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DECEMBER 2015 Let's Share Our Own Poetry

***Let it go!***

Hurt, disappointment, life ever changing
Dreams lost, family’s fractured
Realization of mortality

Fear, self-doubt creeps into reality
Your essence, core challenged, judged
By Most Very Important Persons

Crapped out!

Flick on the switch to your heart
Look into your soul

No one can smell the bouquet
Or comprehend the beauty
That is you!

Unyielding belief, faith in God
Doing simple unexpected acts
Offering just a thing

To unlock what you have hidden
Happiness resides
In great influence on

One individual
Just one!

The fact is
Millions sing your praise
You just don’t know it

Let it go!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


When life catches you
Old one day

A flicker of light
Burns deep inside

Red hot coals
Without smoke

Why me?

Sleep comes uneasy
The mind ablaze

Change is coming


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Awesome Poppy!
Thank you for sharing!!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Kathi’s post:

Thanks Kathi!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Wonderful Poppy, absolutely wonderful, thank you for sharing :)

Opportunity Awaits

Sun rising
Sleepy eyes
A new day

Up and and atom
Nucleus surrounded
Electrons dancing

What a challenge
To create
A most beautiful

Spirit flowing
Fully recharged
Enriching lives
As you go

What a wonderful day!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
lovin’ that one (and all you write of course (: )

Up and and atom
Nucleus surrounded
Electrons dancing

What a challenge
To create
A most beautiful

Spirit flowing
Fully recharged
Enriching lives
As you go

What a wonderful day!

I Am living a Divine plan

Leap of Faith

Step right up
Outside of yourself
To where you’ve never been
The first step is the hardest
With or without a friend

A leap of faith is hardest
And scariest of all
You never know if
You’ll land or take a sudden fall

One thing for sure
If you freeze in place
You’ll go nowhere at all.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


Connectedness, inclusiveness, community

Positive inclusiveness is
Your greatest strength

Challenging others
To release
Their thoughts

Building community
In all you do

Resonates in
Us all.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


enter the heart , you could win a prize


My mind wonders
What the day will bring

Loose plans are made
In a while, later in the day

An ever present task at hand

What goodness
Can I leave

A simple smile
A nod of respect
To a stranger’s glance

An encouraging word
To a friend in need

A prayer of health
To all in pain

Practicing tolerance,
Kindness, and appreciating beauty
In all things

I wonder what this day will bring?

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Lake Placid’s post:

Ah! You’ve read my mind. I do have some darker poetry. Life offers us an opportunity to experience loss and grief, low tides and high tides. Sometimes you are drowning and sometimes your surfing. Most of the time, I’m just , “All wet. “

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In the Still of the Night

In the still of the night
Just before you drift

As your body smushes
Into your bed

The weight of the day
Floats above your head

It hovers above your body
As a cloud might be

With eyes closed
You see so clearly

Where you must go

With your last conscious thought

You allow your body to be paralyzed

You are asleep.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


Catatonic state

Every day
Without fail

Taking time to
Freeze in place

Laser focus

The simplest
Of things

A fallen leaf
A busy ant

A bee in flight
A screaming bird

A shiny rock
A drop of water

These are the things
That recharge
My soul

I go deep within
Myself and find

I am a vital part
Of something

Greater than


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Tired and tingling are my feet
Another night, just a repeat
I lay awake cannot sleep
Paralyzingly pain keeps me awake.

So another thing I have to say
Is the burning never goes away
I take my meds like a sheep
Oh that I could go to sleep.

The morning wakes me with a start
My body broken and apart
Slowly I creak and crack
And come alive
Tired and tingling are my feet
Another day, just a repeat

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Nice thread.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

I have a few poems, I’ll apologize to you guys in advance for them.
The Sword

The rotation of the earth is beyond my scope, but I am powerful.
The wind; the thunder – they are not mine, but I am powerful, still.
Call me, Maker.
A maker.
One maker.
A maker of THE MAKER.
A maker of differences am I – a changer of lives – mine – yours…

The tide – it is not mine. The rudder is.
I cannot change many things.
I can change many things.

I have no army, just two hands to command,
but I am powerful still and tonight I pray large – Simple and Large.
I cannot change many things.
I can change many things.

Tonight I pray large and simple and strong – for courage o’er fear – for beauty; for song.

We are powerful, you and I.
Powerful and yet so small.
A speck in an endless sea – a brief candle and an endless flame.
Tonight I pray a poem.

Tonight I pray large and simple and strong
A poem of hope and courage.
A poem of what could be.
A poem of strength and beauty.
Tonight I pray large and simple and strong
Let us sing together, you and me.


The Face in the Fire

Here in the wood in the dark in the night
There’s a face in the fire that lends his light
Are you really there – an image no doubt
The eyes and nose flicker about

The trees are peaceful, quiet and dark
Shadows crawl on boulder and bark
Occasional whisper, rustle of leaf;
A transient wind – a breath too brief

Lost in eyes of fire and face
Fancy turns to magical race
beings – alive – a strange hidden place
Peering through window for hint or trace

of those who seek solace – or wisdom – or good
for those who seek comfort alone in the wood
Could it be you seeking comfort this night
looking to me – to a share in my light

I’ve seen you before in fires that I’ve made
Twice on the mountain – once in the glade
- or was it your father or sister or brother
keeping a watch like a vigilant mother

A world so distant and different than mine
A planet of wizards – some other time
A place filled with gazers all gazing through glass
A placid red giant – mysterious gas

I know you’re not real; still I’m not sad
I’m not the hatter, or sleepy or mad
A face in the fire, a fancy I had
A companion and comfort for which I am glad


Ode to a Guillotine

Oh Guillotine, so tall and sleek
No adoration do you seek.
Let me dust you off old friend
And hone your blade that you might lend
The service you so aptly mete
To clear the dirty senate seat
Many necks to you I’d feed
In our country’s time of need
Herd the minions to the light
A few more heads for you to bite
And when you’re full I’ll let you rest
From the work that you do best


What’s Wrong with this Mirror?

What’s wrong with this mirror?
Something’s not right!
I know how to fix it -
I’ll turn off the light!


Monk E Mann

i like to wear my monkish robes
pretend to meditate
copy words of learned men
and scream “I do not hate”

i tell you how to live your life
with sage advice i’ve read
i bite your back with stabbing teeth
and wish that you were dead

passive I am Monk E Mann
aggression is my game
(i stand on high and beat my chest)
“Englightened is my name”!

Do as I say! (not as i do)
and disciples you may be
I’ll bless you loud and far and wide
for all the gods to see

cross me and i’ll write your doom
with pointed pins and needles
i’ll shake my fist in cloistered room
(as) Tweedle Dums and Tweedle Deedles.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to Lake Placid’s post:

I walk like the tin man already. Maybe I could be a star in thr remake of the movie?

