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Premium Member Downloads

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Your premium bmindful membership comes bundled with all sorts of extra goodies and features that will help you accelerate your success with affirmations. This page lists the downloads you’ve unlocked by upgrading your bmindful account.


The Dharma Of Compassion
This book, written by bmindful member dharmadude is about contemplative spirituality - the journey one takes, as he or she tries to navigate the sea of everyday experiences with greater awareness, gentleness and compassion.

It directs us away from the realm of beliefs, attitudes, illusions and perceptions, and toward a clearer understanding of the lasting truths that open us to a new experience of a love we never imagined possible.

Usually $9.95 in digital format, 100% FREE for premium bmindful members! Alternatively you can buy either The Dharma Of Compassion or Gurudas’ new book Awakening in either digital or paperback format by visiting this page.

Download The Dharma Of Compassion Now!


250 Proven Positive Affirmations
There’s literally thousands of affirmations on bmindful. Casually wading through this huge list of affirmations, you’d be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed and confused. How do you know which affirmations work? Separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.

This short report does just that! It’s a downloadable list of the top 250 positive affirmations on bmindful. The tried and true, the most tested, the 250 most proven positive affirmations on the entire site.

This report is updated monthly so make sure you check back regularly!

Download 250 Proven Positive Affirmations - December 2008 Edition


Chapter 4 of Think and Grow Rich
The entire “Think And Grow Rich” book is fantastic and if you haven’t read it then I encourage you to go out and purchase it today! It is by far the most quoted and referenced self development book on the face of the earth, and it’s worth reading at least once a year.

Don’t have time to read the whole book? When it comes to affirmations, there is a shortcut! Chapter 4 is on ‘Autosuggestion’ - the basis of affirmations. Reading this short chapter is sure to boost your faith in affirmations and multiply the extent of your success, whilst slashing the amount of time it takes to get you there.

Download Chapter 4 of Think and Grow Rich


Leveraging Affirmations with Affirmonyms
Phil spent over 20 years as a Marine before reentering the civilian workplace. During this time he’s studied altered states (Alpha, Beta, Theta) positive thinking, and is very well versed in positive affirmations.

During his studies, Phil discovered a powerful new way of using affirmations, he’s called them “Affirmonyms” and has released this ebook which details not only the creation and use of affirmonyms but also the reasons why they are so effective.

Leveraging Affirmations with Affirmonyms also goes beyond Affirmonyms and includes some amazing tips and advanced techniques for getting the most out of your affirmations.

Read this Ebook to instantly benefit from his years of knowledge and outside of the box thinking. Make sure you leave your thoughts in this thread after you’ve finished!

Download ‘Leveraging Affirmations with Affirmonyms’ Ebook

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˚ Calm Achiever Hippiegirl