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Pure Essence's Profile

Forum Posts:307
Profile Views:16848
Location:New Zealand
Last Seen:on 16/11/2024
mindful Since:January 2008

Doreen Virtue - “The angels are with us as a gift from our Creator, and their aim is to establish peace on Earth, one person at a time working wing-in-hand.”

Louise Hay - “In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I live in harmony and balance with everyone I know. Deep at the centre of my being, there is infinite well of love. I now allow this love to flow to the surface. It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being, and radiates out from me in all directions and returns to me multiplied. The more love I use and give, the more I have to give. The supply is endless. The use of love makes me feel good; it is an expression of my inner joy.

I love myself; therefore, I take loving care of my body. I lovingly feed it nourishing foods and beverages, I lovingly groom it and dress it, and my body lovingly responds to me with vibrant health and energy.

I love myself; therefore, I provide for myself a comfortable home, one that fills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in. I fill the rooms with the vibration of love so that all who enter, myself included, will feel this love and be nourished by it.

I love myself; therefore, I work at a job I truly enjoy doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities, working with and for people I love and who love me, and earning a good income.

I love myself; therefore, I behave and think in a loving way to all people for I know that which I give out returns to me multiplied. I only attract loving people in my world, for they are a mirror of what I am.

I love myself; therefore, I forgive and totally release the past and all past experiences, and I am free.

I love myself; therefore, I live totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good and knowing that my future is bright and joyous and secure, for I am a beloved child of the Universe, and the Universe lovingly takes care of me now and forever more. All is well in my world.”

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Pure Essence is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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Pure Essence's 163 Affirmations

Pure Essence has over 50 positive affirmations. Click here to see all 163

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1 post

Hello Dee,

I am new to this concept of affirmations. I was browsing through user profiles and I found your’s. You seem to really believe in the power of positive affirmations. I would like to know if you had any good results in the past and possibly on what aspects.

Good luck with your affirmations in the future Thanks

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Pure Essence
116 posts

Hello Vlambert, thankyou for your post, yes I really do believe in the power of positive affirmations, been positive and believing in them really does work.

I was around negitive energy for 8 years, I was hearing negitive stuff every 2nd day, not good at all, it drained me so much I lost myself, the boundries I set for others were not respected and everytime I was postive about myself and life in general, they would be negitive about it. It made me angry that these people were treating me like they were.

After I parted from those negitive energys, I realised I was not a fault at all, it was them that had a sickness, they tried to manulipate me into believing I was a nothing and that I was worthless, hearing negitive stuff all the time made me sort of believe that I was, thou my head of positiveness was saying that I wasnt, kinda confused me and I got tired of having my mind going around in circles all the time. I had to find something urgently to help set my mind at ease cause I knew I was making myself ill, I felt it inside.

I forced myself to believe in positive affirmations and self help books cause I knew I deserved EVERYTHING and I worthly of it all! I dont settle for less, I settle for more. I grabbed everything and anything I liked. I loved fulling myself up with the words, it gives me such a boost to say to myself that I have what I have as though I have it. My mind is now at ease. Sure alittle negitive comes into my mind thou I just think of another favourite affirmation “Thank you for sharing, I release you with love”.

I go with the flow of things, listening to body and mind, totally surrendered it the process I am with working on myself.

I feel so good in the morning when I wake from a day of postive and negitive things, I know I can tackle it with confidence and poice, I love the challenge and it is so mind blowing.

Lousie Hay - The Power is Within You, I read her books really hard out, absorbing everything she said, she is amazing. I also read another book called The Verbal Abusive Relationship - How to recognise and how to respond by Patricia Evans, that book was truely a calling, I was just at the library looking around for something to read, I didnt know what, then all of sudden it just jumped out at me, it was then I realised that the affirmation “Everything I need to know is revealed to me in the perfect time sequence.”

Just grab everything that is positive you see, if you like what you are reading, take it! If you like doing positive things do it! You are meant to have it, you deserve it and you are worth it!

