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aftab's Profile

Forum Posts:418
Profile Views:8390
Last Seen:on 13/05/2010
mindful Since:December 2008

Hi, I am persian, have been living and working in various places and countries. I enjoy visiting new places, meeting new people and getting to know different cultures. I strongly believe in the power of affirmatins and visualisations. I often use affirmatins as a tool to control my (negative) thoughts. Currntly I am focusing on my relationships with other people. My last move, which is to Swizterland showed me that I am not as open and easy going as I used to be, to build strong friendships.

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aftab is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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aftab's 16 Affirmations

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Thanks for adding me as a friend and for listening to some of my music. Glad to have you here!

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Where are you originally from? I’ll have to tell you my Switzerland story stometime!

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Hope you’re dancing! (smiles)

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181 posts

In response to laurie’s comment: :-) almost time to go to bed for me now……………would be too much action :-D

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In response to aftab’s comment: “I found this just for you”:

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181 posts

In response to aftab’s comment: Wow that is beautiful. Thank you soooo much.

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49 posts

Big hello across from the Atlantic! Hope i find you well. My name is Julie & i’m 24. I’m also of Persian descent! I didn’t know that Persians still existed until i heard of some in an audience, a few years ago. I love Persian Kebabs! I added you as a friend and enjoyed your recent post. Take care, Jules

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Hey, great to have you here too! I have not read anything by louise hay but i’ll check out some of her affirmations. What are they based on? I cannot send you tons of energy, because i have none. :p Warm luv, Jules

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49 posts

Thanks for the suggestion. I read a review on amazon that said the book was “blaming children born with cerebral palsy as having caused their condition” Is this true? True, “High scores of neuroticism and introversion on psychological tests have also been linked with a predisposition to developing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.”(-wikipedia) I hardly beleive i’ve been the victim of such a disposition. I’m sure she’s used some good quotes. I blame a lot of conditions on Hededitry.

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49 posts

hederitary, sorry

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49 posts

Hey! I hope you have a good weekend and that your body repairs itself. I too suffer from all types of chronic allergies. Shots have worked so has building an immunity to food. I hope that your affirmations work also.‘hederitary’ means prone to disease because of your parents dna. All the best with your estime. I guess i have to work on those ones too.

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49 posts

Lol, i never posted a numerolagy site, it’s even against my beleifs. I just finished my website called “friendly trends”, you can view it here: Have a good one! (giggles)

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I’m glad, begining of a begining works for you. It makes all fresh starts a celebration. And the beauty of it is, we can always choose fresh starts with wonderful possibilities attached each time. A great day to you!

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267 posts

Thank you for your sweet words on my profile. You made my day!! :)

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Okay, I keep putting this off ‘cause it’s not really that great a story, but here it goes.

Many years ago I stayed in Geneva for a few days. Well, when I arrived there I took a cab to the University of Geneva, where I was staying. Well, one thing that I thought that was so fascinating there was that as I was checking in at the college (at that time young travelers were allowed to stay there like it was a hostel) the girl checking me in was carrying on conversations with five people all at once all in different languages, but I digress.

After checking into my room I decided I would walk back down to the city center so I took off walking willy nilly, just meandering around in what I figured was the right direction. As I walked I found “Rue de Dumas” so I followed it, luckily, in the right direction to the city center. I chose this rode because my last name is Dumas. I saw the Dumas Bistro, but didn’t go in because it looked a little beyond my budget. I walked down beautiful cobblestone streets past windows full of what I am sure were outrageously priced antiques. Finally I got downtown. Well, I started talking to some folks and drinking and shortly found myself on a tour boat heading up the lake to Lusanne (sp?). What a beautiful day, I had started out pretty early in the morning. Now I was pleasantly tipsy! When I arrived in Lusanne, it was mid-afternoon by now, I wound up making my way to a pub there. I met more people and began buying drinks. By that evening I was quite pleasantly drunk in the pub and hadn’t seen anything of the town. I order another round of drink and then realise I have spent all of my money! Well, I was a little embarassed, but not too bad really, I had bought PLENTY of drinks for everyone after all. So someone pays for that round, but now I’m out of money and it is very late and I’m supposed to sleep in another town!!! I leave the pub and find there are no more boats back to Geneva until tomorrow. Okay, so now I’m in Lusanne with no money and no place to sleep. I head to the train station and, luckily, the last train hasn’t left yet, which is good for me because I have a train pass. I take the train back to Geneva and when I get off I realize that I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how to get back to the college and I am still drunk. This is where AMERICAN EXPRESS comes to the rescue. I find an ATM and withdraw some funds, find the ONLY cab left in the whole city and he drives me like a mad man back to the college and I arrive as the sun is rising.

