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★Alchemy for Personal Transformation(#3)

begins 12/09/16 12:00 noon EST
“Alchemy for Personal Transformation – The Path of the Red King” [Workshop #3]
By Laura Kohn, LMHC, CHt

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last workshop (#2) which preceded this…can be located here “:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/9621/alchemy-and-the-great-queen-workshop2#post125776

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    Greetings once again lovelies, has it already been a week? The year is just slipping by us and I hope in everyone’s busyness with the holidays and the preparation for a new year you are all taking some time to stop and see the magic all around you. Not often hard to do this time of the year. So dear ones, here we find ourselves again talking about the Great Work, Alchemy.

textileRef:15030220916639e6a9a3fef:linkStartMarker:”* ~ So come and sit, and let us chat about the deeper things that life offers us. To quickly recap our discussions from week one and two which, and for those of you new to our little gathering the links can be found here, ( “ info for The Magician’s Free Bmindful Workshops”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/9609/infofortodaysfreeworkshop#post125580 ), we stated that Alchemy is a technology used to refine or expand consciousness. The search for the Philosopher’s Stone which we have referred to as a higher consciousness called Unity Consciousness, is always about turning something lesser into something great. We also discussed how Alchemy is a metaphor for psychological growth and transformation. Last week we introduced our first member of this amazing process, The Great Queen. We stated that this Queen represents your Higher Self or Soul and we talked about how the process of Alchemy allows your inner Queen (and yes you all have one) to fully actualize and express all your individual talents and abilities. She represents your highest Self-expression, and your highest wisdom.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

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    Today I would like to introduce you all to the Red King, which represents your egoic self, what he does, and what he looks like when he is at both his strongest, and when he is out of balance.
Your inner King is the embodiment of the Divine Masculine or the great Masculine Principal, and we all are a mix of both energies. Now in the therapy game many problems occur when our ego is not functioning in a healthy way. While in modern times we look for specific deficits in functioning and label those weaknesses with an emotional or psychological label such as Narcissism, or Depression, the ancients and the Alchemists looked at things in a vastly different manner. They looked at these things as an imbalance in the masculine or feminine energies. The main qualities of the Divine Masculine for purposes of this discussion, are active in nature, while the main qualities of the Divine Feminine are passive or receptive in nature. In the consciousness game the goal is to be equally balanced between both masculine and feminine energies. When that happens you have achieved the “Philosopher’s Stone”, as they say in Alchemy, or the next level of consciousness called Unity Consciousness. It is called Unity Consciousness because at that level you have moved out of the realm of polarities – there is no more us and them, good and bad, dark and light. It is all One and that means it is experienced without judgement or it just “is”.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

Your inner King is your ego or your sense of “I”ness in the physical world and his job is to create your sense of identity. From the King stems your desire to explore the physical realm and experience all its wonders.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

He is a source of action, and is energy in perpetual motion. The King believes in his superiority and in his identity. Unlike the Queen, it is his main priority to continually broaden his power, to always be increasing the size and scope of his kingdom. He sees the world as a place to conquer and devour. His focus is on the acquisition of worldly things, to compete and conquer, to risk and to take action. Through his intent and actions he provides material wealth to sustain his kingdom, and to protect his subjects. He is EGO and much of what he focuses ultimately has to do meeting our material needs for survival.

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Embedded in the King’s ego consciousness is the drive and the quest to consume as “mine”. He radiates his authority and demands respect at all times. If he is immature or unbalanced he will often times try to claim superiority over the Queen as he is unaware of her true role and authority. The King presents as the outward image of power and control. His danger is in becoming too aggressive and when this happens he often dismisses others in order to be able to better control his outward circumstances. As Ego the King presents as if he believes he is untouchable and that no external forces or factors can diminish him, but his presentation is a mask he wears in order to assert his power, to create order in the kingdom, and ultimately to achieve that which personally benefits him or “his”. He is the knower of the Earthly realm and its subjects. We all must have a King and he serves the role of meeting our Earthly survival needs. Without a strong and healthy King one cannot survive or thrive in the physical world.

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The King is our persona, the mask we wear that shields and protects us from threats from the outside. When the mask the King wears is worn consciously and for effect, the King becomes the Magician, and is the maker of his own destiny; a true leader and manifestor in the human world. He is the strategist, and orchestrator of the implementation of his grand plans. When the mask he wears is not worn consciously, he will need to continually assert his power over his subjects, believing control over others maintains his status as the Supreme and provides order throughout the kingdom.

