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★Tapping Yet?-

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this thread is originally from 2010…much to revise since then. Feel free & share EFT material & thoughts you enjoy & have prospered from. Thank you Roxy for reinforcing this powerful tool on Bmindful!

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      I have been talking to (Roxy) Rockswealth these days about EFT; Emotional Freedom Technique. Tapping on various meridian points while affirming moving-forward thoughts and ideas. I have a good book on it “somewhere”, lol; though, I have been somewhat busy and focused in other areas-> but Roxy has been pleasantly persistent in showing me some wonderful things with EFT-links.


I discussed with Roxy->starting a thread, about what I learn and my excitement about what I’m learning. And then I realized, what am I waiting for? You are a brilliant group always wanting to learn more. And many of you may have already been exposed to some of these techniques and have much to share. This thread is for Roxy, myself and everyone who wants to share links and experiences about EFT.

I’ve noticed (so far) some of the links focus on great abundance-themes, and affirmations, where others get in touch with whatever feeling you have, giving yourself permission to be right where you are, and then adding affirmations of acceptance and eventually gratitude..opening (or unblocking) areas that need that focus.

We are all going to veer one way or another for one reason or another.
The words used with tapping aren’t new in psychology/cognitive therapies. What makes it unique is the melding of affirmations, and the progressive acceptance ideas-> with appropriate tapping sequences, which seems to make all the difference

So share your links,ideas, feelings, thoughts about EFT and its possibilities in your own life 1st.

My thought for this 1st (of many threads to come on EFT): lets share how this works for us, and then offer ideas how it might assist others.

Tap on..

I happen to like the following link, Roxy shared with me…David Childerley I wasn’t focusing on money in a helpful way..(I found out).
So I found this person and his method to resonate with something freeing for me

Here are some other links Rockswealth sent me:
Brad Yates

tap of the morning

Quick shot of validation

Mercola’s site and tapping

I’m sure Roxy would agree the link she sent me for review for free e book is worth sharing. -> just share your name and email address

the link


hi Laurie ,thanks for this post and also to Roxy for telling me about eft ,i cant make out what they are saying on youtube but have downloaded the e.book and will read it soon ,it looks really helpfull

Hi Everyone,

I have been using meridian tapping now for quite a few months and the results have been fantastic. sure Life is not perfect yet, but my temperament towards it is very relaxed and confident.

Just one little story for you, I have taught my dad how to tap, he has a lower hip pain that has been really bothering him. So the other day I went to visit him, he is 82 years old, and is usually pretty hard to convince to try anything new. But he wanted to tell me what he did last night before he went to bed. Okay what did you do? He told me that he tapped on the side of his hip that hurts him and repeated to himself that tomorrow his pain would only be a 2, instead of the 8 he has been experiencing. Then he said he woke up in the morning with no pain, he got up took his shower, did all of his shopping. He still drives. So he was walking around all day until about 2pm when he got home and his pain never reached the level 2. He was so proud of himself, as I was also.

The one thing I have learned from reading the book,
The Tapping Solution
is that you can use it on anything from your attitude to your emotions to your animals. You can even use it to help someone else with a problem they may be having. I am amazed with the results you can get by just opening up any blocked energy you have within your body.

I believe if we start using our affirmations and tapping together we will see results faster, then if we just use our affirmations.

Understand you do not have to do all 9 points to get results. There is a way to tap just by using your fingers and tapping around your ears from front to back a couple of times, then tap on your arms and chest. You don’t even have to say anything out loud as long as you think it. After all really all you are doing is opening up your subconscious to accept what you are saying.

I know that a lot of you probably think it will not work, but unless you try it, you will never know. Just for fun, just tap on the top of your head a couple of times. If you do not feel the little shots of energy when you do this, you must be dead LOL kidding. But seriously, you will feel something. Now try and vision that waking feeling going all through your body.

Energized is the word of the day. Do it often and let us know what has happened.

The next post I will have some diagrams for you and a way to make your affirmations work with your tapping.

May the Tap be with You. Tap On. Affirming All Along!

Do it Now!

