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★HappinessMtg-Now 10.28.15[Fun&Helpful]

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  • Our Next Bmindful HappinessGroupMeeting Is Going On Now
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    Please join us today October 28, 2015 for our weekly (Free) Happiness Thread-Meeting. [meetings are every Wednesday] any questions? Ask for details…

It’s really simple…The only requirement is caring about yourself and others.

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Pop in anytime October 28, 2015 during the meeting …and the day after…(due to different time commitments & time zone-consideration)

  • logo for meeting
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    The topic of the meeting for tomorrow will be:
  • Making A Difference”


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    Most of us strive to make a difference in our lives or the lives of others. How are you making a difference in your world…and how does making that difference affect others you come in contact with?
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What does the idea of doing the right thing mean to you? What gets your attention& intention the most…your heart, your thoughts, or actions?
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How does your energy and intentions match up with making a difference?
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  • What’s important to me?
  • What feels meaningful?
  • What everyday life choices inspire me?
  • What kind of difference do I want to make?
  • If I could pick one way to make a difference, what would it be?
  • Where do I see are the opportunities to make a difference (i.e., what action can I take)?
  • Do I want to make a difference? (There are no “shoulds.”)
  • How am I making a difference (or am I making a difference at all)?

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

By nurturing my own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs by living consciously and courageously, I resonate with love and compassion, and awaken a great universal kindness within myself. By consistently accepting and embracing my extraordinary human journey, I make a difference in my world…I am happy! And that difference positively affects others.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

What is important to me are my intentions.

I intend to see God in everyone I meet, including the plant, animal and mineral kingdom.

I choose to see the contributions and generosity of others. I see their greatness and the difference that they make for others. Their light is illuminating my path, and I reflect untold peace and exuberant joy back to them…

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

What feels meaningful to me:

The things that money cannot buy.

Peace… Faith… and goodwill… finding a healthy passion, celebrating the incredibly diverse talents of others…. loving how ART and ARTISTS are making our world a better place… a more humane place where incredible love flows and grows…

Sacredness, the incredible Gifts of union. Totally priceless.

The gift of Life, absolute total miracle.
The Gift of our design, the Gift of time.
The precious Gift of One another.
All the beauty that surrounds us…

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

IF I could make one difference in the world:

I would immediately criminalize war, period. Nobody has the “right” to do that. All wars should be criminalized, period.

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

What does the idea of doing the right thing mean to you? What gets your attention& intention the most…your heart, your thoughts, or actions?

2 of my (many wonderful) favorite self talk statements are (1) Do the next right thing and (2) There is nothing more important than what I’m doing right now.

I feel things deeply. That can become wonderful or create brain fog depending on how I allow myself to proceed.(: When I describe the process, it can sound, long drawn out & tedious…Though for me, it just feels like making my way back to something that feels right for all else.

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When there is something I’d like to understand, release, create, or process …I can feel my heart and attempt to listen to what it is expressing. I cannot hear me (or anyone else)if I Am anywhere else first. When I isolate my heart & areas I desire… from mental chatter (outside sources), , I seem to know instinctively about (my own) feelings. I can feel if something hurts/wants to feel better, or in a place…I wouldn’t desire much change at all(: And generally…after allowing myself to feel ‘enough’) I can observe my heart-place…and think how I want to take care of me and proceed. Am I asking for more love or just to be recognized? [generally when I’m feeling not recognized… it is simply me not connecting with my Higher Self…love inside…the ‘Spark of God’ everyone possess. I ask what I need…by way of: More understanding? Was I wanting something from outside myself…? Was outside myself the source of my stuff…or did it exacerbate something that I needed that only I could give me?

And soon actions for the next right thing…for myself. I will do what I need…It may require a little trial and error…Though because it came from my heart-place, it all feels kind and doable…for myself, and anyone else that crosses my energy path.

My heart-place feels like: my center, My God place.
Outside myself-feels like noise…until I allow this place…to become all there is .

When I allow myself to come from my heart place-in time… my journey …is clear. I don’t have to know (anymore) exactly where I’ll end up, because the uncertainty…becomes pleasurable …and the possibilities become scenery that continues to present itself as I let go, and believe I Can do this, because it is was always only me & (Source)-God, and that is what my mental chatter described as not enough…and my heart-place knew all along, that was the place All originates from …where there is no lack…there is no confusion….and All really is well.

