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★What Have You Learned Today In The School of Life.

I am sure that most of you understand the concept that we are in School for the rest of our Lives. We all attend the School of Life, everyday we experience something new. So everyday we need to reflect if only for a few seconds, “What did I Learn Today?”

I would love to hear your comments on what you have learned in School lately, because everything is a gift and should be acknowledged as such.

Today, I learned that I can do anything I want to do, as long as I do not try to control anyone else in the process. The gift I got was the gift of humanity, to know that I am human and have human emotions and that is okay. Learning to deal with our emotions may possibly be one of the hardest lesson we ever learn; but when you learn it – Look Out World We Are Coming Through!

I found a poem by James T Moore that I thought you all may enjoy. I am posting it on my vision board.

One And Only You

Every single blade of grass,
And every flake of snow—-
Is just a wee bit different….
There’s no two alike, you know.

From something small, like grains of sand,
To each gigantic star
All were make with THIS in mind:
To be just what they are!

How foolish then, to imitate—-
How useless to pretend!
Since each of us comes from a MIND
Whose ideas never end.

There’ll only be just ONE of ME
To show what I can do—-
And you should likewise feel very proud,
There’s only ONE of You.

That is where it all starts
With you, a wonderful
Unlimited Human Being.

I wanted to center it and make it look good, but it did not work. Oh well enjoy the poem and have a great day in school.

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

hi Rockswealth ,what a lovely poem , i read so many lovely poems and forget them so im starting a collection and going to enjoy writing them into a book including Desiderata ,foorprints and yours .When i was a little girl i had a lovely teacher who used to give me poems to copy because she knew i loved them and when i had writen them out she gave me her own coloured pencils and i could make a border around them .I only found out later it was to help me concentrate because i would write a story so fast as i had so many thoughts in my head ,that my letters would be back to front sometimes (stilldo i with z ) ,but with a poem i took my time – wasn’t she an inspired teacher .I had forgotten that till i started to reply to you .
We are learning in the life school all our lives and i think everything we go through has a lesson – its our choice how we see it really .Without the challenges i have had i would not have the understanding and empethy i have with others ,by being able to help someone else it gives the harder experiences a meaning .

I am learning that if i take the first steptowards change the universe shows me the way forwards and helps me ,but if i dont take any action i stay put ,mentally ,physically and spiritually .I am allowing the me that has been pushed down through ,health probems,money worries,family struggles,etc to wake up and start to blossom like a flower .Look at a rose – it grows into a beautifull flower even though there are thorns below it, and it doesnt matter where it is planted it still grows into the beautifull ,scented ,pretty flower it is meant to be .
Thank you for a very thought provoking and inspiring thread ,love flowergirl

Thanks flowergirl it is nice to know that someone reads my posts. LOL

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

hi rockswealth ,i come on here everymorning now to read all the posts ,it a good positive start to the day ,only thing is i spend ages on the p c and dont get started doing things ,love flowergirl

Nice poem and we here represent that uniqueness quite well. Never fear Rockswealth. Your posts are always much appreciated. I just get lazy and don’t always respond.:} Luv ‘ya, Jan

I have learnt to stop having an all or nothing way of thinking .Instead of trying to do everything in a day and not even starting because i overwhelm myself i have learnt to take little cosistent steps .I have 4 things i aim to do daily now

1) eat healthy breakfast
2) go for a walk with my dog
3) tidy and clean one room
4) wash ,dry,iron and put away one wash load

This is all managable and is making progress in a kind mindfull way ,i can go to bed telling myself “ you did well today and you can do this every day “ love flowergirl

