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Jody's Profile

Forum Posts:1
Profile Views:5941
Last Seen:on 25/05/2014
mindful Since:February 2008

Hello all, I found this wonderful site during an incredibly difficult time in my life. I became ill in March, 2006 and am finally starting to improve. I’ve struggled with 24/7 dizziness and vertigo all this time.

The affirmations have helped me hang on and keep faith which at times felt impossible to do.

I also have fibromyalgia which is difficult enough but I stay positive, and this site is a big help. I listen to my affirmations regularly!

I’ve been away from here for some time, I’m well enough to be on the computer again and am trying a visual subliminal message program, I can add my own affirmations to the program and this is the best place to find more when I need a little help coming up with the right words.

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˚clarity, momentum, Guidance ThisIsBruce Lee EarthGirl Jehannamama
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Wonderful affirmations! I’m snagging some of those for my own use! I’m LOL at “poop a Rainbow!” I’ve had Menier’s syndrome for thirty years or so. It’s so very much better the last four or five. I sympathize deeply with your frustrations. I am periodically housebound myself, and I want to break free of this cycle of illness and being constrained. I also lived in Ohio for 36 years. I’m very interested in your comment about “rebounding.” What is that? Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. - Sue

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Hi Sue, thank you so much, I’ve been pretty ill until recently and haven’t been on much. I hope things are getting better for you - can’t imagine being stuck in my home any longer than these last couple years let alone to struggle for 30 with dizziness! It finally is getting better for me these last few weeks. I’ve stayed with listening to my affirmations to help me thru all of this, I think I may actually get to leave the house soon! Rebounding is a mini trampoline, the benefits are incredible for your body. You don’t have to use it much or very long which is good for someone like me with Fibromyalgia. I’ve not used it in some time since I’ve not been well. It’s good for circulation and excellent for kick starting the lymph system which is what cleans our bodies of all the garbage in it. Fun to use too, just don’t buy a cheap brand if you’re going to use it regularly as it’s too hard on your body if it isn’t well made. Sending prayers you way too and I sure hope you’re doing well :-)

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Hi Jody! Thanks for friending me and for your comments. I really appreciate it. You are the second person this week to mention the benefits of rebounding to me. Someone may be telling me something? And her words were the same as yours about why to not buy a cheap trampoline. I also see that they have the handles available for them, too. With the vertigo I would need something like that.

I hope you are doing better enough to resume doing things that you enjoy. Did you have another FM flare? I am not sure if that is what is wrong with me or not. I have the symptoms but so many MDs “don’t believe in it” still… Much of mine is finding out how to help myself.

We’re just getting over the flu, here… but I am feeling better, thank you. I’ve joined as of the first of the month, and that has been helpful, too. Lots of positive thinking and affirmations there, as well as encouragement and support. It started out as weight loss but it’s more about regaining health. Lots of people are joining who are interested in being motivated to eat better and exercise properly. If you are into rebounding you might enjoy this group, as well as here.

I love the bmindful affirmation source so much! Thanks again - Sue

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Hi Sue, LOL! maybe it is a ‘sign’ for you to try rebounding! I bought a Needak after extensive research and love it, had an el cheapo first, it was awful to bounce on. I keep mine near the entertainment center in case I need to grab something.

I’m starting to improve after stopping a med I took for fibro, I’ve seen so many docs and specialists about this 24/7 dizzy problem and it took a nurse practitioner a few months ago to tell me how badly long term use of any drug can effect you. I’ve actually weaned off two drugs now and today I don’t feel very dizzy! It’s been five weeks since I stopped the last one and am praying this is the answer. I’ll have to live with more pain without them but that’s better than this rocking in my head and being a recluse! I so want to drive and get out of the house again, I do love my home but would like to get out occasionally!

My fibro stays pretty flared all the time, never a day without pain, summer time I’ll get a little relief but that’s a long way off. I just had got so dizzy, the rocking motion constantly kept getting worse and I couldn’t do much at all but I really am feeling a difference now.

I’m well enough to make bracelets - big accomplishment there for me! I love being creative, it’s good therapy for me and I desperately need income so that in itself is a relief that they are selling quite well. My ebay link is up above next to the website link if you’d like to see what I do.

If you do have fibro, it’s all about balance in your life, the foods you eat matter too - stay away from any nightshade foods, I love potatoes but will rarely eat them because of the pain they cause me. Hopefully you will find a good doctor that understands it, many rheumatologists are skilled in fibo.

Going to check out that group you mentioned too. Time to work on my ebay listings, it’s a great day when I’m well enough to do that! Jody

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Hi Jody!

Hope you are having a good day today!

My gosh! You make spoon bracelets? WOW! They are gorgeous! I really like them so much! I may get one for my dd’s birthday. How big around are they? I think she needs a larger than average one. Boy those are gorgeous!

