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★The Mind's Eye Is Awesome

Isn’t it incredible how our minds eye sees things in ways that are far beyond our ‘state of art’ -logic? (:

Please join me here with things that surface for you which you can See… when your logical mind begs to differ.

Here is a blatant example in real-time(:

If I were to look at some of the projects I am currently involved with, I might see things as having not budged so much…

Yet, as I continue on… that previous statement feels BLIND.

Everything is attached to the allowing of moving in the direction we are desiring from a much grander place… when we let it.

My minds eye keeps giving me a glimpse of this result… and every day I give any focus … any action to it… I’m incredibly enthused, and anticipate more ‘coming to me’ in magnificent ways. And experience tells me- how time is such a funny thing… and our sense of urgency/impatience can throw off our confidence in our goals/processes/tasks. I look back on so many things-that I was wondering how long something would take. I am so glad I freely interrupt that thought… just to keep on going(:

I believe we have a tendency to believe Rome was built in a day(:

Of course I’m not advocating slow motion… I’m sharing motion is quite different from minds eye perspective.

What is your experience with ‘seeing ahead’?
Please share whenever and however much you like…

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:

“…My minds eye keeps giving me a glimpse of this result… and every day I give any focus … any action to it… I’m incredibly enthused, and anticipate more ‘coming to me’ in magnificent ways. And experience tells me- how time is such a funny thing… and our sense of urgency/impatience can throw off our confidence in our goals/processes/tasks. I look back on so many things-that I was wondering how long something would take. I am so glad I freely interrupt that thought… just to keep on going(:


“ I believe we have a tendency to believe Rome was built in a day(:”

Now about that Rome thing…Rome was built in a day. The day after the aqueducts. Because whether your fast or slow, when you have to go , you have to go!

Sorry, my mind went right into the gutter or in my case, the aqueducts. Truly, I don’t mean to make light of things, Edison hadn’t invented it yet.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
make light of all you want…. Edison would approve(:

I Am living a Divine plan

Time is malleable as we lead with our passionate hearts!

I Am living a Divine plan

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