice-page-for-linking-and-editing-#post3548
  • ** “Bmindful Tour”:http://bmindful.com/pages/bmindful-tour
    “Lee’s Vision For Bmindful”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/33/my-vision-for-this-forum#post39
  • ** More Bmindful Links coming soon…

***Rules for Being Human***

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire time around.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called “life.” Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like some of the lessons, or think them irrelevant and stupid.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷThere are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is the process of trial and error, experimentation. The “failed” experiments are as much a part of the process as experiments that ultimately “work.”

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷA lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go to the next lesson.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ“There” is no better than “here.” When your “there” has become “here,” you will simply obtain another “there” that will, again, look better than “here.”

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷOthers are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷWhat you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need.. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYour answers lie inside you. The answer’s to life’s questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou will forget all this. – Anonymous

  • ~
    post 1
  • ~

textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“Recent Threads I’ve Created & Goal

    • ** * “ ***Making Stress your Friend-TED video*** [ Kelly McGonigal]”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4533/making-stress-your-friend-kelly-mcgonigal#post48528
    • ** * thread created 1-16/15 last edited 1/16/15
    • ** * video How To Make Stress Your Friend 14 min 28 sec
    • ** * Scientists have discovered that the heart is far more complex than we’d ever imagined. We now have evidence that the heart sends us emotional and intuitive signals to help govern our lives. Instead of simply pumping blood, it directs and aligns many systems in the body so that they can function in harmony. And although the heart is in constant communication with the brain, we now know it makes many of its decisions
    • ** * Kelly McGonigal;Health Psychologist translates academic research into practical strategies for health, happiness and personal success.
    • ** * COMMENTS:


textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:”* ** * My rating for this video:

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ ***Resentment Is The Emotion*** ( ***Forgiveness=Answer*** )”:textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4531/resentment-is-the-emotionforgivenessanswer#post48519
    • ** * thread created 1-16/15 last edited 1/16/15
    • ** * Resentment is the emotion that goes with complaining and the mental labeling of people and adds even more energy to the ego /quote by Eckart Tolle starts focus of this thread
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ ***The Hearts Intuitive Intelligence***”:textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4527/the-hearts-intuitive-intelligence#post48311
    • ** * thread created 1-15/15 last edited 1/15/15
    • ** *
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ ***Here’s to a better better everything***”:textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4529/heres-to-a-better-better-everything#post48424
    • ** * thread created 1-15/15 last edited 1/15/15
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ ***_neurons that fire together wire together_***”:textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4519/neurons-that-fire-together-wire-together-
    • ** * thread created 1/14/15 last edited 1/14/15
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ ***Emotions***-[ ***Molly L. StranahanPsy.D*** ]”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4517/emotions-molly-l-stranahan-psyd#post48104
    • ** * thread created 1/13/15
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


“* ** * “ ***Welcome To Phil’s Site***”:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4474/welcome-to-phils-site-personal-development

    • ** *
    • ** * thread created 1-1-15 last edited 1-14-15
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ ***1 Guided Meditation*** [Alan Watts]”:textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4501/1-guided-meditation-alan-watts
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * “ ***Wellness 2015***”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3866/exploringwellness2015blogreliable-sources-#post38359
    • ** * thread created 2014 will be revised in 2015
    • ** *
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


* ** * “ ***Suggested Tips For The Best Year Of Your Life***

    • ** *
    • ** * thread created
    • ** * COMMENTS:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • ~

related threads you may like:

    • ~~ …♥… ~~
    • ** * I am thankful for the abundance that already exists in my life.
    • ** * I celebrate the abundance of others [double pleasure].


Intro post

thread created 1/20/15 last edited 1/20/15

  • ~~ ✰~~
    Today/Tonight’s Focus/ Intentions: 1/09/15
  • Work Related Focus [Current Profession/Career/Education/Deadlines]
  • Personal Care Routine
  • Family-care / ***cooking*** budget planning/ family budget/home care chat
  • Home-care /cleaning/organizing/decorating
  • PC organization
  • Create a blue print for the end of month.
  • Upcoming celebrations & holidays
  • Friends/Family (across the miles)
  • ~~ ✰~~
    trigger ideas: laundry /meals
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    affirmationI efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstance
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
  • ~~ ✰~~
  • ** printable
  • ** What is cozi.com?
  • ** quoted from their site: Cozi is a free online organizer that helps families manage crazy schedules, track shopping lists and to do lists, organize household chores, stay in communication and share memories—all in one place.
  • ** People have accused us of being fanatically family focused, and you know what? They’re right. From our very beginning in 2005, we’ve been all about families. When we started Cozi, we were just a small group of Microsoft and Amazon veterans—all with kids of our own—looking for a way to balance our busy family schedules and create more harmony at home. So we pooled our collective knowledge and experience to create something special. Something that would make it easy and fun for families to juggle everything they have to do. Not just our families, but families everywhere.
  • ** We know every family is different, but we all have one thing in common: we’re crazy-busy. Cozi is designed to make it easier to manage everything we have to do. Cozi tracks appointments and activities, simplifies shopping lists and chores, and makes it easy for everyone to communicate with each other. Even when schedules change, Cozi is there making sure all the moving pieces fit together at the end of the day.
    When we make life easier for you and your family, we’re happy. We invite you to simplify family life with Cozi.
  • ** cozi.com sign up
  • ** cozi.com sign in
  • ** 60 min silent timer ~~ ✰~~
    There are some great timers already posted on Bmindful/Internet,though this one appealed to my inner child(:
    30 sec timer [also makes a great auditory metronome]
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    speaking of metronomes

…….Use an audible second-ticking clock or a metronome stroking at 60 beats per minute. Assume a comfortable position in a chair or a bed, and achieve a self-hypnotic state. After getting into a deeply relaxed state, your heartbeat will entrain itself to the slow rhythm of 60 beats per minute. Concentrate on deep rhythmic breathing and clear your mind to allow your brain waves to also slow down.

…….You can memorize and say the following statements to yourself or you can put them on a cassette tape for playback when you’re relaxed.

….Now begin using the following suggestions on yourself:
1) I am feeling good. I am feeling wonderful.

    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      2) The beats are slowing now — slower – slower.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      3) The time between each beat is seeming longer and longer.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      4) I am relaxed and I have lots of time.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      5) Time is only relative to what I want it to be.
      ~~ ✰~~
      6) Each stroke is further and further apart now.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      7) There is lots of time.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      8) I feel so relaxed and at peace with myself.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      9) Time is slowing down.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      10) Each beat of the metronome feels distantly separated.
      ……Repeat the above suggestions or similar ones over and over to yourself until you “feel” that each click of the metronome is spaced between 2 – 4 minutes apart. Bring into mental focus the material you want to review and say the following:
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      1) I have plenty of time to review this.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      2) Every time I do this, I improve myself and my performance.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      3) I am relaxed and taking my time.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      4) The more I practice, the easier it becomes.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      5) I am feeling good and experiencing no hurry.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      6) I have all the time that I need to accomplish this review.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~
      7) I am completing my review.
      …….At this suggestive state of mind, you can review any material you wish in a matter of seconds over and over again. By being relaxed and saying to yourself that you have lots of time, your mind does indeed ‘create’ lots of time.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~ You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.
    • ** * ~~ ✰~~ The more you practice this exercise, the easier it will become. Bring yourself out of the self-hypnotic state by counting backwards from 10 to 1 and then progressively awaken. Always give yourself a post-hypnotic suggestion that the next time that you want to experience self-hypnotic time distortion, it will be easier and faster to undergo. You can even create a tape for yourself with the above suggestions.


  • ** * • Thank You fellow bmindful member,Keith Garrick for your wonderful site LifeManagementAlliance.com :
  • ** * •  Worksheet For Effective Change
  • ** * •  Essential Life Skills The “Essential Life Skills” are all learnable, and they are part of the “build” in life that has you accumulating what you can count on in life to create a great life.

Constructing My Own Directory to Keith’s Site In Process:
“The Notebooks”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/LifeBookSystem.html#anchor_46
“The Life Book System”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/LifeBookSystem.html
“Life Planning Notebooks”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/LifePlan/PlanningSTLT/PlgNotebooksSystemsMain.html

    • ** * •  “Current Operations Notebook”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/SiteIVA.html (1 1/2”)
      “The Forms”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/SiteIVA.html#anchor_7
      Daily Monitoring: [for a month] For when you want to track targeted habits, practices, results over a period of time to see how you are doing.
    • ** * •  Current Year Plan (1 1/2”)
    • ** * •  LifePlan (2”)
    • ** * •  Reminders (Grounding) Notebook ( 2”)
    • ** * •  About Me Notebook (2”)
    • ** * •  Personal Progress Notebook (2”)
    • ** * •  “The visuals notebook”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/Lifebooks/VisualsNBook/VisualsNotebookMainPage.html (2” – large, as you’ll be amazed at how things accumulate)
    • ** * •  The Memories Notebook (2” also)
    • ** * •  “ ***Setting Up Notebook*** “:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/Lifebooks/Overall/SettingUpLifebooks.html


II. PLANNING Notebooks/forms My Life Plan
III. THE LIFEBOOKS “About Me” Reminders, Grounding Memories Notebook Visuals Notebook

  • ** * •  The Reminders Notebook
  • ** * •  The Life Plan
  • ** * •  Philosophy of Life
  • ** * •  textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“THE ABOUT ME NOTEBOOK
    WHO I AM, MY DREAMS, WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY, MY CONCERNS, MY STRENGTHS, MY WEAKNESSES, MY SOLUTIONS, MY HISTORY…”:http://www.thelifemanagementalliance.com/LifePlan/AboutMeNtbk/AbtMeNtbkCnts.html

My relaxation techniques My energy, blood sugar Physical/health My nutrition My exercise My body care My relaxation techniques My energy, blood sugar Timeline for life

    Recreation activity list
    time management, productivity
    Rewards, reinforcers
    Time management, productivity
  • ** * •  Values
    ↓ ↑
    (Biggest, core, “derivative”)
    ↓ ↑
    (Criteria levels for action for that which gets me my values.)
    ↓ ↑
    To implement the standards
    ↓ ↑
    (Ways to get things done, including checklists

***~a little Abe~***
“ [1] Will get ready to end this thread toward new beginnings with a little Abe video on pre-paving the way (leaving the last piece of resistance) and creating momentum and how focus fits in pre-action)”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM6gQFe8ZCg / “ [2] feels so good to flow that energy”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFmZjFgDwC8 / “ [3] Only You Know The Truth”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5GznM4s8Ac living the life/reaching for the feeling
[listen for the wisdom…]

✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some. That is part of the paradox of success described in the book of the same title by John R. O’Neil. He says that the belief that every moment of our time must be somehow valuable and productive is actually pretty harmful. When you give yourself open-ended time, you can “create space for your seldom-heard desires, needs, and notions to assert themselves, and you begin creating a model for a different, more friendly relationship with time.” Robert Fulgham
✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰
***~Quote~*** Almost all needs, capacities, and talents can be satisfied in a variety of ways. ***~Maslow, A.H. (1999). Towards a Psychology of Being. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.~***

***~Quote~*** Growth takes place when the next step forward is subjectively more delightful, more joyous, more intrinsically satisfying than the previous gratification with which we have become familiar and even bored; the only way we can ever know what is right for us is that it feels better subjectively than any alternative. The new experience validates itself rather than by any outside criterion. It is self-justifying, self-validating. (Maslow, 1999, p. 53).***~Maslow, A.H. (1999). Towards a Psychology of Being. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.~***

***~Quote~*** Authentic selfhood can be defined in part as being able to hear the impulse-voices within oneself, i.e., to know what one really wants or doesn’t want, what one is fit for and what one is not fit for. ***~Maslow, A.H. (1999). Towards a Psychology of Being. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.~***

On Genius Maslow, A.H.


  • ** The ticket is it to maintain what works for you …because you will be the one to endure the lesson…when balance is a low priority to what you really want to experience & why. Each individual is unique…and achievement & success is quantified & qualified differently by all. The best to everyone(: blessings,Appreciating˚
    ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

Being Love

Working Your Grid for those of you who are turned off by Abe hicks…Don’t Shoot The Messenger, great stuff here

pic clear path

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~
    As I choose my thoughts, I choose my life.
    Every day I have the option to make choices that support my well-being.
    I choose to be healthy every minute of my life.
    I always have the choice to re-create my reality.
    I always have the power to choose the most optimistic outlook.
    Each decision I make presents wondrous new possibilities.
    Every moment of my life is full of choices
    My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life.

  • Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so. If you assume there is no hope, you guarantee there will be no hope. ~Norm Chomsky

quoteYesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived, and I lie in an eternal present filled with an everlasting good. There is nothing unhappy or morbid in my consciousness. I have no fear of yesterday nor do I anticipate tomorrow with anything other than enthusiastic expectation. Everything good in my experience shall create my future. I have no fear in looking backward or forward, but realize the eternal day in which I now live. Today is big with hope fulfilled, with love and life well-lived. Tomorrow will provide its own blessings. ***~Ernest Holmes~***

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

Quick Reference List For Threads (I’ve Created) Which Assist Me Today
Unblock Your Energetic Pipeline [Eternal Code]
Completing Projects With Ease”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4298/completing-projects-w-easeaffirmationvideos#post44436
Quick Reference List For Articles Which Resonate With Me:
Harnessing The Power of Gratitude Intention Affirmation by Melissa Heisler, Stress Reduction Expert
Caring For Your Mind Body and Soul

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** * I can round up better thoughts whenever I choose,because I am a magnificent deliberate creator.
  • ** * I accept only love into the sacred space of my soul.
  • ** * I feel an amazing oneness with the power that created me.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~
    1. Give thanks for everything you already have,
    2. Give thanks for everything you are expecting, and
    3. Give thanks again when your good arrives,
    you will find you’re already half-way to your destination of developing a magnificent prosperity consciousness.
  • ~~~~~

The Happy Pig contributed on FlowerPower-thread by Flowergirl

  • ~~~~~
    Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing. UNKNOWN
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours. Ayn Rand

There is a basic law that like attracts like. Negative thinking definitely attracts negative results. Conversely, if a person habitually thinks optimistically and hopefully, his positive thinking sets in motion creative forces – and success, instead of eluding him, flows toward him.
William Wordsworth

Learn to shake yourself loose from what the world believes is the only reality. Neville Goddard

    • ~ quote Follow the timing of your human life. Sally Kempton tells the story of two radical callings in her life, and both times, she took the time she needed to make the changes she was called to make. You are living in a human body with human limits and needs. Proceed accordingly. (Note: your journey may be metaphorical, completely internal, quietly subtle and it is no less sheroicYou define what all of this looks like. Always.  ★ღ✰˚ ✰Jennifer Louden


  • Here is an affirmation for today: I feel passionately about my life, and this passion fills me with excitement and energy! ~Wayne Dyer

    Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing. Wayne Dyer

Look at everything as though you were seeing it for the first time or the last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory. Betty Smith

musicBalance & relaxation

Affirmations-Look For The Good
(Repeat these affirmations to yourself to manifest them in your life.)
I make a positive difference. I look for the good in this situation and respond with love, wisdom and understanding.
I look beyond the personalities to the issues. I plan to look for the good.
I make a positive difference every time I look for the good in a challenging situation.
I want to know what people are for, not what they are against 
In every situation, I look for what is right, not what is wrong.
I am centered and see the good all around me.
Everything works together for my highest good.
I move forward in my life’s journey toward my good.
I celebrate my progress and smile at whatever challenges me.
I find good in whatever comes my way.
Good surrounds me wherever I am and whatever I am doing.
In every situation I strive to show up, pay attention and respond in love.
Every life experience offers a gift.
I attract good in all areas of my life.
Good things come into my life easily and often.
I look for something good in every person I meet.
I cherish the good in myself and others.
I am showered with good every day in every area of my life.
I am grateful for the good I already have.
Wherever I am, God is, and all is well.

written by: Association of Unity Churches International www.unity.org

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* ** “ ***Boundless Appreciation from The Love Foundation*** related video

    • ~~~~~
      affirmative prayerI am appreciative and grateful that I can explore where I have been and where I desire to go with enthusiasm, joy and peace. And I thank You-God, for the ability to regularly see the bigger picture of value for life, my life, and how I relate to generalities and specifics which I deem important. It is all wonderful. Thank You Thank You Thank You to myself, others and My Creator. It is all so. Amen. Appreciating˚ formerly AGoodLife˚ & AGoodVibeEnthusiast
    • ~~~~~


  • ** quoteEvery choice before you represents the universe inviting you to remember who you are and what you want. ***~Alan Cohen~***
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Enthusiasm takes the place of skepticism
    Curiosity takes the place of fear
    Creativity takes the place of greed
    Compassion takes the place of resentment
    Self possession takes the place of stress and worry
    Guy Finley
  • ~~ ✰~~

quoteNotice what happens when you live by what you are devoted to. Where does your devotion intersect with what you desire? ***~Jennifer Louden~***

˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。

quoteClimb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. John Muir

“ ***T O D A Y*** “:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRmiAwVLcTQ

  • I treat life with prayer
  • Every day gives me fresh courage, because today is the only day that matters.
  • I am in faith with God, we speak as one and can work miracles
    • ~~ ✰~~
      I feel great as I live with the confidence to be myself and live by my own inner guidance and can interrelate to those around me, without sacrificing my own values, goals and purposeful direction.
    • ~


***some quotes from _BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM Second Edition By L.S. Barksdale_*** which help with detachment…

Comparing myself with another’s personality, conduct or accomplishments as a gauge of my worth is absolutely meaningless. (No two people have had the same heredity, Inner Knowing, and total life experience.)

No one can possibly put himself in another’s place as a valid point of reference, for no one else in the entire world has the same degree of awareness.

I am not my awareness—I am that which is aware.

I am not my mind—my mind is but the human computer that receives and evaluates the data of my five senses, my instincts and intuition

I am a nonphysical essence—a unique and precious being, inviolable, invincible and eternal, ever doing the best I can, ever growing in wisdom and love.

Additional Self-Esteem and Stress Control Materials Available If you would like to know more about The Barksdale Foundation and its Self-Esteem and Stress Control materials, call or write for a catalog of visual and audio products for adults, teens and preteens. This group work, of course, is not intended to replace the conventional techniques of psychotherapy and other forms of professional counseling. People with serious emotional problems are advised to consult a competent professional.
The Barksdale Foundation
P.O. Box 187
Idyllwild, CA 92349
(714) 659-4676

  • ~~ ✰~~ Morning Affirmations by Janice Taylor

Today is a new day and each new day presents a fresh start.

Each new day offers a new beginning overflowing with possibility and opportunity.

Today, I greet the day with fresh eyes and new ideas.

Today, there is no past, there is no future; there is only this moment.

In this Now, I give myself permission to release toxicity from every level of my energy field.

Abundance flows through my day; an abundance of love, happiness and positive energy.

This abundance, this positive energy allows me to step into my day, into my work, into my mission, into every word and action—moment to moment.

I am focused, excited, energized and determined.

I am creative.

I am grateful, fully appreciating all the love in my life – the abundance.

  • ~~ ✰~~
    • ~~ ✰~~
      quoteGratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.


***~William Arthur Ward~***

  • ** The things I create are even better than I imagine them to be.

***~5 min 20 sec~*** “ ***Embracing Change with Love***

    • ** * ***~from The Love Foundation~***
      transcript of ‘Embracing Change [ With Love] above:

Harold W. Becker shares we are such amazing beings of infinite capacity and potential. Our boundless imagination, coupled with our wondrous will, allows us to bring our ideas into outer reality. Through our thoughts and feelings, we can literally create and experience that which we dream of in our heart of hearts. With patience and trust we manifest whatever we truly seek to experience on this grand adventure.

He continues whether we realize it or not, we create this way every moment. Yet, so often we become mired in habit and routine and stop being present with our imagination and the wisdom of our heart. Instead, we allow outmoded and outdated beliefs to take over rather than being aware of our creative choice. The unquestioned stream of mental thoughts, subtle notions of our emotional disposition, and very often, the outer suggestions of others, begin to dictate our identity, our actions and reactions.

That is, until something comes along to awaken us. This is frequently in the form of an accident, illness, unexpected event or circumstances that instantly disrupts our routine. If we are deeply rooted in habit, mentally or emotionally focused in the past or future, or simply unaware of our own creative spirit, this experience is usually met with great resistance and defiance by our outer personality or ego. The defenses, justification, victimhood and righteousness are often our immediate reaction to the fear and doubt that comes instantly to the surface. We become afraid of the change that has already happened.

How would our lives be different if we chose to be present in each moment knowing that change is constant and the very nature of life itself? What would happen if we actually embraced change as a wonderful opportunity to restore our creative capacity and begin anew with love?

Life is fluid, expansive and recreating itself every moment; we need only pay attention to the natural world to realize this. From the cycle of the seasons to the ever flowing rivers, the ceaseless life giving energy of the sun, the acorn becoming the mighty oak, or the rhythmic pulse of our own heartbeat, nature understands and embraces change. No two moments are exactly the same and love is forever present.

Always remember who you are a beautiful and outrageously creative being capable of manifesting a world filled with peace, joy and unconditional love. Now is the perfect moment to imagine a new potential and choose it for yourself and the world around you.

  • ~
    My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life.

  • and yes I do like Abe ideas that I read & hear. No explanation…just read for yourself …this is today’s thought for the day:
    You are the owner of all that you perceive. But you can’t perceive apart from your vibration. Feel your way, little-by-little, into a greater sense of abundance by looking for the treasures that the Universe is offering you on a day-to-day basis. ~Abe

QUOTE by Virginia Satir (American Psychologist and Educator, 1916-1988) “I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it — I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing,I can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know — but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me…..However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay.”
by Abe…contributed by Mara and appreciated by others…myself included…another positivity-believer member of bmindful(:







As you go through your day notice when you have even the smallest thing to feel good about or the smallest,simplest thing that triggers in you a smile and then SAVOR the experience.

Do this because as I understand things,the universe doesn’t care WHY we feel some good feeling,it simply responds to ANY good feeling we have by mirroring back to us any and every experience or condition that aligns with any good feeling we experience,its ALL good

  • ~
    As I choose my thoughts, I choose my life.
    Every day I have the option to make choices that support my well-being.
    I choose to be healthy every minute of my life.
    I always have the choice to re-create my reality.
    I always have the power to choose the most optimistic outlook.
    Each decision I make presents wondrous new possibilities.
    Every moment of my life is full of choices
    My peaceful mind results in wellness and happiness in all areas of my life.
  • ** * quotelife affirmingEvery problem contains its own answer if you think of the problem merely as a question, and inquiry, and not as an obstruction. Thinking of it this way, keep your mind not on the repetition of thoughts about the problem, but on the receipt of a definite answer. Ernest Holmes

~~ ✰~~
I have a need inside me, of a certain joy, you see? An expression of joy. I feel it. I suppose that I am glad to be alive, glad to have a man whom I love and a life that I enjoy and the things which I work on which sometimes make my spirit sing. And I hope everybody has that feeling inside. I am grateful that I have a spirit inside me which often sings. Nina Holton, sculptor

There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude. It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance. Joseph Addison
~~ ✰~~
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. Brian Tracy
~~ ✰~~
Be thankful for what you have. Your life, no matter how bad you think it is, is someone else’s fairy-tale. Wale Ayeni

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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  • ► video- music Lucy Schwartz beautiful
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. Richard Bach
  • ~~ ✰ ~~

~~ ✰ ~~ The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and serene lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowered fields and sandy beaches. It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day. What the world needs more of is people to appreciate and enjoy it. Michael Josephson, whatwillmatter.com

quoteLook at everything as though you were seeing it for the first time or the last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.
Betty Smith

quoteLaughter is the lubricant and elixir of life. Being able to laugh at yourself and the everyday incongruities of your daily situation is the best way to quell stress. Lighten up and enjoy life! Susan Smith Jones

  • ** * Play With Life
    Every day, I welcome more fun into my life.
    Every day I discover new things that bring me joy.
    Every day I am having more and more fun.
    I take full responsibility for my happiness.
    Bliss comes when I am optimistic.
    I feel happy and relaxed as I go about my day.
    I feel immense joy in being alive
    I take time each day to laugh and have fun.
    I always look for ways to bring more laughter and joy into my life.
    The more happy thoughts I generate, the more fantastic I feel.
    I am fantastically happy about..
    All my happy thoughts are in a book which serves to lift my spirits
    whenever needed.
    Happiness Affirmations from Affirm Your Life

basic belief  I would not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum Frances Willard


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** 5 tips for a balanced life
    A well balanced life is essential for personal effectiveness, peace of mind and living well.
    Whether we work, go to school, are retired or not, we all have responsibilities.

There is always someone, or something, to answer to. There are things we want to do and things we must do.

The challenge is to balance what we must do with what we enjoy and want to do.. to read article in its entirety ***~Essential Life Skills~***

    • ** ***To balance(:*** blessings from A GoodLife aka AGoodVibeEnthusiast, Selfcare


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

***~EckhartTollevideo#1~*** Acceptance, Enjoyment & Enthusiasm 15 min 39 sec
***~EckhartTollevideo#2~*** Acceptance & Surrender 15 min 29 sec

  • ** I trust in the ebb and flow of the universe. I trust that life’s bigger than what I can see. I trust that there is a divine order beyond my control. And I trust that no matter what happens, I will be all right ★ღ✰˚ ✰ Oprah Winfrey

The modalities of awakened doing are acceptance, enjoyment, and
enthusiasm. Each one represents a certain vibrational frequency of
consciousness. You need to be vigilant to make sure that one of them
operates whenever you are engaged in doing anything at all – from the most simple task to the most complex. If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm, look closely and you will find that you are creating suffering for yourself and others. EckhartTolle

The Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It’s not testing you. It’s benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation. Abe
threadAcceptance Enthusiasm & Enjoyment

Why Time Slows Down When We’re Afraid, Speeds Up as We Age, and Gets Warped on Vacation by Maria Popova

an excerpts to come from the above link: ….we’ve been nursed on the belief that time is one of those few utterly reliable and objective things in life – it is also strangely empowering to think that the very phenomenon depicted as the unforgiving dictator of life is something we might be able to shape and benefit from.

“We construct the experience of time in our minds, so it follows that we are able to change the elements we find troubling – whether it’s trying to stop the years racing past, or speeding up time when we’re stuck in a queue, trying to live more in the present, or working out how long ago we last saw our old friends. Time can be a friend, but it can also be an enemy. The trick is to harness it, whether at home, at work, or even in social policy, and to work in line with our conception of time. Time perception matters because it is the experience of time that roots us in our mental reality. Time is not only at the heart of the way we organize life, but the way we experience it” Claudia Hammond

  • _____________________
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  • Excerpts from Managing Time Pressure and Overwhelm-HEARTMATH
    What Is Overwhelm?
    In this fast-paced age of the Internet we hear that every minute counts and speed and efficiency are critical. Day after day, week after week, year after year, all this pressure to succeed, achieve, meet goals, make a contribution begins to build up inside of us until one day we are locked in the throes of overwhelm, numb to its debilitating effects on our bodies and quality of life. Information overload – from the media, our jobs, Madison Avenue, junk mail, e-mail, the telephone, political campaigns, charity campaigns, religious campaigns and so much more – often jumbles our thoughts, makes us forgetful and frays our nerves. Overcare, the sense that you have to take care of everyone because no one else will or can, ambition that leads many to burn the candle at both ends, and performance anxiety stemming from the fear that not doing more will cost you your job, are but a few of the byproducts of overwhelm.

