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★★Imagine If.../YoUniversal-Paradise of Abundance


I realize I have a desire…
I become conscious of a want…
I feel like I need something…
I long for something more…
I feel an impulse to ask…
I wish for…
I crave for…
I aspire for…
I feel inclined to…
I feel motivated to…
I dream of…
I feel inspired by...

Time and again Source points me back to my source, which iz the Source of all creation, my wonderful imagination. This iz where we place our orders to manifest and co-create all that we experience in life.

All things already exist and were already created and we have inherited all things from our Source, the Father of creation, but until I have a desire then I think I don’t have something that I feel like I need so to get over there where I want to be from over here where I currently am.

I love to hear Esther’s voice speaking words for Abraham about how you can't get over there from here. It almost sounds like a limitation until you hear the explanation. Their explanation reveals all the wonderful possibilities that are just a feeling and a dream away from bringing there to here where I always am. So yes, everything I need iz always right here. I am not lacking in anyway.

Today and everyday, I choose to prosper without limit! I now release all lack and limitation thinking, and welcome the free-flowing gifts of the Universe!!



"I Am" iz what brings there to here. "I Am" iz what we become (be-come). We be that now, which we desire, and what we desire then comes to us. "I Am" iz how we identify ourselves yet it iz the name of our Source therefore it iz also our name. We do after all point at ourselves when invoke those two powerful words and not at others. They must use themselves or they can't be anything at all until they say "I Am."

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I went to sleep thinking about the things I have to do. It's not that I have to do them, it's that I want to do them. I agreed to do them and now others are involved so I felt a bit of pressure before going to bed last night and I thought, "Ok I have this, this, and that to all do but I only have that, that, and this to do it all with. How am I going to manage getting all this done?" 

The best thing I did was ask that question before drifting off to sleep.


On a side note that's great news for me! I've finally shifted to asking the how questions and I'm asking them unconsciously now. I'm asking the vital questions that serve me instead of worrying and creating "problems" for myself before going to sleep in the bad habit of reviewing my day and thinking ahead to what can I worry about now that tomorrow will bring which of course used to stress me out quite a bit. What do we expect from such a habit? To top it off I would see those very things that would stress me out become my very experience. I did that unconsciously for the first 30 odd years of my life and wondered how I got to be living the real life of Charlie Brown. Good grief.

Image result for good grief charlie brown
      Don't do this to yourself.

Now I'm unconsciously asking questions that better serve me instead of asking questions like Chuck iz above in that strip that do not serve me. If you ask those type of questions you will receive the answers to support them. Then they become your active beliefs and these beliefs have a tremendous effect on your life and reality. 

In my asking the right questions before going to sleep, the very moment of becoming conscious to the world while first waking up the right answers to my questions often are instantly coming to me. By simply asking the right questions I get the answers that I am seeking and wanting for myself. If you want wrong answers keep asking the wrong questions, such as what's wrong with you? Why don't you want to know what's right with you? How about asking the right questions for a change? How about asking how can I get this thing done that I want to do? 

If you're doing things you don't even want to do you have more important questions to be asking yourself such as; how can I find a job or career doing what I love to do? 

I just realized this morning what I had been practicing consciously every night I am now doing it unconsciously. It's done automatically, I don't need to be conscious of it, because it serves me. It's those things that don't serve me that I need to become conscious of.

I didn't even notice having asked myself that question last night. It only came back to me in the form of a memory this morning that I had asked it of myself before going to sleep.

I've created a new habit that serves me automatically. That's what our subconscious iz designed to do for us. Whenever we master a task such as washing dishes, brushing our teeth, riding a bike, or even driving a car it becomes a subconscious function, it no longer requires our conscious effort. I became conscious of my new unconscious habit which was a very pleasant surprise that came from my subconscious this morning. It was as if it was giving me a thumbs up and saying, "I got you boss! And gooood morning to you!"

My subconscious mind sure does have my back and what a good morning it created for me indeed. Now if I can train it to have coffee ready for me and make the restroom for me while I ease myself into the new day I'll really be living the good life. Well, I already am living the good life but I still like to dream and who says it can't get any better when that iz strictly up to me?

Woo-hoo! I'm the creator of my own limitations which means I can truly be the limitless being I Am.

So what I was consciously doing on purpose every night for a few months iz now reflecting back the evidence that the new mental program has taken hold, it's installed and running properly on it's own now!! YES!! It became a new unconscious habit.

Sorry Charlie Brown, but I think I'm happy with not being such a block head anymore. I really like this new me so you can have that life. 

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Anyway back to what I was originally writing about.

I usually go to sleep with my earbuds plugged snugly in my ears playing something lightly. It could be subliminal messages, power affirmations, frequency tones, or sometimes I'll unintentionally fall asleep much sooner while listening to a lecture, seminar, or workshop of some sort. My intention was to listen to some frequencies to influence a lucid dream because I wanted to have fun creating in my dream with my imagination but that didn't happen instead I drifted off to an Abraham-Hicks seminar clip. 

