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SEPTEMBER 2011 Challenge 

Hi Everyone

I have really slacked off on my affirmations lately and I am definitely worse for the wear. I really need to get back on top of this.

I have found that I am more likely to develop healthy habits and keep them up when I am challenged, particularly in a public forum where people offer support and may notice and mention my slip ups. So, here is my challenge for anyone who wants to accept it and join in. Post a new affirmation that you will focus on for the day five days of the week. See? I’m generous. I give you 2 days off if you want them.

Since it is so late tonight, here is my affirmation for tomorrow: As a man thinks in his heart, so is he—King Solomon. It will remind me to think positive thoughts and why that is so important.

Best Wishes

Blessed Be

hi Morgandy , i just joined in with best on the cafe thread ,i think its called 40 days – where you have a 40 day fast from negative thinking – or at least change your thoughts as soon as you are aware of them .

I would love to join you too posting here as i have not been doing my affirmations

“My journey is my own and it is beautiful.”

love flowergirl

the positive challenge on June 21st = this is the title of the thread ,its an old one thats restarted ,love flowergirl

Thanks Flowergirl. I will check that thread out. I didn’t know it was there and perhaps I am duplicating what is already there.

Thanks for joining in Rejuvenated. The more the merrier. It’s sort of like exercising. It’s easier to stay on track when you have a buddy.

I feel like I’m starting over in some ways so here is tomorrows affirmation for me: Happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy every single day. I really need that because I have been feeling sad over my sick cat who is very precious to me. He may even have something fatal so I need happy thoughts. Morgandy

Blessed Be

Tomorrow’s affirmation is: Spirit knows all things and knows what is best for my loved one. I can confidently leave him in Spirit’s care and be confident of the best possible outcome.

My beloved cat, Huey, is ill and may not have much time left. I feel sad and stressed by this so I wrote this affirmation.

Blessed Be

Morgandy sending you a private message along with lots of hugs ,flowergirl

Hi Everyone

Well, I didn’t my my own challenge this week. It did serve the purpose of making me more mindful, however.

But now we start a new week. Here is the positivity I am going to focus on tomorrow:

“All we are we are
All we are we are
And everyday is the start of something beautiful”

Best wishes on your positive thinking


Blessed Be

My positive thought for tomorrow is:

A merry heart does one good like a medicine-King Solomon
I will live the mirth of each event in my day.


Blessed Be

Hi Morgandy…I am sending you positive energy and love for your cat.
I would like to join the challenge since I have slacked off too and need the reinforcement!
My affirmation today is
“I have a beautiful body with perfect curves”

Working on achieving comfort with who I am and making the best of it too.


Hi Suz

Welcome to the challenge. Thanks for the positive energy. We can really help support each other in this process. Thanks for joining.

My positive thought for tomorrow is:

I choose to live each day. I begin my day with a grateful and merry heart and I heal myself.

I think it builds on todays thought.


Blessed Be

My affirmation for the day:

“Everyday my nutrition and exercise improves resulting in my thinner, more toned body”

I am feeling calm today and happy. I have so many blessings and wonderful things in my life. I can’t believe I have ever spent any time feeling ungrateful! Life is so magical.

Hope you are all feeling the magic today!

Today’s affirmation:

“I radiate love,peace and happiness”

Endless possibilities today….going to connect with friends at the vineyard tonight. Life is magical and our possibilities are endless.

“My focus is clear. My attention flows to one thing at a time.”


I switched my browser’s home page to bMindful last week. Each time it popped onto the screen I looked at it for a moment, then typed in some other URL for whatever mindless thing I was doing at the moment.

Having recently moved to the Midwest from NJ I feel happy to be out here (near my children and grandchildren) but I also feel sort of stuck. I decided to find myself some inspiration here on the site.

Obviously, not by happenstance, I found this thread, so here’s Bruce, I’m going to commit to the challenge and see how it goes.

