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★Mystical Path of the Alchemist★#1Workshop

intro post 1 of 4

“The Great Work – The Mystical Path of the Alchemist”
By Laura Kohn, LMHC, CHt

Ladies and gentlemen, Madames and Messieurs, seekers and mystics come gather around. For today I wish to discuss with you The Great Work, the wisdom tradition of Alchemy. What is Alchemy you ask? Alchemy is an ancient path of mental, spiritual, and physical transformation. Transmutation is the key word of this work. Alchemy is not merely the pursuit of turning lead into gold. That is a metaphor for what alchemy does. At its core, alchemy is used to transform consciousness. It is always about making something lesser into something great. It is the expansion of consciousness and the development of insight and intuition through images and symbols. For any alchemist, imagination is as important as cognition or thinking, and all alchemists are attuned to notice the occurrence of odd happenings, chance encounters, and unexpected events or what Carl Jung called “synchronicities” for these were signs that the alchemist was aligned with the Universal energy of the One Mind. These events were signs not only of being aligned with the Divine but that transformation was occurring. The role of an alchemist is one of a facilitator. That means the alchemist’s goal is to practice joining with nature to facilitate the course of evolution in order to quicken the pace at which things evolve. And the prize for this you may well ask…the fabled Philosopher’s Stone, which in our case for today’s discussion means a higher level of consciousness, a Unity consciousness.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

intro post 2 of 4

Now there are many similarities between an alchemist and a magician, as both seek to emulate the Divine by being CONSCIOUS creators. Notice I capped the word conscious in the previous sentence. You see every step in a magical working is designed to focus intent so sharply, so precisely, that it becomes so powerful that it can impact reality with such force as to cause that which the magician seeks to manifest. It’s a similar thing in alchemy and that’s pretty much the opposite of what most of us are doing. That’s because most of us do the majority of our creating unconsciously. We just don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what to create, how to create, or where to create. We are too busy, too stressed, or too caught up in the minutia of getting things done that we can’t create, we just react. For the alchemist however, this process was reversed. The alchemist used his or her imagination as the fountain through which all creations are sourced and flow. I find this fact of particular interest because some of the greatest leaps in scientific breakthroughs were done using imagination. Did you know Albert Einstein discovered the theory of Relativity when he was imagining riding a beam of light? That little act of imagination advanced science not in a linear fashion but in one gigantic intuitive leap. Carl Jung used to do “thought experiments” and he’s the guy who gave us such things as the concept of archetypes, the foundation of the Myers Briggs, and the idea of the Individuation. In magic the magician uses the gateway of her imagination to enter the realms of higher consciousness just as Einstein did. Einstein didn’t invent relativity, just as Newton didn’t invent gravity. They moved their consciousness to where relativity and gravity were and this was done through their imagination, and Newton was a big-time alchemist. It’s really no coincidence. In fact one of my favorite quotes from Einstein is

***_“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”_***

Spoken like a true alchemist if there ever was one. Go Albert!


As I stated in an introduction article about myself coming soon…there really isn’t much of a difference between physicists, alchemists, or psychologists. They just use slightly different terminology but in essence they are all talking about the same thing.

So let’s talk about why imagination is so important to attaining higher states of consciousness which is what magicians and alchemists and are all about, for it is through a higher state of consciousness, or focused imaginative intent, that manifestation occurs. Now most of us are familiar with the concept of The Law of Attraction. Really, is there anyone out there that didn’t at least hear of The Secret? So how are you supposed to manifest using the Law of Attraction? You use your imagination to picture that you already have what it is that you have been desiring to the point that you feel it. Alchemists do the same thing. In fact they were instructed to always practice from the heart space as they worked. Imagination is a right brain process and logical linear thought is a left brain process. The goal of the alchemist is to balance in the point between both hemispheres for that is where the magic, the transmutation, or the Philosopher’s Stone is found. In my next article I’m going to start talking about the Royal Marriage which outlines how this is done but what I want you, my fellow explorers of consciousness, is to know that you must use both parts of your brain your logic and your imagination to unlock the higher states of consciousness. This is what they referred to in Eastern traditions as the Siddhi Powers. What are the Siddhi Powers, you may ask? Well according to Wikipedia the Siddhi Powers are “spiritual, paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of spiritual advancement…”