If you see anything that jumps out at you from my affirmations vlambert, take it cause I want you to have it!

Kindest regards Dee

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4 posts

Hi Dee Yes, I loved your affirmations, especially the colour one as I am working with colour and aura-soma a lot at the moment. I send you love, light, joy and happiness! xxoo

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33 posts

Hi, I love your affirmative, wishing you more positive energy

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8 posts

Hi Dee, Your affirmations are so good. The way you’ve explaind about becoming a positive energetic person is really inspiring. Sometimes, even I’m facing the same situation with others as u face, now I can overcome those situations with d steps u’d suggested. Thanx and wish u goodluck.

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41 posts

Hello :) Thanks for sharing your story, it echoes some of mine. In knowing and experiencing what we don’t want, I can see clearly what I do.


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2 posts

Hey Dee,

I read the answer you wrote to my brother vlambert and thats a great testimony of the of auto-suggestion. Can you give me a glimpse of the way you repeat them to yourself (ie: how many of them a day and how many times a day) ?




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Pure Essence
116 posts

In response to radhi’s comment:

Thank you radhi for your comments “big cuddle”, I love your affirmations, they are so neat! I felt your warmth as a person whilst I was reading, you have so much positive energy coming from within, you deserve everything, I wish you many great things, kindest regards Dee

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Pure Essence
116 posts

In response to freygan’s comment:

Thankyou freygan for your comments and also adding me as a friend, I would very much like to be your friend, this site is truely a calling aint it, just knowing that there are people believing in themselves and knowing that they worthly of everything makes it real for me to keep at my affirmations. Positive outweighs the negitive for sure! Kindest regards Dee

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Pure Essence
116 posts

In response to Yang_Energy’s comment:

Awesome Yang_Energy! I read your affirmations and I was most impressed by them, especially your first affirmation, that in truth would have to be my first affirmation I said to myself after leaving behind the negitive energys.

I do mine affirmations when I head off to bed, I pick out ones that stand out for me at the time, sometimes it different from the previous night, depending on how I am feeling, and what I am wanting to hear. My head is thinking positive affirmations during the day too, I carry affirmations in my purse, when I have a free chance I take it out and read them, I share my affirmations to my children, I try to say heaps of positives all the time and anytime. I just go with flow of how I am feeling and how I feel comfortable with myself and the situation I am in.

I reckon you are doing the right way with your affirmations, Keep it up with yours no matter when you do them, do them when you feel like doing them, just go with the flow of how you are feel and how you feel comfortable, do what makes you feel right, if you feel like saying heaps and heaps in a day, do it, any way you do them is the right way.

I believe we deserve everything that everyone has got that we dont have, we are worthly of everything. What we ask for will happen, I believe it starts of small then gradually works it way up to the top, its like a ladder, taking small steps at a time.

I forgot to comment in my story that I first started working on myself first, before I started with the more intense affirmations. There were alot of things I didnt hear my parents or adults say to me when I was young. I decided to say those things to me first, I just started with the basics of I am cute, I am arty, I am talented, I am bright, I am cheerful, I am smart, I am soft, I am tender, I am kind, I am caring, I am bubbly, I am cuddles, I am honest, I am pretty, I am clever, I am special, I am unique, I am genuine, I am true, I am me, etc etc, I worked through a thesaurus of all the words that was ever said about a person, boy what a enlightenment I got! I was certaintly walking up in the clouds, I had a healing that totally blew me away, the confidence I felt in myself was truely amazing. Positive words work, it good for your soul!

Keep up with your affirmations Yang_Energy, you are certaintly heading in the right direction.