To RRFS, 60 days seems a long time. They used 40 days for most ‘trials’ in the bible, I think I may try a 40 day cycle to chip away at my ever so minor road blocks and move forward with a smile on my face and in my heart.

My email signature block contains the native American saying (slightly revised) “Each Day Is A New Gift From God”. Today I will use my gift to evaporate my ‘funk’.

“I take the time I need to reinforce my own balance every day.”

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Today’s affirmation:

“I have found the middle ground where I look the way I want, enjoy the way I live and am healthy”

I feel like it is coming together for me…not quite in focus yet but getting there!! It is so wonderful to read everyone’s posts and feel the positive energy here. I always feel more centered after I have read what the members write. You are all so wise!

My Affirmation For Today!

I have all the time I need to Meditate in order to Be Here Now!

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Today’s Affirmation

Winning starts with beginning.

I begin.
I continue.
I trust The Process. All is well.
Thank you God.


Thought For A Stormy Saturday

As the Northern Hemisphere begins it’s preparation for Winter’s rest, to rejuvenate and repair, I too take time to slow a bit and enjoy each day’s gifts which enrich me.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Today is the official beginning!

Meditation is more restorative to your body/mind/spirit than sleeping in bed. The extra 10 minutes lying in bed would be better spent in meditation.

I awake early enough to allocate time for meditation which rejuvenates me and restores my spirit.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

I love my healthy balanced lifestyle!
It is my present for me.
I accept the best that life has to offer.

Today in the life of…

I’ve begun a new journey. Kundalini Yoga. Went to my third class this AM. (Hey RRFS, get this) I learned that a 40 day commitment to a particular meditation and yoga exercise will guarantee results!

I use my breath to increase my awareness of self. Conscious breathing brings peace and contentment.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Today I say…

I am grateful for the ability and opportunity to be empathetic to other`s condition.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

In honor of world gratitude day…

I am see God`s grace each day in the eyes of my family.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

I am calm and strong, filled with peace and joy. My life is filled with miracles.

and for today…

I am aware of the Hand Of God in all that I do.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Today on the first day of Autumn…

I will be still, breathe deeply, center myself by looking inside and enjoy God’s creation which is Me!

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Today I am

…allowing the process of centering to continue to quiet my mind and my heart, preparing for a seed of wisdom to be planted by Source.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


I`ll rest.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

My heart is pure and clean, filled with good thoughts and right desires. I live, move and have my being in God.


I was born to fulfill a specific purpose.

I allow the integrity of the universe to illustrate my life mission to me, and I find it easy and rewarding to follow that path.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

On Health

Every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better.

I find it easy and rewarding to walk, to commune with Nature, and to enjoy the sunshine…

“Even after all this time,
The sun never says to the earth,
‘You owe me.’
Look what happens with A love like that.
It lights the whole sky.”

Hafiz of Persia

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


Today I went to a BNI meeting, invited by a local Chiropractor, to meet some of the local business folk in my new community. Sitting there I decided to re-energize myself and endeavor to grow a business again. Moving your home is a blessing and a challenge all mixed-up into one great gift.

I find it easy to meet people and can easily talk about my passion ♥’

energy medicine

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

today`s awareness

I am aware of stressful situations in my life and take immediate action to mitigate their effect with deep breathing, concentrating on my breaths and letting go of the stressor.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


My essential oils give me great comfort,and vibrationally help balance my field.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

I think this is Morgandy’s thread…that is who I mean to answer.
I agree with you very much, Morgandy. I feel the same way. Been through SO much for the last several months…time to re-align…High time. Thanks for the encouraging post.

a sound idea

This morning just before awakening I dreamed I was surrounded by beautiful music. I felt nourished and filled with joy. I thought immediately that my bMindful affirmation would relate to sound.

I hear the music of life, the sounds of nature, and am filled with joy and the love of a supreme being I call God!

