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★Favourite recipe

Looking at the underrated foods section, there were some recipes posted, including two by me. So I thought a favourite recipe thread could work, if you have a favourite recipe that always works no matter what, why not share it with everyone

I have a favourite recipe I love making for my family, the minute it is set it is all gone lol! Its Russian Fudge!

3 cups of sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tin Sweetened Condensed Milk
125g butter
1/8 tsp salt
1 tablespoon Golden Syrup

Put sugar and milk into a saucepan, mix, cover and slowly bring to the boil. Add condensed milk, butter, salt and golden syrup. Boil until it reaches soft ball stage, about 10 to 15 minutes on gas hobs (sorry I am not sure on normal stove) stirring all the time. When reached soft ball stage, cool and beat until thick. Pour into prepared greased roll tin or plate, mark and cut when set.

Totally yummy from what I remember before I was vegan and from what my family say about it!

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Since there are so many tea drinkers, I thought I’d share this one…

Indian Spiced Tea Recipe

This Indian tasty warm tea is usually served with sweetmeats or savory snacks.

*4 green Cardamoms
*1 cinnamon stick
*3 cloves
*1/4 tsp of ground Ginger (optional) for the cold.
*5 cups of cold water
*2 tsp orange pekoe tea or 2 tea bags
*Small strip of pared orange rind (optional)
*Sugar to taste and freshly boiled milk (optional)

Split the cardamom pods. Boil the water with the cinnamon stick, cardamoms and cloves in a medium saucepan. Remove from heat and allow infusing for 10 minutes.
Add tea and the orange rind into the warm infused liquid and bring to boil again. Simmer gently for 3 minutes then strain it into a warmed teapot. Serve it with sugar and freshly boiled milk (optional).
To fight the cold symptoms, add a ¼ tsp of ginger to your drink.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

For my vegetarian friends, here’s my favorite recipe my husband makes:

1 Head of lettuce cut to small pieces.
1 Fresh tomatoes cut to small cubes.
1 Cup of Moroccan green olives or salad olives.
1/3 Cup of Goat Cheese.
1/4 Cup of freshly cut cilantro.
2 Roasted sweet red or green peppers. cut to one inch squares.
1/2 Moroccan preserved lemon skin washed and cut to small pieces.
2 sticks of fresh green onions cut to small pieces.
2 to 3 TBLsp of Argan Oil, olive oil or grape seed oil.
1 TBLsp of Zaatar herb blend.
1/2 teaspoon of paprika.
1/2 teaspoon of cumin.
1/4 teaspoon of coriander.
1/4 teaspoon of black pepper.
1/4 teaspoon of salt.
1 teaspoon of vinigar.
Add more oils, lemons, olives or cheeses at your taste.

Mix everything in salad bowl. Decorate with flakes of fresh cilantro and slices of fresh lemon. This should serve 3 or more people.

I don’t know how to insert a photo graph, but here is a link that has a nice photo. http://zamourispices.com/zasafe.html

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

A meal that gets served in our house atleast weekly is lentil burgers. Lee confesses he could eat them daily lol. We use all organic produce and this really adds to flavour of the patty.

In a large saucepan saute –
1 diced carrot
1 brown onion
a few cloves of garlic (if you like garlic)
four or five button mushrooms

Cook until veges are softish (about 5-10 minutes)
Wash a mixture of red and black lentils, about 1 cup.

Add to saucepan along with a handful of something green (I usually use Kale but spinach is good, or green beans even. Don’t use broccoli though just doesn’t seem to fit)

Add enough water to cover and stir in seasoning and spices – Always chilli in our house and lots of it. Sea salt and pepper, sometimes a fresh herb, even fennel seeds or tumeric depending on your tastes … or how many time in the last week I have made them and want something a little different! lol)

Cook over a low heat for 10-15min until all the water is gone. the lentils should be soft but not mushy.
Blend with a whizz stick to mush it all together. Add a bit of flour if it’s too wet. Add a dash of good oil (or an egg if you eat eggs) if it looks too dry.

