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★˚ Lots of Great Questions to Ask Yourself

thread to be revised/updated to be more reader friendly►• A major stimulant to creative thinking is focused questions. There is something about a well-worded question that often penetrates to the heart of the matter and triggers new ideas and insights. Brian Tracy


ask yourself the Gandhi question: “If your life was your message, what would the message be?”


7 great questions to use everyday

  1. Why? Root cause of problems
  2.  What did I learn? Key to progress
  3.  How can I help you? Focus on the needs of others (I will add…only if is taken as support and if it is truly warranted….because as adults we are more capable then we know…or believe..selfcare)
  4.  What if? Free your creativity, new possibilities
  5.  How can this be improved? Take your results to a new level
  6.  How can I show my gratitude? Thankfulness is key to long-term happiness
  7.  What is the best use of my time now? Refocus on what’s most important.

Don't remember where I got all of these-though felt like they were worth saving!

Sleep – What do you feed your subconscious mind when you sleep?

Think – What thoughts feed your conscious mind during the day?

Eat – Did you eat healthy or unhealthy foods today?

Physical – Did you get any physical activity today?

Spirit – Did you nourish your spiritual muscles?


  • 1) How did you divide your life?
  • 2) What are you trying to balance your life between?
  • 3) What would make me happy in each of these key areas of my life?
  • 4) When all is said and done, what am I working toward?
  • 5) What do I dream of attaining in each life department?
  • JULIE MORGENSTERN Organizing and Time Management Expert,Business Productivity Consultant,
  • and Speaker,New York Times bestselling author BOOK: Time Management from the Inside Out

See the source image

Image result for gifts you have quote pic

Image result for byron katie 4 questions


 love AFFORMATIONS (QUESTION-AFFIRMATIONS)cd67fefd4ad57677f7a102caa4652799--every-day-boss.jpg1d632f0e9e0bef6aaf591b619cd5363f--slideshare-net-jet-set.jpg






Is assertiveness always the best way to go? Before you decide to act assertively in a given situation,you have to decide if you can live with the consequences []University Counseling Service The University of Iowa

State your goals in a sound bite (one short sentence)
List up to three calculated risks that could help you achieve
your goals
What will happen if you take a risk to achieve your goals?
What will happen if you don’t take a risk to achieve your
What are your fears about taking a risk to achieve your
How can you overcome your fears?
University of Kentucky College of Agriculture

    • __________________________________________________[]
      “Judge-YourNeighbor Worksheet”
      Great questions from Byron Katie-page 7&8
      1. In this situation, time, and location, who angers, confuses, or disappoints you,and why?
      2. In this situation, how do you want them to change? What do you want them to do?
      3. In this situation, what advice would you offer to them?
      4. In order for you to be happy in this situation, what do you need them to think, say, feel, or do?
      5. What do you think of them in this situation? Make a list
      6. What is it in or about this situation that you don’t ever want to experience again?
      Statement 1: Be sure to identify what most upsets you in that situation about the person you are writing about. As you fill in statements 2 through 6, imagine yourself in the situation that you have described in statement 1. Statement 2: List what you wanted them to do in this situation, no matter how ridiculous or childish your wants were.
      Statement 3: Be sure that your advice is specific, practical, and detailed. Clearly articulate, step by step, how they should carry out your advice; tell them exactly what you think they should do. If they followed your advice, would it really solve your problem in statement 1? Be sure that your advice is relevant and doable for this person (as you have described him or her in statement 5).Statement 4: Did you stay in the situation described in statement 1? If your needs were met, would that take you all the way to “happy” or would it just stop the pain? Be sure that the needs you have expressed are specific, practical, and detailed.
      from pages 7&8* __________________________________________________[]
      Anthony Robbins Key to Personal Power
    • __________________________________________________[]





 A collection of other questions on this thread


1) Business and Career: How do you become extremely successful and satisfied and move to the top of your field?

2) Family and Personal Life: How do you achieve balance between external success and your personal relationships?

3) Money and Investments: How do you get your financial life under control and achieve financial independence?

4) Health and Fitness: How do you achieve and maintain high levels of fitness, energy and overall well-being?

5) Personal Growth and Development: How do you identify and acquire the key knowledge and skills that you need to live an extraordinary life?

6) Social and community activities: How do you structure your life so that you make a real difference in the world and leave a lasting legacy?

7) Spiritual Development and Inner Peace : How do you organize your inner life and thinking so that you realize your full potential as a human being?

Author and Speaker
Chairman and CEO of
Brian Tracy International
BOOK: Focal Point

  • ___________________________________________________[]

a member posted these great questions awhile back

    • ____________________________[]


Now it’s your turn

  • Related threads coming soon, it is my hope someone somewhere at sometime benefits too
  • May everyone find their path that gives them what they need and enjoy with respect and love,selfcare aka rejuvenated etc(:
  • ____________________________[]

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Is it possible to transcend the human condition? Answer No…but it,s the journey that matters,not the destination or ideal goal of going beyond human limitation. And of course some gurus have acheived to a higher transcendent reality,but for the most part the journey is more exciting then the destination.As always just my thoughts…nothing necessarily written in stone…

“Space consciousness, the final frontier, to boldly and or vulnerably go where no one has gone before”

Wow Rejuvenated. Not only are these great questions to ask myself, they look like a great tarot spread to me. I hope this doesn’t offend you, but as a reader and teacher, I couldn’t help it. After all, people ask me existential questions and want answers to help solve the problems in their lives and this is great! BTW, I feel it’s unethical to foretell the future. I only use this as a tool to help find advice for people. Also, I have never taken money from anyone ever. Morgandy

Blessed Be

I am always asking myself what I can be grateful for… to me that is the key to living a life full of joy… the thing I am grateful for most often is the driver in front of me who doesn’t know how to drive ;> when I acknowledge my gratefulness I relax and allow myself to find joy in the moment….

For Coachhouse

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Here's a question to ask yourself. If happiness was a colour which colour would it be? Hmmmm

Maybe all the colours of the rainbow, or maybe my favorite colour GREEN

Yeah, I'm decided, happiness is green LOL

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

In response to Mr Brightside's post:

Great question! 

One of my favorite colors is Harry Potter green!

My happiness color would be a high grade Bisbee turquoise color... I affectionately call this blue medicine...

Another favorite color: Korite opal blue, green, red and black. Its unbelievably beautiful.  Stunning..  its Australian.

Aquamarine with w/ a hint of a blue/green ocean above the table cut...

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Mr Brightside's post: In response to Kathi's Inner space, inner healing's post:

I have to admit I truly thought that question was awesome too, Br Brightside

and Kathi(:

Green is one of my favorite colors too!!!

Though recently I had the most beautiful dream and the most beautiful blue I had ever seen was in this dream. All I could feel was Wow!!!

Colors really do have an effect on how we feel. It really depends on my mood and a color can bring out my greatest passion and stir me into that brings my best memories, my enjoyable present and a hopes and dreams for the future.

I am so glad you added to BrIghtsides question… it just got me going on colors. And you know what?? I needed that this eve.

Here’s to the colors of your dreams igniting the peace and joy of your souls !


My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

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