My body is definitely speaking to me and the older I get, the louder he gets. Soon I’ll be deaf!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm’s post:

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm’s post:

Your poems are great! I liked them all. The Sword was probably my favorite followed closely by the Guillotine, or was it Fire in the Face? All very nice- I like your style- so unique. I saw my face in the Mirror and quickly turned off the light. It worked for me too.

Believe me, apologies are not necessary.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

I Love You

A soft cool breeze
Blankets me from the
Mid-day sun

A shady Old tree
Props me up
As I sit and ponder

A lifetime of thoughts
Flood my mind

People, places, events
Bubble to the top
and gently glide
Down into my
Brain’s boiling pot

So much in a lifetime
Evaporates into air

But solid, friendships endure the pressure
Of life and time

They reside in the
Forefront of your
Most caring thoughts

Crossing energy
to and from each
Eternal respect
At every turn

Most time we spend
Not quite uttering
Heart felt words

We hem and haw
And dance around

But never say,

I love you!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Lake Placid’s post:

I agree that is the right attitude to take to work through the painful figments. Unfortunately some of us have chronic painful figments. And pain is painful if you ask me.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


There is nothing like a friend
An understanding ear to listen

In the equation, there is no judgment
Honest caring, wishing the best

Longing for a way
To make things pleasant

Impossible to cure

Comforting words
Sometimes sounding hollow

What can be done?

There is no way
To right the ship

Titanic events

I will hold your friendship
In my heart

To the bottom of the ocean
And back again.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


When we give to others
All we have to give
We strangely find
There is so much more

As days, months, years pass
Our hearts begin to burst
We find scattered parts
Ourselves have exploded…

Our heart bleeds for those we love
Yet still we leave us out

We grow old and tired
Some of us die a little every day
Never realizing how to love
The most important of us all

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Poppy’s Fit

Poppy had a fit.
He did not sit.

He hit and hit.
It was a big fit!

Nonie sat.
She sat on his hat.

No matter how much he hit it,
The hat was still smushed.

Nonie laughed and laughed.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

The Plight of the World

Spiritual wars
Senseless violence

Ruthless murder

In the name of God

World chaos

Evil vs. good

Changing the world

One heart at a time

World community

Momentum building

One brave soul
Then two

Golden Rule

World Peace

Not a dream!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Smart Decisions

Pressure cooker

A modern invention
You may ask?

Not so fast
As you might think

A simple machine
Screw, wheel, lever

Inclined plane
Around a post

A small turn
And the pressure mounts

We put ourselves
In the pot
Into the clamps
Snug them up
To be sure

And then we turn
Our lid
A half a turn

The weight of our lives
The world we’ve made

Is too much to bear
We wince in pain

And give our lives
Half a turn

Again the wrong way!
And blame others.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Spiritual Growth

My journey
Ecclesiastical evolution
Imponderable amplification
Striving, ever increasing
Transmutation to be pure hearted
Procurable procedure
Ethical Self Love
Powerfully intoxicative potent power
Freely enabling ourselves
To both love and be loved
My journey

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Kindness Flows

Now is the time
To have and hold
Your dreams profound
Awaken your spirit
Sing to the nations
“I am alive”

Freely give all that you can
Of love and kindness grand
Move out among the land
Sing your praises
Take a stand

You are wonderful
Shine your spirit
Across the land

Enthusiastically shout
We are worthy
Deserving all
Ours for the taking
Kindness flows

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Be The Light

Now is the morning
The first day of the rest
Of our lives

What will we do
To live forever
In the hearts
Of men?

Will we sit
Passively by
And do nothing
To grow the goodness
Of the earth?

Or will we Shine our
Bright, loving Spirit
Into the eyes
Of the blind

Forever awaking
Peace and love
For our fellow man

It is so easy
To open up your mind
Follow your heart

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

As I am easing/preparing for my lovely morning…I added your lovely poetry & yeah another one of those feelings happened…wait for it…here it is …thank you! there I feel better(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:

You are so delightful!

Where did you add my lovely poetry? The trash can?

I did wait for it and I am so glad you feel better. Thank You!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
I added it to my lovely day, silly(: trash can…. if I did that… it would be one happy can(:

and trashing ones great stuff or great self on bmindful is prohibited (smiles)

I Am living a Divine plan


I once wanted to write a poem about Poppy
thoughts were All Good
though the result of the limerick was indeed soppy

The poem was redundant with all things nice
Who would want to read such a work
Especially when it seemed like sugar and spice

It doesn’t matter that I repeat and that I’m not a poet
What matters is my heart wanted a voice
And I took a moment to show it

Poppy much appreciation
for heartfelt dedication
and the joy you …yes you… bring
for you Sir, yes you Sir…re:thoughtfulness and poetry are king.

love, selfcare ( aka just for me, aka AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities, aka Appreciating, selfcare enthusiast etc ) (:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:

This has to be one of the best poems—-ever!

I love it!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Now that is high praise coming from the poetry-man(:

I never thought I’d be writing a poem on this thread… I wrote it on the spot…with inspiration that had been welling up … was inspired by your being… you…wonderful-you(:

I Am living a Divine plan

I know this is a place to post our original work…Though I’m posting 1 of Poppy’s from the most recent Happiness thread. It’s going to get lost if I don’t…and once again it’s very good(:


Life is NOT a game
There are no winners or losers
Only participants

Keeping a positive mindset
Or not
Is a vital question?

Being fixated on the positive
In the face of adversity

Opportunities amongst failures
Seeking improvement

Genuine happiness is optimism
An internal process
Not external factors

Finding beauty in imperfection
Happiness in despair
Creative problem solving
Seeing light in darkness

Positive thinking
Key to enlightenment

Life is a gift
Life is a choice
There are no winners or losers!


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

In response to AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities’s post:

Thanks! Glad you thought it was good. I guess it’s ok to post my poems in both places?

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

The Lighthouse

A lighthouse
Shining brightly
In the light of day

My ship sails
Towards you
As if to say

What enlightenment
Do you have for me?

As I steer
Toward your light
My sailor eyes
Detect a warm glow

Your beam pulls
me ever close

I now see
your weathered rocks

Enchanting me to
Wreck myself

Your tractor beam
Now hot as ice
Controls my rudder

I close my eyes
For surely
I will die

My hardened heart
Melts at your touch
I am a prisoner
Of your love!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Right To Write

Dreamy thoughts float inevitably into the cosmos of my mind
Encouraging alternative perspectives to ground and root
Into one of a kind orchids rendering my eyes to mirror myself.

When in the throws of fearful emotion
With thorns I pierce my heart.

So best beware to holster fear
Before I glide down slippery slope
And lose exponential hope!

