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imaginearea's Profile

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Location:London, UK
Last Seen:on 27/06/2010
mindful Since:August 2007
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I am a writer, artist and motivational speaker. I am fascinated by everything to do with human potential, the mind: visualisation, affirmations, metaphysics, psychology, spirituality,philosophy. I have recently developed a passion for the internet because it is the best gateway to meet and learn about human beings from all over the world.

I am fascinated by the world and everything in it and the internet feeds my fascination.

I love bmindful…whenever I need a positive ‘fix’ this is my favourite place to come…I feel the love here.

I have another website at, there you will find lots of free images that will motivate and inspire you or even entertain you on the road to making your dreams come true.

Peace and love from imaginearea

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imaginearea is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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imaginearea's 74 Affirmations

imaginearea has over 50 positive affirmations. Click here to see all 74

Comments (24)Comments via RSS

Pure Essence
116 posts

Wow, Ive just read your affirmations and I think they are amazing! Well done and keep it up. You have quite a few that really stand out, awesome The Motivator, kindest regards Dee

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Pure Essence
116 posts

Thankyou for sharing with me and wishing me all the good I wish for, I wish you exactly the same and I am confident all your dreams will come true, kindest regards Dee

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100 posts

Hey there!

I’m Maria from Australia and love your nickname and all that you stand for. Would love to connect with you and network.

Feel free to add me on Facebook, my name is Maria Pirona. If you use MSN, my email is [email protected]

I have my own home business in personal development and I love assisting other people to improve the quality of their lives and start their own businesses.

Have a great day, I look forward to getting to know you.


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15 posts

I am enjoying the clarity and originality of your affirmations. Wonderfull!

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59 posts

You have some really great affirmations.Thanks for sharing.By the way,I tried to check out you’re website,but link doesn’t work.Love and peace .Dawn

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31 posts

Hi Ladybug, I’m glad you like my affirmations. I have just checked both links and I’m sure they work. If you copy and paste them into the URL window at the top of your screen and press the ‘enter’ key on your keyboard they should work. Let me know if you still have difficulty using these links. I’m about to go and look at your profile page and your affirmations…see you there.

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15 posts

Good Afternoon from Orlando! I have won a motorcycle when I was a teen, visualized my way to giving the Valedictorian speech for my 1st doctorate degree (crazy or not, I have 2 doctorate level degress - Medicine - which I practice, and Chiropractic), multiple employment offers almost and sometimes by total accident, or so they seem. The list just goes on, and how it does is amazing to me. I am from a family where neither of my parents graduated from high school, and was not at all wealthy. My father was an auto mechanic, my mother a stay at home mom. In high school I was in the lower third of my class, and somehow graduated #1 in 1 of my doctoral programs and #2 in my medical school class. When I was 22 in 1974, (a little older now) I was teaching and fell sick and while I was recovering, somehow found Napolene Hill’s Book “Think and Grow Rich” and was so moved by it that I incoprporated it as my life map: Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the body can achieve, and other suggestions. As they say, the rest is history. I hope that this helps.

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59 posts

Hi Linda,I watched the secret today and I’m very impressed.I can see where I’ve gone wrong.I haven’t really focused on the visualization part,and focusing on it already being,instead of what I’m wanting.I also found a couple of videos that gave some great tips on visualization.I went to you’re website,actually it’s still in an open tab on my desktop.I’ll be going back after I send this to you.You’re website is beautiful,I love it.I put it in my favorites.I’ve only been using affirmations seriously for about 3 months now.I’ve used subliminal tapes and CD’s for years,sometimes they worked and sometimes not.It has been difficult between my health and my marriage,he’s an alcoholic.Things have been improving since my son moved in a couple of years ago .I don’t know if you follow the news over here,but a couple of years ago New Orleans was hit by a hurricane.My son was there for it.He originally moved back in until he got back on his feet ,but now we’ve started this business.It’s going real good,we get along great and it gives me a goal in life that I really enjoy doing.Now I’m visualizing perfect health,and a very successful business.I want to thank you,you are an inspiration to all you touch I’m sure.Love and Peace to you and yours.Dawn

