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★- -Balance/Abundance (Happiness)

meeting created 1/6/16
thread with a start date that never closes


★Our themes this week, will be “Inner Balance and Abundance” &…if you so desire link to threads which you enjoy that relate to the topic…“★

When I was young I vaguely recall watching a TV program called the “Millionaire.” An anonymous benefactor would gift someone a million dollars. That is where my attention stopped each week as I was thinking about what I would do with a million bucks. Most of us have had similar thoughts throughout our lives and being retired and on a pension, I occasionally have them still. As a child, I would dream of all the things I could have, a new bike, not one of my older brothers, or new clothes, not my cousins. We were poor. But I didn’t know it. I was young. Now, I’m older. And if I won the lottery now, my dream would be focused on how I could use the money to help others. I wouldn’t gift away millions at a time though. I would try to balance out my contributions to others. I have found that mot things either excess or deficits are not good. Take ice cream for example. Try eating a half gallon at one sitting. It’s just too much of a good thing. And if you were denied having ice cream at all, that would be a bad thing. I think it best to strike a joyful balance and have a bowl of ice cream several times a week. Of course I really like ice cream. Others may choose it less often and in smaller amounts. My point is for me, I like all “Things” in moderation. Staying balanced is the key. That being said, there are some things you can never have too much of:

I could never have enough!
Peace on earth
I could never have enough!
Kindness in the world
I could never have enough!
Respect for others
I could never have enough!
Love in my heart

So Abundance and Inner Balance work together to help me live a joyous life!

Questions to ponder:

1. What does abundance look like from your perspective?

2. What do you do to create and keep your inner balance in such a chaotic world?

3. Do you think you can ever have enough or will you continue to strive to have more? And if so, what?

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

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    At this stage of my life… I am looking forward to creating more…though its great to know I truly enjoy what exists in my present, and will build on that(:
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    Success is… living a full and balanced life in partnership with others to create a joyful feeling of love, contribution, appreciation and abundance, despite how our endeavors may turn out. Susan Jeffers from her book End the Struggle and Dance with Life

If you want to feel rich, just count all of the things you have that money can’t buy. Unknown

Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. Dr Wayne Dyer

  • I pray daily, not for more riches, but for more wisdom with which to recognize, embrace and enjoy what I already possess. ~Napoleon Hill

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    In regard to Poppy’s ice-cream analogy … I agree we don’t have to excess of anything… to appreciate and enjoy. Though I do feel there will be times we will desire less or desire more…and that isn’t as much a bad thing… as it is … a life thing…that we need to weigh out with what we are valuing (or not).

  • Abundance is the quality of life you live and quality of life you give to others. ~J.K. Rowling

  • Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance. ~Epicurus
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    By giving to yourself you are fulfilled, abundant and generous. You have spare love to share. – Annette Vaillancourt

  • Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach

  • Abundance can be had simply by consciously receiving what already has been given. ~Sufi Saying

I Am living a Divine plan

Celebrating Life

I’ve had enough!
My old body creaks and cracks

I’ve had enough
With sugary blood

I’ve had enough!
My garage is full of stuff

I’ve had enough
With violent TV

Enough is enough!

I am Enough.
I am lovable
And amazing
And deserving of true genuine happiness
Exactly the way I am.
I don’t have to have
Anything more to earn it.
And neither do you.
Abundance flows

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

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      A quote and a way of being that captures my heart:


Here is my wish for you and every other child, woman, and man on the face of the earth: Spend one week saying only kind, caring things to yourself. Say thank you at least ten times an hour, direct five toward yourself and five to the world at large. Compliment yourself (and others) each time an effort is made. Notice all the wonderful qualities and characteristics about yourself and those around you. One week. You will never go back. And your whole life will be a glorious meditation. Cheri Huber

Today… even though I feel I do a lot of the above quote… and I know other people on the site that lean toward this too…Something occurred when I was even more conscious of it…

~pic missing

I heard my self talk (more distinctly) …. I heard my comments to others (more mindfully) … and it did make a difference to be mindful… with these things… I would like to suggest others try this…mindfully… and share experiences(:

…going to call it a night… much love to this wonderful community & the opportunity to grow & be … and feel the joy I love so much(: will stop by tomorrow some time(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to Poppy’s post:
thanks Poppy for hearing your thoughts and feelings in your poetry-style…
I loved both poems…

your Enough is enough!

I am Enough.
I am lovable
And amazing
And deserving of true genuine happiness
Exactly the way I am.
I don’t have to have
Anything more to earn it.
And neither do you.
Abundance flows

beautiful… and abundantly awesome(:

I also appreciate your declaration of what you have had enough of. May I ask what does 2016 look like to you?

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:

My 2016 is bright. I have a lot of personal stuff to work through. My mother-in-law is 93 and can be very difficult to be around. She still lives in her home, but her ability to remain there is deteriorating. My role is to support my wife and her mother but they often disagree and her mother is very negative. It’s a hard place to be. As we grow older, taking care of our parents is difficult.

I am also encouraged to be in a better position to take care of my health. I will be working less at my part time job and I plan on checking off more of my bucket list this coming year.

