Jackie Paulson is the “Scholar” Soul http://personalityspirituality.net/articles/the-michael-teachings/the-seven-roles-in-essence/the-scholar-soul/ I have a Natural talent for: 1. Observing 2. Recording 3. Analyzing and 4. Understanding I am a “Student of Life.” I am a natural “observer, researcher, and note taker.” I love to be able to gather and accumulate information, whether from books, on the INTERNET, Through scientific experimentation, or simply through travel. Famous Scholars in History include: Beethoven, J.S. Bach, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Charlotte Bronze, Marie Curie, Margaret Thatcher, Vaness Redgrave, Richard Nixon, Al Gore, Gordon Brown, and Ian McEwan.
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Hi Jackie Paulson! Welcome to Bmindful! We are so glad you’re here!! If you have any questions/comments at all about posting or start in a thread, adding a friend, …please feel free to ask. Wishing you all the best with your positive affirmations. I hope today finds you closer to your goals and dreams.