So there you go, that’s my Swiss story for ya’.

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I just re-read my last post, please forgive all the bad grammar! Also, I forgot to mention that I went to Voltair’s home while I was there.

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Vivi is ???
24 posts

Hi Aftab - I’m hoping you have small feet, I’ve seen some pretty big shoeboxes in my time! Good luck with your exceptionally fantastic bookkeeping and may you have plenty of large tax refunds to come (or maybe I should be wishing you pay lots of tax - that would mean you’re making lots of $$$$) Have a wonderful day.

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Vivi is ???
24 posts

I’m a Paulo Coelho fan too! The first book I read was the Alchemist & made me see magic in my life again.

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Did you try blue-mirror?

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I wasn’t sure if you saw my answer to your comment, because it was on my profile. I’ll repeat->if you have questions about blue mirror feel free to private message me. It is a tool that works quickly.

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106 posts

Hey aftab! Looking forward to hearing more inspiring words from you. I love your simple and direct affirmations. They will be ver effective as they are easy to keep in your head. Good luck and abundant blessings to you. Anoushka

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Once again I answered your response on my profile after yours(: Keep trying with the framed blue/white exercise. Once you get it, you won’t believe the quick results. I’ll help you. Just keep telling me, what you’re having trouble with. Maybe, I need to explain it better for you. It’ll happen. We’ll affirm it together(:

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66 posts

Thank you for the nice comment on my avatar. I think it’s a picture of life… I always enjoy your posts and do like your concise and powerful affirmations too. Your years of traveling is something I plan to do in the future. Although exotic, there must be many challenges. Isn’t it wonderful that you have the strength of the universe and your positive living wherever you go! Jan:)

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You have lived so many places! What inspired all of the travel?

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Just saying hello today(: Wishing you well(:

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106 posts

Hi Aftab, Just want to say you are in my thoughts and prayers today. Am so sorry to hear about you recent loss. I wish you peace of mind and strength. Sending love and hugs your way. God bless you. Anoushka xx

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2 posts

Hi Aftab, Thanks for the great message. I red your profile. I love learning from other cultures as well. I actually would like to move to Spain. I love having friends from different countries, each one has so much to learn from. Hey…you take care of yourself and have an awsome day!

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32 posts

Hi Aftab I really liked your profile and added you added you as my friend. I didn’t know how to before and just learned or other wise you would have been added immediately!

“Live as if you expected your prayers to be answered.”

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Thanks for the nice comment. I just posted a doozie! You’re eyes will go blurry if you read it it’s so long!

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17 posts

Aftab, I am muslim, my god is Allah. EFT is emotioanl freedom technic.for more information

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9 posts

Hi Aftab,

Thanks for the comment on my Forum Post :-)

Glad you are here with us on bmindful…very nice affirmations, thanks for sharing!

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Hello Afi, Thanks for your wonderful comment on my forum page. It meant a lot(: (smiles)

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267 posts

Hello Aftab, Just thought I’d send a warm hello. I just got back after two weeks and thought I’d drop by and say “hi”.

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Hello Aftab! Thank you for your comment. Yes, I had not said much in my previous profile, so I wanted to add a little info. I do always enjoy seeing your input in the forums. Thanks for sharing and for your faith and I would like to hear about your use of visualizations sometime. Jan

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106 posts

Hello Aftab! How are you these days? Its a comfort when I see you online at the same time as me! Good to have you hear. What are you reading at the mo? Any more pearls of wisdom to share? Thanks for your message on my profile. Got it a bit late though as I rarely check there for messages - I will now though! Blessings to you. Anoushka ;o)

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5 posts

Thanks so much for your extremely helpful affirmation suggestions. They were all excellent! very helpful! Tim

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106 posts

Hey Aftab! How’s the book? Hope you enjoying it so far! Such colourful and rich text huh?

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Hello Aftab - thankyou for your hugs! Sending hugs backatcha! Take care. A ;o)

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So sorry Afi! I posted a reply on my profile for you! Doh! I identify with you even more now that I know you are a woman!

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Hi Afi, Mum from Mauritius, Dad from Sri Lanka, born in the u.k! ;o)

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Hi! Thanks for being so interested! My name is of Russian origin and apparently means ‘little anna’. Is also have a Polish derivative I believe. What about your name?

