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★3 things that made me smile today

1. A couple kissing passionately by the roadside as though they were in Paris in the Springtime

2. A man on his motorised wheelchair crossing the road with his son sitting on his lap, eating an icecream, hitching a free ride

3. Met a new client who is starting a business with bundles of passion & enthusiasm & contagious energy

What did you see today that made you smile?

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

Great thread!
When I think if things I see, don’t know if I can keep it to 3(:
1. In my minds eye, I saw myself just as I want to be.
2. I saw the potential in all I’ve started.
3. I saw a beautiful sunset.
4. I saw my hubby when he came home from work, happy to be home w/me.
5. I saw great posts on this site.


I reckon Laurie! This thread is so cool. Awesome Viv! :-)

I myself have had many smiles during the day, these are my favourite 3 smiles …

1. A little love note left on the bench from my partner when I woke up this morning

2. Seeing my little ones in the morning, all snuggled up in blankets watching tv

3. Hearing the phone ring this morning knowing that it would be my eldest boy ringing to say how his holiday is going so far with his Dad in the South Island

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. This thread made me smile!

2 Today was such a beautiful day blue skies. As I went walking to the bus stop the wind was blowing slightly and there was a row of trees down the entire block. The way they swayed it looked like they were waltzing.

3. My friend called me today and made me laugh.

4. Laughed with a 97 year old woman who has such a sparkle in her eyes!

5. Smiled when I received the nicest email from my email buddy.

6. Was so happy when I found a tea I use at a decent price. :-)

Everyday and in every way I am better, better and better!

This thread and what you saw made me smile.
Knowing that my sweet friend is comming to keep me company this weekend.

will keep an eye out for more – the day has just started.

…what a wonderful world….

Well, there are lots of beautiful things in life that are great but these are some that not only put a smile on my face today but are also priceless.

1. The smile full of joy on my baby’s face.

2. When a found a text message sent at 5:30am whising me a Happy Birthday!

3. The chance to be able to smell the beautiful fragance of flowers.

I am pretty sure more events are coming the day still going!

In response to Vivi is focused’s post:

Vivi – What an awesome idea for a thread. YOU ROCK!!! :)

1) See my three little one’s faces when I brought new bikes home for them to ride. They got so much exercise and fun at the same time. It was a true pleasure to watch them.

2) The look on the face of my star employee when I gave her a big raise for all her hard work and dedication. She is the single mother of three and still gives me her very best. I can’t think of a better way to honor her.

3) Spending quality time with my little hairballs. (My two cats) Just relaxing and petting them while I read a good book – was so relaxing and just what I needed today. They were so cute playing with each other.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

In response to VeomHaes’s post:

Happy Birthday VeomHaes!!

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Excellent thread!Thanks for starting this!

I saw: A little boy pleading with his big brother to not tell mom.

A Gorgeous Sunset!

My wife finally deciding to “fix herself up” some.

My wife’s smile and her laugh.

The employees at my fav. pizza restaraunt whom I haven’t seen in months.

A friends long-expected email.

And of course, the posts in this thread!

Today was a cool kind of day, so I’m sharing again.

1) Planting flowers and herbs with my three kids. They were so enthusiastic and totally into it.

2) Going for a long walk at the arboretum (which inspired the planting of the flowers & herbs) with my kids & watching them chase the moths (I mean “butterflies”).

3) Getting a phone call from my hubby from overseas and hearing his voice again. (whhhhaaaaaa!! I miss him!!)

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Today was a day spent at the swimming pool, we had such a great time, these is what I saw that brought smiles ….

1) A father talking gibbish to his boy, playing fun talk

2) Alot of fathers holding their little babies in the spa pool while his wife was attending to the older children near by

3) Quite a few Fathers and my kids Dad included, taking the kids down the hydoslide many times, the smiles said it all!

Yay for Fathers!

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

great thread!!

1. Catching up with my brother who is in a happy and loving relationship
2. The puddles left by the rain catching the late afternoon sun
3. The home delivery man’s excitement and gratitude fir his tip – he came in the rain!

