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★★Spiritual Alchemy

Spiritual alchemy! You have the power to instantly transmute energy.
When you heal yourself you are healing the planet and others as well.
Peace iz not something we wish for. It's something we make (create) and give to ourselves and then to others.

Forgive & Accept:

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

Transmute! Transmute! Transmute! All with unconditional love!


There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

DISSOLUTION: Stage 2 of Spiritual Alchemy:CALCINATION: Stage 1 of Spiritual Alchemy.:Stage 4 of Spiritual Alchemy LiberatingDivineConsciousness.com:Stage 3 of spiritual alchemy.:

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

This is how we like to think of that intimidating word "alchemy" ... ;) http://lonerwolf.com/spiritual-alchemy/:

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

The Seven Stages of Alchemical Transformation - Alchemy Infographic, Spiritual Lesson, Spiritual Infographic, Occult Infographic, Witchcraft Infographic:

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

To fight is to destroy yourself:

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

Spiritual Consciousness ~Eckhart Tolle  https://www.facebook.com/Eckharttolle/photos/pb.24590816216.-2207520000.1423462758./10152862256221217/?type=1:

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.



They both approach spiritual development through a psychic involvement with matter. But while European alchemy became entrapped in an obsession with metals and purified elements, shamanism fixated its attention in the living energies of plants, animals and spirits.

It is perhaps because of this reason that alchemy became synonymous with gaining wealth and immortality. For those who confused the metaphors of the original alchemy with reality, the practice became a pseudo-science of transforming lead into gold. For others, however, alchemy remained thesecret science of illumination and inner liberation.


Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi: Our gold is not common gold. ~ Alchemist saying

Whether you understand Alchemy as a science or as a psycho-spiritual instrument, alchemy is ultimately concerned with transformation and change.

While physical alchemy is concerned with altering and transforming the properties within matter, spiritual alchemy is concerned with freeing your spiritual self which is trapped within you by the unrefined parts of yourself (e.g. your fears, personal beliefs, self-loathing, etc.). Spiritual alchemy is vastly more multi-faceted.


Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of spiritual alchemy is its objective: to free you from your core wounds, core beliefs, soul loss and other self-destructive personality structures in order for you to live freely and unobstructed. Existing in “pure being,” or soulful awareness is the ultimate state of transformation – the gold – of spiritual alchemy. It attempts to restructure your personality and the various levels of attachment, avoidance and identification you possess.

These days, we can thank famous psychologist C. G. Jung for the continued interest in alchemy. Much of his theory is heavily steeped in the rich symbolism of alchemy, creating a colorful and sophisticated road map by which we can learn to get ourselves “out of our own way,” stop being our own enemies, and allow our fullest potential to unfold.


Jung is commonly recognized as the main advocate and promoter of alchemy. He argued that he had noticed many of the symbols found in alchemy texts mysteriously showing up in the dreams of his patients – most of whom had no prior knowledge of Alchemy.

He concluded that alchemy was a superb expression of the universal symbols of life, and was therefore a highly effective tool for psychological insight. Materia Prima, The Philosophers Stone and Gold are the most commonly known symbols relating to Alchemy.

Materia Prima (or “first matter”), is an Alchemic symbol that reflects the notion that all the universe originated from a primitive, formless base. The idea of a “Materia Prima” can be traced back to Aristotle who understood that there is a force that holds all other forms in existence together but is itself invisible – these days, we call it “Spirit.” This invisible womb or unseen force is a field of pure potential that can only come into existence when it is embodied into a “form.”

In Alchemy, the “Materia Prima” or primal material is that which is left over after we have reduced matter into its purest essence. This is a powerful psychological symbol because it describes the internal process of arriving at a “core realization,” or in other words becoming aware of the root cause of a belief or trauma within us.


Solve et coagula: Dissolve and coagulate. ~ Alchemist saying

The latin expression “solve et coagula” is derived from “solve,” meaning to break down and separate, while “coagula” describes the process of bringing elements back together (coagulating) into a new, higher form.

