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★Sacred SelfCare {1st choice for best life} ...1

post 1



 10Ways To Regain Your Center Here are 10 ways to regain your center and personal power when you’ve lost it. The trick is to have one of these at the ready when you need it, rather than to have to try to figure out what to do when you need it. These are listed in no particular order, one is not better than another, they are simply different actions you can take. to read article in its entirety

  •  Do some self care.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Take an exercise time out.
  •  Be grateful
  •  Do some affirmations
  • Create an empowering story.
  •  Look for the gold.
  •  Listen to music that is uplifting, calming or plain old fun.
  •  Call a trusted friend.
  • to read article in its entirety
  •  For more information on Authentic Self-Connection Day Walks, check out website at www.biancadisalvo.com
  • It’s missing 1 in here to make 10…though I’m sure we can think of many others(:
  • Is Happiness Enough? by Bianca Di SalvoFinding the right balance of self interest and self sharing can lead to a life that feels more fulfilling overall. Both the pursuit of happiness and the pursuit of meaning are key to being fully here, fully expressed and fully whole. to read article in its entirety
  • updated  thread from way back in 2015 lol

    related threads in process

self care-not self controlIMG_7863-612x612.pnge34d7ad05f6ccc516b5f3a5e3c198cd6--self-care-mental-health.jpg









I choose to allow all of my experiences to be joyous and loving

Image result for self care beautiful quote pics





enjoy your friends

enjoy your cat naps



The starting point to your sacred quest is understanding that the universe and our participation in it are not haphazard things. Wayne Dyer

I am quiet and listen to my heart’s song.

I accept only love into the sacred space of my soul.

I choose the peace that surpasses all understanding.

I know in each moment I am free to decide


I align my consciousness with the source of all life.

I choose goodness, light and love.

Positive Attitudes

Allowing love to be the core of our life carries us through difficult and challenging times. It keeps our spirit open and our heart alive. Loving who we are, what we do, and how things are raises the spirit and heals the heart. Knowing that we are love is part of the very fiber of our being. It helps us create a positive, generous attitude toward others and heals wounds of pain, loss or separation. Love is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. It makes us whole. Highfrequencyhealing.org

I am an excellent person

I let my heart shine and give from the depths of my being to those who accept love.

Pain doesn’t come from the love we weren’t given in the past, but from the love we ourselves aren’t giving in the present.

I choose the best for myself.











I look forward to everything scheduled today finding something absolutely magnificent and joyful in some aspect of it all.

My daily reliable routines add a sense of peace, structure and ease to my life.


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

post 2
What Is a Self-care Enthusiast? by Lynda Monk
Soulful self-care is the way in which you care for and nourish the essence of who you are – past what you do, beyond all the roles that define you, it is how you turn inward to know, grow and care for yourself. read article in full

About Lynda Monk
Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC is a Registered Social Worker, a Writing for Wellness Coach and founder of Creative Wellness where writing, well-being and transformation. Lynda regularly speaks and teaches about reflective journaling and expressive writing as practices to enhance emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual health. Lynda offers transformational workshops, courses, online coaching programs, writing retreats, keynote speaking and guided journaling journeys. She is the author of Life Source Writing™: A Reflective Journaling Practice for Self-Discovery, Self-Care, Wellness and Creativity, and producer of the Creative Wellness Guided Meditations CD. She is also the co-author of Writing Alone Together: Journaling in a Circle of Women for Creativity, Compassion and Connection , and a contributing author to Choosing Happiness: Inspiration for a Women’s Soul (coming February 2015).

    • ~


My life is unfolding perfectly, in ways that are enchanting, exciting, and uplifting.

I can use all the self-care tools in
my toolbox to take me further

    • ~


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

post 3

The Contradiction Of Selfishness:
Putting Yourself First In 3 Steps
by Bianca Di Salvo
Self-care is the habit of regularly feeding yourself with things that support you emotionally and physically. It’s important for you, but
also for those you love and the world. It requires some practice, self-confidence,self-esteem and a bit of selfishness. That’s right self-care
requires selfishness.

Selfishness isn’t usually a desired trait. It’s not one that’s generally
cultivated. It’s not believed to be virtuous or even valuable. Yet in the
case of self-care it is attractive, noble, and desirable.Without caring for us first we have less available for everyone. That’s less for our family, friends, community and ourselves. We are less able to share our gifts and talents with the world. We have less energy, are less able to focus and engage fully. As a culture our selfcare neglect has left us with more sadness, stress and illness. For more information on Authentic Self-Connection Day Walks, check out my website at www.biancadisalvo.com

Being Whole

What would happen if, instead of being taught that no one was perfect, each one of us took away that we are perfect just as we are; that we are complete and whole now and there is nothing more we need to do or be to be enough.

In exploring this idea I looked up perfection and wholeness and here is what I found:

Perfection is defined as:

Conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type
Excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement
Exactly fitting the need in a certain situation or for a certain purpose
Entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings
Accurate, exact, or correct in every detail
Wholeness is defined as:

Comprising the full quantity, amount, extent, without diminution or exception; entire, full, or total
Containing all the elements properly belonging; complete
Undivided; in one piece
Not broken, damaged, or impaired; intact
Undiminished, integral, complete, perfect
Did you notice that wholeness has within it the idea of perfection? Interesting.

Seeing yourself as whole is like an awakening. In that moment you realize there is nothing for you to do to and no way for you to be “better.” You are enough. This is not to suggest that there will not be moments when you realize there are things in you that are keeping you from having the life you say you want for yourself and doing the work to change accordingly. It is more about knowing there is nothing wrong with who you are right now; that you are an amazing person who is perfect as you are.

What if you lived today with the thought that you are complete beyond improvement? What if you lived today as if there is no where to go and nothing to do to be better? If you begin to embrace yourself as whole and as enough right now without hesitation. I wonder what would be possible for you and the world.

For more information on Authentic Self-Connection Day Walks, check out website at www.biancadisalvo.com

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Your self care is vital and has to be your first priority.
That is not being narcistic,that is practical thinking.

“Space consciousness, the final frontier, to boldly and or vulnerably go where no one has gone before”

post 5

In response to Lake Placid’s post:

and LakePlacid so agree with you self care is so not narcissism. And yes is practical. It is from that point we can be true to ourselves…and then of course true to all else.
I use self-care not self-control

I can create excitement in my life by discovering new ways of handling routine tasks.

Doing less produces more:
more time for my family,
for self-reflection, and relaxation.

  • ~

every way I am growing in strength and purpose

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings



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