Risking always, to be a bore
Heart-felt writing, I do adore
To cleanse my Spirit
For expressing even more.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
I just saw this!!(: Love it!

  • ~

I Am living a Divine plan

Sometimes we get in our own way of doing the very things we want to do.

Simple is the simplest way!!
To get from A to B
Stay in the slow lane
Or they will run over thee!
And they is often ye.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
this works for me(:
Simple is the simplest way!!
To get from A to B
Stay in the slow lane
Or they will run over thee!
And they is often ye.

Thanks for this one also Poppy!!

I Am living a Divine plan

Self Thoughts

Deaf thoughts
Lead the blind
To see clearly

Ears and eyes
Hear and see
False realities

Open eyes and ears
Hear and see
Hearts wisdom


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


As I look into your heart
I see compassion

As I look into my heart
I see thoughtfulness

As I look into your heart
I see friendship

As I look into my heart
I see understanding

As I look into your heart
I see graciousness

As I look into my heart
I see gentleness

As I look into your heart
I see tenderness

As I look into my heart
I see courtesy

As I look into your heart
I see tolerance

As I look into my heart
I see patience

As I look into your heart
I see kindness and love

As I look into my heart
I see love and kindness

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
really like your kindness poem. Thanks so much for sharing it(: OK ..I like reading all of your poetry(: Though … this one… I was liking in this moment…

I Am living a Divine plan

I believe we all are born with love in our hearts. When and if we can tap into our heart place we realize that each moment is a gift that can merge into the best moments of our lives.

Best Moments

Life’s best moment
And it begins

Unconditional love
Bestowed by all
And it begins

Walking tall
Saying Mama
Life’s best moments
And it begins

Joining a family
Learning to be
And it begins

Next is learning
Forming friendships
Life’s best moments
And it begins

Discovering your place
Seeing beyond yourself
Maturing into you
And it begins

Comes adulthood
All to fast
Life’s best moments
And it begins

Dreams transformed
Realities made
Choices taken
And it begins

Life circle cycling
Life’s best moments
And it begins

Old age approaches
Limited breaths allowed
That’s the rule
And it begins

Hearts beat slowly
Lifetimes love has poured
Life’s best moments
And it begins

Only so many heart beats allowed
Spirit is dimming
Time to pass
Life’s best moments
And it begins

Rejoicing Angels sing
Upon your arrival
Life’s best moments
And it begins again!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

I concur Poppy!


Like a farmer plants crops to feed and nurture the body,
I plant seeds to feed and nurture the spirit.

There are various techniques in planting these special seeds,
an act of unexpected kindness, sharing a smile, giving a compliment
or encouraging word, purchasing a complete strangers coffee or grocery, leaving something behind so that someone will surely find is no big deal.

What you receive in return is exquisitely real. Creating, a sparkle in an eye, a sheer look of delight, or even a smile that lights up a room. A treasured moment that transcends time and space, nurturing the spirit is a feeling of grace.

even when you think a thread cannot get better…when its already wonderful… That’ll teach me to put limits on positivity(: Wonderful thoughts here! Even thank you’s glow around here(:

I Am living a Divine plan

I am having poem-withdrawal

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going with flow’s post:

Did you see my last entry on Happiness Mtg? I’ll see if I can come up with something in the next few days.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
I didn’t ): I saw it on the one before I thought. I will take a look. I always look forward to your poetry(:

I Am living a Divine plan

***A Rainbow Dream***

Truly alive I wish you be
Navigating through a wonderful dream
Where rainbow skies shimmer and abound

There resides abundant love
Hate and violence are long forgotten
The welfare of another is the chosen way

Cherished selflessness oozes
from each heart
Love is such engrained
To spill into the 
Souls of all.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

thank you Poppy! lovely sentiments…

and as always can feel your loving wishes for all

I Am living a Divine plan

most recent poem by Poppy
this poem was recently shared on another lovely thread.. though I didn’t want it to get lost(: So posting it again on its own here. Thanks Poppy!

It’s completely inspirational…
thank you for sharing yourself and another one of your original heartfelt wonderful poems with us!!


An ache
Bruised heart
Failing body
I have healing work to do

Anxiety and fear
Anger and discontent
Fill my world
I have healing work to do

When the day turns to night
When the tunnel has no light
When your mind says quit the fight
You have healing work to do

Accept your pain
Do not store it in your mind
Leave it go, let it flow
You have healing work to do

Being kind is the way
Showing love every day
Giving your best
Is the way
Healing works day by day

Find God’s beauty
In your mind
Set the pain far behind
Accept Healing, say a prayer
You have healing work to do.

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:
Thank you Self-Care Flow. It’s 2:27 AM. I’ve just read this poem a couple of times and boy o boy do I have healing work to do. I know my physical pain is only temporary, but at times it can get intense. My hope is that others may find “A Happy Place” within their mind where as you breathe in a long, calming breath of accepting God’s Love and Light, you can then slowly release all dis-ease and negativity as you exhale.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Magic Wand by Joanna Fuchs

I wish I had a magic wand
To make it go away;
I’d wave my scepter over you
Until you were okay.

I’d think good thoughts; I’d send you love;
I’d transmit healing vibes;
My wand and I would surely beat
Whatever the doc prescribes.

But there is no magic scepter, so
I cannot cast a spell;
Just know you’re often in my thoughts,
And I hope you’ll soon be well!

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm’s post:

What a nice poem! Just what I needed to hear. Thank you very much.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

“ Down In The Dump”

When your heart is heavy
You feel every thump
There is no shame in
Being down in the dump

It’s a swampy, smelly place
No place long to reside
So lift your spirits up
Shine your golden light
Become the beacon you are

Radiate your love and happiness

A tall order for sure
But when you do
Your heart will be no longer heavy
And out of the dump
You will have jumped!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


In the dark of night
I lie awake
Surveying the darkness
A flicker of light emerges

An unknown source
But it is there
Distant ever glowing
Is it hope?
I think not

Eyes fixated upon the flame
It seems to grow
The night turns to day
In my mind’s eye
The flame grows brighter

The warmth of the morning sun
Shines brightly on my face
But strangely it is dimmed
By the simple glowing flicker

What can it be
To silence the sun?
It is a singular word
Spoken in the universal language
Of love, of kindness.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

“A Sad Heart”

Random meeting
Pleasantries exchanged
Nothing more

Forced together
Through their work
Bright, laughing,
Eager to learn

Shy taking it all in
Accepting every challenge
Best Buddies
Soon to become

Feisty fighter
Good to the core
Opening her heart
Mine old one more

Wishing upon a star
Family acceptance
Never enough
Expecting more

Hearts a breaking
Loving who you please
Rejecting family
You cannot please

A young old soul
An old young soul
Exchanging care, concern
Reciprocal heartfelt friendship
They didn’t expect

Ones sudden departure
Ripped them apart
Both left with
Sadness in their heart.

