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★'Top NLP Techniques' [good list]˚

This is a link I’ve posted on a thread of mine…& some of the exercises have been so helpful to me…

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      My share today…came from a link with many NLP exercises.


***The first 1 I chose to share is entitled Questions 2*** & the second is ***Integrating Parts***. Thanks for your visit, Appreciating˚ (:

***~Many of you may have seen this link before [which includes many NLP exercises] or by chance someone has included this link on their thread also(: Who knows…? …There are so many exercises on this site…you may enjoy taking a glance at chosen selections below & the extensive list~***

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***~author here is Michael Beale~***
“I’m compiling a library of many of the NLP and related techniques and approaches that I’ve found most useful as part of my trainings and practice. …….Michael What is NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming? NLP is an exploration of how we think, communicate and act into order to model and improve on great performance.

NLP Techniques are a short hand way of communicating what we’ve learnt and what we’ve experienced, so that we and others might benefit in the shortest time.

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    • ** Top NLP Techniques
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • ** Empowering Questions 2
      NLP technique | Empowering Questions 2


Asking ourselves (and others) questions with the appropriate structure and voice tone can help change our state and focus.

While questions impact us in different ways consider the different internal impact of asking:

How come I’ve always managed to really succeed, even in difficult times? Or

Why do I always fail?

One leads us to focus on negative states and strategies that haven’t worked, while the other leads us to focus on empowering states and strategies that have worked. The impact of asking these type of questions repeatedly is likely to significantly impact how we feel and what we achieve.

Suggestions for asking useful questions

  • ** * 1) Think about something that would be useful to achieve and a state or states that would be useful in helping you achieve it. Turn it into a question using how or what.

    For example:

***How can I solve this problem and have some fun doing it?***
***How am I going to get a better result and enjoy the challenge?***
***What is the most useful thing I can do next? and how can I become absorbed doing it?***

    • ** * 2) ***Change the tense to the past***


How have I managed to solve problems and had fun doing so?
How have I got better results and enjoyed the challenge?
What are the most useful things I’ve done and how have I become absorbed doing them?

***What’s the difference? For most people a question asked about the past feels more empowering than a question about the future.***

    • ** * 3) Play with different voice tones, and find the ones that are most empowering.


  • ** Additional thoughts about self talk
  • ** 1) Play with changing the pronoun from he or she to you, and then to I. ‘I’ for most people is the most empowering. Sentences starting ‘I am’ or ‘I want’ are generally empowering.
  • ** * 2) Add short phrases at the end of negative self talk.

    For example add ‘well for this second anyway.’ So ‘I’m a complete idiot’ becomes I’m a complete idiot. ***Well*** for ***this second anyway.*** (:

    [comment, while I’m not big on using the word idiot in self talk…. there are times where we are simply unhappy with our behavior …and by saying ***Well*** for ***this second*** …I feel adds humor and a great reframe for better than neutral…it leads to compassionate self care… This has been my experience… Appreciating˚ ]

  • ** * 3) ***_Again play with voice tone_***

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    you may enjoy this also Daily Questions Considerations
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    threads with overlapping significance
    Positive Questions/Afformations
    HealingAffirmations-Preventative Medicine.com

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

    • Integrating Parts
    • ** * Begin by taking third position to your experience. Become a skilled mediator.

    • ** * Identify the parts and give each a name. Separate them spatially. Imagine one on your left and one on your right.

    • ** * Build a representation of each part visually, auditorily and kinesthetically.
      What would they look like? What would they sound like? What words or phrases would they say? What would they feel like, what sort of emotions are associated with each? (Note how you feel about each and whether that threatens your impartiality as a mediator.)

    • ** * ***Find the positive intention of each part by chunking up.***
      Do this with one part at a time. Start by asking, ‘What does this part want?’ Then ask, ‘Suppose you had that, what would that get for you?’ Keep chunking up until you reach a high enough level of positive intention. Find the positive intention of the other part in the same way. Treat each part as you would a person – with courtesy and respect.

    • ** * Evaluate the two positive intentions.
      Where do they meet? What can both parts agree on? Both parts are valuable and both parts are needed. Both parts deserve to get what they want. Neither part needs to give anything up in order to agree at a high level of positive intention with the other part. Each part needs the other in order to get what it wants. The conflict between the two means that neither is getting what they want at the moment.

    • ** * Settle the dispute by integrating the parts or negotiating a working agreement.
      The parts may need to stay ‘apart’ at this stage. If so, make arrangements with your time, effort and resources so they can both work together, get what they want and not frustrate each other.

    • ** * You may also want to integrate the parts. Bring the parts together into yourself in the way that feels most appropriate: perhaps as two sounds merging as one perhaps as two pictures coming together perhaps as two beams of light

    • ** * A good way to integrate is to imagine one part in your right hand and one part in your left and bring your hands together as a metaphor for integration.

    • ** * Allow some time for integration.
      What difference has that made? How do you feel?

    • ** * ***Future pace.***


***How will it be different the next time a situation arises where there was conflict before?***

***~O’Connor, Joseph. NLP Workbook: A practical guide to achieving the results you want . HarperCollins Publishers.~***

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Other exercise-type threads in process, that you may like to visit.
I was looking for a particular 1…and came across these, and thought I’d highlight here: (: If I find others…will add here(:

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Top NLP Techniques’ [good list]

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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