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


I find my yoga exercises fulfilling and beneficial, leading to greater flexibility and an overall reduction in general achenes.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


I turn to purposeful breathing to manage stress of any kind. I find it extremely beneficial.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


Time spent with my family re-charges me! I`ll recharge today by preparing a birthday dinner for my son-in-law.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

“ today i am making a choice to do things “,
love flowergirl


Today I am going to do Healing Touch on some cancer patients at a local cancer ‘camp’.

I approach healing with unconditional love while holding an intention for healing and my client`s greatest good.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


I was extremely tired but found the energy to perform Healing Touch on my daughter.

I have enough energy to support my family’s energetic needs and to bring balance to their energetic bodies.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Capable of Doing the Things That Need To Be Done When They Need to Be Done
[a series of choice-type affirmations in a logical manner is voice activating my yes-mode]

  • I choose to trust myself and give myself permission for success.
  • I choose to be a magnet for creative ideas. Creative ideas flow to me.
  • I choose to easily anticipate events in my imagination and know how to
    handle them when they occur.
  • I choose to have an excellent memory with clear and easy recall.I choose to be effective and efficient in stressful situations
  • I choose to accept that pressure is exciting and stimulating to me. I choose to be even more creative when under pressure.
  • I choose to be present and explore


In response to Rejuvenated-Reinvented-Free Spirit’s post:
really like the last one…

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Fabulous Friday

Different than TGIF, Fabulous Friday is a reminder that we are nearing the end of the week. A time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished before the week’s gone!

• I meet my goals with no exceptions.
• I set goals that stretch my ability and meet them on time.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

ten eight, time to meditate

“The art of sacred rituals invites us to take off our shoes and run through the field of grass like an uninhibited child.” ♥

I meditate in order to hold a sacred space where I can re-charge.

♥ Brian Luke Seaward. Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

On this day…

in 1876 – Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson made their longest telephone call to date. It was a distance of two miles.

Today, we can communicate over thousands of miles using “divine consciousness”, we must first be quiet and listen to receive the communication.

  • I practice being quiet and listening daily.
  • I use Brugh Joy`s Chakra Balancing method daily to manage my own energy.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

I am a blessed and beloved child of God, made in His image and likeness as a wonderfully complete and whole idea, forever perfect, harmonious and subject only to good!


Be still, and know…

“All the troubles of man come from his not knowing how to sit still.♥”

  • I hear the voice of God when I am still
  • I am still and listen to the wisdom from within

♏ Psalm 46:10
♥ Blaise Pascal

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


I do what is required to maintain my spiritual, emotional and physical health because I care about those around me.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

I live in the Now and all that I create is mine Now, so I choose to Feel Good Now, No Matter What!

Bless you all,

Feel Good Now!

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.


Using the model created by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, there are 4 phases or quadrants into which every experience in life can be catigorized. Mind, Body, Spirit, Emotions. This model can nicely fit phases of life.

  • In infancy we are all about our emotions.
  • In teen to early adulthood our focus switches to our body.
  • As we mature into working adults, the focus is on our mind.
  • As we celebrate maturity we take time for our spirituality. ♏

The Whole World, it seems, is celebrating spirituality so it appears I am in the right place at the right time.

  • I embrace my spiritual body and enjoy the power it provides me.

♏ Paraphrased from Brian Luke Seaward. Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water: Reflections on Stress and Human Spirituality

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


“I am not my thoughts I am the light of God”

I can`t take credit for this one, but I saw it elsewhere and loved it, decided to make it mine for today.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


“The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman” ♏

  • I honor my wife and lovingly support all her efforts.
  • My grand-mother was an amazing woman who taught us all the meaning of family love.
  • Lessons from my mother are part of my being.
  • My daughter is an amazing independent woman.
  • My grand-daughter is the apple of my eye.
♏ Mexican Proverb

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Commit to Sit

Working on a 28 day commitment to mediate twice a day to lift my energetic baseline.

  • I look forward to twice daily meditation, it part of my rebuilding plan

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

five precepts

“We begin our retreat by taking the five precepts, the principles that lay Buddhists have taken for over 2,500 years to express their commitment to everyday morality. We will make this commitment for the entire 28-day period.” ♏

• I will refrain from killing or physical violence.
• I will refrain from taking that which is not offered or given.
• I will refrain from sexual misconduct.
• I will refrain from lying.
• I will refrain from taking intoxicants.

