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★--Opportunity (Happiness)

TOPIC: OPPORTUNITY—-WELCOME! thread created 4/20-22/ 2016
thread always open!

intro post 1 of 4
Welcome To Your Weekly Bmindful Happiness Thread Meeting…the meeting that has a start date and never closes…which all members are invited to and to share what works for them related to the weekly theme. We love working as a team… ask how you can help create a weekly meeting. Ask how we collaborate all that you see in our opening posts. We brainstorm around our full schedules…and look forward to it each week. We start chatting Sunday evening, and have ideas trickle into Monday, and we joyously present whatever we have no later than every Wednesday.

Bmindful Happiness Thread Meetings are as close as we can come to an actual chat-room discussion…(:
Bmindful members are always welcome anytime… just drop by and share…as soon as the title indicates thread is open for your posts!(:

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    Thank you Bunique for helping to create the topic for this meeting
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    It is a true meeting of hearts & spirit here… all coming from our own unique experiences and bringing it to the Happiness Meeting. It is our sincere hope, other members will join in with us(:
    We thank you in advance for sharing what works for you in this weeks Happiness Thread Meeting
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    “signed your Bmindful **Happiness Committee**(:”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/8242/mar2324th-openhappiness-mtg-resiliency#post117319
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    Questions for consideration:”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/8334/wed-aft-esthappiness-mtgtopic-opportunity#post118405

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

intro post 2 of 4
Poppy’s Introduction:

Everyday we have many opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others by simple word and deed. It takes little effort to be kind and offer a smile to a stranger. Being considerate and holding the door for others to enter into an elevator or restaurant shows you care. An enthusiastic greeting to a co-worker, store clerk or family member is always welcomed. When we choose to slow down, observe how we can make a positive impact on others, and take the time to act accordingly, we are refreshing our own well being and spirit. Today is the day to look for every opportunity to act and make a positive difference for both ourselves and others by simple word and deed.

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Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

intro post 4 of 4

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    Questions to ponder:

1. What are opportunities?
2. Opportunities present themselves everyday as choices we make to improve our quality of life and the lives of others. What do you see as opportunities in your life?
3. Describe an opportunity you look for everyday.
4. This forum offers us opportunities to both connect with others and speak our mind on a wide variety of topics. How do you choose to participate on the threads you find interesting?
5. Do you feel like you have missed opportunities that would have made a positive difference in your life and what do you do to make sure that doesn’t happen again?

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I Am living a Divine plan


I do my best to appreciate all I desire to do for myself in re:to self-care basics … because 1 of my values is like others …giving to others(: And its a missed opportunity not to be present with others(:

My hope is I with the diversity of people I meet, that I am always received as loving, and kind…. And if something doesn’t work with others… my hope is I know what to do with opportunities for a better next-time(: It’s a surrender prayer of mine(:

wow! loving what I’m experiencing right now!

I learn new skills that raise my level of personal and other-awareness

To be continued:

1. What are opportunities?

2. Opportunities present themselves everyday as choices we make to improve our quality of life and the lives of others. What do you see as opportunities in your life?

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I Am living a Divine plan

4. This forum offers us opportunities to both connect with others and speak our mind on a wide variety of topics. How do you choose to participate on the threads you find interesting?

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11-powerful-principles-for-living-your-life-on-target .

I Am living a Divine plan

1. What are opportunities?

More often than you think
By random chance
Does accidentality
Routinely occur
Disguised as happenstance
Which in reality is
Actuarial calculation
Foreseen as uncertainty
But is fortuitousness hope
Or simple opportunity
Look for it
It is hiding
Under your nose.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
wonderful poem to introduce opportunities and this weeks mtg! Thank you!

I Am living a Divine plan

Here I go again thoughts off the cuff,although i also recently stop and censor or carefully articulate or think too much.It’s simalar to the curser arrow freezing
the pc when that would happen months ago i would have to hold down the power button,restart the thing and resist the temptation or desire to frisbe it
against a brick wall.
those incidents don’t happen anymore,but what’s almost as bad is when it takes me an hour to post something that i used to post in 10 minutes.anyway i’m sending this bla bla bla,then post my thought/s in less then 15 minutes.