The King does not question his legitimacy to rule. Like the Queen, it was granted by birthright, but the King is self-serving and without the Queen he would not be able to maintain balance throughout the kingdom. His is a world of rationality and he can easily devalue the emotional experience when it serves to distract him from his ultimate plan of conquest and consumption. He is the master of the conscious mind and has little awareness of those things he does not see or experience consciously. His focus is on the material through science, reason, and thought. He seeks to know the world through the mind and wants to unlock the deeper mysteries in tangible ways so that he can further his control over his outer circumstances.
The king admires the Queen’s noble qualities and high moral principles but if he is unbalanced or immature, he fears them as he is ruled by instincts and impulses and does not have the patience or temperance to forebear for the greater good. At this stage his is a world of immediate gratification, instinctual urges, primal energies and unbridled power. When unbalanced or immature the King believes the Queen is there to serve HIM. When the King walks in balance his strength provides safety, security, expansion, and independence for all his subjects

Since the King’s duties are not primarily designed to concentrate on the higher virtues his role is that of the creator of the tangible. He is the doer in the physical world. He is the provider, the enforcer, and the creator and dispenser of wealth and resources. His is the world of action and engagement with all things in the outer world. Because his actions are physical and can be seen, held, and touched, he holds himself as SACRED and treats himself with REVERENCE. He is the power and the force that drives all things forward in the kingdom, and his main job is to create VELOCITY and MOMENTUM. He is the main creator in his world and feels most others are there to serve him, for he knows that none can thrive if he is not strong and balanced.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

The King also acknowledges, recognizes and rewards excellence where he seeks it, through the intentional creation of the highest standards possible throughout all realms and concourses under his jurisdiction. Just like the Queen the standard is also to expect the best from others, and while he will reward those who consistently maintain the highest level of achievement, he believes they are of lower rank than him for he is the only one who can be the controller of the ranking order. That is how it must be if he is to uphold his position as the conscious creator of the tangible in the physical realm. He does not allow anyone to tell him how he should create and what importance he should rank his creations for to do so would be to abdicate from his position as the leader of his kingdom. He knows what happens within his kingdom is his ultimate responsibility and therefore he does not allow others to choose or rank in his stead.

If the King does not walk in balance with the Queen he will be doomed to a life of restlessness and dissatisfaction as what is can never be enough and must always be enhanced, expanded, or more than it is for he is always consuming. If the Queen does not walk in balance with the King she will never move out of survival mode as she pays much less attention to the realm of the physical, seeking to know and explore vast sea of emotions and the larger mysteries of the universal heart. They must walk in balance with each other to be able to create consciously, and to stay on task without getting distracted or discouraged.

In balance the King and Queen rule together as a formidable force for the greater good of all and the higher frequencies are held stable for all to enter and thrive throughout the land.

This is the great work we all must do. This is the Middle Way as so aptly described by the Buddha. To walk in balance is a continual effort for the distractions of the outer and the inner multiverses are endless. To walk unconsciously keeps us stuck playing out the same archetypal roles and themes over and over again in an endless loop. So both are needed to create and play the game in a different way.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

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    Now you are starting to know our players and a little bit of what they do. This is so you can decide whether to play the game small, go big, or you can implement these ideas somewhere in the middle. Are you more King, or more Queen? Where in your life do you see an even mix of the two? You are far more than your conscious mind my friends, however you live here on Earth and so you must not disown or disavow your inner King. He is needed to create stability for you and so that you have all the things you need materially in order to be safe and to thrive. If you solely concentrate on the material, however, you find you lack in other key areas so you can’t disown or disavow your inner Queen either. They are both designed to work together and they complete each other in brilliant ways. So you have now met our happy couple and next week we can start to talk about what happens after the Great Queen and the Red King wed for that is when the real work begins. We will start to speak of the Law of 3 and the reconciling of opposites for that is where things become quite interesting indeed.
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Before I take my leave of you for another week I want you to ponder a few things:
As I have mentioned before this metaphor works fractally. It discusses how things work in the outer world and how they work in the inner world as well. Take some time to think about any King or Queen in the outer world at any time in history. See them as an archetype. Watch what they do or what they have accomplished. Do you see your inner King or Queen doing something similar in your inner world? Where and what have you conquered in your life when was your inner King the strongest? When and where in your life have you upheld the higher virtues most readily? Where does your inner Queen rule in your life? When do they work together best for you and when is one absent? This insight is where the Alchemy truly begins my lovelies. This is where you start to become the conscious creator of your own life. Are you ready to swim in the Alchemical mix? It’s great fun if you are open to see in a different way. Until next week dear ones, this Magician will take her leave of you but we will walk together in the ethers!

textileRef:14809471786639e6a9a64d8:linkStartMarker:“USEFUL LINKS

  • ** * “ the 3 Great Phases of The Great Work”:textileRef:14809471786639e6a9a64d8:linkStartMarker:“http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/alchpages/rubedo04.htm
  • ** * “ the Red King”:textileRef:14809471786639e6a9a64d8:linkStartMarker:“http://theincidentaltarot.com/1-the-red-king/
  • ** * “ symbol dictionary.net”:textileRef:14809471786639e6a9a64d8:linkStartMarker:“http://symboldictionary.net/?p=1111
  • ** * “ death of the Red King -Jungian work”:https://jungianwork.wordpress.com/2009/12/21/on-jungians-solstice-and-the-death-of-the-king-the-red-book-reflections-c-g-jung/
    Workshop #3 Coming Soon (12-09-16)

Laura Kohn is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Board Certified Hypnotherapist in private practice in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She is also CEO of The Ascendant Empowerment Foundation which seeks to change the paradigm from scarcity and competition, to collaboration and abundance by showing its students the just and proper exercise of power. You can check out her Facebook pages at “Laura Kohn Group” or “The Ascendant Empowerment Foundation” or visit her website at www.LauraKohnGroup.com

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

Wow! I love the metaphors and looking at SELF in this way.