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

2012: Updated Links recently because the PDF was removed…and I reposted here:
The free 12 chapter PDF
The free workbook

see links above

Very Informative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Free PDF download manual on EFT

I copied this from the table of contents :
Helpful Items
Thought for the Day: “Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” J. Barrie

The Palace of Possibilities 1—Introduction
The Palace of Possibilities 2—The writing on our walls
The Palace of Possibilities 3—My consistent thoughts become my reality
The Palace of Possibilities 4—Affirmations are the sleepers
Palace of Possibilities 4a—Responses regarding affirmations

The Palace of Possibilities 5—Affirmations & a weight loss example
The Palace of Possibilities 5a—More responses regarding affirmations
The Palace of Possibilities 5b—Still more responses regarding affirmations

The Palace of Possibilities 6—Goals: What would you do if your success were guaranteed?
The Palace of Possibilities 7—Goals: Making a masterpiece out of one’s life
The Palace of Possibilities 8—Dreams take us in directions

The Palace of Possibilities 9—Our Antenna
The Palace of Possibilities 10—Guidelines for constructing affirmations

The Palace of Possibilities 11—Ideas & inspiration from Members
The Palace of Possibilities 12—The River of Money

The Palace of Possibilities 13—More responses from Members
The Palace of Possibilities 14—Money: Perceived barriers or “impossibilities”
The Palace of Possibilities 15—The world’s greatest psychotherapist

The Palace of Possibilities 16—From $18,000 to $400,00 per year
The Palace of Possibilities 17—Martha’s money blocks

The Palace of Possibilities 18—Working two days a week
The Palace of Possibilities 19—When we seem “stuck” in external circumstances
Palace of Possibilities 20—Questions & comments from Members

The Palace of Possibilities 21—Be careful what you ask for
The Palace of Possibilities 22—Megaphones on our heads, Divine Rights & Charging money
The Palace of Possibilities 23—Repetition & Emotion: God bless my uncle Charlie
The Palace of Possibilities 24—Visualization problems & Gramma Effie rides again

The Palace of Possibilities 25—Who’s doing the judging?
The Palace of Possibilities 26—I’m a puppet
The Palace of Possibilities 27—Members respond
The Palace of Possibilities 28—TV Techniques

The Palace of Possibilities 29—Lessons from the O. J. Simpson trial
The Palace of Possibilities 30—You have your hands on an emotional switch
The Palace of Possibilities 31—Watch your words
The Palace of Possibilities 32—A negative tug on my psyche

The Palace of Possibilities 33—Filling in the blanks
The Palace of Possibilities—Conclusion

Close this window The Table of Contents The Table of Contents
Building a Thriving Practice—Part I: Do you have Bad Breath?
Building a Thriving Practice—Part II: Why would I choose you?
Building a Thriving Practice—Part III: Golf anyone?
Building a Thriving Practice—Part IV: When nothing else works.
Building a Thriving Practice—Part V: Snoring.
Building a Thriving Practice—Part VI: Self Image-itis.
Building a Thriving Practice—Part VII: Corporations are looking for you.
Building a Thriving Practice—Part VIII: Advertising—Do you know my name?
Building a Thriving Practice—Part IX: Advertising — Building a newsletter.
Building a Thriving Practice—Part X: Advertising — Become an AUTHORity.
Building a Thriving Practice—PartXI: The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches.
Building a Thriving Practice—Part XII: Advertising on our web site referral pages.
Building a Thriving Practice—Part XIII: Taking apart an actual ad.
How to generate referrals for EFT
Growing Betty’s Business

Deepak Chopra, MD

EFT offers great healing benefits.” Candace Pert, PhD
Author of Molecules of Emotion.

EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement.” Norm Shealy, MD
Author of Soul Medicine.

“By removing emotional trauma, EFT helps heal physical symptoms too.” Cheryl Richardson
Author of The Unmistakable Touch of Grace.

EFT is destined to be a top healing tool for the 21st Century” Bruce Lipton, PhD
Author of The Biology of Belief.

EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior.” Donna Eden
Co-Author of The Promise of Energy Psychology.

EFT is easy, effective, and produces amazing results. I think it should be taught in elementary school.” Eric Robins, MD
Co-author of Your Hands Can Heal you.

“I frequently use EFT for my patients with great results.” Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABIHM

EFT produces remarkable recoveries.”
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques®)
Where emotional relief brings physical health
Self help method often works where nothing else will
No Drugs Involved ~ High Success Rate

Test Drive EFT – Free Get Started Package

Free EFT Insights Newsletter: The Heartbeat of EFT This Essential Companion to the EFT Manual brings the basics alive with real-life examples of EFT at work. It comes out several times per month. Free EFT Manual: Introduction to EFT The manual gives you all the EFT tapping points and basic procedures so you can start using it immediately. It works best with the EFT Insights Newsletter. Bonus for the EFT Manual : Free Support Messages These vital messages point you to key ideas in the EFT Manual and give you links to important concepts on our website. They become your personal guide through EFT. Essential for newcomers.

