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★★Balancing, Affirming/Doing Health{Blood Sugar, etc}-1

thread in process-though aren't all threads in process?tongue-outFeel free to post healthy reminders, affirmations, info, intentions. Have fun & learn what you value(:



this is very important thread for me and hope it helps others too.

I want to reinforce what I know and learn more...

Everyone knows someone who has sugar issues..This thread is all about sugar Post wonderful links, article ideas, everything and anything… that keeps your sugar totally balanced

Note: You do not have to be diabetic to watch your sugar. Not only will keeping your sugar balanced if your diabetic, pre-diabetic, or simply sugar sensitive {&/or insulin resistant} 

be a great healthy idea, but also for anyone making healthier choices


related threads in process


more affirmations post 2

My Daily Intentions-coming soon

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

post 2


  • I am alive to the joys of living. I deserve and accept the very best in life. I love and approve of myself.

    I look around with love and gratitude. I trust the process of life. All I ever need is always taken care of.



 I am vibrantly alive and radiantly healthy!

I am inspired by life and create things which work very well for me. 

I really respect myself and like who I am.

I have made the decision to listen and act on my  gut messages- on taking great care of me.

I am filled with LOVE and natural affection.

I  LOVE experimenting with a variety of self-nourishing activities and I've gotten back in touch with those that are fulfilling to me.

Related Threads In Process



    • This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today.by Louise Hay

    • 20.jpg
    • Louise Hay - Affirmations

  • Louise Hay - Affirmations
    • Louise Hay - Affirmations


I Am already Good, and my daily actions have been given my seal of approval too.Louise Hay - Affirmations


Related image


I know how I’d like to organize my life and I love doing it

 Today I am allowing delight in all areas of focus.

I Am creating my life around my calm and peaceful spirit.


  • I am grateful for all the great health, love, and goodness that my life has revealed to me.Where I was contracting, I expand.


I know what is important in my life and I focus upon it.df08ace495ec83df7b1f7ebf2ae7ab71--morning-affirmations-daily-affirmations.jpg

See the source image


  • “I love how staying current with my own self care creates experiences which allow for greater possibilities within myself and with others.”

afformation below from Barbara Clark's site HealthandHealing

Why do I feel so peaceful now?

Why do I feel so relaxed now?

Why do I feel so calm?

Why do I feel so relieved now?

Why am I soothed now?

Why am I so reassured now?

Why do I feel so forgiving now?

Why do I feel so tolerant now?

Why do I feel self confident and self assured now?

Why do I feel released and liberated now?

Why do I feel so expanded?

 Why do I feel so loving and loved now?

Why do I feel so flexible?

Why do I feel so open?

Why do I feel so connected now?

Why am I so relaxed and easy going now?

Why am I so serene?





Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings


    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
      ACTION EXERCISE = Make an analysis of your current energy levels and your daily health habits. Resolve today to improve your levels of health and energy by asking the following questions:



[1] What are you doing physically that you should do more of?

[2] What are you doing that you should do less of?

[3] What are you doing that you should START DOING —- if you want to perform at your best?

What are you doing today that affects your health that you should STOP DOING altogether?

Whatever your answers are to these questions, TAKE ACTIONS TODAY!
(from Brian Tracy’s Books/tapes Eat That Frog

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 




Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Protein at breakfast

{and in other meals}

foods high in potassium


    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
      They say we need to eat more alkaline diet versus acid. Here are 3 charts w/good alkaline/acid food-charts. Take your pick(:



#1 acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods

#2 lists of acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods

#3 list of acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods



Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

See the source image

 If you have almost 90 minutes to watch an interesting video entitled Sugar The Bitter Truth…educational TV from University of California
Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. 
• (covers more than obesity with regard to sugar)


tips for insulin resistance



See the source image

never thought about this:

See the source image

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Daily Intentions... in process

Today I enjoy perfect health and peaceful heart.

Today I do all the right things (as needed) which I know works for my best health.

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Hello, I hope all of you are well. I wanted to share a recipe I have discovered and tweaked a bit. I believe it will help you, if you are like me, stop drinking so many sodas. Please give it a try. Actually two recipes for a cola alternative.

Balsamic Vinegar drink: 1/2 oz of balsamic vinegar in a glass (use a regular sized drinking glass, about 16oz size), one pinch of ground cinnamon, fill glass a little over half way with some lemon/lime soda water or mineral water, one packet of stevia, stir it up well then fill to the top with ice. You can thank me later.

Apple Cider drink: same as above, just use apple cider vinegar instead.


Play around with those concoctions. Healthy alternative to soda pop.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm's post: o happy to see you here!

and as always wonderful ideas to share!

thanks SRWE!

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

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