    • ~ It wasn’t just spiritual advancement though, for alchemy is a blend of science, psychology, and spirituality. To understand the holistic impact that the technology of alchemy has on consciousness all these separate parts must be combined together again into one study or discipline. As the tradition of alchemy evolved the science part was transformed into chemistry and broken down into separate disciplines thus removing the mysticism from the process. This was all due to a guy named Rene Descartes the “I think therefore I am,” guy. Descartes gave us the philosophy of materialism thus setting us back in some respects, by about 500 years. Interestingly it is now the physicists, in my humble opinion, who are starting to right this wrong for they are finding the overlap between science and spirituality once again. Carl Sagan to me was a mystic as is Neal Tyson Degrasse for both see the mystery and wonder of the universal mind in the smallest atoms and subatomic particles. You see it was through the lens of materialism that we fully entered what is known as Patriarchal Consciousness. Patriarchal consciousness focuses on such things as history or linear time, dogma, rationality, waking reality, science and technology, or left brain activities. But in the indigenous cultures and the high cultures of the ancient world the Egyptians, Mayans, Greek and Roman cultures these my friends were societies based on Matriarchal Consciousness. Matriarchal consciousness includes the aspects I just outlined in patriarchal consciousness but balances them with the ideas of eternity, cycles of time, ritual, magic, altered states, art, and emotion. Matriarchal consciousness sought to balance right and left brained activities. This Is why the architect of the Great Pyramid was also the most powerful magician in the land and why we today can’t build something similar even with all our modern equipment


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    So you see my lovelies why it is important to start using your imagination and to play again? We have much work to do to clean up the mess we have created. In the old ways that honored the Divine Feminine, nature was a provider and was honored and all sought to live in balance with the great Mother. In the new consciousness nature was to be tamed conquered and controlled and that has caused all types of problems for us. The alchemist’s goal was to join with nature to honor the Creator for all creations birth new forms and through the act of creation the alchemist honors the Creator. The alchemist didn’t usurp the Creator. He joined with nature in an act of homage. We must have both the Mother and the Father to live in balance. We must both work and play to learn and live fully. Only then will we reclaim our inner sovereignty and place once the again the great Queen upon her throne to rule in tandem with the Patriarch.
  • ~

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

I will be online today from noon to 1pm for anyone who wishes to participate live! Looking forward to seeing you all.

intro post 3 of 4

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Next week I shall begin to talk about the Royal Marriage. We will start by reintroducing you to the Queen as she has been exiled for so very long many have forgotten her charms and her beauty. The great Queen has much to teach us all for when she walks in balance with the King stability, abundance and flow are created. Then we shall reintroduce you to the real King, how he fulfills his duties, and how he works with his Queen, for these teachings are very important indeed. Before we meet again there are a few things you can do to start yourself on the alchemist’s path:

  • 1. Engage in right brain activities. Art, music, play, and entering states of reverence place you in that sweet spot where you can access creative flow or Meta States.
  • 2. Practice heart centered existence, meaning don’t overthink, just feel and notice if you feel expansive (which is in alignment) or contracted (misalignment).
  • 3. Notice synchronicities, chance encounters, and coincidences. This is the universe talking to you, telling you that you are in FLOW.
  • 4. Write down your dreams, draw your musings, create a map of your personal symbols, create a ritual that you can practice that will help you to consciously create your day ahead.

  • ~
    Useful links:

The Alchemy web site on Levity.com “:http://www.levity.com/alchemy/

Alchemy Web Sites “:http://www.alchemylab.com/websites.htm

alchemyguild “:http://alchemyguild.memberlodge.org/page-311812 .