Many people experience relentless overwhelm every day and fret over how they can get though everything they have to do. They trudge on because they believe they must and that things will never change. Chronic overwhelm is one of the major causes of anxiety and anxiety disorders. When you’re overwhelmed, your mind overloads with all that’s going on. It takes a toll on your nervous, immune and hormonal systems, and left unattended likely will produce cycles of anxiety, fatigue and temporary despair. People on this kind of overload are more susceptible to disease and they age faster

What we know today about what the heart knows is truly exciting and the implications are great. Relying on a variety of data from numerous studies and experiments, particularly heart-rhythm-pattern measurements, IHM’s findings point to the human heart as playing a key role in the intuitive process, and a recent study concludes the heart actually receives intuitive information faster than the brain – by a second or slightly more. This would seem to attribute some independent intelligence to the heart: In fact, the concept of a “heart brain” is widely accepted today”

It has been established that the heart has a powerful electromagnetic field and its own complex nervous system and circuitry that generates up to an estimated 60 times the electrical amplitude of the brain. The electromagnetic signal our heart rhythms produce actually can be measured in the brain waves of people around us. It is no wonder that the findings by researchers at HeartMath and elsewhere conclude the heart has its own organized intelligence network enabling it to act independently, learn, remember and produce feelings – all attributes which, until recently, were nearly universally held to be solely in the brain’s dominion.

    • ~~ ✰ ~~


“Your emotions affect every cell in your body. Mind and body, mental and physical, are intertwined.”
– Dr. Thomas Tutko, Father of Sports Psycholo


When progressing in any of our uniquely chosen areas, it is no secret studying and creating ways to retain and utilize data is important.

This post is geared to affirmations for studying,utilization of chosen material and retention.

alpha study waves


to do list

On Discouragement: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Do not be intimidated; do not be put off by the challenge If you slip, remember this is natural Take a break and then refresh the challenge www.studygs.net

  • ~
    Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Mark your progress:
    On a calendar in your bathroom, on a spreadsheet at your computer, on your breakfast table: Check off days you successfully follow up. If you break the routine, start over!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Advantage: Visualizing is a ready reinforcement of progress
note ***_in my mind’s eye I change the word problem to opportunity_*** Appreciating˚
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Problem Solving
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ “Defining the Problem”:“http://www.studygs.net/problem/problemsolvingv1.htm
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ “ Developing/weighing [alternatives”:http://www.studygs.net/problem/problemsolvingv2.htm
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Implementing Decisions
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Graphic Overview Of Process Mapping the
problem solving process
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Adaptive Decision Making
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“Brainstorming or generating options
toward problem solving”:http://www.studygs.net/brainstorm.htm
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Critical Thinking
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Thinking Like a Genius

    • ~
      All of the threads I post…assist me. And as always, it is my hope someone …somewhere gain something they need as well. Appreciating˚


related threads & videos in process:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Welcome To Phil’s Site-Personal Development
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself by Steve Chandler Unabridged Audio Book I really like this/do not let the demotivated sounded voice throw you(:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Sharing a Powerful Exercise

I was designed to be prosperous. I have abundance to share and to spare.

I am strong gentle and capable

♥ ♫ ♪Song Of The Wind

textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:”* ~~ ✰~~


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    -focus on the unseen – at least 5 solid minutes
    lemon water
    intentions for the day/affirmative prayer
    physical exercise
    liquid,powder & pill form supplements chosen for today
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    The most destructive force you and I have – and the most constructive – is our own unconscious emotional and thinking and feeling state. Ernest Holmes
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ˚ ✰。˚ ˚ღ。
    Affirmations Article [Louise Hay] When I talk about doing affirmations, I mean consciously choosing words that will either help eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. All of our self-talk, our internal dialogue, is a stream of affirmations. You’re using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. You’re affirming and creating your life experiences with every word and thought. to read more
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Today is that day I have been joyously choosing to have.

  • ~~ ✰~~
    Making Love To Time by Tara Mohr
    Yesterday, I was listening to a beautiful interview with the late Irish poet John O’Donahue.

He said,
“One of the biggest problems of modern life is that time has become the enemy.”
He spoke about how so many of us struggle with time: we struggle with how much we have, we struggle to fit things in, we complain about the lack of it.

Yes, it’s problematic that the pace and expectations of modern life leave us without time for white space, for reflection, for downtime.

Yes, “lack of time” is an ever-convenient, oft-used excuse for not following one’s passion, not doing one’s art, not tending to their spiritual lives.

But until I heard John O’Donahue say, “One of the biggest problems of modern life is that time has become the enemy,” I hadn’t realized the depth of the problem. When you set yourself up in that oppositional relationship to time, you are cutting yourself off from the very flow of life. to read article in its entirety

    • ~~ ✰~~


  • *******************************

I sizzle with power and enthusiasm.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      The beauty of yesterday is lovely…The passionate dreams for the future… are stupendous…as long as the past,future or what we perceive as the present do not make us sideswipe the possibilities of our today.


Do you know some people cringe when they see the affirmation which is worded … TODAY IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE ?

Why do you think that is? Could it be it is only our joyous memories which keep us afloat? Could it be because a projection of what we don’t want to happen is feared and will be experienced today? Could it be those dreams of our future are so enticing that today could never match up to our minds eye of the future? … a combo maybe …or something different beyond this “simplistic” dialogue?

What if we started today with the idea…that this is that best day… It is simply because as individuals we say so…and the beauty we have not yet defined will reveal itself to us. It will not discount the gratitude and appreciation of yesterday…or the enthusiasm for tomorrow…or even the avoidance of areas which require our attention. Here’s to today. Here’s to the beauty in each moment …this very moment…this very day…
with great thoughts for this day… Appreciating˚ aka AGoodVibe aka SelfcareEnthusiast

American Authors♫Best Day Of My Life-song

articleToday Is Your Day by John Patrick Hickey

“Wake up in anticipation something great is going to happen today.”
- Brian Tracy (1944- )

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


There are 1,440 minutes in every day.


entire thread is joyously under major construction
much of what I will post here …is what I have favored from threads I have posted…in hopes of creating an even better boost in 1 place…when I visit. I hope you enjoy and prosper from my choices, or decide to engage deeply where your choices work special & wonderful things for you.

This intro post is the first part of my joyous editing. So once again…please enjoy my happy mess… It is a work in progress [like me/you] being a work in progress [not that we are a mess …joyous or otherwise] big grin(:

    • ~
      helpful sites for organizing thoughts
    • ~
    • ** Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ“At the end of a matter ask,“what will I learn from this to make me better?” Mary Anne Radmacher
    • ~~ ✰~~


helpful sites for studying-tools


I am free to make my own choices and decisions.

I am never alone. The universe supports me and is with me at every step.

My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts which ultimately are converted into my life experiences.

My mind is full of gratitude for my lovely and wonderful life.

I bless the past, let it go and move swiftly into an exciting, new phase of my life.

I consciously release the past and live only in the present. That way I get to enjoy and experience life to the full.

    • ~


pdf “Letting Go..What to Let Go Of”:“http://lifecoachonthego.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/LCOGF046-What-Do-You-Need-To-Let-Go-Of.pdf

    • ~~~~~~~
    • ** * video affirmations “ ***Affirmations Mantra for Letting Go of Negative Reactions to Life***”:textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRw16Np4n20
    • ** * video affirmations “ ***Affirmations Mantra for Letting Go of Needing Validation***”:textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFWhEXPPinM Pinch Me Living
    • ** * video affirmations “ ***Affirmations Mantra for Letting Go of Resistance***”:textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geiOGaFrx4k Pinch Me Living
    • ** * video affirmations “ ***Affirmations Mantra for Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You***”:textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3BhaLxmQXg Pinch Me Living
    • ** * video affirmations “ ***Affirmations Mantra for Letting Go Excuses***”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye6DSyUUfp8 Pinch Me Living
    • ~


Good Morning is not a greeting, it’s a decision anonymous

I am worthy of the happiness I consistently desire.

I consistently practice the visualization of my choosing.

  • ** * excerpt of articleWant to be Happy. Stop Trying To be perfect The root of the word courage is cor — the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage had a very different definition than it does today. Courage originally meant to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.
  • ** * excerpt of articleOver time, this definition has changed, and, today, courage is more synonymous with being heroic. Heroics are important and we certainly need heroes, but I think we’ve lost touch with the idea that speaking honestly and openly about who we are, about what we’re feeling, and about our experiences (good and bad) is the definition of courage.

video “ ***New Beginnings***
[for some odd reason this video goes straight to the end…you’ll need to manually start this from the beginning]
***~EckhartTollevideo#1~*** Acceptance, Enjoyment & Enthusiasm 15 min 39 sec
***~EckhartTollevideo#2~*** Acceptance & Surrender 15 min 29 sec

  • ** I trust in the ebb and flow of the universe. I trust that life’s bigger than what I can see. I trust that there is a divine order beyond my control. And I trust that no matter what happens, I will be all right ★ღ✰˚ ✰ Oprah Winfrey
  • ** * quoteThe modalities of awakened doing are acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm. Each one represents a certain vibrational frequency of consciousness. You need to be vigilant to make sure that one of them operates whenever you are engaged in doing anything at allfrom the most simple task to the most complex. If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm, look closely and you will find that you are creating suffering for yourself and others. EckhartTolle

quoteThe Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It’s not testing you. It’s benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation. Abe

    • ~~~~~~~~~ ★ღ✰˚ ✰ (:
    • ~~~~~~~~~


  • ** * excerpt of articleEmotional Acceptance when you accept a negative emotion, it tends to lose its destructive power. This is surprising and counter intuitive to many people, but if you think about it for a while, you will see the logic of this approach. Swimmers who are caught in an undertow and feel themselves being dragged out to sea often panic and begin to swim against the current with all their might. Often, they fatigue, cramp and drown. To survive, such a swimmer should do the opposite—let go. Let the current take him out to sea. Within a few hundred yards the current will weaken and the swimmer can swim around and back to shore. The same with a powerful emotion: pushing against it is futile and possibly dangerous; but if you accept the emotion, it will run its course while allowing you to run yours.
  • ** * Note To Myself: I am an auditory-sense learner & I liten to wonderful auditory affirmations with ideas which resonate for me.
  • ** * Note To You: It is my hope that my choices are helpful to others at some time. And if not what I choose…may you always find what works for you. you
  • ** * Your success is an “inside out” process. Everything that is occurring in your life, including in your career/professional path, is being experienced by you through the filter of your unique paradigm. That paradigm includes your beliefs about yourself, your life and your career, business and professional possibilities, which then gives rise to resulting thought patterns. All of this informs the inner dialogue you have with yourself, and heavily impacts upon your actions/behaviours in your professional life.

Recommended use: Please use a headset for best audio quality. Listen every day for 30 days to allow the messages to embed and uplift you.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~
      80 Affirmations
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** * Note To Myself:
    • ** * ***Keep a gratitude list close(:***
      My heart is abundantly open and I expect joyous blessings to enter into my life.


  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    Discipline yourself to start each day identifying something to be grateful about. The world opens to those who approach it with a grateful heart. Michael Josephson
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence. Og Mandino
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
    When you carry a blessing-finder in your spirit you will see and discover blessings (great things) everywhere…AGoodLife˚ (aka AGoodVibe, AGoodVibeEnthusiast,SelfcareEnthusiast)
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~ ✰~~

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. William Arthur Ward

  • ~~ ✰~~

~~ ✰~~

temporarily a prosper-only thread(:


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  • ** * ***~Joe Tye, America’s Values Coach tmtrademark…69 Actions You Can Take To Have More Energy!! A Values Coach Special Report (copyright © 2005) excerpts of Page 1 of 28~***
    16 of 69. ***Take the Time to Enjoy Your Life***
    “Success can give us many good things, but it usually fails to give us either time or the ability to enjoy it.”

That is part of the paradox of success described in the book of the same title by John R. O’Neil. He says that the belief that every moment of our time must be somehow valuable and productive is actually pretty harmful. When you give yourself open-ended time, you can “create space for your seldom-heard desires, needs, and notions to assert themselves, and you begin creating a model for a different, more friendly relationship with time.”

  • ** *
  • ~

100 Things You Love To Do

Often we discover what we love to do in life by living…being spontaneous…

By knowing what you enjoy you are consciously creating a life of your dreams.

No one is saying the tasks we often in engage in are 100% fun…and certainly not all of the time. Though, the more we are in touch with what makes us happy…the more we can be responsible for our own happiness and somehow thread them (whenever possible) through our daily life(:

Take time to recall what you enjoy. It’s a good thing to know(: AGoodVibeEnthusiast

  • ** * “The few things that work fantastically well should be identified, cultivated, nurtured, and multiplied.” [Richard Koch is a former management consultant,entrepreneur, and writer]

[not to veer off topic too much…but the pdf in link does make a good template for any master list]

  • ~
    Freedom A F F I R M A T I O N S ***&*** Q U O T E S
  • ** excerpt of article ***~[article excerpt-Awakening Genius by Thomas Armstrong]~*** Joy – If genius has any core component, it is probably the experience of joy. Ask some of the great minds of our time to explain what motivates them in their work and generally you will not hear them talk about pay checks or even the Nobel Prize (though these certainly have their allure). More often they may speak somewhat mystically of an experience that sounds like joy. Young children may not be as articulate, but if they could speak about what motivates them in their most passionate play experiences they would probably speak of ‘o (they speak of it anyway through their sparkling eyes, their bouncing bodies, and their squeals of delight). As Piaget once wrote: “On seeing a baby joyfully watching the movements of his feet, one has the impression of the joy felt by a god in directing from a distance the movement of the stars.”
  • ** Joy is something mysterious that cooks up from deep inside of us when a new connection has been made, a new insight obtained, a new feat accomplished, or a skill mastered. Such joy can be witnessed in the brilliant grin of a high school student who witnesses the invention that he’s been toiling on for the past several weeks finally work for the first time. joy is in the 7th grader who twirls across the stage in the school musical. joy shows itself in the lst grader who jumps up and down after reading his first story. The neurochemistry of the joy of teaming is still unclear-it might have something to do with neuronal connections stimulating a release of neuropeptides into the nervous system. But however it occurs, its importance cannot be underestimated. Without joy, learning is soda pop without the fizzle – flat and tasteless.
  • ** “So much of what goes on in our society works to pressure people into meeting rigid expectations for behavior, learning, and development. The reality, though, is that individuals grow and learn in remarkably different ways. When we allow people to develop according to their natural rhythms, and learn in their own unique way, we make it possible for them to achieve a sense of meaning in their lives, and enable them to share their remarkable gifts with the broader culture, thus making the world a better place in which to live” by Thomas Armstrong – ***~http://institute4learning.com/http://institute4learning.com/~***
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  • ** I’m going to choose to be happy and play with life. I’m going to share my smile …a lot. I’m going to count my blessings everyday and remember to share only the good things with others. What I learn, I will learn from joy. I know that it is my nature to skip and have fun. Life is good if I choose to see it that way. Rodger Briley
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    Notes to myself are helpers for table of contents which will eventually be created
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    note to myself: October Tools
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    note to myself: Sites I appreciate
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    note to myself: Sites Geared To Happiness
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note to myself: Table of contents of sorts will eventually be positioned here


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  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I’m going to choose to be happy and play with life. I’m going to share my smile …a lot. I’m going to count my blessings everyday and remember to share only the good things with others. What I learn, I will learn from joy. I know that it is my nature to skip and have fun. Life is good if I choose to see it that way. Rodger Briley

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  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    I know my value. I honor my worth

Today, I intend to open myself to allowing my intentions into my life.

I allow Abundance, Fun, Love, Friendship and Riches into my life today.

They all pour into my family life, like a water fall !!!

I know it and let it all in,


author: Marcelle della Faille

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I have found it is vital to start my day with a fresh start…remembering my values and refreshing them. It makes it so much easier to experience the world and allow what is important for me to permeate a slice of what works for me-mode.

Starting fresh (regularly) assists in my growth, and less likely to be influenced by anything which goes against basic values. It assists with detachment from the world…so I can reintegrate myself in a world which houses diverse personalities and ideas that others want us to own…when they do not align with ones beliefs/values

I wish I could find the source of a particular tool I use… It is using the word DISCONNECT …when desiring a quick detach from a person, place or thing which ‘works its way into my psyche’ and I choose to disallow its presence…quickly. I imagine its like Silva’s cancel cancel-method…though I’m receiving some great results with it & thought I’d share. I thank the source who posted it on the web I’m appreciative of the assistance

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values. – Ayn Rand

***~Affirmations Which May Inspire:~***
My values give me strength and confidence.

I act with consistence and commitment because I am guided by those values I cherish most.

I dedicate time every day to support and promote my core values.

I have listed my core values and know what each one means to me.

I arrange my life according to my highest values.

I breathe life into my core values every day.

I concentrate all my efforts on what is most important in my life.

I respect and appreciate that others values may be different from my own.

I create time for those things that are important to me.

I am committed to taking action towards all that I value in life.

I am completely familiar with the guiding principles of my life.

Every affirmation I create supports my personal values.

All areas of my life are in balance with my core values.

I am free to choose those values which are most important to me.

All my actions are in agreement with my top life values.

All my goals are in agreement with my personal values.

All my goals are in keeping with my true values.

All my thoughts and words support my true values.


Words (stories) produce thoughts.
Thoughts produce feelings.
Feelings produce decisions.
Decisions produce actions.
Actions produce habits.
Habits create character.
Character determines your destiny.


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Affirmations-Look For The Good
    (Repeat these affirmations to yourself to manifest them in your life.)
    I make a positive difference. I look for the good in this situation and respond with love, wisdom and understanding.
    I look beyond the personalities to the issues. I plan to look for the good.
    I make a positive difference every time I look for the good in a challenging situation.
    I want to know what people are for, not what they are against
    In every situation, I look for what is right, not what is wrong.
    I am centered and see the good all around me.
    Everything works together for my highest good.
    I move forward in my life’s journey toward my good.
    I celebrate my progress and smile at whatever challenges me.
    I find good in whatever comes my way.
    Good surrounds me wherever I am and whatever I am doing.
    In every situation I strive to show up, pay attention and respond in love.
    Every life experience offers a gift.
    I attract good in all areas of my life.
    Good things come into my life easily and often.
    I look for something good in every person I meet.
    I cherish the good in myself and others.
    I am showered with good every day in every area of my life.
    I am grateful for the good I already have.
    Wherever I am, God is, and all is well.
    written by: Association of Unity Churches International www.unity.org
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  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Purpose of this newly revised thread will eventually be positioned here:


    • ~~~~~~~~


My Joy Is Growing Up
People Who Bring The Joy Out In You


***_PEOPLE_*** – activities that promote relationship with the people I love

***_PASSION_*** – activities and experiences which enable me to enjoy life

***_PURPOSE_*** – tasks that enable me to fulfill my purpose in life

***_PROJECTS_*** – priority tasks that need to be finished this week
the PeacefulMom © 2009-2014 Kimberlee Stokes – ThePeacefulMom.com – All rights reserved. – The Peaceful Mom

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The site was created by Lee Nutter. I thank him for developing a place for members to gather … and share what it means to ‘be mindful’ . The community began to grow in leaps and bounds…Lee moved on to some amazing things in all aspects of his life …and so amazingly happy for him.

I am so grateful the site is still in place…because even today [with the transitions the site has experienced] I utilize it as just one more tool to process, remain joyful, and of course to continue growing.

To me, to keep on going regardless of an environment…is truth of a value I had hoped to be living.

  • ~
  • ~~ ✰~~ You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.
  • ~~ ✰~~



    • ** releasing & other types of affirmations 5 types of affirmations Affirmations1Releasing/Cleansing Affirmations2Receiving/Accepting Affirmations3Being/Intending Affirmations4Acting/Claiming Affirmations5Integrating/Embodying






There are many wonderful ways to begin affirmations…Here are some ideas for starters

Write your own♥ affirmations:

Write what is true for you. Decide which words best reflect your goal/s. Your words need to be emotionally charged and true for you. Have fun experimenting and creating your own affirmations. Here are some affirmation starters to get you going:

For the highest good, I

I acknowledge

I affirm

I allow

I am

I am abounding with

I am aware

I am willing

I can

I choose

I create

I enjoy

I follow

I fully accept

I know

I make

I own

I realize

I trust

In every way

In this moment

Right now I

Today I

Yes I

above came from inspirationlifecoaching.com on defining affirmations


    • ☼• ► Using Affirmations for Positive Change PDF
    • ** [♥♫♥✿♥Affirmations[♥♫♥✿♥
    • ☼• ► Abundance PDF
      • [♥♫♥✿♥Affirmations[♥♫♥✿♥
    • ~~~~~~~~
      Hello I am AGoodVibeEnthusiast. I chose this name (after having utilized other personally meaningful aliases on this site…since the sites’ beginnings). To me an alias is another form of an affirmation.


I chose the alias AGoodVibeEnthusiast…after having experienced some ‘contrast’ on this site. I then realized (more than ever) how I felt, and was as important as the areas in my life I tend to.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


***_PEOPLE_*** – activities that promote relationship with the people I love

***_PASSION_*** – activities and experiences which enable me to enjoy life

***_PURPOSE_*** – tasks that enable me to fulfill my purpose in life

***_PROJECTS_*** – priority tasks that need to be finished this week
the PeacefulMom © 2009-2014 Kimberlee Stokes – ThePeacefulMom.com – All rights reserved. – The Peaceful Mom

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The site was created by Lee Nutter. I thank him for developing a place for members to gather … and share what it means to ‘be mindful’ . The community began to grow in leaps and bounds…Lee moved on to some amazing things in all aspects of his life …and so amazingly happy for him.

I am so grateful the site is still in place…because even today [with the transitions the site has experienced] I utilize it as just one more tool to process, remain joyful, and of course to continue growing.

To me, to keep on going regardless of an environment…is truth of a value I had hoped to be living.

  • ~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    1. Set yourself a definite goal.
    2. Quit running yourself down.

3. Stop thinking of all the reasons why you cannot be successful and instead think of all the reasons why you can.

4. Trace your attitudes back through your childhood and discover where you first got the idea that you could not be successful if that is the way you’ve been thinking.

5. Change the image you have of yourself by writing out a description of the person you would like to be.

6. Act the part of the successful person you have decided to become.

The doctor that wrote those words is a noted west coast psychiatrist, Dr. David Harold Fink.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • ~~ ✰~~ You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Mindful of this moment in time.
  • Where am I in respect to this moment? Where am I in respect to me? What is the moment calling from me? Molly Gordon
  • What gives me joy? [] What calls to me when I am freed of having to be somebody? [] What questions are guiding and sustaining you these days? [] Do you need the story of bigger to help you or the story of another way? sources to this coming soonwomen’s life coach/mentors Molly Gordon/Jennifer Louden
  • ** ►• I am firmly but calmly centered in this moment.
  • ** ►• All clocks run at perfect speed for me.
  • ** ►• All my power is in the present moment.
  • ** ►• Every moment of my life is full of choices.

~~ ✰~~
Should you ever hear that voice inside exclaim that you’re working too slow, are too easily distracted, or that you should take life more seriously, please rest assured, dearest, that it absolutely, positively is not me.

textileRef:90614899159b9d9ee406c6:linkStartMarker:“I’m the one saying, “You totally rock!” – The Universetut.com”:http://www.tut.com/

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      quoteThe Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It’s not testing you. It’s benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation. Abe
      Affirmations coming soon:
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      The things I create are even better than I imagine them to be.
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      note to myself: October Tools


Another Site You May Enjoy ***~www.dailygood.org~***

Everyday Heroes
Science and Technology
Mind and Body

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** Disclaimer for thread:
      This thread is not intended to take the place of any healing support or education which may assist in anyone’s journey. It is not meant to act as a substitute for medical or psychological information one may receive in the real world. Internet posts are not intended to replace your chosen guidance in real world-journey. They are opinions from the individuals who post. As in all areas of life, one must be able to discern what is healthy and right for them. If any information serves those who read this, of course that is pleasing, though you be the judge(:


  • ** It is my hope someone somewhere prospers from this(: These are ideas I find very helpful. And of course if from this or elsewhere…prospering is my hope for all. Because there is abundance already available/enough for everyone (: ***~blessings from AGoodLife˚~*** formerly AGoodVibe & selfcare enthusiast

HeartMath On Feelings

It is also my hope that the forum will become a place for sharing as intended by Lee Nutter;site’s creator. Though, while the site is undergoing transition, I remain my joyous self on the thread-blog of my own which is a compilation of many threads & prompts which assist in AGoodLife˚. (:

..and begin to share that
which we already are…
powerful, wise loving and
lovable beings of immense
talent, creativity, compassion
And strength. Not to mention
individuals filled with integrity,
Dignity harmony peace and love
By Harold Becker

~~ ✰~~

I really like this and wanted to share it:

Articles About Happiness
Articles about happiness and on attaining happiness.

“Try to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment.”
- Sydney Smith -

Articles about Happiness

Tips for Happiness in Daily Life
Daily life can be made happier. It is a matter of choice. It is our attitude that makes us feel happy or unhappy. It is true, we meet all kinds of situations during the day, and some of them may…
Happiness Is Within Us
What is happiness, and why do we constantly run after it? What does it mean to be happy? What is the difference between happiness and pleasure…
Happiness and Security Are the Primary Desires
If you analyze your goals, small or big, you will ultimately discover that what you really want are happiness and security. Everything you do is motivated by the desire to gain happiness and security…
The Happiness Factor
If you analyze people’s actions, you will come to the conclusion that they all seek happiness. Every act is in fact a search for it, even if on the surface it doesn’t look so. Happiness is always the main target…
How to Enjoy a Wonderful Day
How about living and spending one day in a different way from your other days? You can create and enjoy a beautiful, satisfying and wonderful day. You can do so, by making small changes in your daily life…
10 Tips to Help You Choose to Be Happy
On a beautiful sunny morning, while walking to work, you meet someone, who asked you for a small loan, months ago, but haven’t paid back yet. He smiles at you, says a nice “good morning”, and keeps walking. How would…
Your Happiness Is Hidden by Thoughts, Worries and Desires
On a cloudy day, the clouds hide the sun, but the sun is always there. Happiness is like the sun, it is often hidden by the clouds of thoughts, worries and desires. We have to scatter and dissolve….
Affirmations Words with Power
Affirmations – Words with Power

    • ~~~~~~~


***_peace & harmony cards_*** by Wayne Dyer
If you meet someone whose soul is not aligned with yours, send them love and move along. (I align myself with people who support my growth.)

One of the highest places you can get to is to be independent of the good opinions of others. (What other people think of me is none of my business.)

You can’t go around being what everyone wants you to be, living your life through other people’s rules, and expect to be happy and have inner peace. (I live my life in my own way.)

No one can create negativity or stress within you. Only you can do that by virtue of how you process your world. (I create the world that I live in.)

I fill myself with love, and I send that love out into the world. How others treat me is their path; how I react is mine.(Love is my gift to the world.)

  • ~
    “ ***This Week on Bmindful*** “:http://bmindful.com/thisweek
  • ~ ~
    Some Links You May Like Related To Bmindful Community
  • ** “Bmindful”:http://bmindful.com/thisweek
  • ** “Affirmation Quick Search”:http://bmindful.com/quicksearch
  • ** “Random Affirmations”:http://bmindful.com/random
  • ** “Practice Page For Linking and Editing on Bmindful”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/351/practice-page-for-linking-and-editing-#post3548
  • ** “Bmindful Tour”:http://bmindful.com/pages/bmindful-tour
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    []Bmindful began in 2005.[] The site moved to its current location in 2007.[]Creator of Bmindful – Lee Nutter (& former owner)[]New Owner is- Thomas Allan (Tallan) for last 2 years.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~

threads to update
An Affirmation blog

Freedom A F F I R M A T I O N S ***&*** Q U O T E S

    • ** excerpt of article ***~[article excerpt-Awakening Genius by Thomas Armstrong]~*** Joy – If genius has any core component, it is probably the experience of joy. Ask some of the great minds of our time to explain what motivates them in their work and generally you will not hear them talk about pay checks or even the Nobel Prize (though these certainly have their allure). More often they may speak somewhat mystically of an experience that sounds like joy. Young children may not be as articulate, but if they could speak about what motivates them in their most passionate play experiences they would probably speak of ‘o (they speak of it anyway through their sparkling eyes, their bouncing bodies, and their squeals of delight). As Piaget once wrote: “On seeing a baby joyfully watching the movements of his feet, one has the impression of the joy felt by a god in directing from a distance the movement of the stars.”