Mental chatter…can be very logical…it processes, and weighs & yes can create. And I won’t tell a fib, it can be absolutely fun and enjoyable. Though, when I desire that balance, and that need to know what is going on and where do I go from here…it is time to align and center. Actions I can appreciate generally are sufficient, and good… or another wonderful lesson(: Which is good…because I will allow myself to learn and continue the process. And once again, I won’t fib…it is a process, because life can get pretty busy, and sometimes mental chatter sounds so wise(: And I can be a good listener to noise…until, I remember where peace is found…every time.

Just sharing this process, I am already feeling more centered for my day. I have been extremely busy lately…and my days off are very important to me…To feel my center, do what I need to do for myself & family unit…So I have more to give to those I connect with…beyond myself & family(:

In our deepest moments of struggle, frustration, fear, and confusion, we are being called upon to reach in and touch our hearts. Then, we will know what to do, what to say, how to be. What is right is always in our deepest heart of hearts. It is from the deepest part of our hearts that we are capable of reaching out and touching another human being. It is, after all, one heart touching another heart. Roberta Sage Hamilton

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    I Am wonderfully complete
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    Since wholeness contains everything, it draws on the infinite resources of spirit. Trust that there will always be enough of what your soul has to give – enough love, compassion, caring, intelligence, creativity, and attention. Abundance is about trusting the flow, knowing that wholeness doesn’t have holes in it and never leaves a void. You can be generous with all the gifts of the soul and more will flow in. Deepak Choprah
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I Am living a Divine plan

How does my energy and intentions match up with making a difference?
By being in touch with my God-center, as I had mentioned above, and Kathi and Poppy expressed as vital, all else is possible…

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    When I remember who I truly am, a child of God, God fills my heart.

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    Now for the next part of this important question:

How does my energy and intentions match up with making a difference?

First let me define what making a difference means to me….
back later…(:

I Am living a Divine plan

(saves my place & reminds me to return)
saved for responses to these questions
Most of us strive to make a difference in our lives or the lives of others. How are you making a difference in your world…and how does making that difference affect others you come in contact with?
What’s important to me?
What feels meaningful?
What everyday life choices inspire me?
What kind of difference do I want to make?
If I could pick one way to make a difference, what would it be?
Where do I see are the opportunities to make a difference (i.e., what action can I take)?
Do I want to make a difference? (There are no “shoulds.”)
How am I making a difference (or am I making a difference at all)?

saved for responses to these questions
back later…(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to Kathi’s post:
Kathi I think you are 100% correct in saying your intentions are very important. I truly think we see what we intend to see. When we interact with others we choose to see their beauty, uniqueness, contribution, their strengths or we see their weakness, inability, and negativity. It is the lens we use as our focus that determines what we see in both ourselves and others including as you say, everything in the plant, animal, and mineral kingdom. When you choose to see Gods Love and Light in everything, I believe you will be at peace, you will radiate love and happiness.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:
I have always felt things very deeply and for me it has usually been a two edged sword. I have learned it works out best, my thoughts, feelings, actions when I use both my heart and mind. I have to think first. What is right and good in every situation I face and for both me, others involved, and the world. Once I have focused on a kind, loving outcome, I then look inside my heart and listen to what it is saying is right and good. When I combine my focus of both my heart and mind in determining an outcome, I believe I have tapped into my Higher Self and I am confident my thoughts, and actions are heart felt and I am doing the right thing.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
I am not sure, if we may be saying similar things. Describing experience is sometimes not a word-thing…that can be shared. I will say I identify with what you say…and sometimes it truly feels what comes first the chicken or the egg? lol

I will attempt to give a more tangible example(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:
I thought of the chicken or the egg too.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:
I have noticed as I have gotten older, I simply have no reference points for moving forward. I know…all places are to be experienced brand new(: Though, this phase is truly new…new for myself…new for my family-unit(:

Why so new? I mean after all, we all are aging…And our goal is to define successful aging…I’d imagine. And for me the process of feeling who I am, connecting with God (of my understanding & then releasing the best I have to offer enables all else).

Most of us as we are getting older…are involved with not less roles, but more…and somehow newer…because we are bringing a fresh phase to some old and some brand new ‘matters at hand’.

Everything I do today…involves other people. At work I serve. In volunteer efforts I serve. When I walk out my door and greet my neighbor…with a smile I serve. So what is serving? Where does it come from? Why do we want it to be present and beautifully received?

We live in a world …and we are interconnected…And to serve (for me) means to reserve space for all else outside of myself. How do I reserve space if I have not tended to my own? Oh yes it can be done…because life, love and our hearts cannot be compartmentalized….So we must become love. As cliche’ as that sounds…its real, and it works…(:

That is one reason I love affirmations, centering, prayer and just about every wonderful self-care that one can think of (giggling).

