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★★Q&A: It iZ What It iZ!

The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.

I experience the joy of authentic loving service.

I accept large and small roles in the service of humanity. Sometimes I am guided to do something public, vocal, or courageous; sometimes I am guided to serve with no observers or fanfare. I am cool with either!

Deep within me, inside my inner world and my inner being, I notice all the light that there is. There is no vanity -- no applause is needed. I see when I am able to lift energies on planet, and I KNOW this is a tremendous service. I am gratified & proud.

I get a lot of questions in the forums that I visit almost everyday online and thought it would be helpful to start sharing these questions and answers here on bmindful. My intention iz also to direct people to this here wonderful community full of insightful and inspiring people. This site has such amazing potential and I hope to see it continue to grow as it has been and that iz the purpose of my having created this thread. I have a feeling some will also enjoy seeing some of the many great interactions I get to share with others in my extended community. Maybe even possibly inspire others to become of service themselves.

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Q: High Vibe FreQz Show but how can I find my life's purpose? I'm feeling a little empty and drifting in my wishes.... just because I don't know what's right for me.... could you give me some kind of advice, please?

A: Rafaela, you have all the answers within you. I do not know you better than you know yourself. These beliefs that you don't know your purpose that you are empty and drifting are what create that very reality for you. Stop affirming those things that do not serve you. You have become conscious of them because they do not serve you and you have the ability to reprogram your subconscious mind now with positive affirmations and examining your limiting beliefs. Don't judge them as negative, they served you at one time but now no longer do.

You can find your purpose in your passions. What brings you joy? Follow your joys and you will find your purpose.

Remove all beliefs that limited you from being who you are already being. Realize that change iz always an ongoing event. Don't wait to be who you desire to be. It's not something that you just become overnight. It's found in your journey, a transformation that occurs only in the present moment, not in the future. Give yourself permission to be who you desire to be. Do not wait. Don't wait for others to accept you or validate your change. Change iz always and only experienced now. Do not wait for your circumstances to change, as that iz to take cues from your circumstances instead of giving cues to your circumstances.

The outside world iz only a reflection of your inner state of being. When you change the outside world changes to mirror that change and will reflect it back to you. Physicality always has a gestation period but once we become aware of a desire it has already been fulfilled on a higher level of consciousness. Never use the outside world as a reference point of your current state. What you feel inside iz true. What you see in your imagination in thought form gives birth to all physical forms. What iz seen within you iz reality and what iz physical iz a reflection of reality, not reality itself. The reflection iz always a past reflection of your reality not a reflection of your current state of being. To reference the current circumstances iz to react (re-action as in re-creation of what was already created and thus repeating and action out the same cycle again and again until you sense stagnation a feeling of being stuck but nothing iz ever stuck or changeless, it's just repeating the same thing over and over again and your Higher Self iz calling you forward to greater glory and out of that stagnation).

You have all that it takes right now within you to become all that you desire. As soon as you become conscious of the desire, it's already yours but physical circumstances take to time to manifest but don't wait for the reflection, you are the one who iz manifesting the reflection. It's already real.

You are a wonderful formless being with infinite potentiality and endless possibilities. Some forms of religion may tell you that you are only a mortal being limited to having only a physical form but that's not true, the religious human can sometimes misinterpret the spiritual matters from a physical perspective which iz backwards. I am certainly not attacking any religion in particular. I have many enlightened and loving friends who consider themselves religious and I just wanted to make that clear before continuing on.

It's the formless which supports and gives form to all physicality, it cannot define the formless. The physical body has a mortality in this timeline but YOU are not your body, you are the immortal self-awareness that uses the body and it gives it life, but you are life itself, the observe who iz self-aware.

For example; if you look into a mirror iz that you? No, it's not you. What you are seeing in a mirror iz your physically manifested body. It's not even your whole body, it's just the outer most physical shell of your body. Where are you? You are the one who iz aware that you have a body, the one who can observe your body, but you, the self-aware one, are not the body itself. It's part of your creation. Many people will look at photograph and point out who iz who in the photo. You may see yourself in the photo but that's not you at all. Firstly, that's merely a representation of people and a moment captured by light. It's a piece of paper, that's the reality of it. Secondly, that's still only representation of your outer shell of your physical body. It's still not you. You, are formless, invisible to the mind, so eyes, which are merely optical nerves of the brain cannot perceive your spiritual essence of who you truly are.

Give yourself permission to be your greatest version and seek inner guidance with you Higher Self. Keep in mind that you are not what you do, you are not your thoughts, you are not your mind, which iz the brain in action and the brain iz the body, but you are so much more than all of this. But feel free to follow your joy in life and everything else will fall into place. Learn to trust your Higher Self beyond anyone else in this physical universe. Look into the "Emotional Guidance System." And ask your Higher Self for signs. Release all limiting fears because NOTHING at all can ever harm you unless you give it permission. You do not have to give permission to anything to make a victim out of you. Realize that all you have ever experienced in your life has never destroyed you. You will even overcome death itself. All you have ever know iz existence. You can never be undone. You will never be punished. Some religions use fear, and fear iz based on a beliefs in lack. We do not live in lack we live in absolute abundance and the evidence iz seen even in the physical universe in everything that exists.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

Love, love, love, love this thread!!! Meteoric!!  POWERFUL!  

And, your affirmations are absolute knock outs!! 

And, I love your energy and intentions, and the topics that you write on are very valuable, and certainly create access for those who are interested in growth, authenticity and manifesting best and highest goals, and increasing creativity... 

So many great gifts are available to us all! There is just so much to tap into, and to explore, and its an infinite as the cosmos!

We really do have endless possibilities!

Thank you IZ, for your fountain of brilliant energy AND your generosity!



“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Kathi's post:

So many great gifts are available to us all! There is just so much to tap into, and to explore, and its an infinite as the cosmos!

We really do have endless possibilities!

You're firing me up with that wonderful way of expressing it!! It's so true! And absolutely my pleasure. The things that I have been becoming aware of in my experience bring me a whole lot of unbounded joy so I can't bottle them up within me nor would I ever want to. If it brings value to others it's an added bonus that even my ego doesn't want to get in the way of my heart receiving it which iz where it comes from to begin with. 

Thanks for the wonderful feedback Kathi! 

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

Magnificent! This forum is conducive to sparking the awareness that we hold the key/power to absolute Freedom. 



I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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