Dollop mixture onto grease proof paper on an oven tray. I make my patties about 10cm diameter. Put in oven (200C -ish) for 10 minutes then turn over, cook for another 5.

Serve on yummy toasted buns with tomatoes, rocket, mayonnaise and cheese or your favourite burger mix.

Will keep in fridge as a mix (without egg of course) for up to a week =. THe burgers also freeze really well :)


I’ve really appreciated your recipes. I especially loved visiting zamourispices as it opened up an exotic culinary world for me!

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
Those seasonings made my mouth water. You’re giving me some fresh ideas too(:


In response to laurie’s post:
the great thing about the recipe is that it works with anything! I’m not a real recipe kind of cook, and most of the things I make regularly I have made up. You would probably need an equally firm vegetable – parsnips? I’ve used capsicum before but you need to really like the flavour lol!

Rocket is AMAZING!! It’s a green leaf like a lettuce.
Image here – http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/~katzer/pictures/eruc_08.jpg
It’s very bitter but not stringy like other greens that are are similar shape.
Lee’s favourite green :)

As a treat I usually pick up a “summer salad” (when it’s avail.) at the local Whole Foods store.

I haven’t tried the following recipe yet, but looked like the salad I like so much from Whole Foods. I certainly would save money if I made it myself. This one looks pretty simple, and tasty. The only thing I think it’s lacking for me to experiment with is some of MeditatingMamas seasoning ideas(:

This particular one is called 15-minute Black Bean salad; got it in todays email from WH Foods (*World’s Healthiest Food site) *Not connnected with Whole Foods

Here’s the recipe:



In response to melt86’s post:
I wonder if I can find the vegetable- rocket locally.

I use recipes for seasoning/ingredient ideas; I don’t follow them much myself(: Because carrots are kind of sweet, would I get a similar flavor without them? I’m going grocery shopping right now and had these recipes on my mind(:


Rocket is arugula. It’s got a bitter/peppery taste that’s really nice mixed with other salad leaves. I grow it in my garden.


In response to freygan’s post:
Thanks freygan, I know arugula and love it. I never heard it called rocket.


I’m new here and would like to share a receipe I make that has to do with juicing:

2 red radishes
1/4 red onion
1 handful of parsley
1 lrg. carrot
1 red apple
2 lrg. stalks of celery Juice and drink…………… I use this to flush my liver when ever I feel slugish, either from taking in to much sugar or eating too heavy of a meal. The benefits is my eye sight clears up, my mind fog disapears, over all good feeling. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I love juicing the beefits are wonderfull. The pulp I use in dishes so nothing is wasted.

In response to cathie’s post:

Girl, you are after my heart!! :)

I love juicing!! I like to juice for breakfast for my children. Here is a recipe that I have tested with many children…mostly boys. It sounds like something children won’t touch with a ten foot pole, but I assure you they gobble it up!!

a handful of spinach (rolled up to get the most juice)

I empty the receptacle after the vegetables and add it to soups & stews. I have a killer apple cake recipe that I use for the fruit fiber. I’ll have to find it and add it later.

When my kids are tired of juice, sometimes I make it into a smoothie. I empty the juice into the blender and add a couple of bananas and some frozen fruit – whatever I happen to have. It is much more filling.

Banana Avocado Smoothie
Oh yes, while on the juicing subject, after a good workout, I like to peel & cut up an avocado and a couple of bananas. I put either vanilla soy milk (or) rice milk (or) milk in the blender – probably about 2 cups (I never measure, sorry) and throw in the bananas & avocado. It makes an awesome smoothie. It powers me backup after lifting weights.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Here is my Apple Carrot Cake Recipe from the leftover pulp of my apple carrot juice: ~ btw, stay away Laurie – too much sugar!! :) ~

1/2 Cup turbinado sugar
1/2 Cup white sugar
1/2 Cup Canola oil
2 eggs
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp Vietnamese Cinnamon (or 2 tsp regular cinnamon)

Mix above ingredients well, then add the following:

1 Cup whole wheat pastry flour
2 Cups apple/carrot pulp
1 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp baking soda

Mix. Bake at 350 degrees in a greased 9 × 9 pan until a toothpick comes out clean. It usually takes about 40 minutes.

