Please visit my website for personal one-on-one meditations, healings and counselling designed just for you!
I love writing, drawing, meditation, like-minded spiritual people, honesty and humanity. I also love sushi and shashimi … lol. I love learning about other people and listening to their thoughts, and I love sharing what I have learned about life etc with others.
I am currently writing a book about how I surrendered my soul to the Universe, and why, and the miracles that have magically transpired into my life since. The first half is in the genre of a memoir, and the second part is how to surrender your soul, and all of the good stuff that follows. You CAN live “happily ever after”! I have named my book “A SOUL SURRENDER” because I did it solely, and it was my soul that I surrendered! I have posted an extract of this book in the Cafe Forum if you wish to read it. It’s under the heading “an extract of my book - A Soul Surrender” … be my guest and have a read!
I live my life by “cosmically ordering”. You would be surprised at how efficient the universe is. Everything I need or want comes to me if I order it through the universe, I do this with great intent, love and gratitude.
Getting a positive message from anyone, time to time, helps lighten a souls journey, and I love to give encouragement and faith.
Hi Judiann,
I just got another job! This one is a good one. Work from home and go in one or two days a week. I love my home.
We look after two horse on the property, they are gorgeous and so gentle. I love animals, they’re so straightforward.
What book are you writing? I have a book somewhere inside me too, but I’m not ready to write.
In response to freygan’s comment: Hey Freygan, Thanks for your comment; nice to meet you:-) What sort of job did you get? It sounds as though you really enjoy it. It’s good for my soul to hear that you love your home, and your horses, and other animals. What other animals do you like? Each and every one of them have such individual personalities, don’t they? I’d like to hear what book is inside you waiting to come out. I have wriiten a little about my book in my profile, if you’d like to have a look. Keep up the good work Freygan and I hope to hear from you again. :-) Judiann
Well, it is indeed a blessing to be on this site with so many positve like minded people. I work with the Earths energy field and help those who have lost thier way on this planet. It is with great excitement and focus that I wish all of you a safe journey and overall Light, Love and Health for your time here on this beautiful Planet. In Light Johan ;-)
In response to Sarvaga1’s comment: Energy is amazing. I feel it in the Earth, I feel it from the Universe, I feel it from loved ones who have left to go home, and I feel energy from other people. I revel in the energy of like-minded spiritual people, and love to listen to what they have to say, I find I learn alot by listening, and I love to learn. There are so many people who have lost their way on this planet, and I would love to show, lead by example, and teach each and everyone of them how to find themselves. Thankyou for your comments Sarvaga1, keep up the good work helping others through your energy! :-)
Hi Judiann,
I’m Maria and I’m from Australia too! I’m only new to this community and I love reading through the affirmations and adding new ones to my profile. I’ve also added a few of my own too. I live in the Hunter Valley NSW. It’s great to see Aussies in this community and say ‘hi’. I’m making the effort to introduce myself to people.
Congratulations on writing a book, that’s excellent. Sounds like you’re a very spiritual person, that’s great you are sharing your thoughts and experiences with others.
Please feel free to check out my profile and post a message. I enjoy networking with like-minded individuals.
Have an awesome weekend!
Maria Hunter Valley NSW
Hi Judiann,
Thanks for your message. That’s excellent that all your affirmations are coming to fruition - you deserve it! I have some huge goals for the next year or two and I don’t know how I’m going to achieve them, but I know I’m going to get there.
I received your information on the form you filled out on my website. Did you want to enquire about the business or would you just like to have a chat regarding spirituality? I believe in personal development, spirituality and living life to the fullest, absolutely!
Shall look forward to hearing from you soon Judiann. Have an awesome day!
P.S. I have a great passion for horses, so it’s great to meet someone on here who is a horse lover too! As you would have noticed from my affirmations, one of my goals is to buy our dream property so I can own horses and ride everyday. I also want to make sure my parents have a comfortable retirement, so I want them to have a place on our property. I know the Universe is helping me to achieve these things.
In response to millionairemaria’s comment: G’day Maria, Yes, I would love to chat, via e-mail, messenger, whichever….It’s always healthy for the soul in finding like-minded spiritual friends!!! Ohhhh….yes, I love horses too!!! Have had a few in my time, still have one down in Port Macqaurie. I’m not sure of how to get my e-mail address to you, but Lee has it and will give the “hotmail” address to you. I look forward very much, in meeting you on a more personal level, With love, light and protection, Judiann xxxooo
In response to unicorn’s comment: G’day Unicorn, Just wondered how you are going?? Are you still feeling inspired, and is your weight still disappearing, and are you still on a financial gain? I’m doing so well, that I am with with no time on my hands at all now, not since all of my affirmations have come to fruition all at once!!! Amazing!! Miracles are REAL, it’s just simply knowing how to create them. I hope this finds you in good health, happiness and prosperity, With love, light and protection, Judiann xxxooo
In response to Sarvaga1’s comment: My dear Johan, I love the positivity with which you speak. I haven’t heard from you in a while, and was just wondering how things are going for you?? I’m sorry I haven’t sent you anything recently, but I’ve been so very blessed with all of my affirmations, coming into fruition all at once!!! It’s so very exciting!! I surely hope that yours are too!! Until I hear from you again, go with love, light and protection, Judiann xxxooo
In response to freygan’s comment: G’day Freygan, Have you started writing the book that you feel inside of you, yet? How are the horses and the other animals? How is the job going, working from home? Sorry I haven’t contacted you for a while, but I’ve just been so enjoyably busy, with all of my affirmations, coming into fruition all at once!! It’s so very exciting, and I am hoping that these things are happening for you also. Until I hear from you again, go with love, light and protection, Judiann xxxooo
Hi Judiann,
