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ain's Profile

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Last Seen:on 07/11/2008
mindful Since:August 2007

hi everybody.. i’m a student.. i like smile…i’m cheerful person but sometimes a bit emotional.. now,i’m in process learning positive mind.Anyone who wants to be my friends are welcome..

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Sarvaga Light nannasc Lee American Lady Bug Kris
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ain's 25 Affirmations

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Thanks, Ain, for your comments! I see that you are a student. What are you studying? Using the positive thinking while in a learning mode is a wonderful thing to do - as you are much more receptive to new ideas & more open to learning new things!

Welcome to the Bmindful community! I have been working on this positive thinking/Law of Attraction/Positive affirmations for about a year now. It is just amazing at the changes that have taken place in my life during that time.

Keep up your work - may only the best be in your future!

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hi nannasc,thanks for your comments..i’m studying Bachelor’s Degree,Arts of English,from Universiti Putra Malaysia. i have read a bit about positive thinking,law of attraction and positive affirmation..but, i don’t know how far it works on me bcause i still don’t know how to apply in my life..i hope u can explain a bit how does it works on u and how to start it..

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hiya! I’m always glad to make positive new friends. Thanks for commenting on my profile, you have the honor of being first. Hope you have a great holiday, my friend! :)

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Ain, eel free to contact me further if you have any more questions or wish to discuss this further. There are many good books and sources of information on this subject if you like to read - or even listen to audiobooks or view DVD movies.

Probably the best information about the Law of Attraction can be found the on the website, Another good source is the movie - The Secret. Basically, what we think about most is what we attract into our lives. What is in our lives now is brought about by our thoughts. So, if you wish to change an area of your life and find yourself thinking something negative, you need to move from negative emotions (fear, hate, jealousy) up to more positive thoughts. This can be reinforced greatly by using affirmations for areas that you wish to address.

Another key factor is gratitude. We must be grateful for what we have in our lives - all things. For with every problem in life there is a hidden lesson that can help us in life. We have to seek that lesson in all things. With an open & positive mind, it is easier to see.

Here is some information straight from the Abraham-Hicks website:
1. You are a creator; you create with your every thought.

You often create by default, for you are getting what you are giving your attention to wanted or unwanted but you know by how it feels if what you are getting (creating) is what you are wanting or if it is not what you are wanting. (Where is your attention focused?)
  1. Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.

    As you ask yourself why you want it, the essence of your desire is activated, and the Universe begins to bring it to you. The more intense your positive feelings, the faster it is coming to you. (It is as easy to create a castle as a button.)

  2. You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts.

    Your loving Inner Being offers guidance in the form of emotion. Entertain a wanted or unwanted thought and you feel a wanted or unwanted emotion. Choose to change the thought and you’ve changed the emotion and the creation. (Make more choices in every day.)

  3. You are a creator of thoughtways on your unique path of joy.

    No one can limit where you can direct your thought. There are no limits to your joyous journeys to experience. On the path to your happiness you will discover all that you want to be or do or have. (Allowing others their experiences allows you yours.)

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hi nannasc,i want to thanks for your simple explanation but it makes me opened my mind to think more positive about myself..we are what we think,right?anyway,thanks so much and i will improve myself to learn many things about this field..

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Hi ain,I just stopped by to say hi,and good luck on you’re schooling,and affirmations.I’m always looking for positive people as friends.The more positive our friends are the better for us.Love and peace to you.Dawn

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