Important note: While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. Further, Gary Craig is not a licensed health professional and offers EFT as an ordained minister and as a personal performance coach. Those who want to discuss the use of EFT for a specific emotional problem with a professional in the mental health field are referred to our Referral section, where a number of licensed practitioners who use EFT in their practices are listed.


Thank you for posting this. It’s very positive and informative. I actually signed up.
I’ve heard of EFT but I don’t really understand it. Prayerfully, I will learn what it is about and how it works. I know somebody who uses it daily and just LOVES it. I’m praying for the same. :) Thanks.


Okay everyone who does not know what tapping is all about, they are having a World Tapping Summit right now and all you have to do is register for free and listen to some of the worlds Tapping Professionals talk about the results and the reasons for tapping.

If you combine tapping with affirmations I can guarantee you will see results. Just check it out before this opportunity is lost.

World Tapping Summit

I have listened to the first two days and I am totally blown away with the information and techniques they are sharing.

Life is too short not to try everything to create a better life for each of us, to bring great health, great wealth and loving relationships by opening up our own energy. We are energy and tapping helps us open up any closed energy in our systems.

Tap On Roxanne

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

Laurie, I recently had an EFT practitioner do a session with me over the phone. I had been feling what I call a “ball of pain” in my gut for many years. Emotional pain, that is. It seemed to come out of nowhere, i could have been driving to work or sitting in a cafe or watching tv… tears would well up in my eyes and sometimes I would just bawl like a little baby. After the session I felt renewed with amazing energy and I have not felt that “ball of pain” again. This just happened a few weeks ago. I had downloaded the free EFT manual, but have not had the time to really read it… so much good stuff out there!

Annie,You have motivated me to continue my education with it(:

Thanks Annie, and so very happy for your results/experience.


Thank you, rockswealth, for posting the link to the World Tapping Summit. I’ve registered!

Annie, I was so excited to hear about your break through and that you registered for the summit. I must admit I have been blown away my these practitioners. I have been listening to the recordings every night while I am working on the computer and tapping along with them. The results are beyond belief for me.

I get a newsletter from the EFT Wizard Brad Yates and I would love to share his words for a session he did for “This need to hold myself back.” It is just the most amazing thing I have felt. It is kind of long for a tapping session, but well worth it. If you are interested let me know and I will send you a copy of it to your email address. or I can probably send it as a private message unless everyone wants to hear it.

If anyone else wants to hear it let me know. I think I am going to do a video or audio on it, as soon as I figure out how to turn on my Mic. LOL

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

hi rockswealth,i would love a copy ifyou can ,thankyou

Hi Rockswealth,

I would definitely love a copy as well!

I’ve been listening to the presentations and I have benefited so much from them. that I decided to go ahead and purchase the entire set! I think it’s an investment in myself that is WELL worth it!

Many thanks again for this posting.

Please send me a private message if you like. I have not taken a full membership in this site yet, so I am unable to initiate a private conversation at this time.

I would be very happy to hear from you. THANK YOU ad infinitum!

Love and Blessings!


Hi Everyone,

The Tapping Summit is over I truly hope you were able to listen to a couple of the sessions, they were great.

The brother and sister team that put it on, really out did themselves.

To give you an idea on how powerful tapping can be, please watch this video, it will truly give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

After Summit

If you have never tried tapping before, please do yourself a favor and try it. It only takes a few minutes, but the results can be life altering.

The general consensus is that tapping will soon be the first line of defense in the medical world before they try anything else.

There is just too many people having major results for this to be a fluke.

Don’t miss out, it will not cost you anything and I am here to help anyone who wishes to learn how to effectively tap.

God Bless you All.

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

hi rockswealth ,i reallywant to try tapping but not able to make out sound on videos due to a fault with p c .Can you give me any simple ways to get started please ,love flowergirl

I bought the EFT program about 3 years ago and started to practice the dvd’s in the beginning. The introduction was long and it became boring to me and stopped doing it. Then I went on to youtube and you can get the shortened version of it and it works just as well.

