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Audit the FED legislation for U.S. members.

I don’t throw too much political stuff around here on bmindful, but there is something important going on right now that both conservatives and liberals can agree on and it has to do with legislation to audit the Federal Reserve. There is some trickery going on and you guys need to be aware of it.

The big guns have lined up against the “Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009” (S.604), the bill that authorizes the Government Accountability Office to fully audit the Federal Reserve and its inflationary monetary policies.

Yesterday, Senator Merkley (D- OR) and Senator Corker (R-TN) introduced a watered down version of S.604 deceptively named the “Federal Reserve Accountability Act.”

This legislative subterfuge restricts the audit to emergency lending programs and thus prevents Americans from learning anything about the destructive monetary policies that led to an artificial economic boom, subsequent bust, massive bank bailouts, foreclosures and millions of Americans losing their jobs.

Don’t allow this bill to gain traction, as it will protect the Federal Reserve from accountability. Take action to stop this attempt to derail the real Audit the Fed bill Today!

Call your own Senators in DC NOW (it takes 2 minutes) and tell them that WE WILL NOT ACCEPT A COMPROMISE ON THE FED AUDIT and that we expect them to cosponsor S.604.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Thanks for bringing this to light, Jeff!

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

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