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Discussion★What's In An Age? {our posts & affirmations}

What's In An Age? 


Does your age mean much to you? And if so..when is it a prompt with something wonderful attached..or is it a concern..? And why?

Various Links are not working/been removed…thread will be adding revisions and hopefully the once long lists of affirmations will be added again though more reader-friendly...

for now:Selected affirmations will eventually be placed here and in other posts on thread

  • ►•I AM in absolute alignment with my good.
    ►• Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises
      • ~~~~~~~~~
        I am glad to be alive, to be where I am, to be who I am.

     AccidentalNote's post

    and Poppy's post
  • thank you for your very appreciated responses!

• ► • ► • ► From from Book:The Creative Age Awakening Human Potential -In the Second Half of Life by Gene D. Cohen
Remember the simple “math” of creativity with our equation C=me squared or creativity equals the mass of what you know multiplied by your life experience in two dimensions- your inner life or emotional experience, and the outer, or external experience.
►• Where are you with the m- the knowledge base that you need to take the next step? Do you need to read, travel, talk with others, or perhaps take a course or two to understand more about a field of interest?
►• Think about the two dimensions of your life experience- inner and outer as equally valuable resources that are renewable with each new experience.
• ► • ► • ►

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My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

Age is starting to be a concern for me. I had not given it much thought, but lately, my body is reminding me that I cannot do many of the things that I once could do easily.

I am also beginning to feel that I have a somewhat limited amount of time left to do all the things I want to do before I pass.

It is an awareness that I must make the most of every day… Be the best friend, the best I have to give to everyone. I might not be able to continue to give to others at the same level as I currently do.

A time to give to myself a little more grace and appreciate what I still have.

This is hard to fully appreciate at a younger age. I am 60, still young by all means, but old enough to realize much of my family has passed and quite a few friends.

The time to live is today!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:

Thanks Poppy..I really appreciate you and everything you’ve shared. I’d like to keep this thread going..Hope to see you and those that feel the desire..to share also(:

Yes..The time to live is -today! Yes age doesn’t mean what it did..though our personal context will define how we live.

.. will give this a bit more thought myself(:

Age..and how I want to live..today..

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

Sometimes I have to remind myself what age I am.

I look at the mirror and say my age. It helps me get used to it. It also reminds me that this is how others see me — at least as a starting point until they realize what I can do.

I feel limited by my age. Older bodies take longer to recover from injuries, hard workouts, illnesses. My reflexes are slower, my eyesight is worse and my hearing is worse.

I feel unlimited by my age. I’m training for a half-ironman later this summer and really it’s no big deal because I have been addicted to workouts my whole life. I am a good windsurfer and now I want to kiteboard. I love staying healthy!

I feel limited by my age. Job offers are less frequent — there’s plenty of age discrimination and age-based expectations. I don’t get hit on as much as I used to! I’d look silly hitting on all the girls I used to!

Hugh Hefner looks silly and sad, refusing to mature. Queen Elizabeth looks dowdy and sad — when did she ever live a vibrant life? Guess what. They’re the same chronological age!

I’m somewhere between those two. A little embarrassing but a little conservative.

I still like to roller skate — bop to the beat — but it embarrasses my kids. Tough!

Death is a sure thing. But until then, I’m going to keep on living.

post had affirmations

and appreciation comment to Accidental Note (which I still am appreciating him & his post) (:

soon to be replaced-to be added more reader friendly affirmations(:

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

I love the positivity in this thread .
I was watching t v the other day and during the adverts there was one asking for donations for helping save childrens lives in Africa ,all they were asking for was £2 a month .
Then there was one for some face cream – going on about every woman needs this to stop their skin ageing – i think it costs about £30.

How can people be so bothered about a few lines on their faces when there are mothers watching their children dying .

We are blessed to be ageing because we have lived long enough for our bodies to show signs of it .
I look on my body as a map of my life with its scars,lumps and bumps .My legs take me where i want to go ,my arms reach out to give hugs ,my ears can hear the birds singing at dawn,my eyes see a rainbow,sunset,read a new book or a letter from a friend,i can give away a smile to someone who needs one ,my hands knit,crochet,write ,cuddle my pets and stroke my kids heads if they are upset.

Im 55 years young or as my daughter says 21 with 34 years experience .

Im halfway through my life and have so much to look forwards to

Going back to work after raising my kids ,meeting a new partner ,doing a metaphysics degree,volunteering at an orphanage in Romania ,watching the sunrise at Stonehenge ,visiting India ,making new friends,making a difference somehow,growing a herb garden- i have a bucket list of over 100 things im going to do and these are just a few of them ..

Although i have always been patient and calm ,im gaining wisdom and know everythings for a reason and since i joined here have learnt with Lauries help
“ im right where im supposed to be “
so im heading into each new day in my flared jeans and boho tops ,long hair in 2 plaits (braids i think they are called in America )wearing my dolphin and peace signs jewellery,burning patchouli in my oil burner,listening to my ipod,reading so many wonderful books,learning new things ,growing spiritually and wanting to get more involved with things im passionate about – greenpeace ,viva,hippo,

As long as i can put one foot in front of the other ,give away a smile ,hug someone and do something to help others – donate a few poounds,knit baby clothes for africa charity,crochet blankets for dogs home ,make nosebands for working donkeys ,volunteer at a homeless shelter at christmas,light a candle and send loving healing wishes,and live my life shaing peace ,kindness,compassion and love then im happy with myself inside and out .love flowergirl

Age ~ I’ve never been afraid to tell my age , I am 47.

It doesn’t bother me one bit to let my gray hair show , I stopped coloring it years ago.

I never wear makeup do to allergies.

A few years ago I started noticing I could no longer read the fine print on a label and started wearing bi focal lenses.

I have to work out harder to stay slim and slim is no longer a size 8/10 but more like 12. I absolutely refuse to be larger than a 12 , although I am headed in that direction and so I do work hard at it.

I can no longer eat certain foods as my interior lets me know it is not healthy for me. When I eat healthy I feel vibrant and full of energy and when I scarf down on cheesy bread sticks , I pay the price for it , feeling sluggish and bloated.

When I look in the mirror I see that I am beginning to look like my Mother. Others tell me this also. My brothers have begun looking our Dad.

I look at my daughter and she looks like her father…hmmm , intersting.

But no matter how many years I am living or how my appearance changes with the slightest subtlety , I am still that denim jacket wearing , Led Zeppelin listening , knowledge seeking , peace loving , 16 year old girl. Well , make that 21 as I also still like to party :) But because my age is really 47 this sometimes embarrasses my 13 yr. old daughter. So I have learned to listen and also love “her music”. Now I embarrass her by attempting to bust a hip hop style move. LOL ! All in all it is done in great fun , we laugh and sing and dance together. Well, she shows me how it should be done anyway.

Age is experience.

Age is something to not fear but revere.

Age is the here and now , it is what/when/where we are and should be.

  • Thank you all for sharing about “age”. Love hearing your take on time and it how it applies to you personally. Great stuff…

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)




post had affirmations

soon to be replaced-to be added more reader friendly(:


►• I care about every cell, system, and value in myself. Every cell and every system in my body and mind is important to my overall functioning, health, and happiness, and I care for each one. One way to care for each part of myself is to give it proper exercise and allow it regular harmonious functioning. from You Can Choose To Be Happy by Tom G Stevens PhD




My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

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