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What motivates you? What get’s your spirit up? What get’s you going, moving,shaking? : ) (((hugs))) to all!

i cant wait to read everyone’s replies as i really struggle to find motivation ,i have all the ides but cant find the on switch to get myself moving

Motivation really isn’t a mystery..It is a process..that anyone can have.

It takes a decision first.
Once decided..you are on your way to be motivated for motivation.

Using the motivation-mode as an example to be motivated for, list all of the reasons why you want to be more motivated….Ask yourself what gets in your way of moving forward. Let’s start there.

This will be fun(:

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

hi Laurie ,the answer to what gets in the way is me i think ,i realise im constantly affirming ive no motivaion ,i cant get started .
i need to be motivated to sort out my mums home ,she died 18 months ago and she wanted it sold and divided between me and my older brother .He has moved in with loads of junk ,refusing to return form to estate agents to sell it and has already been prosecuted and tagged for fraud ,mums home is deteriorating ,i cant buy her a headstone and i have a battle now with soliciters to get it sorted

my own home is a mess ,i go out to the shops to avoid it ,bills /papers are everywhere ,needs a good declutter ,clean and decorating ,im not fussy but it looks like no one loves it ( i realise because i really dislike the area i dont bother with the house and feel guilty because i want my kids to have a nice home here and when i move away )

You hit some excellent reasons why motivation has been misplaced.
- constantly affirming no motivation is a biggy
-and affirming you cant get started .

I believe you are motivated to sort out your mom’s home, it’s just a very difficult task emotionally and project wise.

Losing a parent is large all by itself.
-18 months ago is relatively recent in the scheme of things.
-and you want to do what she would’ve wanted; wanted it sold and divided between you and your older brother.

-It is complicated by all of his possessions.
-He has made it difficult by not returning the form to estate agents to sell it and has already been prosecuted and tagged for fraud.
-your Mom’s home is deteriorating
-and on top of that your stressed that you can’t buy her a headstone
-and you’re battling with with solicitors to get it all sorted

-Now on top of that, your own home needs your attention, with a decluttering project
-you’ve already admitted you go to shops to avoid it
-you have important things mixed with bills /papers, and they are everywhere
-you know it needs to be cleaned
-you aren’t overly fussy but you aren’t seeing a reason to do things when no one seems satisfied with their home anyway;so you’ve rationalized;why do anything?
-you feel guilt which is another thing you’ve allowed to weigh you down

Ok ..so now you know what gets in your way..are you ready for motivation?
Do you desire what it takes to have your needs met?
1st things first..
Then we can get started, I promise we can do this together.
C’mon back..with your ok…
And I will support you, and so will others with progressive baby steps..with the big picture in mind.

1st you must acknowledge, you WILL change your expectations of yourself.
Things will not get done quickly because everything that has occurred didn’t happen overnight.

-Your good feelings will continue to come, because you have made the decision to….
I am right here with you, you are not alone. We will do this together.

You, being on this site, will have so many tools..

Most of the time this site is great for you, I’m sure. Though don’t overwhelm yourself with everything. And don’t allow ovrwhelm to make you believe getting started is impossible.

Once you agree to start..Everything will change.
Just drop your expectations of what when and how, and simply agree to start..Nothing else.

I repeat we will do this together(:

You are not alone.
Much love,Laurie

db has a wonderful affirmation page for motivation..But for now..this moment..as a suggestion..all I ‘m saying for.. agree to start. I didn’t suggest to do anything specific. Believe there is a path through, and I promise you will walk on that path.

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

thank you Laurie frommy heart, you have no idea how much your post means to me ,i feel i have hands holding me and im not alone on this path ,you are such a kind freind ,love and a big hug flowergirl

In response to flowergirl’s post:
My pleasure my friend. Yes, you do have hands holding you.

Just for today..I want you to bathe in the idea, that you are not alone, and there are answers…and you are right where you’re supposed to be.

So that will mean..not to sabotage yourself..with anything that doesn’t fit your beautiful life.

Write a beautiful letter to yourself. Forgive yourself for wanting so much from your lil flowergirl. She hasn’t known what to do..and only wanted to know that you are there for here..with open arms. She wants to trust you.
Give her reason to today.

Tell her..you have some friends that won’t let you go it alone.
Have some tea with her..and a healthy meal. Take her for exercise. And reassure her that you never left her, and you are not alone.

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

hi Laurie ,two of your words have planted a seed in my mind “ simply begin “ for when i look at things as a huge nountain .those 2 little words are so calming but positive .
Also i have accepted i am right where im meant to be ,i’m not stuck ,i have been in a time out period and am now waking up with the opportunity to learn and grow into my authenticself .
My little flowergirl had gone into hiding ,she is the feeling i described to someone – it feels like i am a cotten wool ball underneath a load of big heavy boulders and no one can hear my screams or see my distress.