I have been wanting to try silversmithing. I do some bead work and also have done some wire wrapping and love it, but I really need to be able to do some silver soldering in order to really finish them off properly.

ROFL! My friend suggested Needak and sent me a link to the site. I am thinking about trying it. I am doing some other exercises that seem to be helping, through Spark People. Also Walk Away the Pounds. I really should put getting a good rebounder sometime in the near future.

I found that my medications for my stomach problems were only causing me more problems. I was having horrible muscle spasms and have chronic pain. I found out by doing research online, that the spasms were mostly caused by malnutrition from the medications. Lots of medications cause our body to be able to metabolize various nutrients. Feeling much better after studying about the effects and taking specific supplements. I think I take about 25 pills a day, now, and now only three are prescription meds - and I’ve tapered two of those radically. But I am feeling better than I have for years. And my Menier’s is much better after moving back to California. It’s much drier here and I think part of my Menier’s may be allergic? It’s been so much better since I went off of wheat. I had one bad attack here but it went away after about eight months.

I lived in Ohio for 36 years. What part are you in? I have lived in several areas and still have three kids there and still own some land in Adams County.

Fibro is terribly difficult to work with and it’s hard to find out what to do about each specific individual’s problems. I have several friends with this diagnosis, and apparently I have most of the symptoms… But yes there are sometimes wonderful unexpected remissions that last for a long time. I do hope you have one soon.

I know I am finding out things about my diet that have changed my life. I found that I am wheat intolerant. I suspected for years but now I know for certain, and this may also have much to do with many of my physical problems. I’ve also gotten rid of all sugar, Nutrasweet, Splenda and HFCS in the house. We have been using Stevia for several years. We’re eating lots more organic food and it’s higher quality. I have no garden here but in Ohio I could raise so much of our food and I miss gardening.

I haven’t gone off of the nightshade foods entirely but I did cut way down on them. I might take a closer look at that. I’ve heard some good things about how that helps pain.

Have you tried cherries? The dark ones really do help me with my pain. The juice is not so necessary. I find that eating a couple of hands full of organic Montmorency dried cherries really helps my pain a lot the next day, and I can move more easily.

Do hope you are feeling much better very soon. Take care of yourself. I enjoyed your comments very much! Have a great day! - Sue

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Hi Jody, love your bracelets! How did you become so creative? Hope to stay in touch. You sound like a wonderful person(:

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In response to Jehannamama’s comment: Thank you so much! I list a variety of sizes but have done special orders too, just recently made a 9” bracelet - she said her Mom was ‘fluffy’! Love that expression!

They are going quite quickly, I am so grateful for the response I’m getting with them. Have been busy packing and answering emails last two days - I thank the Universe for my success and ability to keep up!

I too am doing so much better off the meds, still have a way to go as far as healing from this last one, having some days I’m not too dizzy now. I think allergies can affect you, I’ve been tested and am fortunate to have none. I am in Mahoning County, grew up here, will always be here too. Love my lil’ home :-) And it’s so affordable too.

Fibro is individual and hard to treat because of that, I eat cherries sometimes but didn’t know they could help. I avoid wheat as much as possible, had a bad round with mold (I had cut bad ends off some wood and got very ill after breathing that in), I’m now terrified of foods that contain it - like wheat products. It’s hard to avoid totally but I just don’t eat all wheat breads, pasta, things like that.

MSG - specifically Chinese food will bring on Vertigo for me. I actually have to add up my salt though, they told me to reduce, I said I didn’t eat much so my intake isn’t very high, they insisted I cut back. So I did what they said, it went below 800mg a day and boy did I get sick. So I make sure I get at least 1000mg a day.

I do eat cookies here and there, dietitian says I have to eat every 2 1/2 hours and MUST eat before bed LOL - no problem, always ate cookies and milk, but no choc. chip now, has to be vanilla wafers or graham crackers. I do my best to eat as she says, I just don’t get too hungry so it can be difficult. I avoid pre packaged foods too, all those preservative are too much for the body to process. I have to cook things up and freeze them since I’m not normally well enough to try and cook daily. Especially now with my new hobby!

Wicked cold again, that’s hard on me when it’s 7 degrees outside! At least the sun is out - always nice to see that. Hope you’re having a great day :-) Jody

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In response to laurie’s comment: Hi Laurie, you’re so sweet! Thank you Thank you! I truly was blessed with a little talent ;-) I use to do woodworking and loved it! I’ve made everything from musical jewelry boxes to outdoor sinks with a mini hot water tank!

But then things changed after Fibro moved in, and I couldn’t do any woodworking at all and how I’ve missed that. It really was therapy for me and I enjoy making things that make others happy. Not too long ago, I started the spoon bracelet creating and everyone loved them. And it’s much needed for me as I need the income so I can’t express enough how thankful I am for the great sales.