I hope to devote more time with my photography passion. I also want to give more thought and time to my writing.

I am a very optimistic person and I will have a very good 2016.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
beautiful! beautiful! beautiful! looking forward to hearing(: Though more importantly…glad of what you’re experiencing(:Very exciting for you!!!(:
and yes always deserving(:

I Am living a Divine plan

I too am into my 2016 motion(: I have experienced some good transitions which I allowed to surface … to get here… for this brand new phase of being.

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    I am still working…and allow the experience of giving & abundance there…. though enjoying where my dreams are taking me right now…

I’ll just say that for the time being

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    …though believing in a wonderful year…and a wonderful life one beautiful experience at a time.
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    I like your idea of a bucket list… I think I’ve been creating one (in my minds eye) …because I can tell looking back how I desired aspects of what I have been receiving.
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    I too enjoy writing for myself…and writing intentions and just writing is as you know very powerful!(:

I took another look at the 20 questions 2016 thread…and initially the most I could say about that list was …these are good questions(:

As a little time would pass…more responses were surfacing. And now…more and more clarity. Letting go & allowing works(: I am going to continue with this process …and create my mini-plans/accountability ideas… that keep me doing what I say…and remain kind to myself as I cheer-lead & applaud my direction, efforts, successes & ideas(:

Anyway…thanks for creating the focus you have on this thread. I truly appreciate all it triggers…thanks(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:
I did find the 20 questions thought provoking. I wonder how I would respond today. I think I’ll give it a go and see what if anything changes.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

I read over my 20 questions and my answers were almost the same. I added a few things to my answers though.

Here is how I weighed in today:

1. Are you crystal clear yet, about what you truly want? Yes, I want to continue to make a positive difference in the world one person at a time.
2. What is your theme for next year? Work hard and be nice!
3. Where are you going and who are you going with? I am going on my life’s journey to wherever it takes me. The journey is what is important to me, not the destination per say. I will travel with whoever is also on the bus to kindness, and happiness.
4. Are you ready to create your own life this year? I am going to focus on taking better care of my physical self this year knowing I have the ability to dissolve all dis-ease in my body.
5. What dreams have you given up on, which you could now get moving? I am close to being debt free and I will focus on making that a reality this coming year. I am also going to write more thoughtfully. Sometimes I’m in a rush.
6. What could you do, to be even more clear about what you really want? I can make sure all my interactions with others are thoughtfully grounded in kindness and love.
7. What have you firmly decided to accomplish? I have decided to slow down just a bit and take more me time.
8. What would it take to trust yourself to succeed? Letting my life go wherever it takes me without resisting my journey. I will use any stumbling blocks as stepping stones to success.
9. If your life continues on its current path, what will it be like in five years? I will be completely retired and my garage will be cleaned up so I can get a car in it!
10. What really defines success for you? Living life to its fullest every day and being kind.
11. What can you do today to be happy with your life, forever? Let my Spark shine through to all I encounter every day.
12. In what areas will you dare to be different? I would like to be less self critical of my poetry and continue to write just for me and share with just for you.
13. Which habit are you working on improving, or including in your life today? Taking time for myself and resting.
14. What can you do today to improve your life forever? To improve my life forever, I can continue to be mentally and physically active.
15. What will you be looking back on, at the end of your life? The knowledge I have made a positive difference in the lives of others.
16. Are moving forward, sideways, diagonally or in reverse? Direction has no relevance to me, I go where kindness and love take me.
17. What restrictions, that you’ve placed on you, could you now begin to release? I want to release all forms of negativity from myself and from others that want me to engage in their drama.
18. What are your highest priorities? Staying active in body and mind while working hard and being kind.
19. Are you bigger than your problems, or are your problems bigger than you? I am definitely bigger than my problems. I am very creative in problem solving.
20. How do you want the rest of your life to unfold? I want my life to unfold in completing Gods purpose for my earthly existence. I truly believe we are all here to do His will.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:

That is so beautiful Poppy…

It fills up my senses, trying to imagine “too much Peace”, or “too much kindness”!!

Its such a wonderful thought, I just want to try and imagine that…

As I do imagine that, I would see all people, trying to help one another, and saying YES when asked for cooperation, or job possibilities, or what ever housing, or medication, or even a miracle in healing…

What a wonderful world it would be…!


“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:

Thank you for the wonderful “Blank Check”, from the Law of Abundance!

What a great visual!
I am inspired to draw a little picture, similar to that, and hang it on my wall where I could see it every morning, and grow this into one of my daily mindfulness practices!

Its very self fulfilling!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

Now that the holidays have passed, I feel recovered from all of the festivities. I am catching my second wind… and I look within. I look for balance, for renewal. I look, and I listen, within. And there is really is so much that has been happening! Life never stops!

I have truly learned to trust, in Spirit, and trust my path. And, for whatever shows up on my path, I accept that things already are working themselves out. And, I can rest in that faith. I can play and be safe because of that faith.

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

What does abundance look like for 2016?

I will have to think about that!

My perspective is as much social as it is political, and, this is not the space for that!!