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

My way of making forward progress,although very slowly,has been to remember
some fundamental ideas or concepts .Such as don’t let that self critic voice
that used to like to share and stunt any forward progress.another method or idea that is a good habit to have is to try as frequent as possible to take
inventory as honest and objective as possible and remind myself the purpose
of doing the inventory is to get into alignment,not to think myself into self pity or despair.taking inventory OF WHERE I’M at is a useful tool,and should not
send me into a negative self pity mindset,that reminds me of another core
or foundational rule to live by avoid trashing myself with negative self talk
just adhereing to that rule or idea can carry the day even if i may have
faultered with other basic rules or beliefs.
Anyway because of the way i was wired growing up,im not really ambitous as far
as doing something as a means of making forward progress,that could change in the
future though,however i tend to make slow progress by abstaining from a
useless addiction and or being conscious of my physical health as i cope with
various pain that i can minimize when i don’t procrastinate with my physiotherapy
exercise,so now that i think of it,THAT IS IN FACT DOING SOMETHING very
proactive its a simple act of doing something,that makes for a day of more
optimism and the days add up and become years and those years add up and become
the second half of a lifetime.

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

Opportunity, IMO, is what we create it to be.

I try to learn something from every one that I encounter. I am always interested in what others’ priorities are, and I notice how people are organized, and also, their comfort and ease.

I look for opportunities, but I also create them.

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.


I do believe we’re all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other. Harvey Fierstein

“…If you truly want to be happy, get out of your own way! Divorce your past, marry your dreams, and then dedicate your Self to being a hole in the universe through which the Divine Spirit can work its magic…”
-Michael Nitti (from the book: The Trophy Effect)

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    Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I go to the inner place where there is no challenge,and abide in the consciousness of peace joy.
    Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I wake up today with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.

I’d like to respond to question #3 for this moment.

  1. Describe an opportunity you look for everyday.

I absolutely love this question, and believe (for myself) it would make a good daily question… Thank you Poppy for creating it.

Everyday… I look for opportunities to find my spiritual center…the part of me that is Greater than experiences, thoughts, feelings… The place that there is only peace… From there I can go anywhere…(that’s how it feels)

Everyday I look for ways to do something that has me doing something… toward my understanding of true selfcare; hence going back to my old alias which affirms this direction…

Everyday… I look for opportunities to be honest enough to see what is creating an imbalance among my highest values… And then from there, I pace myself… in ways that feel creative to me… to engage in ways to bring me back to my center. These things are not long procedures. Though sometimes they feel lengthy because… I can recall what I enjoy experiencing… and I may need a reminder/some inspiration…hence good reinforcement from a site like this, talk to a friend, do something good for me…. Sometimes I’m just a surrender-prayer away from this opportunity(:

This is all very important to me because by taking care of me, I can be a better friend to those I care for…

I can be more sensitive to those I meet …in my day.

I can see beyond my nose.

which makes me think of Poppy’s poem

More often than you think
By random chance
Does accidentality
Routinely occur
Disguised as happenstance
Which in reality is
Actuarial calculation
Foreseen as uncertainty
But is fortuitousness hope
Or simple opportunity
Look for it
It is hiding
Under your nose.

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to contextualeyes’s post:

By moving forward, even if it ever so slowly, we are doing something good for ourselves. Some choose to live the second half of a lifetime first. Maybe more wisdom is gained that way. There is no rule book on how to live life. By avoiding a negative self pity mindset you are moving forward. Just as you are moving forward by avoiding trashing yourself with negative self talk. When you do your physiotherapy exercise to be able to cope with you pain you are again taking large steps to move in a positive direction. So as I see it, you are very ambitious in making forward progress in changing your future. Lastly, I don’t think in terms of a first half and second half of a lifetime. We have only one lifetime and so I try to live happily every day.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Kathi’s post:

I like what you said… the learning from everyone you encounter.

It is a wonderful thing to do this… Some may think its weird that I’m always thanking everyone… though I too feel prosperous from daily moments with others. And recognizing the way others find their ease & organize themselves… THAT’S an AWESOME way of recognizing this experience.

In response to Poppy’s post:
I like these thoughts you shared with contextualeyes! great points!

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to SelfCareEnthusiast’s post:
Every day I look for ways to enrich the lives of others. By doing so, I selfishly enrich my own life.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Thanks for reaffirming a few of my thoughts.
I think what I was saying by saying what i said,was I’m doing the best I
can do,somewhere along the journey of life i decided that it was a good idea
to adopt that“doing the best i can do“slogan as another
structural belief or affirmation.

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

In response to contextualeyes’s post:

That is a great slogan. Further the most part, I try to do the best I can do also. Truthfully, when I look back on my life’s journey, there have been times when I was not at my best. I believe life’s journey takes us down some rough roads and gives us opportunities to be our best, but we pass them by or can’t seem to recognize them at all. When I am doing the best I can do, I have to slow down on life’s highway, give things serious thought and take the high road.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

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