What I love of the pastor who invented this program is he lets you make 60 copies to give to others. This way it goes around the world to help others. That was unusual because most self help programs will not allow you to do that. That tells be alot about the inventor he really cares about people.

EFT Basics

Hi All You Tappers,

I have some great words for tapping Gratitude and thought you might enjoy them. I also would like you all to realize that when you are tapping and doing it right, you will release energy blocks. These blocks can come in any form, like yawning, crying, laughing and any other unexpected emotions. This is all good, it is exactly what you want. It is verifying that the tapping is working and just keep on going. Personally I yawn. Okay now for the words:

Gratitude Tapping

Karate chop point: Even though I feel a little down right
now, I choose to focus on positive emotions…
Even though I don’t feel very positive right now, I choose to accept who
I am and how I feel…
Even though I’m wallowing in self-pity right now, I choose to accept all of me
and how I feel.

EYEBROW: I’m always afraid of what might happen
SIDE OF EYE: What if something bad happens to me?
UNDER EYE: I feel the fear in my vibration every day
NOSE: I can feel the fear no matter what I do
CHIN: I don’t feel safe unless I’m feeling worried
COLLARBONE: I’m afraid to let go of my fear
UNDER ARM: I don’t know how to feel any other way
HEAD: What if I can’t let go of my fear?

EYEBROW: I’m always afraid of what might happen
SIDE OF EYE: What if something bad happens to me?
UNDER EYE: I feel the fear in my vibration every day
NOSE: I can feel the fear no matter what I do
CHIN: I don’t feel safe unless I’m feeling worried
COLLARBONE: I’m afraid to let go of my fear
UNDER ARM: I don’t know how to feel any other way
HEAD: What if I can’t let go of my fear?

EYEBROW: I love feeling grateful
SIDE OF EYE: I choose to feel good no matter what
UNDER EYE: I feel appreciation for being alive
NOSE: I love who I am and how I feel
CHIN: I’m grateful for my life
COLLARBONE: I appreciate so much in my life
UNDER ARM: I’m grateful for the clarity in my life
HEAD: I love feeling so joyful

EYEBROW: I love feeling good
SIDE OF EYE: I appreciate feeling so grateful
UNDER EYE: I appreciate who I am
NOSE: I love who I am becoming
CHIN: I’m grateful for all my feelings
COLLARBONE: I appreciate the guidance I am getting
UNDER ARM: I’m grateful for who I am
HEAD: I love feeling such joy

I hope this can help anyone who may be having a problem or just not quite up to snuff.

God Bless you all


Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

I have been thinking more and more about looking into tapping the last couple of days and here you are. Thanks! Jan

To be honest, I was extremely skeptical. How could it be so easy? I just want to tell you all, that i have experienced great relief by just doing the “Tap O The Morning and Tap O The Evening” videos posted on YouTube. I have been under SEVERE stress and these gave me great relief. When they “wore off”, I did the little 2 minute “you are magnificent” tap.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Really am praying that EFT doesn’t become commercialised. The inventor made it with good intentions. He charged a reasonable amount and then allowed you to make 60 copies to give to those who cannot afford it. That was a great idea and that’s what made me buy it. He is a loving Pastor.


In response to Godscreation’s post:

I believe that it can not really become commercialized. I think that the one thing that is going to happen in the near future is that tapping is going to be the first course used on illnesses instead of what it is now the last hope.

I am not sure what you are talking about the inventor, from what I understand it is a knock-off of acupuncture. Now I could be wrong, could you please send me the website you are talking about. When I start using something I really like to know as much as I can.


Bless you and yours,


Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

I just found this great tap on youTube, I think you will really like it she uses affirmations and just says to tap as you read the words.

EFT Tap Along

I hope I got the right one in. Let me know what you think.

Bless you and yours,

Tapping Rocks

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

In response to rockswealth’s post:

Here it is rockswealth. www.emofree.com. I am not trying to be negative but we have to trust our instincts. The Pastor did get the idea from accupuncture and other sources then came up with this program. I found this out through the Silva Mind Control group who were so excited about it.

The Secret had a good idea but several of the people who were in the movie had arguments over the money and ended up in court. I recognized two faces in this new Tapping movie. One of them for me I really don’t like. This EFT was meant to help as many people as possible. Some people don’t even have enough to eat let alone to pay for something that everyone should have in order to be happy.

My sisters grandaughter a 5 year old was taught this method through one of her teachers. Her parents were not charged for it. Don’t get me wrong Rockswealth a little money is good but when it’s sole purpose is the idea of making a ton of money on it I don’t like that at all!