If I have been really juicing, I double the recipe and bake in a 9 × 13 pan.

Also, if you don’t like a dense cake, I would mix 1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour with a 1/2 cup white flour. That makes it a bit more fluffy.

It would taste good with a cream cheese frosting, but we have dairy allergies in our house, and it is just fine plain… very filling!!

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

MM thanks I been using that Apple Carrot cake reciepe it is the bomb. I’ll try the spinach juice. Need to go to the store for some more.
Here is a Tofu smoothie I love to whip up: 6 oz. silken tofu 1 med. banana 2/3 c. soy milk can use rice dream for less calories 1 c. frozen or fresh blueberries I use the frozen helps to make the smoothie thicker 1 T. honey 1-2 extra ice cubes if want it thicker.
drain the tofu to remove excess water soften tofu has more water content. Peel slice banana. Place on cookie sheet and freeze fo 1 min. add 1/2 c. fo blueberries process until smooth. add remaining bluberries, honey and ice cubes process until smooth. Enjoy

+2 servings calories 218, 35g carbos, 10 g protein, 6 g fat, 0 chlorestral, 6 g fiber, 499mg potassium

Low Fat Vegan Bran Muffins

4c wheat bran
2 1/2 c. soy milk or rice dream
1/2 c. soft tofu I use silken
2/3c. brn sugar
1/2c. maple syrup I use b grade more b Vitamins
1/3c. butter, melted
3 tsp. bk. pwd
1 tsp. bk. soda
1c. raisns
1 c. chopped walnuts (optional)
Bake 350 degree lightly greased muffin pans I use paper linners
Mix together wht. bran, milk and let stand for 5 min.
bled in blender or food processor, tofu drained, sugar, maple syrup, butter tilll smooth & creamy
Mix together flour Bk. pwd, and bk soda in separate bowl
Add the tofu to the wheat bran stirring then add flour mixing just to combined. Gently fold in raisns and walnuts. Drop batter into tins Bake 30 min.

Hope you enjoy

In response to cathie’s post:

MMMMM…. I know what I am having my husband whip up tonight!! This sounds like the perfect thing for after the gym!!

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Here is a low-car recipe for you guys. I love hot and sour soup like they have at the restaurants and I finally found a good recipe for it.

Hot and Sour Soup

3/4 lb. pork loin, sliced in thin strips (Frozen is much easier to cut into strips) (You may be able to buy ham in small chunks to save time.)
2 tbs sesame oil
48 oz. chicken stock/broth
½ to 1 block of extra firm tofu, diced up (vary to taste)
1/4 cup soy sauce (see note)
1/4 cup white vinegar (see note)
1 to 2 teaspoons finely ground white pepper (see note)
3 or 4 shitake mushrooms, sliced thin (about a cup)
1 cup sliced bamboo shoots
2 eggs, beaten with 2 tbs water
3 Tbs cornstarch mixed with 3 tbs water (for less carbs, you can make it without cornstarch)
1/2 c diced green onion

—heat the sesame oil in a sute pan and lightly brown the pork
— in a large pot bring the stock to a boil and add the soy sauce and pork, simmer 10 mins.
— add the vinegar and white pepper

NOTE: at this point you have to taste the broth and adjust the soy sauce, pepper and vinegar to your liking. This is the critical step. Vinegar and pepper are notoriously inconsistent, so sometimes it takes twice as much of something to get the right combination of hot/sour.