Will their bond
So quickly made
Last forever
Or fade away?

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


I am so very tired
My body heals from the day
My mind drifts into the cosmos
Words cannot describe

Breathing, I must breathe
To open my heart
To healing love and light.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

“My Wish For Tonight”

I am but one small flickering light
One of billions in the night

My light shines with my breath
I’m connected worldly in a quest

To drive out fear and bring the best
To alter the universe for the rest

Billions of small flickering lights
Forming a laser beam
Celebrating our differences
Making a formidable team

We march together
Opening our hearts
Love is our theme
Tonight, a dream

Tomorrow when we awake
Reality smacks us in the face
One united loving race!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

“Heart Talk”

When days and nights are long and weary
And thoughts race across your mind
When sleep evades you and you are tired
Lay back your head and close your eyes

Look into the heavens of your mind
Find your heart and listen very closely
Resolve to take your hearts advise
And drift into a calm, restful sleep

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

I enjoy so much of what you write… from what you feel just rolls off your pen (or keypad) (: to the valuable stories you’ve shared on Happiness threads… to short comments on the threads of others.

I’m sure I’ve thanked you all over the site… though hope you can stand just a bit more- this is that time of year..you know(: And for most of us around here-we live in appreciation land(:

I came across a simple but joyous glad-statement you shared on a thread…
and I thought it was worthy of this thread:

I am bright
I am cheerful
I am delighted
I am elated
I am gleeful
I am hopeful
I am inspiring
I am joyful
I am keen
I am lighthearted
I am merry
I am optimistic
I am pleasant
I radiant
I am sparkling
I am tickled
I am well- disposed

I’m just plain ole Glad!!!

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:

Did I write that? If so, glad I did.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

“Queen Poppy”

I am a shrimpy elder male
By looking one couldn’t tell
I’ve lived a long service life
Very normal, little strife

Years ago retirement came
There was no blame
I tired of the game
One thing I learned all the same

Compassion, honor, and respect
Ruled the land at my bequest
And marked my reign as Queen Poppy

Now I play most every day
Searching to give patience, dignity, compassion
To hurting friends I do not know
For you never see what burdens shoulder they

A kind smile may help them hurdle
But more importantly, it renders
My life’s one and only purpose.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

I love this thread! It’s wonderful to see everyone share their creative works. Great work everyone! I’ve always loved how flexible poetry is as a medium :)


Deep inside your heart you must go
To find the jewels in your crown
Take the time to find them
And share your brilliance everywhere!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

“A New Day”

Sing the shining songs of sunrise, languish in love.
Learn the lessons of reluctance, fear, loss.
Soothe, shield, and shelter.
Surrender and remember; give without reserve.
Forgive with no fanfare.
Be a voice for those brought low.
Think big, think forward, think of others
Be smaller. Be powerful. Be finer, a purer light, a childlike beacon.
Let passion be the dance.
Preen and prance and croon so that
prayers are cherished and secrets unveiled.
Be strong. Be kind. Be True

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

“The Struggle”

Last night I was in a great fight
I was hitting, kicking the enemy
He just stood his ground, blocking my assault
Absorbing my every strike
Draining my energy with every stroke
Until,I was totally exhausted
Reduced to mush at his feet

He reached down and gently picked me up
Hugging me with his great strength
Transferring compassion and kindness
It was only then I realized the enemy was me!

I had fought a good fight
All the injustices in the world
Were no match for kindness and love
Within my own heart for all life
Especially myself and all mankind.

The greatest enemy is most often ourselves
Surrender the battle, give up the fight
Listen to your heart and spirit as one
And all will be well!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

loving your poems Poppy! Thank you very much!

I Am living a Divine plan

Wonderfully inspiring yet thought provoking, thank you for sharing a “peek” inside your realm :)


I’ve spent many a Christmas Eve
That has slipped into Christmas Morn
This year is no exception in that regard

First children, then grandchildren
Presents to wrap, some assembly required
Exhausted I hit my bed

As I close my eyes and drift into sleep
A sound trickles into my ears
A strange yet familiar sound

Not hooves on rooftops
But trumpets and harps
And Angelic voices
Announcing a Gift
Free for the taking.

My Affirmations:

By birth I am given a Spark of Life to nurture into a Beacon of Light to spread Love, Joy, Peace , and Harmony throughout the world.

I freely allow my Spark of Kindness and Love to connect my Heart to Others.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


I Am living a Divine plan

If you look for it, you will see it.
Joy is everywhere
It is in the splendor of interacting with others, an exchange of sharing, nurturing the beauty that we all share.
Joy is everywhere
Exploring the gift of the day and the magical events that come our way.
Joy is everywhere
Whether savoring a delectable bite, or a warm bath filled with bubbles at night.
Joy is everywhere
Take a moment to slow down and see there is joy and wonder awaiting thee, for joy is everywhere.

In response to Nancee1953’s post:
Nice Nancee! I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating, my poetry are just words without punctuation. I seldom if ever follow rules and rhyming is no where to be found. I do hope some thought provoking images manage to sneak their way into busy brains. I sometimes think my simple words are the most thought provoking. Joy is everywhere, but we do often have to look to see it.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Many good poems on this post,
I will put some words together
later today perhaps.

enter the heart , you could win a prize

Happy new year to all on this thread. I am so grateful for this community and for those who have bared their souls to us by sharing their poetry. Here’s to many more poems to come and I take my hat off to those who have kindly let us read their poems!

In response to seedubyu’s post:

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

“A New Year”

Today is just another new year
Just a day to work or play
Who cares anyway?

I look in the mirror
And I must say
I’m getting grayer every day

My life could slip away
My heart says it’s unfulfilled
My journeys all for naught?

I’ve always done the right thing
Prepared myself to be the best
Lifted others on my way
Given Kindness every day

Is life just a test?
Has it prepared me
For greatness at its best?

One may never know
What seed they’ve planted
That will grow
Into a diamond in the rough
Waiting to be discovered by yourself

So when you think
Your progress slow
Keep on doing
What you know
Right and good
Peace and love

We seldom see
What’s inside
Slowly growing
Our greatest treasure

Endure we must
Doing the long mundane
Preparing to be ordained
It’s just another year
Before our Reign

The longer it takes
The greater the gift to all
Today is just another year!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

So when you think

Your progress slow
Keep on doing
What you know
Right and good
Peace and love

What’s inside
Slowly growing
Our greatest treasure

awesome Poppy! loving parts which resonate for me… and loving how you so creatively share parts of you.
this thread does rock!