In response to Godscreation’s post:
I rec’d my free pkg..I will check it all out tomorrow. Thanks Godcreation!(: I’ll tell you all about it ..when I have a moment to view it(:


God’s creation i completely agree with you. Charging a little money for the time spent on other people is also necessary to make people take things seriously.
I believe that all of these methods are revelations from higher benevolent forces. These forces surround us and look for ways to get through to us.

Sometimes they use certain individuals to get their message through to folks like us :) coz we are not sensitive enough to understand their messages directly :(

A sad thing it is, how noble things end up inside that bottomless pit made by greed.

In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s post:

Good for you! Hope you get alot out of it. (:

In response to cleric’s post:

Thank you for your understanding. I have paid so much money on self help programs that claimed all would be well in a short time. The reason I bought this last EFT method was because the Pastor who invented it did it with the intentions of helping others who could not afford it. It does really work!

In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s post:

Rockswealth you really give it your all to help us and the Tapping does really work. Thank you very very much you have helped me on many occasions!


I think that what each of us needs to remember is that not everything will work on everyone. The thing that I like about tapping is that you can change it to fit your style and it doesn’t cost you a penny. The only thing that I see should be used when tapping is the “completely and deeply, love, accept and forgive myself anyway” or I did find another form of tapping that also comes in handy and that is the “What if” statement.

You first find out what is it that you are feeling, that you do not care for. Then identify how you wish to feel instead, followed by the WHAT IF statement.

I will just give you one statement to show you what I mean. If you would like all the words for this let me know.

This has to do with wealth.

Even though I don’t believe I have what it takes to become wealthy, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway……..

do the other Even though statements and when you do the other points they would go something like thia:

WHAT IF I do have what it takes and always have?
WHAT IF I am as deserving as everyone else?
WHAT IF my belief in “lack” is just a silly belief?

and so on. I think you get the idea it can be very powerful way to change some of your “Limiting Beliefs” which are usually the reason so many fail to really get that dream life.

I hope you all are well

Bless you and yours,


Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

Hi Everyone,

I just found one of the best tapping sessions ever, I laughed so hard because this idea is so real. I hope you enjoy it.

I’m too tired.

It really hits the nail on the head for me.

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

In response to Godscreation’s post:

The last few posts I have made in this thread do not cost anything, I am not sure why you think I am trying to get peoples money some how. I posted the i’m too tired thread on this one because it really helped lighten up the whole deal. If you can actually go through the whole routine without smiling and feeling a little better about yourself, then I will not try and convince anyone how really important the tapping is to open blocked energy.

I have tried very hard not to put anything on these forums that costs any money. I do not have the money to spend of stupid stuff either, but when I feel good after using someone’s techniques I like to share it. That is All there is to it.

I think the problem here is for some reason the whole thread started focusing on the cost instead of the benefit. I was at a party on Friday and one of the Ladies there said she was just so tired. I asked her if she would like to try something to maybe make her less tired. she said sure, she is in her mid 50’s. The next thing I knew is I had four women tapping and my husband god love him, was just sitting back and shaking his head. After we were done all four of the women displayed a brighter aura then when we started. That is the only proof I need to know it works and it did not cost those women a penny to feel better. What more can I ask for?

Tapping Rocks!

June 21st is the day don’t forget!

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

In response to rockswealth’s post:

Rockswealth I don’t know how you came to this conclusion but nothing was said to make you look like you wanted money. I never accused you of trying to get money from anyone. On the info you gave us there are two people from the Secret who are selling a movie on “Tapping” one of them I really didn’t like. HE seems to be only interested in making money. Hope this clears things up. Wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings.

In response to Godscreation’s post:

i too am sorry for misunderstanding your words, sometimes the brain leaves the mind and I become a blank slate. Can i ask who it was that you thought was trying to just make money. I sure hope it wasn’t Brad Yates, because not only does he have my maiden name but I think he is just too cute.

I wanted everyone to know that I have been getting some absolutely wonderful results with the tapping and using affirmations. i don’t want to jinks it, but I have been using it on everything and everyone. Of course I think my friends think I have lost my marbles, but I know that when something works keep on using it.

I am going to try and make a video using tapping. This should be really fun. I also wanted to remind everyone that the 40 day of Oneness starts in one month. Maybe we should have a special place here where we can go if we run into some difficult situations that we could use some back up. What do you think.

