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★Affirmations for alcoholism?'

With something like 10% of the population being alcoholics, I’m surprised there weren’t any affirmations about self-talk for alcoholism. I’m trying to write my own. If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate hearing them. Thank you


here are a few which might inspire you:

I love myself as I am.
I am complete and whole and I love myself.
My world is perfect and complete.
All is well and I am safe.
I am at peace with myself.
I enjoy viewing my world with awareness at all times.
I am sober.
I enjoy drinking fresh water and juices.
As I strengthen my body, I strengthen my confidence and self-esteem.
I have high self esteem and confidence

Bonne chance,

…what a wonderful world….

HI bueny1, I have some affirmations that I hope helps…….I am so happy and grateful I have the strong determination to stay alcoholism free, I am very powerful and my mind is full of positive thoughts always.

I am so proud in my efforts in being alcoholism free, I am totally amazing and beautiful!

I can hold my head up high and walk proud!

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hello Bueny1! I loved what Aftab listed and I might add “I am a winner and I am worthy of all the health and abundance the universe sends me each day.”
I grew up with alcoholism and then my brother and I became alcoholics in our 20s & 30s. I now love and enjoy my life and family. I wish I had come to using positive affirmations and had a site such as this when I climbed up and out of that life. I hope you explore all the forum topics and get all the info. you need and the support and inspiration available here. Sincerely, Jan – I’m a winner.

In response to bueny1’s post:

“ Buen1, this song is for you,Buenyl”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kmuc4wKOSCU:

Check out quick search link below.
Quick search

plug in words like serenity, present, and now

Just some thoughts:

-My feeling is focus on affirmations, that don’t use the word alcohol, just focus on affirmations that include slogans and all that assists in doing the next right thing.If you were on a diet you wouldn’t say, I no longer eat junk food. You’d focus on your new healthier behaviors, in the present tense, with incremental steps and enthusiasm for recreating each new day, for your new life with balance, love and health.

-Any support or help you’ve received can be formed into an affirmation. This will be easy for you.

-Look up health and wholeness on the affirmations.

-Affirmations toward self care would be good also. More self care will translate to loving and supporting yourself, and in turn assist in creating more feelings and beliefs in deserving the good you are inevitably going to receive.

-In regard to affirmations, I would imagine in many ways affirmations that would be helpful, would be similar to other areas one might want to do, improve or abstain from ->if it assists in a better life. While issues and motives will definitely differ, from individual to individual and whatever each person is working on; the desire to be healthy and move forward would be similar. Do you agree? To be healthier in a holistic way (mind, body and spirit) and to be healthier overall is what we all seem to have in common here (smiles)

-Beyond using slogans and other wonderful info at your disposal,
as mentioned above, you might also like to try the quick search for affirmations. I did just now, under the topic now, present and serenity for living in the moment, believing in the best, being peaceful and knowing you’re right where you’re supposed to be

The following might be helpful:
Confidence Affirmations


A thread Lee posted on confidence

My best to you, Laurie

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

After reading Lauries post I do agree with in regards to staying from the word alcohol in affirmations, please disregard my affirmations. I do like Jans affirmation of “I am a winner and I am worthy of all the health and abundance the universe sends me each day.” Every powerful and strong.

Kindest regards

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bueny – I would like to share this prayer with you. It is the first thing I say in the morning and my safety net when situations are difficult to cope with…..

‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.’

My advice to you – dont pick up the first drink and you wont get drunk, and live only one day at a time. If a day is too much, live an hour at a time. You will grow in strength and regain a life beyond your wildest dreams – you gotta trust in the power of sobriety and the power within you that is masked when you drink on your emotions.

‘I am a good natured person and I deserve respect’
‘I respect my body and therefore others respect me’
‘I am the master of my emotions’

Another little gift of sobriety you should take the opportunity to use is the gift of ‘taste’. Nurture the new found tastebuds by sprinkling them with good, wholesome, fresh and tasty foods. The health benefits are also great too and will eliminate cravings. In fact you will begin to crave good foods and drinks. When your soul is healed it wants to stay well. Look after your mind first and the body will take care of its self if you listen to its needs.
Also, Water, water, water – LOTS of it! Keeping and restoring hydration is key when you put down the drink – the body is thirsty.

I wish you all my love, support and luck in your journey. Addictions are overcome through support networks such as this. Do not feel alone….

A ;o)

A full and thankful heart..

P.S; Bueny, can I email you? (You left your email address on another members profile). I would love to say more if you are open to more support, but if not, I wont be offended in the slightest. ;o)
Best regards.

A full and thankful heart..

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