I will come back tomorrow, and will dive right in to this inquiry!

Thank you for this wonderful happiness thread! It feels so goo to have this back!

Thank goodness the website was restored!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Poppy’s post: Thought I’d write a bit re:20 questions…between today and tomorrow
1. Are you crystal clear yet, about what you truly want?
Yes. I am crystal clear that I am in touch with my heart, and I’m listening and responding. I am feeling very right with this.

2. What is your theme for next year? My theme is building a rock solid foundation for the things which I value the most… which I’m responding to from a heart-space.

  • ~ This includes my enjoying & allowing a practice with regular routines…
    I love… a. prayer thoughts/life/reading & meditation/quiet time in beautiful surroundings
    I love…learning/studying/enjoying… b. power of thought/feeling/words & activities which strengthen what works for me
    I can’t wait to really get into …. c. an assessment of my fitness and nutrition

I completed most of the questions for myself s… and felt a great deal of joy… and much better connection with myself /goals/dreams. Actually to be even more revealing…I cried with joy… because after writing the connection and what I had learned was heart felt-strong & directed(: Creating room for for my today…was a good thing… I am trusting this place…it feels wonderful!

  • ~ I will continue to allow answers to come…even beyond the ones shared in notebook and here(: Thank you Poppy for sharing all of your responses here! Love this!

I Am living a Divine plan

Inner Balance

We live in a fast-paced society. It is easy to feel there is too much to handle on our own and we are sometimes overwhelmed by the stresses and worries of life. If you sometimes feel this way, I think you might be off balance—-your inner balance.

I know that through my own life experience I have lost my inner peace and balance several times. Once I felt worried, frightened and hopeless. I was serving overseas and had been away from my family for just a short time when I was put into a very difficult position. I was assigned to the Air Navigation Office in the Philippines. This was an emergency chart distribution center for Southeast Asia. Of course we had to man the office 24 hours a day. After about three weeks on the job, I had to start my regular rotation and spend the night in the office. Around 6:30 a helicopter pilot landed right in front of the door. He was frantic screaming at me to give him a chart of the bay. I was quick enough to know he needed a naval chart. But which bay? I had over 4,000,000 land , air, and sea charts. I asked again which bay? He said, “ That f___ing bay right out there “ pointing to Subic Bay. I knew immediately it was chart # 91286 or 91289. Both were of the bay where I was housed. I ran and got them quickly, but I found out later, the jet pilots didn’t make it. I was devastated. I was very much off balance for quite a while. Even though intellectually I knew the crashed pilots death was not my fault, I felt guilty. Even now, I remember the night as if it were yesterday.

At the time I thought it was the outside world that decided my feelings and emotions. I thought my feelings were totally dependent on the surroundings and events around me that controlled both my thoughts and moods.

I now realize profound inner peace and emotional healing can be achieved through many ways all within myself. I take time almost every day to meditate and let myself totally relax. I use breath control when I am cognizant of even the tiniest amount of stress increasing my heart rate. I also make sure I am hydrated and get plenty of sleep. I also know I can and do control my thoughts and emotions, at least most of the time. I’ve learned to redirect myself pretty quickly. I also give myself time for pleasure every day. I often journal or just write. Most of the time I write and just let the words flow out, never worrying they might say. I try to live a kind and respectful life. That’s how I try to stay balanced.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Thank you Poppy for sharing all that you have … your experiences serving overseas & how you felt and how you nurture your being today…. It is so wonderful to be involved in a community who value taking such good care… and can care for others… Thanks again Poppy for the thread & all you so openly share.

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to Kathi’s post:
Now that the holidays have passed, I feel recovered from all of the festivities. I am catching my second wind… and I look within. Yes Kathi…like that… (:

Yes to looking within & balance… As most know…because I seem to plaster it when I share…I am on vacation…

And while I have been able to ‘pull off’ much of what I do for work and for myself when my schedule is more harried….

what an absolute gift it has been to have the gift of time…

It reminded me of when I was moving cross country before I was married… and all I was once connected with… was simply different… A great kind of different… Things looked prettier…more open and wider view(:

I love all that is in my life today, and I love all is coming my way…And the process I’ve been allowing has created a wide open territory …which has allowed me to veer in a direction which has felt oh so promising for the dreams that have been letting come to me… I could feel them… I knew not to rush them… and the space is filling up on its own(:

Well not to go in to much detail… my goal (I’m still in the midst of my experience)… is to hang on to this… and bring it with me wherever I go…even when my schedule changes…. I love the feeling of choice….

… even when we are fine with what we do…(work wise) our attention needs to be positioned/focused … in places that they wouldn’t be … Though its amazing how if we can envision/feel that freedom…that choice…that love for self and others under all conditions… and re-experience the energy … by simply enjoying opportunities of all kinds…. & making sure routines that work well are truly adhered to… life can feel.. like we desire… Anyway that’s my goal.. When you are around many many people…. A good sense of self… is so important… And not just knowing …(for me)…what I like…though that connection… that flow… of being … and feeling and keeping it real… As we allow the good from ourselves and that of others to connect there is so much positive stuff….

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I Am living a Divine plan

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