1. My wonderful, dear cleaning lady surprised me by tackling a basement project I have been putting off…she did it exactly the way I was going to do it!! I cherish her!!

2. Going to the gym with my children – after I sugared them up with donuts. They were climbing the walls and I was going to scream – but it ended up being loads of fun watching them swim. BTW, no more donuts in the house. My kids don’t normally eat that stuff, so I swear it was like giving them some kind of drug!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE!!! EVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!! (Not even as gifts)

3. Waking up to a beautiful thunderstorm. I love the rain drops on my window and the distant sound of thunder. Hey, there has only been ONE tornado warning all spring…that is a first – since moving here…usually there is tons of tornadic activity… hmmmm….

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

1. The sun breaking through gray clouds when the weather was trying to decide whether or not it wanted to rain.

2. My dog curled up, sleeping on the sofa like the furriest of innocent beings.

3. Knowing I am one with that light breaking through the clouds!

Well, I guess I’m just too serious some days. I did smile once today that I know of, it was when I got the magazines PE sent me in the mail all the way from New Zealand. I definitely smiled then.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to themadcookieman’s post:

I smiled seeing your post MCM and also when I received your private message saying they had arrived and thanking me!

It was my pleasure sending them over to you MCM and I am wrapt they got to you safe and sound.

I am sooooo happy for you! :-)

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hard workout, good to get it on this morning!

Receiving a silly text from my sister over in Australia, she called me a ding-a-ling!

Knowing that my boy is coming home at 1pm today, we sure did miss him when he was away! Gotta get a move on now and make some tracks to the airport :-)

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I don’t know why I have such a hard time coming up with three, I guess I’m just an ol’ grouch. I DID have something that made me smile today though. Does anyone watch Survivor? They voted off a complete self serving piece of crap pig tonight! This was a guy who bragged about how good he was at lying to peoples faces. He also derived enjoyment from watching people cry. He got totally blind-sided and I was absolutely filled with joy. Is that a bad thing? I hate when scum-bags get ahead.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

1. Perfect weather
2. Time to go home
3. It’s the beginning of the weekend yay!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah MCM I think it’s fine to take pleasure in justice winning over the scumbags!

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

These things happend yesterday evening:

1. Seeing a mother hug a teenage daughter.

2. Watching a teenage boy give his friend a piggyback down the road because he had a broken foot.

3. Two pigeons on a roof who looked as though they were kissing.

Its taken me nearly a week to find three things that made me smile all in one day but I did see two squirrels chasing each other up a tree last week, that made me smile.

enjoy life!

My garanteed smile comes from the lake. Everytime I see the lake, it makes me smile. So I have made it a habit to look over every morning and consciously see the lake and greet it.

Today the Wisterias in full bloom made me smile.
And I just had a hearty laugh reading a joke.
Today I made full sentences in past tense in french. That made me smile :-)

In response to best78’s post:
Love squirrels, they also always make me smile. I have not seen any around where I live just realized!

…what a wonderful world….

1. Watching my children play hard together in the backyard with the dog, because I pitched a tent for us to sleep in tonight. (am I nuts?)

2. Going bargain hunting with my niece at all the neighborhood garage sales.

3. Coming home to a clean house because my cleaning lady decided to surprise me so I can have a relaxing weekend. (I LOVE HER!!!!!) She’s really not my cleaning lady. I’ll call her, “my right hand”… much more appropriate!!

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

1. Early morning sun shining through a beautiful agave I planted.

I have plenty of future things to smile about…

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

In response to Vivi used to be focused but now she’s ????‘s post:
Vivi, are you making agave-tequila again? (:


In response to laurie’s post:
That made me smile!

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

I’m a day behind schedule, but these were very meaningful to me.

1) Watching my children’s eyes light up at the arboretum yesterday. They really enjoyed all the flowers & nature.

2) Watching my children sketch their favorite scenes from the arboretum. (We brought sketchpads & charcoal pencils to draw)

3) My 5-year-old found the missing $100 bill my friend lost at my house and she gave it back. To see the tears of relief in my friends eyes made me even more proud of my daughter. (Note: Do not keep cash in your pockets with the tissues – especially if it is your RENT money!!)

