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Last Seen:on 02/04/2009
mindful Since:February 2009

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Welcome to bmindful. I enjoyed reading your affirmations. I love how peaceful and loving they are. You rock!! :) MM

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Thank you. I just finished listening to Dr. Wayne Dyers nook, the power of intention. He talked about abundance and that being worried about money or security can actually bring you insecurity and not enough money into your life. I tend to be a worrier and have constant negative thoughts/tapes playing in my head that I need to reprogram or record over.

It is coincidental, or maybe the universe showing me that it will provide everything I need when I need it, that I have been searching for information on medititation today and you contacted me. I was just over at beliefnet trying to choose a meditation type. I am not religious or especially spiritual at present. My philosophy is I try to live by the golden rule. the practices that appealed to me are Tonglen, Mindfulness,Dzogchen, Loving Kindness, Insight and Walking. What type(s) do you practice. I would enjoy any wisdom or advice you would be willing to direct me to or provide.

Thank you again for your kind words.

Kim If you

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267 posts

I love Dr. Dyer. I have many books & cd’s of his on my shelf that are very worn (read: loved & repeatedly used). Oh, I understand about insecurity!! You know, I used to be thousands (and thousands, thousands, thousands…unendingly!) in debt. I couldn’t sleep. I never had enough money to keep up with all the bills. Five children (one in college) to feed, clothe, educate. My husband had a car accident and was on disability with a severe back injury. I was laid off from my job. Yikes!! I didn’t know what to do or where to start. That was about five or six years ago.

I started with Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Carol Adrienne, Jack Canfield, Louise Hay, Sonia Choquette. Oh, and I cannot forget the impact that “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne had on me. I read, read, read. I learned the art of affirmations, visualizations, meditations, etc. Once I changed my habits of negative thinking, little by little my life changed. Definitely not overnight! But, today, I am debt free (ok, I still have a little left to pay on my house, but I don’t owe anything else). I have enough in the savings to feel secure about my future. Most importantly, I live 100% on cash - credit is a thing of my past.

I have one thing to say. Don’t expect the money or the debt reduction to come only one way. The universe is much more surprising and amazing than that! I ended up starting my own business doing one thing. The money came from completely another form of business. I now own two businesses. Freaky synchronicities just start to happen. Small miracles!

There is nothing different about me than anyone else. I am very ordinary, but very committed. I think that you will have great success if you just stick to it. Most people give up too soon when their prosperity is only a breath away. Don’t give up!

I’m not saying any of this to brag or make myself look good. I just want to be an example that this works. It truly is your brain (and heart) that create your life. Your circumstances are not set in stone. Life is good. It should be good for everyone!!

One more thing, in answering to the type of meditation I practice… I have to be flexible. Peace and alone time is nearly impossible with so many kids, two cats, a dog & bird!! Sometimes I go to a coffee shop with a notebook and just start writing until I get ideas and “aha’s”. Sometimes, I just workout hard at the gym on a routine machine and let the ideas come. Others, I’m sitting in peace in the jacuzzi. But, if I have time and aloneness, I like to do Wayne Dyers “ah” & “om” meditations. There is something about the vibrations in my throat that resonate into my brain and get the intuition kicked into high gear. But, everyone is different!!

I’m so glad you found bmindful!!

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