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14 posts

Hello Aftab Reading your profile, and seeing that you are living in Switzerland reminded me of my high school days. I went to Switzerland (Zermatt was one of the places) in 1986 with the United States Collegiate Winds Band. The orchestra was comprised of students from all over the US & Canada invited based on competition awards (Solo, duet, trio etc.) It was truly the opportunity of a lifetime for a 16 year old boy from Indianapolis. That was many years ago, we traveled to several countries (France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, England), playing concerts in over a dozen cities. While there were several performances, we also had plenty of downtime - both independent and group tours. Of all that experienced (the people, the cultures,the architecture, the scenery, the history, the food - and the booze. Hey, I was 16 and could order drinks at the Hofbräuhaus!) my time in Switzerland was the most memorable. I found the landscape breathtaking, the people friendly and engaging and everything was so clean - no litter anywhere! Tell me about your experiences there thus far. What cities have you seen, what are you doing there….?

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In response to briankw’s comment: Hi Brian, Winds Band? Is that wind instruments? Is it a Jazzie type of band? Were you also in Montreux? I live close by Montreux and the Jazz festival is starting this friday for two weeks, which is pretty cool and fun.

Your trip sounds wonderful :-) I remember my first trip without family, I was also 16 and went to England, was also loads of fun. I realy like Switzerland, I am pretty much used to the cleanliness, since I am also German having lived there for 20 years. The nature here is stunning. Lake Geneva takes my breath away everytime I look at it, and that’s a few times a day :-) I haven’t been to as many places as I would have liked to, but so far I’ve been all around the lake (lausanne, Geneva and the other towns), Bern, Zuerich and yes Zermat also.

In General I LOVE Europe for all the points you have mentioned.

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82 posts

Hi Afi saw your comment on my profile page. saying hi back hope all is well for you today :)

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In response to briankw’s comment: Hello again aftab. I am new at this forum and after posting my comments to you yesterday, I wasn’t sure that it went through. I’m glad that you had a chance to read them and reply. The band was more of an orchestra, playing classical (Schubert, Beethoven…) It’s been a while now, but it seems that we played a few marches as well to liven things up. I’ve been thinking about that trumpet, and my youth - I haven’t played it more than 10 minutes since I was a kid, although I do still have it in the closet. Have you been to the states? We do have lots of beauty here - abundant lakes, forests, and a very diverse and changing landscape - the Smokeys, Rockies, Grand Canyon, BadLands, Red Wood petrified Forest, Arizona Desert, the Great Lakes, Hawaiian Islands, the Florida Keys…. I could go on and on. I’ve travelled extensively over the years, and I truly appreciate all of the sites and experiences that I’ve been blessed with. Take, care, and thanks or adding me as a friend. Brian

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Aww Afi. You made me blush!! Thanks. ;o)

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267 posts

Thanks, Afi. That is an older picture of my oldest daughter (now 21) and my youngest daughter (now 6) but I love how their personality that just oozes from it.

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Pure Essence
116 posts

Hi Afi! ((big cuddle)) Thankyou so much for your loving words and liking my avator, pink roses are devine! Wishing much love always Dee xxx000xxx

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14 posts

Thanks Aftab. The new job went well yesterday. Take care.

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29 posts

Hi ! Aftab, saw u were online and thought i wld say my hello to you. how r things going on? Big Hugs for big achievements:)- Sonia

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106 posts

Thankyou Sweet Afi for your encouragement, advice and support. You believed in me and so i found strength! In fact it was easier than i thought….. Still cant believe it. Day 7 today after 15years of it!!!! yuk! ;o)

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106 posts

Hey you! You made me blush again. Thanks for your sweet words on my profile. Cant wait to read your contribution to the 90 day thread! ;o)

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How is your 90 day thread progressing? All my prayers and wishes for your success.

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8 posts

In response to bbirishbug’s comment: I have lots of stuff from louise hay, I have the video “you can heal your life” and i have her audio affirmations. I also have her “you can heal your body” book in PDF form. I don’t know how to post but will email to anybody who’s interested. Louise Hay is a champion of her own body. I love her spirit, I use her affirmations when I feel physically down.

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Vivi is ???
24 posts

Thanks Afi - I’d like to be hanging around Bmindful so much more, but of course there are all those OTHER things to do. Hope you’re having a nice summer.