Dear Fowergirl, You are wise to devise such a sound plan. You are a good example. It is easy to overindulge in “information/inspiration” to the point of becoming paralyzed. Yeah You! Take away the iron (Whaat?) and I could use such a plan myself. Love, Jan

hi Jan ,thanks ,and i agree ,a couple of weeks ago my plan would have been declutter whole house ,detox andlose a stone ,decorate most rooms ,clear out shed ,start a degree ,all in a month and i would have done nothing just felt a failure .
I like your comment about the iron ,its the most under used item in this house ,especially with using tumble dryer .I used to wash 3/4 loads but didnt dry themand they needed doing again so im improving .I t gives such a positive feeling ,be back to the domestic goddess my son calls me ,lots of love flowergirl

In response to rockswealth’s post:
Your posts are very inspiring! Wow..hope you know that(:

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In the school of life hmmm…so much ..main things I’ve learned and believe:

~ that I am all I need to be at this moment and wanting and becoming more is ok and probable(:

~ that I am grateful for all that goes into making me -me (my body functions well..my mind is clear and feels good…my spirit feels alive..)

~ that I love owning my life and being responsible for it.

~that I can let others have their own stuff, when their stuff is not my business…If they want to share, it’s still theirs..I just take joy that they respect me enough to invite me in(:

I AM THE automatic
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Thank you.


I love the last one the best, it is such a pleasant way for us to share other business without getting totally involved. Very cool

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

i have learnt something so helpfull to me that i want to share it with you al .As a way of coping with a very long period (10 years ) of needing to be strong for my family and freinds through illness,bereavement ,abuse ,debt ,all sorts of difficult times i had ended up very low with depression and retreated into my self .I have been searching for the key to finding my lost spirit again as i only see tiny bits ofit for seconds then feel like a robot .

I have just realised i dont need the key to find my soul ,its there waiting to be loved back into life ,there are no locked doors – all i need to open is the belief that i can come back up out of the nothingness it only takes one little step like walking through a door that was never locked in the first place. love flowergirl

That is so true Flowergirl, also I have a few things that can really get you on the road to recovery. If you are interested, I will send you a few techniques that have worked for most everyone that has used them to release blockage from Life’s Lessons.

It has to do with Meridian Tapping and how to use it to open up the energy within us all. From the sounds of your posts, I think I can really help you and would love to do it. Please send me a private message and let me know if you are interested and we can talk.

When you use this method to correct any blockage in your system, it can sometimes change everything with in minutes it is an strong way to create change in your life quickly.

so let me know as soon as possible and I will get you the techniques and such to use. Okay.

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

hi rockswealth ,thank you ,i would love to hear more about Meridian Tapping as soon as you can as i do feel blocked ,you are kind ,love flowergirl

I recently relearned there is little that is more important than being true to your own ethical standards. When you let someone tell you what is right for you, you risk -you.

I AM THE automatic
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Thank you.

I learned something very important today, that some of us may actually be fighting against our own nature to change to be something we think we are suppose to be.

Our nature is who we are and is what makes us so special. Even though years of our parents telling us that we shouldn’t do that and we should act like this. They very likely were wrong and you should be the person you were when you were not hindered by societies ideas of what a real person should be like.

Each of us has that one special thing about us that makes us unique and special, discover what it is and you will be on your way to what ever success and abundance you have ever dreamed of.

Oh yeah and tapping is believed to be the future of medicine. In others words instead of being a last resort; it will be the first thing that will be used to cure the human mind, body and soul.

So, best learn it now so you are ahead of the game. LOL Just kidding do what makes you feel good and do it to the best of your ability.

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

Today Really Is That Day! Believe it! Own It!
We are growing everyday. We change moment by moment. Actually there is 1 problem for that when we keep listening to others views of us, or old view we once had of ourselves; because we are always brand new if only we allowed the newness to be.

For those of us who believe we were better in the past..You know we can’t live there…so what made that past so wonderful?
-was it the times (less responsibilities)
-more resources
-less wisdom (naivety)

Do you really want less responsibilities today, or do you just want to know how to simplify them and manage them better?
Do you want more resources? Are you doing your part to get there?
Do you really want less wisdom, or do simply want to look at life with eyes of a child and with a passionate reflex?

