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Positive Affirmation Forum

★What food are you eating right now? on 14/12/2015 ★where all people enjoy optimal well-being on 11/12/2015 ★NEW YEAR 2009, whats in store on 09/12/2015 ★Sipping... on 06/12/2015 ★just-a-minute on 03/12/2015 ★New member on 02/12/2015 ★(Community) Bmindful Positive Affirmation on 01/12/2015 ★Affirmations for Others on 01/12/2015 ★ inspiration[WAYNE DYER] on 01/12/2015 ★Allowing/DiscoveringGoal-Momentum&LOA on 30/11/2015 ★Soulful Music -Share A Bit on 30/11/2015 ★GentleReminders-Good That Is Here[Quotes] on 29/11/2015 ★What are your plans for the holidays? on 29/11/2015 ★desired destination(s) enjoying no detours on 28/11/2015 ★Just Wondering... on 27/11/2015 ★ Free Your Senses on 27/11/2015 ★Writing on 26/11/2015 ★Dalai Lama: finding happiness + on 25/11/2015 ★What a wonderful way to wake up on 24/11/2015 ★Daily Affirming ...Gratitude Thoughts on 24/11/2015 ★RUBBER AND GLUE ▶ on 23/11/2015 ★I Love Flashcard Looking Visuals! on 23/11/2015 ★Put Your Context of Abundance to Work For You on 23/11/2015 ★TheUniverseIsOur Playground [Action LoAStyle] on 23/11/2015 ★A Warrior, A God, A Magician and A Lover on 23/11/2015 ★Glorious [you me & us -affirmations] on 23/11/2015 ★Allowing Personal Successes [Affirmations] on 23/11/2015 ★New Here... Help!!!! on 23/11/2015 ★Surround Yourself With the Abundant-Mindset. on 23/11/2015 ★ Richness of Infinite Wonderful Possibilities on 21/11/2015
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