Coming Soon.
What a wonderful long list of affirmations you have there!! I look forward to hearing how some of your affirmations come to fruition. Stay focused and just go with the flow … all things happen at precisely the right moment … the Universe has a funny way of giving you just what you need right at the ‘perfect’ time! With love, light and protection, Judiann xoxoxo ;)
9 posts
Hi blsmsw (how is that pronounced??)
Thanks for the friend add. These are some excellent affirmations!
Looking forward to hearing about your progress and experiences with this…
Love&Gratitude, Ilana
PS - re: “I will get pregnant this month”…well, I hope you don’t really intend to get pregnant every month :-) You might want to reword a bit - something like “I intend to get pregnant at the perfect time and experience a healthy, comfortable pregnancy and birth” - or something along those lines. Babies will come to us when they want ;-)