Kindest regards Dee

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8 posts

Hi Dee Thanx for responding so kindly and also I feel great to be added as your friend. Thanx once again. Regards Radhi

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33 posts

Each time i go through your affirmations. I feel so much positive energy within.Thank you for being there

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24 posts

Hi, Dee. Glad to hear from you. how are doing? Positive affirmations are the only way I know I can create what I want out of life. To me it is my soul’s food. Just as I feed my physical body with nourishment to maintain health, I feed my inner being with positive affirmations to nurture its wellness. And my physical world reveals this goodness to me.The result is everything around me becomes harmonious. There is the saying that: “Inspired thought is vital if harmony is to be attained.” Positive affirmations bring out harmony in my life. The point is keep on keeping on with positive affirmations and your experience will be better off for it. It serves you well!

best of regards. Philip.

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Pure Essence
116 posts

In response to Philip’s comment:

Awesome Philip “big cuddle” thankyou for sharing with me! Everything is going really well, I am enjoying my every waking day with love. So true in what you say, positive thoughts are the only way to creating what you want out of life. I get such a buzz out of saying my affirmations, the energy I feel inside is quite overwhelming. A way I best get out of my affirmations is listening to my favourite music whilst mediating at the same time its quite holy, my soul just spins around and around inside, its pretty amazing.

This site is the best! Thankyou for been a true friend 000xx000

Kindest regards Dee

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100 posts

Hi Dee,

I’m Maria from Australia and I have loved reading through your profile and affirmations, they are fabulous!

I love meeting like-minded individuals who believe in the power of the Universe and positive thinking.

Are you on Facebook Dee? I am in the Australia network and always love meeting new friends. Feel free to add me, my name is Maria Pirona.

Make it a great day, you deserve it!


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41 posts

Hi Dee, I just added you on my twitter list! It’s addictive… I’m getting toward the 1000 mark for updates on twitter… it’s taken me a good part of a year to do that!

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31 posts

Hi Dee, thank you, thank you, thank you, for commenting on my profile. Yours was the very first comment that I’ve received and it feels great to be communicating with someone here for the first time. I live for positive comments about words that I have written, spoken or translated into a picture because I create them for that very reason - to touch people, and to encourage them while at the same time encouraging myself…Giving truly is receiving. May you receive all the good that you wish for, today and always Dee. -Linda

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82 posts

Hi dee i hope you dont mind but id like to add an affirmation of yours to my profile; MY CHILDREN DESERVE GREAT THINGS. I ALLOW GREAT EXPERIENCES TO FILL THEIR LIVES. However as i only have one child mine will need to say MY DAUGHTER DESERVES GREAT THINGS. I ALLOW GREAT EXPERIENCES TO FILL HER LIFE. When I read the affirmation just now I knew I had to add it.This will help our children to grow into happy adults

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59 posts

Hi Dee,I’ve added you to my friends list because you are one the most positive people here at bmindful.You have a great list,I’ve added some of them to my affirmations list.You and imaginearea(Linda) are my inspiration for a positive attitude.I love to see other moms that really care about the future of their children.Hope to get to know you better.Peace and love to you and yours.Dawn

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44 posts

I woke up this morning needing inspiration and found your name. Thank you so much for being you and giving me that boost that I needed today. Your words are so inspiring. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

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Pure Essence
116 posts

To all my Bmindful Friends, not far are you from my thoughts, I surround myself with all your positive energy, feeling at peace knowing you are all totally amazing people! I am sorry for not been there for you with messages, know within your hearts that I am thinking of you and I wish you all the very best of everything for the coming year!

Sending you love and light to Laurie, Wpmama, John, Johnny, David, Dawn, EarthGirl, Imaginearea, Jgwprincess, Krishna Priya, Maria, Shemmy, James, Best78, Luminol, Nehal, Shbous, M’Favoured, Johnny Mothman, Philip, Radhi, Freya, Joff, Iamamagnet, Vlambert, Starley and too you Lee Nutter and Melt86, thankyou for giving us this site to share our dreams and aspirations with others.

KIndest regards Denise

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267 posts

Hello Pure Essence,

It is always a pleasure reading your posts. I, too, am a 42 year old mother of five children. My favorite authors include Louise Hay and Shakti Gawain. I haven’t heard of Rosemary, but I am going to search her name in our local library and learn!! Thank you for the recommendation!!