PS sent parts of your poem to someone I care about(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:

Glad it was useful. As the Magician reminded us, there can be no happiness without sadness, success without failure, set backs without progress, and so on.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
yes, and experience tells us this(:

each time we learn something that feels like struggle… when we stand back far enough … it gets filled in with peace.

I Am living a Divine plan


From where I Am, I co-create
I stand back far
and decide my fate

have yes had my hurtin’
though feelin the magic
to all that appears uncertain

You’d never know by what I say
(like us all) that I’ve had my share…(though you see)
I’m always believin’ in this new day

And when things looked bleak
so glad I surrendered
because I couldn’t do it
though ..thankful through You God -found what I seek.

Hoping I always verbalize compassion
It is the energy of the day
No matter how I appear, it is my fashion.

(hey, I tried) (:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:

“You’d never know by what I say
(like us all) that I’ve had my share…(though you see)
I’m always believin’ in this new day”

To me this is the essence of your poem. It is totally optimistic. You freely recognize and admit (like us all) we’ve had our share. However, your focus is in believing in your new day and you are consciously creating it.

…at least that is my interpretation. …verbalizing compassion is the energy of the day— fantastic!

Your poem is very good, thought provoking. I do hope you choose to write more. I could learn a lot from you.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:

Thank you Poppy…Quite a compliment coming from you(:

While I did write off the cuff …I did feel it from my heart… I was just hoping to create something which had a bit more rhythm(: And yes you’re right my intention was to express how we’ve all had our experiences.

Because of my enthusiasm and desire to live in a place of gratitude… I have come in contact with some who have believed I’ve never experienced human trials and tribulations(:

I’m glad I lean in the direction that I do or I probably would’ve never had the resiliency to continue on and share joy as I have. It’s quite real(:

And for me it has been about creating a space, standing back so far to allow what Is, and keep standing back and await the inevitable incredible moments we call life, remember the the power of co-creation and last but never least kindness for ourselves and others on this Divine journey. (Thanks for getting me) (:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to touch of gray’s post:
I wrote a poem,
it’s still in the
editing phase though.
“If this heart could talk”

enter the heart , you could win a prize

In response to touch of gray’s post:
looking forward to it (:

I Am living a Divine plan


Mom’s gift to me
keeps on giving
Mom’s gift to me
is my gift of joyful living

Mom’s Gift : Sharing Her Love

The gift of disposition?
yes she shared it
Now it’s mine… I claim it.
I tweak it, I co-create it
it’s the magic of fruition
it’s bright journey of a mission

It’s energy for me, it’s energy for you
It loves to brings out the best
It loves to leave out few

Just claim it, you see
With spirited heart thoughts
And with that-you Be

  • ~

I had fun…in the wee hours of this morn, like a baby learning to walk(: I’ll get up & try this again some other time(:

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Poppy suggested I roll it into one, and I believe he’s right.
    I tried it and wasn’t sure… They were created from the same place in my heart…to go together. The energy started as loving & sentimental… and then it shifted going faster becoming so inclusive! Thanks Poppy for helping see they belong as one(:

“ Mom’s Gift: Sharing Her Love”

Mom’s gift to me
keeps on giving
Mom’s gift to me
is my gift of joyful living

The gift of disposition?
yes she shared it
Now it’s mine… I claim it.
I tweak it, I co-create it
it’s the magic of fruition
it’s bright journey of a mission

It’s energy for me, it’s energy for you
It loves to brings out the best
It loves to leave out few

Just claim it, you see
With spirited heart thoughts
And with that-you Be

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:
“It’s energy for me, it’s energy for you
It loves to brings out the best
It loves to leave out few

Just claim it, you see
With spirited heart thoughts
And with that-you Be”

I think this is a very powerful poem! You’ve taken one of your most cherished memories of your mothers wisdom incorporated it into your very essence and expanded it by paying it forward for others to to have the gift of joyful living.

Your no baby learning to walk. You are on the podium teaching the world to speak and act with heart felt wisdom. Please keep rattling off more baby!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

When I started writing… I was simply feeling… and the feeling took me deeper…deeper as I was centered on Love (the love that is bigger than life!)

Mom’s gift to me
keeps on giving
Mom’s gift to me
is my gift of joyful living

My heart felt what my folks had given…(and in the area I had written about…my mom)…

I saw how the seeds we are given from others… are seeds, and not too much if we don’t tend to the garden and share our beautiful growth/flowers with others… as others along the way do for us.

When I felt that, I felt the energy shift…

I felt my joy go from surface & deep sentiment to more rapid discoveries & admissions… and the joy felt distributed outward… (trying to describe experience to others isn’t the easiest… hope you hear me…sounds like you have!) (:

Thank you Poppy for your encouragement!

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:

The thanks of encouragement belongs to you. If and when we dare to strip ourselves of self doubt, worry what others think, and countless other layers of armor, our hearts talk to us in a universal language that is always understood. As we put those thoughts and feelings into words they always come across as Poetry!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

While I do much of my writing/creating in ‘real time’ on the site…I think the part that ‘shocked’ me more than anything… was doing this with a poem … here. Any poetry I’ve attempted was some time ago. I felt more motivated to do so after something significant inspired me…And only rarely did I share these ‘efforts’.

I will say creating them feels effortless… It was the sharing that was the work. So yes, I thank you Poppy for the encouragement. I will continue to try. It is a very freeing wonderful heart-felt experience.

You are awesome!

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to Poppy’s post:

These are great Poppy! This one here iz really resonating with me right now, so true:

Leap of Faith

Step right up
Outside of yourself
To where you’ve never been
The first step is the hardest
With or without a friend

A leap of faith is hardest
And scariest of all
You never know if
You’ll land or take a sudden fall

One thing for sure
If you freeze in place
You’ll go nowhere at all.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm’s post:

These were a lot of fun to read, no need to apologize to me. I’m thanking you for allowing me to read them.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

In response to iZUHM THA iNFiNiTE’s post:

Thanks! All of my so called poems are created just for me but some person/moderator, that I will not name, encouraged me to take a leap of faith long ago and put my words without punctuation on this forum.

I hope to see some of your poetry soon on this thread. I have a feeling it will make my heart sing a joyous song.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Finally taking the leap to post one of my own poems!

Awakening Spring

     I didn't think that it would melt
the stony silence so
quickly gravelly uncertainty just
Barely grazing my newly vulnerable
    Skin and bones - can we leak
our best memories and pool them
there a reservoir so we never
run out of perspective
    If you yell off your frustrations
From the top as it cascades your
anger and regret down forcefully
but you too
    Cannot wait to be rid of the nasty
boils of recent wounds perhaps
they merely look worse as it heals
over the fresh milky cream of
unsullied cells huddled for the
reveal as they welcome a brand
new day embracing the sacrifice
    That brought them to this 
moment of birth.