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Today was a quiet one.

1. Listening to my son play the scales on his violin

2. Making and eating a beautiful lunch, salad YUM!

3. Going for a walk on the beach at sunset.

BTW I’m on vacation in Melbourne… at my sister’s place.


1. Glancing out the window and seeing my darling little kitty stare back at me. He is such a sweet, beautiful chubba wubba smoochy woochy!! I’m going to go get him and just kissy cuddle him till he squirms away from me… :)

2. Cooking a new, healthy recipe for breakfast – and my kids loved it! (and they didn’t complain when is dad coming home to cook something that they actually LIKE)

3. Having a slow day so I can actually savor the minutes. Wow! How long has it been since I can say it has been QUIET in the morning???? I’m just going to sit down to a nice cup of Green Tea made with mint from my garden and just do… Nothing!!! :)

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

1. signing up for a 5k run for cancer research
2. My friend who started coming to gym with me phoning to tell me she’d lost 10lb
3. Orginizing a day out to a music festival and realizing all the people who would like to come with me!

And it’s only 3pm!



1. did laundry, pd bills, cooking meals and about to get ready for work with more ease than usual. Some organization skills I’ve been using is paying off(:
2. glad (still) about taking a little breather at the beach last night.

3. Listening to a happy song
Now to do what it takes to get ready for work(:


I am smiling cause my partner is going to read Letting Go Of Anger for an hour straight after his shower :-) I am so proud of him!

I am smiling cause I see the future bright and rosy!

I am smiling cause our children will be growing up with a new sense of value and respect for themselves. I am confident the relationships they will attract in the future will be loving, honourable and respectable for we are now going to play a part in showing them what a loving relationship is meant to be like. :-)

I am smiling to myself, I am so proud of myself for been truely honest with things. It takes guts to be honest and I am not ashamed of who I am. I pat myself on the back for all my hard work for positiveness and to break the cycle of verbal/physical abuse. My perservence and strongwill has finally been paid off.

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our chickens pop over to the fence (rather than away from us) to see what sort of treat we’re bringing. They are so cute! We’re working on a more secure coop since we are in the country and have “free ranging” wildlife about. These eggs shall be savored rather than just consumed considering how expensive they are so far.:D

1) Making homemade ice cream.
2) Planning a vacation to hot & sunny Phoenix, AZ (and Sedona & Grand Canyon)
3) Going on a BBQ with a dear, sweet family that I haven’t seen in a while.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

1. extra rest this morning
2. productive conversation w/hubby and a wonderful brunch together
3. organizing paperwork
4. plans for my workout this eve w/hubby


I had a good laugh at myself when I found myself getting angry at the news.
A cute girl at the movies flirted with me.
And I flirted with a super duper hot chick on facebook, so I’m laughing and smiling at myself a lot these days.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

When I was going to work after lunch the weather had turned, the sun, the color of the lake the smell of the air, the mild temprature, they all felt like vaction :-)

YAY – got a parking space that I squeezed myself into.

Friend of mine told me that he is going out with a girl I know and wanted to know my opinion. Had to laugh at myself struggeling in order not to tell him or atleast put it in a neutral way that I don’t think it’ll last. (I cann’t lie)

After work I went for more fresh air and a walk, there was a duck with its 9 babies after her, 2 on her back all padelling quickly. They were so cute with white spots on them.

Message from friends that are comming for visit for the weekend that they are all packed and ready to come to visit dubdubdubdidibdibdiiib..

…what a wonderful world….

The guinea hens perching on my neighbors’ corner fence, the purple and yellow flowers covering a little field through which a stream winds its’ way under a bridge just a few blocks from work (a real life masterpiece!), and Honey (our dog) suddenly appearing and speeding to the door when she heard her beloved, “special occasion” squeaky toy. Yes, I resorted to trickery because she wasn’t coming when called.

1. Getting my husband’s blessing for a solo New York trip in November
2. Finding the cheap fare I wanted and booking it with decision
3. The excitment of my New York friend when she replied to my ‘exciting news’ email.