♏ Joan Duncan Oliver:- Commit to Sit

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Awareness of What I Ingest

  • I am completely aware and mindful of everything I ingest.
  • I am aware of alkaline and acid forming foods.


busy day

Today is going to be a busy day…

  • I will be mindful of my own well being when I am tending to the needs of others.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


Today is a good day to clean things up, stuff in your way is an energy block as well as a mental road block, cleaning up is refreshing and uplifting.

  • I can always find time to finish the job
  • I work well from a to-do list
  • I will sit today morning and evening

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

check up

Today, in a local hospital, they had a Men’s screening for Prostrate Cancer and various normal stuff (PB, Cholesterol, Glucose, PSA) What an awesome community service. Cost only $20. (These tests would have cost hundreds if I’d gone through my regular doc.)

  • I stay current with physical markers to my good health
  • I follow up with items that require it
  • I am grateful for communities who look after their members

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

day of rest

and on the 7th day he rested…

  • I am going to slow down and recharge today

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

I have slacked off as well. Not just from my affirmations but it would seem , all that has been up to this moment my life. I’m not sure what I’m feeling , guilt? For not measuring up , for letting others down. I would like to start with an affirmation to get me going again but my mind is numb as to where to begin. So I guess then that is my affirmation.

Today I begin to move forward as the universe guides me.


Today I am doing an energy exchange with a colleague. We are in the same state but not in the same physical location. Doing ‘distance energy work’ is not new, but this is the first time with this individual.

  • I care for others with my intention, life is good.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Day 2 ~ Today I move forward at a practical pace as the universe guides me.

Day 3 ~ I am focused on my journey forward as the universe guides me.


Have been signed up as one of the therapists at a local hospital fitness center.

  • I am grateful for opportunities placed in my path

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Day 4 ~ I trust in the universe as it guides me on my journey forward.


This weekend I will be taking part in a local Halloween Event for the kiddies. Not to mention an opportunity to meet and greet their parents. Also offering chair massage to the participants.

  • I enjoy giving the benefit of touch to those around me.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Day 5 ~ my journey continues and I am happily content as the universe guides me.

This challenge really helped me get back to a positive state of mind and on Friday I came out of my shell and actually laughed out loud.

I am grateful for the reminder of how simple it is to get back on the right track.

irons in the fire

I wonder how many is too many?

  • I enjoy the opportunity to meet new people and share my talents with them

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

acceptable health

on the eve of the 63rd anniversary of the celebration of my birth, I take a moment to thank God, the universe and anyone who had a hand in my continuing health. (I know I did a little too… :-)

  • I find it easy to live a healthy lifestyle

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

happy birthday Bruce ,you are a very inspiring person ,love flowergirl

  • Gratitude…again and again and again….always(:
  • Gratitude is always part of my foundation for being and doing.


halloween light

Today is celebrated by many to be a dark day. Instead we should celebrate the light. May the light in me be reflected in my love for you.

  • I share love and light whenever and where ever I can

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


Yesterday I had 66 comments from FB friends wishing me a happy birthday. (and 2 friends on bMindful)

  • I surround myself with people with whom I share mutual love and respect.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

share the love

Today I had the opportunity to work with a couple other Healing Touch workers to work on members of faculty and students at St. Mary’s U in Leavenworth, KS.

I worked on 4 clients, two of whom were students who had never had Healing Touch before. I think they’re both still in a daze. It was awesome.

  • I thrive on teaching others about energy work.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


Today I will be offering distance healing to a dear friend who lives 1200 miles away. She has a serious illness and I know she will accept, enjoy and benefit from the work.