I later woke up to the voice of Neville Goddard speaking in depth about the human imagination. Neville often said that the imagination iz God who has buried himself inside the heads of all humans (Golgotha, which mean "the place of the skull"), the child Jesus iz the imagination personified, creating through us all.

"God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him." (John 1:3)

neville goddard today | Free Neville Goddard – 3 Must Read Moments of Magic | Free Neville:Manifesting More Money – Part 10 – Free Neville Goddard:

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Looking back at my viewing history I could see while sleeping I had been listening to several hours of Neville speaking just about the imagination and how it manifests our reality. I do listen to more of his lectures while I'm awake. Upon waking this morning and as my brainwaves shifted from the Delta state to Theta state I was becoming conscious of hearing what Neville was saying at that moment, and he was answering the very question I had asked myself before falling asleep. That's not a coincidence, that's the subconscious mind doing what it was designed to do. It iz the womb of creation.

Image result for ask your subconscious mindImage result for ask your subconscious mind

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 Image result for ask your subconscious mind

Reading recommendation:
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind 

I am apart of a grass roots live broadcasting studio. I have agreed to take on the role of the Studio Manager. I report only to the two owners but our relationship iz not one of employer and employee. Everyone there who I have been working with for the past 3 years are like brothers to me. We all have the same mission, we have the same vision for the movement. We have a unique business model. Sometimes it can be chaotic but no matter what happens we all stick together, we believe in one another and we believe in the movement.

I also have another business which iz mine alone that iz somewhat similar but there iz no conflict of interest because the visions for each are different which leaves enough room to actually grow the businesses together.

They believe in me and have asked me to take on this role and I have accepted it still imagining that we can make this work in a very big way. We have already done some rather extraordinary things that nearly ended the movement and we came back stronger than ever more focused and determined. Any time we have been faced with what others thought for us to be insurmountable odds to overcome we overcame them. We also found ourselves in a far better position than before the perceived obstacles came about. I know this iz where I am supposed to be, I stand with the rich thinking folks while the poor thinking bunch are still standing outside looking in trying to give the play by play and well, no surprise here, but they're doing a poor job of that too.

Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.

Our resources always seem to be limited. Until now that iz. I'm releasing that limited belief and installing a new one that better serves me for where I want to see this movement go.

I am open and receptive to the Unlimited Resources of the Universe, Right Now!

I have unlimited resources! I have more than enough money!
I have unlimited resources available to me and I use them wisely!

It really came into view for me this morning upon waking up. The only limitations are those that we create for ourselves. I've known this to be true for myself for several years now but I never really applied this thinking to the whole movement. I have heard Neville talk about using our imagination for more than just ourselves and that we should include others into our act of imagining good things for them just as much as we do for ourselves especially for those who think of themselves being limited. I have been imagining good things for others but I haven't really been able to include them in things I imagine for myself or include myself in what I imagine for them and now here was an opportunity being revealed that I can use my imagination for all of us that are involved, which iz several people, not just 2 or 3. 

Image result for everything you need is already within youRelated image

 Image result for the only limitations are the ones you set yourselfImage result for the only limitations are the ones you set yourselfImage result for the only limitations are the ones you set yourself

Related imageImage result for the only limitations are the ones you set yourselfImage result for the only limitations are the ones you set yourselfImage result for the only limitations are the ones you set yourself

Iz it just me or does your appreciation for these just keep growing too?


Neville was sharing a story about a friend who was struggling that owed him some money for 5 years and the man finally came into money. Neville never focused his attention on the debt his friend owed him but instead used his imagination to see his friend generating lots of money and becoming financially independent so that he could afford to pay Neville what he owed him. Without even asking he handed Neville a check that he said was long overdue.

It wasn't just this story that Neville shared in his lecture that really empowered me first thing this morning. Throughout his lecture he made powerful point after powerful point regarding the power we have within our own imagination.

Here's the video of the lecture I woke up to that I've been referring to. I woke up at about the 24:20 mark (they turned off the embedding by request so I can't embed the video here but the link will start at that point that I woke at. I highly recommend you give the whole lecture a listen): 


The entire lecture iz quite empowering. After I had listened to the remainder of what I woke up to I then restarted it from the beginning and listened to it over again.

All of what occurred this morning iz also what inspired my writing this thread. Just think of all the things you could possibly create with your imagination. Why would we ever want to create another problem for ourselves if we realize that whatever we can imagine we can create? Why not create something truly magnificent for ourselves, for our families, for our friends, for our co-workers, for our team, for our movements, for the entire world? Why not ask the right questions and forget about asking what's wrong with anything altogether?

What things can you imagine for yourselves? Forget all limitations, there are none here, not in this thread, and I know eventually we will completely eliminate them from our minds altogether. What a great time to share some more affirmations. 