In response to seedubyu's post:

Thank you for the leap of faith. My first leap was really hard to do and it hasn't gotten much easier.

Your poem has so much visual language in it that it is hard not to see the rebirth of moving from

wounds to the real sacrifice  it takes to have the courage to abandon the familiar or known to the

realization that change or a new day is always  forthcoming. 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Such beautiful prose to accompany my poem! Thank you for taking the time to read my post and for such an encouraging response. I bet it'll always be a bit hard to do since there's a feeling of having revealed an intimate or vulnerable part of oneself! I'm so glad you started this thread and I'm grateful to everyone who has bravely taken the leap already!


Paralyzed in thought
I lie around
Dreaming of standing
Loafing, ambling along
An endless road
Stopping to rest
And observe, and observe

Fine tuning my mind
To nothing in particular
I breathe
I absorb the sun's energy
I refill my heart with
Peace and love

And still I journey
Destination unknown
No expectation
Of getting anywhere
But traveling
At my pleasure

I sit atop a large stone
And view the world from
High above the noise

I drift upon a cloud
Gently making cloud
Angels as I go

I am engulfed by the beauty
All around
It is an ordinary day
Very few recognize
As spectacular
It is! It is!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Healing Energy

A fitful night
I've had
Sleep wouldn't come
Awake I fought
And lost

An hour here
An hour there
Exhaustion overtook
Quick dreams
Startled I awoke

Tired, oh so tired
Through the day
I fought
Still no sleep

Another night
Mush in my bed
The passion to heal
Is in my head

True friends gather
From near and far
Rallying their cry
Heal up my friend

Be Mindful
That your pain
Is shared by all

When one is hurt
We share the pain
We'll never let you fall
Not now, not then, not when
We are Bmindful
Through thick and thin!


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


 Tightly closed eyes
View the world
In vivid light

A silent tongue
Sings loudly
To pricked ears

Deep within
Your heart

A still mind
Plays a recurrent

Can you see it?
Can you hear it?
Do you want to?

It is you! 
Best heed
Its message.  

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

Poppy's back! When the poetry returns, we know you are here!

Wonderful new one, btw! It sounds quite profound... Would love to hear about this one, if you like of course(: Have missed your poetry, your inspiration...Simply have missed you around here & I know I am not alone with those sentiments!  Also not alone w/ the more important feeling...so very glad you are healing well! 

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow's post:... about the poem, when we slow down enough and allow ourselves to go deep inside ourselves( meditate, or go into a mindless state, withdraw from all stimulus, achieve a trance like state, or something like that) our heart and mind begin to talk to us in both words and pictures. It might be connecting to our higher source, I'm not 100 percent sure, but I listen to it and try to act accordingly. 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post: Totally agree! Your poem said that very well...

My poetry is more like Dr. Seuss (:

Poppy Gives Even While He Is  Meditating and Shares His Life

I am deeply appreciative of hearing about you for you.

I am deeply appreciative how even when you are you for you…

For  more than a few… progressively & perfectly receive precious breakthrough too 






I Am living a Divine plan



Radiant warmth
Lighting my day

Sitting like a turtle
On a log

Soaking up
Solar energy

A cool breeze
Drifting over me

Eyes closed
In nature




Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

"Bird Song"

Happily singing
Flitting to and fro
My melody
Catches your ears

I'm invisible
At first

A calm stillness
You maintain
To see me

I'm red
I'm blue
I'm brown
And yellow too

A bird
Of many colors
To your heart

My simple song
Says hello

Becoming ingrained
Uplifting melody
Listening more

Home is nature
Living free

Worries float
Upon my wings

Send them
I scurry away

Tomorrow I'll
Want more

Listen for
My song



Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Among the trees I stand
Dwarfed by their enormity
Listening gently swaying
Limb music playing
Catching my ear

Among the trees I sit
The sweet smell of
Ferns and forest moss
Fresh air burns my nose

Gradually I am transported
Into a lively world

I withdraw for humanity
I am no longer among the trees

Fabrics of my soul
Tussles by the breeze

I am within the trees.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

enter the heart , you could win a prize

There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.

I wrote this poem in December of 2014.  It has been on my mind since yesterday. 

“School Shootings”

For the newly dead

For the courage of Teachers
Who did the impossible

Hiding students
Behind their greatest fear
Loving them to the last

In their care
You can rest assured
They did their best
To protect and defend

As a war of bullets sound
Hearts stopping
With every round

Slain bodies in the hall,
How do we go on?

True soldiers everywhere
Battling to the death
Innocent children
In pools of blood

How many wars
Must we endure
Before we learn

The war we rage
With assault weapons
Is always
Against ourselves.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

I come here

When my heart 

Is heavy


Old friends

Comfort me


Even in our absence

Our connections

Stay strong




Of who we are


I come here 

When my heart

Is light


Old friends

Comfort me


Even in our absence

Our connections

Stay strong




Of who you are! 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

thank you for being you!

love this!

I Am living a Divine plan

“I am whole, perfect, strong powerful loving harmonious and happy, I can do all things through Spirit. Christ and all spiritual people throughout the course of history that strengthen me”



My poetry pallet 

Dry as of late


Crusty and cracked

From lack of use


Brushes stiff



Life rushes by

No time to paint


A catastrophic event

On the horizon

Possibly awaits


Minds frozen in time

Allow your brush

To stroke


Feeling your heart

Bleed for another


Begins the canvas 

From the inside out


Seek to find 

The good in others

It is always there



Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

Poppy, your love for others shines thru everything you are!

Thank you for being you.

As always ... thinking of you and yours with respect, love and best of each moment

I Am living a Divine plan

Poppy sending you so much love and great big hugs 

Mind Games


During a perfectly

Normal day


Your mind snaps! 


A word said

By you or to you


...and it festers


A pause, a look

A broken routine

An unspoken word


...and it festers


It defies reason


It chinks your heart

And a tiny piece

Of you Dies!  


Your world 

Has changed


Your mind has snapped. 


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

... interesting thoughts... I'm sure many of us can relate to when encounters are so different than our spirit place. 

thank you for continuing to share your experiences here.

I Am living a Divine plan

I am hesitant to post this because it is dark. I only do because it is where I am just for today. 



Infusions destroy


It takes away


It beats you


It is


It kills


Breathing is


And you


Into a 


After days,  light


Then it starts



Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post

love & hugs!!



Life teaches me
now that I am an
immensely powerful spiritual being

big hugs from my heart to yours 

In response to Poppy's post:

Hi Poppy,

I applaud you for posting your truth, and for standing up and looking this fight squarely in the eyes.

I am sending you love and peace, to comfort you. 

You are not alone! Your courage is a beacon, shining bright.  

