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★new★★2 minutes a day-3 new things you're grateful for-page2



PAGE 1 LINK-★new★★2 minutes a day-3 new things you're grateful for

thread-- -★★-Let's play-Days of Gratitude, the Vibrational Game!


“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” – Brene Brown

  • quote The more someone practices choosing to love and appreciate, the easier and easier it gets as they will begin to feel more love and appreciation and it will be increasingly reflected back to them in their life. Also, if they do experience a challenge if they have been practicing loving and appreciative thoughts, the challenge will transform more rapidly. Tracy Friend …excerpt from article Love and Appreciation Our Natural State of Being, by Tracy Friend



Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

starting my new 3 weeks....

I am grateful for:

  1. the audio machine-someone didn't want and left for 'me' to receive (it's perfect for my needs)
  2. the time I allow in the wee hours of the morning 'just for me'
  3. the joy I receive in listing what I'm grateful for!

'Day 2'

  1. writing again on Bmindful
  2. letting go of what doesn't serve me and remembering everything really is a gift
  3. joy!

'Day 3'

  1. loving the quiet on the early morning
  2. loving my day off with no plans yet
  3. love how it is up to me to create this day... and create plans for anything that follows

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

'Day 5'

I am grateful for:

  1. my hubby focusing on  healthy actions (exercise & good nutrition)
  2. a friend who has some of the same  goals as myself becoming my accountability partner
  3. staying on top of my priorities with fun reinforcing techniques 

'Day 6'

I am grateful for:

  1. allowing rest in between all I am choosing to do
  2. allowing peace in between and around my thoughts
  3. enjoying the use of my tools in life

'Day 7'

I am grateful for:

  1. grateful to be home with my own thoughts, my own noise, my home(:
  2. grateful to know I can create from wherever I Am.
  3. grateful to know things are coming together... I know this because i allow myself to do what is needed, have a positive attitude, and have faith/belief in magnificent experiences.


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

'Day 8'

I am grateful for:

  1. the day I had today working, and right now being home.... and now looking forward to my days off.
  2. grateful for my good hearted hubby
  3. grateful for the present focus of our lives right now (now is my favorite  focus for gratitude)

'Day 9'

I am grateful for:

  1. the beautiful hearts of those on Bmindful
  2. the beautiful hearts I interact with daily at work
  3. the beautiful hearts of people in my very personal world in my life

(all of which I'm grateful to share more love with)

'Day 10'


I am grateful for:

  1. the desire to be grateful for my life
  2. the belief I can always find something to be grateful and appreciative for (easily)
  3. the wisdom in knowing how everything is energy, and desire to create from a 'good place'

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

'Day 11'

I am grateful for:

  1.  continued care around projects-team & individual energy
  2. feelings about family soon to visit
  3. upcoming vacation


'Day 12'

I am grateful for:

  1. keeping the faith and having patience
  2. and grateful for the continuous action of changing what I can
  3. grateful for kind people

'Day 13'

I am grateful for:

  1. allowing myself to be ready for things that don't quite  fit into my plans
  2. being flexible enough to grow
  3. to allow time for myself and others

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

'Day 14'

I am grateful for:

  1. new enthusiasm due to vacation soon here
  2. new possibilities with my time, and fun w/total me-time  and being  with those I  love 
  3. new possibilities for taking care of what I value

'Day 15'

I am grateful for:

  1. today
  2. faith and patience paying off 
  3. new day of choices

'Day 16'

I am grateful for:

  1. getting a real vacation
  2. feeling more and more the way I love
  3. campgrounds

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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