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Sunny's Profile

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Profile Views:3979
Last Seen:on 03/12/2007
mindful Since:December 2007

I retired in June of 2006 to relocate to my native California. Unfortunately, I went home to the most economically depressed area of CA, where I am ‘over-qualified’ (too expensive) for most of the easily available jobs and don’t know people on the inside who could get me in for the better jobs! I did, however, land some of good freelance projects by employers who rejected me for regular jobs.

My family recently helped me move back to Ohio, and provided me with a place of my own where I can concentrate on building my business. I do a little website design, but have found more success (and quicker turn-around times) writing, copy editing, proof-reading, etc. I am also a photographer and enjoy dabbling in digital art, which I hope to turn into another earning opportunity.

I’m a risk taker, perpetually optimistic, persistent, and believe that if I keep my focus and keep working at it… everything will come out right. One bad year is merely a blip in my life. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that today’s disaster leads to tomorrow’s success and circumstances beyond my control influence my life. I try to not allow the things I can’t control to take over. I just go back to square one and try again.

Sunny has 2 bmindful Friends

Lee lynnkub
Sunny is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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Sunny's 3 Affirmations

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Oh I love that affirmation! It really hits home. I know I am a completely different person than I was a year ago and that realization (your affirmation) made a huge difference in my life! I have no one to blame for my “poopiness” but myself and that gets me out of it so much more quickly and sometimes I never go there at all!

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Good to hear from you, lynnkub. And good for you for understanding what a difference that affirmation can make. Too many people seem to prefer to blame somebody else. Not me. I also understand that I’m the only one who can change my attitude and my outlook. Keeps me moving forward too.

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i really like that addirmation i am new to this group and also to affirmations my sponser told me that i fhave to rejust my thinking and get some postive thought in my head and i always try to blame other for my attitude and the affirmation is right IAM responsible for my own attitude if i let other knock me off my square then i have to change it thanks again

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In response to imhere1975’s comment: It’s pretty powerful, isn’t it! That’s a pretty big step you’ve taken… just understanding that it’s up to you. You know what they say: if life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

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In response to imhere1975’s comment: My favorite saying is….. If it’s to be it’s up to ME!!!

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