— add the tofu, mushrooms, bamboo shoots
— simmer 10 mins. then stir in the corn starch mixture to thicken
— beat the eggs with 2 Tbs water (the water makes it easier to pour)
— bring the soup to a medium boil, then pour the egg into it in a THIN stream.
— wait 10-15 seconds, the stir slowly
— reduce heat, add green onions, and serve.

This makes about 5 large bowls of soup. Figure about 10 carbs per serving if you used the cornstarch. This can be modified many, many ways, but the key is to get the balance of white pepper and vinegar.

Stir-fry some napa cabbage, onions and hot peppers in sesame oil and you’ve got yourself a complete far east meal!

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

No-Bake Low-Carb Lemon Cheesecake

• 1/4 cup boiling water
• 1 small box lemon sugarfree gelatin
• 16 oz (2 8-oz packages) Philly Cream Cheese
• 1/2 cup granular Splenda
• 1/2 cup sour cream
• 1/4 cup heavy cream
• Additional 1 cup heavy cream
• Additional 1/4 cup Splenda
In small bowl, mix lemon sugarfree gelatin with boiling water until fully disolved. Set aside. In a separate large bowl, blend cream cheese with next three ingredients. Beat until very smooth. Add gelatin mixture and beat again to thoroughly mix and smooth. Pour into Pyrex or Corning PAM sprayed pie plate. Refrigerate 2-3 hours.

Whip additional 1 cup of heavy cream with sweetener and billow over the top of your cheesecake. If you like, sprinkle a bit of chopped walnuts or slivered almonds.

Total carbs in cheesecake: 25 Serves 10 – Carbs per serving: 2.5

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

If you want the above recipe to be really intense you can add one of those little no-carb drink packets to it.

You can change the gelatin to something else like strawberry and add a strawberry or some other drink mix to it. It’s really good.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to themadcookieman’s post:

Hi Jeff, my son is allergic to pork. Any substitute recommendations? Would it be ok to leave it out?


I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

I’ve made it with chicken before and that is good too. I haven’t tried it with beef. The real flavor comes from the vinegar, soy sauce and white pepper. You could easily make this vegetarian. To make it really low carb you should make it without cornstarch. But they do use cornstarch at the restaurants. I’ve added chopped up bok choy to it before too. I’ll bet some chopped up cabbage would be good in it too.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

On another thread, we were talking about healing herbs and spices. This little recipe has several that were on the best of the best list.

Vegetable Curry
Ingredients :

1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste
1 onion (peeled and
ground to a paste)
2 cups shelled peas
1 medium-sized cauliflower
½ cup mustard oil
1 tsp turmeric powder
2 bay leaves
salt to taste
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tbsp coriander seeds
2 cloves
½” piece of cinnamon

Method :
Grind all the ingredients for the spice paste. Cut the cauliflower into florets. Heat the oil and fry the onion paste together with the ginger-garlic paste till they are a light golden brown in colour. Lower the flame and add the bay leaves. Mix in the cauliflower pieces and the turmeric powder. Fry over a medium heat till the cauliflower is half cooked and turns a light golden brown. Lower the flame and mix in the shelled peas and the spice paste and 1½ cups of water. Cover with a lid and cook over a low flame till the vegetables are cooked.
Serve hot with rice.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Does anyone have a favourite recipe to make your own lemon pepper seasoning? I love making things from scratch. I’m going to make a version of ANZAC biccies over the weekend – if they turn out good I’ll share the receipe, I’m not much of a baker, more into savoury but sometimes I surprise myself.

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

Hi Vivi is Focused,

Since spices are my day to day living, I think I may be able to help you. :)

Here is an easy, standard recipe:

1 Cup of Black Peppercorns (I like Tellicherry Peppercorns)
1/3 Cup of Dried Lemon Peel
3 Tablespoons Coriander Seeds
1/4 Dried Minced Onion
1/4 Dried Thyme Leaves

Right before you are ready to use, you can crush in a mortar & pestal by hand (which is more time consuming, but releases better flavor – or – for speed, grind it in your coffee grinder. It is important to store it in an airtight jar out of heat, light & humidity to extend the life of your spices. Never store it near the stove or dishwasher.

