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Tips on bmindful.com success

Hi fellow bmindfulers!

This is my first thread and I am pretty excited about that! I hope this post finds you happy and healthy…or, on your way to those things :). I believe in you!

For my first discussion, I’d like to share my personal goals for this site: 1) list and read affirmations to improve my positive mental space and 2) meet like-minded people. What are you looking for from this site? Wanna be friends? I do :)!

Also, how do you make the most of this site?

Thank you in advance for your help!

…What makes you different, makes you beautiful…

In response to Raylene’s post:
Welcome Raylene!

One thing for sure Raylene, on bmindful, you will find others who look for the good hearted things in life; both discovery and attainment.

Most know, the best already exists (somehow)…

Many do this by just claiming it and doing the footwork-> that good healthy routines demand. And of course routines will differ for each. We do find many who walk similar paths. Whether the path is similar, or not love and respect for the uniqueness of each individual can be found on bmindful.

I don’t intentionally look for something on bmindful, I just have found I will somehow connect with individuals who share things I greatly admire. When you are being true to self, and allowing others to be who they are, the results are often greater than one could plan. Fun, Ideas, suggestions, enthusiasm, honesty from others is always around.

You might want to look through older threads, and see what I mean. I was going to list some threads that might assist…though looks like you’ve already found some(:

Here’s a table of contents that has a lot of threads. It doesn’t have all of them, because we took a break from creating it for awhile(:

My best to you(:

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Welcome to bMindful, Raylene. It is a pleasure to run into you on the site. As you can probably imagine, everyone has their different takes on how best to use this site. I’m looking forward to hearing your fresh ideas as you embark on your bMindful journey. :)

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

In response to Raylene’s post:
Hi Raylene,
Its no coincidence that you ran into this site…..its simply your subconscious attracting whats good for you at this time, and you are probably well on your way to attaining the best simply from making your way here! As Laurie quite rightly said, the best already exists and its within your aims and wishes to achieve this.

And so, to your question about how to achieve success on this site:
Chances are you are doing it already, simply through channelling your needs and requests to the universe through affirmative self talk (affirmations) and seeking support from like-minded individuals.

Me, personally, I came to this site for the first time in a rather negative place concerning my job and ‘where i should be, and what i should be doing’ – though, in my heart I knew the best existed and needed to channel it – and through no coincidence, I found this site and it helped me shift my thinking to the way I KNEW I could, and to a way I somehow KNEW existed.
I wrote my affirmations, kept true to them daily, exercised my right to be an abundant human being and started feeling and believing I was WORTHY. By participating in the threads and recieving PRICELESS advice and support from fellow bmindfullers I gradually started changing my mindset and life seems to be getting better and better.

Many of my affirmations were to do with work, and since I wrote my affirmations, many are true today – I drew opportunities towards me and am now totally respected in my place of work, for who I am and what I have achieved in other walks of life. Things that were ‘not important’ in the scheme of things, began to diminish and replaced with far more valuable things – THIS, I achieved through having gratitude for the here and now….suddenly I felt I had more than I realised and it multiplied!!

I can tell you how much this site has helped me, you just have to try it for yourself. Do what others suggest and reap the benefits. Affirmations REALLY work – you just gotta believe in them from your heart…

Good luck and I look forward to hearing how you get on and I look forward to hearing your contributions to the threads!

A full and thankful heart..

In response to Raylene’s post:
In response to anoushka’s post:
Anoushka said it all very well. I honestly didn’t want to come on too strong about the site, because it is what you make it. Though.. Anoushka said it perfectly…“you just have to try it for yourself. Do what others suggest and reap the benefits. Affirmations REALLY work – you just gotta believe in them from your heart…”

Everyday, I do my best to begin from a place of joy and gratitude.
If we try we can always find something to be less than content about..But why start there? Start with the awesome gratitude for being alive, and all of the working parts of you. Then look at areas that you alone can work on,and better->and begin making a prioritized plan toward your accomplisments, and make sure you see in your minds eye the joy that comes from getting what ytou need/want..You won’t be dissapointed.

Next, while this isn’t a religious site, I do feel it’s a wonderfully spiritual one. When I used the word “somehow” things come together. For me, the Somehow is God.

Though, as time goes by Raylene, this site will be a site, that will assist in being your gratitude place, your creative place, your whatever works place…Using affirmations, and wonderful ideas that make your moving forward a perfect pleasure.

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Wow! Thanks everyone. I am so grateful for the time and thought you put into your posts.
What a great way to start something new! I am excited to find such lovely people here and the opportunity to try something different.

Thank you, I will take your suggestions to heart.

Looking forward to getting to you know all better.


…What makes you different, makes you beautiful…

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