Jung and Alchemy “:http://www.carl-jung.net/alchemy.html

C. G. Jung and the Alchemical Renewal “:http://gnosis.org/jung_alchemy.htm

Science, Alchemy and Psychological Transmutation “:https://www.lucistrust.org/the_electric_bridge/science_alchemy_and_psychological_transmutation

Related Info For Today’s Free Workshop “:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/9609/info-for-todays-free-workshop#post125580

Next Workshop Start Time Friday December 2, 2016 12:00Noon EST

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

intro post 4 of 4
Next Friday I’ll be back with you all once again to bring you the next article in our series on alchemy. Our next discussion will focus on the great Queen, who she is, what she does, and why she is important to each and every one of you. In the meantime my lovelies, keep your eyes open and look for the magic that is all around you. The universe is always speaking to us. It’s our choice if we decide to listen.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

So glad there is a true magician here to escort us into the new paradigm!
I work with sacred geometry and crystal energy and would like some insight on how can I get in touch with the magic and elemental energy involved with the ancient megalithic circles in South America, England and Ireland; any pointers?

The true design of our reality is Sacred Geometry. It is the universal pattern found in the formation of life that shows the divine connection in which everything exists.

In response to The Alchemist’s post:

He, he, he, no coincidence an alchemist is the first one here! I was in Ireland in May of this year and learned how to connect with the elemental energy and the fairies (yes they actually do exist) which also belong to the elemental realm. As with all things in the metaphysical realm, the doorway to gain access is through the imagination or right brain. This is why Matriarchal Consciousness engaged in so many right brained activities such as story telling, drumming, ceremony etc. How I did it was I would close my eyes and be open to any images, feeling, colors, or words that came to mind. You just go with your imagination and see where it takes you. This is all about the subtle energies, therefore most people can only access them through their imagination. Don’t think about what is right, real, or true, that’s all left brain stuff. The right brain is about playing with ideas, concepts, images, symbols or feelings. You really can’t screw it up because you are using your imagination. Once you stop questioning yourself you will notice that the information comes in much faster and clearer. Now for the ancients these circles and structures were always placed on nodes or power spots of energy, or where ley lines would intersect. It is thought that in these places the veil is particularly thin. Just go inside when you get there and watch what comes up for you. Happy travels to a kindred spirit!

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

Although I’ve never been high atop a mountain, I can see myself sitting and soaking in the warm energy of the sun and energy coursing through my body. Of course you are correct, I do have to close my eyes and let whatever image, sound, feeling come and I try to invoke my five senses to get the full experience. A quiet, uninterrupted place is also very nice.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

response to Poppy’s post: / response to Poppy’s post:

Absolutely. Once you have that part down then start noticing how your body feels. This is how you tune into the energy of the place. Where does it hit you? Notice what you notice. Do you notice a tingling in your hands, do you feel grounded or not? All those things are signals and signs.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

Are there any particular sounds, or music that facilitate right brain opening?

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Yes, I feel the energy flowing out me fingers and I feel very grounded. It helps to take my shoes and socks off and feel the energy of the earth.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:

Yes. Drumming can put you into an altered state of consciousness which is why it was used in so many tribal, Shamanic and religious ceremonies. It’s called brain entrainment today. You can download from most app stores binaural beat programs that you can use for relaxation, creativity, focus etc. Play, reverence, and awe are also higher states of right brained consciousness. Art, storytelling and creative writing are also places that bring you into that place. Finally the study of Sacred Geometry is a path used to balance you in the space between right and left brain. It is mathematical which appeals to the left brain but symbolic which is hugely right brain.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

I have used brain entrainment for years. And your suggestion would be to use binaural beats, rather than isochronic tones?

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:

Whatever you enjoy. It’s always best to change things up because the subconscious mind enjoys variety.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

I don’t know anything about Sacred Geometry. Where and how is a good place to start?

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post: Here try this one. You you may get lost though (meaning sucked into the info for it leads to many other things).

The Sacred Geometry Movie

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

Imagination has always been a tool that I used to get through the day. It has in fact been over used for just that thing. I would like to travel through the save the day imagination and get to the point that I can fly so to speak!

I have had amazing dreams that I was blown away with, and thought what the heck was that? Then after a mindful calming, I settled in on it was a sign for me to do one thing over the other.I am not so reactive now as I once was because I know that there is a movement inside of me that is very empowering.

How can I find my way to a place that will allow me a better understanding of inner peace and then laugh with joy rather then cry through exhaustion?One side of my brain seems to take over…hhhmmm

In response to Poppy’s post:

Check this link out as a springboard Poppy – this is from my website:


The true design of our reality is Sacred Geometry. It is the universal pattern found in the formation of life that shows the divine connection in which everything exists.