I would love to learn more about how you move energy (spinning, I think you called it). I am just coming into my spiritual life and feel like I am just a baby learning how to be a human.

You are a very beautiful person and are quite uplifting. I feel the loving energy ooze from each word that you write. Thank you. :)

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Hello. You sure are lucky to live in New Zealand. I would love to see that place. Say hello to Peter Jackson and all the Middle Earth folk for me.

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Just a quick hello wishing you great things(:

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37 posts

Hey your a sweetie, what part of NEW Zealand are you from??

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You owe it to yourself to read LOTR. It is such a beautiful work. Peter Jackson did a good job with the films, but the books are even better. Tolken created such a rich and vivid world and filled it with characters that you fall in love with. When you reach the end of the books you don’t want them to end. Tolken was a linguist, I guess that’s what you call it, he studied languages. He actually created languages for the book. A truly majestic work. Something great made by man like the Mona Lisa, or Beethoven’s Fifth if you know what I mean.

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Hi Dee. It’s 2:25 am here. I just woke up and jumped on the computer for a minute. Gonna hit the hay again and try to get back to sleep. I’m glad you are gonna read the books. Let me know what you think. Did you ever read the Hobbit? The Ring was introduced briefly in that book. The Hobbit is written more for children and grown ups like me, but it is much shorter.

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I went to bed early and woke up about three hours with a song hook in my head. What do you think?

…and God said Label your coffins within this class You’re drinkin’ your coffee a bit too fast Stop wastin’ your time sone, it’s gonna’ pass Time to look up ‘cause it just won’t last!

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HI PE! How’s it going down there on your side of the world? I sure hope I get to visit your country some day.

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Hi PE! Hope all is going well down there! Just stopped by to say hello. Have you started LOTR yet! I’m thinking of reading it AGAIN! The world has gone insane and I think I could use a little mental vacation.

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75 posts

Nice to met you. Feel as though after reading your profile that I’ve met someone real.

To augement your positive daily affirmations check out which sells affirmation charms.

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Vivi is ???
24 posts

Hi Pure Essence - you sound like a beautiful person when I read your profile and comments you make. I needed a lift today and went to my favourite site. What part of NZ are you in? My Dad is over there now tramping for a month lucky bugger! I went to NZ maybe 15 yrs ago and walked the Kepler & Routeburn tracks and the memories stay with me. I too have been praying for rain down South, and no more rain up in Northern Queensland. Love to you, Viv

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Hi PE! Just dropping by to say hello. I hope all is well with you. Drop me a line and let me know how you’re doing.

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I haven’t heard from you lately! Everything okay?

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267 posts

Hi Pure Essence~ I LOVE your Avatar!! I am a “cat-aholic” myself. I cannot get enough of the little buggers! :)

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179 posts

In response to meditatingmama’s comment: LOL I’ve just come to Dee’s profile to comment on her avatar! I love it too!

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Haven’t heard from you lately and just wanted to check in and say hello. Hope all is going well down there. P.S. Please find me a smart, funny, beautiful, rich, New Zealand girl who wants to marry a complete stranger from the U.S. so I can get a NZ passport and move down there. I’m growing weary of the U.S.

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66 posts

Hello! Thanks for your greeting. I also want to thank you for the Louise Hay excerpt. I think I’ve seen it before but it seems to have been brought to my attention again for a good reason. Some challenges may be overcome if I use more love as my vehicle. Have a fabulous day! Sincerely, Jan

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I’m so glad you are finally gonna’ get to read my favorite book of all time! It will take you away from the troubles of this world. Man, I wish I lived in Middle Earth.

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Have you started LOTR yet? We’ll have to have a nice discussion about it when I get to NZ!