  • ** Joy is something mysterious that cooks up from deep inside of us when a new connection has been made, a new insight obtained, a new feat accomplished, or a skill mastered. Such joy can be witnessed in the brilliant grin of a high school student who witnesses the invention that he’s been toiling on for the past several weeks finally work for the first time. joy is in the 7th grader who twirls across the stage in the school musical. joy shows itself in the lst grader who jumps up and down after reading his first story. The neurochemistry of the joy of teaming is still unclear-it might have something to do with neuronal connections stimulating a release of neuropeptides into the nervous system. But however it occurs, its importance cannot be underestimated. Without joy, learning is soda pop without the fizzle – flat and tasteless.
  • ** “So much of what goes on in our society works to pressure people into meeting rigid expectations for behavior, learning, and development. The reality, though, is that individuals grow and learn in remarkably different ways. When we allow people to develop according to their natural rhythms, and learn in their own unique way, we make it possible for them to achieve a sense of meaning in their lives, and enable them to share their remarkable gifts with the broader culture, thus making the world a better place in which to live” by Thomas Armstrong – ***~http://institute4learning.com/http://institute4learning.com/~***

quoteThe modalities of awakened doing are acceptance, enjoyment, and
enthusiasm. Each one represents a certain vibrational frequency of consciousness. You need to be vigilant to make sure that one of them
operates whenever you are engaged in doing anything at allfrom the most simple task to the most complex. If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm, look closely and you will find that you are creating suffering for yourself and others. EckhartTolle

Passage below

    • ** You and Your Energy: Key Points Our mental and emotional diets determine our energy levels, health and well-being much more than most people realize. Look at life as an energy economy game.
    • ** Each day, ask, “Are my energy expenditures – actions, reactions, thoughts and feelings – productive or nonproductive?
    • ** During the course of my day, have I accumulated more stress or more peace?
    • ** Keeping an asset/deficit balance sheet even for a few days will give you an extremely clear picture of where and how you’re adding to your energy account and where and how you’re overdrawing it.


  • ** When we consciously evoke core heart feelings, we nourish our bodies at every level. Like quantum nutrients, core heart feelings keep our cells regenerating.

quoteMay you not become TOO concerned with material matters, but instead place immeasurable value on the goodness in your heart. Find time each day to see beauty and love in the world around you. Realize that each person has limitless abilities, but each of us is different in our own way. What you feel you lack in the present may become one of your strengths in the future. May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility. Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience. May you find enough inner strength to determine your own worth by yourself, and not be dependent on another’s judgment of your accomplishments. May you always feel loved. Unknown


60 Affirmations Which Support You Throughout Year
I am open and receptive to blissful, knock-my-socks off miracles in every area of my life. —Emmanuel Dagher

Sites I appreciate:

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ** “ ***Co-Intelligence*** “:http://www.co-intelligence.org/index.html
  • ** “Since co-intelligence is intelligence which arises out of and nurtures wholeness, and has many applications in the world, extensive theory is growing up around its many facets. Linked below, with brief summary annotations, are key articles relating to some of these facets. This is a new field and new theory is continually emerging.”:http://www.co-intelligence.org/CI-TheoreticalArticles.html
  • ** “Wholeness”:http://www.co-intelligence.org/I-wholeness.html
  • ** “6 Facets of Wholeness”:http://www.co-intelligence.org/I-6partsofwholeness.html
    other links may be found in intro post & of course on that site itself
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    “***World’s Healthiest Foods***”:http://www.whfoods.com/
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • GOOD EXERCISE SITE- with exercise library”:http://www.exrx.net/Exercise.html
  • about this exercise site”:http://www.exrx.net/People/Contact.html
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    • ~~ 1~~
      Videos Items Geared To:
    • ~~ 2~~
      Quotes Geared To Women
    • ~~ 3~~
      Geared To All Happily Married Women
    • ~~ 4~~
      Sites To Geared To Happiness
    • ~~ 5~~
      Geared To Any Mindful Relationship
    • ~~ 6~~
      Sites To Geared To Happiness
    • ~~ 7~~
      Threads Geared To Happiness
    • ~~ 8~~
      A Quiz For Happiness
    • ~~ 9~~
      Articles Geared To Happiness
    • ~~ 10~~
      Some Other Sites I Appreciate
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~
      Geared To Women


2 min. 37 sec. Positive Affirmations for Women’s Biochemistry

    • ~
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~


Quotes Geared To Women:
QuoteI’ve become convinced that lack of trust in ourselves is at the root of being overwhelmed, constantly behind, just not up to the task of living this modern life. ***~★ღ✰˚✰Jennifer Louden~***

    • ~~ ✰~~


***~Quote~*** Notice what happens when you live by what you are devoted to. Where does your devotion intersect with what you desire? Jennifer Louden

    • ~~ ✰~~
      Quote The most ravishing experience you can have is of the mysterious, of living in consecrated curiosity, with the symphony of the universe playing through you and the still point laying claim to your heart. ★ღ✰˚ ✰ ☼Jennifer Louden


***~Quote~*** We have forgotten, in a culture of “experts,” how to rely on ourselves. Not in an “I can do it all alone” way, but in centered, measured, “I trust myself to handle what life brings my way” way. ★ღ✰˚ ✰Jennifer Louden


Geared To All Mindful Relationships:

    • ** Twelve Exercises for Mindful Relationships Adapted from Everyday Blessings[will add link soon] By Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn Siri Adi Kaur Khalsa Miami Beach, Florida
    • ~~ 1 ~~
      Try to imagine the world from the other person’s point of view, purposefully letting go of your own. Do this every day for at least a few moments to remind yourself of who this person is and what he or she faces in the world.
    • ~~ 2 ~~
      Imagine how you appear, and sound, from the other person’s point of view, i.e.., how it would be to relate to you today, in this moment. How might this modify how you carry yourself in your body and in space, how you speak, what you say? How do you want to relate to this person in this moment?
    • ~~ 3 ~~
      Practice seeing the other person as perfect just the way they are. Try to stay mindful of seeing their sovereignty from moment to moment, and work at accepting them as they are when it is hardest for you to do so.
    • ~~ 4 ~~
      Be mindful of your expectations of the other person and consider whether these expectations are truly in their best interest. Also, be aware of how you communicate those expectations and how they affect the other person.
    • ~~ 5 ~~
      Practice altruism, putting the needs of the other person above your own whenever possible. Then see if there isn’t some common ground, where your true needs can also be met. You may be surprised at the overlap, especially if you are patient and strive for balance.
    • ~~ 6 ~~
      When you feel lost, or at a loss, remember to stand still. Listen to what it is being said. Meditate on the whole, by bringing your full attention to the situation at hand, to the other person, to yourself, to the community. In doing so, you may go beyond thinking, even good thinking, and perceive intuitively, with the whole of your being, what really needs to be done. If that is not clear in any moment, maybe the best thing is to not do anything until it becomes clearer. Sometimes it is good to remain silent.
    • ~~ 7 ~~
      Try embodying silent presence. This will grow out of both formal and informal mindfulness practice over time, if you attend to how you carry yourself and what you project in body, mind, and speech. Listen carefully.
    • ~~ 8 ~~
      Learn to live with tension without losing your own balance. In Zen and the Art of Archery, Eugene Herrigel describes how he was taught to stand at the point of highest tension effortlessly without shooting the arrow. At the right moment, the arrow mysteriously shoots itself. Do this by practicing moving into any moment, however difficult, without trying to change anything and without having to have a particular outcome. Simply bring your full awareness to this moment. Practice seeing that whatever comes up is workable, if you are willing to stand in this way in the present, trusting your intuition and best instincts. The other person needs you to be a center of balance and trustworthiness, a reliable landmark by which he or she can take a bearing within his or her own landscape. Arrow and target need each other. Forcing doesn’t help. They will find each other better through wise attention and patience.
    • ~~ 9 ~~
      Apologize to the other person when you have betrayed a trust in even a little way. Apologies are healing. An apology demonstrates that you have thought about the situation and have come to see it more clearly, or perhaps more from the other person’s point of view. But we have to be mindful of being “sorry” too often; it loses its meaning if we are always saying it or if we make regret into a habit. Then it can become a way for us not to take responsibility for our actions. Be aware of this. Cooking in remorse on occasion is a good meditation. Don’t shut off the stove until the meal is ready.
    • ~~ 10 ~~
      Every person is special and every person has special needs. Each sees in an entirely unique way. Hold an image of the other person in your heart. Drink in their being, wishing them well.
    • ~~ 11 ~~
      There are very important times when we need to practice being clear and strong and unequivocal with another person. Let this come as much as possible out of awareness and generosity and discernment, rather than out of fear, self-righteousness, or the desire to control. Mindful relationships do not mean being overindulgent, neglectful, or weak; nor does it mean being rigid, domineering, and controlling.
    • ~~ 12 ~~
      The greatest gift you can give another person is your self. This means that part of your work is to keep growing in self-knowledge and in awareness. We have to be grounded in the present moment to share what is deepest and best in ourselves. This is ongoing work, but it can be furthered by making a time for quiet contemplation. We only have right now. Let us use it to its best advantage, for the sake of the other person, and for our own self.
    • _________________


Sites To Geared To Happiness:


Some October 2014 Tools
I sizzle with power and enthusiasm.
~~ ✰~~
October 21, 2014
Work Related Deadlines
Family (family Unit) Related Choices
Personal Health [Working Out & Nutrition]
Fun (R&R)
Family (Outside of Home)
Friends (Staying Current)

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ~~~~~~
      Definition From Abe(:
    • ***Overwhelm*** .Overwhelment:The state of simultaneously focusing upon what you want and your inability to achieve it at the same time.
    • ~~~~~~
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


~~ ✰~~
You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need. Jerry Gillies

~~ ✰~~
You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.
~~ ✰~~

Transforming Overwhelm

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      affirmative prayerI am appreciative and grateful that I can explore where I have been and where I desire to go with enthusiasm, joy and peace. And I thank You-God, for the ability to regularly see the bigger picture of value for life, my life, and how I relate to generalities and specifics which I deem important. It is all wonderful. Thank You Thank You Thank You to myself, others and My Creator. It is all so. Amen. AGoodVibeEnthusiast


***~These 2 selections (ABOVE) are 2 of my mantra type affirmations…therefore repeated(:~***

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    • ~~~~~~~~


***~mind movie-video***~ created by a bmindful member who represents the supportive behavior which I so admire in our community.She created this mind movie for me, though it is my hope it will inspire others with similar affirming choices [success, health, organization & creativity]. this is the movie

  • ~~~~~~~~
    “Affirmations For Achievement & Success”:“http://www.mind-sets.com/html/affirmations/affirmation_samples/achievement_and%20_success.htm
  • ~~~~~~~~
  • ** “ Empower your Affirmations with ActionVerbs”:http://affirmyourlife.blogspot.com/2009/08/action-plan-verbs.html
  • ** Your subconscious mind will start to adjust your core beliefs to match your desired outcomes, but it’s a lengthy process. This is why we must consciously repeat the process. And repeat, and repeat. Core beliefs can’t be changed overnight. By repeating the process daily, we are telling are subconscious mind that we are serious about our goals – that we are committed to change. And that we are not going to give in until we get there
  • ** Now comes the part that most people forget. How do we show our commitment to anything? How do we make changes in our life? We follow through with action! We can sit and affirm, visualize, and emotionalize all day long. But until we actually support this with action, nothing will changeChe Garman
  • ** ***_Printables & Affirmations:_***

I sizzle with power and enthusiasm.

  • ~~ ✰~~ You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.
  • ** printable Planning Tool
  • ** printable October 2014 Calendar
  • I welcome my full & focused day.
  • ** printable October 2014 Calendar2
  • I welcome my full & focused week.
  • I welcome my full balance of the month.
  • ** “Blank Calendar”:“http://www.studenthandouts.com/Assortment-01/Graphic-Organizers/Blank-Monthly-Calendar-Directions.html
  • ** “ ***Focus Matrix***”:http://www.theprojectgirl.com/resources/THEPROJECTGIRL_FOCUSMATRIX.pdf -> please see this site for related credits and more great stuff
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Above focus matrix…One of my favorite printables to sort out my daily focused attention/prioritie [mentioned again in this post….I like it close at hand(:]

I love positive things which trigger my imagination. I enjoy sharing things which work for me (as we once did as a community). The change in the sharing energy contributed to the contrast I felt on this site. Though the ***great thing which emerged*** from that, was creating a thread which continued that train of energy…and other threads which had me focusing on my self even more…to have even more to offer (“everywhere”)

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • ** threadAfformations
  • ** 50 Power Questions from Trans4mind.com pdf
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need. Jerry Gillies
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~ ✰~~
    Paul McKenna
    Paul McKenna
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ►•►• ***Bernadette Logue***
    Many of Bernadette Logue’s audios require headphones. Each will say in the beginning of the audio. For that matter..if affirmations are layered…headphones are key.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • 850 Affirmations Bernadette Logue ***~55 min 59 sec~***
    _This is compilation of popular affirmations by Bernadette Logue at PinchMeLiving.com, including her latest 166 Spiritual Truths affirmations based upon the book “UNLEASH YOUR LIFE”. For maximum benefit listen to this and the other audios after completing the practical and powerful exercises in the book. ***However, if you do not have the book you will still gain valuable benefit from listening on a regular basis._***
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • 166 Spiritual & Age-Old Truths to Unleash Your Life – A Mantra of Affirmations Bernadette Logue ***~15 min 59 sec~***
  • Over 400 affirmations Bernadette Logue ***~17 min 09 sec~***

* ** “ 300+ Power Affirmations for Career & Professional Success ***~32 min 32 sec~***

* ** video “ Affirmations Mantra for Letting Go of Resistance Bernadette Logue ***~7min 7 sec~***

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~


You will find others (of course on youtube & on PinchMeLiving thread )



  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ►•►• ***SonyaTriggs-Wharton***
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ►•►• ***David McGraw***
  • ** * video threadAffirmations by David McGraw
  • ** • ☼• ► ***_Simply Put On Your Headphones_***
  • layered affirmations meditation video
  • [listen with head phones]

* ** * “ video ***Harness The Absolute Law Of Attraction — & Get What You WANT!*** [41 min 57 sec] David McGraw

►•►• ***Eric Falcon***

***~video~*** ►• Time Management Excellence-Activating the LOA… ***less than 6 minutes*** by Eric Falcon-unless of course you play it over and over…

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • ** Other audios by Bernadette Logue, and more…will be posted periodically


Mind movie 2

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    I sizzle with power and enthusiasm.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    entire thread under heavy construction
    none of the posts are organized as of yet…though ..I return to give this focus…for myself-first(:

The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence VIDEO
The Spiritual Heart — is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy that the heart emits that humans are profoundly connected to all living things. The energy of the heart literally links us to each other. Every person’s heart contributes to a ‘collective field environment.’ This short video explains the importance of this connection and how we each add to this collective energy field. The energetic field of the heart even connects us with the earth itself.


Heart Centered Communication

Today I trust in the divine flow and process that is leading me into the unique rhythm,pulse and ever greater attunement with Spirit. I give thanks for all that is in my life and all that I am, knowing I am always loved, guided, guarded and directed by the Spirit of the Indwelling Presence and so are you. And So It Is!

I breath in the Presence of Love. (hand on heart for 10 sec) Knowing that I am tuning into the Love Intelligence that created life, I speak my word of faith knowing an inner shift is mine right now. And So It Is!
~~ ✰~~
I release fear, separation and judgment that is causing me pain. I let go of habits of suffering!
~~ ✰~~
I listen with an open heart to the Truth that I and my Father are one. Love is always present in my life.
~~ ✰~~
I practice forgiveness of myself and others. I choose to be free!
~~ ✰~~
I surrender this stressful mental habit from my life right now. In conscious relationship with Spirit, I breath in the Presence of Love that guides my Life. I seek and accept greater clarity, peace and joy.
~~ ✰~~
With gratitude and appreciation I Thank You Divine Presence for your constant guidance, partnership and joy.
~~ ✰~~
I know that I am loving, lovable and loved!
Affirmations to Experience more Joy:
~~ ✰~~
I am attuned to loving spirit within me and I rejoice in this moment.
~~ ✰~~
I welcome joy into my life now, I breath it in.
~~ ✰~~
I am spontaneous & open to participate in new experiences.
~~ ✰~~
I love to explore new attitudes and exciting things.
~~ ✰~~
I love being in the glorious Presence right here and now.
~~ ✰~~
I celebrate the wonders of life.
~~ ✰~~
I am open to the wonder of joy coming into my life.
~~ ✰~~
I am willing to risk being the fullness of who I Am.
~~ ✰~~
I love to live in joy and I affirm this is an active part of me.
~~ ✰~~
I embrace this very precious moment life is offering me.
~~ ✰~~
I am open and receptive to joyful people, places and experience. I invite them into my life.
~~ ✰~~
I invite wonderful friendships to flourish in my life.

~~ ✰~~
I rejoice in the wonders of life all around me.
~~ ✰~~
I am grateful for the goodness that is mine each day. Thank you Beloved!
~~ ✰~~
Gratitude for What Is:

I am grateful for my life just the way it is.
~~ ✰~~
My heart is open and receptive and for this I am deeply grateful.
~~ ✰~~
Regardless of the changes all around me, I choose to be grateful.
~~ ✰~~
I open to the greater flow of life.
~~ ✰~~
***_I am always right where I need to be._***
~~ ✰~~
I am divinely guided, directed and empowered by love. Deeply grateful…
~~ ✰~~
I am receptive, responsive and in tune.
~~ ✰~~
Thank you Spirit for our constant partnership. I hold you in my heart and mind and choose to be attuned always.

~~ ✰~~

Then write down all your wishes and dreams.

When you have done this then plan what you want to achieve this year.

Then quarterly.

Then monthly.

Then weekly.

Then daily.

Print your planners well ahead of time – do a month at a time perhaps.

Use the back of each page to record notes, contact details etc.

Keep all your sheets in your file so that you have a record of all your notes, contact details, plans and action steps in one place.
free printable planners


    • ~~~~~~
      thread under heavy construction
    • ~~~


post 10


Abraham video missing tennis shoe

“The coincidental timing and symbolic quality of such events convince people of synchronicity. The coincidence is between a psychological situation and an outer accident, meeting, or event – in which the outer situation is a symbolic representation of the psychological struggle or conflict.

It seems to me that synchronicity is frequent, but unless an individual has some insight into the psychological situation the symbolic coincidence is not appreciated. Like ignored dreams, they have no impact.” Jean Shinoda Bolen






saving to sort thru

intro post4164896433_cebcff19c7_n.jpg




 Will be My 2017-2018 PowerTools


The thread is in major edit-mode…therefore posts/table of contents will not represent thread until thread is more underway. Thanks for patience. It won’t be ready for sharing until end of  2018 

Related image

Everything works together for good. I greet this new day with a song of happiness and hope in my heart. I thank my most loving God for the freedom to determine my life and my victories. My passion is the key to my abundance. Everything in my life has brought me to this moment, and it is perfect.a4a11de74ce6f915c07d29eb9be5ef34.jpg1d00378629b85775eb0dd9fe7ee11359--smile-quotes-cute-quotes.jpg6f312bbb08bfbd7b490cf75e9b1447b8.jpg







BHC_4a.gifWhen there is love in your heart, everything outside of you also becomes lovable.  ~Veeresh


  • ღI love how my mind is my sanctuary, and my heart provides such wonderful inspiration for my life.

  • I love how refreshed I feel right now.

    Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today. 

    • I follow my heart and feel a sense of freedom, awe and release

      ღI now choose to experience the sweetness of today.



          • ★I am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life. I am strong, gentle, and capable.


Winning starts with beginning.

I begin.
I continue.
I trust The Process. All is well.
Thank you God.





 I am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life. I am strong, gentle, and capable.






Image result








All Is Well Affirmations



⇒ The thread is in major edit-mode…therefore table of contents will not represent thread until thread is more underway. Thanks for patience. Free Printables Daily Planner thepeacefulmom.com

Eventually this post will provide a Table of Contents of sorts.

    • ~



      • intro post 
      •  post 2 POSITIVITY/ Gratitude, Loving-Attitude & Service:pg1
      •  post 3  Just For Today: Self-Care Action/Feelings




I have enjoyed creating threads which lift/inspire me  & Always Hoping someone else gets something quite helpful too





7 Step Morning Ritual


Contented & Beyond

Red Heart on Google Android 7.1



Healthier Happier Experiences





Health Quotes Videos Vision Board



Soar/Joyful Energy











Happiness Is a Practice

Start it with what you love!!!

 Image result for love wednesdays pic



What you can't get out of, get into wholeheartedly. Mignon McLaughlin





Huna Kupua





Currently Threads By Other Members I Enjoy Frequenting (for easy access):


What's Your Intentions?

How to set intentions that work

Image result for setting intentions

Do you set intentions just after waking up and before getting out of your bed? 
The first 20 minutes of having awakened and the last 20 minutes before going to sleep are the most powerful moments you have to influence your subconscious mind. Your brain iz in the theta brainwave state either having come out of the delta brainwave state (waking up) or going into the delta state (going to sleep) from the theta state.

When going to sleep our conscious and subconscious mind are merging together as one. For those next several hours your mind iz creating what you desire and whatever you have impressed upon it. Once you wake up and get into the alpha state and finally into the beta state your brainwaves will then be attracting all the things relevant to your intentions. Some call this "priming." 
to read more
When I make this statement in my declaring my intention that I am choosing to be and going to be moving into this state of being "unbelievably blessed" I am sending out the memo to the rest of my being that we are going to shift as a whole now. They immediately start getting into alignment. 



Image result for beingness
 to read more






Threads I enjoy visiting in past for review
An Affirmation Thread Challenge

 Links I had saved in the past/want to review(:
abundance and happiness
Quantum Physics

    • Latest workshop had a video link-I didn't watch -looking forward to it

video note to self:watch it(:



Moderator-fun material to return to




PICS FOR LATER7e6f595e1502cc81e7988c8873ff37b1--drink-quotes-wanderlust-quotes.jpg

    • POST 8

      ★★Loving Yourself (# , page, chapter -3 lol) [expansion]

      Remove Sticky Post

      • POST 1


      • thread created 6/30/17
      • last edited 12:32PM (thread in process/feel free to view & contribute as is)
      • this thread is a work in progress/though you are always welcome here!!





       The first time I ever heard the song  I'm Yours by Jason Mraz, the creator of Bmindful shared it on this site. I actually asked who's Jason Mraz...??? That has been awhile... now... because Jason Mraz became and still is 1 of my favorites for his ALIVE-tunes... and lyrics.

      So many statements that can be about loving a particular other-or simply and powerfully also about loving yourself.  (either way-it feels like joy-love keeping it uncomplicated & real)



      Related imagel







      Everything works together for good. I greet this new day with a song of happiness and hope in my heart. I thank my most loving God for the freedom to determine my life and my victories. My passion is the key to my abundance. Everything in my life has brought me to this moment, and it is perfect.



      Demonstrative Self LOVE IN ACTION









      This loving yourself-thing has expansion like us-because we are love. I truly was lol ... because I didn't know whether to just add a pg or chapter... Because this is another level of love...


      This thread is a take off of loving yourself-threads-


       'the more' -my spirit has been making space for being- 'more  has been arriving... coming through(:


      to be continued... 


      Love  has many dimensions, and just gets more and more beautiful (like us)

      This thread is geared to our actions that are inspired by Being love, and being love to ourselves. 

      You can guess where the next thread is going... Though this one is our love for us/and actions that come from it(:

      I  am so peaceful and charged up when the energy of this topic enters my mind, body and spirit.



      My message is:  to  honor the gifts that have been bestowed upon us, and in this case,  body, your mind and your spirit... and daily miracles will be performed  in all aspects of your life.

      Image result for live as though its last day on earth and first day of vacation quote


      a quote that really said/says for me basically says: 

       -instead of things you tell yourself you  have to do...think of it as  things that you have the extreme privilege of  being able to do.

      LOVE this quote!!!







      table of contents of posts (coming soon)

      • post 1
      • post 2
      • post 3
      • post 4
      • post 5
      • post 6
      • post 7
      • post 8
      • post 9

      related threads in process

      Sacred Words by Lori K

      Inspired Action versus Action-page 1

      SelfCare Action/Feelings

      Thoughts Behind a Joyful Soul's To Do List

      Movement Is Improvement

      (self love) Discipline Is________

      Wonderfully Aligned & Creatively Disciplined 

      Joy of Structured & Unstructured Time 

      Barriers To Success' m00n/2010

      Clarity On Your Sacred Path( a Happiness Mtg) -join in anytime -/2016



      The applications of gratitude and blessing are virtually unlimited, can be used by anyone, require no waiting periods or large capital investments, transcend ideological differences, and are wonderfully contagious.

      • POST 2

      I now want to kick off  this part of my intro  with ...



      a term I coined...as the inspiration behind a life that is heart felt, spirit filled, productive...with a foundation of gratitude and appreciation for EVERYTHING!



      ღThe greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working

      (working-basically means- doing the next right thing-feel guided to do/feeling the question answered -What would a person (who really loves themselves do for this moment in time))

      I Am whole, perfect, strong,powerful, loving, harmonious and happy

      Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today. 

      I Am loving how much I accomplish in ways that serve the highest good. 

      ღI easily create my home just the way I truly desire for my now, and for my needs of

      the future

      My body, mind, spirit is joyously taken care of.







      Being →  Doing →  Having.

      Yes, we are love... so we have the perfect substance to co-create our best life.




      The applications of gratitude and blessing are virtually unlimited, can be used by anyone, require no waiting periods or large capital investments, transcend ideological differences, and are wonderfully contagious.

      • POST 3





      None of us are perfect!

      When we focus on coming from our Higher Self/Love... at the end of the eve we can say:










       this pic from hiyl.com


      The applications of gratitude and blessing are virtually unlimited, can be used by anyone, require no waiting periods or large capital investments, transcend ideological differences, and are wonderfully contagious.

      • POST 4

      So what is "actionable gratitude" ?


       A tinch of a life experience:

      It is how I live my life today.

      I understand that God gave me a body.

      I was shown when my health was not ok/ what it was like for it not to function ...and not know what exactly would work again...

      When I recovered (better than completely)...I wasn't just not unwell, I was truly off the chart healthy, that doctors were taking notes...asking me what I did.

      This is the honest goodness truth. After much acceptance & surrendering...and belief in a Good Life...  I turned into a little body builder and a disciplined high nutrition-foodie. Mind you... this behavior took place when I could barely move and had lost my sense of taste ... (and that was only the beginning).

       I got to the place of knowing what was right for me. I was shown all I was shown so I could joyfully, gratefully honor every thing I was privileged to do/enjoy in life no matter what it was.I loved myself completely demonstratively. I was willing to do whatever it took ... 

      The tools I found worked are not expensive...or 'far out' . 

      The result was healing from any remnant of life that needed healing...because I knew if I didn't have me, nothing did exist for me.

       So where am I today and why create this thread for myself & to share with you? 

      see next post:

      The applications of gratitude and blessing are virtually unlimited, can be used by anyone, require no waiting periods or large capital investments, transcend ideological differences, and are wonderfully contagious.

      • POST 5


      The applications of gratitude and blessing are virtually unlimited, can be used by anyone, require no waiting periods or large capital investments, transcend ideological differences, and are wonderfully contagious.