So here’s the deal, List New Things That Have Made a Difference Today in walking the walk. Keep it simple! Do It With An Inspiring Zest For Life!
Let Everyone In On Your Secrets For Living Well.

I AM THE automatic
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Thank you.

Laurie right on as usual, only one thing to add. At the end of the day if you list things that made you feel good and request more of that in your life things will start happening. You will be getting more of what you like and less of what you don’t like.

Bless you


Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

In response to rockswealth’s post:

This is a great subject. Just a few days ago a friend of mine told me he saw a person I ended my friendship with after 30 years. She is a person who loves to more than flirt with others boyfriends or husbands.

My friend told me she looked sooo good. She had lost weight and had a new hairdo and is now even singing karaoke. Something she would never do before. Of course with all my ex-friends who I introduced her too they had no loyalty for me. It made me feel really bad.

Then the good old sub-conscious mind came forward with a great piece of wisdom. (“Mary if this bothers you so much why don’t you change your lifestyle? Your ex-friend worked at making herself thinner and changed her appearance. Not by magic but by work!) Hallelujah I love our subconscious mind! No use in spending precious time feeling jealous all I have to do is change! It’s all up to me! It’s very easy to sit and complain instead of getting to work. A great motavator.

As far as my ex-friend is concerned I do not wish her harm even though she does not care about others feelings. I figured let the other friends be with her a little longer than they’ll know what I went through. A leopard never changes his spots! This lesson is great one it made me change to being a healthier person.


In response to rockswealth’s post:

Very much ahead of their time the Montessori schools here in CA teach little children the EFT method. My grand neice was tapping and her grandma asked what she was doing. She said she was angry at her brother and started tapping the part between her index finger and thumb that calmed her down! She stated that her teacher taught them that. Talk about being ahead of the game!

I’m realizing more and more that you tend to rush to do things more when something you want in your life is threatened

Also, Why is it that we/I live like it’s the last day, where is our will for discipline? Without discipline we have no hold on ourselves?

“With passion and a burning desire, searching for your true self rather than “happiness”, you will reap the rewards of your authentic self, a self that is capable of being more; more than if the search is simply for happiness. Be true to thine own self. Take care of you for you. Love yourself enough for it matters that much.”-Laur

“Think of the person you love the most in life, or had loved. Always love yourself at least a hair more.”-Laur
I also learned while reading Laur’s powertool is what’s the point of loving someone else if you don’t like yourself enought to be healthy and there for the ones you love?

Learning is fun and when it comes to discipline, I think I will just drop the ball. The word for me feels like something my mother or father would have said and usually they would have been wrong. In order for you to be yourself you need to allow everything to run the full circle. If you are disciplining yourself, you are not allowing the situation to mature. Maybe if we used the word Control instead of discipline I could better relate.

Sometimes, even control is not the way to go, but for me it is a better word then the “D” word. I haven’t been disciplined in 50 years, even though my husband has tried. LOL I control and create my world and in so doing I can choose what I want to happen around me. The problem we have with our subconscious is that it only knows what you have done before, and believes that is the best way to go. But each of us holds some very limiting beliefs that to this day have held us back for doing something totally different then what we have done before. Sometime it is better to step out of the box and be the change, tell your subconscious that you choose to do something different. It will not fight you as much, because you are choosing rather then just changing. I hope that makes sense to all of you. Choose to be the Change and step out of your comfort zone. Life is just great when you try something you have never tried before.

Okay I am done now, please take my ramblings with a grain of salt.

God Bless you all


Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

I loved your ramblings! The concious and subconcious mind are funny at times aren’t they?!

I have a problem where I cannot find myself to be disciplined because I amuse myself like it’s the last day on earth!

In response to bbirishbug’s post:
That’s actually a wonderful trait…Don’t lose it..And I mean it.(:

Though if you want more discipline..just gradually add it in, in little blocks of time, and it will easily create a routine over time(:

I AM THE automatic
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Thank you.