Interestingly, “solve et coagula is a wonderful psychological metaphor: by pursuing Gold (or listening to our intuitive “higher calling”) we “break down” limiting parts within us that are in the way of our transformation (Philosopher’s Stone) into a free and whole being (coagulation).

While there are no universal stages of alchemy due to the sheer number of different schools out there, these are some of the most widely accepted stages:


Calcination is the process of heating and decomposing raw matter – or in other words, breaking down parts of ourselves that are in the way of our own happiness. Often we’d rather be right or fulfill an idea of “perfection” than be truly happy, so we continue neglecting the exploration of ourselves.

The stage of Calcination represents the stage in our lives where we begin breaking down our egos, self-doubt, stubbornness, self-sabotaging behavior, pride and arrogance, and put it aside so we can find out what is underneath.


Once we have broken down all of our personality characteristics that were in the way, we are left with the process of dissolution which is the beginning of feeling less identification with our false sense of self. Once we are free from our pride or self-doubt, we can take one step back and truly observe our positive and negative qualities.

Suddenly, our inability to take responsibility for our many faults, avoidance of traumatizing memories, and other inner tensions rise to the surface, causing us to become aware of how our behavior might be affecting others. This is the beginning of spiritual maturity. Sometimes this stage of transformation is brought about accidentally by illnesses and misfortunes in our lives that cause us to really pay attention to what we’re doing, shocking us out of our avoidance patterns (such as workaholism, drugs and TV watching).


Separation is the stage where we make our thoughts and emotions more defined by isolating them from other thoughts and emotions. A simple example is our attempt to free our heart from resentment while trying to forgive someone.

The process of separation involves truly becoming aware of our authentic feelings for a person, or for ourselves. In this stage we honestly experience our anger, frustration or disappointment towards another or ourselves, rather than reverting back to the old habit of dutifully trying to “forgive” or “forget” because it is the “right” or comfortable thing to do. Separation is closely entwined with shadow work in that we must allow all feelings and thoughts within us to surface side by side. This helps us to isolate particular elements of our character in order to honestly see and assess them.


After the purification and clarification of the first three stages, we must properly combine the remaining elements within us through the process of “Conjunction.”

While in the previous step we separated and learned to distinguish all the separate feelings and thoughts within us, Conjunction provides the inner space – the simmering – that is required for us to truly and honestly accept all the parts of our authentic self. When we experience this stage of spiritual alchemy, all of our unconscious thoughts and feelings bubble up to the surface and into the light of conscious awareness.


Fermentation is the beginning of our process of rebirth. This stage can be compared to the death of a grape, which then becomes the birth of wine. While the first four stages involved working with aspects of our old personality, in the stage of Fermentation we begin to experience moments of our more “refined” self.

Fermentation occurs in two parts: Putrefaction and Spiritization. Putrefaction is the decomposition of our former selves; the process of inner death by which the old elements of our conscious and unconscious minds are allowed to rot and decompose. (Some call this stage the dark night of the soul, as it can be followed by troublesome mental states such as depression.)

On the other hand, Spiritization is the stage by which we begin to look at the world in a new light. With the right guidance and with enough inner work, Spiritization involves letting go of all the aspects of ourselves and our lives that don’t serve or contribute to our involution. This is when we taste moments of great inner peace and stillness.


Once we begin our Spiritization we must find a way to continue to integrate all of these spiritual realizations into our lives in order to allow them to become permanent. Distillation is the level of further purification.

One example of Distillation is finding ways to live from a daily place of inner peace – even in the most mundane circumstances. With enough repeated practice of constantly dying and being reborn in the present moment without entering again into the habits, identifications and cycles of the mind, we experience a strong and profound inner transformation. In the East, this is what is mostly defined as “enlightenment.”