If you want to really go crazy, you can remove the zest of one lemon with a zesting tool (you can use a vegetable peeler, but its not as easy) and crush it with the rest of your spices in a mortar & pestol. This is definitely the more flavorful method of the two, but you will want to use it all as it doesn’t store very well.

Hope this helps! MM (aka The Spice Lady)

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Thanks Spicy Lady! Sounds nicer than the ordinary mix I ended up buying full of salt and god knows what else.

My macadamia ANZAC biscuits actually worked, the mixture didn’t seem wet enough and I thought they wouldn’t hold together, so got a little shitty as I was trying to form perfect little circles, but it all rises & sticks together and does it’s thing in the end. I think the idea is to make uneven clusters and not worry too much, children make these so I was wondering why I found it a stuggle! This ones from taste.com.au which I often go to for quick ideas…


I need more practice with baking, but I don’t want to eat it all and I will if it’s there. The idea is to bring it in to share at work but never seems to get past the kitchen at home.

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

Hey MM – is that 1/4 cup of dried onion/thyme?

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

Just thought of something – I’m going to try the lemon pepper mix using Lemon Myrtle – it’s an Australian native tree (leaves used I think) – I’ve only tried it in yogurt which is divine. Lemon anything is wonderful don’t you think?

“Even if you’re on the right track – you’ll get run over if you just sit there” Will Rogers

Yes, the onion/thyme is dried. However, if you are using the entire batch at once, I’d probably use fresh and just cut the amounts down to taste. I bet the Lemon Myrtle would be awesome!! I’m not a huge fan of large amounts of thyme. Sorry for the late reply. I’ve been travelling.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Here’s a recipe I like.

Jeff’s “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go Eggs”
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go

I do this from time to time. I get three or four bell peppers, different colors and dice them up and put them into a zip lock bag in the refrigerator. I use them in more than one recipe so they don’t go to waste.

Get your ingredients out
Two or three eggs per person. (Adjust your ingredients accordingly.)
Black Pepper
Salt (or No-Salt, or Low-Salt)
Crushed Red Pepper
Your bag of diced bell peppers
Finely Shredded Fiesta Blend Cheese (At least that’s the blend I like to use. It has Monterey Jack, Cheddar, Queso, and Asadero in it.)
Okay: Put a pat of butter in a skillet and melt it. (I use a pretty generous pat.) You can use cooking spray if you prefer, but I like butter.

Crack your eggs and put them straight into the skillet. (Don’t worry about mixing them up in a bowl and pouring them into the skillet. These eggs are going to be scrambled and you’re just making extra work for yourself.)

Put a generous handful of the shredded cheese blend. Do this before you even worry about starting to scramble the eggs so it’ll start melting.

Add at your pepper, I sprinkle about a tablespoon.

Add your salt, I sprinkle about a teaspoon.

Add your crushed red pepper, I sprinkle about a table spoon, but I like my eggs with a little heat.

Drop a handfull of your diced bellpeppers in.

Now start scramblin’, Baby!

Fast, Easy, and Tasty!

Another way I like to make eggs from time to time, though it’s more time consuming, is to make what I call “Jeff’s Mexican Eggs.”
La Bamba

This recipe makes a lot of eggs. Enough for several people.

Taco Meat (beef or turkey)
Salsa or Picante Sauce
Diced or Preferably Minced Onion
Sour Cream
Fresh Diced Tomato
Diced Bell Pepper
Shredded Cheese (Fiesta Blend, or Cheddar, or whatever you like.)
Get out a couple of large skillets.

Start by making your taco meat. (Ground Beef or Ground Turkey.)You can get the other stuff ready while it’s cooking, just keep an eye on it.

