This affirmation reminds me of the tortise and the hair and we all kow the outcome of the race. Slow steady small steps won the race. This cute little story has a moral that transcends the ages and is a good reason why we should always be striving for that one small step every day. In the end we’ll have gained a lot of ground.
In response to Aisha’s comment:
I see your point and I agree that some people may absorb it that way. However, some of us at some times fail to recognize that reaching larger goals doesn’t happen in one or two steps and we become overwhelmed. We get discouraged focusing on the end goal and the seemingly impossibility of reaching such a goal. The expanse between where we are and where we want to be seems so vast, it’s disheartening. But this affirmation teaches that, at any moment of any day, even if we can’t focus 100% on our end goals, as long as we can make the smallest effort despite our ill-health, tiredness, busy schedules, other responsibilities, we our on the path to our goals.
In response to ThisIsBruce’s comment: Maybe, but I also disagree that “small” has to be negative. Sometimes we’re better off taking small steps and sometimes we can only take small steps.
In response to Granthi Marman’s comment: Well put. Some days when the focus seems a bit distorted, or a lot, I tend to small tasks that can be achieved almost mindlessly. However small the task may be it is still a necessary component in the big picture.
10 posts
Excellent - Thanks