I made an analogy about this the other day without as much detail as I will do now…describing self to an automobile. You can have the most lovely vehicle in the world with the greatest intentions on the planet of travel…though if you do not pay attention to the vehicles needs, we simply have a beautiful vehicle with great potential. It is already worthy of great things. It is already something that we know can give ourselves and others a ride…Though…by satisfying the gas tank…(which I equate the vehicle of course with self.. and the gas tank with Gods Love/and centering self)…I can site see (see beauty)…I can give strangers a ride (give to all I meet)…. I can be in tip top condition to keep up the process…with love…no matter how busy I get, even with the new territory…and how many roles I am involved with…

So I believe…somehow we are agreeing… Because I too see what I’d like to give …I envision it….I feel it…It feels natural… And like you and Kathi implied …it’s a gift….It’s God and this Spark is in all of us…and we can connect to that place in others…God willing, and be a gift. [and for that statement, like you I like to keep things spiritual rather than religious when sharing…though will mention if the gift is something that is meant to be-Source (God) will see it through with me(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:

I think we are in agreement. We are all saying the same thing with just a slight difference in our expression due to our unique life experiences.

“…it’s a gift….It’s God and this Spark is in all of us…” That is what makes a difference!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
yes, Poppy(: further agreement. I would like to share what has already happened for me due to this meeting you are so wonderfully present for…

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:
In response to Poppy’s post:
I have a lot to sort out today, and today I have the blocks of time to do it…(off from work today) …so when I return to work I can be not just industrious for what is expected in my duties…which I will be… though I can and I will be ready to Be and give again…with the qualities that feel needed …in a flow of positivity, joy and Love. And while the specifics are not yet known…I know it is All Good, thank you God.Amen (a little affirmative prayer there(:

I Am living a Divine plan

Something that comes to my mind regarding “making a difference” is understanding our spheres of influence. Making a difference begins with you and your immediate surroundings and close friends or family. That is where the gold is. It also has to do with working with what you have now. You start from where you are. I often waste time worrying about things that are beyond my sphere of influence. I don’t think it is a waste of time to think about things beyond my power to change, understanding the bigger picture is useful, but, we shouldn’t obsess about such things. Think about the big things, but, then come back down to where you are here and now. A life of fame or power might have some appeal, but, so does a simple life. A little garden in your back yard might hold more joy for you than a mansion and a yacht might hold for some gazillionaire. If we want to make a change outside ourselves, the best place to start is by looking inside ourselves. Mostly it has to do with love in one way or another.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm’s post:

Your post reminds me of our logo. Be someone you want to be… That is being present in the moment. That isn’t easy. There are so many competing things in our environment that we have to attend to and deal with. It does come down to where you are here and now. I do agree it does have to do with love one way and another and another..

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
In response to Kathi’s post:
In response to Kathi’s post:
In response to Poppy’s post:
In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm’s post:
This is a wonderful meeting!

I Am living a Divine plan

Thanks everyone. This is a wonderful meeting!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
By nurturing my own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs by living consciously and courageously, I resonate with love and compassion, and awaken a great universal kindness within myself. By consistently accepting and embracing my extraordinary human journey, I make a difference in my world…I am happy! And that difference positively affects others. beautiful mission statement btw(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post: Just for me,

You have hit on a very important topic;
I see two things.
1. You hit on the topic of successful aging (paragraph 2)
2. Roles: not taking less roles, but taking on more roles (paragraph 3)

This is a very important area for further exploration, and it connects well with this meeting, and it connects to last weeks meeting, where participants were asked to identify their definition of success.

Aging is an area that has been exhaustively explored, and yet, as we begin to arrive, its like there is this universal experience where many people feel they don’t have good role models. As we are entering into a new era, the directions and the goals are subject to change. And, sometimes the speed of change can cause us even more trepidation and uncertainty.

This is a very interesting area of exploration. Today’s questions are very useful…

For me, the most important thing I can do is to focus on the immediacy of now.

As I continue to reflect on all that is being shared, I notice that the world is increasingly abundant. My options and choices are opening up.

I create success from within.

All that I need is within me now.

I am connected to Life and all its glory!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Kathi’s post:

If I had to limit my affirmations to just three, I’d choose yours. Those three pretty well sum it up.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Today I commit to miraculous shifts. I start with forgiveness.