      • POST 6



      When you are not feeling the joy you ARE 

      -you will be able to say that's not 'Me'



      When you are not feeling wellness, 

      you will be able to say that's not 'Me


      When you are not feeling the love that you are- you will be able to say that's not 'Me


      When you are not feeling the peace you have inside- you will be able to say that's not 'Me'


      The applications of gratitude and blessing are virtually unlimited, can be used by anyone, require no waiting periods or large capital investments, transcend ideological differences, and are wonderfully contagious.

      • POST 7




      MINDFUL PLANNING /GRATITUDE AFFIRMATIONS) from parallelbranding.com




      The applications of gratitude and blessing are virtually unlimited, can be used by anyone, require no waiting periods or large capital investments, transcend ideological differences, and are wonderfully contagious.

      • POST 8



      The applications of gratitude and blessing are virtually unlimited, can be used by anyone, require no waiting periods or large capital investments, transcend ideological differences, and are wonderfully contagious.

      • POST 9



      Try not to read into the questions, just respond how you feel and what you're thinking. Lets see what comes up(:

      1. How important is your health to you?Do you like to know more about  food and its components?

      2. How has ideas of taking care of you changed since you were much younger?/Is it more or less important ?

      2. When you think of exercise what comes up for you? (too hard/don't think of exercise/Is it more for health/or appearance?/ want to include it in your life?

      3. How do you currently make room for your health in your life? 

      4. Do you create ways to incorporate selfcare into your life in ways you'd enjoy/call fun? 

      The applications of gratitude and blessing are virtually unlimited, can be used by anyone, require no waiting periods or large capital investments, transcend ideological differences, and are wonderfully contagious.

      • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


        • POST 6


          • POST








          • ~~~~~~~~~~





          Demonstrative Self LOVE IN ACTION









          This loving yourself-thing has expansion like us-because we are love. I truly was lol ... because I didn't know whether to just add a pg or chapter... Because this is another level of love...


          This thread is a take off of loving yourself-threads-


           'the more' -my spirit has been making space for being- 'more  has been arriving... coming through(:


          to be continued... 


          Love  has many dimensions, and just gets more and more beautiful (like us)

          This thread is geared to our actions that are inspired by Being love, and being love to ourselves. 

          You can guess where the next thread is going... Though this one is our love for us/and actions that come from it(:

          I  am so peaceful and charged up when the energy of this topic enters my mind, body and spirit.





          a quote that really said/says for me basically says: 

           -instead of things you tell yourself you  have to do...think of it as  things that you have the extreme privilege of  being able to do.

          LOVE this quote!!!







          table of contents of posts (coming soon)

          • post 1
          • post 2
          • post 3
          • post 4
          • post 5
          • post 6
          • post 7
          • post 8
          • post 9



          related threads in process

          Sacred Words by Lori K


          Inspired Action versus Action-page 1

          SelfCare Action/Feelings

          Thoughts Behind a Joyful Soul's To Do List

          Movement Is Improvement

          (self love) Discipline Is________

          Wonderfully Aligned & Creatively Disciplined 

          Joy of Structured & Unstructured Time 

          Barriers To Success' m00n/2010

          Clarity On Your Sacred Path( a Happiness Mtg) -join in anytime -/2016


           Or in Abraham's words : 






          I now want to kick off  this part of my intro  with ...



          a term I coined...as the inspiration behind a life that is heart felt, spirit filled, productive...with a foundation of gratitude and appreciation for EVERYTHING!



          ღThe greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working

          (working-basically means- doing the next right thing-feel guided to do/feeling the question answered -What would a person (who really loves themselves do for this moment in time))

          I Am whole, perfect, strong,powerful, loving, harmonious and happy

          Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today. 

          I Am loving how much I accomplish in ways that serve the highest good. 

          ღI easily create my home just the way I truly desire for my now, and for my needs of

          the future

          My body, mind, spirit is joyously taken care of.







          Being →  Doing →  Having.

          Yes, we are love... so we have the perfect substance to co-create our best life.







          None of us are perfect!

          When we focus on coming from our Higher Self/Love... at the end of the eve we can say:










           this pic from hiyl.com


        • POST 5
        • POST 4






        • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





        So what is "actionable gratitude" ?


         A tinch of a life experience:

        It is how I live my life today.

        I understand that God gave me a body.

        I was shown when my health was not ok/ what it was like for it not to function ...and not know what exactly would work again...

        When I recovered (better than completely)...I wasn't just not unwell, I was truly off the chart healthy, that doctors were taking notes...asking me what I did.

        This is the honest goodness truth. After much acceptance & surrendering...and belief in a Good Life...  I turned into a little body builder and a disciplined high nutrition-foodie. Mind you... this behavior took place when I could barely move and had lost my sense of taste ... (and that was only the beginning).

         I got to the place of knowing what was right for me. I was shown all I was shown so I could joyfully, gratefully honor every thing I was privileged to do/enjoy in life no matter what it was.I loved myself completely demonstratively. I was willing to do whatever it took ... 

        The tools I found worked are not expensive...or 'far out' . 

        The result was healing from any remnant of life that needed healing...because I knew if I didn't have me, nothing did exist for me.

         So where am I today and why create this thread for myself & to share with you? 

        see next post:







        When you are not feeling the joy you ARE 

        -you will be able to say that's not 'Me'



        When you are not feeling wellness, 

        you will be able to say that's not 'Me


        When you are not feeling the love that you are- you will be able to say that's not 'Me


        When you are not feeling the peace you have inside- you will be able to say that's not 'Me'






        None of us are perfect!

        When we focus on coming from our Higher Self/Love... at the end of the eve we can say:



        because knowing we are love, and the energy we view life contributes to the energy life. 

        Think about your day...when you aren't 'just in a good mood'- though you are loving life...

        What happens?




        to be continued

      • POST 7




      MINDFUL PLANNING /GRATITUDE AFFIRMATIONS) from parallelbranding.com






  • POST 9


    • thread created 6/30/17
    • last edited 1:33PM (thread in process/feel free to view & contribute as is)
    • this thread is a work in progress/though you are always welcome here!!
    • table of contents -coming soon(:
    • ~~~~~~~

     #2/LAST THREAD 

  Making the Growth Choice-video


Try not to read into the questions, just respond how you feel and what you're thinking. Lets see what comes up(:

1. How important is your health to you?Do you like to know more about  food and its components?

2. How has ideas of taking care of you changed since you were much younger?/Is it more or less important ?

2. When you think of exercise what comes up for you? (too hard/don't think of exercise/Is it more for health/or appearance?/ want to include it in your life?

3. How do you currently make room for your health in your life? 

4. Do you create ways to incorporate selfcare into your life in ways you'd enjoy/call fun? 




  • ~~ ✰~~
    I recognize my true Source and let prosperity pour forth into my every experience.
  • ~~ ✰ღ~~
  • I am consciously aware of my beliefs. I only hold onto beliefs that support me.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    I am radiantly beautiful and vibrationally healthy and Joyously alive.
  • ~~ ✰~~
    I am free to be, according to my highest vision.
  • ~~ ✰~~
  • I have moments of brilliance and moments of mediocrity. I remain calm internally regardless.
    ~~ ✰~~
  • I bless the past, let it go and move swiftly into an exciting, new phase of my life.


Videos: (1) Making The Growth Choice

(2) Freedom of Self Discipline












Everything works together for good. I greet this new day with a song of happiness and hope in my heart. I thank my most loving God for the freedom to determine my life and my victories. My passion is the key to my abundance. Everything in my life has brought me to this moment, and it is perfect.







  • th?id=OIP.PJ7bYJEqT7KjSrdZjbX46AEsDV&pid=15.1&P=0&w=263&h=188














  • ~








For me, today its about doing what is truly meaningful for me - from an even more 'energetic loving place'

I have known how to take good care of me, hence my alias selfcare(: Though the feeling I wanted more of -is a particular way... more routines...that  I desired to take better care of me.  


I love so much what God has given me -mind, body and spirit... that honoring this in myself and others is self-love to me.

  • ~

I have a full life ...I love... and I had taken break from some things... because I was enjoying the Being-mode. 


I am sure you can all attest to this 'place'  of   where  you feel you can  'touch your soul'

->(the place without attaching yourself to specifics.... without the desire to label 'everything... (it brings about the feelings/experiences of  those infinite possibilities ... )

Just taking it all in, and finding out so much love is truly everywhere ... 

I'm grateful to have allowed that much time for 'all just to be' . Living my life from there had me more peak experiences ...no matter what I was doing. 

I had a 'feeling'  - 'being'  would = 'good things'. Though now I can say with certainty life Is what I make it without  'MAKING IT' (: Allowing creates.

 I Am back in touch with my spirit the way I've desired. Thank you God!




Bottom line, I wanted to get back to the part of me that flowed from not only high energy and enthusiasm when I took care of me-well. I wanted to remember why I was doing the  good-things I've learned that were 'good for me'  and feel it. I have before and it was a whole-person rush. 

These routines didn't happen over night.... They were on purpose from my heart over time... 

I knew it was time again -and not just in spurts- though more regularly I wanted this  self-care flow.

Winning starts with beginning. 

I begin.
I continue. 
I trust The Process. All is well. 
Thank you God.


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[thread still being created-feel; free to view & post on as is]





Red Heart on Google Android 7.1

My message for myself has been  to  honor the gifts that have been bestowed with regard to   body, mind and  spirit... and daily miracles will be performed  in all aspects of your life and those around you




  • Putting love first means knowing that the universe supports you in creating the good, the holy, and the beautiful. It means knowing that you’re on the earth for a purpose, and that the purpose itself will create opportunities for its accomplishment.— Marianne Williamson

  • ~~ ღ~~
    I recognize my true Source and let prosperity pour forth into my every experience.
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
  • Through listening to and following my deepest messages of truth — in my body, emotions, intelligence, relationships, and spirituality — I thrive.
  • ~~ ღ~~
  • I am free to be, according to my highest vision.
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
  • Everything I do increases the harmony, beauty, and order in my life.
  • ~~ ღ~~
  • I bring my dreams into the present moment.
  • ~~ ✰ ~~
  • I am radiantly beautiful and vibrationally healthy and Joyously alive.
  • ~~ ღ~~
  • I am glad to be alive, to be where I am, to be who I am.
  • I pull the plug on limitations and rise into a new consciousness of power.
  • I bring unconscious thoughts into my consciousness, so I can choose what thoughts I want to focus on.
  • I don’t need permission. That is my secret power.
  • I am creating new possibilities in my life. The universe is my playground.
  • I ask for what I want and accept what I receive, I will get what I need.
  • I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.

 Related image

  • ~~ ✰~~
  • def58900d89b2f93ae5f223f4dd89f5d--im-yours-jason-mraz-lyric-art.jpgeb11484e04a2a25ce2d5ffc5493cb192--law-of-attraction-affirmations-law-of-attraction-quotes.jpg6052470-jason-mraz-i-m-yours-lyrics.jpgil_340x270.799803007_9qz5.jpg

    The first time I ever heard the song  I'm Yours by Jason Mraz, the creator of Bmindful shared it on this site. I actually asked who's Jason Mraz...??? That has been awhile... now... because Jason Mraz became and still is 1 of my favorites for his ALIVE-tunes... and lyrics.

    So many of the lyrics are so beautifully loving/free that can be viewed about loving a particular other-or simply and powerfully also about loving yourself.  (either way-it feels like joy-love keeping it uncomplicated & real)












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Being the unique individuals we all are…different things will speak to us at different times. Some things we hear will never cut it.

    • ~
      Share (if you will) ⇒your favorite productivity quotes, and if you choose a short feeling/thought of why/when your choice speaks the best to you.
    • ~
      Allow yourself to find what works for you
    • ~


goal of thread…wide variation for a community which obviously is as wonderfully unique as the things which work for them…What a list we can possibly come up with…when we are true to ourselves.

    • ~


  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Values as the Highest Psychological Form for Accomplishment

We can see a continuum of psychological forms from data to values.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Data are mental facts derived from sense observation.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Information is data organized by the physical mind into meaningful relationships.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Thoughts are specific conclusions or observations drawn from the information.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ideas are generalized conceptions derived from specific thoughts.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Opinions are thoughts which the mind endorses and the ego identifies as its own.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Beliefs are ideas which the mind endorses and the mental ego identifies with as true for its life.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Attitudes are opinions endorsed and energized by the vital ego.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Values are idealized conceptions that are endorsed by the personality.
***_In terms of accomplishment, thoughts are mental forms of energy which do not necessarily lead to action. Ideas carry the energy of mental understanding. Opinions carry the force of mental conviction. Attitudes carry the vital force of our emotional endorsement. Values carry the power of psychological commitment and determination. Values issue from a deeper or higher center of motivation in our personalities and therefore carry far greater power than our opinions and attitudes._*** ROY POSNER
power of values


Page 2

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 Other related threads in process

May Cause Miracles


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmbVclJrS5dcoOHRB_sgvVKJrBP3SocFMwf2DLUEiRZFtZwq2mI am filled with energy to do all the daily activities in my life...and then someimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDpKvQtREs2lVZ1QHyWQ2IyA4mxm0FN-JZvwZg19rrPaIIiS41Sw
My life is organized as I enjoy, and my mind is clear and focused.26456db0067b62f8ce394c474a24a3df--louise-hay-affirmations.jpg

——- - - ★  →   I Am strong,gentle and capable.

My mind creates an image of my body that is always vital, healthy, beautiful and strong.
I can create any routine I like, one cognitive brain thought and heart feeling at a time...


I choose to do the things that I know will improve my life.

 I have a knack for big jobs! I simply carry on as everything is simple, fun, and a delightful party I have planned myself.
 Refreshing appreciation -it permeates my world.




I can create any routine I like, one cognitive brain thought and heart feeling at a time...
 I choose to do the things that I know will improve my life.
 I have a knack for big jobs! I simply carry on as everything is simple, fun, and a delightful party I have planned myself.
 Refreshing appreciation -it permeates my world.








textileRef:163629653559ad780587d4d:linkStartMarker:“How to Shed Grudges and Self‐Scorn
for Greater Peace of Mind”:http://www.usc.edu/programs/cwfl/assets/pdf/Finding%20Forgiveness.pdf
***~Created by Jeffrey Harris, MFT, CEAP~***

Forgiveness is taking responsibility for how you feel now
Let Go/Health Benefits of Forgiveness
5 Health Benefits of Forgiveness
The Takeaway
True forgiveness is easier said than done. It can be difficult, especially if someone truly upset you in a way that contradicted your values and morals. However, it’s important to remember that holding that grudge is not going to fix anything. That hot coal you’re holding onto is just burning yourself.

Let go of the coal, and you will feel the lift of mental burdens. However, you may also notice your body thanking you through the health benefits of forgiveness: lower stress levels, a healthier heart, higher pain tolerance, lower blood pressure, and even an extended life. The next time someone upsets you, remember to forgive if you want to live happily as well as healthily.
Copyright © 2015 inspiyr.com

to read article & 5 health benefits of forgiveness

When you are out in nature, find a comfortable spot and take a seat either on the ground or on a bench, if there’s one available.

This is a heart opening exercise to begin communing with your surroundings. As you say these words aloud, yet softly, bring to mind the visions of them and let your eyes settle upon the ones you find in your surroundings and once again let your feelings flow from your heart :

“ Thank you home, for allowing me to live within your walls.
Thank you for giving me shelter, warmth, and security.
Thank you for allowing me to live my life in your womb,
for staying strong and sturdy,
for supporting me, and for your beauty.

Thank you earth, for the land that I live on
and for allowing me to steward life with you.
Thank you for allowing me to walk upon soil,
cultivate you, and live in partnership with you.
thank you for supporting my home and my family.

Thank you plants, minerals, and animals
that dwell on the land that I steward.
Thank you for allowing me to experience your beauty,
share in your wonderment of life,
and for the honor of living with all of you on this earth.
Thank you for the wisdom and joy you bring to humanity.

I honor you. “

You may perform this meditation as often as you feel drawn to or are guided to. You may even practice it when you are indoors, when weather doesn’t permit you to be outdoors. Your connection to Nature and All That Is is eternal. It is your intent that allows the re-connection.

    • ~


☼Remind yourself, to be kind toward yourself,
in all the choices you make about your daily life. Wayne Dyer

Words (stories) produce thoughts.
Thoughts produce feelings.
Feelings produce decisions.
Decisions produce actions.
Actions produce habits.
Habits create character.
Character determines your destiny.
From Kathy Paauw’s Book ☼The Music of Your Heart

 You get exposed to more information in one day than a well-educated individual living in the 18th century encountered in a lifetime.
 You have up to 80,000 thoughts a day.
 You are bombarded with 4,000 messages daily in your environment. It’s no wonder that you forget things!
Carmen Coker

☼No one can create negativity or stress within you.
Only you can do that by virtue of how you process your world. Wayne Dyer

    • ___________________


☼When you are really in the flow with your Inner Being, ideas come easily—they are implemented easily. It’s fun while you are in the process of them, and it doesn’t matter how they unfold; and nothing can go wrong, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t get it done, it’s just fun to do it. Your Inner Being feels no limit. So, anything that feels like limits is something that you have self-imposed. Abraham

☼Things are coming into your experience in response to your vibration. Your vibration is offered because of the thoughts you are thinking, and you can tell by the way you feel what kinds of thoughts you are thinking. Find good-feeling thoughts and good-feeling manifestations must follow Make a decision to look for the best-feeling aspects of whatever you must give your attention to, and otherwise look only for good-feeling things to give your attention to—and your life will become one of increasingly good-feeling aspects. []Abraham

Consider the following (adapted from Albert Ellis, 1962): Event → Interpretation → Emotional Response

  • ___________________

Thank You.

post 12


This post is my go to list for rest of thread-please this thread is not open for posting yet.

expected post time -end of 2018


    review this post and edit/update for site's table of contents





      • ღI now choose to experience the sweetness of today.

    • Current Favorite threads for me:
    • Writing While In The Flow-Intentions


      I intend to appreciate everything which unfolds today, because I Am right where I Am supposed to be and all is happening so well.


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    nature lake animated gif

    • Peace flows through my mind and body like a clear, healing stream




    Wherever I look -I Am appreciating... something beautiful in the midst.












      I vibrate to the frequencies of acceptance, love, and appreciation.



    When I Am not feeling the joy I Am  

    I Am  able to say that's not 'Me'





    I allow love and the joy of life to flow through me like the most pure healing waters.





    If not this, then always always something awesomely better.

    • ღAll that matters is how I spend this moment.



        • ★I am the creator of my time and time is my servant. I give time it’s energy, it’s purpose, and it’s very existence with my consciousness. Time is not outside of me but within me and apart of me. Time loves, needs, and wants me to serve me.
        • ★Time may or may not be an illusion but I make a real use out of time and time serves me.
        • ★I have an abundance of time!
    • I love how I Am feeling my energy increase.

        • ★I am the creator of my time and time is my servant. I give time it’s energy, it’s purpose, and it’s very existence with my consciousness. Time is not outside of me but within me and apart of me. Time loves, needs, and wants me to serve me.
        • ★Time may or may not be an illusion but I make a real use out of time and time serves me.
        • ★I have an abundance of time!

           I vibrate to the frequencies of acceptance, love, and appreciation.

          ღAll that matters is how I spend this moment.


           ★ I follow my heart and feel a sense of freedom, awe and release

          I love how I Am feeling my energy increase.







    • Morning 
    • Noon
    • Eve


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    (2) acknowledging your powerful foundation















    (3) Live The Life You've Been Dreaming Of Ch. 1 Page 1










































    Related image


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          ★I am the creator of my time and time is my servant. I give time it’s energy, it’s purpose, and it’s very existence with my consciousness. Time is not outside of me but within me and apart of me. Time loves, needs, and wants me to serve me.
        • ★Time may or may not be an illusion but I make a real use out of time and time serves me.
        • ★I have an abundance of time!
        • how-do-you-want-to-feel-sml-300x267.jpgd47124faf26a5137919931430fce152b.jpg

          ★I am the creator of my time and time is my servant. I give time it’s energy, it’s purpose, and it’s very existence with my consciousness. Time is not outside of me but within me and apart of me. Time loves, needs, and wants me to serve me.
        • images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQCKdWbtMO6KxJetYrkPKnI6gQyFPcw06Y2hBgQRjLLu_00kkK6




          I am well rested everyday.

          Joy is my body’s keynote; vitality is its song.



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    I see what I love, and I love what I see.


    Action pdf (1 of many to posted)

    Learn How To
    Create A Mind With Heart


    Powerful Intentions Which Truly Assisted

    To be fully rested, involved in a  powerfully harmoniously loving wonderful day!






    I see what I love, and I love what I see.

    one of my absolute favorite affirmations from Louise Hay -> ★I See What I Love, and I Love What I See 








    Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today. 






















    I accept all the pleasure life has to offer.





















     ★I am absolutely committed to writing something each and everyday













    Action pdf (1 of many to posted)


    Metaphysics For Life

     Become A Skilled LifeNavigator Using Your Heartcompass 

     Heart Compass PDF 

    David Allen-Project Planning 

    Free Printables You May Enjoy


    HEALTHY MIND PLATTER Seven daily essential mental activities to optimize brain matter and create well-being


    It essentially discusses balance. 

    Here is part 

    “mental nutrients” that your brain and relationships need to function at their best. By engaging every day in each of these servings, you promote integration in your life and enable your brain to coordinate and balance its activities. These essential mental activities strengthen your brain's internal connections and your connections with other people and the world around you.

    We're not suggesting specific amounts of time for this recipe for a healthy mind, as each individual is different, and our needs change over time too. The point is to become aware of the full spectrum of essential mental activities, and as with essential nutrients, make sure that at least every day we are bringing the right ingredients into our mental diet, even if for just a bit of time. Just as you wouldn't eat only pizza every day for days on end, we shouldn't just live on focus time alone with little time for sleep. The key is balancing the day with each of these essential mental activities. Mental wellness is all about reinforcing our connections with others and the world around us; and it is also about strengthening the connections within the brain itself.  When we vary the focus of attention with this spectrum of mental activities, we give the brain lots of opportunities to develop in different ways.images101-63-293x300.jpg











    Threads On Wonderful Healthy Necessary Self Love(:





    ღThe greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working

    I Am whole, perfect, strong,powerful, loving, harmonious and happy


    I Am loving how much I accomplish in ways that serve the highest good. 

    ღI easily create my home just the way I truly desire for my now, and for my needs of

    the future































    I will see the beauty and presence of God in every soul who crosses my path

    ღMy heart is light. I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything


    ღI feel a newer greater ღkinder energy which has inspired me to maintain my chosen daily routines




















    recently created THREADS  to return to:







    type- LOA & Abundance






    A member sent this to me to view

    and this interprets it more 











    A Long While Ago...I once stumbled on this (on some  Abe-related site). 

    excerpt of an article :

    Recently, I received a pamphlet outlining the teachings of Reb Nachman of Breslov (b.1772- d.1810). It was entitled “Be Happy”. I was amazed at the synchronicity of the message of his teachings with the teachings of Abraham. Here are some quotes from the pamphlet:

    Through joy, you free your soul from all kinds of inner problems, both physical and spiritual.

    Happiness is a fire burning to ash all the impurities in a person’s system and in the entire universe.

    Create joy for yourself. Dance or sing or do at least one thing every hour that makes you feel joyful. Continue to increase it, until very soon, your whole day will be filled with happiness. This way you will be able to achieve your purpose in life, both physically and spiritually. Joy is a person’s existence, so do whatever works for you in order to be happy the whole day.


    The greater the happiness you experience, the more you will be filled with spiritual holiness and succeed in everything. This is because happiness is the essence of a human being, both spiritually and physically. It is his essence in both this world and

    the World to Come.

    Problems are attracted to a person who is depressed and filled with bitterness. However, if you decide to fill yourself with joy, doing whatever you can in order to accomplish this – even to lift your feet and dance in joy – all judgments against you will be removed.

    G-d is the very essence of joy.

    Happiness contracts and constructs funnels, and channels G-d’s light so that it will reach even the smallest and most fallen; even the most lost and the most pitiable.

    And so, whatever level you may be at this moment – even be it low, degraded and fallen, strengthen yourself to tremendous joy. As a result G-d’s light will shine on you right where you are. Then you will rise from your lowliness and desperation.




















    Today is a good day, and it continues to get better and better.





    I love being in such wonderful harmony with my values 

    I can truly see what I Am desiring in my minds eye.

     I Am always allowing a better way.

    I am amazed how much I accomplish in ways that serve my highest good.



    Today is a good day, and it continues to get better and better.






    My Selected Affirmations








    March 2017 Powerful Affirmations Serving Me Well Now


    My minds eye sees my vision for creating my home. 























    1. “We all have the power to transform ourselves and consciously choose something that does not already exist. At any moment we can create something beyond what is.” ~ Julie Ann Turner



      What is a Self-care Enthusiast? by Lynda Monk (reflective journaling)
      Soulful self-care is the way in which you care for and nourish the essence of who you are – past what you do, beyond all the roles that define you, it is how you turn inward to know, grow and care for yourself. if you desire->read article in full




      “There is no formula to relationships. They have to be negotiated in loving ways, with room for both parties, what they want and what they need, what they can do and what their life is like.” Tuesdays With Morrie


    2. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRz4aeqn6yao9LjDwLoZtx2p-_OC6kxJd9GMHYorISSgBvTJ8vj

      Image result for great beer great responsibility



      quote♥The point of marriage is not to create a quick commonality by tearing down all boundaries; on the contrary, a good marriage is one in which each partner appoints the other to be the guardian of his solitude, and thus they show each other the greatest possible trust. A merging of two people is an impossibility, and where it seems to exist, it is a hemming-in, a mutual consent that robs one party or both parties of their fullest freedom and development. But once the realisation is accepted that even between the closest people infinite distances exist, a marvelous living side-by-side can grow up for them, if they succeed in loving the expanse between them, which gives them the possibility of always seeing each other as a whole and before an immense sky.” RAINER MARIA RIL







     I love the quote above. It reminds me how I don't have to own or buy 'everything'. I simply enjoy my experiences. It makes me feel like I have everything!

    Although knowing I will have what I desire also works for me...(:




    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~











     Abundance is mine- all of my resources my time, my riches and my energy


    How can I not  fully accept that my life is wonderful?





    I am pleased how my mind takes care of my body.

    I allow the fulfillment of my dreams and aspirations.

    I look forward to a deep restful sleep and wake with enthusiasm for the day.

    I enjoy how my physicality expresses itself.

    I let go of a specific outcome and enjoy the surrender.


    Here and now is where my power is

     Every part of my body carries out its tasks easily and naturally



    I profit from all of my experiences here.


    I am so honored, I am so blessed, I am so grateful to be loved so much.

    I am a shining example of spiritual and physical well-being.

    My body tells me what it needs


    This body is a beloved temple, with whom I am well-pleased

    I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life

    I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures

    I enjoy Powerful Affirmations

    The Power of Imagination

    “I think of affirmations and visualizations as tapping into the power of the imagination, which is a generator and transformer, a force that precedes and shapes who we become, and what we create and achieve. Whenever we attempt something new or difficult, we have to be able to imagine it before it becomes possible. It’s the combination of inspiration and perspiration that brings about tangible results.” Jean Shinoda Bolen

    Affirmations and visualizations tap into my imagination, which is a generator AND a transformer for my great life.