  • I get great personal satisfaction from helping others renew their health.
  • I enjoy opportunity to help others.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


Last night I had a last minute change in plans which left the night open enabling me to go to Yoga, which I was going to miss. While doing the Kriya as let by our teacher, it dawned on me that the work is becoming a little easier. I was still challenged and felt “worked” at the end but not “wiped”.

  • As I move forward I feel invigorated, and slightly less challenged.
  • My path is long and arduous but certainly not impassable.
  • When The Universe gives you a detour, enjoy the scenery, you’re there for good reason

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


  • I allow time for leisure and renewal.



  • I am uplifted by connecting with loved ones

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

it’s a new day

  • Each Day I am renewed, today is the first day of another new beginning.
  • I am in love with the power to connect with the universe

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Physical Wellness

  • Physical Wellness -Physical Wellness means respecting and taking care of your body. It is applying your knowledge, motivation, and skills toward enhancing personal fitness and health. [this is part of a definition on physical wellness quoted from University of Miami]
  • I listen to my body and heed its needs.
  • I thank my body for my continued well-being.
  • I send love and appreciation to all the cells of my body.
  • My body maintains itself in perfect health.
  • My whole body vibrates with optimum health and energy.
  • My body thanks me for looking after it.



Today, I noticed that I’ve missed posting on this thread for 2 days. I tried to think of something brilliant, enlightening, inspirational and witty to post to make up for it… I got nothin! :-(

  • I am OK with being who I am, Just As I Am
  • Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you
  • Go with the Flow, it’ll take you where you need to be.

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

Making Progress

  • My mind is open and my words are kind.
  • I am delighted with the direction my life is taking.
  • I take pleasure in the journey but keep a keen eye on my destination.
  • I celebrate my accomplishments, no matter how small.
  • I honor my goals by celebrating each step towards them.
  • I reward myself regularly with moments of undisciplined freedom and spontaneity.



This morning at 5:11 (11:11 GMT) I awoke and meditated with thousands of others around the globe. It was awesome. I felt a warmth and connection deep within my heart.

  • I am connected to the Universe

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


It’s a beautiful day today in KC. We’re going out to explore. Fun being in a new area of the world and being able to discover ‘new’ stuff.

  • I can find the best places to visit and to fill my cup by learning about my surroundings

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!


Yesterday, during a Gong Meditation @ Yoga, I momentarily set slip to the universe that I’d like clients to call. I then thought, no, I’ve already got a busy day and I’m a bit tired from the weekend, perhaps not.

To clarify, we’ve all been told that the universe doesn’t understand/comprehend something framed in negative context. Please don’t allow the bill collector to call = I need the bill collector to call. So my “no, I’ve already got a busy day and I’m a bit tired from the weekend, perhaps not” was ignored. I got two out of the blue calls.

  • I am listened to and supported

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

It’s a Glorious New Day

  • I am excited by the presence of a new day.
  • I am awakened with the joy for the day ahead of me.
  • This is a brand new day, a day that is untouched by yesterday and reaches toward tomorrow. This day is the blank canvas that will receive the masterpiece of my day.
  • Yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow may never come;
  • Each Day Is a New Gift From God

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

pay it forward

The other day I did a blood donation at a local drive. Later in the day I was thinking about what a wonderful Christmas gift that will be for someone for whom it could be life saving. It reminds me of a story I heard on the radio about a lady who went into a department store and paid off 3 customers lay-away bills at random for a holiday present. Random acts of kindness can take many forms and need not necessarily take on the form of cash. What can you do as a random act of kindness this holiday season?

  • Paying it forward is a wonderful way to uplift your holiday spirits

Each Day Is A New Gift From God!

affirmations, community challenge, personal support

In response to Morgandy’s post:
I’m going to retake this challenge of Morgandy’s from 2011. 

Morgandy’s challenge is post a new affirmation that you will focus on for five days of the week she says I have found that I am more likely to develop healthy habits and keep them up when I am challenged, particularly in a public forum where people offer support and may notice and mention my slip ups. So, here is my challenge for anyone who wants to accept it and join in. Post a new affirmation that you will focus on for the day…. five days of the week. See? I’m generous. I give you 2 days off if you want them.

