I Am infinite possibilities and potentialities.
I create with my wonderful imagination.
Just things I passionately do but not all that I Am (Do what you love but don’t just be what you do): ••Writer•• ••Creator & Executive Producer of OnDaGrindTV & High Vibe FreQz•• ••Producer-Director•• ••LOA Transformational Life Coach•• ••Former Emcee & Deejay•• ••Forever a Hiphoppa••
In response to AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities’s comment: I don’t blame you I’m loving them too! 😂 I love the immense power affirmations have upon altering my mindset and beliefs. I’ve seen many results from my use of them I am constantly telling others how I use and what they do for me. Some actually see the results I get for themselves then become excited and open up in asking me more about them or ask me why they didn’t get results in the past like I do.
Thanks for welcoming me to the site. I got to check it out a little more than usual and really like what I see. It seems like a great community. I look forward to joining in on some more of the forum threads. I love to talk to like minded people who know the power of affirmations, are deliberate creators using the law of attraction for their own greater good and those who are regulars in their vibration so this will be whole lot of fun I’m sure of it. It’s a pleasure to meet you, and thanks again for the warm welcome!
In response to iZUHM THA iNFiNiTE’s comment: Hello again iZUHM THA iNFiNiTE! Thank you for your kind comment on my profile page. You have awesome energy, and once again … glad you’re here! I say again , because we’ve met via my moderator ;AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities above(:
Not to be confusing (smile) …I now understand I can easily be the moderator and a Bmindful member-participant(: I created that profile early on as a member, when we moved to this location in 2007. It’s quite full… so I enjoy using that profile section as an added space.
Wonderful to hear you are enjoying, and whenever…. (no pressure) it works for you, looking forward to you creating a thread which resonates for you… If you have any questions about getting started…just feel free to ask! Selfcare (aka AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities)
I am so excited to hear you are interested in creating Vision Boards. I am “old fashioned” so to say and enjoy the element of creativity. With that said I have two Vision Boards that are on poster board, done in a collage style.
One of them has photographs and phrases that I have cut out. That is the one that is indicative of my personal goals and aspirations. The other one has words and phrases promoting my spirituality and creativity. There are also some websites that enable you to do digital vision boards.
“How to create a vision board”:http://happyblackwoman.com/how-to-create-a-vision-board/
“Digital Vision Board”:http://happyblackwoman.com/how-to-make-a-digital-vision-board/
“Digital Vision Board”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoHdgeoe_f4 I hope this information will be beneficial.
Welcome to this marvelous place, it transcends time, it transcends space. I am so happy to be here and even more glad that you have joined us.
In response to AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities’s comment:
Thank you so much! I’m happy you enjoyed it.
In response to going w/self-care flow’s comment:
Say them like you mean them! Feel them within you! And make them YOURS!! It’s your time now!
In response to Nancee1953’s comment:
Hey Nancee! Thank you and congrats to you too! I sure feel all the love around and well…I’m loving it! It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you and reading your many great inspirational contributions.
2557 posts
Great name EyEiZwhatEyEiZ !(: Welcome to Bmindful!! So glad you’re here. If you have any questions/comments at all about utilizing the site, enjoying this beautiful community … (or… would just like to simply visit and say hi)would truly love to hear from you(: Enjoy! ~~~~~~ Happy affirming/posting what you love! AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities (aka selfcare)