It is actually very fun for me to have an excellent understanding of how thoughts work. I like knowing how beliefs work. I like harnessing the power of emotions. I like using imagination as a tool, for my development and for my enjoyment.

Affirmations and visualizations tap into my imagination, which is a generator AND a transformer for my great life.

Beneficial ideas and solutions are now revealed to me from my imagination. I now discover beneficial ideas and solutions from my imagination.

I possess a natural power to create all my dreams using my powerful imagination

I now inspire and expand my imagination with enthusiasm.

Every day I let my imagination soar to new heights.

I have got an awesome imagination and can put it to good use

#yoga #inspiration:

Just think of all things that can go right. Forget about what iz "wrong" with the world, at least in this thread, and let your imagination go. Let your dreams and visions flow though you and onto this thread. Share your thoughts that personally make you happy in your day dreaming, what things can you imagine for others, and the world at large? Don't mention the "buts," the "ands," the "if onlys," that negate the power of the imagination, just let your imagination be free without limitations.

Quote on anxiety: The best use of imagination is creativity. The worst use of imagination is anxiety. www.HealthyPlace.com:

Imagine if...

...the world realized that war no longer served a purpose for anyone on the planet. All nations then used their armies to disarm the planet and military power shifted to discovering new technologies to create robots to free mankind from repetitive, dangerous, unfulfilling labor so that more humans could make more use of their imaginations to develop even greater ideas to benefit the entire planet. 


Imagine if...

...the news media shifted to reporting news that would actually inspire people and alleviate them of all their unnecessary fears. 

It can be tricky but try your best to not include any negativity whatsoever, think in past tense terms only, as what you are imagining having already been fulfilled. This will not only make it easier to keep out the "what iz" but this iz exactly how you visualize your desires and bring them into your physical reality. Keep in mind that by including any of "what iz," your current circumstances, that only recreates them and brings them back into your reality and you keep repeating them. When you begin to get the hang of it that iz when you will see how it can transform your life situations and the world at large. You will realize your true power to change everything for yourself and your world.

Keep the faith by turning to your imagination no matter what happens, and remain faithful to the state you have imagined.:


So why don't we let our imaginations run wild with this thread? 

Imagine if....

Mr. Thoreau, your imagination knew no bounds.:


Here's a very effective creative visualization meditation and exercise that I use daily at least once if not more and it has really produced a lot of amazing results for me. 

Image result for imagination is christ


Imagine if...

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.


Thank you iZ for this very inspiring thread. I gravitated to all of your thoughts... looking forward to listening/watching the videos you've included. You've added to my already good day in delightful ways(: 

In order to get our lives to work, and take greater advantage of this energy, we have to build a bigger channel for Creative Intelligence to flow through. To enlarge this channel we have to expand our consciousness. Expanding our consciousness involves expanding our ideas and beliefs regarding ourselves and our relationship to this Power Robert Anthony

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

In response to AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities's post

Image result for imagine great people

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.


 Imagine what you'd like to experience, and feel those feelings...and create a space for your need/desire to be met. You will know what to do... & the rest is simply Done.




My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza


In response to AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities's post:

Shhh....you're telling everyone the secret. money-mouth

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

In response to Nancee1953's post:

When the momentum of the old programming finally slows and the new programming increases it becomes a whole lot of fun being a magnet.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

Imagine if...

...every bmindfuller was having an amazing day to start of the most amazing month of March they've ever had to date!

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

In response to iZUHM THA iNFiNiTE's post:

And now imagine this for this month!ImagineArt.jpg

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza



Just thought I would share some wonderful empowering YouTube playlists that I have on my channel for you all. These have been some very useful videos for myself so I am sure they will have the same effect or better for many of you. Enjoy!! 



Imagine If...

Playlist about the power you possess in your own wonderful imagination to create your "reality."

Check out my many other playlists for more empowering videos. Be sure to subscribe to the content creators channels with the videos you resonate with.


Creative Imagination Brain Entrainment

These go great with the tutorial playlist I have called "Visualizing/Image Streaming Tips." You can play these lightly in the background with some headphones or earbuds on while surfing the interwebs, reading, or watching TV.



Visualizing/Image Streaming Tips

If you have trouble visualizing or seeing mental images in your mind's eye these helpful videos may be exactly what you need to change that for you.

I also have a playlist called "Creative Imagination Brain Entrainment" that you can use in conjunction with these to improve your imagination and see even more vivid images in your mind.



Master of Visualization Brain Entrainment

A valuable playlist of brain entrainment videos to assist you in mastering visualization.

Check out my many other playlists if you find this useful as I have many like it. Be sure to subscribe to the channels whose videos you resonate with.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.


My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Image result for imagine if quotes abraham hicks gif

Image result for imagine if quotes abraham hicks gif

Image result for imagine if quotes abraham hicks gif


My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Good stuff from Joseph Murphy

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

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