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List Of 21 Becoming Affirmations
Today, I will concentrate on taking one step forward, however small
I am proud of what I have ACHIEVED, and each day I am BECOMING more confident, determined and focused.
I am becoming better at recognising POSITIVE or NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, confidently choosing what to accept or dismiss.
I am a success now and I am becoming more successful
I am getting healther every day.
I am getting better moment by moment
I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.
I develop strong, unwavering, personal determination.
What I am today is the result of all that I have done. What I become is my choice, for only I am the creator of my destiny.
I give each of my children the room they each need to become their own person.
I am becoming more PATIENT, knowing that each day I move one step closer to everything I want.
I create my own positive change-I am empowered
The more I risk and share the more alive I am and become.
Everyday I myself become more and more loving.
My whole creation is coming to life!
In everyway, In everyday, I am getting better and better.
I am evolving into a highly elevated and well-developed, whole being.
Each day I am casting aside a little more of my EGO, not taking anything personally.
I feel so incredibly empowered about who I am and what I am becoming.
I am passing through and becoming stronger from the problems that guide me towards being more happy
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