It’s been awhile since we chatted - everyone’s been off the air a bit during the festive season. I’m on here updating my affirmations in preparation for the New Year and the wonderful things that 2008 is bringing into my life. I release all negative from my life and choose to focus only on the positive and all the abundance in the world! I am unlimited in every facet of my life and I know the Universe is responding to this vibration. I have a strong desire to help others and am so excited about the journey on which I embark. One of my goals is to be a leader and inspire others and I believe that my determination to succeed will be inspiration within itself. I am sure you have had a wonderful Christmas and that the New Year will bring many more wonderful things to you. Just wanted to send you a message to say ‘hi’ and wish you a very Happy New Year! To our success, joy, love, inspiration! Much peace and love
Maria xoxo
G’day there my dear Maria…. I do hope that you are happy, healthy and prosperous! I’m sorry not to have been in touch earlier, but I have been busy moving, studying, crook with a virus, AND becoming a grandmother! My daughter, Katie, gave birth to a little girl 6lb. 5oz. on 26th. June, and named her Summer Lily. I haven’t even seen her yet, in the flesh… only photos. I’ve had the flu through all of this, and didn’t want to contaminate Kate, Summer and the hospital! I hope to see her within the next 2-3 days. How are your horses? And how is your business going… blooming I’m sure!? Take care of yourself Maria… hope to catch up with you soon. With love, light and protection, Jude xxxooo
Hi Its nice to meet u. Your affirmations as well as your introduction is really inspiring and motivating. May i too have some valuable tips to attract good in my life also, really, i’m always confusing with the mess thats surrounding around me. Even though, i’m always affirming positive words, when comes to reality, nothing comes according to my wishes. One good thing is that I love to help others as well and wanted to do something within my limits apart from growing spiritually, but don’t know how to reach my goals.Shower your blessings on me also and hope to receive your valuable message. Regards radhi
G’day there Radhi… I just LOVE all of your affirmations! My tip to you is, to be rid of that mess in your life so you can concentrate, and put all of your efforts into the wonderful affirmations that you have created. Everything will come to fruition, as soon as you expel all of the built up negative energy you are currently experiencing in your life. The positive will always overpower the negative, so give it a shot! You WILL reach your goals, if this is what you honestly want! The Universe has already set everything in motion for you. You don’t need my blessings, you have plenty…. it’s right there in front of you Rahdi. So nice to meet you Rahdi…. take care… until then, Jude xxx ooo :)
G’day Freygan… How wonderful to hear from you! This big adventure called “LIFE” is amazing, eh? It’s incredible what we can create with our minds! It’s all cosmically ordered by us with our thoughts! Things are sublime for me! Life is wonderful! Too much to tell you in this short post. How is your son? I hope you are still enjoying your home and you life! I would love to know more about your BIG adventure too! How many of your affirmations have been validated?….. With love, light and protection… Jude xxx ooo :)
G’day dear Jehannamama,
Thank you for your kind words…. I only do unto others as I would have them do unto me! And yes… we are all ‘ONE’… we come from the ‘ONE’! The Universe is using me the way it should, I am not the blessing, the Universe is, but how nice of you to give me such accolades! Thank you! xxx And I love the fact that you have befriended me, and I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.
With love, light and Protection, Jude xxx ooo
Hello Judiann
My name is Johnny, I’d love for you to check out my profile and I have a proposition for you…
I have a website that I am adding articles to, and I’d love you to maybe write something for me about Cosmic Ordering…?
My site’s called
Let me know what you think, whether it’s something you would consider…?
All my best
G’day there Johnny…. How nice to here from such a wonderful positive person! I checked out your profile and was notably impressed! Further more… I checked out your website… and was again more notably impressed! lol…I’d love to help in any way I can Johnny… I’m here for you… just give us a yell, and let me know what you would like. Have you checked out my web? Great to make a friend in you Johnny, With love, light and protection, Jude xxx ooo
Awwww … how sweet Enchanted! You are more than welcome to communicate with me, and by all means feel comfortable asking me any questions you wish! The day I “surrendered” my soul and my life, was the most enlightening experience of my life … i have been blessed with countless miracles since. This is the 7th. anniversary of my “Surrender”, and every Christmas I get a ‘special’ miracle from the Universe as a ‘gift’ … I just got one last week! Too much to talk about in a mere response to your comments, but I hope I can tell you more as time goes by. Lee has asked me to write a few things in this site, but I’ve just graduated from a course I was studying only 4 days ago. This is a time to breathe again, and re-group self … so bear with me, and I should be up and running once more in about a week’s time! LOL
Very nice to meet you, and I hope to hear from you soon, With love, light and protection, Jude xxx ooo
Crickey Cookieman! I have never heard this song before … My guides have translated this as being:- “Live every moment of your life in the “NOW” moment. Stop and smell the roses of life …. and that in perspective of life -v- eternity; is such a short time indeed. Do what matters most in your heart and travel lightly. Do not burdon yourself with trivia, and live your OWN life; not the life of another.”
I hope this helps you Cookieman, With love, light and protection, Jude xxx ooo
In response to esther1010’s comment: Hello Esther, Thank you for your lovely message, and it’s so nice to meet you. I hope you are confidant in your affirmations … they work well that way. It’s nice to know how you feel about love, friendship and true beauty … you are making a better world for others with this philosophy. With love, protection, and light, Judiann
Hello =)
Sharing the love, passion and power of affirmations, we invite you to get an early look at an application to be released later this month.
The application mixes positive affirmations into your favorite music, anytime, anywhere. Truly making affirmations a practice that is easy & fun to use everyday.
When released, our bmindful friends that have registered early will receive a free year subscription.
Check it out, if ya like what ya see, sign up early, it’s free
Live well!
49 posts
We are all “ONE”: What we do to or for another, we do to or for ourselves.