My Goal is to wake up happier every morning.
This morning when I looked at the recent activity bar, it was so nice to see you here again!
I loved how you are using affirmations!
I grabbed a few from your list.
I am grateful for each experience in my life. - a wonderful 1 of course!
Your next 2 caught me by surprise… not typical ones I’ve seen, though so perfect, so a happy surprise… they were exactly what resonated and what I needed today! Thank you! yours for my -My keep it simple but do it-affirmations(:
When I see a chore that takes less than 2 minutes, I do it immediately.
When I see something out of place, I pick it up and put it away.
Thanks again, and glad you’re here… from 2007 too! Awesome
2010 posts
Hi PositiveRoads, I responded to you on my profile page..And I too have added you as a friend.(: