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★Let's Play Capture My Heart

During this joyous season and throughout the year let us play the game of capture my heart. This game is to be played as friends and family gather together either in person or through cyberspace.
Here are the directions for play.
Ages 7-110
Players 2-??
Each player in turn relates to the group something that captures their heart.
To win the game: Each player that chooses to relate an event or recognize another person or their accomplishments or contributions or positive characteristics wins the game. All participants, both active or passive(saying/writing or listening/reading) are the winners. It is impossible to lose, so why not play often.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Okay, I’ll start the game:

I just read a response to one of my poems. It captured by heart! It really made me feel good about myself and my writing.

Here is the post:

In response to Poppy’s poem The Journey / A Lovers Dream
While I enjoy all the posts here at the Happiness Meeting, Poppy, I was deeply touched by your poem The Journey / A Lovers Dream, truly beautiful! It took me away, somewhere I’ve not been before, and for that, I thank you!!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

great thread! it captures my heart when we share threads which invite members to recognize another person or their accomplishments or contributions or positive characteristics (:

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

This is a recent article I read by Maria Shriver. It Captured My heart.

Someone once asked me, “What makes you feel loved?”
I took a beat and started wondering to myself, what, in fact, did make me feel loved?

What is that feeling everyone is searching for, reading about, trying to put into action and words? Was love presents under the tree? Or is love presence? Is love the undivided attention of another? Or is it just something that defies words? Is it the opposite of hate? And the more powerful of the two?

The question gave me pause because I was not raised in the language of love. As a young girl I read a lot about love and I’m a sucker for a great love story played out in film, but what actually made me feel loved? Not feel good, not feel happy — but loved? It got me thinking.

There is no doubt that love is a powerful emotion. It can come to you in words and in actions. At this time of year when we are all surrounded by stories of violence, terror and fear it’s important, I think, to take a moment and focus on the Power of Love.

Love of another. Love of a child. Love of friends and family.
Love is the antidote to the hate we hear so much about. Love isn’t weak it’s incredibly strong. It requires great strength to love. Love is what our world needs now more than ever. Love is also what we each need.

This week millions of people will be rushing around buying presents to express their love. I admit I love a good present and I love giving presents as well, but deep love doesn’t come in a box. It comes from a feeling deep in your soul.

Back when that question was posed to me I realize now that my answer at the time was a lot about being dependent on someone else to make me feel loved. Over time I have come to understand and to realize that the love one has for one’s self is actually the source of one’s power.

I didn’t grow up being taught the message to love myself. I grew up being taught the message: Go out and change the world. Do something to make the world better. I do believe that we can all do something to make the world better and I try to do my part as best I can, but I’ve also come to know deep in my heart that you will come up empty if you are only focused on the world without first loving and valuing yourself.

The world will never love you the way you can love you.

Fame can never fill the hole inside you, nor will money, a gift or another person. There is tremendous power in the love you have for yourself. I have come to learn that loving yourself, caring for yourself, nurturing yourself is not selfish, it’s kind, it’s healthy, it’s compassionate, it’s nurturing and above all, its healing.

Loving yourself calms your anxiety, calms your fears. If you love and value yourself, you won’t tolerate people who don’t do the same. If you love and value yourself, you won’t look to another for your worth. If you build a foundation of love within yourself, that love can actually change the world.

The truth is, I would never have written this had my parents been alive. I know they both loved me dearly and I loved them deeply, but my mother, a tough advocate for social justice, would have thought that talk of loving one’s self was weak, needy or selfish. In fact, I remember sitting with both of my parents one day telling them about a friend who had just bought himself a loft and that he’d described his life in his first apartment like “being on a honeymoon with himself.”

I remarked to my parents how sweet that was. Before I could finish my story both my parents were all over me. “Who was this friend?” they asked. “What a ridiculous thing to say,” they said. “What kind of person would say such a thing?” they wondered out loud. “He must be so selfish,” they reasoned.

Needless to say I have never told this story again until now, and I do wish I could repeat that moment with them. I’d love to ask them, what makes them feel loved. I’d love to ask them whether anybody talked to them about loving themselves. Because I do think the feeling of being in sync with yourself can make your heart feel full. And it can give you the foundation and strength you need to walk out into this rapidly-changing world that at times can feel pretty scary and brutal.

This holiday season, I want my children to know that they are deeply loved, but I also want them to know it’s important for them to love, value and care for themselves as well, because what the world really needs is more people who go out into it from a place of abundance and not scarcity, who go out into the world with self-esteem as opposed to looking for the world to externally validate them. I know, because I’ve done both.

If you truly understood what loving yourself felt like and meant, if you truly understood the power of that act, you would want to share that with the world and you would see firsthand how healing that message is.

So this holiday I hope you spend some time nurturing, caring and being kind to you. If you want to envision it as a honeymoon with yourself, even for a moment, go for it. If you know what love feels like, you can give it to someone else with strength and conviction. It doesn’t cost a dime. Love is free and it’s the most precious gift in the world.
I hope this holiday you feel loved and I hope you give the gift of love to family and to friends with your time and your presence. There is nothing more priceless, nothing more powerful.

With love,

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Once again… you’ve captured my heart Poppy with this perfect article written by Maria Schriver Thank you for sharing(: I’m loving this game of yours(:

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

There is a little picture on today’s Happiness Meeting that captured my heart— Thanks AppreciationView.

it is the picture with large river rocks and the word Optimism with the quote: “The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them. “

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post: thank you, glad you enjoyed it & thanks for letting me know(: ‘Just’ For Me, aka AppreciatingView

  • A quote and a way of being that captures my heart:
    Here is my wish for you and every other child, woman, and man on the face of the earth: Spend one week saying only kind, caring things to yourself. Say thank you at least ten times an hour, direct five toward yourself and five to the world at large. Compliment yourself (and others) each time an effort is made. Notice all the wonderful qualities and characteristics about yourself and those around you. One week. You will never go back. And your whole life will be a glorious meditation. ~Cheri Huber

I Am living a Divine plan

It captures my heart when I see how loving & kind our members are in greeting new members. You guys are awesome!

I Am living a Divine plan


I once wanted to write a poem about Poppy
thoughts were All Good
though the result of the limerick was indeed soppy

The poem was redundant with all things nice
Who would want to read such a work
Especially when it seemed like sugar and spice

It doesn’t matter that I repeat and that I’m not a poet
What matters is my heart wanted a voice
And I took a moment to show it

Poppy much appreciation
for heartfelt dedication
and the joy you …yes you… bring
for you Sir, yes you Sir…re:thoughtfulness and poetry are king.

This poem by Just For Me absolutely captured my heart forever!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Being able to post my thoughts and trusting that members of this wonderful community will receive them respectfully and thoughtfully even when they disagree with my perspective on things is a great comfort that truly captures my heart. Thank You Bmindful!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Thank YOU!

  • ~~~~~~~~~~

other poems of Poppy’s which captured my heart:

  • ~

Forum threads
A great honor
To be read
Thought provoking
Every one


Each person’s



Welcome All!

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Your friendship is dear to me
I am one of your greatest fans.
I truly believe you are talented, creative, intelligent, and beautiful.
Then there is your warmth, and caring.
Most of all, I would be remiss
If I didn’t mention
You are one of God’s brightest lights of love.
Other than that, you are pretty ordinary.

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

More of Poppy’s poetry which captured my heart:
Friends: there is so much to say…

Sorry if I digress…


Rarely comes
A person
Not a reflection
Of you

Over years
Past decades
Concerned and cares
About you

A single note
A call from the blue
Transcends time
And space

Hearts speak
A coded message
Minds of both

Trouble and turmoil
Abound in lives
Sometimes exist

Still listening
To their hearts
After all is said
Hearts and minds meld

How can this be?
Lifelong friends
You and me

Poppy’ & Poppy’s Poetry

I Am living a Divine plan

This last Happiness meeting captured my heart. As much as I write on the site, you’d think long rants … whether they are joyful or simply introspective… is something I ‘just’ do(: I was inspired by posts by other members…and before I knew it, I was sharing and sharing. Afterwards I wondered … should I have saved all that for a personal journal lol. No, that’s what the Happiness Meetings are for…to move forward with your real self. It’s never insignificant when someone shares openly and honestly a point of view…a point of heart…a difficulty…a blessing…

And while…yes I did delete parts of it… it brought good things in my spirit(:

All posts create Bmindful. All posts help one another. Thank you all with all you contribute… And I’m so grateful we are beginning to share more and more ….

much love to everyone!