Get out your jar of salsa or picante. (I like salsa.)

Get a white onion and mince it with your food processor.

Dice up a nice fresh tomato (or two).

Your Taco Meat’s probably ready by now so turn off the heat, drain it and return it to the skillet until you’re ready to add it to your eggs.

Spray your other (large) skillet with cooking spray and turn on low heat.

Dump in your minced onions and stir them around a little.

Crack six eggs and put them straight into the skillet you just sprayed with cooking spray.

Add a large handfull of shredded cheese.

Start scrambling them up.

Throw in a cup of the salsa and scramble it around a little.

Throw in a large handful of your diced bell pepper.

Scramble that around a few seconds.

Throw in your drained taco meat.

Scramble it around a few second.

Your eggs should be about done by now.

Turn off the heat and throw in the fresh diced tomatoes.

Stir it all around and then dish it out onto your plates.

Put a tablespoon of sour cream on top and you’re done.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

I am new, so forgive any mistakes I may make.
I have three recipes that are easy and fool-proof. I did not create either of these recipes – I got them off the net years ago. Not sure I can give credit to the cooks who did create these dishes, didn’t keep the names when I filed them. You can probably find them online if you need to give credit where it is due.

Baked Chicken Livers
1 pound chicken livers
1/2 half pound of bacon
2 to 3 cans of water chestnuts (optional)
Get a jelly roll pan or other pan with shallow sides. Line pan with aluminum foil. Cut bacon slices in half cross-wise. Bake Bacon for 10 to 15 minutes at 350 degrees. While bacon is baking rinse livers, and cut each one in half (cut large livers into thirds). When bacon is cooked to desired doneness, remove from oven. Wrap a piece of bacon around a liver half (include a water chestnut if desired). Secure bacon with a toothpick if needed. Bake for 30 minutes at 350, in the same pan at the bacon was cooked in (do not drain fat from pan for more flavor, or drain fat if you wish).
These are very rich – you can make these even smaller, for cocktail bites, or a first course.

Quickest Swedish Meatballs

2 cans cream of mushroom soup (you can mix and match the soups; like cream of celery, cream of chicken, golden mushroom soup, etc)
8 ounces sour cream
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon dry sherry (optional)
Ground Beef meatballs
(home-made, or store bought, or Textured Soy Protein – or other veggie substitute – falafel?)

Mix all sauce ingredients together.
Place all ingredients in a crock pot.
Cook on low for at least 5 hours.
Serve over egg noodles or the pasta of your choice.

Red-Spangled Slaw with Dried Cranberries
From Marlene Sorosky


  1. 9 c. thinly sliced green cabbage (about 11/2 lbs.) (I use 1 package slaw mix, and 1 package broccoli slaw )
  2. 3 c. thinly sliced red cabbage
  3. 1 c. dried cranberries
  4. 2 medium tart apples, peeled, cored, and chopped into 1/2-inch cubes


  1. 3/4 c. frozen margarita, mix, thawed
  2. 1/4 c. cider vinegar
  3. 1/4 c. vegetable oil
  4. 3/4 tsp. celery seed
  5. 3/4 tsp. salt, or to taste
  6. red cabbage leaves for garnish (optional)


In a medium bowl, toss together green and red cabbage, cranberries, and apple.

To make dressing:
In a small bowl, stir together margarita mix, vinegar, oil, celery seed, and salt. Pour over slaw and toss well. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours for flavors to blend. (Slaw may be refrigerated overnight.)

Before serving:
Line a salad bowl with red cabbage leaves, if desired, and fill with slaw. Makes 10 to 12 servings. Faster: Purchase presliced cabbage or coleslaw mix from the supermarket produce section or refrigerator case. A 16-oz. package yields about 10 cups.

Recipes from Entertaining on the Run: Easy Menus for Faster Lives by Marlene Sorosky (William Morrow and Company, Inc., copyright 1994 by Marlene Sorosky).

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