Morgandy also says We can really help support each other in this process. Thanks for joining. I agree… though I’m enthusiastic for getting this started for me…though of course would love the company



In response to AppreciationView˚‘s post:

Thanks for pulling this great thread up!

My affirmation:

I am willing to be an agent for change in our world!

I CHOOSE this life!! (Repeat this phrase 4 times, and each time, emphasize a different word!!)

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

I will join in here and try to remember to come here each day

Day 1
“I am gentle with myself and the people in my life “

this is to remind myself as someone very close to me needs healng

In response to flowergirl’s post:
glad you’re here flowergirl for you… and I enjoy affirmations others choose from their heart place… they make the best ones!


In response to AppreciationView˚‘s post:
thanks that is really kind

day 2

“When someone needs me to listen, I listen with empathy and understanding”
it feels as though this is what is needed from me today

Day 6
Self Care/Self-Forgiveness First

I am respecting myself even more for forgiving myself for breaking any of my own rules of self-care recently or at any time of my life.

Today I forgive myself for not getting started on a priority when it screamed out to me with gentle nudging

note: according to Morgandy’s ideas for this thread… we can skip 2 days… though … this has been assisting me in creating really good days… so continuing daily only makes sense(: (and this is only the 6th day)


Day 8
Daily Positivity Routine
A few affirmations today(:
I am growing me well.

Wow, I am growing in leaps and bounds

Emotions and activities come and go and I am ever in the flow as I need and desire to be.

I efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstance.

comments regarding this affirmation:
it’s about balance(: Of course there are times I am simply spontaneous and wing it all(:

Though I have found reinforcing what I feel works for me by way of firming up routines … (including my affirmations) is the ticket. Then spontaneity is more prevalent… around a life that I know I can count on… a me I will count on, and trust and I are one(:


Hey I’m a bit late to the party but still willing to give this a shot :-)

I will make time for my own personal growth

This affirmation came to me after spending the past 24 hours deciding if I was going to take on a new large project which would have taken the next 4 months. I realised that taking such a project would be a continuation of my current situation which is one of being stressed and not taking care of myself.

Hopefully this affirmation will remind me that I’m not just a vessel for my work and that I need to spend more time looking after myself and enjoying life.

awesome bunique! This party is always open!


Day 12
Co-Creating & Choice

My affirmations today:

1) I co-create my experiences, and this day is always mine and my choices

2) I know better, I feel better, I think better, I believe better, because I have choice.

3) Good Morning Not A Greeting, it’s a decision

I listened to my thoughts as I was waking up today, and heard myself referring to this day as a long day. I know that came up because I prefer to go back to bed then begin work. I prefer to focus on a more personal bunch of things than work today. I didn’t like that feeling/thought…because I know better (: It’s as easy as flicking a switch, and today begins fresh and perfect.

fresh start music -video inspiration


Day 29

Heart-Enjoying Who I Really Am

affirmation -> Today I see me as my heart sees me, and that’s a great view

♡Heart Intelligence-video


Day 30


affirmation -> Today, like a CEO of my own business I review my activities:simplify, consolidate, eliminate, or discontinue


Day 33


affirmations -> Time, a good friend of mine, is awesome and a creative joyful illusion, and we work as a perfect team.



thread from 2011-2016

I had about 40 days creating ...It was a wonderful experience. I remember  it well.


Bruce, a shout out to you... Hoping you are doing well... Sorry we lost touch.

  Hope to see members here in present day. (It was great to see others here)

... This has powerful potential for us individually and as a community!(at least I think so) (:

(thanks Morgandy for creating this thread)

I am going to follow ThisIsBruce lead and use his format



Day 1 of this challenge in 2018...


  • I  Am choosing great thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving and positive way so well!
  • Everything I do increasingly aligns with my high priority value of self-care, self-value, and self-worth. 



Day 2





Day 3

All Is Well

Today will be a great day on the work and play front.