I Am living a Divine plan

February 2017: I haven’t shared on this very loving/creative thread of Poppy’s in some time…
So here I am(:

This site captures my heart… Basically, what I’m saying is You the community have created even a greater passion in me toward this place. I knew this site had something special even when we had experienced disturbances (we managed, though a bit orphan-like when were in between site owners) (:

Though now that we are enjoying, sharing, growing … once again… I have trouble containing my enthusiasm (even more than usual). lol

The personal messages I receive and the contributions on the site from members light me up!!! I feel so fortunate to have met you … And for those I haven’t met yet, I’m so looking forward to it(:

You’ve all added to my life in ways I can write & write and never find the words.

So much already on site, and so much more from members coming… Awesome!

Bunique,Bmindful’s owner… captures my heart. Thank you for taking interest in our community & supporting its energy …

Anyway… that’s it for now… just wanted to say thanks for capturing my heart community.

I do love you!!

I Am living a Divine plan

Sometimes wonderful things happen that are so unexpected and extra ordinary that they are almost unbelievable. Such a thing struck my family in the last couple of days. We were going about our lives as usual with pleasurable expectations of planting a raised garden for herbs with the height high enough where we wouldn’t have to bend over to get to it. We are getting older and stiff, we call it getting all stoved up. I have been on a journey of recovery from a total knee replacement and am getting along fine, but not really wanting to kneel or bend my new knee to an extreme. Besides I am not especially overweight, but I fear it might take a small crane to lift me up should I get on the ground. But that is not the point of my writing.

I lost my mother several years ago and my dad left us quite a few years earlier. I miss them so! Mom was quite the genealogist, and had spent the last few years of her life researching and developing our family tree. She had been very active with Ancestry.com and both my older brother and I have taken up where she left off. My Carol has also been very active with her genealogy working with her uncle who is 98 years young. So it was not unusual for either of us to check Ancestry to see if we had a new found distant cousin or ancient relative.

Last December Carol received a message from Ancestry with an inquiry about a certain MH person from an unknown MW person. She didn’t give it too much thought but gave a short reply of sorry, I can’t help. And it was forgotten. Then a couple of days ago she gets another urgent plea from MW inquiring about MH. The message said, “Talk to me! “ Again Carol responded kindly with how can I help? MW said he was adopted and he was looking for his birth mother-that he had been searching for several decades without much success even petitioning the court to open his adoption records and hitting a dead end, and that Carol was the contact for MH. It suddenly dawned on Carol who MH was—- Duh! Her Mother!

MW had received a gift of the DNA test from one of his children and his results indicated with extremely high confidence that MH was his birth mother. Now Carol being an only child could only think it must be some mistake so she sends the results to her daughter, a canine genetics professor. A researcher with her own lab hiring several other Doctors of Genetics. And her daughter’s reply is a simple, “OMG!” I have an uncle and you have a brother and MH has a son. Now MH is 94 and has never said a word about the skeleton in the closet that is not a skeleton but very much alive and well at 73. So the story ends with plans of MW meeting his little sister and with MH meeting her son and family becoming a family that never was before and secrets untold coming to light through spitting in a little tube. Oh the wonders of science captured my heart!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Wow Poppy, that is an quite a beautiful story.. I hope you continue to share a bit on this.

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to Poppy’s post:
Wow, wow, wow, good stuff Poppy!!

This post, and everything in it has incredible spontaneity for me!!

Thank you! Its like dropping the crown jewel, the very corner stone, a precious stone has just fallen into place!!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Incredible story!!

You never know what a day HOLDS!!!!

Wow!! Amazing and powerful!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:
MW is visiting us very soon. Dr. Genetics and her brother will also arrive by car and plane. MH is having a hard go of it, but has called her son. We have framed a picture of MW in MH’s house as well as ours. Emails and pictures are flowing daily. We only have 73 years to catch up on! …and with that, I say Spit, you never know what you’ll get!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:

very exciting… !!!!!!!!

what are you feeling? I’d be curious to see a poem(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to going w/self-care flow’s post:
I am happy for everyone involved. I personally am feeling this is a gift from God to us all. I think God knows it will be good for us all but in different ways. For me, it gives me hope that families that are apart or strained, will someday come together as one again before it is too late.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.


Bmindful captures my heart.

And Poppy thank you for who you are and the love you bring here(: You most definitely capture my heart! much love, blessings forever and a day!

I Am living a Divine plan

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