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wpmama's Profile

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Profile Views:7159
Last Seen:on 13/03/2011
mindful Since:April 2008

I have found that whenever I say my positive affirmations, I light a candle to bring peace around me. It’s kinda like sitting around a campfire but without the gnats! I made a cd with alot of possitive thoughts and had music playing in the background. This is my way of starting my day. I made copies and sent these to my sisters in Utah and my son in Idaho. My sisters listen to it everyday on their way to work. Like Mara said, You can be thinking about all the things you have to do today, all the problems you know will come up, and then I put your positive thoughts cd in. By the time I get to work, I am calm, relaxed and ready to face all. I love listening to positive thoughts that I know will improve my life. Thank you!

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wpmama is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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wpmama's 118 Affirmations

wpmama has over 50 positive affirmations. Click here to see all 118

Comments (19)Comments via RSS

31 posts

I like your blurb…the candles, the positive thoughts on CD, I felt relaxed just thinking about it. I don’t use candles when saying my affirmations but that’s about to change…thank you for reminding me that I can make my affirmation time a more sacred and peaceful time.

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3 posts

Your affirmations are exactly what i need,reading through them has been a great help. I have difficulty expressing myself,so my affirmations are few,thank you.

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52 posts

Thanks so much for your comments on my website! It is a true work of love - something I have felt compelled to do for a long time. It is the greatest reward to have people tell me that they enjoy or find something of use to them on my site! Please visit often!!

I looked at your site. It is wonderful! I am a big candle user, as well. I believe that right scents along with the correct musical vibrations are good ways to achieve a higher spiritual vibrational level. It certainly makes my meditations much more productive and inspiring.

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75 posts

I have added you as a friend but not made any comments. I’ve read your list of affirmations before and added a few to my list. I read them again today and added a few more. It’s interesting how this works. One day certain affirmations appeal to you. Another day some other affirmations appeal to you which I think, is based on lifes experiences. Every day add’s to life’s experiences and thus we become different. Check out my blog by reading my profile. It has some awesome affirmations not seem on this awesome site.

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21 posts

I borrowed some of your affirmations - very inspiring!

I checked out your website and may get an order of a candle or two for my wife at Christmas…

You may be interested in the music and affirmations on my site ( I love to listen to music while I affirm - that’s why I started the site!

I produce all of the music and also do made-to-order affirmations to music as well! J

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21 posts

Thanks for your comment! I appreciate it greatly!


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27 posts

i enjoyed reading your profile and luv your affirmations! i’ll be ‘borrowing” many, most likely. very good idea on listening to the affirmations on way to work or at first awakening. Thats a must do for me. have a wonderful weekend!


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5 posts

good to read about your positive routine :) Mai

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6 posts

Hi wpmama, Thanks for adding me as a friend. Now let me see what great affirmations I can use from your list. Have A Blessed Thanksgiving!

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100 posts

Great affirmations!

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4 posts

Hi! Thank you so much for adding me as a friend! I think it is awesome that you made c.d.’s and sent them to your family. What a good idea! I have been listening to my affirmations at night as I fall asleep. I think they are starting to help! I hope to get to know you better. Have a great day! Jenn

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11 posts

Thank you for adding me as one of your friends. Great idea to make the Cd’s. We will keep in touch. Your website is nice. Pearl

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Mesmeric Surrender
12 posts

Thank you so much for your warm wishes. And I hope the very same for you. May your Holidays be joyous.


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wolf woman
1 post

Making a cd that you can play at any time is an excellent idea. I may try that myself. I’m new to the site and so have a lot to learn about how to incorporate positive thoughts and affirmations into my life on a daily basis. I’m looking forward to learning from you and everyone else.

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66 posts

Hello! Thanks so much for your greeting. Your affirmations bring warm and positive feelings. You are positively dynamically positive as you share with family and friends. Thanks again! Jan

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267 posts

I just ran across your profile and I am happy to find you. I love your ideas. You sound like an extremely resourceful person with beautiful ideas. Thank you so much for sharing!!

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32 posts

wpmama you have such great affirmations. I surely am using them. It’s so wonderful to have a family like ours. Your profile made me really smile today and it really touched my heart because you have taken the time to also help your family have a better life.

“Loving myself heals my life. I nourish my mind, body and soul.”

Peace and happiness, Mary

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Hope all is very well. Enjoying your affirmations. Added you as a friend(:

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Hippiegirl Is Online Right Now! Hippiegirl
167 posts

hi wpmama ,I have just added you as a friend .Sitting with a candle is a lovely way to read,say and listen to affirmations

love flowergirl

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˚sleeping well & waking joyfully Hippiegirl