    Here is an upbeat I like to start my work day with





    printable for productivity

     13 things for productivity list






     blank weekly planner





     Sites I want to check out

    Neville Goddard



    Videos others have shared that I haven't yet seen or would like to revisit. Thanks iZ for sharing so many awesome videos . Titles:

    1. Fear is Excitement
    2.  What is Time?
    3. How To Use Your Brain and Subconscious Mind To Unlock
    4. The Law and the Promise






















    Table of Contents [hide]







    Learn to Consciously Jump Timelines

    You can start utilizing this consciously, and you can actually learn to jump timelines. This is very interesting; I have done it many times. Mechanically speaking, we all do it, all the time, but we can do it in a more significant way, so that it actually becomes noticeable. I have done this in a noticeable way many times over the course of my life, so that right now, when I look back on two weeks ago, I don’t recognize my life; I don’t recognize myself. When I look back two years ago, I absolutely don’t recognize myself. It feels like it is someone else.

    You can develop the same habit, the same tool, the same privilege, the same birthright, the same ability, because you already use the ability. But now, you can start using it consciously and deliberately, and have fun with it. There are many ways to do this, and mechanically, structurally, and energetically speaking, you jump timelines every second. However, you don’t do this to a significant enough degree to where we can say, “OK, this is a completely different timeline.”

    You can make it more significant, you can make the difference more drastic, more dramatic, and most importantly, you can make it be in accordance with your highest bliss, your highest joy, your highest desire. Otherwise, what’s the point, right? You might as well be in this timeline reality.

    There are many ways to increase the significance of a timeline change. If you look upon your life as it is, and how it has unfolded, you will see that there have been many moments in your life when you have had the very powerful urge, “I want change!” This is a very strong, palpable desire: “I want to change something.” If you remember the Three Day Process lesson, this is the Day One experience. It is a very profound change in the energetic orientation of you as an individual, as an individuation of All That Is.

    You have a change of heart, you have a change of intention, a change of mindset, a change of belief system. When this change is executed and is seen all the way through—when it is taken all the way through the Day 2 challenge into the Day 3 celebration, confirmation and transformation—what has happened is that you have jumped in your vibration.

    You have jumped significantly enough to where, if you could see it on a piece of paper, drawing a line between different dots (each of which represent a parallel reality), it would look like your previous life was just a straight line, and then suddenly, it jumped up a notch. The line then continues in a similar direction, or maybe in a slightly different direction, but it is on a whole different level.

    In this case, we can say, quite literally, that you have “shifted timelines.” You have actually changed your timeline. Oddly enough, not only does this mean you have changed your future experience (what you will be experiencing), it also means that the body-mind vibrational spectrum that you are now inhabiting and are conscious of, has a different past.

    Change Your Timeline by Changing Your Past


    This new past may not be one you remember, although—this is weird—you can actually gain memories of experiences you never had in your previous timeline. These are experiences that your present self has had, because again, time is an illusion. So, what you are “tuning into” or “downloading” is not so much an actual memory (you never actually have a memory, in that sense), it is simply that you notice a parallel picture that corresponds to the vibratory state you have now shifted into.


    So, now you have access to the future and the past simultaneously. You have access to this new future self, this new parallel timeline self that you chose. Being in that energy, you will naturally have a different type of memory and a different type of probability projection into your future.


    One way to specifically do this is to actually change your past. Here is one simple method that you can learn to apply. Take an event you remember from your past, perhaps one that you don’t really enjoy; one that you don’t prefer. It may be one that you wish wasn’t yours, even though you can see how it has benefited you, how it has helped you to become who you are. You can take that memory that you have a bit of a nasty after-taste from, and change it, quite literally. You can simply overwhelm that memory with your new chosen frequency vibration energy.


    Let’s say the new vibratory state you prefer over your memory is love and joy and support and respect. Take those frequencies (or one of them) and overwhelm that moment in your past with the particular frequency that you chose and see what happens. It is like you are “energetically massaging” your image of the past with a different vibratory state. You overwhelm it. You insert it. You superimpose your new vibratory state onto your image, onto the memory from the past that you don’t really enjoy. Keep exuding the energy of love and light, and the vibration of aliveness and respect and support and being loved. The more you superimpose that onto the image, the more you will start to see the image change.


    This is not a delusion, as such. This is actually you shifting into a parallel timeline, where you had a slightly different (or a significantly different) experience of a very similar moment. But now, you are in a parallel reality which is of a higher vibratory state. This is a more evolved, more expanded version of the timeline of your experience and alternate self.


    Basically, you are inhabiting an alternate version of yourself, which has a different past. So, as you keep changing that past experience, you are actually, in the present, moving yourself into different a timeline. You are shifting into a different timeline more drastically than you would if you were shifting through parallel realities on “automatic pilot.” You are making this conscious and deliberate, and you are changing it so significantly that you are actually starting to change your memory of the past. So try this out and see what happens.


    Suddenly, it is a completely different picture. The same person who perhaps abused you, suddenly starts hugging you sincerely, with no other meaning than to simply hug you and love you and support you unconditionally. Or, the boss who fired you now suddenly gives you a big commission, or a reward, or a promotion.


    You will see that your image of what happened changes. If it does not make sense to your present memory of your timeline, simply allow that to be OK, and keep superimposing your chosen vibratory state onto that past image. Watch it change and allow this to be a permission symbol for you to feel that you have actually changed, in the present, to a different parallel timeline that is more aligned; that is of a freer, more transparent nature.


    More transparent to what? More transparent to your Heart’s true desires; more transparent to who you truly want to manifest through your body-mind-individuation experience.


    Change Your Timeline—by Simply Changing Your Timeline


    Another way to change your timeline is to simply—change your timeline. This is a more advanced method because it doesn’t use any other permission symbols; it doesn’t use any other technique. It simply allows you to decide to be in a different timeline, to jump into a different timeline—just like that—using confidence.


    What you do is superimpose the frequency of confident change onto your present experience, and—right there, right then—you will start to feel a difference in your vibratory state. You will start to change how you feel and how you see, and that actually signifies that you have jumped into an alternate timeline. As a result, you will have different memories come up, and you will have access to different future passions and creativity.


    So, try that one; it is very direct. You can always apply it, and the more you practice it, the more your confidence becomes this overwhelming, overpowering energy that allows you to shift your reality in an instant, more and more. Confidence is powerful. Faith is powerful. Deliberate confidence is very potent. It is a very powerful tool.


    Change Your Timeline through Visualization


    Another way to jump timelines is to use visualization. To do this, sit down, as in meditation. Center yourself a little bit, relax, take a deep breath, give away all thoughts for 2 to 5 seconds. Recognize the changelessness, the essence, the perfect nature of timeless Presence, or timeless Awareness. Or, do whatever allows you to feel centered and comfortable within yourself.


    Then visualize, or imagine, what it is you wish to shift into. Visualize that reality to such an extent that you actually start to feel the vibratory changes of the active visualization. As soon as you start to see those vibratory changes, as soon as you visualize this powerfully enough, you actually start to become that reality, to shift into that reality.


    How do you know you have actually shifted into a different timeline? Well again, you do this all the time, so really, it is not even a question. You always have shifted into parallel realities. But the timeline change becomes more significant when you actually feel different. When you feel your mood has significantly changed. When you feel your outlook on life has significantly changed. When you feel that your perspective on things has changed. When your grudges about the past no longer hold sway over you, and your concerns about the future feel completely lightened up. You know you have shifted when you feel more ecstatic; when you feel more alive.


    You know you have shifted timelines whenever you feel more stable and grounded, yet freer at the same time; more inside of your own center of alignment. You feel better overall. Every time there is a significant change in your mood, it means you did something to make it happen—whether you did it consciously or unconsciously; deliberately or accidentally. But you did something to cause yourself to shift into a parallel timeline.


    In fact, this is the only way emotional change is possible. You can only change emotionally if you shift your vibration significantly enough to where you are in a different timeline. Suddenly, you will notice you are more confident about your future. You are no longer looking to the past. You are no longer holding grudges and regrets. You no longer feel attached to the person that left you perhaps, or to the people that you have loved. You feel free. You feel empowered. You feel more powerful. This is a sign that you have done a good job and you have shifted confidently into a parallel timeline experience—one that has a different past and a different future. You will attract a different future than you would have had in the parallel reality you just moved out of.


    In a sense, it is like moving houses, or moving locations. It is no different. You simply give yourself permission to feel that you have changed. You give yourself permission to know that you have changed. You give yourself permission to “be the change you wish to see in the world”—quite literally.


    When you do this, you will see that your reality changes, because the Law of Attraction and the Law of Reflection will cause your circumstances to naturally reflect the nature of your vibratory timeline state of being. Everything you perceive reflects who you are, who you assume yourself to be, what your state of being is like, and what your timeline is like.



    The homework for this lesson is three-fold; that is, in addition to reading this text or listening to the audio or watching the video, at least once more before you proceed with the next lesson. In addition to that, there are three assignments, which are to try out the three basic techniques for jumping timelines.

      1. Change your past. Go to a past memory and superimpose upon it; overwhelm it with another new frequency state you would rather have that memory be a representation of. Choose an energy state such as love, or light, or excitement, or support, or being loved, and overwhelm that memory, as you presently remember it, with your chosen frequency.

        Keep “massaging it” energetically with your new chosen state of being and watch how, somehow, your mind miraculously starts to come up with different images of the same memory. It starts to change the way it looks. This is how malleable a memory is. This is how malleable your timeline is. Try this.

      1. Simply choose to shift, just like that. Choose a certain frequency. Choose a certain desire. There has to be a certain desire, otherwise this particular method won’t work. You must have a desire for a change. Whenever you feel frustrated with your present timeline, allow that to motivate you; don’t let it make you grumpy. Allow it to motivate you and excite you, for something else must be coming: “I must be desiring some kind of change, so let me make that change.”

        Don’t wait for the change—choose and insert and overwhelm your experience with your chosen vibratory timeline experience and know that you have changed. Feel that you have changed. Be that change—period. Simply by knowing, simply by deciding that you know you have changed and that that is enough, you will start to see the effects. You will start attracting different things into your life, because you literally jumped timelines when you jumped confidently into another vibrational realm.

      1. Use visualization. Practice the art of visualization, or imagination. We will get into this more deeply a couple of lessons from now in See It, Feel It, Be It, but for now, simply start to get a glimpse of this. Sit down, as in meditation, and visualize the timeline experience you desire. Visualize what it looks like and what it feels like, to the best of your ability. Once you see it very, very clearly, you can start to feel it and then start to be it. You are, quite literally, uploading yourself into a parallel timeline experience that has a different past and future by utilizing strong visualization.

      1. There is also a bonus exercise. If you want to, and if it feels inspiring, write down your own method. Come up with your own method to change your vibratory state enough to where you can give yourself permission to understand, believe, feel, know, and see the results of the fact that you have changed from one parallel timeline reality to another timeline reality. You will know you are successful when you feel different about your past and your future, and most of all, if you feel amazing right now.

        Use any method, permissions of any type, and your imagination. Use any type of practice or tool you intuitively come up with that feels germane, immediate, and natural to your particular make up, natural to your particular design. Write it down, and I would love it if you would share it with the other people in the study group. We can build a little “library” of sorts, inside of this lesson’s study group, of different ways we can very easily shift timelines.

    So, change your past and change your future. Change what you attract to yourself. Most of all, most importantly, change the vibratory nature of your present feeling state, because that is the key to everything.

    Enjoy! Have fun, and see you in another timeline experience!





    One of my favorites, when I Am manifesting too quickly lol





    Every cell in my body vibrates with healthy rested enjoyable focused delightful energy

    I am filled with energy to do all the daily activities in my life

    I am unlimited in my own ability to create the Highest Good in my life.

    ***~video~*** “ ***I Feel Great***
    ***~video~*** Feel It
    ***~video~*** Today
    (I love these videos)

      • ~


    I believe I can have anything I have made a conscious decision to believe and affirm.

    I affirm my routines which help create my awesome life are in place.

    pdfmy ideal week
    daily monitoring
    “blank-weekly-planner”:“http://studenthandouts.com/01-Web-Pages/2015-11/parent-blank-weekly-planner-journal.pdf “ student handouts”:http://www.studenthandouts.com/calendars/weekly-hourly-planner-printable.html

    YourVisionMap video
    I efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstances.

    ★I Love how creating my intentions does magnificent things for all I say I truly desire
    ★I love being in such wonderful harmony with my values
    ★I Am enjoying taking exquisite care of me

    ★I hold joyful conversations with myself and love the outcome of our chats
    ★I hear and see with love. ★I choose to care well for me, and see the beautiful places it takes me.
    Serene clarity and blessed peace of mind are my blessed essence
    I am loving what is occurring in my life
    love beginning fresh & new
    I create divine play every day!
    I Am loving how I am recognizing my perfect blessings
    I love choosing to accept that I Am capable, lovable, and destined for success.
    I create a state of mind which compels me to unconsciously create my self-talk and action in line with my highest-good values.
    I believe in myself today.
    I thrive on the simple, authentic validation that can only come from myself…
    It feels like it is my birthright to live fully and freely
    My strengths will be used beautifully.
    My mind creates an image of my body that is always vital, healthy, beautiful and strong.

    • ~

    I’ve posted the following videos before, though (for me) …. to kick off my day (and hopefully someone else’s) I thought I’d add here (:. Thanks again for visiting!!

    ***~video~*** “ ***I Feel Great***
    ***~video~*** Feel It
    ***~video~*** Today
    (I love these videos)

    Santana – Everything Is Coming Our Way

    Santana – Song of The Wind

    Santana – Flor de Luna

    Santana – Samba Pa Ti

    Cultivate more joy by arranging your life so that more joy will be likely. George Witkin

    Remain open. There is something bigger than you know going on here. Iyanla Vanzant

    Wisdom is knowing we are all One. Love is what it feels like and Compassion is what it acts like. Ethan Walker

    Let it come, let it go, let it flow. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche

    At the center of your being you have the answer;you know who you are and you know what you want. Lao Tzu

    Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Rumi

    Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.” Osho

    • ~
      will add links


    go to top of page of this link and find virtues ….under that you’ll see definitions
    Hold your cursor over each virtue to see a brief definition.

    ***Defining the Virtues***
    ***~from virtuesproject.org~***

    virtues project 100 virtues -the gift of character





    -> ARTICLE: what-is-the-difference-between-positive-affirmations-and-positive-intent
    according to the above article:
    In a nutshell

    • Positive affirmations help create internal alignment and strength
    • Positive intent helps to create external manifestations
    • The more aligned you are with your true self, the more aligned you are with all of consciousness and the greater ability you will have to co-create your life and experiences.



    Huffington Post

    For me, intentions invite a sense of trust that good things can happen — that positivity doesn’t have to be forced. They offer hope that by expressing how we genuinely feel and working with what really is, positive things can arrive in their own way.

    ARTICLE:Three Cheers for Intentions and Why I Prefer Them Over Affirmations



    These are  reasonably short... and for me fits my spirit's criteria(:

    Claiming today is good, and  continues to get better and better.

    This can work, or something better arrives.

    I Am always allowing a better way.



     Workbooks and Printables I Will Take Time For:

    Phillip Shapiro -Healing Power

    Free Planners For Review


    Videos I want to listen to again for either myself &/or with intention to share with another. There are many on this youtube page that (literally) feel and sound wonderful


    thread in process240_F_87970650_S2xAsqsA4gomAH9SoUJ59mqL34eeIxCa.jpg







    contest GIFYou
    Are Cordially Invited
    Bmindful Award







    this will be ready no later than 4-4-17

    /thanks for patience



    Contest Award Presentation April 4th, 2017 




    Bmindful Award Presentation (4-4-17) thread in process





    music being reviewed(:






    You may be wondering  hmmm... is it quantity or quality of ones contributions to place me in the winner's seat? 

    1. Are you a community kind of person? When you share are you speaking for what is powerful in your own life, and somehow enjoying all who visit?
    2. Are you inclusive w/others?
    3. Are you allowing more wonderful in your life, and sharing a bit of your experience here in your own unique way?
    4. ...been  creating affirmations? 

    Just a few things which are putting you in the running(:

     Technically if you've been a member for any length of time-this is you...(:

    contest GIF



     Resultado de imagen para niño bonito animado



















    intro post 1



    video you may like to watch on this thread link  THE SECRET OF AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS



    Everyday can be the freedom we love on the vacations we look forward to and plan for.

    Please join me in giving an assist with  creating our spirit-place with a vision board of  our feelings and thoughts of our chosen reality.

    Who doesn't want a life they can say is flourishing right now?

    When we get out of our own way and surrender to Something Greater, do you expect anything less?

    Have you been expecting anything less?

    What are your expectations of most days? 








    Image result for live as though its last day on earth and first day of vacation quote



    ღ I appreciate this moment for everything I feel. It feels light, and right.

    ღAll clocks run at perfect speed for me.

    I believe I can have anything I have made a conscious decision to believe and affirm;if not this something better.






     Image result for the place Alan Cohen  where nothing is broken pic

    this pic from hiyl.com











    Yes, we are love... so we have the perfect substance to co-create our best life.

    Being →  Doing →  Having.



     Image result for the place Alan Cohen  where nothing is broken pic






    LOVE IN ACTION-Happiness Meeting


     I am choosing to be more open today  for 2 reasons.

    1.  It will serve me-to bump up my gratitude and appreciation on a level that goes beyond my daily energy.
    2.  It is my hope it will trigger something in you, to create the life you say you desire.



    a term I coined...as the inspiration behind a life that is heart felt, spirit filled, productive...with a foundation of gratitude and appreciation for EVERYTHING!


     I once heard a quote that basically said -instead of things you tell yourself you  have to do...think of it as  things that you have the extreme privilege of  being able to do.


    LOVE this quote!!! I will share why...





    Over the years I have shared with our very loving community

    know I have referenced health on many threads. And even referenced  'this experience'  on other threads, though never allowed it to be the basis of a thread.

    Close to I'd say, a decade & 1/2 ago, I had a unique 'health crisis' which  lasted... what felt 'too long' ... for any part of it. Today I refer to that time as the most bitter sweet lessons ever. 

    NOT EVER  asking for a repeat performance.

    I am simply profoundly grateful for what occurred because of this 'unbelievable-time' for me.

    If anyone had witnessed me during that time-they might think the only thing I was referring to as Answered Prayer... was getting passed  this mysterious lack of health... Though, it goes much deeper than this, and so glad I'm beyond completely recovered... I Am well. Thank You God!

    This time  created the absolute best foundation for the life I desired beyond my understanding.

     I cannot conjure enough descriptive words to express the scary times ...coupled with profound information/gratitude/life- lessons which healed me of anything that ailed me... . It was a whole-person complete healing.


    No need to share the specifics... I will say this event occurred after an appendectomy ... which definitely was a must. While the surgery saved my life, things that occurred afterward were nightmarish. 


    I just knew the changeable symptoms were not me... though while this distress  was occurring... I had to let go of the life I was working on as I knew it.


    So what is "actionable gratitude" ? It is how I live my life today. I understand that God gave me a body. I was shown what it was like not to work ...and not know what would work again... 

    When I recovered...I wasn't just not unwell, I was truly off the chart healthy, that doctors were taking notes...asking me what I did. This is the honest goodness truth. 


    After much acceptance & surrendering...and belief in a Good Life...  I turned into a little body builder and a disciplined high nutrition-foodie. Mind you... this behavior took place when I could barely move and had lost my sense of taste ... (and that was only the beginning)


    I got to the place of knowing what was right for me.

     I was shown all I was shown so I could joyfully, gratefully honor every thing I was privileged to do/enjoy in life no matter what it was.

    I loved myself completely demonstratively.




    When you are not feeling the joy you are 

    you will be able to say that's not 'Me'



    When you are not feeling wellness, 

    you will be able to say that's not 'Me





    When you are not feeling the love that you are- you will be able to say that's not 'Me


    When you are not feeling the peace you have inside- you will be able to say that's not 'Me'




    formerly titled :CREATE YOUR LIFE IN THE VORTEX & Other Vortex-Linkslaughing This thread is under construction because it is also will serve as an index of most of Bmindful threads(:




    The bottom of this intro post  is  

    an ongoing list

     of Bmindful related threads(:

























    A Long While Ago...I once stumbled on this (on some  Abe-related site). 

    excerpt of an article :

    Recently, I received a pamphlet outlining the teachings of Reb Nachman of Breslov (b.1772- d.1810). It was entitled “Be Happy”. I was amazed at the synchronicity of the message of his teachings with the teachings of Abraham. Here are some quotes from the pamphlet:

    Through joy, you free your soul from all kinds of inner problems, both physical and spiritual.

    Happiness is a fire burning to ash all the impurities in a person’s system and in the entire universe.

    Create joy for yourself. Dance or sing or do at least one thing every hour that makes you feel joyful. Continue to increase it, until very soon, your whole day will be filled with happiness. This way you will be able to achieve your purpose in life, both physically and spiritually. Joy is a person’s existence, so do whatever works for you in order to be happy the whole day.


    The greater the happiness you experience, the more you will be filled with spiritual holiness and succeed in everything. This is because happiness is the essence of a human being, both spiritually and physically. It is his essence in both this world and

    the World to Come.

    Problems are attracted to a person who is depressed and filled with bitterness. However, if you decide to fill yourself with joy, doing whatever you can in order to accomplish this – even to lift your feet and dance in joy – all judgments against you will be removed.

    G-d is the very essence of joy.

    Happiness contracts and constructs funnels, and channels G-d’s light so that it will reach even the smallest and most fallen; even the most lost and the most pitiable.

    And so, whatever level you may be at this moment – even be it low, degraded and fallen, strengthen yourself to tremendous joy. As a result G-d’s light will shine on you right where you are. Then you will rise from your lowliness and desperation.images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT3nVmjzyoJoi1y7Hir-WiRda8CXvpCzhJTPhZ7oQOeBQjE5TyUZg6fe09ccc65062b617642787d63b7e33c.jpg




















    Methods of LOA



















    related threads and material in process (lots more to go!)

    I'm believing this will be some wonderful list. Finding them was keeping me in the VORTEXlaughing Bmindful is already in the vortex this list may be infinite... (the order is mostly by year/hoping to find ways to categorize these wonderful inspirations. Wonderful Inspiration-category would be just about all of them too.


     Transformed By Love-Happiness Meeting Kathi 2017

    Enjoying Where You're At Monkey/2017

    LAW OF ATTRACTION QUOTES (self) selfcare/AWP

    The Journey Ahead/YoUniversal-Paradise of Abundance  iZUHM THA iNFiNiTE (iZ) /2017 




    For All Writers/Affirmations/Quotes self/ 2017

    Imagine IfYoUniversal-Paradise of Abundance iZ/2017

    The Miracle of Life -Page 1 Monkey/2017


    Law of Detachment iZ/2017

    Quantum Immortality iZ/2017

    Gifts of Love/SoulFood #13/Series Nancee53

    Joy & Easing Into This Brand New Day self/AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities/2017

    Daily Intentions   Monkey/2017

    3x Gratitude 2017 Monkey/2017

    Lets Caption Pics With Intentions self/ 2017

    What Soothes Your Soul? Daizsy/2017

    Law of Attraction Daily Thank You's self/ 2017

    Law of Attraction Quotes & Sentiments self/ 2017

    Prayerful Spiritual Quotes self/ 2017

    Perfect Energy Affirmations For Today self/ 2017

    Minions Logic Fun self/2017

    Laughter Is The Best Medicine Pg 2  Monkey/2017


    self/ 2017

     Why It's Good To Be You self/ 2017

    The Lighter Side of Quotes Stillness 2017

    Appreciating Your Worth self/2017


    the-opinions-of others-youniversal-paradise-of-abundance iZ/2017

     Love self/2017

     Be Love  iZ/2017

    TALK TO ME!! Kathi/2017

      Monday Morning Coffee or Tea Talk Daizsy/2017

      Sharing The Power of Expressing Gratitude self 2017

    Happiness Starts With Daizsy/2017

     Secret Is Be Happy Doing What You Are Already Doing  self/ 2017

     Things Are Always Working Out For You Monkey/2017

      Quotes From the Vortex  Monkey/2017

    Much Wisdom In Wonderful Abe Hicks Quotes self/2017

    Joy of Manifesting  self/2017

    Fun Simple & Perfect Joy self/ 2017

    Worrying Myself To Life  iZ/2017

     The Miracle of Life Page 2 Monkey/2017

    Enjoying Enjoyment on Bmindful self/2017

     Positively Rockin Reminders self/2017


    I AM _________________(affirmations)  Self/2016

    Rhetorical Questions Placid Lake/2016

    Descriptive Words SerenityLakes/2016

     A How To Love Yourself-thread Self/2016

    Trust & Staying The Course Self/2016

    Manifesting Monkey/2016

    Talk With Daily (In Motion) Routines/Talk With Series Self/2016

    Royal Fun Self/2016

    A Very Quick Fix Self/2016

    Song Inside/FocusWheel Self/2016

    Nature self/2016


    OK Everyone Give Me Just 1 Word!! Kathi /2015

    Sing Your Heart Out-music thread Kathi/ 2015

    Moments of Joy and Laughter Nancee53/2015

    Let's Play Capture My Heart Poppy/2015

    RAK Random Acts of Kindness Poppy/2015

    Kick-start Your Day LOA Affirmations self/2015

    Choose Happiness Nancee53/2015

    Cooperating With Your Real Self- Happy Action self/2015

    Song Inside    self/2015


    Quotes About All Kinds of Things Lake Placid/SL/2014


    17 seconds self/2014





    Blessings To You All!! AccidentalNote/2013 

    Laughter Good For the Soul Serenity Lakes/2013



    Going Beyond the Law Of Attraction   tonpascal/2012

    Esther and Jerry Hicks flowergirl/2012

    Laughter Is The Best Medicine Monkey/2012

    Charlie Chaplin self/2012

    Peace Of Mind As Your Highest Goal self/2012


    Even More Notes From The Universe SmartRoutinesWithEnthusiasm/2010

    3 Little Things You Enjoy SweetStrongSoul/2010

    Listing 3 or More of Anything That You Are Grateful For self/2010

    Today's Zen Story Rama Dass/2010


     My Little 911 Box Meditating Mama/2009


    Self-Talk As An Affirmation Meditating Mama/2008



    Using The Abundance Mentality To Cure Procrastination Lee/2005

    related threads and material in process (lots more to go!)


    Bmindful Family

    Congratulations Nancee & iZ/Wonderful Series Appreciation 2017

     A Lovely Flower For Flowergirl & Family 2017

    For Poppy Heartfelt Wishes For Perfect Healing 2017

    To Our Lovely Friend Nancee 2017

    Birthday Gifts For SRWE 2016

    Happy Birthday Poppy!! 2016

    Introduction to New Owner/Keith 2015

    Congratulations To Kathi On Her New Job 2015

    Happy Birthday Kathi 2015

    Happy Birthday L (2010-2012)

    Blatantly Selfish for SRWE/2009

    Congratulations To Anoushka /2009

    Introduce Yourself








































    Q What language do you speak?

    A. Affirmationslaughing




    My last handful of affirmations actually inspired this thread. I no longer know who originally created the affirmations, though they are all mine, once we live them.(:

    I am enthusiastic about engaging in my next right action.  (believe I did write this one, not that it matters...just thinking as I'm posting lol)

    I take responsibility for my own life, my own path and my own destiny by listening to my heart.

    This is a great day to create, imagine, produce, and visualize.


    more coming...




























    Variety of Related Threads Coming Soon: 










    Please join me here and add LOA quotes/sentiments you love!

    This thread focuses on the ideas which Law of Attraction works!!

    I am in process of condensing some of my other LOA threads/some posts will be moved here.

    I'll only be using the first 2 posts for awhile. Feel free to add as you wish(:Law-Of-Attraction-Quotes.jpg









    Q What language do you speak?

    A. Affirmationslaughing



    My last handful of affirmations actually inspired this thread. I no longer know who originally created the affirmations, though they are all mine, once we live them.(:

    I am enthusiastic about engaging in my next right action.  (believe I did write this one, not that it matters...just thinking as I'm posting lol)

    I take responsibility for my own life, my own path and my own destiny by listening to my heart.