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106 posts

Hi Afi, Thanks for your morning wishes! It cheered me up and made me smile. Been down in the dumps a bit. Need to reflect and reboost my affirmations. Getting sluggish. If I am quiet its because I want to get back to the real me. I will be in and out grabbing inspiration as I go and getting the fixes I need to get back on top! Lots of love and blessings to you. ;o)

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Hey back! Thanks for the welcome.. -Julie

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Hellooo Afi and wishing you a peaceful, happy and wonderful day. Love and blessings to you for making me smile, just by seeing you here! :O)

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82 posts

Thanks for the birthday wishes Afi. Hope you have a great day tomorrow :)

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42 posts

Left a comment for you but it’s on my profile page. Still learning to find my way around here.

What kind of job do you have that lets you travel? Must be exiting & fun to get to do that. I don’t go much anywere :( but I’d like to.

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42 posts

Smile I like your Swiss story. You got lucky….things just clicked for you.

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Never actually seen it snow here. Not cold enough. Melted (where I was) before it even hit the ground. I heard there was more snow in Galveston.

The only time I’ve ever seen snow was far away in the distance on mountains at Yellowstone Nat’l Park. Very dangerous place but beautiful. Taged along with my daughter about 4 yrs ago.

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Thanks for the greeting. I’ve been here all along, just have been in the sidelines, reading, but not posting. Hope all is well in your world.

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27 posts

Aftab is online, another old “Friend”! Hey Aftab!!! Your friend from the start, Sygyzy. I love your affirmations theses days! Check out the new thread one yr of Bmindful!

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2 posts

Thanks. My avatar is a squirrel on a branch. Can’t really tell with the picture so small.

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61 posts

Hi from the Arabian Gulf :-P

aftaab nice to see you around! I see you everywhere here! You’re sooo popular WOW!!

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Did I ever tell you that I really like your affirmations? I had to grab some(:

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You are going to have to teach me the text codes(: I didn’t get the recent one my profile page. It was cute though(:

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61 posts

Thanks for asking..I will be fine..

It means alot that you noticed I don’t show up as much..

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4 posts

Hi Aftab, I live in Boston; although I often think it would be nice to live in Switzerland. I used to go there from time to time. I lived in Paris for a couple of years working at UNESCO and would go to Geneva once in a while. I do work in computers now. What about you? Thank you for contacting me. Take care. - Whit

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61 posts

Aftab, Thank You!

You wont believe how sensitive I am. I trust people, and when they turn out to be not as “good” as I assumed, it crushes my soul. You see, they open my eyes to my own imperfection.

I have to come with an affirmation that fights that, once I figure what that is lol :-)

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11 posts

You guessed right Aftab. Thespis was the first ever actor, hence the term Thespians. That reminds me, I should use it as my handle here on bmindful. Thank you for connecting with me, sending you lots of positive energy.

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66 posts

Dear Aftab, Thanks for the verbal hug! I always try to keep things from being too heavy. Wherever you light seems to shine bright sweet Aftab. Thanks for continuing to flit around bmindful.;) Jan

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1213 posts

Well, hello from Canada, pumpkin! How is Switzerland treating you?

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Love your affirmations, especially, “I live and enjoy this moment, here and now.” Isn’t the present just perfect??? I read in yourprofile that you are not as easy and open to new associations as you once were. I find that I am that way too…That’s something that I will work on. Thanks for the awareness! I had never given it any thought until reading your words. Awarness is revealed in unexpected places, I see.

Blessings to you and yours… .


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Helloooooooooo Afi(: Much love!!!(:

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82 posts

Hey thanks for your coment about my smiley face. I love your smiley sun reminds me of a child having a giggle. :)

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55 posts

Hi! How are you doing this day or night depending on when you read this either way I hope it was a great and fun filled one.Now on to answering your question on”Rituals” I read and I can’t recall where, about opening the door on New Year eve’s if I am not mistaken maybe it is on New Year’s day like you said in your replied to my post.But I decided to start one new tradition of my own since I could not remember how it went.So on the stroke of midnight on New Year eve turning to New Year’s day I opened my front door and said old New Year thank-you but now you most leave to make room for the New Year and then I said welcome New Year bring us many special beautiful etc..things.I hope that answers your question unless now you are more confuse LOL.Blessings.

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Right back at ya’ good lookin’!!!

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Afi, where are you???? Miss you….

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˚ hellooo Bmindful! Blessings!