As I prepare for my day... 

I allow affirmations to do their resonating magic and

affirmative prayer to complete the great day of harmony. 

My life is perfectly synchronized. I am in tune with my higher self and with the world around me.



Day 4


Through listening to and following my deepest messages of truth — in my body, emotions, intelligence, relationships, and spirituality — I thrive.


Day 5 

Being Present

Today is exactly where it needs to be.





Day 6

No Need To Wait-To Be.. Now

I live today as I would like myself to be living tomorrow.

I love this affirmation!!! 

This speaks to how I see myself -one day doing... one day being ... and melds time for me- not needing to wait... to be.

Thank you for whomever created this affirmation!


Day 7

Peaceful Easy Feeling-Today I Am Inspired ...

today's affirmation:



Day 8 

Image result for I can do this better than I wish I could affirmation picImage result for I can do this better than I wish I could affirmation picImage result for I can do this better than I wish I could affirmation pic

wonderful opportunity

I have a creative opportunity coming up because of a job I am doing and because of things I have done many years ago. I am believing not only can I do this ... I can create now better. So I claim this as so... and so it is. Amen. Thank you Thank you Thank you!Image result for Power of I Am pic


Day 9

I Am awake in mind body and spirit.


Image result for awake in mind body spirit affirmation picImage result for awake in mind body spirit affirmation picImage result for creativity project affirmations

A wonderful new invigorated strength is flowing freely to every part of my being now. I am renewed in spirit, soul, and body

      • The life energy in my surroundings are really mirrors of what I love, therefore my world is beautifully harmonious,awesomely kind and magnificently abundant

READYRelated image


__________________day 10

I give thanks for the simplicity which enriches my life.

I allow myself a flow of actionable steps to joyfully glide through.



__________________day 11 Today is a good day. Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.

      • I expect,claim, and agree people, places and things are harmoniously part of my experience.



__________________day 12 Creativity Abounds! Today is a good day. Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.


__________________day 13 Supporting My Most Sacred Values



__________________day 14 Supporting My Most Sacred Values



__________________day 15 Supporting My Most Sacred Values


__________________I Am supporting my inner most being.

My entire being is filled with absolute love and gratitude.


 I trust my passion and the topics that make me feel driven and alive. I follow this path

I listen, hear and take good care of what matters to me.






__________________day 16 Supporting My Most Sacred Values


__________________I Am supporting my inner most being.

My entire being is filled with absolute love and gratitude.

It is good to love what I do and how I do it.

It is good to do things with a loving heart.








__________________day 17 Supporting My Most Sacred Values


__________________I Am supporting my inner most being.

Related image


__________________day 18 Supporting My Most Sacred Values


__________________I Am supporting my inner most being.



__________________day 19 Supporting My Most Sacred Values


__________________I Am supporting my inner most being.

what gives me more of what I enjoy feeling
by doing
of what works
in my life...
I Am so much more alert, more refreshed, calm, completely focused, stronger and remarkably healthy.
Today I am incredibly kind to myself by giving myself the focus which allow and create the magnificent results my spirit desires.-


__________________day 20 Supporting My Most Sacred Values


My subconscious runs my affirmations on autopilot

I find joy in the work necessary to reach my goals

My inner vision is always clear  focused.



__________________I Am supporting my inner most being.

what gives me more of what I enjoy feeling
by doing
of what works
in my life...



__________________day 21 Supporting My Most Sacred Values


→    I Am well-being.

→    I Am the co-creator of my life and I Am always manifesting my most beloved values in a balanced, delightful and healthful way.

→ I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy

Today I am incredibly kind to myself by giving myself the focus which allow and create the magnificent results my spirit desires.-

I Am delightful!
      • Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I am serene in this cycle, there is no end to it.

      • Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ My actions are not independent of my energy, they are a Divine manifestation of it.