    This is a great day to create, imagine, produce, and visualize.










     Image result for affirmations gratitude prayer quote






    more coming...

    Variety of Related Threads Coming Soon: 






























    related threads coming in process

    (much to add) (:
    E & J Hicks LOA

    Quotes From The Vortex






















     Hello Bmindful Family!

    In this moment, I  am so peaceful and charged up when the energy of this topic entered my mind, body and spirit.

    Enjoying Yourself Into Action

    (& Being Your Heart's Idea of Your Personal Best)

    Image result for your real self affirmations




    The purpose of this Happiness Mtg-thread is to answer (a) what is truly happening for you  in this moment(b)  to  ask yourself where are you right now and (c)what are you desiring that you  are Now ready for?  



    A good many people from Bmindful that I  love inspiring myself around love to create and recreate themselves... They ease themselves into 'good' change...f46cc54d4382ed71a073d96408b7b3e0.jpgmeditation.png

    To these members, this means appreciating where they are, what brought them to their Now, and creating space for (1)the 'more' they are looking forward to, knowing 'more'  is always in process (2)it is  in line with the respect they feel  for what is truly possible (3) and it is a following a ideas and feelings of  bliss-> for what their heart is because they are allowing  communication from their heart for what they are now desiring and ready for...


    It is my belief many do not experience their everyday miracles, because they become overly focused on  interpreting each experience, and do not give the wonder in each moment its opportunity to shine in their spirit. This gathering will ask you to discuss the relevance of this for you.


    This belief that we are stepping back and allowing can feel like we are doing this when things are going the way we desire or we are liking our interpretations. Though what happens when something shows up that wasn't part of our plan?




    I have been thinking a great deal about  what kinds of things TRULY MOTIVATE my passion for life, and it came to me so lovely in my spirit and then the title for today's Happiness Meeting followed .....Enjoying Yourself Into Action. .. 












    Image result for live as though its last day on earth and first day of vacation quote

     Being →  Doing →  Having.


    What are you ready for in your now? Develop where you're headed from here.









    a term I coined...as the inspiration behind a life that is heart felt, spirit filled, productive...with a foundation of gratitude and appreciation for EVERYTHING! What are areas that you feel inspired to do because of the gratitude you have with your foundation of gratitude and appreciation? Create an ongoing list which you can come back and edit as it grows /transforms to cover as many areas of your life as you desire. Some areas are things you have truly thought about... Some may be areas you are giving yourself new permission think/dream about. You choose -of course!





    Reflection Questions coming soon 

    1.  12910710_f520.jpg
    1. world.Share as much as you feel inspired to.
    1. A. So where are you now?B & why Now- do you feel you are here?

     2. Knowing that no one is responsible for your happiness or level of productivity, what epiphanies  are surfacing or resurfacing for you right Now?

        3. What does  the following affirming-quote mean for you: ღThe greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working?

      4. There is a  quote which basically says: -instead of things you tell yourself you  have to do...think of it as  things that you have the extreme privilege of  being able to do. With respect to the answers which have been surfacing  from reflection questions above, what is this quote communicating to you... for you... in your Now?



    6. Many of you have experienced a life-defining moment  where you found out  life truly is a gift, and LIFE  is  truly miraculous in YOUR  everyday








    Saved to add Personal Affirmations & Reflection Question-Responses


    Personal Affirmations

    I follow my heart and feel a sense of freedom, awe and release






    Saved to answer:

    1. So where are you now?B & why Now- do you feel you are here?











































    Image result for live as though its last day on earth and first day of vacation quote

     Being →  Doing →  Having.


    What are you ready for in your now? Develop where you're headed from here.









    a term I coined...as the inspiration behind a life that is heart felt, spirit filled, productive...with a foundation of gratitude and appreciation for EVERYTHING! What are areas that you feel inspired to do because of the gratitude you have with your foundation of gratitude and appreciation? Create an ongoing list which you can come back and edit as it grows /transforms to cover as many areas of your life as you desire. Some areas are things you have truly thought about... Some may be areas you are giving yourself new permission think/dream about. You choose -of course!





    The thread is in major edit-mode…therefore posts/table of contents will not represent thread until thread is more underway. Thanks for patience. It won’t be ready for sharing until end of  2018 


    Will be My 2017-2018 PowerToolsil_340x270.927796455_9m3s.jpg

    Image result

        • ★I am the creator of my time and time is my servant. I give time it’s energy, it’s purpose, and it’s very existence with my consciousness. Time is not outside of me but within me and apart of me. Time loves, needs, and wants me to serve me.
        • ★Time may or may not be an illusion but I make a real use out of time and time serves me.
        • ★I have an abundance of time!








        • f517a436c370f70a472a0c67f9c73cce.jpg


    intro post



    I see what I love, and I love what I see.


    Action pdf (1 of many to posted)

    Learn How To
    Create A Mind With Heart


    Powerful Intentions Which Truly Assisted

    To be fully rested, involved in a  powerfully harmoniously loving wonderful day!






    I see what I love, and I love what I see.

    one of my absolute favorite affirmations from Louise Hay -> ★I See What I Love, and I Love What I See 





    Gratitude and peace flow through my mind and body like a clear, healing stream



    nature lake animated gif

    If not this, then always always something awesomely better.


    Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today. 


     I allow life to flow through me.crop.php?r=UVXU2exh7T73E6f3iSaY5xC8u9GkevrBHdRfR4kwQ4IxH_dvUFHEBtDYv5zOHWxcXu4Nx3igNJt2-NKoK3jyEjBoeSI6nXl1GP8FLiGqWJICum1Qma6Q1XPJ6E-T-mH9BT8CvUnIAZO3q4ip0mt1T7ktoSpjjUf0tSKWBw






    Image may contain: text












    Image result for universe has my back pic



    I accept all the pleasure life has to offer.





















     ★I am absolutely committed to writing something each and everyday













    Action pdf (1 of many to posted)


    Metaphysics For Life

     Become A Skilled LifeNavigator Using Your Heartcompass 

     Heart Compass PDF 

    David Allen-Project Planning 

    Free Printables You May Enjoy


    HEALTHY MIND PLATTER Seven daily essential mental activities to optimize brain matter and create well-being


    It essentially discusses balance. 

    Here is part 

    “mental nutrients” that your brain and relationships need to function at their best. By engaging every day in each of these servings, you promote integration in your life and enable your brain to coordinate and balance its activities. These essential mental activities strengthen your brain's internal connections and your connections with other people and the world around you.

    We're not suggesting specific amounts of time for this recipe for a healthy mind, as each individual is different, and our needs change over time too. The point is to become aware of the full spectrum of essential mental activities, and as with essential nutrients, make sure that at least every day we are bringing the right ingredients into our mental diet, even if for just a bit of time. Just as you wouldn't eat only pizza every day for days on end, we shouldn't just live on focus time alone with little time for sleep. The key is balancing the day with each of these essential mental activities. Mental wellness is all about reinforcing our connections with others and the world around us; and it is also about strengthening the connections within the brain itself.  When we vary the focus of attention with this spectrum of mental activities, we give the brain lots of opportunities to develop in different ways.images101-63-293x300.jpg











    Threads On Wonderful Healthy Necessary Self Love(:





    ღThe greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working

    I Am whole, perfect, strong,powerful, loving, harmonious and happy

    Today is a wonderful day. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am seeing those things that make me feel good today. 

    I Am loving how much I accomplish in ways that serve the highest good. 

    ღI easily create my home just the way I truly desire for my now, and for my needs of

    the future































    I will see the beauty and presence of God in every soul who crosses my path

    ღMy heart is light. I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything


    ღI feel a newer greater ღkinder energy which has inspired me to maintain my chosen daily routines




















    recently created THREADS  to return to:







    type- LOA & Abundance






    A member sent this to me to view

    and this interprets it more 











    A Long While Ago...I once stumbled on this (on some  Abe-related site). 

    excerpt of an article :

    Recently, I received a pamphlet outlining the teachings of Reb Nachman of Breslov (b.1772- d.1810). It was entitled “Be Happy”. I was amazed at the synchronicity of the message of his teachings with the teachings of Abraham. Here are some quotes from the pamphlet:

    Through joy, you free your soul from all kinds of inner problems, both physical and spiritual.

    Happiness is a fire burning to ash all the impurities in a person’s system and in the entire universe.

    Create joy for yourself. Dance or sing or do at least one thing every hour that makes you feel joyful. Continue to increase it, until very soon, your whole day will be filled with happiness. This way you will be able to achieve your purpose in life, both physically and spiritually. Joy is a person’s existence, so do whatever works for you in order to be happy the whole day.


    The greater the happiness you experience, the more you will be filled with spiritual holiness and succeed in everything. This is because happiness is the essence of a human being, both spiritually and physically. It is his essence in both this world and

    the World to Come.

    Problems are attracted to a person who is depressed and filled with bitterness. However, if you decide to fill yourself with joy, doing whatever you can in order to accomplish this – even to lift your feet and dance in joy – all judgments against you will be removed.

    G-d is the very essence of joy.

    Happiness contracts and constructs funnels, and channels G-d’s light so that it will reach even the smallest and most fallen; even the most lost and the most pitiable.

    And so, whatever level you may be at this moment – even be it low, degraded and fallen, strengthen yourself to tremendous joy. As a result G-d’s light will shine on you right where you are. Then you will rise from your lowliness and desperation.



















    I am well rested everyday.

    Joy is my body’s keynote; vitality is its song.


    Today is a good day, and it continues to get better and better.





    I love being in such wonderful harmony with my values 

    I can truly see what I Am desiring in my minds eye.

     I Am always allowing a better way.

    I am amazed how much I accomplish in ways that serve my highest good.



    Today is a good day, and it continues to get better and better.






    My Selected Affirmations








    March 2017 Powerful Affirmations Serving Me Well Now


    My minds eye sees my vision for creating my home. 























    1. “We all have the power to transform ourselves and consciously choose something that does not already exist. At any moment we can create something beyond what is.” ~ Julie Ann Turner



      What is a Self-care Enthusiast? by Lynda Monk (reflective journaling)
      Soulful self-care is the way in which you care for and nourish the essence of who you are – past what you do, beyond all the roles that define you, it is how you turn inward to know, grow and care for yourself. if you desire->read article in full




      “There is no formula to relationships. They have to be negotiated in loving ways, with room for both parties, what they want and what they need, what they can do and what their life is like.” Tuesdays With Morrie


    2. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRz4aeqn6yao9LjDwLoZtx2p-_OC6kxJd9GMHYorISSgBvTJ8vj

      Image result for great beer great responsibility



      quote♥The point of marriage is not to create a quick commonality by tearing down all boundaries; on the contrary, a good marriage is one in which each partner appoints the other to be the guardian of his solitude, and thus they show each other the greatest possible trust. A merging of two people is an impossibility, and where it seems to exist, it is a hemming-in, a mutual consent that robs one party or both parties of their fullest freedom and development. But once the realisation is accepted that even between the closest people infinite distances exist, a marvelous living side-by-side can grow up for them, if they succeed in loving the expanse between them, which gives them the possibility of always seeing each other as a whole and before an immense sky.” RAINER MARIA RIL







     I love the quote above. It reminds me how I don't have to own or buy 'everything'. I simply enjoy my experiences. It makes me feel like I have everything!

    Although knowing I will have what I desire also works for me...(:




    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~











     Abundance is mine- all of my resources my time, my riches and my energy


    How can I not  fully accept that my life is wonderful?





    I am pleased how my mind takes care of my body.

    I allow the fulfillment of my dreams and aspirations.

    I look forward to a deep restful sleep and wake with enthusiasm for the day.

    I enjoy how my physicality expresses itself.

    I let go of a specific outcome and enjoy the surrender.


    Here and now is where my power is

     Every part of my body carries out its tasks easily and naturally



    I profit from all of my experiences here.


    I am so honored, I am so blessed, I am so grateful to be loved so much.

    I am a shining example of spiritual and physical well-being.

    My body tells me what it needs


    This body is a beloved temple, with whom I am well-pleased

    I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life

    I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures

    I enjoy Powerful Affirmations

    The Power of Imagination

    “I think of affirmations and visualizations as tapping into the power of the imagination, which is a generator and transformer, a force that precedes and shapes who we become, and what we create and achieve. Whenever we attempt something new or difficult, we have to be able to imagine it before it becomes possible. It’s the combination of inspiration and perspiration that brings about tangible results.” Jean Shinoda Bolen

    Affirmations and visualizations tap into my imagination, which is a generator AND a transformer for my great life.


    Here is an upbeat I like to start my work day with





    printable for productivity

     13 things for productivity list





    ღI love how my mind is my sanctuary, and my heart provides such wonderful inspiration for my life.

     I vibrate to the frequencies of acceptance, love, and appreciation.

    ღAll that matters is how I spend this moment.

    ღI now choose to experience the sweetness of today.




    ★ I follow my heart and feel a sense of freedom, awe and release



     blank weekly planner





     Sites I want to check out

    Neville Goddard



    Videos others have shared that I haven't yet seen or would like to revisit. Thanks iZ for sharing so many awesome videos . Titles:

    1. Fear is Excitement
    2.  What is Time?
    3. How To Use Your Brain and Subconscious Mind To Unlock
    4. The Law and the Promise






















    Table of Contents [hide]







    Learn to Consciously Jump Timelines

    You can start utilizing this consciously, and you can actually learn to jump timelines. This is very interesting; I have done it many times. Mechanically speaking, we all do it, all the time, but we can do it in a more significant way, so that it actually becomes noticeable. I have done this in a noticeable way many times over the course of my life, so that right now, when I look back on two weeks ago, I don’t recognize my life; I don’t recognize myself. When I look back two years ago, I absolutely don’t recognize myself. It feels like it is someone else.

    You can develop the same habit, the same tool, the same privilege, the same birthright, the same ability, because you already use the ability. But now, you can start using it consciously and deliberately, and have fun with it. There are many ways to do this, and mechanically, structurally, and energetically speaking, you jump timelines every second. However, you don’t do this to a significant enough degree to where we can say, “OK, this is a completely different timeline.”

    You can make it more significant, you can make the difference more drastic, more dramatic, and most importantly, you can make it be in accordance with your highest bliss, your highest joy, your highest desire. Otherwise, what’s the point, right? You might as well be in this timeline reality.

    There are many ways to increase the significance of a timeline change. If you look upon your life as it is, and how it has unfolded, you will see that there have been many moments in your life when you have had the very powerful urge, “I want change!” This is a very strong, palpable desire: “I want to change something.” If you remember the Three Day Process lesson, this is the Day One experience. It is a very profound change in the energetic orientation of you as an individual, as an individuation of All That Is.

    You have a change of heart, you have a change of intention, a change of mindset, a change of belief system. When this change is executed and is seen all the way through—when it is taken all the way through the Day 2 challenge into the Day 3 celebration, confirmation and transformation—what has happened is that you have jumped in your vibration.

    You have jumped significantly enough to where, if you could see it on a piece of paper, drawing a line between different dots (each of which represent a parallel reality), it would look like your previous life was just a straight line, and then suddenly, it jumped up a notch. The line then continues in a similar direction, or maybe in a slightly different direction, but it is on a whole different level.

    In this case, we can say, quite literally, that you have “shifted timelines.” You have actually changed your timeline. Oddly enough, not only does this mean you have changed your future experience (what you will be experiencing), it also means that the body-mind vibrational spectrum that you are now inhabiting and are conscious of, has a different past.

    Change Your Timeline by Changing Your Past


    This new past may not be one you remember, although—this is weird—you can actually gain memories of experiences you never had in your previous timeline. These are experiences that your present self has had, because again, time is an illusion. So, what you are “tuning into” or “downloading” is not so much an actual memory (you never actually have a memory, in that sense), it is simply that you notice a parallel picture that corresponds to the vibratory state you have now shifted into.


    So, now you have access to the future and the past simultaneously. You have access to this new future self, this new parallel timeline self that you chose. Being in that energy, you will naturally have a different type of memory and a different type of probability projection into your future.


    One way to specifically do this is to actually change your past. Here is one simple method that you can learn to apply. Take an event you remember from your past, perhaps one that you don’t really enjoy; one that you don’t prefer. It may be one that you wish wasn’t yours, even though you can see how it has benefited you, how it has helped you to become who you are. You can take that memory that you have a bit of a nasty after-taste from, and change it, quite literally. You can simply overwhelm that memory with your new chosen frequency vibration energy.


    Let’s say the new vibratory state you prefer over your memory is love and joy and support and respect. Take those frequencies (or one of them) and overwhelm that moment in your past with the particular frequency that you chose and see what happens. It is like you are “energetically massaging” your image of the past with a different vibratory state. You overwhelm it. You insert it. You superimpose your new vibratory state onto your image, onto the memory from the past that you don’t really enjoy. Keep exuding the energy of love and light, and the vibration of aliveness and respect and support and being loved. The more you superimpose that onto the image, the more you will start to see the image change.


    This is not a delusion, as such. This is actually you shifting into a parallel timeline, where you had a slightly different (or a significantly different) experience of a very similar moment. But now, you are in a parallel reality which is of a higher vibratory state. This is a more evolved, more expanded version of the timeline of your experience and alternate self.


    Basically, you are inhabiting an alternate version of yourself, which has a different past. So, as you keep changing that past experience, you are actually, in the present, moving yourself into different a timeline. You are shifting into a different timeline more drastically than you would if you were shifting through parallel realities on “automatic pilot.” You are making this conscious and deliberate, and you are changing it so significantly that you are actually starting to change your memory of the past. So try this out and see what happens.


    Suddenly, it is a completely different picture. The same person who perhaps abused you, suddenly starts hugging you sincerely, with no other meaning than to simply hug you and love you and support you unconditionally. Or, the boss who fired you now suddenly gives you a big commission, or a reward, or a promotion.


    You will see that your image of what happened changes. If it does not make sense to your present memory of your timeline, simply allow that to be OK, and keep superimposing your chosen vibratory state onto that past image. Watch it change and allow this to be a permission symbol for you to feel that you have actually changed, in the present, to a different parallel timeline that is more aligned; that is of a freer, more transparent nature.


    More transparent to what? More transparent to your Heart’s true desires; more transparent to who you truly want to manifest through your body-mind-individuation experience.


    Change Your Timeline—by Simply Changing Your Timeline


    Another way to change your timeline is to simply—change your timeline. This is a more advanced method because it doesn’t use any other permission symbols; it doesn’t use any other technique. It simply allows you to decide to be in a different timeline, to jump into a different timeline—just like that—using confidence.


    What you do is superimpose the frequency of confident change onto your present experience, and—right there, right then—you will start to feel a difference in your vibratory state. You will start to change how you feel and how you see, and that actually signifies that you have jumped into an alternate timeline. As a result, you will have different memories come up, and you will have access to different future passions and creativity.


    So, try that one; it is very direct. You can always apply it, and the more you practice it, the more your confidence becomes this overwhelming, overpowering energy that allows you to shift your reality in an instant, more and more. Confidence is powerful. Faith is powerful. Deliberate confidence is very potent. It is a very powerful tool.


    Change Your Timeline through Visualization


    Another way to jump timelines is to use visualization. To do this, sit down, as in meditation. Center yourself a little bit, relax, take a deep breath, give away all thoughts for 2 to 5 seconds. Recognize the changelessness, the essence, the perfect nature of timeless Presence, or timeless Awareness. Or, do whatever allows you to feel centered and comfortable within yourself.


    Then visualize, or imagine, what it is you wish to shift into. Visualize that reality to such an extent that you actually start to feel the vibratory changes of the active visualization. As soon as you start to see those vibratory changes, as soon as you visualize this powerfully enough, you actually start to become that reality, to shift into that reality.


    How do you know you have actually shifted into a different timeline? Well again, you do this all the time, so really, it is not even a question. You always have shifted into parallel realities. But the timeline change becomes more significant when you actually feel different. When you feel your mood has significantly changed. When you feel your outlook on life has significantly changed. When you feel that your perspective on things has changed. When your grudges about the past no longer hold sway over you, and your concerns about the future feel completely lightened up. You know you have shifted when you feel more ecstatic; when you feel more alive.


    You know you have shifted timelines whenever you feel more stable and grounded, yet freer at the same time; more inside of your own center of alignment. You feel better overall. Every time there is a significant change in your mood, it means you did something to make it happen—whether you did it consciously or unconsciously; deliberately or accidentally. But you did something to cause yourself to shift into a parallel timeline.


    In fact, this is the only way emotional change is possible. You can only change emotionally if you shift your vibration significantly enough to where you are in a different timeline. Suddenly, you will notice you are more confident about your future. You are no longer looking to the past. You are no longer holding grudges and regrets. You no longer feel attached to the person that left you perhaps, or to the people that you have loved. You feel free. You feel empowered. You feel more powerful. This is a sign that you have done a good job and you have shifted confidently into a parallel timeline experience—one that has a different past and a different future. You will attract a different future than you would have had in the parallel reality you just moved out of.


    In a sense, it is like moving houses, or moving locations. It is no different. You simply give yourself permission to feel that you have changed. You give yourself permission to know that you have changed. You give yourself permission to “be the change you wish to see in the world”—quite literally.


    When you do this, you will see that your reality changes, because the Law of Attraction and the Law of Reflection will cause your circumstances to naturally reflect the nature of your vibratory timeline state of being. Everything you perceive reflects who you are, who you assume yourself to be, what your state of being is like, and what your timeline is like.



    The homework for this lesson is three-fold; that is, in addition to reading this text or listening to the audio or watching the video, at least once more before you proceed with the next lesson. In addition to that, there are three assignments, which are to try out the three basic techniques for jumping timelines.

      1. Change your past. Go to a past memory and superimpose upon it; overwhelm it with another new frequency state you would rather have that memory be a representation of. Choose an energy state such as love, or light, or excitement, or support, or being loved, and overwhelm that memory, as you presently remember it, with your chosen frequency.

        Keep “massaging it” energetically with your new chosen state of being and watch how, somehow, your mind miraculously starts to come up with different images of the same memory. It starts to change the way it looks. This is how malleable a memory is. This is how malleable your timeline is. Try this.

      1. Simply choose to shift, just like that. Choose a certain frequency. Choose a certain desire. There has to be a certain desire, otherwise this particular method won’t work. You must have a desire for a change. Whenever you feel frustrated with your present timeline, allow that to motivate you; don’t let it make you grumpy. Allow it to motivate you and excite you, for something else must be coming: “I must be desiring some kind of change, so let me make that change.”

        Don’t wait for the change—choose and insert and overwhelm your experience with your chosen vibratory timeline experience and know that you have changed. Feel that you have changed. Be that change—period. Simply by knowing, simply by deciding that you know you have changed and that that is enough, you will start to see the effects. You will start attracting different things into your life, because you literally jumped timelines when you jumped confidently into another vibrational realm.

      1. Use visualization. Practice the art of visualization, or imagination. We will get into this more deeply a couple of lessons from now in See It, Feel It, Be It, but for now, simply start to get a glimpse of this. Sit down, as in meditation, and visualize the timeline experience you desire. Visualize what it looks like and what it feels like, to the best of your ability. Once you see it very, very clearly, you can start to feel it and then start to be it. You are, quite literally, uploading yourself into a parallel timeline experience that has a different past and future by utilizing strong visualization.

      1. There is also a bonus exercise. If you want to, and if it feels inspiring, write down your own method. Come up with your own method to change your vibratory state enough to where you can give yourself permission to understand, believe, feel, know, and see the results of the fact that you have changed from one parallel timeline reality to another timeline reality. You will know you are successful when you feel different about your past and your future, and most of all, if you feel amazing right now.

        Use any method, permissions of any type, and your imagination. Use any type of practice or tool you intuitively come up with that feels germane, immediate, and natural to your particular make up, natural to your particular design. Write it down, and I would love it if you would share it with the other people in the study group. We can build a little “library” of sorts, inside of this lesson’s study group, of different ways we can very easily shift timelines.

    So, change your past and change your future. Change what you attract to yourself. Most of all, most importantly, change the vibratory nature of your present feeling state, because that is the key to everything.

    Enjoy! Have fun, and see you in another timeline experience!





    One of my favorites, when I Am manifesting too quickly lol





    Every cell in my body vibrates with healthy rested enjoyable focused delightful energy

    I am filled with energy to do all the daily activities in my life

    I am unlimited in my own ability to create the Highest Good in my life.

    ***~video~*** “ ***I Feel Great***
    ***~video~*** Feel It
    ***~video~*** Today
    (I love these videos)

      • ~


    I believe I can have anything I have made a conscious decision to believe and affirm.

    I affirm my routines which help create my awesome life are in place.

    pdfmy ideal week
    daily monitoring
    “blank-weekly-planner”:“http://studenthandouts.com/01-Web-Pages/2015-11/parent-blank-weekly-planner-journal.pdf “ student handouts”:http://www.studenthandouts.com/calendars/weekly-hourly-planner-printable.html

    YourVisionMap video
    I efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstances.

    ★I Love how creating my intentions does magnificent things for all I say I truly desire
    ★I love being in such wonderful harmony with my values
    ★I Am enjoying taking exquisite care of me

    ★I hold joyful conversations with myself and love the outcome of our chats
    ★I hear and see with love. ★I choose to care well for me, and see the beautiful places it takes me.
    Serene clarity and blessed peace of mind are my blessed essence
    I am loving what is occurring in my life
    love beginning fresh & new
    I create divine play every day!
    I Am loving how I am recognizing my perfect blessings
    I love choosing to accept that I Am capable, lovable, and destined for success.
    I create a state of mind which compels me to unconsciously create my self-talk and action in line with my highest-good values.
    I believe in myself today.
    I thrive on the simple, authentic validation that can only come from myself…
    It feels like it is my birthright to live fully and freely
    My strengths will be used beautifully.
    My mind creates an image of my body that is always vital, healthy, beautiful and strong.

    • ~

    I’ve posted the following videos before, though (for me) …. to kick off my day (and hopefully someone else’s) I thought I’d add here (:. Thanks again for visiting!!

    ***~video~*** “ ***I Feel Great***
    ***~video~*** Feel It
    ***~video~*** Today
    (I love these videos)

    Santana – Everything Is Coming Our Way

    Santana – Song of The Wind

    Santana – Flor de Luna

    Santana – Samba Pa Ti

    Cultivate more joy by arranging your life so that more joy will be likely. George Witkin

    Remain open. There is something bigger than you know going on here. Iyanla Vanzant

    Wisdom is knowing we are all One. Love is what it feels like and Compassion is what it acts like. Ethan Walker

    Let it come, let it go, let it flow. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche

    At the center of your being you have the answer;you know who you are and you know what you want. Lao Tzu

    Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Rumi

    Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.” Osho

    • ~
      will add links


    go to top of page of this link and find virtues ….under that you’ll see definitions
    Hold your cursor over each virtue to see a brief definition.

    ***Defining the Virtues***
    ***~from virtuesproject.org~***

    virtues project 100 virtues -the gift of character





    -> ARTICLE: what-is-the-difference-between-positive-affirmations-and-positive-intent
    according to the above article:
    In a nutshell

    • Positive affirmations help create internal alignment and strength
    • Positive intent helps to create external manifestations
    • The more aligned you are with your true self, the more aligned you are with all of consciousness and the greater ability you will have to co-create your life and experiences.



    Huffington Post

    For me, intentions invite a sense of trust that good things can happen — that positivity doesn’t have to be forced. They offer hope that by expressing how we genuinely feel and working with what really is, positive things can arrive in their own way.

    ARTICLE:Three Cheers for Intentions and Why I Prefer Them Over Affirmations



    These are  reasonably short... and for me fits my spirit's criteria(:

    Claiming today is good, and  continues to get better and better.

    This can work, or something better arrives.

    I Am always allowing a better way.