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

In response to Vivi used to be focused but now she’s ????‘s post:
I am so happy for you ViVi!!!! This is something you wanted for awhile, right?


In response to laurie’s post:
Yep! I have a great friend in New York, we met 12 yrs ago backpacking in Europe & stayed in touch over the years via email. She visited me last year in Australia, now I get to see her home. Sometimes people cross your path who you just click with, and she’s one of them. So lucky me to have this fantastic opportunity.

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

In response to Vivi used to be focused but now she’s ????‘s post:
So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!Have a wonderful time(:


1. Coming home after two weeks on the road to a clean house and a “made” bed.
2. Greeting my kitties & puppy who really missed us all – but they were well taken care of while we were gone.
3. Spending two weeks driving in a car and exploring the different lands of the Southwest USA with my school age kids. (ok, parts did NOT make me smile, but overall, it did)

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
1. Hearing from MM and about her trip
2. Unwinding from my work week at feeling my thoughts for myself merge to the surface(:

3. Eating a breakfast that tasted great and fit with my healthy-meal planning


1. Having another new day to keep on keeping on(:

2. Feeling comfortable with how to approach a variety of areas so they receive attention on a regular basis.

3. Recognizing that I have a wonderful healthy appetite for my breakfast, and ready to prepare breakfast right now(:

It’s so good to smile at what might be considered little things. There are no little things if it’s good.


i must say, this has NOT been a smiling day…

but, i say

the gratitude video which is spectacular
um..beautiful thoughts…ALWAYS make me smile!!

1. New members of BMindful and the endless support network that it has become
2. Knowing and learning of my ability to rechannel my thinking almost instantaneously now.
3. Realising how much I have changed spiritually for the better and seeing the results ripple onto my loved ones.


A full and thankful heart..

1. My daughter is out of the hospital and on her way to recovery.
2. We are having severe weather today and its always fun to play flashlight & indoor tent games with my kids. No tornado warnings, so far just thunderstorms & hail – so we’re cool.
3. My husband is wrapping up business and coming home in a couple of weeks. Woo Hoo!!

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
So glad to hear your daughter is out of the hospital and doing well!!!!!
And it’s great your husband is coming home soon!!


I didn’t know your daughter was in the hospital. I hope she is doing better.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to themadcookieman’s post:

Thank you for the well wishes. She is doing MUCH better. She is only 21 years old and it was quite a blow to have her be that ill. It is definitely true what the old wise ones say… When you have your health, you have wealth!

It was very scary for me and totally tense, but I kept my faith and visualizations for an optimal outcome. Allhamdulillah (Thanks to God), she is doing much, MUCH better!! …and I haven’t cried in almost five whole days!

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Today I am grateful for:
1. I meditated on the twin hearts- for loving kindness.
2. I enjoyed my lunch thoroughly.
3. I could heal myself of the pain in my lower left side.

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
YAYyyy glad to hear that

…what a wonderful world….

1- I saw baby geese all curled up with mom (or dad?).
2- I saw several smiling people who said good morning to me.
3- I noticed my healthy eating is getting better everyday on my chart!

In response to SONIA’s post:

Hello Sonia, What are the twin hearts? Please explain.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

1. Today is my baby’s 6th birthday. Birthday’s are still meaningful at that age and her smile was all I needed to see to fill my heart!!

2. My sister is coming to visit today. I haven’t seen her for a few weeks and I’m excited to catch up.

3. It is June and the weather is still in the beautiful 70’s. YAY! Perfect for playing hookie!!

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
Dear Meditating Mamma,
Twin Heart meditation is a meditation in which you bless the earth for all that it has given you, you seek to spread love where there is hatred, you pray for hope where there is despair and so on….
This meditation can be done for people in particular also. It is equally good for places, relationships, physical problems and such issues…
the very fact that we are remembring our happy moments and filling our heart with so much happiness and gratitude and in this frame of mind are blessing others – makes you feel light. You let go of all your problems and concentrate on chanellizing the energy flow from the universe into your crown and from there to the imagination ( of earth, a person, your ailing part or some particular place, dream etc) in front of you that it fills you with healing light.
It is a guided meditation which can also be performed for your chakras healing .
Master Choa Kok Sui takes you on the path of happiness thru this.