I have quit role playing and over fantacizing
I’m starting to feel better about myself, more and more
I give myself adequate attention, concern & care
I bring love and concern into balance
I take responsibility for making good things happen in my relationships and life

Recently added:

I appreciate, acknowledge, approve myself

I understand my needs and accordingly devote time to myself

Planning and taking action solves anxious feelings by replacing them with comforting thoughts. Doing so will eliminate feelings of frustration. Otherwise, frustration leads to resentment, because of expectations. Frustration also leads to unrestrained temper, because of fear to loose control. Untended anger builds and flares up, contradictory to being a spark of God. Avoiding all of this avoids unappropriate timing, stomach ailments such as IBS, driving impairement, negative outlooks, abuse, isolation, self destruction, disatisfaction, unhappiness, lack of focus & motivation, hypertension and depression. We need rest, nutrition, exercise, review of our emotions and schedualed activities. We also have to be comfortable with our limits, because our life must continue and be meaningful.

I finished my learning process to be prepared for setting goals now. :) :)

Today I created these affirmations:

I think as highly of myself as I think of friends and peers
After a little while, I let it go of things and move on
I don’t think little of myself because I deserve to be happy
My greatest glory is in rising up every time I fail
I enjoy success, no matter how small it may be
I beleive in myself by not dwelling on my unattractive characteristics
I replace anxious feelings with planned comforting thoughts


In the school of life..I’ve learned about past present and future.

context…context …context..
Don’t try to be who you were in the past without conscious assessment of how you became that way in the first place.
Here’s some off the cuff examples:
Do you want to be more of a free spirit like you were once?
Were you a “free spirit” “back in the day”?
Why were you a free spirit then? Did you have less responsibilities? Were you less responsible? Were you less aware of yourself and or others?
Were you free of a your own personal critic?
If you are coming from a past context which gave you a result you liked..start fresh..affirm you are a free spirit with the “personal mission statement” of today.

Don’t wish to be who you were…be a better version of the past by updating you with the person that you are in this moment.

Know your motives. Don’t ever let anyone tell you your motives without you also doing your own research.

We are changing exponentially …and remembering where you came from sometimes loses its context..Where you came from not only had details of the past..people from the past..but you in the past. Who you are today gets the privilege of having your best traits of the past ..if you are conscious of you in the present. In the present you can look at you with fresh eyes with the intention of your choosing.

There will be times you can say you’ve gone through things…and then there will be times you’ve grown through things..remember the lessons..and see are how they are relevant today.

So often people live in their past lessons. That has some merit, and it also can be worn like a battle scar. Life is not meant to be a book you keep selling to yourself or others…Live each day/new moment fresh.

If you can’t find words that worked for you once to get you going…get some phenomenal audio tapes which sound like your most creative most health most resourceful most abundant-natured self..and go for it.

Book reading isn’t for everyone..Though audio books just might be..Close your eyes…and “read”.

I AM THE automatic
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Thank you.

I have learned the rewards of patience and peace. Good things are coming around!

I’ve learned that putting in even a little effort can make changes! It’s worth it to engage!

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

awesome thread!


What Have You Learned Today In The School of Life?

Keeping the things you think are the most complex simple...is what creates manageability.

With ease and 'manageability' most everything can be attained.

I AM THE automatic
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to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.


There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.


There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.

  • What Have You Learned Today In The School of Life?

affirmations create my inspiration

inspiration creates my action

less frustration when inspired

even less frustration when we tend to anything we feel matters

heck, no frustration at all...when my affirmations are chosen from my heart

I love how inspired action has my future self thanking me!!!

I AM THE automatic
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to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Acceptance is what I have learned most today, not be critical or judge the actions of others,  just go with the magical flow of life wherever it takes me for it is a beautiful journey.


Image result for it gives me immense pleasure to be a blessing to others


I am happy with how I spend my time.