     Workbooks and Printables I Will Take Time For:

    Phillip Shapiro -Healing Power

    Free Planners For Review


    Videos I want to listen to again for either myself &/or with intention to share with another. There are many on this youtube page that (literally) feel and sound wonderful


    thread in process240_F_87970650_S2xAsqsA4gomAH9SoUJ59mqL34eeIxCa.jpg







    contest GIFYou
    Are Cordially Invited
    Bmindful Award







    this will be ready no later than 4-4-17

    /thanks for patience



    Contest Award Presentation April 4th, 2017 




    Bmindful Award Presentation (4-4-17) thread in process





    music being reviewed(:






    You may be wondering  hmmm... is it quantity or quality of ones contributions to place me in the winner's seat? 

    1. Are you a community kind of person? When you share are you speaking for what is powerful in your own life, and somehow enjoying all who visit?
    2. Are you inclusive w/others?
    3. Are you allowing more wonderful in your life, and sharing a bit of your experience here in your own unique way?
    4. ...been  creating affirmations? 

    Just a few things which are putting you in the running(:

     Technically if you've been a member for any length of time-this is you...(:

    contest GIF



     Resultado de imagen para niño bonito animado



















    intro post 1



    video you may like to watch on this thread link  THE SECRET OF AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS



    Everyday can be the freedom we love on the vacations we look forward to and plan for.

    Please join me in giving an assist with  creating our spirit-place with a vision board of  our feelings and thoughts of our chosen reality.

    Who doesn't want a life they can say is flourishing right now?

    When we get out of our own way and surrender to Something Greater, do you expect anything less?

    Have you been expecting anything less?

    What are your expectations of most days? 








    Image result for live as though its last day on earth and first day of vacation quote



    ღ I appreciate this moment for everything I feel. It feels light, and right.

    ღAll clocks run at perfect speed for me.

    I believe I can have anything I have made a conscious decision to believe and affirm;if not this something better.






     Image result for the place Alan Cohen  where nothing is broken pic

    this pic from hiyl.com











    Yes, we are love... so we have the perfect substance to co-create our best life.

    Being →  Doing →  Having.



     Image result for the place Alan Cohen  where nothing is broken pic






    LOVE IN ACTION-Happiness Meeting


     I am choosing to be more open today  for 2 reasons.

    1.  It will serve me-to bump up my gratitude and appreciation on a level that goes beyond my daily energy.
    2.  It is my hope it will trigger something in you, to create the life you say you desire.



    a term I coined...as the inspiration behind a life that is heart felt, spirit filled, productive...with a foundation of gratitude and appreciation for EVERYTHING!


     I once heard a quote that basically said -instead of things you tell yourself you  have to do...think of it as  things that you have the extreme privilege of  being able to do.


    LOVE this quote!!! I will share why...





    Over the years I have shared with our very loving community

    know I have referenced health on many threads. And even referenced  'this experience'  on other threads, though never allowed it to be the basis of a thread.

    Close to I'd say, a decade & 1/2 ago, I had a unique 'health crisis' which  lasted... what felt 'too long' ... for any part of it. Today I refer to that time as the most bitter sweet lessons ever. 

    NOT EVER  asking for a repeat performance.

    I am simply profoundly grateful for what occurred because of this 'unbelievable-time' for me.

    If anyone had witnessed me during that time-they might think the only thing I was referring to as Answered Prayer... was getting passed  this mysterious lack of health... Though, it goes much deeper than this, and so glad I'm beyond completely recovered... I Am well. Thank You God!

    This time  created the absolute best foundation for the life I desired beyond my understanding.

     I cannot conjure enough descriptive words to express the scary times ...coupled with profound information/gratitude/life- lessons which healed me of anything that ailed me... . It was a whole-person complete healing.


    No need to share the specifics... I will say this event occurred after an appendectomy ... which definitely was a must. While the surgery saved my life, things that occurred afterward were nightmarish. 


    I just knew the changeable symptoms were not me... though while this distress  was occurring... I had to let go of the life I was working on as I knew it.


    So what is "actionable gratitude" ? It is how I live my life today. I understand that God gave me a body. I was shown what it was like not to work ...and not know what would work again... 

    When I recovered...I wasn't just not unwell, I was truly off the chart healthy, that doctors were taking notes...asking me what I did. This is the honest goodness truth. 


    After much acceptance & surrendering...and belief in a Good Life...  I turned into a little body builder and a disciplined high nutrition-foodie. Mind you... this behavior took place when I could barely move and had lost my sense of taste ... (and that was only the beginning)


    I got to the place of knowing what was right for me.

     I was shown all I was shown so I could joyfully, gratefully honor every thing I was privileged to do/enjoy in life no matter what it was.

    I loved myself completely demonstratively.






    When you are not feeling wellness, 

    you will be able to say that's not 'Me





    When you are not feeling the love that you are- you will be able to say that's not 'Me


    When you are not feeling the peace you have inside- you will be able to say that's not 'Me'




    formerly titled :CREATE YOUR LIFE IN THE VORTEX & Other Vortex-Linkslaughing This thread is under construction because it is also will serve as an index of most of Bmindful threads(:




    The bottom of this intro post  is  

    an ongoing list

     of Bmindful related threads(:

























    A Long While Ago...I once stumbled on this (on some  Abe-related site). 

    excerpt of an article :

    Recently, I received a pamphlet outlining the teachings of Reb Nachman of Breslov (b.1772- d.1810). It was entitled “Be Happy”. I was amazed at the synchronicity of the message of his teachings with the teachings of Abraham. Here are some quotes from the pamphlet:

    Through joy, you free your soul from all kinds of inner problems, both physical and spiritual.

    Happiness is a fire burning to ash all the impurities in a person’s system and in the entire universe.

    Create joy for yourself. Dance or sing or do at least one thing every hour that makes you feel joyful. Continue to increase it, until very soon, your whole day will be filled with happiness. This way you will be able to achieve your purpose in life, both physically and spiritually. Joy is a person’s existence, so do whatever works for you in order to be happy the whole day.


    The greater the happiness you experience, the more you will be filled with spiritual holiness and succeed in everything. This is because happiness is the essence of a human being, both spiritually and physically. It is his essence in both this world and

    the World to Come.

    Problems are attracted to a person who is depressed and filled with bitterness. However, if you decide to fill yourself with joy, doing whatever you can in order to accomplish this – even to lift your feet and dance in joy – all judgments against you will be removed.

    G-d is the very essence of joy.

    Happiness contracts and constructs funnels, and channels G-d’s light so that it will reach even the smallest and most fallen; even the most lost and the most pitiable.

    And so, whatever level you may be at this moment – even be it low, degraded and fallen, strengthen yourself to tremendous joy. As a result G-d’s light will shine on you right where you are. Then you will rise from your lowliness and desperation.images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT3nVmjzyoJoi1y7Hir-WiRda8CXvpCzhJTPhZ7oQOeBQjE5TyUZg6fe09ccc65062b617642787d63b7e33c.jpg




















    Methods of LOA



















    related threads and material in process (lots more to go!)

    I'm believing this will be some wonderful list. Finding them was keeping me in the VORTEXlaughing Bmindful is already in the vortex this list may be infinite... (the order is mostly by year/hoping to find ways to categorize these wonderful inspirations. Wonderful Inspiration-category would be just about all of them too.


     Transformed By Love-Happiness Meeting Kathi 2017

    Enjoying Where You're At Monkey/2017

    LAW OF ATTRACTION QUOTES (self) selfcare/AWP

    The Journey Ahead/YoUniversal-Paradise of Abundance  iZUHM THA iNFiNiTE (iZ) /2017 




    For All Writers/Affirmations/Quotes self/ 2017

    Imagine IfYoUniversal-Paradise of Abundance iZ/2017

    The Miracle of Life -Page 1 Monkey/2017


    Law of Detachment iZ/2017

    Quantum Immortality iZ/2017

    Gifts of Love/SoulFood #13/Series Nancee53

    Joy & Easing Into This Brand New Day self/AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities/2017

    Daily Intentions   Monkey/2017

    3x Gratitude 2017 Monkey/2017

    Lets Caption Pics With Intentions self/ 2017

    What Soothes Your Soul? Daizsy/2017

    Law of Attraction Daily Thank You's self/ 2017

    Law of Attraction Quotes & Sentiments self/ 2017

    Prayerful Spiritual Quotes self/ 2017

    Perfect Energy Affirmations For Today self/ 2017

    Minions Logic Fun self/2017

    Laughter Is The Best Medicine Pg 2  Monkey/2017


    self/ 2017

     Why It's Good To Be You self/ 2017

    The Lighter Side of Quotes Stillness 2017

    Appreciating Your Worth self/2017


    the-opinions-of others-youniversal-paradise-of-abundance iZ/2017

     Love self/2017

     Be Love  iZ/2017

    TALK TO ME!! Kathi/2017

      Monday Morning Coffee or Tea Talk Daizsy/2017

      Sharing The Power of Expressing Gratitude self 2017

    Happiness Starts With Daizsy/2017

     Secret Is Be Happy Doing What You Are Already Doing  self/ 2017

     Things Are Always Working Out For You Monkey/2017

      Quotes From the Vortex  Monkey/2017

    Much Wisdom In Wonderful Abe Hicks Quotes self/2017

    Joy of Manifesting  self/2017

    Fun Simple & Perfect Joy self/ 2017

    Worrying Myself To Life  iZ/2017

     The Miracle of Life Page 2 Monkey/2017

    Enjoying Enjoyment on Bmindful self/2017

     Positively Rockin Reminders self/2017


    I AM _________________(affirmations)  Self/2016

    Rhetorical Questions Placid Lake/2016

    Descriptive Words SerenityLakes/2016

     A How To Love Yourself-thread Self/2016

    Trust & Staying The Course Self/2016

    Manifesting Monkey/2016

    Talk With Daily (In Motion) Routines/Talk With Series Self/2016

    Royal Fun Self/2016

    A Very Quick Fix Self/2016

    Song Inside/FocusWheel Self/2016

    Nature self/2016


    OK Everyone Give Me Just 1 Word!! Kathi /2015

    Sing Your Heart Out-music thread Kathi/ 2015

    Moments of Joy and Laughter Nancee53/2015

    Let's Play Capture My Heart Poppy/2015

    RAK Random Acts of Kindness Poppy/2015

    Kick-start Your Day LOA Affirmations self/2015

    Choose Happiness Nancee53/2015

    Cooperating With Your Real Self- Happy Action self/2015

    Song Inside    self/2015


    Quotes About All Kinds of Things Lake Placid/SL/2014


    17 seconds self/2014





    Blessings To You All!! AccidentalNote/2013 

    Laughter Good For the Soul Serenity Lakes/2013



    Going Beyond the Law Of Attraction   tonpascal/2012

    Esther and Jerry Hicks flowergirl/2012

    Laughter Is The Best Medicine Monkey/2012

    Charlie Chaplin self/2012

    Peace Of Mind As Your Highest Goal self/2012


    Even More Notes From The Universe SmartRoutinesWithEnthusiasm/2010

    3 Little Things You Enjoy SweetStrongSoul/2010

    Listing 3 or More of Anything That You Are Grateful For self/2010

    Today's Zen Story Rama Dass/2010


     My Little 911 Box Meditating Mama/2009


    Self-Talk As An Affirmation Meditating Mama/2008



    Using The Abundance Mentality To Cure Procrastination Lee/2005

    related threads and material in process (lots more to go!)


    Bmindful Family

    Congratulations Nancee & iZ/Wonderful Series Appreciation 2017

     A Lovely Flower For Flowergirl & Family 2017

    For Poppy Heartfelt Wishes For Perfect Healing 2017

    To Our Lovely Friend Nancee 2017

    Birthday Gifts For SRWE 2016

    Happy Birthday Poppy!! 2016

    Introduction to New Owner/Keith 2015

    Congratulations To Kathi On Her New Job 2015

    Happy Birthday Kathi 2015

    Happy Birthday L (2010-2012)

    Blatantly Selfish for SRWE/2009

    Congratulations To Anoushka /2009

    Introduce Yourself








































    Q What language do you speak?

    A. Affirmationslaughing




    My last handful of affirmations actually inspired this thread. I no longer know who originally created the affirmations, though they are all mine, once we live them.(:

    I am enthusiastic about engaging in my next right action.  (believe I did write this one, not that it matters...just thinking as I'm posting lol)

    I take responsibility for my own life, my own path and my own destiny by listening to my heart.

    This is a great day to create, imagine, produce, and visualize.


    more coming...




























    Variety of Related Threads Coming Soon: 










    Please join me here and add LOA quotes/sentiments you love!

    This thread focuses on the ideas which Law of Attraction works!!

    I am in process of condensing some of my other LOA threads/some posts will be moved here.

    I'll only be using the first 2 posts for awhile. Feel free to add as you wish(:Law-Of-Attraction-Quotes.jpg









    Q What language do you speak?

    A. Affirmationslaughing



    My last handful of affirmations actually inspired this thread. I no longer know who originally created the affirmations, though they are all mine, once we live them.(:

    I am enthusiastic about engaging in my next right action.  (believe I did write this one, not that it matters...just thinking as I'm posting lol)

    I take responsibility for my own life, my own path and my own destiny by listening to my heart.

    This is a great day to create, imagine, produce, and visualize.
















    more coming...

    Variety of Related Threads Coming Soon: 






























    related threads coming in process

    (much to add) (:
    E & J Hicks LOA

    Quotes From The Vortex






















     Hello Bmindful Family!

    In this moment, I  am so peaceful and charged up when the energy of this topic entered my mind, body and spirit.

    Enjoying Yourself Into Action

    (& Being Your Heart's Idea of Your Personal Best)

    Image result for your real self affirmations




    The purpose of this Happiness Mtg-thread is to answer (a) what is truly happening for you  in this moment(b)  to  ask yourself where are you right now and (c)what are you desiring that you  are Now ready for?  



    A good many people from Bmindful that I  love inspiring myself around love to create and recreate themselves... They ease themselves into 'good' change...f46cc54d4382ed71a073d96408b7b3e0.jpgmeditation.png

    To these members, this means appreciating where they are, what brought them to their Now, and creating space for (1)the 'more' they are looking forward to, knowing 'more'  is always in process (2)it is  in line with the respect they feel  for what is truly possible (3) and it is a following a ideas and feelings of  bliss-> for what their heart is because they are allowing  communication from their heart for what they are now desiring and ready for...


    It is my belief many do not experience their everyday miracles, because they become overly focused on  interpreting each experience, and do not give the wonder in each moment its opportunity to shine in their spirit. This gathering will ask you to discuss the relevance of this for you.


    This belief that we are stepping back and allowing can feel like we are doing this when things are going the way we desire or we are liking our interpretations. Though what happens when something shows up that wasn't part of our plan?




    I have been thinking a great deal about  what kinds of things TRULY MOTIVATE my passion for life, and it came to me so lovely in my spirit and then the title for today's Happiness Meeting followed .....Enjoying Yourself Into Action. .. 












    Image result for live as though its last day on earth and first day of vacation quote

     Being →  Doing →  Having.


    What are you ready for in your now? Develop where you're headed from here.









    a term I coined...as the inspiration behind a life that is heart felt, spirit filled, productive...with a foundation of gratitude and appreciation for EVERYTHING! What are areas that you feel inspired to do because of the gratitude you have with your foundation of gratitude and appreciation? Create an ongoing list which you can come back and edit as it grows /transforms to cover as many areas of your life as you desire. Some areas are things you have truly thought about... Some may be areas you are giving yourself new permission think/dream about. You choose -of course!





    Reflection Questions coming soon 

    1.  12910710_f520.jpg
    1. world.Share as much as you feel inspired to.
    1. A. So where are you now?B & why Now- do you feel you are here?

     2. Knowing that no one is responsible for your happiness or level of productivity, what epiphanies  are surfacing or resurfacing for you right Now?

        3. What does  the following affirming-quote mean for you: ღThe greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working?

      4. There is a  quote which basically says: -instead of things you tell yourself you  have to do...think of it as  things that you have the extreme privilege of  being able to do. With respect to the answers which have been surfacing  from reflection questions above, what is this quote communicating to you... for you... in your Now?



    6. Many of you have experienced a life-defining moment  where you found out  life truly is a gift, and LIFE  is  truly miraculous in YOUR  everyday








    Saved to add Personal Affirmations & Reflection Question-Responses


    Personal Affirmations

    I follow my heart and feel a sense of freedom, awe and release






    Saved to answer:

    1. So where are you now?B & why Now- do you feel you are here?











































    Image result for live as though its last day on earth and first day of vacation quote

     Being →  Doing →  Having.


    What are you ready for in your now? Develop where you're headed from here.









    a term I coined...as the inspiration behind a life that is heart felt, spirit filled, productive...with a foundation of gratitude and appreciation for EVERYTHING! What are areas that you feel inspired to do because of the gratitude you have with your foundation of gratitude and appreciation? Create an ongoing list which you can come back and edit as it grows /transforms to cover as many areas of your life as you desire. Some areas are things you have truly thought about... Some may be areas you are giving yourself new permission think/dream about. You choose -of course!





    Reflection Questions 

    1. A. So where are you now?B & why Now- do you feel you are here?

     2. Knowing that no one is responsible for your happiness or level of productivity, what epiphanies  are surfacing or resurfacing for you right Now?

        3. What does  the following affirming-quote mean for you: ღThe greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working?

      4. There is a  quote which basically says: -instead of things you tell yourself you  have to do...think of it as  things that you have the extreme privilege of  being able to do. With respect to the answers which have been surfacing  from reflection questions above, what is this quote communicating to you... for you... in your Now?



    6. Many of you have experienced a life-defining moment  where you found out  life truly is a gift, and LIFE  is  truly miraculous in YOUR  everyday world.Share as much as you feel inspired to.






     Bonus Fun 7. Create a list of affirmations fitting to your Now.

    8. Write a caption for yourself regarding this picture and thread topic



    Articles you may like:


     intro post 2




    note: I could go on & on with (somehow)  related threads... Bmindful threads are always added inspiration for me(: [you inspire me,everyone!]

     related threads in process

    aka 39443?w=49&h=49&t=138958?w=49&h=49&t=1816?w=49&h=49&t=1


    ★★Stepping Back Well-AWP(aka selfcare)-2017

    ★★Better -LOA style-/& links/ AWP(aka selfcare)/2017 

    ★★Law Of Attraction Daily Thank Yous- AWP (selfcare)/2017

    ★★Changing All You Can Pg 1 AWP(aka selfcare)/2017

    ★★Inspired Action Verses Action

    ★★I Allow _________-AWP(selfcare)/2017

     Talk With Series

    Talk With Money-  selfcare(aka AWP)/2016 

    Talk With Inspiration - selfcare (aka AWP)/2016

    Other Related Threads

    Contrast -appreciating the gap-selfcare (aka AWP) 2015


    Notes From Universe -SmartRoutinesWithEnthusiasm (aka MadCookieMan)/2009

    Even More Notes From The Universe-SRWE/2010

    ★★1 Year From Today=New Person SRWE(aka MadCookieMan)/2017


    ★★Thoughts From the Vortex-Monkey/2017

    Life's Greatest Experience -Monkey/2016

    What if life was perfect? Monkey/2016


    ★★Got Time? - iZ/2017

    ★★Into Intuition-iZ/2017

    ★★The Awakening Of Your Higher Self-iZ/2017

    ★★The Law of Detachment-iZ/2017



     ★★Being Transformed By Love-Kathi 2017

    to be continued(:



    Reflection Questions 

    1. A. So where are you now?B & why Now- do you feel you are here?

     2. Knowing that no one is responsible for your happiness or level of productivity, what epiphanies  are surfacing or resurfacing for you right Now?

        3. What does  the following affirming-quote mean for you: ღThe greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working?

      4. There is a  quote which basically says: -instead of things you tell yourself you  have to do...think of it as  things that you have the extreme privilege of  being able to do. With respect to the answers which have been surfacing  from reflection questions above, what is this quote communicating to you... for you... in your Now?



    6. Many of you have experienced a life-defining moment  where you found out  life truly is a gift, and LIFE  is  truly miraculous in YOUR  everyday world.Share as much as you feel inspired to.






     Bonus Fun 7. Create a list of affirmations fitting to your Now.

    8. Write a caption for yourself regarding this picture and thread topic



    Articles you may like:


     intro post 2




    note: I could go on & on with (somehow)  related threads... Bmindful threads are always added inspiration for me(: [you inspire me,everyone!]

     related threads in process

    aka 39443?w=49&h=49&t=138958?w=49&h=49&t=1816?w=49&h=49&t=1


    ★★Stepping Back Well-AWP(aka selfcare)-2017

    ★★Better -LOA style-/& links/ AWP(aka selfcare)/2017 

    ★★Law Of Attraction Daily Thank Yous- AWP (selfcare)/2017

    ★★Changing All You Can Pg 1 AWP(aka selfcare)/2017

    ★★Inspired Action Verses Action

    ★★I Allow _________-AWP(selfcare)/2017

     Talk With Series

    Talk With Money-  selfcare(aka AWP)/2016 

    Talk With Inspiration - selfcare (aka AWP)/2016

    Other Related Threads

    Contrast -appreciating the gap-selfcare (aka AWP) 2015


    Notes From Universe -SmartRoutinesWithEnthusiasm (aka MadCookieMan)/2009

    Even More Notes From The Universe-SRWE/2010

    ★★1 Year From Today=New Person SRWE(aka MadCookieMan)/2017


    ★★Thoughts From the Vortex-Monkey/2017

    Life's Greatest Experience -Monkey/2016

    What if life was perfect? Monkey/2016


    ★★Got Time? - iZ/2017

    ★★Into Intuition-iZ/2017

    ★★The Awakening Of Your Higher Self-iZ/2017

    ★★The Law of Detachment-iZ/2017



     ★★Being Transformed By Love-Kathi 2017

    to be continued(:



      feel free to share as is/thread is being revised/edited a bit(: Thanks for your patience


    I find the more I love me, trust me to care for me... and trust in a Universe to have my back...the more I love you even more!!!!...And if  things just don't feel right ...I  trust my feelings & feel directed in better places that my spirit appreciates.  I don't feel myself veering away from things as  much as I feel what I'm veering toward.Common sense right? Maybe... 

    Think about it. 






    Very Related Threads In Process




    Here's a handful of thoughts :

    • An attitude of gratitude is the key to manifesting a better life for myself
    • Today I Am so aware of the beauty of the human body, and the messages it gives itself to function.
    •  I Am the co-creator of so much, I begin with glorious acceptance and appreciation in the here and now.
    • Even now, I know I Am completely healthy where it counts, and all is always better better better all the time(:
    • I feel immense appreciation for all the unseen miracles inside my body.
    • I see what I love in my mind's eye for me, and love what I Am currently seeing as is right now. I really enjoy and LOVE my life, as it is right now. I LOVE being in my Body. I Accept and delight in its needs. Life is FUN! I take delight in life!I  deserve the best, and I now accept it.All is well in my world.I Am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life. I Am strong, gentle and capable.I Am vibrantly alive and radiantly healthy!




    What is a Self-care Enthusiast? by Lynda Monk (reflective journaling)
    Soulful self-care is the way in which you care for and nourish the essence of who you are – past what you do, beyond all the roles that define you, it is how you turn inward to know, grow and care for yourself. if you desire->read article in full

     Reflective Journaling Exercise:  What does it mean to you to be a Soulful Self-Care Enthusiast?  Write for 20 minutes, starting with A Soulful Self-Care Enthusiast…>to read article in full





    • Whenever an answer, a solution, or a creative idea is needed, stop thinking for a moment by focusing attention on your inner energy field. … When you resume thinking, it will be fresh and creative. ~Eckart Tolle




    I efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstances.
    ★I Love how creating my intentions does magnificent things for all I say I truly desire
    ★I love being in such wonderful harmony with my values
    ★I Am enjoying taking exquisite care of me


    Dear Selfcare Enthusiast, (note to self coming soon)




    pdfmy ideal week




    knowing what’s important-quote There are fine things which you mean to do some day, under what you think will be more favorable circumstances. But the only time that is surely yours is the present, hence this is the time to speak the word of appreciation and sympathy, to do the generous deed, to forgive the fault of a thoughtless friend, to sacrifice self a little more for others. Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart, to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed, and to use your God-given abilities for the enrichment of someone less fortunate. Today you can make your life – significant and worthwhile. The present is yours to do with as you will. Grenville Kleiser








    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~

    • 97669-quotes-about-self-care.jpg

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~

    • I promise myself…to be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind; to talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet; to make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them; to look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true; to think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best; to be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own; to forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future; to wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature I meet; to give so much time to improving myself that I have no time to criticize others; to be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble; to think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds; to live in the faith that the whole world is on my side, so long as I am true to the best that is in me.~Christian D. Larson















    Related image





























    wrote the following awhile back, though message is valid today(: 

    Life is good and I let it flow through all of my activities.

    I noticed I had  been kind of hard on myself for experiencing nagging symptoms of a bug... I could  feel messages of not  tolerating less than really excellent ways to feel... instead of gratitude for this being temporary... I'm taking good care of me today...  Cancelled my work...and just being kind to me... 

    Sometimes how we feel tells us stories we need to hear:

    • to pace self better
    • focus on the places that you've found works
    • create a space for something awesome coming your way which incorporates what is being learned &/or open heart/mind to learn something new

    Isn't part of feeling excellent -acceptance? Since when does acceptance mean we have to like everything? Its just a place to acknowledge as , and to allow from there, right?







     I whisper compassion to my heart.










    magical reinforcement-affirmations/intent

    Even Now

    ►•Articles -> what-is-the-difference-between-positive-affirmations-and-positive-intent

    according to the above article:
    In a nutshell
    • Positive affirmations help create internal alignment and strength
    • Positive intent helps to create external manifestations
    • The more aligned you are with your true self, the more aligned you are with all of consciousness and the greater ability you will have to co-create your life and experiences. 

    “To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart and a free mind.” [Pearl Sydenstricker Buck]

    Be genuine, sincere, like uncarved wood, real and natural. Be yourself. I Ching



    ★BeYoutiful ❤


    other threads you may like:
    intro- 4 Ways To Remain Centered [& affirmations]













    saving for Bmindful Table of Contents/notes


    green-vortex.jpg (1280×960)

    ★★Step Into Bmindful's Energy(It's In The Vortex) What an enjoyable project this is!!!laughing

    This thread will  (eventually) serve as an index for ALL  Bmindful threads(:For the most part.... threads will be categorized by the year they were initially contributed. As time goes on, more criteria will be added to locate threads which may resonate for you.. Love that we have so many new and older threads!!!...Bmindful has always been in the vortex (: ⓂⓊⒸⒽ Ⓛⓞⓥⓔ to all of us,  AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities˚, aka selfcare(:


    Step Into Bmindful's Energy/It's The Vortex




    This thread is under major construction.

    It will soon

    be edited and moved to a new spot.

    Feel free to view as it

    continues to develop.