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

In response to SONIA’s post:

OK, there is that author again – Master Choa Kok Sui – it looks like I am definitely destined to research this!! It sounds very wonderful. Is it a cd or dvd? I loved guided meditation.

Did I tell you how grateful I am that you popped in to bMindful? :)

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
Thanks MM for the kind words.
the CD fot Twin Heart meditation is available with any Pranic Healing Centre in your city or a place close to it. If u r unable to find it let me know I will courier it to your address. Contact me on the e-mail for ur address details.

The three things that made me smile today are:
1. what a coincidence- both me n my hubby came to the dining table wearing green color for office!
2. There isn’t much work on my desk today so I am feeling very relaxed.
3. Read a great article on the relationship between defects in eyesight and thinking patterns.

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

1. For the first time in over a 100 days, waking up with my husband by my side – safe and sound.

2. My daughter (who has been ill and in the hospital) called me and let me know her doctors are happy with her progress. She is 1200 miles away from me and I cannot be there for a few more days.

3. My home and my life just feels complete. :)

PS: The beautiful girls in my avatar are my oldest daughter and my youngest daughter.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
Hey, welcome back to your husband.
probably a bad translation of a persian saying: Your eyes may light up Mary :-) (don’t ask me what it means, it’s just something courteous we say when a relative arrives from a trip)

…what a wonderful world….

In response to aftab’s post:

Thanks Afi!! Trust me, my eyes did light up!! :) Now our home is complete and we are just working to catch up…

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

The pink cast with purple and white hearts on my latest rescue puppy.

Completed my spinning class with energy to spare.

Finding this website.

1. good day at work

2. off tomorrow

3. off tomorrow (that one counts for 2) big smiles!


I really enjoy these threads, and wanted to participate in this one last night, but time slipped away from me, so I’m posting yesterdays smiles this morning.

1. finished my garden projects – there will be more, but for now that task is complete!

2. took a walk with my wife Becky

3. visited with a neighbor

Meeting some more neighbors

Going for a bike ride with my wife and above mentioned neighbors

Relaxing and enjoying the evening – NOT DOING anything!

A meeting in which I was supposed to substitute for my boss got postponed and wow I am free for sometime.

Today I vowed to bless my son during my morning meditation and the proof was there right in frony of me- I didn’t get provoked or angry where usually I might have shouted at him!!!

I am wearing a new dress and looking good in it.

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

1. Waking up with so many blankets over me and being so perfectly warm & toasty on this beautiful winters day.

2. Eating my sandwich admiring my home grown sprouts tasting so much better because I grew the babies.

3. Anticipation for a great night out with work friends tonight, reminding myself I must go easy on the wine…

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

Took my family to the Twins game last night (They lost, but there were a couple of pretty exciting innings!) The game was followed by a short Christian concert – Jars of Clay. It was great seeing so many people, especially the young ones, out there worshipping the Lord!

Relaxed a bit yesterday – not a lot of running around doing stuff!

Cool summer night – 55 degrees Fahrenheit – great sleeping weather!

1. My 5 year old niece came over for a day spend and she danced for us! wow! what a performance!!!
2. The pitter-patter of rain drops falling outside.
3. A flip thru my pictures on the computer- it has a lovely photo of our boys! They seemed so much together and engrossed.

The fact that I open bmindful and get to see so much more to enrich myself with makes me smile. Thanks all of you.
I am truly blessed by your support and guidance.
Have a great day:)-

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

My Golden retriever swimming and looking for fish on the beach.

Opening Bmindful site and affirming my wealth.

The rainy weather because it keeps everything cool.

My Golden retriever swimming and looking for fish on the beach.

Opening Bmindful site and affirming my wealth.

The rainy weather because it keeps everything cool.

My Golden retriever swimming and looking for fish on the beach.

Opening Bmindful site and affirming my wealth.

The rainy weather because it keeps everything cool.

