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Happy New Year?

My Card for Everyone!

Merry (Belated) Christmas

Happy New Year?

O. M. G.

This just can’t be possible. What the heck Happened?
Did I Sleep through another year?

Oh! Now I remember something I learned this year:
Life is an Illusion. “Cool Huh?”

I AM the Creator of My Life, “Really Cool!”

And Best of All:
My Thoughts create My Reality: So change my Thoughts,
And “Woo-Hoo,” I change My Life.

Bring in The New Year, Knowing
You CAN Be, Do and Have Anything.

Miracles happen Daily and Life is Good, Really!

All My Love and Blessings,

NEVER Give up on Your Dreams and Dream Big!

Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.

In response to rockswealth’s post:
Very nice card/message/sentiments(: You are awesome!


Hi Roxanne, happy New Year to you too…. we had a quiet first and second of the month, but then we went back to work and things started happening…. there is so much energy in the air…. it’s great and I am loving it and letting it propel me forward…. hope all of you are making 2011 a good new year…..


Hi everyone, and happy new year. I had a great new the year at home with my family; which I’d not done as long as I can remember. Am always out or working. I am looking foward to a best year so far. Am new to this site, still trying to get my feet wet. Am excited to meet some positive people in this planet.

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