Today it is the second week of a course i joined based on a book called living well with pain and illness by Vidyamala Burch ,we were given a c d to listen to every day by her and Jon Kabat-Zinn and because i havent done it yet i was thinking not to go ,until i read your sentence about not sabataging myself with anything that doesnt fit mybeautiful life .I will do the relaxation soon then get my little girl ready to come to the clsss ,wash my hair ,put on a prettytop and leave early so i can walk and go along a footpath where there are trees so i can notice the birds ,trees ,instead of listening to the negative voice i will tell myself” simply begin “.This afternoon i will write that letter,thank you so much Laurie ,you have helped me learnto ask for help ,love flowergirl

Here are some things that motivate me:
Hearing a great song or piece of music. It makes me go “I can do that!”
Hearing something I think is intentionally misleading. That motivates me to expose the lie.
Seeing a practical idea motivates me to share.
The synergy of positive people motivates me.
Seeing a person who has overcome adversity motivates me.
Reading a beautifully written poem or article or book motivates me to try to be a better communicator.
Reading about someone who stood of for his principles when the easy thing to do would have been to give in motivates me.
Being in nature motivates me to look inward and think of God and the wonder of the universe.
It motivates me when someone asks me to help them do something I know I’m good at.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Oh yeah, I forgot – yawning motivates me to take a nap! I need to be in bed!!!

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

people having faith in me that i can do things .

wanting to do things for other people

being gratefull for the gift of a new day

being able to help someone

being needed

realising im blessed


You know, being a parent is a huge motivator! You are the role model for these innocent little sponges. They learn by watching – and even when you don’t think they are paying attention… just wait… it comes out!

Being a parent is a huge responsibility!!

Am I modelling care and concern for all of life? Do they see it in my actions as well as my words?

Am I modelling good healthy habits for them to follow – so they grow up healthy and loving to their own bodies?

Am I modelling good work ethics? Do I show that I know how to balance time for work and time for play and family?

Just knowing they are always watching is enough to throw me back into line!

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

Hi! I am motivated by so many things.Also by the hope that one can make a difference & can have a meaningful life.laughter,motivation from others,a good book,my family,courage,nature,animals,justice,joy,inspiration,love,quiet,peace,music,work,compasion,honesty,truth,criticism,movies,passion,art,my faith,God,a smile,free will,to change,confidence,friends,courage,prayer, a challenge,respect,food,internet,being a good person,bmindful community,sunset,sunrise,snow,rain,thoughfulness,hope,possibilites,dreams,to believe,poetry,human civilization,volunteering,finding something to care about,time,being generous,confident,being creative,being healthly,the wind,being happier,Me,just being alive,and the list goes on & on… : )

In response to cuqui’s post:
i love this post cuqui as your love of life and gratityde just shines through

Hi! I had also put “Music” put did not come out on the post.

Listening to videos like this motivate me

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

This motivates me:c4492d2c5d9fa6dc13d1ee4e46e10941.png

Giving is a big part of living(:

Whether it be with family, friends your work life... or just everyday interactions.

Taking care of yourself in the true sense of the idea .... is the basis of loving follow thru in life.


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Reading and posting quotes on bmindful is another great way to get myself motivated

Like this quote which motivates me to always look for the good

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

In response to Bear's post:

And of course Affirmations are the ultimate motivation for me :)

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

In response to Bear's post:

People telling me I CAN'T do something is always a great motivator. I love proving them wrong :)

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

this is such a good thread!

In response to Kathi's post:

I too love to see people stand up for themselves... I especially love when people people attempt all with heart, and not with a mean streak. Kindness motivates me.Some see it as weak... (at least that is what I've heard said)

In response to Bear's post:In response to Bear's post:




Another thing that motivates me -audios by Brian Tracy. I have a library full! I made a conscious effort of attaining them... years later after listening to 1 side of a cassette someone gave me over 30 yrs ago. It assisted me in working 2 jobs... with lots of freedom in them to help others. He repeats a lot... keeping the focus on moving forward, accepting yourself and balance. I love his quotes too. Much of what he says is a collection of the 'best of the best' before him, though done in such a way... that it feels like a personal gift to me wherever I need it most at the time. Thank you, Brian!


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.


When one can just be themselves... their  authentic self... with regard for others...that is love for self and others... that motivates me




I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

woke up with another thing that motivates me-


Not all music... 

The music which has the beat & or the lyrics

my  spirit says-

'yes! I love that' laughing

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

In response to Bear's post: This is a great thread! Thank you for finding this and bringing this up! Its great to read everybody's thoughts!!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Kathi's post:

You're very welcome. I'm loving this thread too :)

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

I'm motivated by kindness.

Just seeing bear helping to bring up old threads is joyful kindness

the interaction with a thank you and your welcome makes me smile.

I love when we do that.

I love when anyone does this.

I am motivated by this.

I love it when kindness is represented as a theme in ones day.

Today as I prepare for work

kindness is even more my theme than ever.

{got an intention in there)


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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