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★Favorite Everyday Affirmations/Thoughts

I know most of us have long lists of great affirmations/thoughts  on our profile page, I know I do! [I’m currently reviewing them for the present…it’ll be fun!]

What are some of your everyday favorites? I know we all have MANY …Though if we continue to post ones that make a difference, we might be assisting others with the progress they seek(:

I enjoy  this one:
I acknowledge a world beyond my senses, a truth beyond my intellect, a wisdom beyond logic, a power beyond my limits, a serene design despite any distressing display

and love this right now


or in affirming form...

I believe I can -so I will

I believe I can- so I Am.

  • ~

Lets add to  this thread(:


The world doesn’t know if it is coming or going. Though you do- Change whatever you can whenever you can.
Stray away from those who don’t understand what you need to do to move forward.

“I acknowledge love as the fundamental energy of life.”

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

I influence myself.

The above is my affirmation for the day. It seems to be powerful. It came to me this morning. I’ll see where it goes, and I’ll let you know.

By saying it I can tell 1 awesome thing, it helps me focus on things that are personally important.


The world doesn’t know if it is coming or going. Though you do- Change whatever you can whenever you can.
Stray away from those who don’t understand what you need to do to move forward.

Something wonderful will happen today.

…What makes you different, makes you beautiful…

My favorite everyday affirmation keeps changing. Currently it is ‘I am wonderful’

…what a wonderful world….

“I am a child of the universe “ is one of my favorites

love flowergirl

God has opened the floodgates of abundance and I am riding the wave of prosperity. With each new day I discover how He is blessing me in all ways.

Poppy, I am going to borrow that affirmation… it’s awesome!

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