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★Is Today Another Great Day For You??

Claim it and it’s yours!

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Of course, it’s another great day for you. Claim it and it’s yours(smiles and smiles).

Let’s use this thread to enthusiastically CLAIM THE GOOD.

The more you say it, write it..it’s amazing how the good pops out in vivid color.(:

When you know the day is great, you live and learn differently. You give yourself permission to see what was there all along, and you make space for the opportunities, that you might’ve been blocking.

Ever heard of the person who is looking for a parking space, but doesn’t believe a space exists. They just keep circling the lot, and either nothing materializes or they get a lousy spot (the one they expected).

Though,know that spot exists, and know it’s in a perfect spot. And bam, there it is right where you need/want it! And sometimes better than you could’ve pictured it(:


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

I’ve posted this before, though thought it was fitting to a thread that is built on joy, and being cheery.

It will make you laugh

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

In response to Laurie Is Having Another Great Day~‘s post:
This is wonderful Laurie – and yes it made me laugh. Its sad to think that people would even want to stop that lovely lady from having the enthusiasm for life she has(?)

Oh well. Here is a great place to air the enthusiasm for LIFE that we bmindfullers have.
Yes, I claim this day to be another great one….and I’ll tell you why claiming it works….

Friday was one of my lowest days in a long time. A lot of unneccesary stress and I was not in a good place – spiritually flat.

I claimed yesterday to be one of resolution to Friday’s problems. I prayed, I self affirmed and I trusted in the universe for BETTER.
I literally sang all the way home in the car. I had a joyous WORKING day! Now, how many people can say that after a day at work…? We all can!!! If we CLAIM it from the word go! I did and it worked.

Why it worked? Because I claimed and accepted all that was wrong with Friday and gave myself permission to enjoy a better day. I trusted that it was so, and it was!

Today I am having another great day too. This thread came up just at the right time for me – I must be looking/sounding like that lady in the clip (!)

A full and thankful heart..

That humorous satire on antidepressants makes me laugh so much (: Glad you enjoyed it(:

You’re so right Anoushka about turning it all around, and we have the power to do that as often as we like. That’s the beauty of it all.

You were right where you were supposed to be, so you could see you have the power to turn it around.

Sometimes flat feelings are purposeful. We don’t always have a cheerleader get-up on. Though if we really want it, it’s waiting for us. We know what to do. Self talk, prayer, or self talk affirmative prayer lol(:

Exercise, great food, writing, reading, connecting with others that offer good things, meditation, blue mirror….and I’m sure we could fill a page.

I remember one time when my health was not ok, I couldn’t sleep.. and I remembered before the health issue how I disliked being sleepy when I was busy. How funny is that..we are always trying to feel perfect for “the job” that’s in front of us. How can we have gratitude for wherever we’re at, if we’re always seeking something else?

Today, after learning lots during that time, if I do something that’s not too bright, like…say.. eat something “wrong” before bed that messes with my sleep..you know what I do…? I work on great self talk, or pray, or think about wonderful scenarios….and then I drop off to sleep plus…I learn a biggy at the same time (don’t eat certain foods before going to sleep) (:

Find what’s good about where you’re at, and the joy just creeps in from all angles.

Most joy is hindsight…but it doesn’t have to be.

We are right where we’re supposed to be.

Yay for this moment!

Speaking of this moment..not sure if it was coherent enough for you..I haven’t eaten breakfast yet…So here I go(:

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

In response to Laurie Is Having Another Great Day~‘s post:
Yes you made total sense, as always Laurie. Its so wonderful having this sort of encouragement. Believe me when I say, from the bottom of my heart I truly appreciate you!
Now, please go eat breakfast – you will waste away!
LOL! :)

A full and thankful heart..

Yes that is very true – whatever you guys said :-)

And I love that video, started laughing just by seeing the name, cause I remembered it again.

Tonight will be a fun evening.

…what a wonderful world….

In response to anoushka’s post:
I ate a little food, and then took a nap. It’s my day off..I must’ve needed sleep(: Woke up to my hubby cooking for me. How nice..Looks and smells delicious.

See I told you.. Today is another great day(:

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Today IS a GREAT day with many many new insights

…what a wonderful world….

Today is a great day, thanksgiving eve and I have a really cool post for you to check out. For each one of us who has that favorite Xmas sweater see if they top this.
fugly Sweaters

I always get a parking space in front, I drive people nuts because I am usually happy, my husband mumbles under his breath about my giddiness. Time is just too short not to enjoy every minute your two feet are on the ground.

If I could give every person just a little something, it would be some of my happy. Nickname is Peppy Princess see story at
Peppy Princess

Today I expect something wonderful to happen.

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

Be sure and Brine your turkeys to get something unbelievable.

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

In response to rockswealth’s post:
:-) Love your story. Thanks.

…what a wonderful world….

Today is another great day for me. I have enjoyed being very leisurely about even my highest priorities... And somehow the most important things get done anyhow lol

Though today on this exquisite day off ... as I continue on in the land of greater greater ease, I can feel a huge level of productivity toward the things which I am desiring a solid foundation in...I will do what it takes and enjoy from the inside out.

I also can see myself taking care of various business things I'm desiring to see done so the Universe can do more of its magic to advance the results...

I will of course create my experience with self talk, and other wonderful tools ...

 Today Is Another Great Day!!!

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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