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Grateful For You All /Thanksgiving(Peace & )Happiness


would enjoy anyone who would like to stop by to bring your precious energy 

& your

company of course 


be delightful 

Last meeting








5ff450bb809ad50be40aa5a79f4687b5.jpegLife will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.

How do you know this is the experience you need?

Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”

Eckhart Tolle



Happy Thanksgiving to those in areas that celebrate. And for those who aren’t -


Every day is a day to give thanks!




Holidays around the world are in bloom, and many are experiencing such a variety of events… Though let’s take a moment to bring peace & joy to ourselves & others 



are so

powerful . Won’t you please join me?

Image result for every evening I appreciate pic


Related image

Image result for tapestry of life quotes






Some quotes , affirmations, and suggested focus questions coming soon

Just Suggestions

A Handful of

Reflection Questions


Lets allow ourselves to raise our vibration 



a. Where are you right now in respect to yourself ?

b. Where are you right now in others - generally?

c. Where are you with your daily self care?

d. Where are you with your goals and tasks of all sizes & priority?



3. What are you grateful for?

4. How do you bring gratitude in your life daily? Not always easy to love the present moment - lets give it a good & enjoy the knowledge of expectation of a great day(:











Post under construction


Affirmations & Intentions etc (:

I intend to flow quickly thru all that matters to me. 

In response to Peaceful ˚'s post:

saving space for responses 

3 Things I am loving right now are:  

  • -resting after a productive day 
  • Looking forward to an expected phone call 
  • enjoying the moment/ not being busy 


2 aWhere are you right now in respect to yourself ?

centering myself to create an upcoming list for this eve & tomorrow 

b. Where are you right now with others - generally?

I am comfortable being my authentic self though I am feeling ok with others and how they are viewing me for the most part


c. Where are you with your daily self care?

eating well enough , joined gyms … fitting it in my life is next 

d. Where are you with your goals and tasks

of all sizes & priority? To be continued 


  • ~
    If I create from the ♡heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing. Marc Chagall
  • ~

3. What are you grateful for?


4. How do you bring gratitude in your life daily?




be3453e7a308384fac4b120b164c2ace--happy-happy-happy-happy-monday.jpgTo be continued…



Image result for the love foundation unconditional love pics

I choose to be grateful for everything




May be an image of text that says "Peace is not something you wish for; it's something you make, something you do. something you are and something you give away. John Lennon"

In response to nature girl's post:absolutely perfect. Thank you for coming by & thank you for adding this .


No matter where you live

No matter what traditions you share

Be thankful for your life

Do not let your days pass

Without bursting out

Love and kindness

From your heart

Happy Thanksgiving 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

That is beautiful…

So in agreement 

From this day forward - and more with each passing day 


We never know what another is experiencing, though we do

know we only have this moment to be/ give what we can .

In kindness & love 

In the spirit of

Thanks & Giving

Agreeing with Poppy

No matter where you live

No matter what traditions you share

Be thankful for your life

Do not let your days pass

Without bursting out

Love and kindness

From your heart

Happy Thanksgiving 






In response to Abundant living ˚'s post:

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thank you for posting this for us!


I welcome this season with special awareness of how grateful I am for all of the great things that I am working on and also for how all of the wonderful people who are a part of my life!

I am grateful for our Bmindful community and I am very grateful for all of the love and support that is abundantly available amongst our community.

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to nature girl's post:In response to Poppy's post

Hey Nature Girl and Poppy!

Wishing you and your family the very best of this season! 

In kindness,

Life Is About Making Excellent Choices !!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Life is about making excellent choices!!'s post: In response to Life is about making excellent choices!!'s post

very beautiful!


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