This is important to me… To be open to the miraculous, and I have plenty of room in my life for this to show up!! There is always more that we could forgive, so we could free up our heart and connect with our higher self, so we can continue to challenge and prosper, from the inside out. This is where we manifest from, is from the inside out!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Kathi’s post:
In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:

I absolutely agree with this quote:

“In our deepest moments of struggle, frustration, fear, and confusion, we are being called upon to reach in and touch our hearts. Then, we will know what to do, what to say, how to be. What is right is always in our deepest heart of hearts. It is from the deepest part of our hearts that we are capable of reaching out and touching another human being. It is, after all, one heart touching another heart.” —- Roberta Sage Hamilton

The amazing thing I find about these words is that I can and others can touch each others heart. We don’t even have to know them, they can reach our heart by any of our senses—sight, sound, etc. For the people who we know and care about, distance and time doesn’t seem to matter. When you heart is bound together not even death separates you, but increases your heart-felt love for each other. It is a Higher form of communication/love. We do have to free up our heart and connect with our higher self, and as Kathi said, it is Miraculous!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm’s post:
Yes, Robert, agree SRWE truly hit the nail on the head for me too.
1. family & friends 1st
2. focusing what you have & where you are at now/starting from where you are
3. Simplicity … (ex. of creating the garden)
4. Big picture -useful/Though come back home/Best place to start is inside….It’s about Love

Agree it was very good. Though, my little bullet-points don’t do it justice,Well written too(:

I Am living a Divine plan

It’s still early…and I know this thread meeting isn’t “over” (: Thanks Poppy for chairing this…while you’re at work!!!(:

And once again, I’m come away with so much by processing my own thoughts/feelings and attempting to process the beauty others share. I want to continue with these questions, today, tomorrow or during the week…
I just wanted to thank everyone for the experience… Each week, I never know quite what is in store…though the result is always wonderful(:

It’s like bumping into your best encounters (wonderful people) and also finding out (in new ways) one of those wonderful people is yourself… I am so grateful for this site and members’ willingness to share(: It’s a gift(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to Lake Placid’s post:

“ Thinking from the heart and developing an intuitive mindset…” I agree. You start from within…where you are now.. And you move as you said thinking from the heart…from a developed intuitive mindset. I think our intuition is an expression of thinking from the heart. Then you let your experience, education, ect. render a verdict after you have examined all the evidence on choices to resolve the idea or issue. Do I understand you correctly? If so, I believe you are listening to both your mind and heart to resolve/examine thoughts or issues.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

What if… think about it, … what IF we took the televisions out of our house and put them in storage for a year. Imagine. What would we accomplish without all that noise. I don’t know if I could give up the internet, but, I think I could live without television. How powerful would such a decision be! We voluntarily pour our lives down the drain occupying our minds with distractions when one simple act would magnify our productivity and save money at the same time.

You come home and find… quiet! You sit down and realize, hey, it is quiet. There is no distraction. My mind is free. I must do something. I will think, or I will clean, or I will read, or I will go out, or I will plan… My mind and thoughts will drive me to take action.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to Lake Placid’s post:

I had ever really thought of watching the news as a form of self abuse. As I think about it, it is almost exclusively negative by its very nature. It is horrific human violence, or natural disasters.

I am not the most discipline person in the world but I could give up watching the news for a week. Record my activity and feelings and evaluate if I were better off without knowing about all the violence and thinking (filling my mind) with all the insanity the news brings. I would also have to limit my use of the Internet to exclude news sites and current events. This would be a very interesting challenge if several of our participants did the same and we discussed our results in a thread.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm’s post:

This goes right along with Lake Placid’s post earlier. Instead of giving up watching the news, why not give up TV altogether. I do believe we would need to turn off our internet use as well. I spend more of my time on my devices than is probably healthy. That includes my phone too. We are bombarded by information. This would be something to consider temporarily. I don’t believe it could be done long term. We live in an Information Age and there is no getting around it. This might be a good argument to support setting aside time each day to meditate, pray or some other form of mental detoxification.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Yes, Lake Placid’s post is what prompted my “tv” post.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm’s post:
In response to Poppy’s post:
In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm’s post:
In response to Lake Placid’s post:
TV has been mentioned…I’m very selective with TV too… if I don’t feel joy, or some level of satisfaction from the television, or the PC for that matter, my inner self…will address this, as others have mentioned(: and on I go to something that I’m truly interested for mind body spirit.

Like meal planning, I like the idea of TV planning(: By doing a bit of a formality like planning(: … I create enthusiasm for something I’d enjoy anyway(: (I can change my mind, I can record it…etc) Though planning also helps me see the fun in my schedule(: And I can fill myself up with feelings I enjoy whether I participate or not(: Also if the program is something my hubby enjoys…I’ve also created another date-night opportunity…If we both enjoy, its a date(: If I enjoy just for me…it’s a date with myself. No matter how it plays out, it becomes all good(: And by writing this, it reinforces it in a very delightful way…(:

I Am living a Divine plan

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