my husband and I own a small business in SC, USA and we have been hit hard by the down economy….. practising positive affirmations helps me cope with things… I am new to this, (one year in Apr), but I grow stronger in my new belief system the more I focus on my affirmations…
thank you Jan for the lovely warm welcome… I have been searching for a place where I can get and give encouragement…. I have been doing my affirmations for about a year now and altho I still have a long way to go I have changed tremendously in my way of thinking and how I tackle problems…. most of all I have learned to have an attitude of gratitude… which has been quite freeing…. thanks again…. Kathy
Good evening Coachouse :) ! I saw you on the same time as me and thought I would pop in with a hello and welcome to Bmindful xxx You are in a place that is full of positiveness and love, wishing you all the best of all the things you desire and dream about, for you deserve it xxx Lots of love and thoughts Puressence (Denise)
Hi (((((((((((((((KathY)))))))))))))))) I dont think uever seen my response to u about my son. Boy u are such a compassionate woman, very positive too , ust love your affirmations hon:)
Thank u i see my son as such a great gift as well, just wish hubby Mike would stop and take the time to educate himself on our sons issues ya know, he doesnt realize how damaging critism can be BUT i must say he is changing for the better ;0 BIG SMILEYS
Sure hope u have a fine day and looking forward to getting to kno wu better, i will for “sure” be here more as i am in neeed of helping my spiritual growth and positivity in my life no mater hwo much i hear it from mike i need to beloeve it formyself, so i am off to practice practice practice, I know i will have moe time and it is always aways better fr andrew and i both to have routines and shcedules we both dont do wel in unactive days. I am looking very much forward to getting to kno wu and many others and using this site as u all have i practicing these affirmations and the other things the offer, as soon as i have time alone when like i said andrew is in school, my husband MIKE has notice a nice positive change in me already i have been reading and prinitng stuff out in a secail folder and such
ok rambled enough again I hope u have a pleasant day and such, looking forward to some suc shine i am in Jersey so i desperately need it lolahugs jan
HI ((((Kathy))))
Just noticed some how I must have “replied” 2 UR comment but on my profile page silly me once again LOL : D anyways go take a look when u get a chance muct warn ya as I did at the top of it, it is very very long, just feel bad I have really unloaded NOT in a bad way at all hon, just u totally dawned on me very quickly and i have not even been here since probably yea 8/2011, i recalled your reply abou tmy son, anyways I dont want to post 2 times it is long enough okey dokey no pressure post back if and when u can later dudette Janimak
66 posts
Hello and welcome. I’m so glad you are here. Bmindful and positive affirmations have been a tremendous source of comfort, encouragement, courage, inspirations - so many positive things in my life that I’m happy to see others learn to live this way too. I sure can appreciate the challenges you’re dealing with as so many businesses are trying to endure these days. We are worthy of the great abundance of the universe and are grateful for the many ways in which we have already been blessed. Love, Jan