    Bmindful Mission Statement FOR YOU:

    Bmindful is a wonderful platform of expression, education, enlightenment and encouragement conducive to being totally Free to express and share all the love inside of all of us- especially You and Me 

    Awesome Mission Statement written by Nancee53laughing



     Related image

     ★★Step Into Bmindful's Energy(It's In The Vortex)

    Related Threads- in big-time joyous-process


    Bmindful's Table of ContentsTable2BContents2Bcopy.jpg











    ~intro post 1- this post [2005-2017]

    ~intro post 2 Bmindful

    ~intro post 3






    ~~~~~~~pinned threadThe bottom of this intro post  is an ongoing list  of all Bmindful  threads(: 





    Hello Community:










     If you are looking for some of the threads that werepinned thread tacked to the top-New thread was created to house these. Most are there, with some new highlights, and adding more. This will lessen them on first page of forum to see more activity

    Highlights/Red Sticky Notes Now Located Here










    pinned thread


    brand new member joins today and asks affirmation questions

      Help Writing  More Powerful Affirmations Angel123




    in process(:

    When new highlights come up, they will go into our amazing list of threads below. 

     daily momentum fill ins coming soon:gratitude, intentions etc

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pinned threadThe bottom of this intro post  is an ongoing list  of all Bmindful  threads(:





     Methods of LOA




    • This thread will  eventually serve as an index for ALL  Bmindful threads(:For the most part.... threads will be categorized by the year they were initially contributed.
    • As time goes on, more criteria will be added to locate threads which may resonate for you.. Love that we have so many new and older threads!!!...Bmindful has always been in the vortex (: ⓂⓊⒸⒽ Ⓛⓞⓥⓔ to all of us,  AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities˚, aka selfcare(:



    Our Wonderful Forum Threads in 2017

    from 2005-2017  in process (lots more to go!)

    I'm believing this will be some wonderful list. Finding them was keeping me in the VORTEXlaughing Bmindful is already in the vortex this list may be infinite... (the order is mostly by year/hoping to find ways to categorize these wonderful inspirations. Wonderful Inspiration-category would be just about all of them too.




    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnLqF7SKPOTvIQ0St4eqcgR4nJmeSMqGhrsyA9cczWESVPHCT7pinned thread

    MORE TO COME!!!!!!!!!!! 





    Music Threads Created In 

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnLqF7SKPOTvIQ0St4eqcgR4nJmeSMqGhrsyA9cczWESVPHCT7pinned thread


    Musical-playlist-change-it-up-as-you-like self/ 2017

    Gimme That Swing Pg 1 Monkey/2017

    Gimme That Swing Pg 2   Monkey/2017

     MORE TO COME!!!!!!!!!!! 


     Fun/Humor-Threads Created In:

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnLqF7SKPOTvIQ0St4eqcgR4nJmeSMqGhrsyA9cczWESVPHCT7pinned thread


    The Lighter Side of Quotes Stillness 2017

    Minions Logic Fun self/2017

     Laughter Is The Best Medicine Pg 2  Monkey/2017

      Fun Simple & Perfect Joy self/ 2017

     MORE TO COME!!!!!!!!!!! 



     AND MANY MANY MANY MOREpinned thread



     pinned thread



    The Spiritual Phenomenon

    Poetry Corner Poppy/2015

     Refining Intuitive Techniques self/2015

    OK Everyone Give Me Just 1 Word!! Kathi /2015

    Quotes               Monkey/2015  

    Crafting-Art-Writing-Creativity Ideas-to-Share SRWE/2015         

    Choose Happiness Nancee53/2015

    Freedom-Affirming It self/2015

    RAK Random Acts of Kindness Poppy/2015

    encouragement  self/2015

    Don't Forget To Make Funny Faces Monkey/2015

     Kick-start Your Day LOA Affirmations self/2015

    Daily Affirmations  Monkey/2015

    Song Inside    self/2015

    Wisdom Quotes Are Affirmations For The Soul   self/2015

     Spirituality Quotes To Transform Your Day self/2015

    Faith Quotes & Affirmations self/2015

    Sing Your Heart Out-music thread Kathi/ 2015

    Let's Play Capture My Heart Poppy/2015

    Moments of Joy and Laughter Nancee53/2015


    Creativity Quotes self/2015


    Cooperating With Your Real Self- Happy Action self/2015



    pinned thread

    Quotes About All Kinds of Things Lake Placid/SL/2014

    Gratitude Appreciation Thread self/2014

    Today Is The Best Day Of My Life self/2014


     17 seconds self/2014


      pinned thread

    Blessings To You All!! AccidentalNote/2013 

    Laughter Good For the Soul Serenity Lakes/2013

    Easy Listening Accomplishing Music self/2013

    Introduction To Chakra Healing self/2013688146dd0d0c8b52271e719772c717b9.jpg

     pinned thread

    The Science Behind a Smile GodsCreation/2012

    Gratitude & Appreciation Music self/2012

     Gratitude Is The Key To Abundance  Risque-Tout/2012

    Quotes Or Points To Ponder stillness 2012

     Just For Today  flowergirl/2012

    Thought For The Day edduffe/2012

    Building Castles In The Air Ton Pascal/2012

    Appreciation loa/2012

    Feeling Love For Our Community & Sending Love Everywhere self/ 2012

    Going Beyond the Law Of Attraction   tonpascal/2012

    Esther and Jerry Hicks flowergirl/2012

    Laughter Is The Best Medicine Monkey/2012

    Charlie Chaplin self/2012

    Peace Of Mind As Your Highest Goal self/2012

    You Don't Know Beans About Health Food SRWE/2012

    Economy Is Phatt! SRWE/2012

    Your Song Of The Day SRWE/2012


     related threads and material in process (lots more to go!)pinned thread




    pinned thread

     Financial Empowerment Manifestation Anoushka/2009

    You've Got To Find What You Love -Jobs says ithink/2009

     My Little 911 Box Meditatingmama/2009

    Blessings In Disguise Meditatingmama/2009

    Neat, Huh? The Mind Is An Amazing Thing SRWE/2009

    Thoughts On Writing Self/2009

    Simplicity-Mostly Music Self/2009

    Music From The Heart Self/2009

    Anyone For a Game Of Foosball?  Self/2009

    Family Pics SRWE/2009

    Let's Make Everyday a Useful Vacation Self/2009

    Thought Vibrations/PrevailingThoughts Self/2009

    Alien Life May Exist Among Us Lee/2009

    Dance Self/2009









    pinned thread




     pinned thread


    Bmindful Family

    Congratulations Nancee & iZ/Wonderful Series Appreciation 2017

     A Lovely Flower For Flowergirl & Family 2017

    For Poppy Heartfelt Wishes For Perfect Healing 2017

    To Our Lovely Friend Nancee 2017

    Birthday Gifts For SRWE 2016

    Happy Birthday Poppy!! 2016

    Introduction to New Owner/Keith 2015

    Congratulations To Kathi On Her New Job 2015

    Happy Birthday Kathi 2015

    Happy Birthday L (2010-2012)

    Family Pics SRWE/2009

    Blatantly Selfish for SRWE/2009

    Congratulations To Anoushka /2009

    The Biblicist Has Joined EdHaras/2009

    Introduce Yourself

      related threads and material in process (lots more to go!)












    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    various affirmation threads in process
    magic planning/affirmations



    Quotes I want to save 


    As many know we are in  the midst of creating a Bmindful Index of all threads.

    A topic came to me: In 10 Yrs What Would(Begin/Still)Be Most Important To Myself/You?   and thought this would be another good place to store some thread links while these projects are underway, and a place for you to find or link to threads which resonate also with re: to this topic.

    It will help for this thread, help others locate threads and see what works for all.

    Most importantly-have fun! Fun is 1 of the top things people wish they did a bit more of under many circumstances. 


    a long list of related threads in process(: (not all) (:

    related thread, contributor, and year thread originally created below:

    To be joyously continued... 


    Because of this long list, I can feel a page 2 in its future(:



    In 10 Yrs What Would (Begin/Still) Be Most Important To You?

    So many things are of value to all of us... Thought creating a list from a 10 yr. perspective, not necessarily in any order...just to create what comes up, and to share for ourselves and possibly further inspire someone...somewhere at sometime (:


    Intro to be continued..laughing


    I will start... it is self focused because without that I can't be, do, have... the wonderful possibilities that are available.





    Articles (coming soon)

    • When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:  What Do Dying People Regret?










    I trust the process of life. Only right & good action is taking in my life.


























    Inspired Action versus Action

    Inspired Action Bottom line: Inspired action feels good. It feels like playing. You're enjoying yourself. You're leveraging Universal energy, so you get a lot more done in much less time. Things just line up for you, it's easy, almost effortless.


    Action taken from a place of impatience, from a place of fear (it won't happen fast enough, there's something I should be doing) is frustrating. It's like trying to push a heavy boulder up a large hill. It's no fun, you make little progress and it's really, really hard.



    The author desires not to print part of her article if we are to share-and desires we share whole article instead:


    The Law of Attraction teaches us that if we focus on something enough, if we give it enough energy to bring it into the physical and then line up with that vibration, we can receive whatever it is we want. Sometimes, the Universe will just drop whatever it is we're looking for right in our lap. A family member will just give you their car, for example. Sometimes, we're inspired to take some kind of action, like walking into a store we've never been into and never even noticed, where we just happen to meet the love of our lives. And sometimes we just have to wait patiently for the Universe to do its job. So, how do we know when to take action? And what does "inspired action" feel like, anyway?

    There's a huge difference between taking action in order to make something happen and taking inspired action, which is moving with the energy in motion. The key is to recognize when you're trying to make things happen, instead of allowing the manifestations to appear.

    When you take inspired action you:

    • Get an impulse and idea to do something, which usually comes to you naturally, easily and often at an unexpected moment.
    • The action steps just make sense. You don't have to justify them, they just feel right.
    • Feel energized by the action - it doesn't seem like "work". You're enjoying the process.
    • Make a lot of progress very quickly and with little effort - you get a lot of bang for your buck.
    • Are allowing things to happen naturally. Your action is just one piece of the puzzle.
    • Are allowing the Universe to orchestrate events. You don't have to control everything.


    When you take "uninspired" action, you:

    • Spend a lot of time trying to figure out what actions to take. You make lists and research all the options to justify which ones are the best.
    • Feel frustrated and overwhelmed. There's just so much to do!
    • Feel tired and depleted. It really feels like "work". You don't want to do it, but you feel that you have to.
    • Are continuously stopped by roadblocks. Things just don't seem to be moving ahead. Something is always getting in the way.
    • Feel like you have to do it all. You have to make it happen.


    Bottom line: Inspired action feels good. It feels like playing. You're enjoying yourself. You're leveraging Universal energy, so you get a lot more done in much less time. Things just line up for you, it's easy, almost effortless.

    Action taken from a place of impatience, from a place of fear (it won't happen fast enough, there's something I should be doing) is frustrating. It's like trying to push a heavy boulder up a large hill. It's no fun, you make little progress and it's really, really hard.

    The Universe has the power to line up all the perfect components in order to easily bring you what you desire. You may be one of those components (hence, the inspired action). But you don't have to control the whole process. You don't have the resources, the knowledge or the tools that the Universe has. Why would you try to do its job?

    Let's say that you order a new designer dress or suit. Do you then go out and buy a book on how to sew, some fabric and a sewing machine, and try to make your own designer clothes? Or do you let the people who've been doing this for over a hundred years and have a whole factory dedicated to doing nothing else take care of it?

    If you're frustrated and feel like you're spinning your wheels, you're trying to do the Universe's job. Stop it. Take a step back, relax, remember that it's not your job to make it all happen, and focus on what it is that you truly want. Remember that life is supposed to be fun, it's supposed to feel good. Manifesting your reality shouldn't be a struggle. Just line up with the energy and allow it to happen. If the Universe needs you to do something, it'll let you know.

     Copyright(c) 2010. Melody Fletcher. All Rights Reserved. Visit www.deliberatereceiving.com for articles and information on the Law of Attraction and sign up to receive the free e-book and audio "Deliberate Receiving - How the Law of Attraction really works".



    Some Triggering Questions/Anthony Robbins

    The Up-Front Instructions

    The result of this exercise is you now have 4 goals you can use to inspire your actions and help you focus your effort throughout the year.




















    ★★Memorable Entertainment TV -& Heroes and Icons (page 2) & FUN LINKS



    2 of my favorite non-cable TV stations are  M.E. & H and I

    Memorable Entertainment (station link ) and Heroes and Icons TV


    The ME Channel - REVISIT THE PAST




    Feel free to post or

     comment about an old TV show that is from either station.(or any other station which promotes older classic TV shows (Whatever you enjoy)


    vortex-heart.jpg (1280×960)


    and while I'm here I'll post links from the site that you may enjoy... I'm sure you could find threads easily too... Though...thought I'd give us a hand ...and create a page or 2 or 3 of R&R(:

    related  threads in process which specialize in FUN/ENJOYMENT/Living in the moment!

    Page 1 ME channel H and I channel

    Interesting Quotes From Film and Television/2014

    Movies That Changed Your Life/2012

    Child Prodigies-Talented Beyond Their Years/2010

    Feeling Light Loving Joyfully Expressed/2017

    Things We've Learned From Mary Poppins-/2017

    Choose Happiness/2016

    The Power Of Music(Soul Food Series)/2017

    Sing Your Heart Out-Music Thread/

    Lighter Side of Quotes-/2017

    Have a Beautiful & Positive Day/2017

    Minions Logic Fun-/2017

    You Can't Be Serious-Silly Ideas/2016

     (More) Notes From The Universe/2010

    A Very Quick Fix/2016

    Relax Yourself/2017


    Living In The Day Or Moment - 2011

     What Are Some Things You Enjoy About Your Life?/2017

    Your Favorites List created by -2016

    Heard a Good Joke Lately/2009

    Laughter Is The Best Medicine Page 2-2017

    Laughter Is The Best Medicine Page 1-2012

    3 Things That Made Me Smile Today/2009








    History and Icons History and Icons



















1985 Real Genius with Val Kilmer

-truly one of my favorite movies! Popcorn scene

Lots of clips

or just some clips





Kent talks to Jesus


Lazlo and the closet
Blues Brothers

    • Blues Brothers Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, John Candy, Armand Cerami, Steve Cropper, Donald Dunn, Murphy Dunne, Willie Hall, Tom Malone, Lou Marini, M





  • ~
  • ~
  • ~
  • ~
  • ~

Thank You.

powertool links which belong to others

coming soon

Image result for pic quotes I love affirmative prayer and prayerful affirmations pic

For those of you who use different words with affirmative prayer…it is of course highly individual(: I sometimes use Source...though most of the time Creator, Creator Of The Universe... or... God. I am not someone who gets into religion online...Though expressing that there is a Powerful Omnipresent Loving Creator...I Am not opposed to(:

We all relate to a Creator in our own way
Affirmative Prayer (also known as Spiritual Mind Treatment) is a powerfully, life enhancing spiritual practice which brings about the truth for yourself and others and affirms what it is that you desire for your life.

It has always been POWERFUL for me. On this site, a group of at one time-created prayerful process affirmations before 'anything' It was indeed Powerful, and we always reported back with joy.

It is a powerful way of changing your negative thought patterns into more positive, spiritual ones. It works on changing and aligning all parts of ourselves and a beautifully powerful way to co-create


Since I have yet to have brunch today...(time a bit off...since I'm currently vacationing) ....I will post 1 I wrote last year (with minor adjustments)...and treat it with the newness it deserves(:


Thank You Thank You Thank You ...Today I allow and receive “mental physical spiritual  nutrients” that  my life desires to function at its best. The ingredients that are forming my life... have a  refreshing, invigorated  feel... creating  each brand new moment.

It is The 'all that is available to me'  has  been all gathered together, arranged and supplied in just the right combinations at just the right time. I Am now more aware when to step back and when to engage to best allow inspired action and go with flow of the harmonious rhythms of life.

Opportunities to develop in different ways are always available with ease as they are prioritized for  the most benevolent  outcome. I know this. I feel this. I Am this inspired action today.

For this and   more, I Am and all others are richly blessed. Thank You Creator for the Universe in which I Am enjoying and gain gifts I thoroughly appreciate Always! Amen, and So It Is.

Image result for And It is So Amen pic


to be continued...

LOA & Other Universal Laws

Contrast -Absolute-Joyful, Loving Enlightenment of Contrast...1

Contrast-Thank You Contrast. {Wonderful Peace & Possibilities}...1 (to be restarted)


coming soon



Related image

Related image

Image result for kabbalah  affirmation picsRelated image


I always wanted a place...1 place... besides my profile pages... and lots of threads to rearrange my affirmations,priorities, intentions values...as they arise.

will do that here

Related image




~coming soon

  • Image result for affirmations breakingfreefrom limits.com affirmation picsImage result for affirmations breakingfreefrom limits.com affirmation picsBlessed-be-the-name-of-God-forever-and-ever-to-whom-belong-wisdom-and-might..jpg


coming soon

I Believe:

fabdfa3836e3384b2bf2d468ff61fac4--good-energy-quotes-energy-quotes-universe.jpgImage result for kabbalah  affirmation pics2.png


I believe to:

Related imageImage result for kabbalah  affirmation pics

comment coming soon

to be continued...

quotes with comments...to be continued...

Related image

quotes with comments...to be continued...

Related imageImage result for zen to zany family pic quote affirm

comment coming soon

Related image

comment coming soon

positive thoughts for the day (to be continued):Related image




intentions...affirmations...prayerful... valuable

Today I am very peaceful while all good continues to come my way

Thank you God.

And it is all so.


  • post 2

More favorites 

“If your life were any different, you'd feel exactly the same. This is the irony of life's eternal perfection. Once you no longer rely on outside circumstances, in order to feel good, or even require feeling good, in order to be relaxed and open, something far greater than the tracking of ups, downs, gains and losses awakens within you. This is the heart of awakening.” Matt Kahn, Whatever Arises,Love That:A Love Revolution That Begins With You




"By responding to anyone's criticism with love, compassion and acceptance, you are stepping forward as a master of relationships to create your own experiences, which has nothing to do with how anyone treats you.” Matt Kahn, Whatever Arises,Love That:A Love Revolution That Begins With You





  • Affirmations+for+the+Solar+Plexus+Chakra11.png


I am loving this music as I'm creating this thread. It is a beautiful gift from flowergirl.

I will change selections of everything on this thread as desired

Other music threads in process

Instrumental Moments {& Long Plays}

wanted to create a table of contents of sorts for music, poetry& humor ... It will make it convenient for me to keep a link here(:



  • Image result for therapists cry: reflections on therapistsâ tears



  • ~


and that is the name of my planimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVPuBjvMGDFSrEYk2P5qxUVuZvBzvthQzXFSIrdF2-MfV7nq5j







I Am acknowledging a world beyond my senses,
a truth beyond my intellect, a wisdom beyond logic,
a power beyond my limits, a serene design
despite any distressing display

I change up the thread here & there... from time to time
current video:

I love how my path, my pace, and my process have my perfect specifications for all my needs.
I'd like to see what kind of thread surfaces 
from momentary perspective posts
/looking forward to seeing what emerges
related threads in process

My Inner Child Affirmations & Other Sentiments
In The Flow With Today's Intentions...1
today's -delightful inspired action affirmations
this eve

Inspiration -Because We Are Worth It~Assorted Quotes

Fall In Love With Life

A Beautiful Joy You Are

Your Spectacular Energetic Frequency...1

choose your 3 MITS and why

empowerment quotes and affirmations

quotes we love from musicians & actors
allowing and trusting awesome direction

pg 2 of building on them

favorite things you love about what you do

reinforcing heartfelt intentions for life

Enjoying Some True Peace Vision Board

Allowing Joy To Go To Work With You {any kind of work}

Whatever I am feeling Is fine.
heart thoughts the energy of our love & peace
heart thoughts-empowering self affirmation

Feeling How You Choose With Intent {affirmations}

home decor frequencies

affirmations-allowing,focusing & inspiring action

virtually unlimited gratitude {quotes}

gentle & grateful while creating more new patterns
feeling how you choose with intent
looking forward to summer joy

ease into your joy
flowing like you are a butterfly
choose 3 present moment affirmations
dwelling in complete alignment...1
heart thoughts -joyfully,powered..1
joy of peaceful empowerment ...1
gentle pastels with magic all their own

...heart thoughts...the energy of our being love & peace

easing flowing into morning vibrationally-great day

Over Arching Intention⇒JeanieMarshall

supporting your own intentions
enjoying-some true peace & joy...{vision board}1

more than capable⇒affirming
self care-action
affirmations~allowing, focusing, inspiring action
Health & Happiness Street
surrendering -most benevolent outcome always
Balance Allowing Dreaming Doing Being {Growth}-still being created

Deepak quotes {joy peace love choice}

allowing better better better

Wishes Fulfilled-sharing intentions ...1

Your Spectacular Energetic Frequency...1

Home Decor Energetics...1

Health & Happiness Street

allowing success in all areas of life
lets keep what we want to learn handy

Living My Selected 2018 Affirmations

Happiness Meeting-Love & Gratitude

my inner child {affirmations & other sentiments}
positivity -"not getting older -getting better

Joyful Gratitude Reminders
I will focus on what I have

Truly Love Oneself

Your Sacred Body

Better You?

black & white positivity quotes

peaceful harmonious-You

self sacred ~quotes/affirmations

Take A Twirl

allowing joyful momentum~affirmations ~music

Love Raising Vibrations
thrive with passion and joy
mindful compassion for ones own timing

where it counts-confident?
thread in process...

threads to edit:
Enjoying Brand New moments...1 of 2
enjoy some true peace and joy-vision board 
prayerful intention for master list
Joy Of Peaceful Empowerment...1
intention threads

Only 1 song or more a day






love this!!!!
I Am acknowledging a world beyond my senses,
a truth beyond my intellect, a wisdom beyond logic,
a power beyond my limits, a serene design
despite any distressing display


Be-ing What You Love






From this day onward, I go forth with an uplifted vision.






















fa0c30b0d804e818ce33cce6b8cc7563--lets-dance-the-dance.jpgone of my favorites-

























Thank You.

post 14d84aa09a08fa8da8da740d3f179962ce.jpg

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.
How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
~ Eckhart Tolle





Sharing From The Heart For Our Wonderful Members  is something Bmindful Community is often inspired to do. 



Here's To The Beginning Of This Joy Ride!!!


So... lets send images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRuRq095CG88lgulJdxJj4oZFRuQkaxvzk-QJ5hzzVsszRtOhiD all our love.






  •   ~


 On that note, please join me in sharing a heartfelt post to inspire only the best of everything  for Stillness (or one of his other aliases that we have come to love)!!!













Quotes created about you:

Stillness is the altar of spirit.

— Paramahansa Yogananda


Thank You.

post 15


 last edited September 3, 2017 2:49PM EST 





quick reminder:

next to forum threads ★ = ORIGINALLY created before 2017 ★★ = ORIGINALLY created during 2017

A new method is being given thought/ though this is the current method(:

 THIS THREAD WILL EVENTUALLY BE QUITE FULL. YOU MAY LIKE TO GO FULL SCREEN WHEN CHECKING IT OUT . This will take time, though if you check out time/date edited... you'll know if anything has been added. Or you may like to wait until after Sept 8, when much more of this thread will be complete.




Hey there everyone!

Most  have noticed we went WITHOUT  highlight stickies for awhile

We went this route because we have so many threads that ARE WONDERFUL , we went a highlightin' the whole front page (:

 Though the other purpose initially highlighting different threads was to create not only visibility ...though also creating activity on a thread ... if you chose of course(:



What kinds of threads get highlighted?  Here at Bmindful we are a community which puts love first(:

whether  you're familiar with members or not, please stop by the threads which

resonate with you, and Enjoy.hare affirmations, quotes, videos .....

Enjoy ... with your style and when it feels right...share a little love toward what you enjoy...

It lifts our own vibration as well as others.


 During this  time of being highlight-less, we've been creatin'.

(Some wonderful new threads created! )So Much Good Too Many Stickies 




Bmindful is a magical place. We are inspired by inclusive, like minded people. And that is the essence of my experience here- a magical loving place.

Thank you everyone who have continued to allow this to be so.

It goes without saying threads  are not to be used to be discourteous toward others. Been there  felt that on this site, and it is not tolerated.There got that out.  

 We are all growing, not a perfect one among us. 


 Going to use this space as a place to not only highlight threads though also attempt a brand new table of contents





 So Much Good Too Many Stickies 




 this is a highlight tackImage result for android material switch.tongue-out






Also many questions will be addressed as to where we are today. 

For those of you haven't been with Bmindful long, we have come a long way!

We have wonderful new features!

We have a site that had many deleted threads, and some other unmentionables (:

Though now,  we're filling up our forum ...oh so positively..



Will be back to chat


 Speaking of announcements Bunique is working on something I think you will all love. 

I'll check in with him to see how its going... (to be continued)904100xomxxjh0gc.gif



Much Love,

Always Wonderful Possibilities (aka selfcare, aka soul-care,aka  Appreciating) (:

















 Image result for android material switchMost Recent New Threads


Organizing Yourself Straight Into Chaos -September 3, 2017 (SmartRoutinesWithEnthusiasm/aka MadCookieMan)


Aligning With Our Hearts -Designing Our Home-September 3, 2017(soulcare/aka selfcare akaAWP


 related and recent threads in September & End Of August




Alternative HouseWork Songs& Dance /Flowergirl

Clearing & Simplifying/Flowergirl

Walking With Reiki-Mindfulness /Flowergirl

Peace and Love of Soul/soulcare (aka selfcare,AWP)

Chillin' Into Alignment/

pg 2/Feeling Light, Loving & Joyfully Expressed





Most Recent Louise Hay thread created by Monkey

Louise Hay Passed August 30, 2017


Most all on this site will always feel a strong love and connection with this wonderful woman





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    Image result for android material switchMost Recent Series Threads



    •  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • Image result for android material switchMost Recent Happiness Meeting  Thread



    •  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • Image result for android material switchMost Recent Discussion Threads Beyond Happiness Meeting & SeriesThreads




 last edited September 3, 2017 1:46PM EST 


 THIS THREAD WILL EVENTUALLY BE QUITE FULL. YOU MAY LIKE TO GO FULL SCREEN WHEN CHECKING IT OUT . This will take time, though if you check out time/date edited... you'll know if anything has been added. Or you may like to wait until after Sept 8, when much more of this thread will be complete.




Image result for android material switchMost Recent New Threads



  •  ~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Image result for android material switchMost Recent Series Threads



    •  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • Image result for android material switchMost Recent Happiness Meeting  Thread



    •  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • Image result for android material switchMost Recent Discussion Threads Beyond Happiness Meeting & SeriesThreads






 THIS THREAD WILL EVENTUALLY BE QUITE FULL. YOU MAY LIKE TO GO FULL SCREEN WHEN CHECKING IT OUT . This will take time, though if you check out time/date edited... you'll know if anything has been added. Or you may like to wait until after Sept 8, when much more of this thread will be complete.



Will be back to chat

Much Love,

Always Wonderful Possibilities (aka selfcare, aka soul-care,aka  Appreciating) (:






Here at Bmindful -this can be said just about every hour

as a community, we wouldn't exist without all of you



 I know speaking for myself, you the community are spectacular.



Funny & true story for me: creating a thread today, and began adding related threads.. some mine.. though many from everyone... Now you know we have so many highlighted stickies. Everyone here has so much positive wonderful inspiration, and the pearls here are simply unlimited.




Bmindful Mission Statement FOR YOU:

Bmindful is a wonderful platform of expression, education, enlightenment and encouragement conducive to being totally Free to express and share all the love inside of all of us- especially You and Me 

Awesome Mission Statement written by Nancee53laughing









 Highlight threads are :New ones, series & Happiness Meetings, announcements. There are quite a few  that don't quite fit that criteria, though will attempt a good assortment





Related image





will begin this sometime

before Sept.8, 2017

 For now-& always please use  own favorites button to easily save YOUR FAVORITES… (so you can post where you love)



































quick reminder:

next to forum threads ★ = ORIGINALLY created before 2017 ★★ = ORIGINALLY created during 2017

A new method is being given thought/ though this is the current method(:










 coming soon(:










Shake a Tail Feather

Blues Brothers!

    • ~



Dirty Dancing

Everything is created from moment to moment, always new. Like fireworks, this universe is a celebration and you are the spectator contemplating the eternal Fourth of July of your absolute splendor. Francis Lucille





Thank You.

This is amazing Info. So much I’m going to have to come back and read it again.

Jump to Top ^^

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