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6 posts

hi linda, thanks for the encouragement :) i see you and ladybug were talking about “the secret” i’ve watched that too and it really made a difference in my life. the secret is actually the reason why im here in bmindful right now :) anyhoo, i visited your site and i could really use some of your articles there. i’m an art student majoring in visual communications or advertising and i’m looking for inspiration in whatever form … and i have to say, your poems are beautiful :) would you happen to know anything about blogging and web design and all that stuff? i’m really struggling to put an online portfolio :) once again, thank you Linda :)

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20 posts

Thanks for thinking of me, and yes, I will watch the movie today and let you know what I think. I’m for anything that helps me find my focus.


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I just finished watching the first 20 minutes of The Secret. I was familiar with the Laws of Attraction, and I firmly believe in the Laws of Attraction. The clip I saw was very interesting.

The past year has been difficult and I’m ready to turn it around. Friends and family know me to be a happy spirit, and I believe in myself enough to know that I can turn things around.

I want to attract the right partner, and I know he is out there waiting for me.

Thanks for suggesting that I watch the clip. Today is a much better day than yesterday.


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15 posts

Good Evening from Orlando! My day just concluded about 8:00pm - early evening (I started at about 4:30am - don’t ask!) after taking care of Foster Care Children for Orange County. Currently reading 4 different books ranging from Belief, Luck, multiple Paulo Coelho books, my favorite “The Alchemist”. Speaking of The Secret on the credenza in my office I have from the Secret a replica of the genie lamp and the Scroll Holder. I cannot even count the number of students at the university that I introduced to “The Secret”. In my spare time I am currently writing 2 different books: 1. Issues in College Mental Health, and 2. Relationships Issues. Like you when I go on my walk every morning I listen to meditations MP3 files from Harmonic Ascension - Ultimate Mental Performance, which I fully believe prepares me for my day. I plan to check out your web sites and enjoy your myriad of affirmations. Have a great evening! Bob

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When the Secret first came out you could purchase from them those items, i.e., lamp and scroll holder. They sold out very quickly. I was fortunate to purchase them. As for pictures/images where you could view them, I’m really not sure where to advise you to look. Sorry….The books on my desk that I am currently reading:”Choose to Believe”, Alan Tutt; “The Luck Factor”, Dr. Richard Wiseman; “By the River Piedra I sat Down and Wept”, Paulo Coelho; “blink”, Malcolm Gladwell, and the old standby “Warrior of the Light - A Manual”, Paulo Coelho. Sorry to digress. Bob

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Yes, I am familiar with Louise Hay’s work and her book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’. There is also a movie, in fact, just like ‘The Secret’, there is a clip of her book turned movie on You Tube. It does help to inspire me. It’s funny, whenever I feel a little down, I can always trace it back to me; it’s not what someone else has done to me, it’s me and my thoughts. At times, I’m my worst enemy. I guess it’s good that I can recognize it, I just wish I could stop it, totally!


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59 posts

Linda,I’ve just been over on rmorgent5’s profile,and saw that your partner is very ill.I’m so very sorry.It’s times like these that we have to hold onto our faith,and stay positive.Do you mind me asking what the problem is?I wish I was better with my words so I would know the perfect thing to say.Just know that you and yours will be in my prayers

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6 posts

hi again linda, omg! what a coincidence im suppose to got to puerto galera tomorrow for a field trip in geography! my professor told us that’s it’s great there. but sadly, i can’t cause i have this insanely difficult exam on monday. i wanted to try snorkeling so badly. darn! anyways, thanks i’ll keep in touch with you linda i need all the help i can gat. thank you so much! :)

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I am very sorry to hear about your partner, and I sincerely hope that they make a speedy recovery. Out of difficult times, life or your soul always gives you an opportunity to learn and grow. Some of these lessons are not always apparent at the the time that we are experiencing them, but like omens they are always present when we look for them. I wish you strength and peace.