In response to iamone’s post: I used his book called Visual Journaling with clients for many years now. It has you draw something then answer questions about what you drew so you go from right brain into left brain. It teaches you how to be your own art therapist as well as calibrates you between right and left brain. Check it out! I highly recommend it.

Visual Journaling-Going Deeper than Words

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post:

Thank you for offering you time and expertise for these sessions. I see quite a list of things to explore before next week. I will also explore Sacred Geometry. It is wonderful to be able to have a Magician in our midst.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to The Magician’s post:

Wonderful! Can’t wait. Thanks!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Thank you dear one! I am taking leave of you all now but I’ll be checking in on the sly before next week. But for now it’s time this magician to pull a disappearing act! Stay magical my friends.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

Hi Laura :-)

Thanks for starting this workshop and your article, which for me as someone new to a lot of these concepts is packed full of information! I think it is going to take me at least a few reads before I can fully take in everything.

I do have a few questions though. As a website developer, I spend the majority of my day listening to a lot music and podcasts (mainly factual) to keep me entertained as I work and my work itself requires a lot of creativity. Would this count towards engaging my right brain?

I love the idea of practicing a heart centered existence but I don’t fully understand how to do this. Do you mean that I should take time each day to do something I feel like doing or is it more involved than that? I’m also not sure what expansive and contracted existence is? I have an introverted personality and I find I require time to myself to recharge, i’m not sure if this is a contracted existence?

I very rarely remember my dreams, it may only happen once or twice a year. I do however observe and follow rituals, which I find extremely helpful to break the desire to procrastinate during the day :-)

I’ve got a lot to learn it would seem and i’ll be reading your articles a few times over the course of the next week and I look forward to reading the next one. Thank you for taking the time to offer your knowledge and guidance.

In response to bunique’s post:
Hi there. First of all remember these are concepts to play with, not tasks that must be mastered. That is the first point of entry. Approach this as an experiment and see what happens. That automatically places you in a creative space. Nothing has to happen, just see what shows up. Here is a good break down of the whole hemispheres discussion:

Discover the Genius within Left Brain Vs Right Brain

Now here’s a very interesting thing to think about. Multi tasking dilutes our consciousness. It is helpful for work, but the problem for many of us is that we don’t turn it off. We stay in that place all day. Imagine if we were in a dark room and I had one flashlight pointed at the wall. We would have some light but imagine how much more light we would have if we had 10 flashlights pointed at the wall. Multi tasking breaks our consciousness up into streams of consciousness. Good for efficiency of getting tasks done (left brain) but sometimes bad for creativity (right brain). So right brain things often don’t involve thought as much as reaction in the moment.

A good way to start to learn the Heart Centered existence is to imagine you are standing in your head looking at an elevator. Step in and imagine it going down your throat, into your chest where you step out into your heart. See if you can feel your heart beating. What do you notice in your body immediately as you do this? I say picture walking onto an elevator because your right brain will automatically understand what you are doing because it speaks in pictures. I say feel what’s happening in your body because the body is the mirror of the subconscious mind. Intuition is often triggered by a signal in the body. It’s a gut “feeling”. Just play with this and see what happens. Have fun and you’ll be amazed what comes up for you.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post:
Hi everyone and glad to be here with all of you! Sorry I missed being here when you were all on at the same time. Though thoroughly glad this is only the beginning of us all coming together and sharing together…like this.. and glad also…having the The Magician with us as a weekly facilitator(:

All is well by me… simply had a very full … day….

Though it was a good day!

I’ve been enjoying how creating space in life, and not just filling it up with ‘everything’ is a very good thing, no matter how busy I get… I love that I …can… enjoy spaciousness.

It’s late, though I quickly did the elevator-exercise, and truly loved it! It created a kind of clearing… I immediately shifted… into a calmer place… as compared to the energy of remnants of activities of the day.

While I didn’t do the exercise very long…I did feel my breathing change.

I have been wanting to allow something which assisted with … breathing these days. I’m sure it was more than ‘just’ peaceful-breaths with the exercise… though more peaceful is something I definitely experienced.