 I love how I balance my work time and my play time; life is my playground.

There is always enough time to be there for others.

I choose relaxation as my sacred state of mind.



I AM THE automatic
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to accomplish everything
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Thank you.


There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.

while I know prayer works, today it was once again reinforced that....  believing all is well, accompanied by an allowing- prayer is indeed a winning combo

I AM THE automatic
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Thank you.

There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.

Spelling is not exactly my forte.

Thought I would post a few words for references purposes.


There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.

In response to aquanimity's post: awesome quote!!!

I AM THE automatic
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to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Recently was coping with painful nighttime leg cramps,

speaking of bad news good news.

The good news is I researched what leg cramps are all about.

I discovered they were caused mainly because of a lack of

magnesium.I then bought the highest quality magnesium tablets

for "healthy bones and muscle function enhanced absorbtion"

Was pleasantly surprized haven't had a leg cramp since.




There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.

“I am whole, perfect, strong powerful loving harmonious and happy, I can do all things through Spirit. Christ and all spiritual people throughout the course of history that strengthen me”

Another supplement definately worth a look is niacinimide.

Also known as vitamin B3.Much different than niacin.You tube has many videos

explaining the benifits of niacinimide.

Have also tried niacin,which has a side effect of intense flushing for several minutes.

Niacinimide is completely different.

Could not find it in stores though

Had to order it from a vitamin company online.

I have learned that a shift I really desire... isn't so complicated.

  • Begin from my heart {a place that already knows}
  • Accept and support myself along the way.
  • Make room for the unknown, and equate unknown with awesome possibilities.
  • Keep making room to make way out of comfort zone... to get what it is my heart is really desiring
  • and intend
  • and affirm
  • enjoy the process
  • allow support from those you love you
  • though be your biggest most  awesome consistent cheerleader
  • and before you know it... whatever you've really wanted ... where it counts shows up ... more and more ...perfectly 
  • and inspired action is the result(:
  • Happy New Year everyone.much love!


I AM THE automatic
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to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

In response to SelfCare/AppreciationView˚'s post:

sounds reasonable 

In response to Stillness's post:laughing

I AM THE automatic
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Thank you.


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.


My redundant lesson is- for me- being right where I am suppose to be.laughing


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

In response to Serenity Bay's post:

Joseph Murphy awesome!

I AM THE automatic
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I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

In response to bbirishbug's post:

I like that you quit role playing(:

I wish you were here to elaborate... Though in the mean time, I am looking forward to returning to share my take on this wonderful though bbirishbug posted.

In response to Serenity Bay's post:

thank you for posting this 

bookmarking for Wed.

thank you(:

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
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to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.


In response to bbirishbug's post: and quitting role playing, I will share what came to mind.

I recently created some projects for work, and it went over well. Yes, it brought good feelings, and yes I was able to do something worthwhile for others... Though, it is beyond valuable to separate yourself from what you do, unless your actions are completely in line with your spirit place, and not just the pieces of you that are important.

When I think of roles I play, I think of pieces of myself that I do my best to allow them to be in complete harmony of who I am.

My thoughts:

We can never just be a piece of something.

This is not to say, those pieces are not very valuable.

We are magnificently always more than we can be fathom.

We are forever expansiveness 

Staying in touch with the deeper space of your very spirit,

and allowing  that place to help you create

to continue

to grasp the more of your spirit...

to me is what  I create space/time to  allow for.


I AM THE automatic
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to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

You might thank once again either you tube or serendipity, no affiliation with Wim Hof.

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

In response to Marcus Twain's post:

glad of your interest in this area. some inspiring info, even though I'm not yet ready for cold water 

It was really beautiful

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

I have learned to clear what doesn’t serve me and allow all that does in peaceful joyful loving way.

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

I have learned to wake up peacefully and mindfully.

I have learned to be aware of this and do/allow this all day in renewed ways

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

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