Lifting and wrapping you and Carol up in compassion and in love, always!!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Selfcare:I Like Right Now♡˚'s post: In response to flowergirl's post: In response to Kathi's post: Your love and light comfort my soul

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Hearing your words and you sharing this sacred time and allowing us to be a part of this journey with you is a huge honor....

I know this is not easy for you but I am so grateful, I am so proud of you for who you are... I hope that in your sleep, you are comforted, knowing that you and Carol are surrounded by several loving communities and you open your hearts hearts and your spirits to love! And, you've got an abundance of love!

Keep letting this energy surround you and support you. Its like letting the doors of hope to stay open and allowing your heart to grow in trust, in peace, surrounded by your extensive community. The most important things have always been about love and sharing this great experience, together.

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Kathi's post:

In response to Poppy's post

I felt similar things after reading your last poem ; honored and filled with many emotions... And as Kathi said, and I'm sure you know the most valuable thing is the love... The love you are, and the love your  relationship was built on and continues to grow with.

May each new day continue to bring you both something uniquely important & healing to you and your beautiful wife;Carol.

We all  love you both very much! So much is desired for you & Carol and with faith we believe and allow. 

You are incredibly easy to love! You are incredibly inspirational with your love.

Thank you for continuing to share!!!

You are doing the very thing that you prioritize so highly ... bringing awareness of the energy of love to love others even better, and yes We thank YOU for never faltering in being you!!


To Poppy & Carol.


With love from Bmindful -those who know you. and from those once they encounter you...




Life teaches me
now that I am an
immensely powerful spiritual being

An Antidote


At times of great sadness

When you have a heavy heart

And your mind is numb

There is the simplest 

Of antidotes to be had


Reach deep inside to

Mount up the effort

To offer a kindness

Any little act will do


Just one

And another

And one more


Then gently close your eyes 

And connect with a loving heart

Accept it is you


If you dare to do

Your heart will have 

Lifted you

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

thank you again for sharing yourself, your love, your strength and courage

You have given again to all of us.

beautiful words

beautiful poem

much love!


Life teaches me
now that I am an
immensely powerful spiritual being



Darkness engulfs

Eyes closed

Electrical jolts


Mind travel 

Upside down

Tilted world


Chaos abounds

Death fragrance

Burns eyes

And olfactory


Cease to live

But alive



Vegetative state



Energy less 

Paralyzed fear

Fighting though




Lying down

Sitting up



Tired so

Very Tired

Spoon fed

Wobbly legged

Falling up


Numb still

touching with

Dead fingers


Stumbling on

Unfeeling feet


Looking perfectly 



Cancer gripped


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


Colorful circles

A crown

Bright colors

All around


Particles spew

People die

Crowds abound

Humanities cry


Invisible enemy

Spreading uncontrolled


Tragically unfolds


Across the world

Sadness wave

Dying alone

Being brave


Hospital workers

Army Corp

Risking lives

Emotionally tore


World stoppage


Income none



Out of darkness

Light in sight

Staying safe

Fighting fright


Staying home

Washing hands

Masking face

Distancing lands


World disasters

All must face

Saving others

Human race


Heartfelt Understanding

Grieving through Acceptance

Giving Love







Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


There is HOPE

Always hope


There is BELIEF

Always belief



Always compassion 


There is LOVE

Always love


This is for YOU

This is for ME

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

love this!

In response to Poppy's post:

beautifully stated.

thank you, Poppy!



Life teaches me
now that I am an
immensely powerful spiritual being


Darkness engulfs

Eyes closed

Electrical jolts


Mind travel 

Upside down

Tilted world


Chaos abounds

Death fragrance

Burns eyes

And olfactory


Cease to live

But alive



Vegetative state




Paralyzed fear

Fighting though




Lying down

Sitting up



Tired so

Very Tired

Spoon fed

Wobbly legged

Falling down

Getting up


Numb still

touching with

Dead fingers


Stumbling on

Unfeeling feet


Looking perfectly 



Cancer gripped


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.



Infusions destroy


It takes away


It beats you


It is


It kills


Breathing is


And you


Into a 


After days 

Light Appears

Then it starts




Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Tree of Kindness


I am a tree of life

My roots run deep with kindness


As a young sapling

My limbs were weak

I could endure the weight of a bird


Growing up my limbs 

Reached for the heavens

Although I could not fully comprehend


With each new season

I grew stronger

Branching out

Learning to sway in the wind


I spent lazy days

Observing wiser trees

Sapping up knowledge 


Soon I knew how

To weather storms

To enjoy the warm 

Friendship of different trees

As we soaked in sunshine


Life was easy

Life was good


Age creeps up softly

Snow and ice

Wind and rain

Thunder and lightning

Exerts a toll


Months, years, decades

I stand 

Offering shade to 

Passers by 

Young climbers

And lovers


My sturdy trunk 

Supports all

Needing a rest


No matter how

I’ve stood 

Above the ground

It is my roots

That are profound

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

Wow Poppy! I absolutely love this! I am still reeling from it. 
You share by beautiful words and example!!!

 Thank You!!!!


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

In response to ♡ ˚A RefreshingOceanBreeze's post:Thanks, it just popped into my head as I awoke this morning. 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


Life’s road full of twists and turns

One never knows what’s round the bend

Smooth sailing, potholes, lovely vistas

Destinations seldom known

The journey traveled

To parts unknown. 


Travelers all, come and go

Some miles on end

Family dear friends

Others passers by

Brief encounters on the fly


The joyous trip hopes never ends 

Comes soon for closest friend

Mom or dad, brother, sister, soulmate


Sudden trauma thumps our heart

Our travels fall apart

We are lost


There’s no compass to right our path

But moving on must we go

Through the grief, the loneliness 

Without a map


Broken hearts never fully mend

Sweet memories become

Our closest friend


Love never dies

And seldom fades away

Heartfelt love is 

Always here to stay


Though my parents 

Aunts and uncles too

Have long passed away

They visit me when I call


They come in dreams 

To say hello

To answer questions

As I come and go


Their advice is always there

When I ask in a prayer


Love transcends death

Love is the energy of life! 


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.



Late at night 

I close my eyes

To see clearly


Sleep eludes me

A feather pen writes

Of dreams tomorrow


A kiss of friendship

Smiles my lips

A cloud of kindness

Rains upon me


Drenched in love 

I drown in happiness

You are there

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post: In response to Poppy's post
thank you so much for sharing your heart here!


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere


When things seem gloomy

When all I see is dark

I retreat alone in nature

And see such amazing

Ordinary things that are beautiful and stark


A wondrously feeling fills my heart and I am no longer

Alone in the dark. 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

Nice Poppy. Thank you.