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7 posts

Hi there, I am new here, but wanted to say hello. My parents have property in New Zealand and my step mom is a Kiwi herself! Love this sight, see you in the forums :)


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I’m looking forward to coming over there. I have so much to do. I don’t have to have a visa if I’m gonna stay less than three months. I think I’ll get over there first, and then find out about staying. I’m sure I will like it. There are some really good deals on flights right now. I’m tempted to wait until your spring rolls around, but I want to go so bad I don’t think I’m gonna wait. I’m planning on selling my scooter over here, and then buying a new one over there. I found that there is a dealer in Auckland that has some used scooters. I’ll rig something up on it so I can take a tent and sleeping bag and stuff on the back. (Hopefully!) I also found out that if it is less than 50 cc’s I don’t need a license for it. I also am thinking of taking a video camera with me and documenting my travels, that way I might could make a little documentary.

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32 posts

pureessence you are a gem of a woman what a great profile. Your children are blessed as well by having you for their mom. It’s good to know loving people like you are now creating children who will be someday a president or someone who will invent something to heal people and their lives. They are greatness waiting to happen!

Peace, Mary

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Hi PE, haven’t heard from you lately. I hope all is well.

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I hope all is going well, haven’t seen you around much lately.

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267 posts

Hello Pure Essence, I have just returned after a two week vacation, so I thought I would drop by and say “hello”.

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106 posts

You are an inspiration Dee! Keep strong and may you continue to grow in wisdom and openness to the wonders this universe has to offer. You are the pure essence of living life on life’s terms. Good on you! Love, smiles and blessings, Anoushka ;o)

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181 posts

Hi Dee, just read your post and I am so happy for you. You are very courageous. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Lots of love, Afi

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181 posts

Lovely new avatar, I can smell them :-)

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106 posts

Hi Dee! Just stopping by to wish you a wonderful day. Keep smiling! ;o)

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106 posts

That is sooo weird. We were writing on one another’s profile at the same time! Thankyou for you lovely message! Big Hugs! How bizarre!!! telepathy???

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106 posts

Hi Dee. Thankyou for your birthday wishes. I had a wonderful birthday weekend. It was good to come back to the computer and see the lovely messages posted on the site. God bless you always, A ;o)

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Hello Dee, I love your new bio(:

You sound wonderful! Much love and best of the best always!! hugs hugs hugs hugs(:

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Pure Essence
116 posts

Oh wow Laurie!!! Thankyou so much for your lovely words :-) Big Cuddle.. cuddle.. cuddle…kiss xxx00xxx Sending much love and thoughts to you always

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267 posts

Hi ~ I just saw your new update. Beautiful pic!! You sound so much better now and I can see the healing beginning. You rock, girl!!

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Vivi is ???
24 posts

Hi Dee - nice to see you around - your family are so lucky to have you - have a beatiful day. Vivi xxx

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Pure Essence
116 posts

Hi MM :) Big cuddle xxx thankyou for the compliment, things are going extremely well, so very happy :) so sorry I not been around on for awhile, I only manage to check in regularly for my daily shot of affirmations, one day soon I will find the time to catch up xxxx

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Pure Essence
116 posts

HI Vivi :) Big cuddle for you too xxx Thankyou for saying my family is lucky to have me, that is so nice to say :), kids and I are very happy, got alot stronger and wiser now hehehe

Hope things are going extremely well for you and your family :) xxx

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Pure Essence
116 posts

Letting everyone know that you are all in my thoughts, not a day goes by that I dont think of you and wonder what you are all doing. Love you all lots xxxooxxx

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Hello Dee! You sound wonderful! Thinking of you(:

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55 posts

Hi my name is Cuqui I just sign up today.Later on in the evening I will expore more this site and become familiar with it.Blessings.