In response to beachcoffee’s post:

Hi BeachCoffee – How is Coffee? Give him a big Hug from me!! ;) I’m sending him an internet doggy bone… :)

Three things that made me smile today:
1) Having my hubby bake me fresh bread for breakfast.
2) My kids didn’t argue or complain ONE TIME this morning.
3) My cockatiel keeps telling me “Good Morning Pretty Bird” … Gee, isn’t she a flirt!!

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Thanks! Now that made me smile!

Other things that made me smile today:

My face! Upon waking up and seeing my smiling face in the mirror.” I Love Myself”

Waking up full of energy and feeling fresh and rested. “ I Love My Body”

The feeling of knowing that every good is coming my way! I’m actually singing Santana’s song but saying “every good is coming my way” Now i’m ready to go out of the house and see more things that’ll make me smile.

….I think it’s a great idea to check in Bmindful before going to bed. The good vibes ensure restful sleep and reminds me to take conscious breaths to fall asleep. I wake up so refreshed and full of vitality.

1. Woke up before the alarm went off.
2. Had a really wonderful cup of coffee in my office.
3. My hubby who was going on outstation tour is now not going.

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

Some of my relatives visited today and we went out to dinner, I was very outgoing with them. I am usually very reserved around my family, but I’m working on being more open.

I visited some friends this evening and I am often suprised and humbled at how highly I’m thought of by some people. It makes you feel good when sincere people tell you they think a lot of you.

I saw a fox (the real four legged kind) on my scooter ride home.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

yesterday, my new boss told me how impressed he’s been with my job performance

he made those comments in front of another new work colleague

I went to bed earlier last night than usual, and slept moderately well

I woke up and Coffee was on the bed sleeping soundly.

Glad that the sun came out today after a week of rain.

Happy that i’ll be able to sunbathe and walk on the beach with Coffee.

Sold the last of my Brickyard 400 tickets yesterday

Went to bed early, and slept well last night – starting a new trend!

Woke up refreshed this morning

1. The smell of earth rising after rain drops fall on it.
2. The yummy poridge I had for b’fast.
3. Treated my kids to pizza after a long time.

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

Imagine my suprise today when I started thumbing through the used books I bought today and I found that one of them was an autographed copy of a book by Norman Vincent Peale. Pretty cool huh! I got about twenty new(old) books today for about three dollars and one of them was autographed.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Wow!!!! You are lucky MCM.
Good find.
Happy reading.

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

Lucky boy, MCM!!

My three things today:

1) My 13 year old nephew arrived safely (after travelling from Belgium alone).

2) My daughter and I bonded over a dental appointment – getting our teeth cleaned.

3) I have been given another day to walk this earth.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

1. Aroma of the green tea arising from the kettle.
2. Nice n cool breese blowing early in the morning- indicating that it will rain today.
3. Drinking a glass of lemonade after the morning workout.

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

Nothing’s made anyone smile lately?
How sad!
I’m smiling because…..
1. Short work day for me (took off @ 10) – and it’s Friday!
2. Enjoyed some quality quiet time with my wife this morning after work
3.We’re picking up our daughter from camp this afternoon

In response to BKW’s post:
I believe we all had loads that made us smile.
My this mornings smile causes:
1- nice emails in my inbox
2- beautiful sunshine dispite the bad forcast
3- Bminful and listing to Everthing’s comming our way

The day is still long and I will have loads to smile for, next one will be the lake, haven’t looked at it yet but am sure it is sparkling big time

…what a wonderful world….

1.The blessings I passed onto the enitre earth after I finished my morning meditation.
2.My greys seemed black today.
3.The beautiful solitare which shone in the morning sun while I sweated it out.