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

I wrote a bit tonight and posted it here , and then removed it 

Well, it’s because of Poppy , I began writing off the cuff of my heart in this manner

my experiences thoughts in poetry form

that only rhymes for me in my heart

Thank you Poppy.


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

In response to Poppy's post:

Yaaay the poetry thread!!!


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere


Playful Shining Light 

I have known and continue to know my inner child ‘s light

I also have known and remember my beloved’s inner playful child.

I love and live

this alive Energy

that I bring to my world

with a lighthearted might

As I start my day

Who is there to greet me?

My love who seeks me out to frolic,  love and laugh

Sounds funny, though he still has his say

I have no intention of stopping our fun

We will love thru eternity 

And  a love like that, well he and I knew

…. our spirit knew

we are never really done 






Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

In response to ♡ ˚ Allowing What I Need & Ease Is How I Travel's post: True love is never done! 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

That’s the truth❤️



Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

He Never Knew I Didn’t  Like Roses

What he didn’t know
I  had trouble liking roses
As he gave them with so much love

I just didn’t like roses
I knew they would eventually be gone

I loved them because he used roses as love

as a beautiful teacher

as a beautiful creation of the Divine 

A full bloom
Each petal with its own beauty
So incredibly rich
So delicate
as each petal was an amazing gift 

So everything in that moment when I received my roses
I knew they would die
I never wanted to know he would

I am now

so happy

he gave me beautiful roses
I am so happy

it made him joyous
I am now happy

He wanted to give me joy

I knew I wanted

everything to live


Like an innocent child

I wasn’t going to accept loss

I am happy knowing 

he knew the rose

being a beautiful flower

was the beauty of its life

as long as it lasts

was like love

As long as memories last
As long as the energy of love lasts
we have forever.



Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere



early morning feelings  for life and love with my soulmate

On 07-30-22:

Love Continues On

It has been said grief is a

letting go and hanging on

I prefer to say it’s

loving whatever I can of you 

I foresee my life without you

will remind me of life with you

I will know of your love

And I am believing you will know mine


I will allow and be …

because of how much and how long

you never stopped loving me

And I - you.


I will create with a passion 

because I can’t help but know 

the fullness of love


I will give because 

We knew how to 

love with complete reciprocity 

How can my life

Know anything but love ?

I know I won’t stand 

in the way of our love

much much love thru eternity



Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

In response to ♡ ˚Beyond Self Care- Higher-Love's post:I’m so pleased you’ve begun to tap into your heart and let it speak. That is not an easy thing to do. It is shear bravery to be so open with your raw feelings. The thing is, I believe, that by letting others experience the love in your heart they also will be able to express the love in their hearts and that increases the love in our world. 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

The thing is, I believe, that by letting others experience the love in your heart they also will be able to express the love in their hearts and that increases the love in our world. 


I love that! I felt that about sharing love before, though it took some time to just be where ‘this’ takes me… with others …
It is …highly personal, and so is all of real life at its deepest places.
Thank you for sharing that statement about increasing the love in our world. That is absolutely a beautiful thought.


All of us are loving beings

And I am honored to feel fully expressed among you.


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere


I just can't put my finger on it

Wait ...I almost had it

Round and round I go

Looking for something it feels like

I got it, I've never been here before

I will allow myself to be in the newness

I will allow myself to  open to more

I decided I didn’t like new

New was everywhere

How do I hide  from new?

Why was I hiding

and from


I just like to know stuff

I was feeling like I can’t and won’t ‘anything’

Thats a lie, I just like it easier

I just like to feel like I know enough

So I asked myself… Self, what’s new?

Self said , everything.

Hmmm, I answered,

I began allowing.

I began accepting.

I told myself, ok you got it, let go!






Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

In response to ♡ ˚Allowing Good Fortune's post:reading your poems makes me happy. Makes me want to do a little writing myself. 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

I hope you do!!! I love to be inspired by those who write from

their ❤️ heart.

And glad I brought some happiness to you  with my desire to write(:


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere


Not everyday needs to be something to write about 

Life is moving forward, I feel

I don’t have to know everything

I don’t need to know every route


Letting go is good 

Surrendering is great 

I am ok today, 

I am learning I could.


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

Thank You 

I am

not sure whom to thank

I want to thank many

I know my life is my gift

And whomever cared so beautifully 

I send you love, peace and a thank you 



Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

Thank You

The Art Of Calm- Is Surrender

this moment is all there is



how much I think

I know

it’s only when I let go

that  things begin 

things flow



Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

past present & future

I am grateful for this moment 
I let this moment be like no other 
Because …it is

I am grateful for the past
I let the past be like no other time
Because …it is 

I look to the future with
hope in my heart
Because after a past  that I say thank you to
A present I actively engage in…
I have hope
that my future will 
be  a book I
will enjoy
turning the pages in 


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

In response to ♡ ˚ loving Past Present Future's post: The past are the roots of who we are. They run deep and provide stability in our lives. They ground us no matter what the storm. The present is a gift. It’s an active treasure to brighten our day. And the future is hope, a shining light, glowing in our brilliance for all to see and guides us should there be darkness along the road as we travel to unknown, exotic places. 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

Beautifully stated.

 Thank You, Poppy!


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

In response to Poppy's post:

The past are the roots of who we are.

They run deep and provide stability in our lives.


They ground us no matter what the storm.


The present is a gift. It’s an active treasure to brighten our day.


And the future is hope, a shining light, glowing in our brilliance for all to see and guides us should there be darkness along the road as we travel to unknown, exotic places. 


I know I responded late last night

to the beauty of your post,

though I would like to further elaborate right now.(:

Your eloquence in describing the powerful journey

that as an individual you are allowing…

is spot on!


I look forward to taking your post line by line

and feeling it further.
While I believe … or believe I believe …lol 

that we are on the same page,

I do know your words resonate

with  me with quite


Thank You!


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

 A New Day

It’s a new day
My heart rhythm
Pulsates love,
Joy, kindness

I’m trusting
in Devine guidance
I Let go of sadness and grief
I surrender my heart
To begin my new start

Love is in my heart
It soars as never before

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

Like you , your poetry is easy to appreciate !

Your poem is yours and is your heart… and I thank you for sharing .

I also thank you for sharing something that works for my heart also (:

Beautiful !


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

Heart Talk


My heart is talking

Whispering in my ear

Screaming to me


Love, just love

Pour it out

Spill it

Drip it from your eyes

Let it flow


Infect love to everyone

Especially to those

Who have a hurt


Smear love salve

On their wounds 

Heal by touching their heart

Place a smile in their hurt

Wrap bandages of kindness

Upon their heart


The miracle of giving

Of yourself is the key

To quiet your heart


Do this and your heart

Will be at peace

Resulting in happiness

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:




Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”


Life teaches me
now that I am an
immensely powerful spiritual being

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