I did observe that of my heart beating… That was quite cool, especially after my day…

When I got there I wanted to experience that longer… but for some reason->cut that noticing- short.

I remember feeling a bit refreshed/rejuvenated… (enjoyed the journey from my head, throat, heart) (: It was more than a release …enjoyed the feeling.

I remember liking the elevator-tool The Magician shared…though I was feeling ‘greedy’ … because it left me wanting more wonderful exercises like these to have in my my ‘bag of tricks’(:

I remember it felt like I was cleansing and refreshing my chakras. I felt like I experienced a ‘just what I needed’-moment.

  • ~
    I realized later your exercise said: imagine you are standing in your head looking at an elevator.

I was quite tired when reading this- and my exercise had me as the elevator, and the passenger, and the watching observer (with what felt like all )at the same time. Though, looking back I probably was ‘taking turns’ with the experience.

[that triggered my belief-that is probably what occurs throughout the day… shifts of perspective]

Then you said: Step in and imagine it going down your throat, into your chest where you step out into your heart.

I took a travel progressively down the elevator… like each place you listed… though got on the elevator-at my third eye.. (forehead) went down to my (1) throat (2) chest (3) heart …

They were like stops the elevator was making… going down…thru …& going down further… It was a great ride.

I Am living a Divine plan

I’m really enjoying the interaction here, and the links to further trigger not only some study that I do look forward to … though also believing more wonderful experiences are on their way(:

Thanks for being here -Magician (L) and Thank you everyone else for the great dialogue.
(while I am here…more specifically want add a welcome to new members who have joined Bmindful/joined in for this workshop!!!)

I Am living a Divine plan


“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post:
I watched the Sacred Geometry Movie and it was very eye opening for me. Some of the concepts were new and some were vaguely familiar to me. Unexpectedly I resonated and gained a better understanding of who I am.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
That’s awesome. Once you see it you will start seeing the geometries everywhere. Most of the ancient temples and megalithic sites incorporated concepts of sacred geometry into the design. There is a very important reason for this. It was done with very conscious intent.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post:
Would you please give a working definition of your view of meta-state?

I searched a bit… and prefer to hear your view(:

  • ~
    would like to mention beyond my above question, I have been experiencing more synchronicities…

I’m believing desire, creating a space, and heart-like intemtion is assisting.

I am so looking forward to seeing the video… The little I saw caught my attention. After reading your review, and The Magicians response…I truly am enthused!

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to bunique’s post:

I found this article helpful in understanding Heart Centered Existance. If anyone knows of additional articles on this subject, please let us know. Thanks!


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Heart Centering Is a favorite area of mine . (have posted quite a bit over the years on Bmindful on this area- …relatively easy to grab a handful this morning…(: I hope some of these links assist Bunique and anyone else who is interested ⓂⓊⒸⒽ Ⓛⓞⓥⓔ , selfcare

  • enjoyable ♡Heart Intelligence- (UK Extension’s Universe of Possibilities) were Prepared by Sam Quick, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Human Development and Family Relations,and Alex Lesueur, Jr., M.S.L.S., Staff Support Associate. Copyright © 2004 for materials developed by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. These publications may be reproduced in portions or their entirety for educational or nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(HeartMath) quick technique Quick Coherence Technique HeartMath
(Heartmath) A very good book-Transforming Stress

book mentioned above and below -The Energizing Heart was written by the woman in the videos. Its a book I love and have used as a good reference.. short, good photos/informative. Here is an exercise from the book: on heart smiles … simple 1-2-3 Heart-Smiling Technique. Follow these 3 simple steps:
  • 1)Breathe with awareness focusing around your heart area
  • 2)Experience one of heart’s superior emotion, like appreciation, gratitude, joy, compassion, understanding, love, etc…
  • 3)Let a smile arise from your heart to your lip
  • ~

you are energy


  • ~
  • ____________
    (10) Energize Your Heart Energize Your MarriageSmart Marriages-great Presentation PDF The Institute for Applied Meditation, Inc
    Daniel McMannis, M.Ed & Jana Staton, PhD, LCP”:http://www.smartmarriages.com/uploaded/handout.718-HeartRhythm.09.pdf

note: I actually was going to create a thread out of the list and link to it, and began questioning which to post before work… And in effort not to overthink.. I was just me(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to Poppy’s post:
Perfect article Poppy! Thanks for posting!

