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Lihai's Profile

Forum Posts:1
Profile Views:3834
Location:Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
Last Seen:on 26/04/2011
mindful Since:May 2007

Lihai Sherman is a Project Analyst and Medical Qigong Practitioner operating out of Los Angeles, California. Sherman completed training to be Certified for Medical Qigong from the Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College in Berkeley, CA in 2007. He’s studied Qigong and Nei Gung for 19 years. His Medical Qigong brings with it a power and effectiveness honed by a broad understanding of the many states of qi and how it’s transmuted.

Recently, Sherman has focused his practice on developing tools for addressing the growing issue of stress in American society, its effects on the body, mind, emotions and spirit, particularly in women. While the negative affects of stres have been around for a while, some symptoms such as persistent headaches, difficulty getting to sleep, frequent nervous breakdowns, and an inability to regain control over thinking are becoming so common as to approach a pandemic. Many of Sherman’s patients have been women who, in trying to balance work in a male-dynamic-dominated workplace with what women are typically expecting of themselves in the rest of their lives, are experiencing system breakdowns of various kinds. Sherman, an adult with Attention Deficit Disorder has particular empathy with this kind of nervous system overload in others.

His work in this area brings mental calm, physical grounding, a peaceful heart, a sense of safety and ease and even a return of hope to his patient’s outlook. With regular work, his patients have lightened their load and been able to address the entropy that had been engulfing their lives.

Lihai also works as a Project Analyst for an IT company, and was recently elected to the Board for the the Los Angeles Bio-Fuel Co-operative.

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Lee lynnkub queenprincess
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Hi there,

I am honored to have you on the site! I look forward to seeing you around :)

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Thanks for stopping by and the intreset in me! I often do the same thing and wonder how many share thoughts w/me. I really enjoyed reading your comment and your profile.Keep Enjoying Life!! Peace.

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Thanks for your comment! I am doing a Reiki I training this Saturday! (uh oh!) I am so excited! I am not clear about what it is exactly but feel I need to go there! I’ll figure it out along the way! Woo hoo!

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In response to lynnkub’s comment: lynnkub, Reiki is a lovely way to introduce yourself to the world of energetic healing, and a valid healing path in its own right. You’ll have loads of fun. Change is constant, life is hard, and everything is worth it.

Lihai :)

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Hello Lihai, long time no see! Would love it if you’d visit, and share the wonderful things that interest you! blessings for a wonderful New Year.

peace and love, AWP (aka selfcare)

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