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

My smiles began yesterday…but lingering into today…Appreciative grateful and peaceful.
1. (Often) It has been making me smile seeing in WORDS by authors I admire….ideas about centering and getting in touch with ones spirit…authors who do this honestly and vividly … and that allow you the freedom to find your own experience. /Also spoke to a friend I hadn’t spoken to in sometime ….& exchanging thoughts and ideas about the things that we enjoy. 2. I enjoy food shopping with my hubby, as we pick out our favorite foods…in our favorite grocery store. Where we shop..there are healthy foody favorites..with live music, outside eatery, cooking classes and us taking care of ourselves…and watching others doing the same. Yesterday… during this experience, I found myself smiling being within an ear shot of an actor who was practicing lines for a popular tv-show audition… in the outside dining area.(: 3. Today I did something for myself that I’ve wanted to do for quite awhile…4. and 1 more thing….saw over 11 people logged on to bmindful this moment with over 60 guests(: Bmindful you are growing well(:

I had more smile-areas…but I wanted to leave those things just for me…(: And I have an anticipatory good feeling about hoping others begin to share the things that make them smile here also…(:

Intro post


buying my daughter a bunch of flowers

a text from my son

a smile from a sweet old lady

Success Stories

^ More than three of those comments made me smile :)
What beautiful stories.

anticipation of a holiday trip

being happy with what I have

hubby doing a beautiful job painting house, hasn’t looked so good in years

wishing everyone smiles

didn,t do alot of smiling,but i think it was a decent day.

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

1) Visiting with family and friends.
2) Delightful conversation, sharing smiles and laughter.
3) Enjoying the cold and snow, ahh the joy of Winter Burrrr

1) The gift of the beautiful day, sunshine and blue skies.
2) Freedom and smiles.
3) Love in various forms.

1) Going to Mass, the beginning of Lent.
2) Talking to my oldest son in New York, he’s doing quite well.
3) Enjoying the day filled with awesome Blessings.

1. I ran into a very good friend when I was working at this hospital. She is awesome! She helped me to re-connect with another really good friend! What a wonderful GIFT! Thanks, Universe! My heart in filled with joy!

2. I had today off and got to take a day trip with a new friend, and got to see the beautiful Bald Eagles in Graffton, Ill. Had a beautiful trip! Loved being outside even though it was cold out!

3. My faith and my inner life, my heart is healthy, dynamic, grateful and a place of Love and Grace…

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

1. This glorious day.
2. The gift of life and the splendor of it all.
3. Being showered with amazing Blessings.

1. being treated with so much love by so many individuaals who mean so much to me
2. enjoying family members I haven’t seen in years!
3. enjoying mountains, lovely places to live, and reviewing choices made and new ones on the horizon


1. my hubby called from work, and we were just chatting about our day. It sounded like he could use an affirmation or 2. And after I shared them, I asked if it was helpful… and he replied with an upbeat ‘yeah!’ (:

I said you can call anytime you like- cuz I gotta million of em’ (we both had a laugh)

2. smiling at the ease of my day..because of things I’ve been putting into gear

3. smiling that writing what works and contributes to my smiles makes me smile inside and out(:


This morning as I was leaving my home for the day… I saw a mamma duck and 10 of her babies huddled together near curb around my place

We do have ducks around here…. though I had been wondering where they were… because I hadn’t seen them around lately.

It brought a genuine heart smile… that got my day off to a beautiful start.

such a beautiful pic to carry in my thoughts….

It sounds like only 1 thing… though it felt like several… the way it branched out to the good I came in contact with during my day(:


1) The joy of Living.
2) The joy of Giving.
3) The joy of Being extraordinarily “Me”.

1) The joy of the dawn of a new day.
2) Being a Blessing others.
3) Spreading Love and the acceptance of the inevitable.

In the year 2042 they decided to re-name the internet to the amazon.

enter the heart , you could win a prize

  1. this thread -rereading it(:
  2. feeling great at work... thinking/feeling truly good things
  3. coming home to red roses 


  1. new threads which contributed to my awesome day
  2. young boy who wrote a note how he feels great when I'm helping him and his family. It was so delightfully written. I felt so good and so did he for making my day!
  3. thinking about some days off -beginning tomorrow!


I went out to a neighbor's birthday celebration yesterday and everyone there had great energy, great flow and I had a really fantastic salad. Afterward, we went to one neighbors house, had cake with ice cream, and even the cat and one of the dogs got along! 

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

I was able to install  a new water filter in our refrigerator in less than 3 minutes. 

I finished ironing all our clothes

i wrapped all our outdoor plants to keep them warm on our first near freezing night. 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

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