Similar to the blood’s ability to form clots and stop bleeding, Coagulation is the moment when we’ve “broken open the head,” or in other words, we have become free from the mind and have allowed our consciousness or Soul, to connect with the Materia Prima: the Spirit.

The meeting point between two opposites such as the spiritual self and raw matter, heaven and hell, and life and death, is the point where existence become self-aware. This is the moment when our lives are without duality; when matter becomes spirit, or the spirit is manifested in material form.

In the stage of Coagulation, the physical universe is not separate from the mind or spiritual reality; it is a reflection of it.

Alchemy’s greatest achievement is to create an interrelationship between mind and matter, between self and world.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

7 Signs You Might Be An Alchemist

What is Alchemy? Alchemy = Transformation

In antiquity alchemy was the process of transforming base metals (iron, lead) into noble metals (silver and gold).

We believe that the concept of alchemy as transformation, in its broader sense, illustrates the magical, sacred and holistic process of change and healing that takes place in each one of us when we start regarding and treating ourselves as a whole, rather than trying to cure and change different parts of us or our lives based on preconceived ideas and other shoulds, musts or have-tos that we’ve been trained to believe without questioning. As a Wellness Alchemist, you will take back the reigns over your life and embark on an endless, lifetime journey of self-discovery and constant transformation.

7 Signs You Might Be an Alchemist

You are tired of people telling you WHAT you should, ought, must do; what to eat, wear, read and watch; what job/lifestyle/person/circumstances suit you. You are more interested in the WHY and the WHO…of YOU. 2.

You don’t fit well within the norm. You are rebellious by nature. “Normal” gives you major existential yawns. You’ve had a glimpse of the extraordinary running through your veins and you can’t conform to a life that is less than what you feel, deep down, you are capable of experiencing.

You have a passion for learning and a curious open mind. You love questions more than pre-made answers. You’ve always felt like a student of life. The more you know, the smaller you feel and the more you need to keep learning. Your curiosity ignites more curiosity and you will never find enough evidence to stop questioning life, but you’re okay with that, because it means there will always be new territory to be explored.

You like to self-experiment and test things out. It’s not enough with just reading or knowing about something, you need to BE about it. In order to share your truth, you must first live it. You have a living lab (yourself) in which you practice your ideas and bring them to life. You operate this life from the office of your mind, with your heart as a guide and your body as a map.

You are a truth-seeker and a tireless life explorer. You practice both — a constant evolution and a consistent revolution. And in your quest for truth, you are willing to explore yourself and the life that surrounds you in ways that are not often comfortable — because to find out who you are, you often end up bumping into who you’re not. When you start digging, it often gets worse before it gets better. But you would rather find yourself and your truth than live comfortably in the dark. You’d rather hurt than be numb. You want everything out of life, you don’t want to be spared.

You take your dreams and passions to heart. Despite the obstacles that come your way, you know what you are capable of accomplishing. When they say you can’t do what you’ve set your mind to do, it motivates you to go after what you want with a renewed enthusiasm and relit fire. You understand that you and only you, hold the keys to your life, that your longings and desires are the truest indicators of the next steps you need to take, and that the universe conspires with you (not against you) to help you turn your dreams into fact.

You’ve always felt there was – there had to be – more to life, more to you, more to all of us than you could express, more than we realize and more than what most of us are willing to accept. You’ll never be satisfied unless you pursue this lifetime adventure of looking deeper and finding the way, the truth and the life only you have the keys for. If you have tested positive for at least 5 of these 7 items, congratulations, you’re an Alchemist. That is – you have the ability, willingness and unlimited potential to become you own "Agent for Creative Change and Transformation," by tapping into your innate healing superpowers and inter-connecting your mind, heart and body to become the truest, boldest, brightest version of YOU.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

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There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

firm believer in following ones passion, and if it shifts from the heart... I follow(:



thanks for creating this iZ.laughing

 will return to it (note to self) (:


My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

“Space consciousness, the final frontier, to boldly and or vulnerably go where no one has gone before”

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