__________________day 22 Supporting My Most Sacred Values

A wonderful new invigorated strength is flowing freely to every part of my being now. I am renewed in spirit, soul, and body


{Love that this thread said we can take 2 days off...While I continue to live a life of affirming... I am still glad I am on on target with Morgandy's challenge(:}


__________________day 23 Supporting My Most Sacred Values

A wonderful new invigorated strength is flowing freely to every part of my being now. I am renewed in spirit, soul, and body

I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything I am in control of my health and wellness. I am always successful because success is a divine quality of spirit, and spirit is what I am I am inspired to write my creative truth.

I begin it now. I now express my creativity in my own unique way. I give thanks for the blessings in my life.

I am a miracle in action! I am filled with Divine Light, Joy, and Prosperity. Today is full of miracles. I have a sharp memory and clear thoughts I possess an abundance of creativity and energy


__________________day 24 Supporting My Most Sacred Values

Here and now is where my power is.

Today I bless my life with infinite moments of being.

My mind, body, spirit are all filled with loving thoughts which ultimately are converted into my life experiences.

A wonderful new invigorated strength is flowing freely to every part of my being now. I am renewed in spirit, soul, and body 





__________________day 25

Supporting My Most Sacred Values




I Am enjoying  being playful, self aware and totally responsible for my life and the things I say I desire so much.


Delightful moments are happening now. Image result for delightful word pic

I love creating well independently of others

and with those I team with.



___________________ I Am the co-creator of my life and I Am always manifesting my most beloved values in a balanced, delightful and healthful way.





__________________new day


Supporting My Most Sacred Values



Today is a good day.

I always have plenty of time.

I enjoy the flow of all I am desiring to do.





Make it a GREAT day! . . . . . ##affirmation #positiveaffirmations #motivation #positivethoughts #doodleart #doodleflowers #debipaynedesigns

Peace, love, joy is my gentle essence and gives me my happy circumstances.














__________________day 27

Supporting My Most Sacred Values

Nancee posted this, though I am claiming it as my affirmation today

Image result for honoring my truth affirmations



__________________day 28

Supporting My Most Sacred Values


I love the fact that we really do get to choose if it is a wonderful day.

So claiming it now...Today is a wonderful day!

I Am so much more alert, more refreshed, calm, completely focused, stronger and remarkably healthy.


I Dance With Time, Heart, & Joy Everyday.


I Am the flow of time I love.
Time stands still and expands as I love.



__________________day 29

Supporting My Most Sacred Values

Simply breathing is the easiest way for me to live and to nourish the sacred in me!

All of life comes to me in joy peace ease & glory.


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Peace, love, joy is my gentle essence and gives me my happy circumstances.

I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything I am in control of my health and wellness. I am always successful because success is a divine quality of spirit, and spirit is what I am I am inspired to write my creative truth.

I begin it now. I now express my creativity in my own unique way. I give thanks for the blessings in my life.

I am a miracle in action! I am filled with Divine Light, Joy, and Prosperity. Today is full of miracles. I have a sharp memory and clear thoughts I possess an abundance of creativity and energy



wow day __________________30

Supporting My Most Sacred Values

I feel good -like I knew I would.

  • With renewed hope and gratitude, I remember there is a divine order underlying all life. I know I Am experiencing my highest good.


      • Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I made the perfect choice to dwell in peace, appreciation and freedom!
    • -I Am allowing myself to Be whatever I enjoy feeling. I do this simply and powerfully by doing more of what works in my life…41iu5RnT5qL.jpg?w=640


this challenge for all of Sept has truly given to me...
Affirmations are not to new to me... and neither are making time to utilize them every day!
Though I have added a new level of desire for  my affirmation, intention & self talk
I have brought this desire into my household and my hubby and I are both allowing our life to include a sharing of our individual practices.
Thank you Morgandy for creating this thread.


What a great thread idea! 
I remember this!


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

meals, exercise and sleep affirmations 


Everyday and every way I am such a creative person

with my meals and food on hand

I exercise in some way every day.

I love my naps and great sleep at bedtime.



Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

Gratitude Affirmations:

I am enjoying my gratitude 


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

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