When unbalanced or immature the King believes the Queen is there to serve HIM. When the King walks in balance his strength provides safety, security, expansion, and independence for all his subjects.

I see how many times my King within has suppressed my Queen making her feel weak, thus creating imbalance in my life, doubting the Priestess Within. With the energy of balance being something most of us strive for, I can see where when the scales have been tipped so heavy in one area we might not see the imbalance.

This week I will be aware of my inner King and Queen to see how they are co- creating together.

Heart Filled with Gratitude, for this journey of my life. I open my whole and holy Self to receive the blessings of Source.

In response to Priestess Within’s post:

Yes collaboration is the key word here and for us this means rationality or logic embedded with enthusiasm, compassion, or patience. When we mix logic and science with emotion, spirituality and/or intuition we leap into new creative paths and the higher truths.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post: So far, the pieces of info I have gravitated toward have added well to my current moments in time(: Looking forward to allowing what will be … (:

And Magician, I am going to be focusing on this collaboration you speak of.

One thing I have repeated more often than usual in conversation with a friend… The idea of it just “is” … (in a wonderful freeing way)

I’m looking forward to seeing what this is saying at this stage of my being. Not sure if it is connected to your statements above… Though want to see what resonates… &/or what can be learned… Anyway… thank you again so much for presenting here.
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    In response to Priestess Within’s post:
    I like all you said Priestess Within … attempting to hear from your experience (:

I also received for myself in this moment..:

With the energy of balance being something most of us strive for, I can see where when the scales have been tipped so heavy in one area we might not see the imbalance. This week I will be aware of my inner King and Queen to see how they are co- creating together. This sounds like a plan for myself as well.

and also wondered about: “I see how many times my King within has suppressed my Queen” when you mentioned it. Thank you for your thoughts. It helps direct me too!

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    some intent: the collaboration and/or lack of? Only time will tell(:

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

In response to AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities’s post:

There is a saying we use in energy work that goes “notice what you notice”. It took me a long time to understand what this fully means but an easy way to think about is what you pay attention to you are investing in. When you start paying attention to your King and Queen you are creating a new relationship with yourself or showing up for yourself in a new and novel way. This is where the real creative process begins and where the deepest insights are found. So just keep noticing.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post:

I am glad you let me know to just pay attention to my King and Queen and I am creating a new relationship with myself. Relationships take time to develop and I will allow my King and Queen to come into a better balance and merge together. I am so enjoying these workshops and reading and thinking about the many responses.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Thanks Poppy, your enthusiasm is greatly appreciated. Still waiting for those pictures, however, lol!

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post:

Oh great Magician thou art
A suitable crown
I have not found
The image you await
You have found
Close your eyes
And you will see
Queen Poppy
In his flowing white gown!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:

I bow to the master!

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post:
the humor on this page…(and whatever else came to me from wherever) (:

…created a backdrop of even more lightheartedness in my life. That’s what I’m noticing. (:

from work to real parties… the days have been filled with more laughter.. it seems …I Am further acknowledging my heart-places:

…I Am easing a greater sense of ease in it all(:

… I Am feeling images/projections of a life in the works that fits my bill(:
I Am noticing I Am getting out of my own way… in delightful ways(:

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Humor and Laughter, I enjoy having you in my life, it is Magic!

Heart Filled with Gratitude, for this journey of my life. I open my whole and holy Self to receive the blessings of Source.

Psychologically I think laughter is the best medicine. Joy poisons the air for depair and laughter flat out kills it!

Well that and the image of Poppy in his white gown. I’ll bring the crown. I happen to have one.

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to Priestess Within’s post:

And yes Priestess Within – absolutely agree! Humor and Laughter are Magical!

free spirited ways of being allow for a royal life(:

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Hello Magician! In response to your post:

re: joy and laughter… always believed that is why the energy we bring creates such a wonderful site here(: Joy and Laughter rule!
And we can bring this energy everywhere!!!

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And I don’t think we’ll ever lose the image of Poppy in the white gown with crown(:

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

In response to AlwaysWonderfulPossibilities’s post:

No Kidding. Hey Poppy did I mention I do a workshop called the 11 Rules of Queenship? You can be my guest anytime. I’m just saying…..

“The trick to being happy isn’t to live in the know, it’s to live in the mystery.”

In response to The Magician’s post:
May we have a preview of these 11 rules…?

still giving Poppy a guest spot of course(:

In response to The Magician’s post:
white robe

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

In response to The Magician’s post:

Poppy here!

Queen Poppy is in the Blue Room awaiting my guest appearance. I’m wearing my crown and gown!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

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