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I am so glad I joined bmindful….to know there are such wonderful people here who care and are willing to give support is so uplifting. Thank you Ladybug…see you at Zimbeli…we can talk more in depth there.

Thank you Girloblivious…OMG…what a coincidence….Puerto Galera. Have you ever read a book called ‘The Celestine Prophecy’…it is all about the meaning of such coincidences…if you haven’t read it yet check it out on the net. I am sure lots of people must have posted something about it…it was a bestseller. I will keep in touch with you too I look forward to getting to know you better.

rmorgent5: I knew you would have just the right words for me…my partner is already learning so much about himself through this illness. The mind body connection is often overlooked in our world by so many and so much of what he is going through is related to life lessons that were long overdue for him. Being positive in the face of danger can be difficult, although through the difficulty we are both learning what it means to be truly positive. With the help I am getting from you and my other wonderful bmindful friends we are winning the battle. Yesterday when I wrote the message on your profile I had just got the news that he may have a life threatening illness(too painful to go into detail here) We will know what the illness is exactly after tests in about 2 weeks…I felt fragile at the time and found myself crying more than I wanted to…Today 24hrs later…I have donned my positive battle gear and I’m ready for action. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS WE WILL BOTH BE POSITIVE AND LEARN SO MANY WONDERFUL LIFE LESSONS FROM THIS SITUATION…we will be made stronger as a result of it.

With love and sincere gratitude to you my bmindful friends…we all attracted bmindful into our lives, and now we have attracted each other…I am soooooooo glad we did. I wish you all peace, love and an abundance of positive thought.

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15 posts

Hi Linda, How are you doing? My thoughts are with you as I am also going through something similar. My husband must have heart-valve surgery soon and I will assist him in his recovery. I understand that his healing may take awhile and may be painful. I do appreciate your attitude that these events can have positive moments and help to bring us closer to each other.

I borrowed some of your inspiring affirmations and I wanted to go to your website but I got a “no server found” message instead. Perhaps that can be transformed? I’ll be interested to know how you’re doing. N

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Hi Linda,I havn’t talked to you for awhile,thought I’d say hi,and see how your partner is doing.Hope everything is good.I also believe very strongly in prayer.people are healed all the time with faith and prayer.I also believe in living as healthy a lifestyle as possible.avoid using chemicals of any kind,and eat healthy,unprocessed foods.When a persons immune system is weakened,as your partners is,you need to look at what the cause is.I’ve done exstensive research into this field because of my own health might want to check into EMFprotection,as scientists are discovering just how dangerous electricty is.I’ve added EMF protection in my home,and I just cant beieve the difference,not only in me,and my son,but also my older Yorkie is running around like a youngster again.Last fall, she could hardly walk anymore,now she can jump up on the couch again.Binaural waves ,and brain entrainment has also me helped ALOT.Sometimes our immune system is so overwhelmed that we need some outside help to get us going in the proper direction.Medical doctors,even alternative practioners can only do so much,and belive me,Ive tried them all.I hope you dont mind my advice.this I feel is my calling.I’ve been blessed with a husband that works hard outside the home so I can stay at home and farm.that has also given me the time to do the research,and find what I need to get healthy.So I try to pass on the onfo to others that dont. I just got done reading the Secret.I love it.Every morning now, I give thanks for all the wonderful people,things in my life.It has helped me to focus on the important things in my life.It has made my days much happier.Thanks for telling me about it.I read from it quite a bit.have a wonderful day. Dawn

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21 posts

I tried your links above and they didn’t seem to work…

I’d love to check out your website…

All the best


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Hello, imaginearea(: I truly enjoyed reading your affirmations today! Thank you! blessings!

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