Keep tapping

God Bless You All


Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

In response to rockswealth’s post:

Hi Rockswealth that’s okay we all have times when we forget things I know I certainly do! Anyway the man I don’t care for is Joe Vitale. The reason is on CNN they had a question and answer show on “The Secret” One lady asked, “if it’s true that everything you do affects your life and that is why things happen to you, then what about a child like Jessica Lunsford? Here was Joe’s answer. I tried to find the video on Larry King but could not. Joe is about the 3rd or 4th paragraph down.


I already had some reservations on “The Secret” not everything we think about is our fault. Working with mentally disabled persons and their thoughts is not their fault they were born with a disability.

This is a good example of keeping our filters on. Take the good for what it is and leave the rest (the commercialism, greed, etc) behind. The Law of Attraction – when properly used for the greater good of all – is powerful. Deep down we know what resonates right from wrong. We need to use and more importantly TRUST that innate knowledge.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

In response to Godscreation’s post:

Having seen “The Secret” and read a lot on the Universal Laws, I have to agree that the movie really left people more in doubt of the validity of the Law of Attraction then it did helping them to understand it.

As far as Joe goes I don’t really agree with his opinion, never have.

I also have an opinion on the children that are born disabled, and I think that a lot of you will probably not agree with it. I think that a lot of the children that doctor’s say were born disabled were not born with some of these disabilities. The thoughts of the Doctors and Nurses and discussions around these children may have a lot to do with their condition.

I have a friend, that was told by her doctor that her daughter is disabled at age 1 day. How in the hell can they tell that at age 1 day? She is a really smart cookie and pulled all the doctors and nurses out of the room where her daughter was and informed them all that if one person repeated the opinion of her daughters disability she would sue the hospital. She did not tell anyone in her family about what the doctors had said. She told me only because she knows what I believe.

The Doctor’s opinion was based on the size of her daughter’s feet. I think that some times our fate is left in the hands of individuals who have no idea what they are talking about and can cause more damage just by opening their mouths. Her baby shows no signs of slowness.

As the Budda says: “We are what we think! All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our World!”

In other words, you want the World to change, change your Stinkin Thinkin and you will change your World. View the World with a positive attitude and you will see a positive world unfold right before your eyes.

I also believe every one chooses the Life they are living for a greater purpose. So it is my opinion, that most everyone puts themselves in situations, whether they know it or not. I believe that we see our life before we start it. Each new life is a way to increase your knowledge of this physical plane.

Sorry this is what I have always believed, my mom was a very spiritually enlightened individual and she explained a lot of what she felt was the reason for all things on this planet both negative and positive. Everyone
has a good side and a bad side, the key is to find the balance embracing both, because without one you would never know the other.

Bless you all, hope this didn’t throw all of you off.


By the way Tapping Does Rock. LOL

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

In response to rockswealth’s post:

I agree with a lot of what you said. Yes if you notice doctors will tell a person they only have so much time left to live and nine times out of ten they will certainly die by that date. Why? Because they believe it. However I do know their are some who are born with disabilities and have to work harder then most of us to live a normal life. These are people who have been born at home where there are no doctors involved. For me these people are exceptional because despite their challenges, they have been quite successful in life. Good for your friend who fought for her child!

It is certainly true of some people who have good and bad. Mostly those with great spiritual gifts stay the same almost all of the time. I have met maybe 3 of those kinds of people in my life. Since we are still evolving the old brain isn’t as strong as it use to be. But some do have more of it. Those who have a lot of violence in them and sex constantly on their minds are still dealing with the old brain. We are definitely coming into a new age and our bodies are feeling all kinds of changes. This new change is coming soon.



Issues which go underground:-

Sometimes “issues” seem to have a life of their own and they go into hiding when they sense an attempt to address them. The ones which do lend themselves to words can be tapped into and released. I find it frustrating when I sit to tap and what I want to address draws a cloak of invisibility over itself. I end up believing that I was bothered by nothing. But later the trouble resurfaces. In some systems of holistic healing they make use of medicines to bring out symptoms of illness which have been hiding. Once they surface its easy to heal the patient. Similarly is it possible to do something with EFT to bring out issues?. Once they surface it can be dealt with easily. If anyone has any ideas please do share.

I agree of what you have post above.EFT tapping uses the primary meridians for disrupting emotional triggers.

To let you understand more I think this link can help us to understand more.

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