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:
Thank you Self-Care. I asked for an article and got a college course. Please don’t misunderstand me, I am grateful. So far, my favorite link was the heart smiling. There is so much information and each takes us to a different yet connected world. Worlds that resonate love and light. My heart pines for more. I truly believe my hearts positive energetic field connects with yours through time and space. There is no limit or distance in love and light. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
I guess I ‘only’ know how to be a student lol(:

Thank you for posting your wonderful kindness… It’s a heart-place that I enjoy visiting… a kindness you create everywhere.

I’m glad you found something in the mix(: & enjoyed the short videos.
(5)Heart Smiling Technique (6) How Your Heart Produces Energy
note: I actually was going to create a thread out of the list and link to it, and began questioning which to post before work… And in effort not to overthink.. *I was just me(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to The Magician’s post:
In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:
In response to Poppy’s post:

  • stating I was just me. had more meaning than I led on. Though Poppy having worked on Happiness Mtgs w/me probably has observed this a bit more than some others(:

So I’d like to share at this more clearly what is coming up for me… since the focus of this workshop… I’m finding something that is emerging in regard to The Magicians … reflection questions.
While the reflection question read… Art, music, play, and entering states of reverence place you in that sweet spot where you can access creative flow or Meta States. I have become more in touch with ‘sweet spot’ as TM (The Magician referred) Maybe like Poppy with his beautiful poetry, and like others when they paint, I love creating…

I did find out if I start thinking too much about how others relate/respond… I begin to edit… on say a forum.

Though the creation of plotting what comes up… like a writer (I imagine) feels Right Brain. I feel more of a synthesis than being analytical… It feels more emotional than… looking for facts.
Anyway that is what is coming up for me(:

With my writing, I don’t think, I just do. There is no editor. It is pure emotional thought and expression.
When I’m creating, even a thread… I mostly come from a feeling place…that is what creates flow for it.

  • ~
    It is interesting to notice things when you focus on noticing.

Yes! I believe that’s why I enjoy exercises like The Elevator.

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:

With my writing, I don’t think, I just do. There is no editor. It is pure emotional thought and expression.

It is interesting to notice things when you focus on noticing. I am very emotional just now.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:

I like to think of Meta States as a higher place of consciousness where we can step back from the monkey mind of all our internal chatter, and be open to hearing our own truths. It is a place where awareness, intelligence, and intuition converge.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post:

What are Meta States? This article helped me understand it better.


L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

What is a meta-state?
How do meta-states work?
What’s the value of knowing or working with meta-states?
How does meta-states (and the Meta-States Model) relate to NLP?


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to The Magician’s post:
yes, helpful.. thank you!

  • ~
    In response to Poppy’s post: wow! excellent article on Meta states! Thank YOU!
  • ~

  • ~

Thank you Magician, for triggering that place that helps me feel/be and think outside of the box(:

I may not use various terminology that I’ve run into… and some words initially stimulated something from things ‘known’ … Though after I stopped judgement and read for experience I was joyously arriving in places that began adding phenomenally to transcend current experience. Loving this!

I Am living a Divine plan

Excellent thought provoking information. The Magician creates magic with words that leads to more magic from others! Activating and reawakening the imagination within us,I believe is important to self growth. Thank you

Heart Filled with Gratitude, for this journey of my life. I open my whole and holy Self to receive the blessings of Source.

In response to Priestess Within’s post:

I love it. We all add to the potion!

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post:
Thank you for your contribution to our Bmindful community!

Your energy, your momentum, your enthusiasm are a glorious contribution to our website!

I also love the art and the evolution of our metamorphosis. I believe we are here to learn, and grow, and love, and release and forgive often.

Thank you again and I look forward to sharing, caring and embracing transformation at all levels, seen and unseen.

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Kathi’s post:

Thanks Kathi! This is a wonderfully bright spot on the Internet. Thanks for sharing your amazing community of positive inspiration.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

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