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55 posts

In response to themadcookieman’s comment: Hi Themadcookieman.I hope today finds you well and that all that your heart desire for this New Year 2010 is starting to come true for you “NOW.”I was reading through the site (I will read your site later on since I have to be headed out soon to do a few things.)And it was what you posted on 1/23/09 about a song? and it stayed in my mind.Can you tell me about it.I really like it.I love all kind of music.There is so much more to share but I will soon do that.I am still getting use to the site trying to figure it all out.I know for sure it will get easier as I go along.I have added you as a friend.Sending blessings to you.Cuqui (I use to write it” Cookie “before.)lol :) I would really like to hear your music.Where can I listen to it?

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55 posts

Hi Pure Essence, I hope all that you desire in this New Year 2010 is coming true for you “NOW” Thanks for the kind words you send me.Remember you are never alone for God is always with you and yours every step of the way.All the best to you and yours.Cuqui.(Sounds like cookie.)Oops I send a comment to Themadcookieman to your site,I posted a new comment on his site to let him know it’s on your :)Take care.

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55 posts

P.S.Still trying to figure out the site.

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12 posts

Hello Pure essence , it’s great to know, that you and your kids are enjoying each and every day. May peace , harmony and love always be part of your lives.

Have a great year

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Pure Essence
116 posts

In response to egghead’s comment:

OH thank you so much Egghead!!! A pleasure to have you as my friend…May peace, harmony and love always be part of your lives as well :) Kindest regards always Denise xxxoooxxx

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Hi PE, I haven’t seen you on in a while and just wanted to say hello. How are things going on the other side of the world?

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Pure Essence
116 posts

Hi there MCM :) Things are going extremely well over this side of the world hehe, things all clicking into place nicely and very busy…Hope things are going really well for you too…kindest regards Denise xxxoooxxx

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66 posts

Hellooooo Pure Essence! It is so good to see that you are doing so well. You are a testiment to the effectiveness of mindful living, positive affirmations and self love. FABULOUS! I hope you’ll be popping in with your good medicine, humor and love often.:) Love, Jan

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167 posts

hi ,i just want to thank you for such an inspiringprofile ,i love the way you found your inner strength and decided how you wanted to live and grow .Your children are blessed to have such a posotive role model .love flowergirl

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4 posts

Hi thanks for your support, infact while you posted me a post i was reading your affirmations and they are brilliant affirmations . i have noted down few of your affirmations for myself. thank you very very much!!!!

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Hello Dee..Thinking of you…Wishing you wonderful things!

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Pure Essence
116 posts

HI ya Laurie! Thank you so much for your loving kind thoughts! You are always in my thoughts xxx :) xxx

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167 posts

hi ,its great to see you popping in and hear how you are doing .Im so proud of you for all you are achieving - its not easy being a single parent but it is rewarding ,lots of love flowergirl

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82 posts

Hi Dee. loving the new avatar you have. :) LOve sharon

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82 posts

Hi Dee I just sent you a message on my profile by mistake, lol.

It was to tell you how brilliant I am feeling since leaving a job that was making me unhappy.

BTW congratulations on training to be a teaching aid I am sure you will get much joy from it. Love sharon :)

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Dee, Here’s to all you want for yourself and your family. You sound so wonderful! You know what you want for yourself..and I know your journey is always evidence of that(:

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Pure Essence
116 posts

In response to R-R- Free Spirit’s comment:

HI there RR Free Spirit :) Thank you for your kind words xxx ! You have given me a beaming smile xxx ! Wishing you the very best for this year and wishing you all that you desire to come true xxx

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Pure Essence
116 posts

In response to R-R- Free Spirit’s comment:

You sound wonderful as well!! I just read your profile, you have so many awesome positive friends! Very awesome indeed xxx !

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so glad you’ve stopped by! How are you?!!! sending hugs and lots of love!

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Pure Essence
116 posts

Im so glad I stopped by too :) its been awhile !!! Everything all going good here, family is well and happy xoxo I can see much better on my computer than on my phone hehe Can’t wait to catch up with new affirmations and some more :)

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Hi PE, great to see you on the site. Drop me a PM and lets catch up a bit(:

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Hello Pure Essence! so happy to see you dropping by!!!

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