And for the most part, it does replace my woodworking need, coming up with new ideas for the styles of the bracelets. I do have to still be cautious about overdoing it but physically it’s much less stress on my body than working with wood.

Mentally, it’s a huge help if I can focus on ideas to take my mind off pain for awhile. Doesn’t always work but sometimes it does help and I’ll gratefully receive all the help I can get!

I hope you’re having a great day! Mom is going to take me to the dollar store today - that’s a really big deal for me to get out! I’m not too dizzy today and am really looking forward to the ride - it’s not far but will be a welcome change to leave for a little bit!

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Hi Jody!

You might want to think twice about your Dr. Pepper after you read this article. Someone just brought it to my attention today… …and I found some ketchup in the house that has HFCS. Ugh. I need to get the bf to read labels and buy organic! Man.. I used to make my own ketchup. I’ll have to start doing that again, even if we don’t use it often.

My dd’s birthday is in June. I will double check on her wrist size. She’s a little bit fluffy but more big boned than anything else. She’s very tall. She loves Silver and your bracelets are beautiful and unique. I am sure she will adore one!

Oh you used to do woodworking, too? I love the smell of freshly sawn wood. I have dabbled a bit in that, making small things, and some construction back when I was healthier, but I can’t do that right now. I miss it.

Mahoning County is North of where she lives, which is outside of Wheeling. She really loves the area and her husband’s family all live around there, so she gets lots of support. They are very nice people. Ohio has some beautiful land, indeed.

Do you have some metabolic problem requiring you to eat more often? I used to have to eaat every two hours, when I was in my 20’s, but my diet was more high protein - nuts, seeds, meats, dairy, lots of veggies. I avoided all high carbs. My blood sugar would drop otherwise. That was years ago. I’m fine now, at least in that way, LOL, but I still mostly eat those same things, as much as I can.

The Chinese restaurant I usually eat at does not use MSG, thankfully. They also cater to a lot of special diets. I only go there perhaps four times a year, at most, anyway.

I have a friend who has to eat a lot of salty foods, who has something possibly adrenal going on who has to up her salt intake. Also her pituitary? It’s not Addison’s Disease but they said there are similar symptoms. She’s also being checked for Histadelia. But it’s very unusual for people to have to increase their salt intake so much. She doesn’t have a real diagnosis yet.

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Hi Sue! I do love the smell of fresh cut lumber too! Haven’t worked with it in years though. It is beautiful here, especially in the fall, right now another big snow storm coming. Wheeling is nice country too, very pretty there.

I don’t eat enough, or didn’t, the Dietitian said lack of carbs means lack of energy and will cause you to get light headed. I wasn’t getting near the carbs she said I needed but I try to now. So I eat a mix of complex carbs + protein every few hours. I only get to go to a restaurant once a year on my b’day, rarely eat fast food either.

Most people eat a lot of that and processed foods so their salt intake is way over the recommended 2000-2500 mg a day. I don’t come anywhere near that but the body needs salt, if I ate like most people I’d get enough of it. That’s why I have to add a little extra to at least get around 1500 mg a day, too little and ya get sick, I was so weak and tired when I cut back to 500-800 mg a day. I just have to make myself eat more so I get the needed salt and carbs. I was a ‘special’ case for the Dietitian, she said she never had to teach someone to up the carbs, normally she’s teaching them how to cut way back!

I did organic for awhile, I just couldn’t afford it though. Poor Mom who does all my shopping had to read so many labels, but we thought it would help me as far as dizziness so gave it a try. I do still use organic ketchup, mustard and only eat free range chicken or hamburger - taste so much better too! And whole grain brown rice (not instant), eat a lot of that - that about sums up my diet besides the morning Cheerios and my milk! I love milk :-)

I need to stretch these sore muscles a bit, hope to make some more bracelets today, getting a little low on them, hoping my body co-operates so I can! I hope they find a diagnosis for your friend too, I know how frustrating that is when you don’t know what is wrong.

Hope you’re having a great day :-)

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Hope you are having a great day! I should have checked back here before… sorry I missed your entry.

I’m on SparkPeople and have been tracking my intake for some time. I keep coming up as being low on carbs because I eat mostly meat and veggies. I also keep being told I am low on calories, too… but when I go up to the range they recommend I gain. It’s frustrating.

Organic is so expensive… You are right. I just can’t afford it. I used to raise some of my own chickens for meat and eggs, as well as having a big garden. I miss my land. I am not used to the suburbs. I am going to try growing a few things in pots this Spring. I hope that works.

I’m trying to make my own ketchup, etc. The Annie’s is so pricey! I can make a gallon for less than the cost of a pint. Getting the spices right, though - now that’s the key!

I have another friend who makes her own mustard. I may try that sometime, too.

Hope you are doing well. - Sue

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